• 3 months ago
00:00Once upon a time, there were three little girls who went to the police academy.
00:06One in Los Angeles.
00:09One in San Francisco.
00:12The other in Boston.
00:15And they were each assigned very hazardous duties.
00:22But I took them away from all that.
00:25And now they work for me.
00:27My name is Charlie.
00:57Oh, there she is!
01:21There she is!
01:33That looks like so much fun. Are we gonna do that?
01:36Yeah, she'll ride that wave all the way into the beach.
01:44Well, maybe not all the way into the beach.
01:46Oh, dear.
01:47She's okay. Come on.
02:03I think so.
02:06I'll tell you what, that ocean looks a whole lot better than it tastes.
02:09I learned one really important thing about surfing so far.
02:12What's that?
02:13When you fall in, do not scream.
02:15You're absolutely right.
02:19Hey, that sounds like a phone. Hold this.
02:24Do I look like a surfer?
02:27Do I really?
02:28Yeah. Now, carry it like a surfer.
02:37Charlie? You sound like you're calling from the moon.
02:40Need you.
02:43Well, they're here. You know that.
02:47Where are you?
02:54What? I didn't get all that.
03:03Okay, we can be there by morning.
03:08Can you tell me where...
03:11Chris, what's wrong?
03:13Charlie's in trouble.
03:15We're going to Mexico. Right now.
03:39Hello, Bosley. Good evening, angels.
03:42Charlie, the angels aren't here.
03:45Didn't you tell them to be here tonight?
03:47I tried to tell them, but I couldn't reach them. Not any of them.
03:50That's strange.
03:52They didn't leave a number where they could be reached?
03:54No, and this is the first time anything like this has ever happened.
03:57Yes, that's what worries me.
04:00Now, I talked to Chris yesterday.
04:02She said that they were planning on spending the day at the beach
04:04because she was going to teach Tiffany how to surf.
04:07Bosley, I don't like this.
04:09Look, Charlie, I will find them.
04:12Count on me.
04:14Now, come to my house the minute you hear anything.
04:19Look, Charlie,
04:21what do you think could be so important as to make them go off like this
04:24and not even tell us?
04:26Nothing good, Bosley. Nothing good.
04:52You're Mr. Wilson?
04:54That's me.
04:56Is the boat ready?
04:58Just like you said.
05:00How long do you think it'll take us to get there?
05:02Oh, 30 minutes, maybe an hour.
05:04We'll take the 30 minutes.
05:06The man you took out there last night, what did he look like?
05:09Nothing special. Kind of soft.
05:12City type, but nice enough.
05:14Bosley, the day before you took Mr. Townsend and a woman out there.
05:18Now, who lives on that island that they'd be going to see?
05:21Beats me.
05:23Was this woman attractive?
05:25Almost as pretty as you three.
05:29How do we know that this is really Charlie?
05:31Why else would Bosley be here?
05:35Tiffany's right.
05:37Mr. Wilson, did Charles Townsend show you any identification?
05:40Yeah, he showed me his passport and he gave me this.
05:56Looks like we go for a boat ride.
05:59Mr. Wilson, just give us a minute. We'll change and be right with you.
06:04There it is. Diablo Island.
06:07Not exactly Maui, is it?
06:10Gives you the creeps just looking at it.
06:12Hey, could you go a little faster?
06:14Relax, sweetheart. We're as good as on the beach.
06:34Welcome to Diablo Island, ladies.
06:43When you dropped the other party off, did you see which way they went?
06:46Sure. That trail right over there goes up to the top of the bluff.
06:52I'm going to go check it out.
06:54I'll be right back.
07:04What's on top of the bluff?
07:07Never been up there. Must be pretty wild, I guess.
07:12Overgrown, heavy brush, almost jungle.
07:18You mind waiting while we take just a little look around?
07:21Depends on how long. I have a charter first thing in the morning.
07:24I got to get the boat ready. I am a working man, you know.
07:27How much of your time will $100 buy?
07:30You'll be surprised.
07:37Did you get your bags?
07:39No, I just laid them. I said we'd be back.
07:47Thank you.
08:16Think we should wait for the elevator?
08:22Well, let's go.
08:42Oh, no!
08:45Chris, Gary, look!
09:01Stop! Give us our bags!
09:03Wait! Wait for us!
09:06Wait! You wait for us!
09:09Sorry, sweetheart.
09:12Merchandise delivered, as ordered.
09:20Wait for us!
09:30Wait for us!
09:41You okay?
09:44Probably $100 sure doesn't buy what it used to.
09:47He said you'd be surprised.
09:50I feel so stupid. I left my gun in my suitcase.
09:53Don't feel badly. So did I.
09:55Mine's in my purse.
09:57Great! Which is now in the boat.
10:00Not so great.
10:04I could have sworn that was Charlie's voice on the phone.
10:07Well, no one's blaming you, Chris.
10:09Maybe it was Charlie.
10:11It wasn't. I should have known it wasn't.
10:14Oh, Chris, stop it. This isn't helping anything.
10:17I'm sorry. You're right.
10:21Well, what are we gonna do now?
10:25For starters, I think we should get up there and take a look around.
10:28What do you think?
10:30You two go on. I'll find some wood and start a fire.
10:33We must be in the shipping lanes. Somebody's gonna find us.
10:36Okay, but we're gonna meet right back here.
10:39Don't be gone too long. It's gonna be dark in a couple of hours.
10:42Don't you worry. We'll be real careful.
10:52You okay?
10:54I'm okay.
10:57I'll see you later.
11:23Well, where there are trails, there must be people.
11:27Well, if they use this trail, they must be a lost tribe of mountain climbers.
11:52Well, I wasn't expecting Beverly Hills, mind you.
11:55But this is nowhere.
11:58Yeah, real Robinson Crusoe time.
12:01So where's our man Friday?
12:03No such luck, honey. It's Saturday.
12:06Let's go for a walk.
12:23I think I liked it better when I felt we were alone.
12:27Tiff, what was that?
12:29Do we want to know?
12:31I don't think so.
12:36Maybe we scared it away, huh?
12:38I hope so.
12:42Why don't we go see if Kelly is all right, all right?
12:45Good idea.
13:07She's here.
13:11She's here.
13:31There were signs of hurried packing at all of their places.
13:34Just overnight bags, so they didn't plan to be gone very long.
13:38And Chris's car was the only one that was missing.
13:42So I have run a check on all of the bus stations,
13:46the cab companies, the car rental agencies, the airports,
13:50but there's not a sign of them.
13:52It sounds as if they left of their own free will.
13:55Well, there was no sign of any kind of physical coercion.
14:01Charles Townsend. Speaking.
14:03How many angels can you hide on the head of a pin?
14:08Who is this?
14:12Has it really been that long?
14:14I know it seems like a lifetime to me,
14:1711 years in prison passed so slowly.
14:20Look, I'm getting tired of this.
14:23Three people stood between me and a fortune.
14:27We went on a family safari together.
14:30There was a tragic hunting accident.
14:33The money was mine.
14:35Now do you remember?
14:37Malcolm Case.
14:39How nice.
14:40You took what was mine.
14:42Now I've taken something of yours.
14:45What exactly do you want?
14:47I want your head on my trophy wall.
14:50And in order to assure that you come to me,
14:52I've taken three of the people that you care most about.
14:58Partly the angels.
15:01I want you, Townsend.
15:04I'll call you tomorrow,
15:06then you'll have one day to surrender yourself.
15:09Then I'm going to start sending your angels to heaven,
15:14one a day, until they're all gone.
15:23Do you mind if I go first?
15:28Come here.
15:29Look at that.
15:35Oh, she's beautiful.
15:37He's beautiful.
15:39Those are the ladies.
15:45Doesn't seem fair, does it?
15:47No, it sure doesn't.
15:51Come on, let's go find Kelly.
15:53If she heard that guy, she's probably just as scared as we were.
16:23What do you think?
16:25It's pretty fresh.
16:27It's still warm.
16:29Now we know we're not alone.
16:31Yeah, somehow I don't find that very comforting.
16:36Maybe do I.
16:37Come on, let's go.
16:45Come on.
17:07Am I glad to see you too.
17:09Did you hear that?
17:11It was a peacock.
17:12A peacock?
17:13It sounded like somebody yelling for help.
17:15Well, that's what I thought it was. Are you sure?
17:17Yeah, we saw him.
17:18And his harem.
17:20Am I glad to see you too.
17:22You said that already.
17:23But it's true.
17:36We found her right up there on the bluff.
17:41So, peacocks aren't the only animal on this island.
17:45Come to think of it, what are the peacocks doing here in the first place?
17:49They're not indigenous to this latitude.
17:52They're not even indigenous to this hemisphere.
17:55Somebody had to bring them here.
17:57The question is, who?
18:00Think this could be the who?
18:03And why?
18:05I mean, this doesn't make any sense.
18:07What are we doing here?
18:12Listen, if you've got a joke, this is the time to tell it.
18:16I just got this great picture in my mind of me walking through the quad back in college.
18:20Yours truly in the ivy-covered halls of academia.
18:24I wanted adventure.
18:29I got it.
18:31Here we are on a tropical island.
18:34Balmy breezes whisper through the night.
18:38And colorful exotic animals abound everywhere.
18:42Was that a peacock?
18:44I'd like to hope so.
18:48I don't know if I should say this.
18:50I haven't known you two very long.
18:52But I'd like you both to know that you're both as important to me as my own family.
18:58And I'm awful glad you're here.
19:00Because if you weren't...
19:04Because if you weren't...
19:07I don't think I could handle this by myself.
19:11I'm scared.
19:13I'm scared.
19:31Whoever brought us here probably has more in store for us than peacocks.
19:36I think we should get some rest so we're ready for them.
19:39I'll take the first watch.
19:41I think we'd better get some more firewood.
19:43There's a big piece of wood down the beach.
19:45Help me dig it out, okay?
20:01Here it is.
20:03I think it's been here a long time.
20:05One, two, three.
20:09Close. Pull.
20:12It's all damp. You think it's going to burn?
20:14Well, we could try it.
20:18Oh, no.
20:20What's wrong?
20:34I think we'd better get back to the fire.
20:36Yeah, let's go.
20:56See? Just some falling rocks.
20:59Yeah, but what made them fall?
21:03I hope.
21:06Let's go.
21:20Case escaped from prison over six months ago.
21:24Probably took him that long to set up this caper.
21:27Did he get out alone?
21:29Unfortunately not.
21:31He took two other lifers with him, a, uh, Burdette and Wilson.
21:38See, he was a hunting guide for Case on that last safari.
21:42Then Case would be most at home in Africa.
21:47He wouldn't have had enough time to get the angels there.
21:50Anything else?
21:52As a matter of fact, there is.
21:54Uh, the Case family empire has holdings all over the world.
22:00I doubt if the surviving members of the family would be too eager to help,
22:04given his past record of killing them off.
22:06Yeah, you got a point there.
22:08What about this other man, Wilson?
22:11Well, Wilson may have worked for Case at one time, uh, as a skipper on one of his boats.
22:17That shouldn't be too hard to verify.
22:23Good morning.
22:25I hope you had a good night's sleep.
22:27All right, Case, I want proof that the angels are with you and unharmed.
22:31I thought you knew me better than that.
22:33I certainly don't have them here.
22:35That wouldn't be sporting.
22:37It would spoil the hunt.
22:39Where do you want me to come?
22:41It's not that easy, Tarzan.
22:43Haven't you recognized the game yet?
22:46You have to find me.
22:48If you don't, by the end of the day, I'll hunt down and kill the first one tomorrow.
22:54The next day, the second, and then the third.
22:57Case, if you want me to come to you, you'll have to tell me where you are.
23:01You don't believe I'm serious, do you?
23:03All right, I'll prove it to you.
23:05The first one dies today.
23:08Case, wait!
23:12Bosley, the man's insane.
23:16I don't know if we can save them.
23:19Charlie, he won't just shoot them.
23:23He told us.
23:25He has to hunt them down first.
23:28But they're more resourceful than he thinks.
23:53Which way did they go?
24:07Where else?
24:09Even when they know what's waiting for them, huh?
24:12So they do the unexpected.
24:14That's what makes the hunt really exhilarating.
24:17Either that, or they saw Boudette watching them.
24:20Nobody saw me.
24:22Doesn't matter.
24:24In fact, it'll make the hunt even more interesting.
24:29Boudette and I will track them on foot.
24:31You take the jeep, circle, herd them toward us.
24:37Now, shall we see if prison has blunted our tracking skills?
24:40I have a feeling we just like the old days.
24:43Oh, better, my friend, much better.
24:49How far do you think we've come?
24:51About three or four miles.
24:53With all this vegetation, there's got to be water somewhere.
24:56Which is exactly where we're going to find the big cats.
24:59You had to remind me.
25:09Has anybody noticed that we've been going uphill for the last few minutes?
25:12Good. Maybe we can get to some high ground.
25:14We'll get a look at this place.
25:19Hey, Chris, Tiff, look.
25:26In case you found it, you deserve the first drink.
25:35All right.
25:42I didn't know water could taste so good.
25:44I didn't know anything could taste so good, ever.
25:57Now that definitely was not a peacock.
25:59Come on.
26:13We're heading straight towards the river.
26:24I couldn't tell where the sound came from.
26:26Maybe we should go back the way we came.
26:29Listen, where are you?
26:30I'm by the waterfall.
26:32Then they're trapped. Drive them towards.
26:35Which way?
26:37Looks like there's only one way. That way.
26:39Let's spread out.
26:52Thank you.
27:36What are you doing? We've got to help her.
27:38We can't help her by getting caught.
27:42Go, go!
28:08Come on, Chris.
28:36Come on.
28:44We're never going to be able to outrun him.
28:49Over there. Come on.
29:06Where are they?
29:07I don't know.
29:09The trail came to a fork and I lost them.
29:11You did what?
29:12It's not my fault.
29:13No, it's mine for bringing you along.
29:16I think I got one of them.
29:18Which one?
29:19Tiffany Wells.
29:20You're sure?
29:21You showed us their pictures, didn't you?
29:23She went in the water.
29:25The river's probably taken her out to sea by now.
29:28Meet me and Burdette at the shack.
29:31I can't wait to give Thompson the news.
29:33I'm on my way.
29:46Who's Case?
29:48Has to be Malcolm Case.
29:50It's before time.
29:52Bosley told me about him once.
29:54He killed his father, brother, and a cousin on a safari in Africa.
29:58Charlie proves that he did it?
30:01Yeah, his testimony sent Case and Burdock to prison.
30:05Well, now we know.
30:08Tiffany died because somebody she never even heard of was trying to get back at Charlie.
30:12Oh, Chris.
30:13Look, I know. I'm just angry.
30:14But she didn't even have a chance.
30:19Look, maybe she isn't dead.
30:20If we follow the river, maybe we'll find her.
30:23On that shack they were talking about.
30:27The waterfall ran that way.
30:29So the river must be back over there somewhere.
30:31Come on.
30:40All of a sudden she was just there.
30:41It was me or her.
30:43I would have preferred to take care of her myself.
30:45It's getting late.
30:46We are on schedule.
30:47One is dead.
30:49Just like I promised Thompson.
30:58How do we fight them?
30:59With whatever we've got.
31:01What's that?
31:03Well, we could set traps and snares, see if we couldn't beat them at their own game.
31:07We can trap them and then when they're not looking...
31:19I think I've got something.
31:21Charlie, just take a look at this.
31:23The receipt on top.
31:26Case chartered a plane day before yesterday?
31:28Yeah, for Mazatlan.
31:30Case has a house a few miles down the coast.
31:33So what do you think?
31:34I think you're on to something.
31:36And that's not the only holding the Case family has in Mexico.
31:39They also own an island, Diablo Island.
31:43Diablo Island? Who lives there?
31:45No one.
31:48But what?
31:50Well, several years ago, Case's father set up the island as a jungle animal preserve.
31:57What kind of jungle animals?
32:00Cats. Big cats.
32:03Call that charter service. Get the same pilot.
32:05I want to be in Mazatlan as soon as possible.
32:11Guess who, Thompson?
32:13I'm waiting.
32:15Not much longer, Case.
32:18Then tomorrow I'll have some real sport to look forward to.
32:21Townsend and two of his angels.
32:27Well, of course. I told you that one would die today.
32:30And I always keep my promises.
32:34Which one?
32:37That's for you to find out when you get here.
32:44He's lying.
32:46They're okay.
32:48All of them.
32:54What if they're not, Bosley?
32:57I'll call the charter service.
33:12Oh, my God.
33:30Oh, my God.
33:33Nice kitty.
33:37Nice kitty.
33:50You stay in your space, and I'll stay in mine. Okay?
33:54I can't believe this.
33:57A tiger that understands best.
34:07I wish we could have found her body.
34:12Then at least we'd know for sure.
34:14As long as we don't know, there's still hope.
34:21You think these will hold, Chris?
34:23I think so. They should.
34:26Where'd you learn how to do this?
34:29I don't know.
34:31I think so. They should.
34:34Where'd you learn how to do this?
34:36Old movies?
35:01Oh, my God.
35:31You okay?
35:35That should do it.
35:37Okay, they're gonna be coming soon. Let's go see if we can find the shack.
35:51Wilson, you in position yet?
35:57Wilson, you in position yet?
36:25We're moving too slowly.
36:27Better to be cautious.
36:29Why? They don't have any guns?
36:31I don't know.
37:01Come on.
37:13Look out!
37:22It works!
37:24She'll hear you.
37:31Come on.
37:56You're supposed to be dead.
37:58I'm sorry to disappoint you.
38:00It's okay. First time it happened too fast.
38:03This time, I'm gonna get a chance to really enjoy it.
38:07Mr. Case, can you hear me?
38:31Yeah. Did you spot them?
38:33I did better than that. I got one of them.
38:36And we're right here at the shack.
38:38Good. I'll be right there.
38:45Yes, they were at the hotel.
38:47But they left almost immediately.
38:51With a man who sounds like Wilson.
38:54Did you find out anything about Diablo Island?
38:56No, I'm afraid not.
38:58And no one seems to know if there are any cats still out there.
39:01Is there any place the angels could take refuge?
39:04Well, the only structure on the island is a shack
39:07that the animal handlers and the vets used to use for storage.
39:10Oh, and I understand that there used to be a short wave set up there too.
39:14And the shack is where we start.
39:16Right. I'll be at the pier in ten minutes.
39:25I thought you said she was dead.
39:27I thought she was.
39:29And there are two of them out there somewhere.
39:31So? There's three of us and we got the guns.
39:33There are two of us. They got Bredette.
39:37They set a trap.
39:39He walked right into it. There's nothing I can do.
39:41What worries me is the possibility the two of them could link up with Townsend.
39:45Or find our boat.
39:47Yeah, check it out. Keep watch for Townsend.
39:50Let me know when you spot him.
39:56Mr. Case.
39:58Do me a favor.
40:02Do this one for me.
40:08She'll be here.
40:21Case must be inside.
40:23Look at that antenna. There must be a radio in there.
40:32Two things first.
40:34Right. Divide and conquer.
40:36Who said that?
40:38Tiffany would know.
40:45Come on. Let's get him.
41:01Not for long.
41:32In case you can't speak Spanish,
41:35at this moment your employer and his flunky are on their way to Diablo Island.
41:40Charlie and Bosley? All right.
41:44So hopeful.
41:46So hopeless.
41:50Don't you understand? Getting Townsend here is what this is all about.
41:53You mean you used us as bait?
41:57And it worked.
41:59See how the tiger freely rushes to his death.
42:30How close is he?
42:32Should be on the beach in ten minutes.
42:35Good. Let me know when he starts to surf.
42:43You are really something, you know that?
42:46Yes. I know.
43:04Looking for me?
43:15Wilson, where are you?
43:18Wilson, where are you?
43:23Wilson, what's going on?
44:11That was beautiful.
44:13Thanks. Let's give credit where credit's due.
44:15Tarzan movies?
44:16Right. Can you get it?
44:23Uh-oh. I think I hear the evil white hunter.
44:26Now what will Tarzan do?
44:28Keep running. Come on.
44:58Come on.
45:04I think we better split up.
45:06Not yet.
45:37Over here.
45:58Welcome to the circus.
46:18Oh, am I glad to see you, too.
46:20You okay?
46:21Yeah. I will be as soon as you untie me.
46:23Here, I'll do it. You call Charlie.
46:28It hurt? No.
46:36What? If I make this call, we are blowing our best chance
46:40to see what Charlie looks like.
46:44I don't think it'd be right to let him keep on worrying, Chris.
46:48It really wouldn't be right. Darn it.
46:52Okay, we've waited this long, I guess we can
46:56wait until he's ready. Hello, this is Diablo Island calling.
47:00Boz, Charlie, can you hear me?
47:04Chris, is that you? Hi, yeah, it's me. And Kelly,
47:08and Tiffany. And Tiffany? Yes. Everybody's fine.
47:12We've got everything under control. I think.
47:16Thank God. Stay where you are, angels. Bosley will be back for you in a few minutes.
47:20Okay, Charlie, we'll see you when we get home.
47:24Tiff! Hey!
47:28Wait a minute!
47:48Well? Come on, what did he look like?
47:52You won't believe this. You won't believe it. Come on!
48:00I don't know. You don't know?
48:04All I could see was his back. What color was his hair?
48:08I don't know, he had on a hat.
48:12So long, angels!
48:16Oh, no.
48:22Oh, no.
48:52Oh, no.