36 Christmas Is Coming (Remastered)

  • 2 months ago


00:00Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba.
00:19The snow was getting thicker on the ground and it was high time for the Moomins to start hibernating.
00:47What are you doing Moomin?
00:49Alicia, what do you do with these pine needles?
00:52That's what we always eat before we hibernate. Nobody knows why.
00:56So you're going to start hibernating?
00:58Yes, tonight.
00:59Oh, that soon?
01:02I'm so glad I've come to see you today instead of leaving until tomorrow then.
01:07I must say you came on just the right day, Alicia.
01:11We usually have a small party the night we start hibernating and you've arrived just in time.
01:16Oh, you mean I can stay for that, Moominmama?
01:19By the way, Alicia, as a matter of interest, does the witch, sorry, your grandmother, I mean, know that you're here?
01:25No, I'm afraid I didn't tell her. Better for grown-ups not to know too much.
01:29I daresay you're right.
01:31I'm afraid she's not very happy for me to come here to Moominvalley.
01:34Why ever not, my dear?
01:36Yes, she's afraid that if I start coming here to play, I shall lose interest in studying hard at my witchcraft.
01:41Oh, but you've got a very long time to go before you're a witch.
01:45It takes anything between five to seven years nowadays.
01:49Are you really sure that's what you want to be, Alicia?
01:52Study something else.
01:53But I want to be a witch.
01:55Perhaps you don't know, but witches aren't terribly popular.
01:58Yes, I do, but I won't be like that. I'll be popular.
02:04Hey, Snufkin!
02:09You're off to the Moomins?
02:13I thought you'd gone south already. Last winter you'd gone before the snow started.
02:18Not this year. I promised Moomin.
02:21I promised not to leave Moominvalley until he went into hibernation.
02:29Everybody seems to be here.
02:31And somebody new.
02:32Who's that?
02:33Have a guess.
02:36Very well, then. It's Alicia. That's my guess.
02:39How did you know?
02:40What? I'm right?
02:42Yes, you are, but I think you peeked and saw her earlier on.
02:45I didn't. I just named somebody I thought couldn't be here. Clever, huh?
02:49Well, she just happened to stop by.
02:51She's with Papa, who's showing her around the house.
02:54Is the witch here, too?
02:56No, she didn't tell the witch she was coming here.
02:58Just as well. Thank goodness.
03:04Ah, it's you, Snufkin. I finally came over. I told you I would.
03:09Hi. Remember our friend here? He's called Sniff.
03:13Hi. How do you do, Sniff?
03:15Hello. You aren't going to use your magic to cast any spells and stuff, are you?
03:28Actually, they didn't eat just pine needles for dinner that evening.
03:31They had lots of other nice things, too, all cooked by Moominmama.
03:36Snufkin, I'd like to say how sorry I am.
03:39I persuaded you to stay on here instead of going south as you'd planned.
03:43I'm leaving tomorrow.
03:45But the snow is quite deep.
03:47Don't worry. I'm used to deep snow.
03:50I'm just worried Elisha will find it hard to get home in this.
03:53Well, she could spend the night here, but of course tomorrow we'll be asleep for the winter, so...
04:03Hmm. Someone's at the door.
04:05I'll see who it is.
04:09Oh, hello. How are you?
04:13Hello indeed, my young man.
04:15My granddaughter is here, isn't she?
04:18Who is it then, Moomin?
04:20Oh, my dear.
04:22You must be Moominpappa.
04:28Now you listen to me, Moominpappa.
04:30I don't want my granddaughter playing with your children under any circumstances.
04:34Do I make myself quite clear?
04:36But Elisha likes playing with us.
04:39We're leaving.
04:40Can't I stay a little longer?
04:42Hello. You're most welcome to stay and have dinner with us.
04:45Don't you know I'm a witch?
04:47I can't eat that sort of baby food.
04:49Elisha quite likes the food.
04:51The pine needles look okay. The rest is yucky.
04:54Come, Elisha.
04:55Please let me stay, Grandma.
04:57Certainly not, young lady.
04:59I've told you before, witches never mix with people like this.
05:02And that goes for novice witches as well.
05:05But they're nice. They really are, Grandma.
05:07And I've told you, that's the trouble.
05:09They are disgustingly, sickeningly good.
05:13You will hear a lot more about this when we get home.
05:16Come on, now.
05:18It's really cold out here, and there's a lot more snow on the way.
05:23All right, I'm coming, Grandma.
05:27All right, I'm coming, Grandma. Coming.
05:29Oh, thank you.
05:33We understand each other now, don't we?
05:35Oh, I'm sure you understand me.
05:37Never mind about that.
05:39You and your whole family are never to speak to my granddaughter again.
05:43Is that understood?
05:44But, Grandma...
05:46Mind what I say, or the revenge of Tut will come upon you.
05:49Or even the revenge of Osiris.
05:51If you think cheap threats like that impress Moominpappa,
05:54you're making a grave mistake.
05:56Moominpappa is a highly educated gentleman.
05:59But I am a witch with three diplomas.
06:01Maybe so.
06:03But tell me, how can three diplomas help you to get home with all this snow?
06:07Ha! Child's play to an accredited witch.
06:10Come, Alicia.
06:14Ever seen one of these before, you little pepsquake?
06:18Is that really a witch's broom?
06:20Well, never.
06:21Let's go and see.
06:25I'm ready.
06:27Hold on tight, Alicia.
06:30Can you both ride on that broom?
06:32It looks pretty scrappy to me.
06:34Could fall to pieces any minute.
06:36Do drive slowly in this weather.
06:38Oh, please don't fall off, Alicia.
06:41What terrible chatterboxes you all are.
06:43Please keep quiet, all of you.
06:46Are you ready, girl?
06:49Bet they'll never be able to take off.
07:15What is it, Grandma?
07:23Guess what I thought.
07:24They're too heavy.
07:26Listen, I can take Alicia's place.
07:28I'm not too heavy.
07:30Don't worry.
07:31I'm happy to walk home, Grandma.
07:33Don't be so ridiculous, child.
07:35You can't walk home in all this snow.
07:37You'd never make it.
07:38Only I had some skis.
07:39Come on.
07:40Climb aboard.
07:41I'll try another spell.
07:43Grandma, are you worried because all those people are watching you?
07:46Shut up and help me say the magic spell.
08:03They've done it.
08:20Away we go.
08:34Bye, everybody.
08:38Oh, stop it, Grandma.
08:41She may have three diplomas, but I don't think she's a very good mama.
08:45I wish they'd sink to the ground so I could fly that broom.
08:48Guess they're all right now, Mom and Papa.
08:51Let's go back to our dinner.
09:01Oh, I forgot to thank them for asking me to stay to dinner.
09:05Thank them indeed.
09:06I don't think you're cut out to be a witch.
09:09Oh, but Grandma, I do want to be one.
09:11Well, I'm quite happy to help, but the path will certainly be a difficult one.
09:51With Alicia and the witch gone home to the Valley of the Witches,
09:55Snufkin departed for his trip south and the Moomins went into hibernation.
10:13They certainly would have slept till the beginning of the spring as usual.
10:17But this year...
10:21...quite unexpectedly, something happened.
11:20Spring here already?
11:24There's someone at the window.
11:36It's frozen shut.
11:48Hey! Why did you wake me up?
11:50Well, you should have.
11:52Well, you shouldn't be asleep.
11:54Didn't you know Christmas is coming?
11:56It's tomorrow, so there's not a minute to be lost.
11:59Christmas is coming tomorrow?
12:01But who on earth is that?
12:03What? Who is Christmas? This isn't a joke, Moomin.
12:07I'm not in the least ready.
12:09I've lost my mittens and Christmas is coming and I haven't got a fir tree yet.
12:13A fir tree. I really must get a fir tree.
12:19How very odd.
12:21Why a fir tree?
12:27What's up, Moomin?
12:31Well, Christmas is almost coming and we don't have a fir tree yet.
12:37Did you say Christmas is coming?
12:39Yes, and before that, one must have a fir tree.
12:42What's this about a fir tree?
12:44We need one to protect ourselves against this Christmas person, Moominmama.
12:48I'm not really quite clear on that point.
12:50But there's something awful that has to be kept away, right?
12:56I'd better go get a fir tree.
13:12Ha! About time you Moomins got up.
13:15How are you, Gaffy?
13:17Pretty good fir tree, that.
13:21Well, thank you, Gaffy, but could you tell me something?
13:24What is one supposed to do with it?
13:29Oh, really, Moominpapa?
13:31The way you can joke with such a straight face.
13:36Love to stay, but I haven't even finished cooking yet.
13:43I wasn't joking.
13:44No one believed me either.
13:51Would you like a little more, young man?
13:53No, thank you very much. I'm really nice and warm again now.
13:57I saw Moominpapa and Moomin bring home a big tree.
14:00But what is one supposed to do with it?
14:03Don't you know?
14:05Why, you decorate it as beautifully as you can.
14:14Christmas is coming, so I'd better be off.
14:16Everyone's talking of Christmas.
14:18Bye now. I've got a long way to go.
14:23Take care, dear.
14:42Who was that?
14:44I don't know. He was in a hurry to get somewhere before Christmas.
14:47So I gave him some tea.
14:49That was nice.
14:50And he told us what to do with the fir tree.
14:53What did he say?
14:54To decorate it beautifully.
14:56Decorate it? But why should we do that, Mama?
14:59I guess we must decorate the tree to make sure we keep Christmas happy.
15:03I guess you're right.
15:04We'd better start doing it right away.
15:06Yes, I'm sure there's not a moment to lose.
15:11Yes, dear?
15:12They also say we have to cook lots of food for Christmas.
15:16Well, at least he won't be eating us then.
15:28Thank you, Snork Maiden.
15:31This ship means rather a lot to me.
15:34It will look fantastic on the tree, Papa.
15:36Yes, dear. I suppose you're right.
15:47Why don't we put this at the top?
15:52This is Mama's.
15:54Don't worry.
15:58That looks beautiful.
16:00Listen, everybody.
16:04I just heard that you need to get lots of presents for Christmas, too.
16:08Really, Mama?
16:10I wonder what this Christmas will be like.
16:12What if it's an awful, greedy, beastly monster like the Groke?
16:16Don't worry, Snork Maiden.
16:17We'll give him lots of presents and stuff him full of food.
16:25Have you thought of any presents for Christmas yet?
16:28I don't know what to give him.
16:30Look, a seashell.
16:32Oh, that's a beauty.
16:38Oh, look, Mama, what I got for Christmas.
16:41I'm going to give him a pretty lure for fishing.
16:44I'm giving him this book.
16:46A great present.
16:47I'm sure he'll be very happy with the Moomin family and not harm us at all.
17:01I think Christmas will come any moment now.
17:04So do I.
17:05Oh, dear.
17:07I do hope he likes my pumpkin pie.
17:09He will.
17:10Imagine everyone in Moominvalley being frightened.
17:24Are you sleepy?
17:26Yes, I am.
17:27I can't stay this scared for much longer.
17:29You better come before all the food freezes.
17:36He's coming.
17:41I never thought Christmas could be that small.
17:45Merry Christmas.
17:47Merry Christmas?
17:48Is that what he is?
17:50Well, it's just what you say.
17:52All of my life I have dreamed of seeing all this up close, honestly.
17:56I never really thought a Christmas tree could be this beautiful.
18:00Brought my friends, too.
18:02You are all very welcome.
18:04Oh, thank you.
18:06Hear that, everybody?
18:07We're all very welcome.
18:09Come on, let's get them.
18:11There's some wonderful things here.
18:16Oh, what a lot of food you've made.
18:18Yes, all the food there is for Christmas.
18:21And are those real presents?
18:23They are.
18:25All of my life I've sort of wondered about those things called presents.
18:29Papa, I don't think these creatures are Christmas.
18:32Neither do I.
18:43You look sleepy, Mama.
18:45I am.
18:46Must be well past midnight.
18:49What is Christmas doing, Mama?
18:51Aren't you sleepy, too, little ones?
18:54Sleepy with a wonderful Christmas tree like this to look at?
19:00Hey, Papa.
19:02What is it?
19:03Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
19:09Nobody can get really angry this late at night, surely.
19:12We'll close the doors and perhaps we'll be safe inside.
19:16I'm sure you're right.
19:18Listen, my friends, we'd like to give you the tree and the food and the presents.
19:22What? All of this?
19:24For us?
19:26Yes, we want to sleep.
19:28Far more sleepy than scared.
19:34Snork made it?
19:35Oh, is he here yet?
19:37No, but we decided to go back to hibernating.
19:58I thought Christmas trees should have a star on top.
20:01I don't think it makes any difference, you know.
20:04A nice rose is just as good as a star.
20:07Look at that!
20:31And apparently it didn't make any difference at all
20:34because the Moomin family slept as peacefully as ever all through the night
20:39without Christmas coming anywhere near them.
20:43So probably he went someplace else.