39 Things That Go Bang in the Night (Remastered)

  • 3 months ago


00:30Big explosions could be heard in Moominvalley almost every night, and Moomin couldn't sleep a wink.
00:39Usually there was just one, but sometimes even two.
00:47You heard it too, Moominpappa?
00:49Yes, those loud bangs are keeping me awake.
00:52I wonder if there'll be another one.
00:57They seem to be coming from the north.
00:59East, I thought.
01:01Or they could be coming from Lonely Mountains.
01:03If you ask me, I believe they're the work of the witch.
01:06The witch? But witches don't make a lot of noise.
01:09You never know. They're sneaky characters.
01:13Tomorrow I'll have a few words with the inspector. It's up to him to put a stop to it.
01:18Papa, why would the witch want to make explosions?
01:21Why not? The first bang wakes me up, and then I lie awake waiting for the second one, which might not come at all.
01:28The bangs might not come from Moominvalley at all, and they might be just an echo off the mountains.
01:33You think so?
01:34Yes, I do. Well, at least that's what Snufkin thinks.
01:37I mean, the explosions might come from the sea.
01:39That's what Snufkin figured. He thought it might be pirates or something making the noises.
01:44We've already had pirates, and they went a long time ago. I'm plumping for the witch. There's no doubt in my mind.
01:50Goodness, what are you doing out here?
01:52We're waiting for another explosion, Mama.
01:54You'll wait in vain, dear.
01:56How do you know that, Moominmama?
01:58Well, we had two explosions last night, and we've never had double explosions for two nights in a row.
02:05Until now, that is.
02:07You heard that? It clearly came from over there.
02:10Over there?
02:11Oh, no, it certainly came from over there.
02:14You couldn't mistake it. I'm sure of it.
02:27Good morning, Moomin. Lovely day.
02:29Morning, Snufkin.
02:30You look very sleepy.
02:32So would you be if those explosions had kept you awake for most of the night.
02:36Those explosions are really very odd, aren't they?
02:39They certainly are. Would you come with me and have a word with the witch?
02:43Moominpappa's convinced that she's the one who's making the bangs.
02:47I think he's wrong there.
02:48That's what I thought, but there's nothing I could say to convince him.
02:53So now I'm going to find out for myself.
02:56You can certainly ask her, but do you really trust a witch to tell you the truth?
03:02Do you, Moomin?
03:03But witches don't have to lie, surely?
03:14Is that you, Little My?
03:18And where are you two going?
03:20Little My, are you tailing me full time or what?
03:24Yes, whenever you're sneaking off somewhere.
03:26I'm not sneaking, I'm just walking.
03:29Well, I've never seen anyone walking in such a sneaky way.
03:37Last time the witch tried to keep you from waking up, didn't she?
03:42So you think now she's trying to keep you from sleeping, eh?
03:45Well, if she makes the explosions, it's always possible that someone else is the target.
03:50We know very little about witches, and those bangs are probably nothing to do with the Moomins.
03:56I think you guessed right, but try telling that to the Moomins.
03:59We don't think it's like that at all.
04:08Wonder if she's at home.
04:09If she is, then we can visit Alicia instead.
04:12Better ask Alicia than the witch.
04:14Anyway, she's more likely to tell us the truth.
04:16Yes, you're right.
04:26Look, you don't seem to realize this is a witch's house.
04:29What do you mean by that?
04:31I'll tell you what I mean.
04:33What I mean is, I don't want to be seen talking with goody-goodies like the Moomins.
04:37You think they'll ruin your reputation, is that why you're so worried?
04:43Uh, there's just something very important we wanted to ask you.
04:47And then we'll leave straight away.
04:56That room upstairs, is that Alicia's?
04:59It is.
05:00Is Alicia there now?
05:02No, she isn't.
05:03Where did she go?
05:04She went to get some wolf's fang.
05:06When will she be coming back?
05:07You're not going to stop her studying.
05:10No, we wanted to ask her something about that loud noise we hear every night.
05:14Ah, that one.
05:16Hey, are you the one making the bangs?
05:19I don't make explosions.
05:21Who is it then?
05:22I really don't know.
05:24But why did you say that one then?
05:26Because the explosions bother me too.
05:29You think they're coming from near here?
05:31I think they're coming from far away, from the sea maybe.
05:34That's what Snufkin thinks too.
05:36Any sound from the sea echoes off Lonely Mountain,
05:39so you think that's where it comes from.
05:41Wise young man, a few days ago,
05:44I went all the way over to the beach to see what was happening.
05:47After a whole day's witching and casting magic spells,
05:50one needs one's sleep, you know.
05:52So, what did you find then?
05:54Nothing at all.
05:55There was only one explosion that night,
05:57so when I got there on my broom, there was nothing more to see.
06:00Then we still have no idea who makes the bangs.
06:03No, and I'm really upset you thought it was me.
06:06When a witch creates an explosion,
06:08it doesn't sound anything like a camel cough, I can tell you.
06:13Camel cough, I like that!
06:30Thank you very much, Snort Maiden.
06:34This year, I want to grow some black tulips.
06:37Is there really such a thing as a black tulip?
06:39They're such a dark red, they look black.
06:42Oh, I see.
06:43Although it wouldn't really surprise me, Snort Maiden,
06:46if there really were black ones somewhere.
06:48We must ask the Hamulon, he'll know.
06:50Oh, yes.
06:52I know it's embarrassing, but I'm so excited,
06:54I can't go to sleep at night.
06:56Oh, I have no problem going to sleep at night,
06:59but that noise wakes me up, Hamulon.
07:01What noise is that?
07:02I told you, that noise.
07:05Oh, I see, you're talking about the explosion.
07:08Do you know anything about it, Mr. Hamulon?
07:10No, nothing at all.
07:12No, those bangs are not what keeps me awake, Moominpappa.
07:17No, I'm waiting for a reply from the Botanist Federation.
07:21Yes, don't you remember a few months ago?
07:24How strange, I thought I told you about it.
07:27Well, I certainly told everyone else I know.
07:30I sent them a brand new species.
07:32New species?
07:33I've never seen anything like it in my whole life.
07:36A new wild orchid.
07:38I'm so excited, I can hardly speak.
07:41A new wild orchid?
07:43How very interesting.
07:44Yes, isn't it?
07:45Oh, it would be such a great honor for me
07:47and for everyone else if they called it
07:49Orchidocahemulensis or Hemuliformis.
07:52Oh, I'm sure they will.
07:54So now you understand why I've had so many sleepless nights.
07:57Yes, indeed.
07:59Trouble is, they should have answered by now.
08:01Maybe they're still trying to decide what to call it.
08:04Maybe they can't decide between Orchidocahemulensis
08:08and Orchidocahemuliformis.
08:13What is it?
08:14Now I see, at last I understand.
08:17I am getting no reply from the Botanist Federation
08:20because it is not a new species.
08:24Of course, somebody's already found it.
08:29This is really funny.
08:31No, no.
08:32How stupid I am.
08:34This is the end of me as a scientist, of course.
08:39Calm down, don't upset yourself, Mr. Hemulensis.
08:41Everybody will laugh at me and call me Mr. Hemulensis.
08:46Now listen, Mr. Hemulensis, the reply is a long time coming
08:50because they must examine your plant most carefully
08:52before making a decision.
08:54They must read all the books first, to be sure.
08:59You really think so, Moominpappa?
09:02Could it really take so long, do you think?
09:04Of course, these things take time.
09:06When did you send it off?
09:08About a month ago.
09:10There you are, that's no time at all.
09:12You have to learn to be patient, Hemulensis.
09:14You think so?
09:15Oh, I feel better already.
09:17Oh, I'm so glad you feel happier, Mr. Hemulensis.
09:20Don't you worry, my friend.
09:22Mama, great news, dear.
09:24Mr. Hemulensis discovered a completely new plant
09:26and it's going to be called Hemulensis.
09:29Oh, that's wonderful.
09:31Congratulations, Mr. Hemulensis.
09:33Oh, well, it isn't official yet, you know.
09:36Oh, they're just thinking about the name still.
09:38Give them time.
09:40We should have a party for Mr. Hemulensis, shouldn't we, Papa?
09:43What? Oh, yes, indeed.
09:46When, Papa, tonight?
09:48Hmm, let me think.
09:50We should wait just a little bit longer, perhaps.
09:53Oh, why do you say that?
09:55Mr. Hemulen, you know that rare plant you found?
09:58Does it have any flowers?
10:00But, of course.
10:02Are they pretty?
10:03Very pretty, yes.
10:05Just like you, Snork Maiden.
10:07Oh, Mr. Hemulen.
10:15Hey, Blok Snufkin,
10:17why don't we go and find out about those explosions tonight, huh?
10:20All right.
10:22You'll need me to find a way.
10:24You want to come along?
10:26You bet.
10:27They come late at night.
10:29I won't go to sleep, then.
10:31What do you think, Snufkin?
10:33I'm not sure.
10:34Isn't there anything you can do to change your mind, Moomin?
10:36I don't know.
10:37Listen, little boy, you have to be careful.
10:39This could be dangerous.
10:41Obviously, or I wouldn't come, would I, and spoil my sleep?
10:44Well, stick close to us, then.
10:46Yes, do that.
10:47I also went down to the beach late last night
10:49to try and find out what was happening.
10:51When I was there, I saw the witch flying around on her broomstick.
10:54Oh, really?
10:55Why didn't you tell me so I could have come along?
10:57I could hide better than you.
10:59You're so white.
11:00See, Moomin?
11:01I'm not big and white like you.
11:05Oh, there's someone coming.
11:11It's Alicia.
11:12Hey, Alicia.
11:14Hi, Alicia.
11:16Oh, Moomin.
11:18Hello, Alicia.
11:19How are you?
11:20Have you three come here to play with me?
11:22No, I'm afraid we haven't, but it's good to see you.
11:28Has your grandmother been kind to you since your last visit to us?
11:31Very kind.
11:32She's been treating me very well, ever since I stopped coming to see you.
11:36Oh, good, but we do miss you, Alicia.
11:38Oh, I miss you, too, but I must keep my promise to her.
11:41She'd be upset if I broke it.
11:43What are these weeds?
11:45They're herbs.
11:46Herbs are very important for a witch.
11:48And frogs' bellies and lizards' tails, they're important, too, of course.
11:52I think that's licorice.
11:53That's right.
11:54Very clever, Snufkin.
11:56We use that for heartburn and coughs.
11:58Hey, smells quite nice.
12:00And it also stops cows from giving their milk.
12:02I see.
12:03That's interesting.
12:18Oh, it's a ride.
12:27Hello, Mr. Mailman.
12:29Splendid day, isn't it?
12:31Hello, Mr. Hemulen.
12:33Oh, you work so hard.
12:36Yeah, I guess I do with that.
12:40Wait, stop.
12:42What is it, Mr. Hemulen?
12:44My letter.
12:45I just want my letter.
12:47There isn't one.
12:48But why not?
12:50You didn't have any yesterday or the day before.
12:52Yeah, I know that.
12:54Nobody's written to you, that's why.
12:56Well, somebody should have written.
12:58Are you quite, quite sure that you've gone through your bag properly?
13:01Don't you know I'm expecting an important letter from an important scientist?
13:05It must be in your bag.
13:07Ah, all right, then.
13:08Go ahead.
13:10Well, you don't seem to trust me to do my job properly, Mr. Hemulen.
13:13Go ahead.
13:14Have a look for yourself, then.
13:16Oh, but of course I trust you.
13:19No, no, you better have a look.
13:21What do you think I'd do, steam them open and read them at night?
13:25Oh, you seem to have a lot of letters today.
13:30Oh, I really think I should ask for a higher salary.
13:34I deserve it.
13:38I'm just starving.
13:40I might have to go over and visit the Moomins in a minute.
13:51I'm sleepy, too.
13:52I could go on sleeping.
13:56What do you think you're doing?
13:58Oh, I'm sorry.
14:00I didn't see you there.
14:03There's nothing else out here and you didn't see me?
14:05I'm sorry.
14:07Oh, dear.
14:08What is the matter with you?
14:10Is this place called Moomin Valley?
14:12Yes, that's right.
14:14At last I found it.
14:16I never thought I'd really make it.
14:18Excuse me.
14:19Are you all right?
14:21Talk to me, miss.
14:23Tell me what's bothering you.
14:26She's ill.
14:27She's got a fever.
14:29Please leave me alone.
14:31But you can't lie here.
14:33You should be in bed, young lady.
14:35Do you know a man called Hamulon?
14:38Have you walked all the way to Moomin Valley to visit him?
14:41So I have come to the right place.
14:43He does live here.
14:45Oh, yes.
14:46He lives very close to here.
14:48I'm so glad.
14:49I must see him immediately.
14:51Oh, what shall I do?
14:53I must do something.
14:54Come here, someone.
14:56Someone help me.
14:58Oh, my goodness.
15:03Anyone, help!
15:05Help me, somebody!
15:16He's up in the guest room, if you want him.
15:18Mama's there as well.
15:20What for?
15:21I just rescued a girl, you know.
15:23A girl?
15:24Did you sniff?
15:25That's right.
15:26Very pretty, too.
15:27She's ill, and I put her to bed myself.
15:30I'm going to see her.
15:31Me, too.
15:33I want another look as well.
15:38First, we must bring her fever down.
15:40I think you're right.
15:47Sniff just told us about her.
15:49Oh, dear.
15:50Is she unconscious?
15:52Where'd she come from?
15:53We don't know, little Maya,
15:55but Sniff said she'd come here to visit the Hemulans.
15:58That's right, and Snork Maiden's gone to get him.
16:00She's pretty, isn't she?
16:02You're right.
16:03I'm sure she'll be fine.
16:05She's pretty, isn't she?
16:07You're right.
16:09By the way, Moomin, what did the witch say?
16:12Oh, dear.
16:13Must I really run like this?
16:16You have a sick visitor, a young girl.
16:18Well, if she's sick, why don't you give her some medicine?
16:21I don't know any young girls apart from you.
16:23Don't talk.
16:24Just keep running.
16:31I told you, I do not know this person.
16:34Maybe she's changed.
16:35I've already told you.
16:37I have never known any young girls.
16:40Then why do you think she'd want to come to visit you, Hemulan?
16:43She's a botanist.
16:45And obviously she's heard of me
16:47and wants to come and see the famous Hemulan for herself.
16:50Oh, dear.
16:51She can tell us when she wakes up.
16:53We must leave her now so that Grandma's medicine can work.
16:57I think I'll be getting home.
16:59Oh, we couldn't let you go just like that.
17:01Please, stay and have some tea with us.
17:03Thank you, but no.
17:04I have some plans to press.
17:06And you're sure, you're quite sure you don't know this girl?
17:09Absolutely certain.
17:11I really must go.
17:17Oh, I'd forgotten all about the bangs.
17:19Well, we haven't.
17:20Snufkin and I are going to look for you.
17:23I'd like to come too, but I can't.
17:25I'm going with them.
17:27Are you Snorkmaiden?
17:29You'll be hiding on the beach in the middle of the night?
17:31Yes, and then we'll rush off to where the bangs are coming from
17:34as soon as we hear them.
17:36That's the plan.
17:37Oh, I'd really love to come.
17:39I'd rather go to bed.
17:41I'd be a bit scared of the beach in the middle of the night.
17:43After all, it's my duty to stay here with Moominmama.
17:46Are you coming, Sniff?
17:48Certainly not.
17:51It just occurred to me, that's why she's here.
18:05Here, you better take this, Moomin.
18:07You might get very hungry.
18:09Oh, thank you, Mama.
18:11A midnight snack.
18:13I don't think I'll be able to eat all of it.
18:15Oh, don't worry about it.
18:17Thank you, Mama.
18:19A midnight snack? I really envy you.
18:21Well then, Papa, why don't you come with us?
18:24Oh, there's nothing I'd love more,
18:26but I'd better not tonight.
18:28Right, Mama?
18:29Oh, definitely not.
18:31What would I do if something happened to the girl
18:33while you were away?
18:36All right, Papa, we'll find out about the bangs for you.
18:39Thank you, Moomin.
18:50I think we should save this food for a while.
18:52We might have to wait a long time for the explosions.
18:55And they might not come tonight.
18:57Stop stuffing yourself, Moomin.
18:59The rest is for Snufkin and me.
19:01But you can't eat any more.
19:03Yes, I can.
19:04We must share it in equal parts,
19:06otherwise it's not fair.
19:08I think it should be shared in proportion to how big one is.
19:31Where did that come from?
19:33From the sea.
19:35Keep a sharp lookout.
19:37Look over there!
19:39What's that?
19:41It's a shark.
19:43A shark?
19:46What is it?
19:56That's what I call fireworks!
20:01Come on!
20:03Somebody must be out there in a boat.
20:15There's a boat.
20:17The fireworks must have come from there.
20:19Hey, come ashore!
20:23Is that the Hemulon, do you think?
20:25No, I don't think so.
20:27It looks like him, but he was much younger.
20:29And so, as a result of their excursion to the beach,
20:33they finally learned that the big bangs
20:35that had been waking everyone up were fireworks.
20:38They also learned that the fireworks were coming
20:41from a boat far out to sea.
20:43But the man who had sent them up disappeared into the night.