• 2 months ago
Parts of Daniel Are Written in Aramaic (Which Focuses on God as the Eternal, Universal Ruler Over Mankind) and Parts Are Written in Hebrew (Which Focuses on Israel's Personal Relationship with God). Language Plays an Important Role in the Bible. Mention of the Group Known as the Mandaean Sabians About Their Beliefs and Their Language. Biblical Prophecy [Zechariah 3:9] Speaks of God Returning the World to One Pure Language.

00:00Kings and Lord of Lords. All right if you have your Bible tonight turn with me to the
00:06book of Daniel chapter number 2 and verse number 4. Daniel chapter 2 and
00:17verse number 4. Now I believe Daniel was a prophet. The Lord Jesus Christ believed
00:30Daniel was a prophet. He said he was a prophet. Liberalism teaches that Daniel
00:36was created much later than the date attributed to it and so therefore the
00:42incidences that are mentioned in Daniel are redactions because once the event
00:46happens and they go back and put it into the book as if it's prophecy. And of
00:51course that's what's called minimalist when you get into to studying the
00:56scripture. But I believe the Bible and I believe what I have in my hands and I
01:00believe what the Lord Jesus said. He called him a prophet. Now I want to pick
01:06a point out a couple of things for you tonight. In Daniel chapter number 2 and
01:10verse number 4.
01:17Amen. You can be seated. And of course if you know your Bible and continue to read you'll see where the king says well the thing has gone far from me and I have forgotten. And of course if they are truly prophets and
01:40could know that they would know what the dream they'd know what the dream was and
01:44then they'd give an interpretation and that's exactly what Daniel did. But don't
01:49you notice something about this now. Then spake the Chaldeans. This is the priest
01:53class of the Babylonians. We are in Babylon. We're in Babylon. The language of
02:00Babylon is Aramaic. Just put that aside somewhere back of your mind because
02:06you'll find that to be important in our lesson tonight. The language of Babylon
02:10is Aramaic. Aramaic is what's called a Semitic language. In other words it has
02:16the same source as Hebrew. It's an ancient language been around a long time.
02:21And the reason these are important is because languages have a very important
02:27part in the Bible and in the future. So we read here in the book of Daniel
02:31chapter number two and verse number four what you just read in English was
02:36written in the book of Daniel in Aramaic. Okay that's Aramaic. Now go down to
02:42Daniel chapter number one in verse number six. Daniel 1 6. Now among these
02:48the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. And to whom the
02:53prince of the eunuchs gave names for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar
02:57to Hananiah Shadrach to Mishael Meshach and to Azariah Abednego. So they
03:06changed their names. What names do you suppose these came? These aren't Hebrew
03:09names. What are they? They're Aramaic. They're pagan names. All right. Now look at
03:15chapter number one in verse eight. But Daniel purposed in his heart that he
03:20would not defile himself with a portion of the king's meat nor the wine which he
03:25drank. Therefore he requested to the prince of the eunuchs that he might not
03:28defile himself. Now the word Daniel is pure Hebrew. It's a conjunction of two
03:35words. Dan in Hebrew means judge. El is short for Elohim. It's one of the names
03:42of God in the Old Testament. So when you say Daniel you're saying God will judge.
03:48And of course he did. He judged who was that? Saw that on the wall? He's drinking
03:54wine to his gods? You all read about that? Who was that? That's right. Uh-huh. He
04:01judged him, didn't he? He sure did. All right. So this is written, Daniel chapter
04:06number one verses six through seven, six and eight in Hebrew. So now you're
04:12looking in the first few verses of a book of prophecy and I've given you two
04:17different languages already. One of them is Hebrew, the other is Aramaic. Now of
04:22course in your English Bible they're all English and of course that's a
04:27translation. That's what you have. You say is that important? It's very important.
04:32The way it shows up in Daniel chapter number two verse four all the way through
04:36Daniel chapter number seven verse twenty-eight. That's quite a bit of it.
04:39That's five chapters. It's all Aramaic. Then the other parts of the book of
04:45Daniel are written in Hebrew. When you look at the context of the Aramaic part
04:50you'll find out that it is God the eternal universal ruler over mankind. He
04:57raises up kings and he puts them down. Like Nebuchadnezzar for seven years he
05:02went out into the field and as an animal he ate grass with the ox, so forth. This
05:06is the sovereignty of God. This is saying that even though Israel is in Babylonian
05:12captivity, God is still God. All right? Still God. And even though we see
05:19enormous apostasy about us tonight, God is still God. Amen? You remember that. And
05:25so this is what happens. But now when it comes to the part in Hebrew it's an
05:30entirely different thing because if you notice in chapter number one verses six
05:34through seven this part that is in Hebrew has to do with their personal
05:39relationship as Hebrew children with God. See that? That's quite a remarkable thing.
05:45Two entirely different perspectives in this book. One perspective that has to do
05:51with him as the eternal king, the sovereign of the universe, is in Aramaic,
05:55their language, the language of the Babylonians. And the other part that has
06:00to do with their individual relationship with Jehovah, with Almighty God, it's in
06:06Hebrew. So that's quite a thing to understand because it's important. From
06:10Aramaic, Aramaic, the Babylonian Talmud was born. The Talmud is a product of the
06:17oral tradition, the oral law that was given at Sinai. The Babylonian Talmud is
06:24not all Aramaic but a big portion of it is in Aramaic and then the rest is in
06:30Hebrew. From this Babylonian captivity when the Jews came out of this land they
06:37were no longer speaking Hebrew, they were speaking Aramaic. So their language
06:42changed. That's not a good thing. That's not a good thing. I remember a few years
06:48back in one of our trips to the Holy Land we were in Bethlehem. A man got on board
06:52the bus and he says I'm going to quote the 23rd Psalm to you in Aramaic. And so
06:58he did and I thought it was quite remarkable. The 23rd Psalm in Aramaic.
07:03Aramaic is not dead. The language is still alive. But Hebrew of course has
07:08been resurrected. We'll get to that in a little while. So what we have here is that
07:12when the children of Israel came out of Babylonian captivity not only had they
07:17try to change their names, they changed their language. Now that's a big deal
07:21because the Hebrew language according to the book of Zephaniah, if you'd like to
07:26turn there with me tonight, Zephaniah chapter number 3 and verse number 9
07:30here's what it says about the Hebrew language. Zephaniah is the fourth prophet
07:36from the end of the Tanakh, the Old Testament. Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah,
07:40Malachi. These are the last four books of the Old Testament. It's what some call
07:46minor prophets. I don't use that term. I don't believe in a minor prophet. He's a
07:50prophet or a non-prophet. We know that a book like Isaiah for example has 66
07:54chapters and they call him the prince of the prophets. Well that's all fine as far
07:59as it goes. Truth is though Zephaniah was just as much a prophet as Isaiah.
08:04Amen. I don't take anything from Zephaniah. Here's what he says in chapter number 3
08:08and verse number 9. For then will I turn to the people a pure language that they
08:16may all call upon the name of the Lord to serve him with one consent. Now what
08:22do you suppose he's talking about, pure language? What do you think it would be?
08:26Would you think it would be Aramaic? Of course not. Old English? It's a long time
08:32before that ever showed up. What do you think it would be? It'd be Hebrew. Exactly.
08:37It would be Hebrew. Now here's what Ethelbert Bullinger says in his companion
08:41Bible about Hebrew. He says that Hebrew is a fountainhead language. Plain words,
08:47it is the oldest language on earth and there is nowhere you can go to find its
08:53source. And by saying that he says that Adam spoke Hebrew and that Seth spoke
09:00Hebrew and that Shem, Ham, and Japheth spoke Hebrew. And Hebrew therefore was a
09:08language from God. Now it's been said and I've done some research into it, maybe
09:12some of in here tonight has done a little more than me. It has been said, now
09:16here's what you need to understand, there's a difference here. Between
09:19Biblical Hebrew and the Hebrew spoken on the streets in Israel today. Now the
09:25Hebrew spoken on the streets in Israel today is understood, Isaiah could
09:30understand it, he could walk in their midst and understand what they're
09:33saying. But they have added curse words. Alright, they've got some dirty words in
09:40the Hebrew that they speak today. And so but the Biblical Hebrew, the
09:46Biblical Hebrew, curses are pronounced. You have Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim,
09:51remember the children of Israel came out of, been in Egypt for 400 years.
09:56Ebal means curse, Gerizim means blessing. And so the curses and the blessings were
10:03read. But they're not curse words, they're not dirty words. It has been said that
10:08Biblical Hebrew has no dirty words. Now maybe you do, you might want to do a
10:14little research into it yourself, see if you can find something. Remember now this
10:18is important, I'm not talking about street Hebrew, there's plenty of dirty
10:22words in that. I'm talking about Biblical Hebrew. The words that you'll find in a
10:27Hebrew concordance and run the text, do the etymology on it, you'll find that
10:33it's been said that there are no dirty words in Hebrew. For example, when David
10:39stood before Goliath, if you remember, Goliath got very angry, very angry at
10:45David. And what did the Bible say he did? Exactly, he cursed David by his gods. Now
10:53I don't know if that means that he used dirty words, he probably did. Because in
10:57the Gentile language, in the Gentile languages, you're going to find a lot of
11:03dirty stuff. This is why the Lord says I'm going to restore to you a pure
11:09language. So what he's saying is that you are in Babylon, you're going to come out of
11:14Babylon, you're going to be speaking Aramaic, I'm going to
11:17bring you back to where you started, to Hebrew, to a pure language, to a clean
11:22language. Not only that, but Hebrew is a powerful language because it has some
11:27very descriptive terms in it, and they describe God in such a way that
11:31nothing else does. So I'm of the opinion, I can't prove it, nobody can
11:37prove one thing one way or another. You get a lot of stuff like this in school,
11:41here in church. I'll tell you when I give it to you, you know,
11:46whether it is a fact or it's just conjecture or theory. And so
11:52theory, number one, we don't know exactly what language Adam used, but it sure
11:57wasn't Greek, and it sure wasn't Old English, and it sure wasn't Aramaic. I
12:01think it was Hebrew, but you can't prove it one way or another. But I do know this,
12:06I do know that Zephaniah said, God speaks through his prophet, I will restore to
12:11you a pure language. So when they came back to their land, they brought a new
12:15language, and they brought Aramaic. Now this is a big argument.
12:24There are those who say that when Christ was here 2,000 years ago, that his
12:28language, the language of the day, I'm not talking about Greek now, that's the
12:33language of commerce, but I'm talking about the language with his
12:37people, he spoke Aramaic, that's what they say. But now there are those who say he
12:42spoke Hebrew. I am of the opinion he could have spoken anything he wanted to.
12:47He's the Son of God, amen. But I also lean toward speaking Hebrew. One of the
12:56reasons for that is when Pontius Pilate had him nailed to the cross, he had three
13:01languages over his head, remember? He had Latin, that's the language of Rome, he had
13:07Greece, that's the language of commerce. And then what was that third language?
13:11It wasn't Aramaic, Hebrew. Now if he wanted to reach the greatest number of
13:18people, he wanted to reach the common man walking on the street, all right, who only
13:24spoke Aramaic, then what good would the Hebrew have done him, see? But if the man
13:31of the street spoke Hebrew, and he may very well have spoken Aramaic, listen
13:36folks, when you get out of here, get out of the country, I've been around
13:40for a while, I've been to a few places, you'll find these people bilingual,
13:43trilingual, you'll be amazed at how many different languages they can speak. It's
13:49quite remarkable. And some of them are so good at it, they're taught in
13:53school, that you could be talking to some of these Germans over there, or some
13:58of the others, and you wouldn't know they were German, you'd think you were
14:01talking to an American, they're that good. How many has ever heard Benjamin
14:04Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel? Would you know he was a Jew? No, he's good, he's
14:11very good, there's no accent there, yet I've heard him speak Hebrew, so there's no
14:16question about it. So I believe that when Christ was here 2,000 years ago, he spoke
14:22Hebrew, but he could very well have spoken Aramaic, and Latin, and Greek, he
14:33could have, no question. So that's not an issue with me whatsoever, but it's quite
14:39a thing when you think about this, because there's some issues attached to
14:43it. Now turn to the book of Acts chapter 18 verse 25, if you remember the book of
14:50Acts, the first thing you need to put in your mind when you read Acts is
14:53transitional, transition, transition, transition, transition, okay? Transition,
15:00limited knowledge, limited revelation, that progresses throughout the book, they
15:05learn more as time progresses, okay? In the book of Acts chapter 18 verse 25,
15:10this man was instructed in the way of the Lord, and being fervent in the Spirit, he
15:15spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, now here's the qualifier,
15:19knowing only the baptism of John, see that? All right, now was he speaking the
15:26truth? He was speaking the truth for that time as far as it went, yes, yes. Was he a
15:31false prophet? No. Was he trying to distort a perverting thing? Absolutely
15:35not, but more had happened since he got that original, all right? Now look at
15:40Acts chapter 19 verse 3, Acts chapter 19 verse 3, in Acts chapter 19 verse 3, and he
15:47said unto them, what then were you baptized? And they said unto John's
15:52baptism, now watch verse 4, then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of
15:58repentance, saying to the people they should believe on him which should come
16:01after him, that is on Christ Jesus. When they heard this, they were baptized in
16:07the name of the Lord Jesus, and when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy
16:12Ghost came on them, and they spake with tongues and prophesied, and all the men
16:17were about twelve. So what did he just do? He told you what the message of John the
16:23Baptist was, didn't he? This is what he did. Now how many of you ever heard of a
16:27Sabian Mandian? Sabian Mandians, or just Mandians, all right? All the way up until
16:36about, oh I think, 1600, 1700. Most of the world didn't even know they existed, okay?
16:44Then they discovered them in what's called the Valley of Mesopotamia,
16:49or the Tigris and Euphrates River. You remember where Abraham came from? He came
16:55out of Ur the Chaldeans, all right? Remember the Chaldeans? Daniel 1?
17:01That's where Abraham came from. It's called the Cradle of Civilization, all
17:06right? And so it is in this place that we go back into the ancients, folks, into the
17:12very ancient of the ancients. A Sabian Mandian is someone who believes that
17:18their faith goes all the way back to Adam, and that John the Baptist was the
17:24last of the prophets, all right? Now the Bible says in Luke chapter 16, the law
17:31and the prophets were until John, but since that time the kingdom of God is
17:35preached and every man presseth into it. Matthew 11, it says, the kingdom of heaven
17:39suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. That's exactly what's
17:45happening today, don't you think? One man, one four-star general said God's on the
17:50side that has the biggest guns, and I'm sure a lot of them see it that way. Of
17:55course, you and I know better. We're not here to build a kingdom, by the way. I
17:59mean, we kind of get that right, and that kind of helps things. He said, upon this
18:04rock I'll build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against. When the
18:08king comes, he'll build his kingdom. The king will do the job. He'll do a whole
18:12lot better job than I could ever do. But this is the thing. The kingdom of God
18:17suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11, when he says, the
18:25prophets were until John, and since that time the kingdom of God is
18:29preached, and every man presseth into it. Matthew 11, the kingdom of heaven
18:33suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Then he continues on and
18:37says, this John the Baptist is Elijah or Elias, if you'll accept him. Now, you see
18:45this? I've gone through this before, and I'm not gonna spend a lot of time with
18:47it tonight. What I'm gonna tell you is this, though. John the Baptist is a very
18:52important figure, because he ends one period of time, and he starts another. So
18:58you've got a Sabian-Mandian who comes along and says that John the Baptist is
19:03the end of the prophets, you see, and we go all the way back to Adam, so we are
19:10the oldest religion on earth. Now, the Sabian-Mandian believes that he needs to
19:15be baptized once a week, and so they always build their, I don't know if you
19:21want to call it a church or whatever, religious institution, next to flowing
19:25water, next to a river where they can be baptized. They speak Aramaic. Now, in the
19:36last few years, they've brought in another language, but think about it for
19:39a minute. They speak Aramaic. They speak a form of Aramaic that was associated
19:45with the Holy Land of that day. Aramaic comes in a lot of different flavors, all
19:49right? Now, what we have here is a group of people outside the Bible who say that
19:57John the Baptist was the end of the prophets. They say that the Lord Jesus
20:02Christ was one of them 2,000 years ago, that he was baptized by John the Baptist,
20:09and that he became apostate, and so they don't believe in him. They reject him. Now,
20:18first of all, here is extra-biblical authority for the fact that the Lord
20:23Jesus lived 2,000 years ago, right? They're no friend to Christ. It's just
20:28like the Roman historians, Tacitus and Pliny and the rest of them,
20:35and Josephus, but it is an extra-biblical authority for the fact that Christ
20:40lived 2,000 years ago, but it also shows you something else. The Sabian-Mandian is
20:46a Gnostic. He has rejected the authority of the Scripture and says that going all
20:53the way back to Adam, he has original knowledge. He has an original Gnostic.
20:59That's what the word Gnostic is. The root of it is Gnosis, the Greek word
21:03Gnosis, which means to know. That we have this higher calling and higher knowledge
21:09and higher understanding of God, and you can't become a Sabian-Mandian. You have
21:18to be born into it. They will not recruit you. If you try to become one, they will
21:23reject you, so it's only by birth. When Desert Storm took place in the early
21:302000s, you remember what happened over there? They drove Hussein out, and they
21:36occupied Iraq. At that time, they say there's anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 Sabian-Mandians
21:44living in Iraq, and that was the concentration of most of them on earth, but because of that,
21:51it scattered them, and now you're going to find them all over the world, these people
21:57who say that the prophets were until John, and then that's it. John the Baptist was the
22:04end of the prophets, and they have to be baptized every week, and that they spoke Aramaic
22:12all the way up to the time of just a few decades ago, and they have refused and rejected the
22:20Lord Jesus Christ and say that they will not believe on him as a prophet of God.
22:28Now it appears to me like Aramaic, a language of the Bible, the language of the Babylonian
22:35Talmud, the language that the Jews spoke when he came back out of 70 years of captivity.
22:41They were there for 70 years, prophesied in the book of Jeremiah. God said, I'll settle
22:44my Sabbaths with you. I'm going to put you off. Let the land rest, and when they came
22:49back, they came back an entirely different people than they were, and so God has to restore
22:54them. Look at the book of Isaiah chapter 19, verse 18. Isaiah 19, verse 18. Here's
23:05what it says. In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of
23:16what? Canaan. That's Hebrew, and swear to the Lord of hosts, one shall be called the
23:24city of destruction. Zechariah chapter 14, verse 9. And the Lord shall be king over all
23:32the earth. In that day shall there be one Lord and his name what? One. In other words,
23:41the whole world will be speaking one language with one name that refers to the Lord. Romans
23:48chapter 15, verse 6. That you may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the father
23:58of our Lord Jesus Christ. These are prophecies that say that the language of the earth is
24:04going to revert to one language. Psalm 16, verse 4. Their sorrow shall be multiplied
24:12that hasten after another God. Their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take
24:18up their names into my lips. Then in Hosea 2, 17. For I will take away the names of Balaam
24:28out of their mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name. A full restoration
24:36of the earth's language to prepare them for the coming of the Holy One of Israel, and
24:50he will be the Holy One, not of the church, but the Holy One of Israel. Eliezer Ben Yehuda,
24:58this is a Jew back in the 1800s, did something that was quite remarkable. How many of you
25:09know what Yiddish is? Yiddish is the joining together of Hebrew and German. That's Yiddish.
25:17All right. When he came to the Holy Land, Eliezer Ben Yehuda, he came to the Holy Land
25:27and they were speaking Yiddish, and they didn't want to change. There are people who still
25:32speak Yiddish to this day, but he had a, according to him, and I tend to believe him, he had
25:40a commission from God to restore the language of the Old Testament, like God said in Zephaniah,
25:50to restore a pure language to his people. So he labored for years. In 1922, when he
25:57died, the Hebrew language was accepted by Jews in Palestine. Before he died, a census
26:05in Palestine was taken. Almost every Jew in the land put down on his form that Hebrew
26:11was his mother tongue. I listened this morning to a young lady on I-24. How many of you know
26:17what I'm talking about with I-24? It's a news site that comes out of Israel, and she looked
26:24like just any Western European. You could have mistaken her for a French, German, Italian,
26:30you know, English. But man, when she started talking, pure Hebrew, just as pure as it comes,
26:37and I mean, that was her native tongue. No question about it. The point is, there are
26:43people now, folks, in Israel that are speaking a restored language, and that's the language
26:49of Hebrew. That's the language of Zephaniah, chapter number three, where he said, I'll
26:54restore to them a pure language. In 1951, a dictionary of 13 volumes, averaging 600
27:02pages each, had been printed. Now, he has his counterpart in America. You know who he'd
27:09be? Who would be his counterpart? He creates a dictionary for the, who? Daniel Webster.
27:17Daniel Webster, absolutely. What you do, you take the language, that one word may mean
27:24this to someone, and this and that, and then the pronunciation is this, pronunciation is
27:27that. He did the etymology on it, and the cognates, and all of that, pulled it together,
27:31created a dictionary, and said, this is the way the English language is pronounced. It's
27:38like Festus on gun smoke. You remember him? He said, what language do you speak? American.
27:46I swear, I'll tell you the truth. I believe that is the case with a lot of them, American.
27:52I remember when I grew up, they just kept telling me over, and over, and over, and over,
27:55and over, and over, and over again, you are speaking English. And I thought to myself,
27:58I'm not in England. This is English, they said. This is English. This is English. And
28:04it took a while to dawn on me, it's not our native tongue. It's their native tongue, and
28:11we just happened to borrow it from them. And of course, it's a fine language, no question
28:16about that. But a dictionary of 13 volumes, averaging 600 pages each, had been printed.
28:22Now folks, that's a big dictionary. That's huge. God had said through Zephaniah, that
28:28in the last days, he would restore the pure language to Israel, so that they might call
28:33upon the name of the Lord, capital L-O-R-D. So what is that? That's printer's type, capital
28:38L, capital O, capital R, capital D. That's the Tetragrammaton, Yod-Heh-Val-Heh, Jehovah.
28:45So those who call it Yahweh, until you give me a reason to depart from Jehovah, I'm sticking
28:50with Jehovah. To serve him with one consent. Now here's what this man who wrote this, he's
28:57quite remarkable in some of his conclusions. But notice his observation about this. He
29:03says, when Christ returns to establish his millennial kingdom, Israel will serve him
29:07in perfect harmony, using one language, Hebrew. The dates surrounding the revival of Hebrew
29:14are significant. Ben Yehuda, who created this dictionary, arrived in Israel in 1881, the
29:21same year that the Zionist movement began. You remember Theodore Herzl in Basel, Switzerland?
29:27That's the Zionist movement. Someone asked one time, what's the difference between a
29:32Zionist and a Jew? Well, they're both Jews. But a Zionist believes that there's a commission
29:36from God to go back into the land and reestablish the government and Israel as their homeland
29:44so they are Zionist. Zion is another term for the land of Israel. So, the dates of Hebrew
29:52are significant. He said, Ben Yehuda arrived in Israel in 1881, the same year the Zionist
29:57movement. When Jews began to return to the land, the Zionist movement brought together
30:02the leaders of the Jews and culminated in the first Zionist Congress, 1897, which assembled
30:09Jewish leaders at Basel, Switzerland to discuss a national homeland for the Jews. Prophetically,
30:17this fulfilled Ezekiel's prophecy of the dry bones, the first stage of which was a great
30:22shaking and the bones coming together, bone to his bone, Ezekiel 37.7. Now, this is his
30:28take on it. The persecution of Jews internationally at that time drove the leaders of the Jews
30:33together as Ben Yehuda began to prepare his Hebrew dictionaries. God's timing was perfect.
30:40By 1951, the Hebrew dictionary was almost complete in 13 volumes. Then in 1948, World
30:47War II, in the gas chambers of Europe, the nation of Israel was established. The bones
30:53were covered with sinews and skin, but there was no breath in them. The world now awaits
30:59the final stage of Ezekiel's prophecy that the breath of God will enter the carcasses
31:03and Israel will receive life from God, eternal life. Now, I don't agree with what his next
31:09statement is, and that's this. He says, the conversion of Israel will occur in the first
31:13half of the tribulation when Russia and Islam join to invade the land as described in Ezekiel
31:1938 and 39. I believe the conversion of Israel takes place at the second advent when they
31:24see me, they see him whom they have pierced, and they mourn for him as one that mourneth
31:29for his only son. In other words, they'll have a visible manifestation. You remember
31:34what Paul said on the road to Damascus? Paul had a visible confrontation with the Lord
31:40Jesus Christ. He said, I became a pattern for them that should hereafter believe on
31:45him. He said, I was one born out of due time, born out of due season. In other words, the
31:51way I was saved is the way Israel will be saved. How? A personal confrontation with
31:59the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, he appears to them during the tribulation and he ferrets
32:04out one group from another group, but as far as the national conversion of the Jews as
32:09a people that is prophesied in Romans chapter number 11, then salvation shall roar out of
32:15Zion and salvation will take place according to Romans chapter number 11. That's when he
32:20personally appears to them, but he will appear to the Jew in the tribulation period, and
32:26that is the fulfillment of the scripture in Matthew where it says, you have five wise,
32:32five foolish virgins. You know that one? And five were ready and five were not. And then
32:38one says the bride broom cometh. All right. And that bride broom coming is the coming
32:44of the Lord Jesus Christ at the end of the tribulation. And they're not ready during
32:49the tribulation period. Now, I know I'm jumping around with a lot of stuff with you tonight,
32:54but I'm trying to show you how that when it comes to eschatology, which means the doctrine
32:58of last things, that these things aren't so simple to understand. But let me tell you
33:04what is, I firmly believe that the salvation of Israel is future, that the Jews will be
33:12saved, and that when they are saved, they are saved because of a personal confrontation
33:18with the Lord Jesus Christ when he personally appears to them and they begin to ask questions
33:24according to the book of Zechariah. And we read about that there. So this brother here
33:28does a good job on this, but I don't necessarily agree with that part. But listen to this.
33:35To speak Hebrew in the millennial kingdom when Christ is reigning will be an honor for
33:40we read that in that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of
33:45Canaan and swear to the Lord of hosts. The restoration of the ancient Hebrew language
33:52is a vital sign of the last days. Now turn to the book of Acts chapter 2. Acts 2. Acts
34:04chapter number 2. Remember now, Acts is a transitional book. First three chapters of
34:11the book of Acts are profoundly transitional because they're conditional. Some things
34:19could have happened. But look at here. Acts chapter 2. Verse 1, the day of Pentecost,
34:2650 days after Passover. They were all of one accord, one place. Suddenly came a sound from
34:33heavens of rushing mighty wind, filled all the house where they were sitting, appeared
34:38in some cloven tongues like as a fire, and it set upon each of them. And they were filled,
34:44all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave
34:49them utterance. Notice how now. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men
34:57out of every nation under heaven. All these different languages. And folks, please, this
35:04is not a prayer language as some call it. These are languages. Perfectly discernible
35:12from whatever area they came from. When this was noised abroad, the multitude came together,
35:17were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were
35:23all amazed and said, are not all these Galileans? This is a earnest, the earnest, like the Holy
35:30Spirit, which has been given to you, an earnest of your inheritance. How many of you got the
35:36Holy Ghost tonight? Is he dwelling in you? That's God's down payment. That's him saying
35:42to you, I'm giving you the Holy Spirit. So you'll know my word is true. And I intend,
35:47this is the beginning of what I intend to do. All right, here's what happened in Acts
35:512. All these different, 16 of them, you count them, different languages come together and
35:57they preach one message, one message, one message, the wonderful works of God. All
36:03right? God uses this to say, I'm going to show you how the time is going to come when
36:08all of the languages on the face of this earth are speaking one message. And that message,
36:14I believe, will be Hebrew. The language will be Hebrew. And the message will be that salvation
36:20is in Zion because that's where the Lord Jesus will sit on the throne of David there for
36:26a thousand years. Out of Zion shall come salvation. And that's coming. That's coming.
36:33You know, the good old English language, uh, in 1600, uh, long about then, uh, developed
36:43into what we know as modern English. Letter 15, it's had three phases, old English, middle
36:48English, modern English. And we're speaking modern English today. All right? I hate to
36:54tell you this, but, uh, I don't believe God's too impressed with English. Tell you the truth
36:58about it. I don't really believe that, uh, that it's really that important. I believe
37:04he's going to bring us back and we're going to be speaking a language that's, uh, that's,
37:08that's quite remarkable. I can imagine. Think about what I'm saying to you tonight. You
37:17know, a consonant, you know, a vowel. Okay. You cannot create a word without vowels. All
37:23you got is a bunch of consonants. You can't pronounce it. You need vowels. A E I O U and
37:28sometimes Y and W. If you're over there around Wales, places like that, you're going to see
37:33all kinds of Y's and W used as vowels. They're everywhere, all over the place. All right.
37:39So these are things you're taught in grade school, but they didn't have any of that in
37:46the old Testament. Not one vowel in all 39 books. How did they know how to pronounce
37:52these words? Because they could be pronounced in many different ways. For the word, for
37:58example, let me give you an example. Kavosh. Kavosh. Do you know what that is in Hebrew?
38:04What that means? Kavosh means holy, holy, holy. But did you know that you change the
38:11pronunciation just the least bit and you're saying Sodomite, Sodomite, Sodomite, unholy,
38:21unholy. How did they know how to pronounce that? You don't suppose the Holy Spirit was
38:27right there with them in such a language that they had, that they knew how to pronounce
38:32it whether anyone else did or not, that God gave these Jews a language where they could
38:37communicate with each other. And that's it. And if someone outside picked it up, well,
38:41good for them, but it was given to the Jew. It was their language, the language, the Hebrew
38:47language. Like I've told you before, when we say, uh, Jehovah, and they say Yahweh,
38:54I've told you the truth. And I hope you believe me when I say, I told you the truth. Neither
38:59one of us, neither Jehovah crowd or the Yahweh crowd can prove that that's the way his name
39:05was pronounced, the Tetragrammaton. Now see how many of them will say that. Can't prove
39:13it. And when I say it, I say it because of the Masorites. The Masorites say it because
39:18it's based on the Masorah and the Masorah is the fence to the scriptures. And the Masorah
39:23was handed down from generation to generation to generation so that they could keep the
39:28integrity of their text, of the, of the old Testament text that was important to them.
39:34Very important. It was important enough for a man like Eliezer Yehuda to create a dictionary
39:42of all these words so that it could, so he could restore ancient Hebrew and the pronunciation
39:47of it. Amen. Regardless of what language you say it in, the Lord Jesus Christ is the King
39:54of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Amen. Father, bless you. Word, Lord, and the time we spent
40:00together tonight, uh, studying it. Bless the dear folk who've come out in the house in
40:06thy name. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. All right, I'm done. Have any prayer requests
