L.a-H.i.s.t.o.r.i.a-d.e-J.u.a.n.a. - Cap 34

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L.a-H.i.s.t.o.r.i.a-d.e-J.u.a.n.a. - Cap 34
00:00No, no, Paula!
00:09My daughter is between life and death, and if she dies...
00:12I die with her.
00:13It's all your fault!
00:15You are the misfortune of my family!
00:17You and your damn blond last name should never have existed!
00:20Explain what the hell happened to my daughter!
00:24I stayed to see her in a restaurant with Juana
00:27to tell her something important.
00:28When I arrived, your daughter was there...
00:29She was very ill. She was drunk.
00:32We couldn't stop her.
00:34She grabbed her truck and we kept going.
00:37And when a curve came, she lost control.
00:40All the damage you've done to my daughter will have consequences.
00:45And if Paula doesn't recover, you're going to die, Gabriel.
00:50And if we keep going like this, they're going to get us all out of here.
00:53Let's calm down, okay?
01:00We're all a little nervous, aren't we?
01:04Let's calm down, please.
01:12Mr. Rubio wanted to convince me that he had his son and then take him away from me.
01:17Well, yes, somehow.
01:19I was desperate because you are his last chance to be a father.
01:26You are his last chance to be a father.
01:30I think I have all the information I wanted.
01:32No, no, no, no, wait, wait.
01:34I know you have every right to sue us, but the person who works...
01:37I have no intention of suing, don't worry.
01:39So you want to get rid of the baby?
01:41Oh, don't you understand? Leave her alone.
01:43Please, that baby is very important to her father and to her wife.
01:46They have tried to...
01:47To his father?
01:49They have tried...
01:50This baby has his mother.
01:52It's not a package you can ask for an application and get a tip.
01:55I understand. Let me fix a date between you and Mr. Rubio.
01:58Who told you you were a father?
02:00I mean, the nurse.
02:02I have no reason to give you any information.
02:05Please, you have to understand that meeting him will change the life of the person you expect and yours.
02:10I don't want to hear from you again, or from Gabriel Rubio, or from this clinic, in my life.
02:15This baby is mine.
02:17It's mine.
02:25It's mine.
02:31Whose day is it, Mom?
02:34Felipe, what did you make me for breakfast?
02:41Okay, sing it!
02:47It's my birthday.
02:54These are the mornings that King David used to sing to the pretty girls.
03:05And believe it or not, every year he used to take his flowers to the Virgin to take care of you for me.
03:10Dad, you remembered.
03:14Chico, why do you have to mess everything up?
03:17Let's see, I mess up what you mess up, you mess up what I mess up, and vice versa.
03:21That's how we're the best team and we solve all the cases.
03:24Yes, but this is not a case, this is my private life.
03:28What I'm telling you is that Yadira entangled me so that we could organize a scene of jealousy to Jenny.
03:35And everything went the other way around.
03:38Why? Did she get jealous of Yadi?
03:41No, the one who ended up jealous was me for seeing Jenny with her boss.
03:45And why are you going to be jealous if you were dating Yadi?
03:48It was a tie.
03:50Calm down, a kiss?
03:53A kiss?
03:54Yes, just a kiss, leave it like that.
03:56Well, look, what I'm going to tell you is that Yadi is the intellectual author of all this mess.
04:03If you want to get away from there, better tell Jenny.
04:05If you want an open relationship, you stay with both of them, take a walk and that's it.
04:09An what?
04:11Open relationship.
04:13Google it.
04:17Hey, did you arrive early for the coffee or what?
04:20Oh, Yadira, how bad you are to lie, Felipe is not here.
04:24Yes, I didn't come to see Felipe.
04:25I came to talk to you.
04:27Well, yesterday Salvador took me to this place where you work, we had dinner and so on.
04:32Well, how strange, because I didn't even see them.
04:34No, well, yes.
04:35Yes, we saw that you were very busy.
04:37And not just serving tables.
04:40You were there kissing.
04:43Salvador saw it all.
04:44And he got angry.
04:45And he wanted to leave.
04:47Stop making things up, do you want?
04:49That kiss I had with the owner, it doesn't mean anything, it was pure theater.
04:53Well, if you say so.
04:55But hey, that was not the point.
04:57The point is that after we saw your kiss, and the guy, according to you, the theater.
05:01We realized that the Bravos are not to be trusted.
05:04And what do you think happened?
05:07We kissed like that.
05:09That's like a movie.
05:11Of those who put the scene and then the credits.
05:13Oh, it tastes really good.
05:15Of what you're missing.
05:17Well, good, little girl, look, take advantage of them, get married, have many children.
05:20And I'm going to walk because I'm very busy.
05:22But don't get angry.
05:23You know how the exit is, over there.
05:27Oh, idiots.
05:44Good morning.
05:46Good morning.
05:48Yes, go to bed.
05:50Yes, thank you, not right now.
05:52Good morning, Josefina.
05:54So you're really happy.
05:58How does it show that these women are not tired of moving their tongues and making up things about real people.
06:05My dear Josefina, I'm afraid this time it's not a coincidence.
06:09Why, what are you saying?
06:11I return from Ramón Bravo to New Barrio.
06:19Don't block me this little bread, okay?
06:22You didn't say anything last night.
06:29I should never have come back.
06:34The only one who was happy was my Jenny.
06:36And even so, she was able to realize all the damage she caused to my abandonment.
06:42Enough, daddy.
06:44Walking in layers won't do you any good.
06:46Less to your health, please.
06:50I know Josefina perfectly well.
06:53And Felipe is the same, the same, with the same character.
06:57I was able to realize the hatred she has in her eyes.
07:02My child.
07:07My child.
07:09The hatred she has in her eyes.
07:13My child.
07:18My child.
07:34Who could it be so early?
07:36Who? I'm coming.
07:39I'm coming, I'm coming.
07:53Tell me you haven't had breakfast yet.
07:58Do you realize, Dani?
08:00I mean, go figure out what Gabriela is going to try to do to take my son away from me.
08:03Oh, I don't know what to tell you and I don't know what to think either.
08:06It's the first time I've fallen in love and look what happens.
08:09Definitely the women in my family shouldn't fall in love.
08:12Well, calm down. You have to calm down. You can't go home like this.
08:18He wants to take care of me and protect me so much that he took me with a friend of his, who is a prostitute.
08:22This doesn't make sense, my love, and you know it.
08:24Do we agree?
08:26That Gabriel wants something from you.
08:29I don't know what it is, but he's not honest with you, daughter.
08:33Dani, when I tell you, it's going to be much worse.
08:35How many times did my grandmother warn me that Gabriel's obsession with my pregnancy was not normal?
08:39Well, yes.
08:42But you know what?
08:44I'm not going to let him take my son away from me.
08:46I don't care how powerful that man is, I'm not going to allow it.
08:53Doctor, please tell us how Paula is.
08:58How is my daughter, doctor?
08:59She has been under observation in intensive care.
09:02We have done some studies on her, but she is still not reacting.
09:06Please, can I see her? I want to see her.
09:11I'll tell you when. We must keep calm.
09:15The lady in the accident suffered a strong blow to the head, which is very delicate.
09:22I'll keep you posted.
09:23I understand.
09:25Yes, thank you.
09:29Thank you.
09:32Oh, darling, my daughter.
09:34I love you.
09:36I love you, too.
09:38I love you too, honey.
09:40I love you.
09:42I love you, too.
09:44I love you.
09:46I love you.
09:48I love you.
09:50I love you.
09:51Oh, Memo, that's a lot of sugar.
09:54Thanks for the Coca-Cola, Memo.
09:56But that produces mortifications.
10:00Do you remember the dinner I organized at my house?
10:03The del Pozole I made for Detective Castillo, who was in Marque.
10:09Well, it was him.
10:13And that's why he got so bad, right?
10:16Well, look, no matter how much I think about it,
10:20I don't understand how he could have the nerve.
10:24Well, Felipe thinks just like me.
10:27But Jenny, on the other hand, no.
10:30Well, she almost receives him even with mariachis.
10:34Memo is an unpleasant man.
10:37Yes, but between Felipe and me...
10:39And Ramón showed up alone at the house?
10:41Of course.
10:42And Memo came with his girlfriend.
10:48I'm leaving, Memo. Thank you very much.
10:51Take care.
10:54You too.
10:58You know you can count on me, right?
10:59Yes, thank you.
11:09Poor Josefina.
11:13I don't know how she's going to be when she finds out that Ramón has another daughter.
11:18I don't remember.
11:19Did you order the coffee with milk or black?
11:24Thank you.
11:29Hey, your house is really cool.
11:31Thank you.
11:32No, here it's very modern.
11:34I hadn't seen such big hallways in Los Angeles.
11:38Well, what did we talk about yesterday? We're not meeting today.
11:43I know, but I think you're already getting to know me, right?
11:47I sometimes can't control my feelings and I really want to see you again.
11:54I don't know, do you think I was wrong to come like this without telling you?
11:59I had understood that we were already getting to know each other, right?
12:05Yes, that's what we agreed on.
12:07I mean, we can respect our spaces.
12:11But I needed to see those little eyes and know that you had already forgiven me for what I did yesterday in the office.
12:19About the balloons and that, but I swear I did it with all my heart, I thought you were going to like it.
12:26One hundred percent.
12:29But well, I'm leaving because I have to go to work.
12:32No, but wait.
12:34How am I going to eat all this alone? Stay for breakfast.
12:38I don't want to be anything that has to do with you again.
12:41It's just staying for breakfast.
12:46Well, yes, but no.
12:48If I stay for breakfast, I'm going to...
12:50Stay, stay.
12:53If you ask me, yes, yes.
12:57Don't go to see, daughter.
12:59Please don't go to see.
13:00I promise I won't.
13:01Don't move, don't move.
13:02No, love, no.
13:03It's silly, but I know you like surprises.
13:06Come on, dad.
13:07So, well, I prepared something, right?
13:12One, two and three.
13:17Congratulations, daughter.
13:18Happy birthday, my love.
13:26Oh, wait, wait.
13:27The truth comes first.
13:28The wish.
13:29The wish.
13:30Give it to me.
13:34That's it!
13:42What's wrong, love?
13:43What's wrong?
13:46It's just that...
13:48Since you left,
13:51no one has done something like that for me.
13:53My love.
13:55My love.
14:01Hello, good morning.
14:07Who are you?
14:10She's your sister.
14:21There's no one.
14:22Come in.
14:23It's better this way.
14:28I don't want to leave you alone.
14:30I have to go.
14:32Don't worry, Dani.
14:34You've done enough.
14:36You'll be fine.
14:39Now more than ever, I have to be strong.
14:42For my son.
14:45Yes, stay calm.
14:46Let's go.
14:50Well, but you're going to tell your family everything that's going on.
14:53Well, I have to.
14:54I just have to be strong.
14:57Well, call me if anything.
15:02And you?
15:04Me too.
15:08Call me.
15:20Call me.
15:42How old are you?
15:48Two less than my Juana, your granddaughter.
15:55One granddaughter?
15:56Do you have a daughter?
15:57It can't be.
15:59Of everything I've lost, I'm already a grandfather.
16:03It's incredible.
16:05You're going to love her.
16:07And did you get married?
16:11Juana's father, when he found out she was pregnant, disappeared.
16:20Your mom?
16:22My parents also split up.
16:25My mom was very sick, so when she was going to die, she asked my dad to take care of me.
16:30Margarita didn't have anyone to stay with.
16:34Her mom made me swear I wouldn't leave her.
16:38How old were you when your mom died?
16:41Oh, look, ten years.
16:43The same age I was when you left.
16:47Margarita was alone.
16:49And I know.
16:51I'm sorry.
16:53My dad always told me about you.
16:55That you were the prettiest and most affectionate in the neighborhood.
16:59Also about Felipe, that he fixed everything that was broken.
17:03Those nice things.
17:05It's still like that.
17:06He's now a mechanic.
17:10Well, honey, look.
17:14No, no, no.
17:15I'll give you this so you can buy something for your birthday.
17:17No, really.
17:18Yes, of course.
17:19It's not necessary.
17:21I know it's not necessary, but I want to have a detail with you.
17:26It's been many years since I gave you anything, so please accept it.
17:32It's okay.
17:33In fact, I'm going to buy some beers, snacks, and I'm going to throw a party.
17:37And obviously you're invited.
17:39Thank you very much.
17:40And you too, dad.
17:42Yes, well, my mom and Felipe won't like the idea, but it's my birthday, right?
17:48That's right.
17:49And the truth is that I'm very happy that you came back into my life.
17:55Thank you.
17:56I'm very happy that you came back into my life.
18:01Oh, honey.
18:03Me too.
18:15For now, only one person can see the patient.
18:20I'm her mom.
18:22Where do I go, doctor?
18:24Here, please.
18:27Tamara Bernal is requested in the emergency room.
18:35How are you?
18:42I feel guilty about everything that's happening.
18:44Hey, it was an accident, I know.
18:48But I didn't know how to get along with Paul and Juana.
18:52I would have just told her that I was her son's father and that's it.
18:56Why didn't you do it?
18:58I didn't want to.
19:00Because Juana told me that she didn't want to meet her son's father.
19:03That if she met him, he would go far away.
19:06She asked Paul not to see her and my son again.
19:10And it turned out that I'm doing that.
19:12Have you tried talking to her?
19:14Yes, since last night.
19:27What a horrible meeting.
19:28Who can have the head for a meeting of distribution and finances with what just happened?
19:33They forced me to come too, dad, but there was no other way.
19:36And deep down, it's our fault.
19:38Because all this is because of the damn bacteria and the contaminated cellulite.
19:42We have to make new projections.
19:44For me, let the brewery sink at once.
19:46Rubio and Gabriel together with her.
19:48Lower your voice, dad.
19:49You can't be as brutal as Gabriel.
19:51You're not going to tell me what I have to do.
19:53The subtleties with my son-in-law are over.
19:58Are you going to do the same to Gabriel as Francisco?
20:03What I do or stop doing is my thing.
20:08You dedicate yourself to doing what I tell you to do.
20:19And how is Paula?
20:23All I know is that she saw Juan in a restaurant where she had agreed to see Gabriel.
20:28When Gabriel arrived, Paula was leaving like a soul taken by the devil.
20:33Gabriel followed her and then Paula crashed.
20:37Okay, but how is she?
20:39I don't know, I couldn't see her.
20:40I had to come to a damn meeting.
20:43I was about to break Gabriel's face, I swear.
20:47All this is your fault for being so obsessed with the insignificant and filthy photographer.
20:54I don't know why.
20:55I know.
20:58Juana is expecting a son from Gabriel.
21:07Let's see, I'll explain.
21:10But calm down.
21:17You know, I always imagined children running around here and there.
21:23My son would have made all the difference.
21:53What happened?
21:54Did you see Juana? How is she?
21:56I don't think she'll ever come back to the brewery.
21:59I found out she had quit, but I thought she was going to give her two weeks of notice.
22:03Paula talked to her again.
22:05Juana stayed to see Gabriel and Paula came and started telling her all the things...
22:09She told you that that son is Gabriel's, didn't she?
22:11Yes, did you know?
22:13You didn't say anything?
22:14Let's see, I suspected.
22:16Juana told me she was pregnant and...
22:20I confronted Gabriel.
22:21He was the one who told me.
22:23Let's see, he told his wife, he told you and he didn't tell Juana.
22:26So he was making fun of her.
22:28Let's see, that mockery was very expensive to Dani.
22:32Paula is fighting for her life in the hospital right now.
22:36Yes, and that's also Gabriel's fault.
22:44Let's go.
22:53Yes, come in.
22:55How are you?
22:56Gabriel left the house and my sister couldn't stand him.
22:58Well, no.
23:03Who's going to stand for him to be abandoned?
23:05I just don't understand Gabriel's obsession with that photographer.
23:08I don't understand.
23:09No, Manuel, but...
23:10No, but don't get like that.
23:15I'm sorry.
23:17Really, from the bottom of my heart.
23:19I know that you seem to be a cold, hard and calculating man,
23:23but I know that there is much more than that.
23:26In my family, no one is what they seem.
23:29My life is not.
23:30I'm sorry.
23:42The patient suffered a concussion due to the shock.
23:45There was a small spill that we already controlled.
23:49His diagnosis is reserved.
23:53Please tell me he's going to be okay, doctor.
23:56He needs a recovery period.
23:58But we must be very calm.
24:02What's going to happen?
24:04Well, it's normal that at first the patients suffer from a severe headache,
24:10loss of balance, mood swings, that they have memory loss.
24:18For how long?
24:19Well, that's going to depend on her.
24:22You have to leave her at her own pace.
24:25You don't have to force her.
24:28Excuse me.
24:29Okay, thank you.
24:49Mrs. Josefina!
24:51Let me help you.
24:52Oh, condemned boy, you scared me.
24:55Forgive me.
25:00And now why do you have that face like that?
25:02Like you're spitting sparks.
25:04I came to talk to Juana.
25:05Don't you know if she's here?
25:07My granddaughter didn't go to work?
25:09What happened to her or what?
25:10Grandma, here I am.
25:13And now why do you have those eyes?
25:15What happened to you, my love?
25:17You're right, Gabriel.
25:19He doesn't love me.
25:21He didn't love me and he'll never love me.
25:24He's only interested in one thing and I'm not going to give it to him.
25:29Oh, my love.
25:48Hey, can you give the new schedule of the campaign to the blond engineer?
25:51Oh, thank you very much.
25:52You're welcome.
25:53Hey, a big question.
25:56Have you seen Enriqueta?
25:57She doesn't usually arrive late.
26:00No, I was just in her office and she wasn't there.
26:02But that's weird, isn't it?
26:03Because she doesn't arrive late or sick.
26:07Well, she turned out to be human.
26:10I'll see you later.
26:11Thank you.
26:25Life is very fair, really.
26:28You know, there have been some failures here that really make you doubt God.
26:33But on the other hand, I have some pure smiles gifts.
26:36I hope it has nothing to do with failures.
26:38No, my love.
26:40They are honors more than pure happiness in my life.
26:43And then the other?
26:47Well, it turns out that...
26:51It's just that the man who says he's my father,
26:54after 25 years of disappearance, came back.
26:57Like that, as if nothing had happened.
26:5825 years?
27:00And what annoys me the most is to see my mom again affected by that man.
27:04Once again, I don't know what to do.
27:06But then they got divorced when you were very little.
27:09Ah, what?
27:12No, he disappeared like that, from one day to the next.
27:15I mean, he didn't say a word, he didn't say anything.
27:18I'm sorry.
27:20Ah, but you know what they say.
27:23Not all men have the word father.
27:28The son you're waiting for, Juan, is mine.
27:33It was a mistake.
27:35It was a mistake.
27:36At the clinic.
27:38They put my sample on him.
27:40She doesn't know.
27:42Hey, Felipe, and...
27:44And, well, what about the father of the son you're waiting for, Juan?
27:48No, that's another very long story.
27:50Hiding who we know and who he is.
27:55But well, I don't want to bore you here with my stories anymore.
27:59Well, let's talk about other things.
28:01That here is pure happiness.
28:11We're going to eat air if we continue like this.
28:14Good morning, Mrs. Josefina.
28:17Oh, honey, I don't know what's so good about it.
28:19Every day the vegetables and the fruit are much more expensive.
28:22And what Memo gives me as a discount.
28:25And what day is it today?
28:27Oh, Memo, you're seeing that I don't even know where my head is, honey.
28:31Well, there's the calendar, daughter.
28:32Mom, I don't need to see the calendar to know that today is my birthday.
28:38Oh, honey, I'm sorry, I forgot.
28:41I would have remembered yesterday.
28:43I would have made you a cake.
28:45Oh, Memo.
28:47No, nothing happens.
28:49But what do you think?
28:51I invited several people from La Colonia to celebrate my birthday in the afternoon.
28:53Oh, how good, my heaven.
28:55Hey, mom.
28:57It's just that...
28:59Wait, mom.
29:00I don't want my dad to show up again.
29:03And I invited him to come to my birthday party this afternoon.
29:10You see the storm and you don't get angry, daddy.
29:13Why did you give that money to Jenny?
29:15Don't you see that we have our money counted?
29:17And now that we run out of the last savings we have, what are we going to do?
29:20What are you going to do? Live on the street? Under a bridge?
29:22Daughter, don't exaggerate, please.
29:24Do you know how many years passed before I could give Jenny anything?
29:30That money means nothing.
29:33It's nothing, daughter.
29:36I needed to have that detail with her.
29:45I forgive you that it is important, right?
29:48It looks like you have a strong character, but you are good people.
29:54Margarita, don't forget the promise you made to me.
29:59You're not going to tell anyone about my illness.
30:12I don't think I've ever seen you so sad.
30:14What can I tell you?
30:16I wish it didn't affect me.
30:18I wish I could get over it, but the situation is beyond me.
30:22Dani told me.
30:25I want you to know that you are not alone.
30:26Thank you, really.
30:28I'm here with you and I want you to be fine.
30:31Both of you.
30:33You and your baby.
30:36Because it's just the same.
30:39I can't separate you from him anymore and I want you both to be fine.
30:43You and him.
30:45Well, I want you to know that I'm with you.
30:49Thank you, David.
30:51Seriously, you've been nice in all this.
30:53I... not so much.
30:57I don't know, I feel...
30:59Juana, your feelings are sacred.
31:03Forgive me.
31:05I get very nervous when I'm with you.
31:08And suddenly I say or do things that I don't even notice.
31:11Jealousy attacks and things that...
31:13I'm sorry.
31:15It's okay.
31:18I don't know.
31:20I don't know.
31:23I'm very sad, really.
31:26I never imagined that Gabriel would be...
31:29this selfish person.
31:32Falling in love with me like he did.
31:34Just to get close to me and take my baby from me.
31:37Sooner or later...
31:41I feel very stupid.
31:50I'm sorry.
31:56He hasn't woken up, but he's stable.
32:04No, I mean, don't be so hard on yourself, Juana.
32:08Gabriel made you think that he felt something for you.
32:11Well, yes.
32:13The truth is yes.
32:15When in the end he only saw me as a container for his son.
32:17And he made me believe that he was going to divorce me.
32:20I don't know.
32:22I even feel bad for Paula.
32:24In the end, he was just changing a woman who couldn't give him children for another woman.
32:29Paula is going through...
32:31I imagine she's having a terrible time.
32:33Well, yes. He cheated on us both.
32:39Just don't be so nice.
32:41I think that was your mistake.
32:44I'm telling you with the love I have for you.
32:47Think about yourself.
32:49Think about your son.
32:51No one else.
32:53I think you're absolutely right.
32:55That's enough with this Juana.
32:57Innocent, stupid.
32:59What my son needs is a strong woman.
33:01Who takes care of him, who defends him.
33:03And that's exactly what I'm going to give him.
33:08How dare you invite your father and all the guests from La Colonia?
33:15And he's my guest.
33:17What are you arguing about?
33:19What guest?
33:23Hi David.
33:25It's my birthday today.
33:27And I'm going to celebrate my birthday this afternoon.
33:29You're invited.
33:31I'll be here.
33:35No, Mom. It's your birthday.
33:37I'm sorry.
33:39I'm sorry.
33:41I can't believe I forgot.
33:42David, thank you for coming.
33:44See you later.
33:46Come in, David.
33:48Did you bring me a gift?
33:52See you later.
33:54Yes, sure.
33:58I'm sorry. I feel terrible.
34:00It's okay, honey.
34:02No, I feel terrible.
34:04Happy birthday.
34:06What guest were you talking about?
34:08No one.
34:10No one.
34:12What? A boyfriend?
34:14No way. Your grandfather.
34:16Yes, my dad turned up.
34:18Are you going to meet your grandfather?
34:20Are you serious?
34:24Oh, Mom.
34:26I know what this means to you.
34:28What you've been waiting for.
34:30But how?
34:32Where is he?
34:34He's living nearby.
34:36But your grandmother can't even see him in paint.
34:38Oh, Mom.
34:39It's hard to find happiness these days.
34:43I don't feel well.
34:45I'm going to rest for a while.
34:48Okay, honey.
34:52Do you know what's wrong with Juana?
34:55The same as this whole family, honey.
34:58We're sick with the soul.
35:06Oh, Felipe, Felipe.
35:09So if you say time doesn't exist, it does exist.
35:12I'm going to be late to the office.
35:14Have some coffee.
35:16Hey, we didn't even have breakfast.
35:18No, but it was another menu.
35:20That I could repeat every day.
35:23No, no, no.
35:25Keep your distance and don't come near me.
35:27I'm going to be late.
35:29Anyway, you're already late.
35:31No, no, no. I'm going to be late.
35:34But do you think I can take one of those?
35:37Sure. Do you want one?
35:39Obviously. I'm also very hungry.
35:41In fact, take another one to your mom.
35:43Come on, come on.
35:45Now, now, now.
35:47Come on, time does exist, right?
35:51I'll be back later to see how she's doing.
35:56You have to stay.
35:58In case she wakes up and wants to see you.
36:00You owe it to her, Gabriel.
36:02You can't leave her now.
36:16You have to lose the brewery, Gabriel.
36:23That's why you're like this, right?
36:26Oh, Mom.
36:28Oh, enough.
36:30I'm getting lazy.
36:31I don't want to talk about this anymore.
36:33Besides, it's your day.
36:35It's your day and your dad arrived.
36:37There's a lot to celebrate.
36:39Let's talk about this tomorrow, okay?
36:41No, honey.
36:43But I see you so sad and that makes me sad too.
36:47I know it's not easy to lose love.
36:49But did I tell you something?
36:51It's the best, honey.
36:53I know.
36:55But well, that's it.
36:57Let's see, that topic rests for today and we'll talk about it tomorrow.
37:01Hey, from experience, I can tell you that God squeezes but doesn't choke.
37:05See what happened to me?
37:07I thought I'd never see my dad again.
37:09And now?
37:11He's here and you're going to meet your grandpa!
37:14Oh, Mom, you don't know how happy I am for you.
37:17No, well, and the fact that he's in the clouds,
37:19that he's finally going to see his daughter, his only daughter.
37:22Well, there you go.
37:26Well, it turns out he had another daughter.
37:27Don't believe me, okay?
37:29No, I didn't like her at first, but well.
37:31She's two years younger than you.
37:33Well, but above all, you're calm.
37:37I missed you so much that I think I'm fine.
37:41I invited you both.
37:43You're both coming.
37:45You deserve everything in this world.
37:47So why don't we give you the best gift, which is a big party.
37:50Oh, I love big parties.
37:52Yes, I know.
37:54Oh, it's going to be amazing.
37:55Don't cry, it's going to be great.
37:57No, really.
37:59It's the best thing that's ever happened to me in this life, my love.
38:01Oh, no.
38:03Promise me something.
38:05You can't leave anyone, okay?
38:07You deserve to be loved and to be loved nicely.
38:10You need that, love.
38:12Do you promise me?
38:14I love you.
38:16I love you a lot.
38:19Now what am I going to wear?
38:21Well, let's celebrate.
38:23What am I going to wear?
38:25You're going to look gorgeous.
38:27You're going to look gorgeous.
38:33Today there's a big party at the Bravo family's house.
38:36Oh, yeah?
38:38What are they celebrating?
38:40It's Jenny's birthday, and you and I are going to go together.
38:45No, no, no, no.
38:47I'm not one of those who put the other cheek.
38:49It's terrible, Jenny, when she thinks of inviting Ramon to the party.
38:55What are you doing there?
38:57Go out and see what a beautiful day it is today.
38:59No, you're alone with everything.
39:01Where were you?
39:03Where were you?
39:05I went to pick you up from the workshop and you were locked up.
39:08What, are you going to become just as irresponsible as your sister?
39:13Why are you laughing?
39:15Because you're like that, like a beast.
39:17What happened to you?
39:19Nothing, it's your sister's birthday and she's going to celebrate it here at home.
39:21I had also forgotten, boss, but thank you for reminding me.
39:23But what's wrong?
39:25Well, let's put the party here.
39:27In fact, I'm going to pick up the speakers from the workshop and ...
39:29What party, Nico?
39:31Eight quarters, Nico?
39:33He invited your father to the party.
39:37No, no, no, no, boss.
39:39Really, that's not it.
39:41That man here, no, no, no.
39:43He was going to come back into this house and now he's at the party.
39:56How is your daughter?
39:59They don't know if she's going to recover completely.
40:02And if she does, it's going to be a very long process.
40:06I'm very sorry.
40:08Whatever you need, Amparo.
40:10I can't believe all this is happening.
40:12You can't believe it.
40:15Because of your attitude with Paul and Juana, it was obvious that this was going to happen.
40:19I don't know what you mean by your comment, David.
40:21This is your fault, Gabriel.
40:24Just thinking about you.
40:26I'm sorry.
40:28I'm sorry.
40:30I'm sorry.
40:32I'm sorry.
40:34I'm sorry.
40:36I'm sorry.
40:37Just thinking about you.
40:40You know I don't know what's wrong with you, but I'm not in the mood.
40:43So get out.
40:47What if I don't want to leave?
40:49Are you afraid I'll tell you the truth?
40:51Are you going to listen to Gabriel?
40:56Juana already knows that all you care about is her baby.
41:04She doesn't want to know about you ever again in her life.
41:08I'm sorry.
41:11Do you understand, Jenny?
41:13If you want to go celebrate your birthday with your dad and be with him,
41:16it's fine, but not here.
41:18Mom, please.
41:20It's my birthday.
41:22And it's also my house.
41:26Get out of here.
41:28Well, let's see, let's see.
41:30No one is going to leave this party.
41:34Well, if you want to go.
