Super Spastic Bubble Classic: Ventilation Is For Sissies

  • 3 months ago


00:00Super spastic bubble classic. Ventilation is for sissies.
00:05Those of us who missed out on airplane glue at least had a consolation prize in the form of super elastic bubble plastic.
00:12This cosmic goo arrived in a day-glow tube and gave off the best fumes any eight-year-old could hope for.
00:18The point was to position a small bead of the goo on one end of a straw and carefully blow into the other end.
00:25The goo would form a surprisingly sturdy multicolored balloon if all went well.
00:30If things didn't go well, breaches would form along the hull and the mission was doomed.
00:36A new bead of super goo usually allowed for a do-over. No humanity would be lost.
00:42The product's chemical formula was mostly non-toxic and even became a weird form of gum for the brave.
00:48It was the fumes generated as it cured that generated all the buzz.
00:52Did I just say that out loud?
00:54The original super tragic hub of magic eventually disappeared from store shelves as concerned parents did what concerned parents did best.
01:02Modern versions are available if you know a guy, but they've been stepped on.
01:07What's a kid gotta do to get his bubble on now?