Petit Lapin Blanc - Episode 24-33 - Dessin Animé en Français - Animation Movies For Kids 2017

  • 3 months ago


00:00It's the first time I've broken a big toy!
00:11Hi! Have you seen my beautiful glue ball?
00:18It's a beautiful work of art!
00:22No, that's not true!
00:24It's a glue ball!
00:28It's the first time I've broken a toy!
00:33But I didn't do it on purpose!
00:41With my friend Margot, we played very, very quietly.
00:50Say, can I see your mom's phone?
00:54Me first!
00:57Come on! I'll show you how it works.
01:01You know how?
01:03Yes, because I'm a big boy!
01:11It won't open!
01:19Oh no!
01:21Mum's gonna be in a lot of pain!
01:23It's her favourite toy!
01:27It looks like it's broken!
01:29I know!
01:31We need to fix it!
01:38Dad says the adhesive tape will fix everything!
01:45Look! It's holding up nicely now!
01:49Oh no! You've stuck your fingers in it!
01:58Are you alright, kids?
02:00Yes, yes
02:02Have you seen my phone?
02:04I've found a very good answer to this question!
02:16Oh no! And I'm waiting for a very important call!
02:19Now I know I have to tell Mum everything!
02:27Mum! I've found your phone!
02:36I was very quiet...almost
02:42Sorry Mum, I broke it!
02:46It's my fault! I wanted to look at it!
02:49But we tried to fix it!
02:51It's my fault! I wanted to look at it!
02:54But we tried to fix it!
02:57Oh little white rabbit!
02:59It would have been better not to touch it
03:03But I'm glad you told me your silly story
03:06I'll have it fixed
03:18Mum also told me that it's the grown-ups who can admit their stupidity
03:23And me! I'm a grown-up now!
03:33The first time I whistled!
03:39Hi! Look!
03:41It's not a bunch of grass like the others
03:44With him, I managed to whistle for the first time!
03:57I was playing cat and mouse with Margot and César
04:00To be nice, I let them win once
04:04How are you, little white rabbit?
04:06Yes, yes, I'm stopping a bit to...
04:10To look at this little bird
04:12It's very pretty, isn't it?
04:18Come here, little bird
04:22Now César, do like this
04:26It doesn't work to attract birds
04:29You have to whistle like this
04:55I was just trying to make you laugh
04:57When I want to, I whistle like a champion
05:00Me too!
05:14I almost whistled well
05:16Then César's big brother asked me for my secret
05:22Hey kids! What are you doing?
05:24We're trying to whistle, Salvador
05:27I already know! Er...almost
05:30But do you want to show us how you do it so we can see?
05:33Ok! I do this with a bunch of grass
05:36I put it between my thumbs like this
05:38I stick my lips on it and...
05:44With a bit of practice, you'll get there
05:46Here, little white rabbit
05:49Have fun!
05:54Oh no!
05:59It tickles my nose!
06:06Oh no! I've got my grass arm stuck on my tongue
06:24Yes! I did it!
06:27Well done, little white rabbit!
06:34Show us again, please!
06:55So, do you know what a bunch of grass is for?
06:57Do you want to hear mine too?
07:05See you soon!
07:18Oh hi! Did you see that?
07:20My jersey's nice
07:22I got it the first time I scored a point
07:25It was with Kevin, our sports animator
07:34I love doing sports
07:36Even those I don't know
07:38Here's a ball game with two teams
07:40César and little white rabbit, you're the yellows
07:45Margot and Pablo, you're the greens
07:53To score, the greens put the ball in the basket of the yellows
07:57And we, the yellows, in the basket of the greens, right?
08:02It was simple
08:04I said to myself, I'll score right away
08:07No problem
08:09Your turn! Your turn!
08:11Throwing the ball like Margot is very, very easy
08:15And I'm an expert
08:28It's on top of the basket, little white rabbit, not underneath
08:35It wasn't that easy
08:38In this game, you run and bounce the ball like this
08:42I love bouncing!
08:56Did you hurt yourself?
08:59What's that?
09:01I don't know
09:02It's a ball
09:03A ball?
09:05A ball?
09:07A ball?
09:09A ball?
09:11Are you alright?
09:14I was annoyed, I'd missed everything
09:17So when I saw the ball, I ran for it
09:33Yay! I've scored a point!
09:38Oh no!
09:39Little white rabbit, you got the basket wrong
09:45It doesn't matter
09:46Next time, you'll score from the right side, ok?
09:53Your turn!
09:54Your turn!
10:07Yay! I've scored a point!
10:18I did it!
10:19And you know what?
10:21It's also thanks to César
10:23Because we're much stronger when there's two of us
10:27Did you see that?
10:28Yes, my jacket's still stuck
10:32I think it's time to ask Mum for a hand to take it off
10:37See you soon!
10:38Fire exercise
10:45Hi! Did you see this helmet?
10:47I won it the first time I did a fire exercise
10:52Because that time, I was the best
11:11I'm Lou, fire chief
11:14We're going to do an exercise together to learn how to react when there's a fire
11:20Who wants to help me?
11:22I wanted to help Lou right away, the fire chief
11:29Well done!
11:32Here's your fire assistant helmet
11:37Is everyone ready?
11:39To get started, you need to find the exit door
11:44I'll go
11:58You must never go into a cupboard when there's a fire
12:02I knew it!
12:06I just wanted to see if anyone was hiding in there
12:10There's a good way to protect yourself from the smoke
12:13Lean against the ground
12:16Little white rabbit, will you show us?
12:19I'm the best when I have to lean
12:26Not bad at all!
12:28You're right, you need to be as close to the ground as possible
12:32Now we're going to practise getting out in the calm
12:40Get away from the building
12:42Then get together around the little white rabbit
12:45He's going to count
12:54Stop moving!
12:59It's too hard to count
13:01We're 4!
13:02No, 3!
13:04No, 6!
13:11Pablo and Romeo were jealous because I was the chief
13:15Well, the fire chief, but it's the same thing
13:19Are you alright, little white rabbit? You're all red
13:31Well done! You did a great job getting everyone together
13:39I'm a real fireman now
13:42Good! Do you have any questions?
13:45Madam! Madam! Madam!
13:47Where's the fireman?
13:49Is the fire really that big?
13:57Did you see that?
14:00I really deserved to wear this helmet
14:27Little white rabbit!
14:30The first time I played with a scarecrow
14:36Oh hi there!
14:38Do you know what this is?
14:40It's a whip
14:42I got it the first time I played with a scarecrow
14:45It's called a whip
14:47It's made of wood
14:49It's made of wood
14:51It's made of wood
14:53I got it the first time I played with a scarecrow
14:56I had lots of fun that day
15:05Yeah! I love picnics!
15:11Since I'm a big boy and I'm very serious, I helped everyone
15:18Ready, little white rabbit?
15:34It's you, little roach
15:39Hey! It's not me! It's the little bird!
15:43Did you see that, Dad? He's not even afraid of us
15:49Here, let's play a bit. Turn around
15:52Good idea!
16:01Catch me if you can!
16:03Come and play with us before you eat, little white rabbit
16:07The one I catch takes my place
16:11I wasn't afraid of losing at all
16:13but I also really wanted to win
16:17That's my little white rabbit!
16:20I won!
16:22Come on, give me a kiss
16:24Come on, it's your turn now
16:26What if I lose?
16:28It doesn't matter if you lose, what matters is having fun
16:33Hello Marco!
16:34Hello Marco!
16:38Turn, turn, turn
16:42I can't see anything but I can hear very well
16:47This way!
16:48I'm here!
16:50I'm here!
16:51I'm here!
16:57Ah! Hammer blows!
16:59It's Marco who's playing tricks
17:02And Grandpa must help him
17:04I'll catch him by surprise
17:13Yeah! I won!
17:15I caught...
17:18Oh! It's Grandpa's hammer!
17:21But...Grandpa, you've got big legs!
17:25It's to run faster, my boy!
17:31But it's a scarecrow!
17:34I thought it was Grandpa!
17:36I'm really not good at this game
17:39But it's really fun!
17:41Say Dad, is a scarecrow used to scare birds?
17:45Yes, little white rabbits to keep them away from the fields
17:48But our little raspberry thief is really not scared of anything
18:03I've been training since then, I'm much better
18:06Look, I can do everything with my eyes closed
18:12Oops! Missed!
18:15I've been training since then, I'm much better
18:17Look, I can do everything with my eyes closed
18:20Oops! Missed!
18:22Oops! Missed!
18:24I've been training since then, I'm much better
18:26Look, I can do everything with my eyes closed
18:43Little white rabbit!
18:46The first time I swam under water
18:50Hi! Look, it's a real seashell
18:55I kept it as a souvenir from my holidays by the sea
18:59It was the first time I swam under water
19:07We were by the sea
19:09I love the beach
19:13Dad, did you just swim with me?
19:17You know, holidays are also meant to rest, right little white rabbit?
19:23That's not true at all! Come on Dad, in the water!
19:29I'll put your floaters on
19:37Today I'd like to try swimming for real
19:40I'm a big boy
19:43Yes, you could try
19:45You're safe with me, little rabbit
19:47Do you want me to help you a bit to get started?
19:49I didn't want my dad to be scared
19:52So I said...
20:01A real champion!
20:04Now I'm gonna do my exercises
20:08My chin needs to get used to being in the water
20:11You're right mouth
20:18You need to hold your breath properly
20:26See? It's easy
20:33Well done, little rabbit!
20:36Well done, little rabbit!
20:38I'm really good, aren't I?
20:40Now I'm gonna do some other exercises
20:47Too easy!
20:54I don't need a shower with you
20:57See Mum? I'm swimming underwater
21:05Look at the beautiful shell!
21:07Can you give it to me, Dad?
21:09I'm gonna put it in my box for the first time
21:13That's a good idea
21:14But why don't you go and get it?
21:19You think?
21:35Well done, little white rabbit!
21:37You're the biggest diver
21:46A little beast!
21:53It's a Bernard the Hermit
21:55Ok then, let's go!
21:57I'll dive to get it
21:59And ploof!
22:06Thanks to my shell,
22:08I'll always remember the first time I swam underwater
22:12I'm glad my friend Bernard the Hermit
22:15has chosen another shell as his home
22:35The first time I made a robot
22:39Hi! Look, it's my robot!
22:42It's really strong!
22:47It's a robot!
22:49It's a robot!
22:51It's a robot!
22:53It's a robot!
22:55It's a robot!
22:57It's a robot!
22:59It's a robot!
23:01It's a robot!
23:04I first got it when I made something really incredible
23:11I was at the toy store
23:17I was looking at the coolest robot
23:20I knew I had to stay very quiet
23:24Dad! Dad!
23:25I want that one! That one!
23:28Please! Please! Please!
23:33Oh! Oh, il est à moi!
23:35C'est mon robot à moi!
23:37Oh! Je peux le porter?
23:39C'était le meilleur robot du monde!
23:42Il avait des roues et des lumières et il parlait!
23:48Mon nom est Robot 1.
23:50Mon nom est Robot 1.
23:59Non, non, non!
24:01Bip! Bip!
24:24Maman! Maman!
24:26Mon robot est cassé!
24:28Oh! Voyons si je peux le réparer.
24:40Oh! Son bras est retombé!
24:54Regarde comment je fais.
24:56Tu pourras le faire la prochaine fois.
24:59J'ai très, très bien regardé.
25:07Et ensuite, j'ai eu une idée.
25:29Il était enfin prêt!
25:34Mon nom est Robot 2.
25:37Mon nom est Robot 2.
25:44Oh! Merci, maman!
25:52Oui! Oui!
25:54Oui! Oui!
26:03Maintenant, j'ai deux robots.
26:05Celui que papa m'a acheté.
26:09Et celui que j'ai fabriqué.
26:13Il est vivant!
26:17C'est toi, petite soeur.
26:19Je le savais.
26:21Je vais t'attraper.
26:24Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
26:55La première fois que je suis resté prisonnier du grenier
27:01Coucou! Tu vois cette poignée de porte?
27:04C'est celle du grenier de chez mon cousin Gaspard.
27:07C'est mon souvenir de la première fois où j'ai été prisonnier.
27:10Oui, prisonnier!
27:18Moi, je fais très, très vite qu'on joue à cache-cache avec Gaspard
27:21et que c'est lui qui compte.
27:24On ne sait jamais quand il va dire dix.
27:27Trois, quatorze,
27:29huit, neuf,
27:31mille, deux,
27:36Prêt, pas prêt, j'y vais!
27:40Il peut chercher.
27:42À cache-cache, je suis champion.
27:56Ne bouge pas, je joue à cache-cache.
27:59C'est très bien de jouer à cache-cache,
28:01mais s'il te plaît, trouve-toi une autre cachette.
28:04Je ne peux pas.
28:06Je me suis caché partout et Gaspard me trouve toujours.
28:13Et si tu te cachais dans le grenier?
28:16Le grenier? Je le savais.
28:19Très bonne cachette.
28:22Petit lapin blanc?
28:28Montre-toi, petit lapin blanc, tu as gagné.
28:31C'est moi le champion de la cachette.
28:45Petit lapin blanc, tu es là?
28:50J'allais sortir seul,
28:52mais Gaspard avait très envie de m'aider,
28:55alors je l'ai appelé.
28:57Je t'ai trouvé.
28:59Et j'avais déjà gagné.
29:03Tu veux m'aider à sortir?
29:05Oui, mais comment?
29:07Bien, tourne la poignée.
29:10Non, elle est cassée.
29:15Tous ensemble, archi fort.
29:29Je vais chercher papa.
29:41Merci, petit chat.
29:43Je vais passer par là.
29:58Voilà comment je me suis retrouvé prisonnier dans le grenier.
30:13Apparemment, le chat de Gaspard est un champion de l'évasion.
30:17Et moi, je suis devenu le champion de la cachette.
30:21Ferme les yeux et compte jusqu'à deux.
30:24Un, deux...
30:28Alors, tu m'as trouvé?
30:43Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
32:14Vraiment beaucoup.
32:16Là! Un poisson!
32:21Oh, zut! Raté! Il est trop rapide!
32:37Zut! Je l'ai raté aussi!
32:42Oh, zut! Il faut tout nettoyer.
32:45Merci, petite mouette.
32:48Tiens. Au travail, Matelot.
32:52Avec le flash, je peux faire des photos même la nuit.
32:59Une balle!
33:05Le flash lui fait peur.
33:19Le flash lui fait peur.
33:28Je l'entends, papi. C'est beau!
33:32Ha! Ha! Ha!
33:41Ha! Ha! Ha!
33:44On a montré toutes mes photos à mamie.
33:47Elle les a trouvées très, très réussies.
33:53Elles sont vraiment bizarres, mes photos, non?
33:59Mais qui l'a prise, celle-ci?
34:04Elle est extraordinaire.
34:06Et je vais la garder.
34:08Merci, petit lapin blanc.
34:17Et moi, tu devines laquelle j'ai gardée?
34:20Celle de la ballette quand il nous a mouillés.
34:25Et maintenant, tu devines qui je vais prendre en photo?
34:29Eh oui! C'est toi!
34:31Un, deux, trois, souris!
34:48Ha! Ha! Ha!
35:03Petit lapin blanc!
35:06La première fois que j'ai voulu voir un fantôme.
35:13Salut! Tu as vu ma plume?
35:16Je l'ai ramassée la première fois que j'ai voulu voir un fantôme.
35:21Oui, tu as bien entendu.
35:23Un fantôme!
35:29J'allais chez mon cousin Gaspard.
35:31Il m'adore parce que je suis un grand moi.
35:35Doucement, petit lapin blanc.
35:37Tu vas glisser sur la neige.
35:39Glisser, moi?
35:41La neige, je connais.
35:51Coucou, petit lapin blanc.
35:53Tu viens jouer avec moi?
35:58Mon cousin Gaspard est plus petit que moi.
36:01Alors, je lui apprends tout.
36:10Et aussi la luge.
36:13Enfin, parfois, c'est lui qui m'apprend.
36:27Oh, regarde, Gaspard.
36:29Il y a plein d'étoiles.
36:34Et si on rentrait?
36:36Attends, je vais t'apprendre leur nom.
36:38Là, c'est la Grande Douce.
36:40Il faut rentrer.
36:42La nuit, il y a un fantôme qui vient ici.
36:45Tu l'entends?
36:49Un fantôme?
36:51J'aimerais bien le voir.
36:53Hé, attends-moi, j'arrive!
37:04Tu as entendu?
37:06C'est le fantôme.
37:08Il est dans le grenier.
37:10Un fantôme dans le grenier?
37:12On y va. Suis-moi.
37:15Tu crois?
37:19Hop, en route.
37:34Tu l'entends?
37:36C'est bizarre, un fantôme qui claque des dents, non?
37:44Oh, des oiseaux!
37:49Tu n'es pas un fantôme!
37:55C'est trois petites chouettes,
37:57avec de belles plumes et des yeux tout ronds.
38:11Cette petite plume me donne beaucoup de courage.
38:25Gaspard a gardé sa plume.
38:27Quand il a un peu peur,
38:29il la serre dans sa main et hop, ça va mieux.
38:32Et moi, tu sais ce que j'adore faire avec cette plume?
38:35Des guilis-guilis!
38:37Ha! Ha! Ha!
