Handy Manny S03E51 Mrs Loparts Attic Hoop Dream

  • 3 months ago


00:00Mrs. Lope Bart's Attic!
00:08Well, it's almost time to go trick-or-treating.
00:13Um, do we have to go?
00:15Um, maybe we could just stay here and give out candy instead.
00:20Why don't you want to go trick-or-treating, Rusty?
00:23Because, no, um, I don't want...
00:26What? Are you afraid?
00:28Well, yeah. There are ghosts and goblins out there.
00:38Aha! You see? Like that one!
00:45Uh-huh. Just as I thought.
00:49Whew! Thanks, Turner.
00:51It was... Pat?
00:55How'd you know?
00:57If there were such things as ghosts, which there aren't,
01:01I doubt that they'd have paint splatters all over them.
01:05So you're not afraid of Halloween, goblins, and ghouls?
01:11Me? No. I am not afraid of anything.
01:17Come on. Let's go trick-or-treating. Vámonos!
01:20Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve!
01:27Hop, hop, jump in!
01:30Come on, let's go!
01:32Hop, hop, jump in!
01:34Sí, vámonos!
01:36Hop, hop, jump in!
01:38Don't move too slow!
01:40Keep up!
01:41Let's get to work!
01:42Muy rápido!
01:44Hey, hey, hey!
01:52Ah, ah, ah, ah!
01:57What do you think?
01:59Scary enough for you?
02:01Oh, uh, yes.
02:03Oh, sí.
02:07I thought this costume might do the trick.
02:10Mother made it for me.
02:13Mr. Lopart, you look great.
02:15That's Count Lopart, the vampire.
02:18You look good too, Manny.
02:20Who are you, Super, uh, Super something?
02:24I am, dun-dun-dun-dun, Super Manny!
02:29Able to fix anything in a single bound.
02:32We're going trick-or-treating, Mr. Lopart.
02:35Do you and Fluffy want to come with us?
02:38Oh, Fluffy and I would love to join you, Squeeze.
02:41Let's stop at Mother's house first.
02:43She's giving out some great candy this year.
02:46She has a connection in the candy business.
03:02Oh, Mother's got her special scary doorbell working tonight.
03:07Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:09Aren't you afraid?
03:11I told you, I am not afraid of anything.
03:17Oh, dear.
03:18Leonard, Manny, Tools, I am so glad you're here.
03:23Please, please come in.
03:30Mother, is something wrong?
03:32You look like you've seen a ghost, Mrs. Lopart.
03:37Oh, I don't know about a ghost,
03:40but there is something strange going on.
03:43There is something strange going on in here.
03:47Oh, what is it, Mrs. Lopart?
03:51I think there's something in my attic.
03:54I hear a lot of banging and an awful screeching sound like...
04:03Like that?
04:04Manny, do you think you and the Tools could take a look for me?
04:09Of course, Mrs. Lopart.
04:11I'd be happy to help you, right, Tools?
04:16Um, do we have to?
04:19Uh, what about me, Mother?
04:21Your son, don't you want me to take a look around for you, too?
04:25Oh, of course, Leonard.
04:28You, too.
04:30And don't worry, Mrs. Lopart.
04:32Everything's going to be fine.
04:35That's right.
04:37Super Manny!
04:39Here to save the day!
04:53What's that noise?
04:55I think it's your teeth chattering, Rusty.
04:58No, the other noise.
05:01It sounds like a ghost.
05:03Oh, don't be silly.
05:05There are no such things as ghosts.
05:08It's probably just a mouse or a bird.
05:11Turner's right.
05:13It could even be un murciélago.
05:15A bat.
05:17A-a-a-a bat?
05:19You aren't afraid of bats, are you?
05:24No, I told you.
05:27I'm not afraid of anything.
05:30Then maybe you should go up first since you're so brave.
05:35Well, I think Flicker should go up first.
05:40Manny will need some light up there.
05:43That's true.
05:44Flicker, luz, por favor.
05:46Si, luz!
06:02Oh dear, something has been up here.
06:07Let's have a look around.
06:12What was that?
06:15Just an open window.
06:17The wind must have been making that noise.
06:20There we go.
06:22Whoever or whatever knocked over these papers
06:26probably came in through that window.
06:29Maybe a...
06:35A-a-a-a bat?
06:37Un murciélago.
06:40Bat! Bat!
06:50Shoo! Go away! Go away!
07:09Wow! Un murciélago can really fly.
07:13Oh no! Mother's old clock, it's broken.
07:17Don't worry about the clock, we'll fix it.
07:20But catching the bat could be muy difícil, very difficult.
07:24Why, Manny?
07:26Because bats are nocturnal.
07:28That means they're very active at night.
07:30They fly around a lot looking for food.
07:33Aw, the poor thing won't find any food in here.
07:37Poor thing, it flew right at us.
07:41I don't think it meant to, Rusty.
07:43We probably scared it.
07:47Hey, Turner, what are you doing behind there?
07:51Me? I was just checking for mice.
07:56Mice? Were you hiding back there, Turner?
08:01What? Me? No, no, no. No way.
08:04I told you, I am not afraid of anything.
08:08Especially not a tiny little...
08:12Where? Where?
08:16Oh, not a bat, just a fluffy.
08:20So you're not afraid, huh?
08:24Well, I'm, uh...
08:26You know, Turner, it's okay to admit you're afraid.
08:31And we're all afraid of something.
08:34Except me, I'm afraid of everything.
08:38Well, yeah.
08:40I guess I don't really like bats.
08:44At all.
08:46I still think you're brave, Turner.
08:49You do?
08:51You're a pretty brave tool to admit you're scared.
08:55I guess I never thought of it like that.
08:58You're welcome.
09:00Well, Mother is not going to be happy that there's a bat in her attic.
09:05There's a bat? In my attic?
09:09I'm afraid so.
09:11But how will you get it out?
09:13We'll try to catch it.
09:15I just wish we had some supplies.
09:17Hey, let's ask Kelly!
09:19Si, Kelly!
09:21That's a good idea.
09:23But the hardware store is closed for the night.
09:26Hmm, I wish we had a net.
09:30Hi, Kelly.
09:32I don't believe it.
09:37Hi, everyone.
09:39I just wanted to drop off some cookies.
09:42What's so amazing?
09:44Mammy was just saying how we need a net.
09:48And here you are.
09:50Oh, my fisherman's net.
09:53I'm so happy.
09:55Here you are.
09:57Oh, my fisherman's net.
09:59Yeah, I'm just on my way to a Halloween party and it's part of my costume.
10:03Would you like to borrow it?
10:05If you don't mind, we found a bat in Mrs. Lopard's attic.
10:09We're hoping to catch it and set it free.
10:12Well, by all means, catch away.
10:14I'll come help you.
10:17That's it, that-a-way.
10:20Oh, no.
10:24It's nice of you to join me.
10:26I'm usually scared all alone.
10:29Oh, um, you're welcome.
10:43You did it, Manny.
10:46You did it, Manny.
10:49Super Manny to the rescue.
10:53You mean we all did it.
10:57I guess we better clean up and get working on this clock.
11:01Okay, tools, let's get to work.
11:04Let's get going and fix it right.
11:07Twist and turn.
11:08Make it tight.
11:10Trabajamos juntos.
11:12We work together now.
11:15Cut it, measure it.
11:16Tap it flat.
11:17Bend and twist.
11:19Just like that.
11:20Each of us has a special job.
11:22We work together.
11:24Todos juntos.
11:25We can fix it right.
11:34There, como nuevo.
11:36Good as new.
11:38Mother will be very happy.
11:40And look, it's still early enough for us to trick-or-treat.
11:46Adios, Mrs. Lobar.
11:47Happy Halloween.
11:49Goodbye, Leonard.
11:50Manny, Kelly, tools.
11:53Happy Halloween, Mother.
11:55Don't get too scared.
12:03Happy trick-or-treating.
12:22Whoop dream.
12:26Come on, Pepe.
12:27You can do it.
12:40Lucky shot.
12:42Turner, be a good sport.
12:45All right, then.
12:48Even if it was lucky.
12:50The game's tied now.
12:52That means whoever makes the next shot wins.
12:56Pepe's got the ball.
12:58Oh, no.
13:00I can't watch.
13:02Vamos, Pepe.
13:05Shoot it, Pepe.
13:07You can make that shot.
13:11Oh, no.
13:16Come on, Pepe.
13:21What happened?
13:23You don't want to know.
13:27Pepe, that was a great game.
13:32It was muy emocionante.
13:34Very exciting.
13:38Now they just got lucky.
13:40Which we all know you gotta be a good sport about.
13:45They were lucky, all right.
13:47Lucky I was on the other team.
13:49Pepe, it's okay.
13:51Aw, come on, Pepe.
13:54Nobody sinks every shot.
13:56Pepe, you'll get him next time.
14:00That's right.
14:01Hey, I have an idea.
14:04How about we go back to the workshop and build a race car?
14:08I know you love doing that.
14:10Nah, maybe another time.
14:16I know.
14:18Why don't we stop at Mrs. Portillo's for tamales?
14:21You love Mrs. Portillo's tamales.
14:24Thanks, but I'm not hungry.
14:27Pepe, don't be sad.
14:30It was only one game.
14:32I know.
14:33I just wish basketball was easier.
14:36That's all.
14:37Then let's make it easier.
14:40What do you mean easier?
14:42How are we possibly going to make basketball mas facil?
14:46By putting a basketball hoop by Pepe's driveway.
14:50That way he can practice whenever he wants.
14:54I don't know about making basketball facil, easy,
14:57but they do say practice makes perfect.
15:00I think it's a great idea, Stretch.
15:04You'd do that for me?
15:06Well, if your mama says it's okay,
15:08the Tools and I would love to put up a basketball hoop for you.
15:12Right, Tools?
15:13Claro que sí.
15:17Buena idea.
15:18That's a great idea.
15:23So, who's up for a trip to Kelly's Hardware Store?
15:27I'll go.
15:28To Kelly's.
15:30Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.
15:40Hop, hop, jump in.
15:42Come on, let's go.
15:44Hop, hop, jump in.
15:47Hop, hop, jump in.
15:51Let's get to work.
16:04How about something like this for the basketball backboard?
16:08We'll take it.
16:09Great, I'll get the rest of the things you need.
16:13Hello, Manny, Tools.
16:16What are you shopping for today?
16:18Oh, hello, Mr. Lopar.
16:20We're just getting the parts to put up a new basketball hoop for my nephew, Pepe.
16:24You don't say.
16:26You know, I used to play a little hoop in my day, too.
16:33In fact, they used to call me the Kangaroo Kid.
16:37Funny, you don't look like a kangaroo.
16:41Well, except maybe around the ears.
16:44No, they called me that because I was such a good jumper.
16:48Oh, sorry about that.
16:50Actually, Pepe's great at the jumping part of basketball.
16:54He's just having a little trouble getting the ball to go through the hoop.
16:58The old shooting problem.
17:00Well, perhaps I could give him a few pointers.
17:04Do you know anything that would make it easier?
17:07Well, not everybody's blessed with the natural athletic ability that I had as a child, of course,
17:13but maybe my superior coaching talent can make up for that.
17:17The key to any great shot is extending your arm when you shoot and following through.
17:26It extends!
17:33Of course, it probably would have helped if I'd stretched first.
17:38Mr. Lopard, are you okay?
17:40Can I help you?
17:42No, thanks.
17:43Just sleeping up a little.
17:45Saw a dust bunny over here on aisle four.
17:48Oh, brother.
17:51All right, Stretch.
17:53How high did you say the hoop is supposed to be?
17:56Exactly ten feet off the ground.
17:58I'll show you.
18:00One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
18:09That's ten feet exactly.
18:11Turner, I'm going to need your help.
18:20Okay, Pepe, it's ready for you to try it out.
18:28Hey, it was only your first try.
18:31Anyone can miss on their first try.
18:34Yeah, I guess you're right.
18:40Ah, missing twice isn't such a big deal.
18:44Yeah, you know what they say, the second time's the charm.
18:48Um, that's the third time's the charm.
18:51What is?
18:53Never mind.
18:55It's all right, Pepe.
18:57These things take time and lots and lots of practice.
19:01Try again.
19:04Do what he said.
19:10It's no use.
19:11I'll never be able to do it.
19:13I thought this might help me.
19:15But all it's done is make it even harder.
19:18Yeah, whose idea was this anyway?
19:21Hey, if we're trying to make it easier, we could always lower the basket a little.
19:28Hey, makes sense to me.
19:30Hmm, I'm not sure that's such a good idea.
19:34Maybe we should ask Pepe.
19:36If it'll make it más fácil, easier.
19:39Okay, why not?
19:43There, is that how you want it?
19:47How does that look, Pepe?
19:49It sure does look easier.
19:56Two points.
19:57We did it.
19:59How'd that feel, Pepe?
20:02Otra vez.
20:03Do it again.
20:08Oh, so close.
20:13Hey, I know.
20:15Let's lower the basket even further.
20:17That way Pepe can make all his shots.
20:20Uh, really?
20:22Is that what you want, Pepe?
20:24You wanted to make basketball easier, right, Pepe?
20:28Yeah, I guess.
20:31Well, a lower basket will definitely make it easier.
20:35Come on, tools.
20:39Now, we should make basketball way easier.
20:43Go ahead, Pepe.
20:44Give it a try.
20:49He shoots.
20:50He scores.
20:51Here you go.
20:53What'd I tell you?
20:54Talk about making basketball easier.
20:57Pepe is never gonna miss from now on.
21:03See, who needs practice to get perfect, when he can be perfect right now.
21:08Come on, Pepe.
21:09Otra vez.
21:20Two points.
21:22His new name should be Pepe the Perfect.
21:25Yeah, he'll never miss again.
21:31What's wrong, Pepe?
21:33Isn't it easier just like you wanted?
21:36Yeah, but for some reason it just doesn't seem fun anymore.
21:41What could be more fun than never missing?
21:45Maybe that's the problem.
21:47Maybe we made it too easy.
21:49Demasiado facil.
21:51What do you mean, Manny?
21:53Stretch, don't you remember how proud you were when you figured out how to fit Mrs. Portillo's oven into her house?
22:00Yeah, it sure did feel good.
22:04It wasn't because it was so easy, was it?
22:07No, it was because it was so... hard.
22:12Sometimes life is more fun when things don't come easily.
22:16When you're good at something hard, it gives you a sense of accomplishment.
22:22Like shooting a ball through a ten-foot-high basket.
22:26Now you're getting it.
22:29As I see it, there's only one way to make that happen.
22:35Let's keep going and fix it right.
22:38Twist and turn.
22:39Make it tight.
22:40Trabajamos juntos.
22:43We work together now.
22:45Cut it nice and run.
22:47Tap and clap.
22:48Bend and twist.
22:49Just like that.
22:51Each of us has a special job.
22:53We work together.
22:55Todos juntos.
22:56We can fix it right.
23:00Hello, Manny, Pepe, Tools.
23:03I've come to coach you in the game of basketball.
23:07Fluffy and I will start off with a little stretching first.
23:12And then breathing exercises.
23:15Come on, Pepe, join us.
23:17And breathe.
23:18In, out.
23:20In, out.
23:22In, out.
23:24Oh, I'm seeing spots.
23:27All right.
23:28Now that we've got breathing covered, Pepe, try and make a basket.
23:32Over me and Fluffy, of course.
23:36Oh, no.
23:37I can't.
23:38Well, given my fantastic defensive skills, that's probably true.
23:42But go ahead anyway.
23:44Come on, show me what you've got.
23:49Put it up there, Pepe.
23:52I just can't look.
23:57Go on, Pepe.
23:59Go, go, go.
24:02I did it.
24:06Oh, very good, Pepe.
24:09Yes, I did it.
24:10I knew it.
24:12Thanks, Mr. Lopart, for all your coaching.
24:15What can I say?
24:16When you've got it, you've got it.
24:19And thank you to you, Manny, for not letting me give up.
24:23You're welcome, Pepe.
24:25Come on, too, Manny.
24:26You try now.
24:28All right, tools.
24:29Looks like the game is on.
24:32All right.
24:33All right.
24:34All right.
24:35All right.
24:36All right.
24:37All right.
24:38All right.
24:39All right.
24:40All right.
24:41All right.
24:42All right.
24:43All right.
24:44All right.
24:45All right.
24:46All right.
24:47All right.
24:48All right.
24:49All right.
24:50All right.
24:51All right.
24:52All right.
24:53All right.
24:54All right.
24:55All right.
24:56All right.
24:57All right.
24:58All right.
24:59All right.
25:00All right.
25:01All right.
25:02All right.
25:03All right.
25:04All right.
25:05All right.
25:06All right.
25:07All right.
25:08All right.
25:09All right.
25:10All right.
25:11All right.
25:12All right.
25:13All right.
25:14All right.
25:15All right.
25:16All right.
25:17All right.
25:18All right.
25:19All right.
25:20All right.
