Status of Alex Cora's future?

  • 2 months ago
Alex Cora of Red Sox decision and future
00:00is Jim from Uxbridge. Hello, Jim. Hi. What's up? Yeah, I don't think Alex Cora is going to stay
00:08unless they make a move. I mean, why would you? A lot of teams want him. I mean, I don't know.
00:14Well, yes, I think there are other teams that would want Alex Cora. I don't know.
00:19It could be that the Red Sox are concerned about what Alex Cora is going to cost them going forward
00:25and that they are driving it, but I don't know. I tend to lean on the side of Alex Cora doesn't
00:32want to deal with what he's dealt with the last few years, which he's made somewhat clear. He
00:38hasn't stated it so there's no confusion, but he certainly has from time to time when this
00:48deadline approached, he has sounded like he would like a little bit of help. And so
00:53I tend to be on the side of those who believe that it is Alex Cora's decision and not the Red
01:01Sox decision when it comes to whether he is managing here in the future. Because don't you
01:06think it's a little bit of a respect thing? If you're Alex Cora, you've probably earned the right
01:10to have your voice heard when it comes to front office or in Craig Breslow making those decisions.
01:15When you hear your players talking about how Alex Cora, they play for Alex Cora, Alex Cora is the
01:21reason why they do so well. They go on and on about him. They love him. Yeah. He's earned the
01:26right to have his voice heard at the big table. And if I'm Alex Cora, I'm probably looking around
01:33saying there are other teams that would give me that seat at the table. But how many, and I'm
01:38asking because I don't really know, how many baseball managers have control with front office
01:46decisions? Like you see in football, like Bill was a rarity, somewhat of a rarity in that where
01:53he did both jobs. But I would say on successful organizations like Theo and Tito had a very good
01:58relationship. I think that Joe Torre and Brian Cashman had a very good relationship. I think,
02:04you know, obviously it depends, but Greg, the fact that we're even here and they're undecided and
02:12Alex Cora is 90 games away from being gone
02:16is an indictment on where this organization has fallen in this city.
