Are the Red Sox done making moves?

  • 2 months ago
Are the Red Sox done making moves? What do they need to be a success at the deadline?
00:00He seemed pretty high yesterday, not in the Wiggy way, Curtis, but emotionally pretty
00:06high on Quinn Priester and the potential that he has when it comes to working with Andrew
00:15Bailey and maybe thriving here in Boston.
00:19So do you think tomorrow he'll reveal his third favorite band is Judas Priest?
00:26He might.
00:27I don't know.
00:28I think it's a great move.
00:29Honestly, I don't know anything about the York guy.
00:30I know he's one of the Red Sox better prospects, but you have a bunch of middle infielders,
00:36so why not part with them, right?
00:39The biggest job Breslow has isn't as much adding talent as it is to diagnose and find
00:44the players that he doesn't think will be talented, but are currently viewed as valuable
00:47by other organizations.
00:49And so, you know, that's what Dombrowski did.
00:52We talk about it all the time.
00:53He got rid of Kopech and Yohan Moncada brings in Chris Sale.
00:56He was very aggressive.
00:57He knew which players to deal and that's all Breslow needs to do.
01:00And I think he's he's winning already.
01:02Like when you look at like the Court of Public Opinion, I think once Breslow is, yeah, once
01:08you resign, just because he made moves, you resigned Alex Corr, right?
01:13So you resigned Alex Corr.
01:15You made a few moves.
01:17I don't think there's going to be any backlash after the trade deadline.
01:23If this is it, because of the, and I think it's largely in part because you resigned
01:29Alex Corr.
01:30So that's enough for you and you made a few moves, right?
01:35And so I think you, you, you did what fans wanted you to do, but moves you made, you
01:41got a backup catcher and Danny Jansen, which I guess is the right-handed bats, a right-handed
01:50So he has a great block radius.
01:52I read that yesterday.
01:53And you got, and you got a 23 year old starting pitcher who has struggled, but you might be
01:58able to, or I may be able to turn that around.
02:02So yeah.
02:04And I think those are the two things Breslow told us last week that he wanted to focus
02:08So he did what he told us he wanted, but not in a splashy, impactful, immediate, impactful
02:15Did he say that he wanted a splashy, they're never going to say exactly.
02:19So I just think that he told us what, what he felt like the team needed.
02:23He got those two parts and now here we are.
02:26And the addition of Cora, I think would be spot on.
02:28I don't think you're going to see a lot of fans be calling for Breslow's head.
02:32And, and, you know, he also, he also brought that Paxton.
02:36And so I think when you look at it, I think the next step is now does Cora get these guys
02:41to play better and make the post season.
02:45And then you go from there and then it's, what's the big acquisition that the Red Sox
02:50make in the off season?
02:52Because now we know Cora is going to be here that, that, that, um, you know, that mystery
02:57is no longer, he's going to be here for the next, you know, next several years.
03:02What's the big off season move that they make to bolster this team?
03:05Well then, okay, that's fine.
03:06You're then you've given up on this year and you're looking ahead to next year because
03:11you basically, you gave up prospects and you got, as a texter points out here, you
03:18got a rental backup catcher and, and maybe a starting pitcher who, if he can turn things
03:23around can be something, but that doesn't help you when it comes to being a wild card.
03:30This is what I said was going to happen.
03:32People now move the goalposts before this, before this, you always have said something
03:38that happens.
03:39No, no.
03:40But did I, Courtney, did I not say before this, if they, what was the biggest thing
03:45everybody was talking about?
03:46They need a right-handed bat and they need some pitching help.
03:50Nobody said that it had to be an elite right-handed bat.
03:54Well not, I mean, Jensen is not a right-handed bat of any repute.
03:56I mean, I don't think anybody views him as a good talented catcher.
04:01But that's what people were saying, fill, fill that, that missing void, which they did
04:07and help with some pitching, which they did Craig and no one, no one ever said, and I
04:12think, what about this season, Craig and Craig now, what about this season now?
04:19This is the season.
04:21You never said you wanted an impact.
04:23I did.
04:24I love team impact.
04:27You said, you said a few weeks ago, just get a, just get some help with a bat and pitching.
04:33They do that.
04:34They re-sign Alex Cora because Curtis was beating the drum about what's going on with
04:40He's a lame duck coach.
04:41I mean like an, an immediate impact when it comes to an arm is not, and maybe we'll find
04:49out tonight, James Paxton is, what is he, 34 years old, chime.
04:57That sounds right.
04:58Giggle it.
04:59As LB would say, uh, 35, 35, okay.
05:05Maybe you get something.
05:06Maybe you don't.
05:07I don't know.
05:08Google it.
05:09Do you think the Red Sox have an advantage having 40% of the rotation from Canada?
05:13What advantage would they have?
05:14I don't know.
05:15I mean, you never know.
05:16Things can happen.
05:17I would also say this, Greg, if the, if the deadline were at 10 a.m.
05:21And this is all they got.
05:22People would be unhappy.
05:24Well you have till 6 p.m. tonight.
05:26All right.
05:27Well, so what's going to make you happy?
05:29Uh, an impact.
05:30Vlad Guerrero Jr.
05:32I mean, that's how I Lou, we, we, we, we talked about this when Lou made the comment about
05:39adding some pieces and you know, well, Lou said he was willing to part with the top five
05:45And you get somebody that was impactful immediately, you and you were like, Hey, I just want to
05:51see them add as long as they add some stuff, I'll be happy.
05:55So I add some things now it's, well, they have to add impact, right?
06:01What's impact.
06:02Well, so, so Greg, if I mean, if Greg said, I'm going to take you out to dinner and he
06:07took you outside of this building and gave you a peanut butter sandwich, you would be
06:11No, but that's not a peanut butter sandwich though.
06:13No, now we're going to, but you just said that all we're going to get is a bat.
06:16We got a bat.
06:17Dan Jansen is not a bat.
06:18He's not a right-handed hitter.
06:19The Seinfeld, Kenny Banya, you're asking me to go out to dinner.
06:25And if I decide to get a soup, you still took me to dinner, right?
06:31So you, but the peanut butter sandwich, Curtis, I'm not going to talk, you're trying.
06:37What is Dan Jansen do as a hitter?
06:38He's not known as any type of a hitter.
06:40He's a, from what I heard based on, I think I was watching the game the other night, Craig,
06:45they said that at one point in his career, I forget who he was playing with, but him
06:49and some other guy were very good in the lineup.
06:52I don't know who it was.
06:53I was just kind of listening and saying, okay, I mean, I, he's, he's, you know, he's
06:58mad at least this season.
07:00So I, yeah, this season he might be change of scenery is when they got, when you got
07:04a career to 20, you got Kyle Schwarzer.
07:08He was mad that season when you got so hurt, no career, career to 20 hitter.
07:13I'm not, I listen, there was one season, I guess they talked about, he, he, he had some
07:18good stuff.
07:19I don't know.
07:20He got into something.
07:21You've got something.
07:22I don't like what you got.
07:24He had lightning in a bottle that season.
07:25Well, I mean, maybe he catches lightning in a bottle the last few months, he hit his,
07:30his high watermark is two 60, which he hit in two 20, 2022.
07:35How many home runs that year?
07:37He had 15.
07:38He has like six right now.
07:41I believe.
07:42So what do you want?
07:43So tell me, that's not a right-handed hitter.
07:45That's not a hitter at all.
07:47There's a pretty big gap between that and Vlad Guerrero Jr.
07:51I'm asking the question.
07:52I'm answering it.
07:53So what do you want?
07:54I want a hitter.
07:55That's not a hitter.
07:56All right.
07:57Give me a name.
07:58Who would you like to see?
07:59I wanted them to go back after Justin Turner, but he's gone off the market.
08:01How many home runs Justin Turner got this year?
08:03He showed that he can hit here.
08:04Like three?
08:06He's a better hitter than Dan Jansen.
08:07Like, what are you, what are you arguing with?
08:11I'm just, I'm asking you the question.
08:14You want a guy who's got three home runs and you're complaining about a guy who's got six
08:17home runs.
08:18Oh my God.
08:19I didn't bring up the six home runs.
08:21I did.
08:22I think Justin Turner has more than three home runs.
08:25How many home runs Justin Turner got?
08:26I don't know.
08:27You've been wrong about every point you've made thus far.
08:29You know what?
08:30Let's Google it.
08:31He doesn't care though.
08:32He just continues.
08:33I love that the onus is on me to look up his facts.
08:34Oh, Chris, look it up.
08:36You're the one making the argument.
08:37You brought up the guy six.
08:38He's got six home runs.
08:39There you go.
08:40Look at that.
08:41Turner just doubled his home run count.
08:42You brought up the guy.
08:43I said, who, you know, they added a bat.
08:44They want to be miserable.
08:45Everybody wants to be miserable.
08:46I mean, Courtney.
08:47They added a bat.
08:48Compare Justin Turner as a hitter to Dan Jennings, whatever the hell his name is.
08:49In this economy?
08:51In this economy.
08:52I don't know Dan Jennings.
08:53You're the one who just was saying you knew everything about him.
08:54I never said that.
08:55His name is Jansen.
08:57I don't know anything about him.
08:58They added a bat.
08:59He's not a bat.
09:00He's an offensive catcher.
09:01All right.
09:02All right.
09:03Where's baseball bread?
09:04Let's get baseball bread on the phone.
09:05Here's Derrick from Pepero.
09:06Hello, Derrick.
09:07Hey, Derrick.
09:08Hey, Derrick.
09:09Hey, Derrick.
09:10Hey, Derrick.
09:11Hey, Derrick.
09:12Hey, Derrick.
09:13Hey, Derrick.
09:14Hey, Derrick.
09:15Hey, Derrick.
09:16Hey, Derrick.
09:17Hey, Derrick.
09:18Hey, Derrick.
09:19Hey, Derrick.
09:20Hey, Derrick.
09:21Hey, Derrick.
09:22Hey, Derrick.
09:23Hey, Derrick.
09:24Hey, Derrick.
09:25Hey, Derrick.
09:26Hey, Derrick.
09:27Hey, Derrick.
09:28Hey, Derrick.
09:29Hey, Derrick.
09:30Hey, Derrick.
09:31Hey, Derrick.
09:32Hey, Derrick.
09:33Hey, Derrick.
09:34Hey, Derrick.
09:35Hey, Derrick.
09:36Hey, Derrick.
09:37Hey, Derrick.
09:38Hey, Derrick.
09:39Hey, Derrick.
09:40Hey, Derrick.
09:41Hey, Derrick.
09:42Hey, Derrick.
09:44Well, maybe you want Longhorn.
09:45Beforehand, people find the Longhorn.
09:48They wanted something.
09:51Now, all of a sudden, all right, I'm taking you Longhorn, and you're complaining about
09:56Three weeks ago, you were, like, jeez!
09:58Just take me anywhere.
10:00Yeah, I would've been happy with the sizzler.
10:02Take me to McDonald's, and let's, you know, bring me through a drive-thru, or something.
10:05Then we get you something.
10:06It's, like, wow.
10:07What is this?
10:08It's kind of like you with the Boomer present every year for Christmas.
10:11Yeah, it really is. Boomer back on the show. I like the whiskey. Boomer, a science. Boomer
10:18size and back on the show every Monday during the NFL season.
10:22I don't know. Where's baseball, Brett? Let's find out if you said that three times. Well,
10:26I don't know. You, you brought up a, listen, you ran. You said this guy's not a bat, right?
10:33He's not brought in to be a bat. I said, I heard the defensive. I said, I heard them
10:39talking about him on the broadcast and he said he had a good hit in year one year. Then
10:43I said, well, you can look that up prior to making that argument. I don't know. I listened.
10:47I don't know about the baseball guys. And then I said, who would you like? And you said
10:51Justin Turner, right? Did Justin Turner only hit like three or four home runs, right? To
10:55compare the catcher they acquired as any way similar as a hitter is absolutely laughable
11:01on its face. Why is Justin Turner that good of a much better hitter? Yes. Oh, he's a much
11:07better hitter. I just said that I can say the third time. So why didn't they go get
11:11Justin Turner? I don't know. We'll ask Craig tomorrow at nine. All right. I did see a story
11:18about Jansen where the, they have the, he has the opportunity. I don't think anybody
11:22has ever played for two teams in the same game and they have the red Sox have a suspended
11:31game with the blue Jays. Is that accurate? Oh, that's right. They have to restart it
11:35in the second inning in like July or later August or something. He could be the only
11:38player to play for two teams in the same game. That's very cool. You've been spending so much
11:43time around Fenway. You've become a baseball guy. Ken and I, we talk a lot of baseball.
11:47We're both, we're both baseball guys. Yeah. We love baseball and no, I'm not back on the sauce.
11:51All right. Well, seven, 10 first pitch tonight here on Boston sports, original W E E I.
