Watch Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu English Dubbed

  • 2 months ago


00:00:00All I want to do is help you, I want to hear you say, I love you.
00:00:28Where am I?
00:00:35What is this place? Where is everybody else?
00:01:04Ah, you seem to be lost.
00:01:15Hey, Mio, could you tell your father you want to live with me? We would be together every day if you can do that.
00:01:24I'm guessing he's going to marry her, right?
00:01:29Well, she's already living with us, so maybe.
00:01:37You are all so selfish.
00:01:39Mio, I don't blame you. You have every reason to be angry. But listen, some things you won't understand until you're older.
00:01:47Then why don't you just stop telling me things I won't understand?
00:01:50Mio! Hold on!
00:02:05I hate this. I hate this stupid world so much.
00:02:11I wish the world would end soon.
00:02:24Welcome. Want to try one on?
00:02:51Hey, Yuri!
00:02:56Oh, hey.
00:02:58Huh? What?
00:03:00Grumpy as usual, I see.
00:03:03Not just as gorgeous as ever.
00:03:05What are you talking about?
00:03:10Hm? What is it?
00:03:13Hold my bag! I'll be right back, okay? Thanks!
00:03:19My older sister was awful.
00:03:21And that, attach is, no day, sunrise, using...
00:03:28Who are you?
00:03:31No day, sunrise, using...
00:03:35Who are you?
00:03:37No day, sunrise, using...
00:03:44What are you doing?
00:03:45And that, that is Hinode Sunrise using the butt!
00:03:51Would you knock it off?
00:03:55It was an expression of love!
00:03:59Uh, hi, Hinode! Wait for me!
00:04:02Hinode, wait up! Hinode!
00:04:04I can't wait.
00:04:07Oh, a hunk!
00:04:09Did you hear what he just said to me?
00:04:11He said, I can't wait.
00:04:13That sounds promising, doesn't it?
00:04:15What have he meant?
00:04:17I just, I can't wait a minute longer to kiss you!
00:04:21Our eyes met! It was totally crazy!
00:04:23Seriously, that's amazing!
00:04:24And then what?
00:04:25That's it, unfortunately.
00:04:27I got to hear Hinode's sexy voice!
00:04:29I could die happy now, know what I mean?
00:04:31Not even slightly.
00:04:32Hey, Hinode, you should try being a bit nicer to Mugei.
00:04:36Yeah, true.
00:04:37In fact, what you should do is whisper in her ear with that sexy voice of yours.
00:04:42Hey, that really hurt! What the heck is your problem?
00:04:45Shut up!
00:04:46I don't want to hear anything else from you two.
00:04:48Zip it!
00:04:51Hinode! Hinode!
00:04:52Would you let me record your voice on my phone?
00:04:54I'll listen to it before I fall asleep and my dreams will be magical!
00:04:59Mugei's a good name for her, Miss Ultra Gaga and Eccentric.
00:05:03She said I can't wait!
00:05:12This is getting kind of sad, you know.
00:05:14What is?
00:05:15He's not interested, but you won't give up.
00:05:17It's depressing at this point.
00:05:19Well, yeah, I guess.
00:05:21But still, no other girl is as close to him as me.
00:05:23That means I'm special, right?
00:05:25You're really starting to sound like a true stalker.
00:05:27Tell me something, why Hinode anyway?
00:05:30He used to always give you signals to back off.
00:05:33Now he just ignores you.
00:05:34Hey, Yuri!
00:05:39Remember the time it rains during the festival?
00:05:42Yeah, the one I couldn't go to because I was at my grandmother's memorial service?
00:05:47Well, that day, we were huddled close together.
00:05:50Just the two of us.
00:05:52It was so quiet, you couldn't even tell there was a festival going on.
00:05:57It's like everything else has disappeared.
00:06:00Yeah, you're right.
00:06:01The world is filled with so many things that I hate and things that I don't need.
00:06:06But if those things aren't around when my time here is finally over...
00:06:11Well, I guess I wouldn't want it to be like that.
00:06:16Who knew that you were so profound?
00:06:20I wouldn't want that, that's all.
00:06:32You're tickling me.
00:06:36You laugh just like a child.
00:06:38You know that.
00:06:40I was sick of this world, but now I know it isn't so bad.
00:06:43Because I met Hinode after all.
00:06:47Hey, Mugei!
00:06:48Your ice cream!
00:06:49Would you get a grip already? You're getting your fantasies confused with reality!
00:06:54Aw, there goes my ice cream too.
00:06:56This is pathetic. I can't take it.
00:06:59Come back to us now, Earth to Mugei!
00:07:05Oh, come on! It really happened! Why won't you believe...
00:07:15Wow, I didn't know you hated cats.
00:07:17Depends on the time, the place, and the cat.
00:07:21See you later, Yuri!
00:07:23Don't forget to be my friend again tomorrow, okay?
00:07:25You really are such a weirdo.
00:07:28See you.
00:07:37Hold on, Mio!
00:07:40Are you feeling all right, my dear?
00:07:43Oh my, look at how much weight you've lost!
00:07:45You're all skin and bones.
00:07:47No, I haven't lost any weight.
00:07:50You poor thing.
00:07:52You don't know how sorry I feel for you, Mio.
00:07:55I really shouldn't. I'm fine.
00:07:57Has she been feeding you properly?
00:07:59Yes, she has.
00:08:01She's living with you now, isn't she?
00:08:03Tell me, is she forcing you to eat food that you don't like?
00:08:06No, Mio.
00:08:08Oh, well, hello there! It's so nice to see you.
00:08:12Bye now, Mio dear.
00:08:14I have to be on my way.
00:08:21They can't stop nosing around once they reach her age, huh?
00:08:24I'm back now, Kaoru.
00:08:26I'm back.
00:08:27I'm back.
00:08:28They can't stop nosing around once they reach her age, huh?
00:08:30I'm back now, Kaoru.
00:08:31I'm glad you're home, Mio.
00:08:38Hey, the weather's supposed to be sunny tomorrow, too.
00:08:41I'll be airing the futon mattresses, so...
00:08:43You don't have to worry about mine.
00:08:45It'll be fluffier after I air it, though.
00:08:47It's fine. I'll do it myself next time.
00:08:49I don't want to trouble you.
00:08:50I really don't mind.
00:08:58Hi, Kinako. I'm back now.
00:09:02I guess you have to raise him from a young age to make him like you.
00:09:05Oh, there's some ice cream in the fridge.
00:09:09Thanks, but I already had one on my way home.
00:09:12You should help yourself, Kaoru.
00:09:14You and Kinako.
00:09:18Oh, I'll let you know when dinner's ready.
00:09:22Kinako, do you want a treat?
00:09:28I know she's trying to be nice, but...
00:09:31She should just leave me alone.
00:09:33I have my own plants!
00:09:35Now let's see...
00:09:37Where is it?
00:09:46Like I said, I have my own plants.
00:10:27Would you please try to make yourself useful?
00:10:30Help me fold the laundry.
00:10:34I'm home!
00:10:35Hey, Kento!
00:10:39What a bummer.
00:10:43Explain yourself!
00:10:45Why is this here?
00:10:46Why didn't you hand this in?
00:10:49You are going to Ichihai, right?
00:10:51I'm still thinking about it.
00:10:53You have to take this seriously.
00:10:55We're depending on you to support this family, you know.
00:10:58Wow, seriously, Mom?
00:11:00You're expecting the son to feed the family?
00:11:02So old-fashioned.
00:11:03It's not like you're helpful.
00:11:04I'm only a dad.
00:11:05Okay, okay.
00:11:06If you're going to your grandpa's,
00:11:08make sure that you finish your homework first.
00:11:10I don't have any homework.
00:11:14Mom, your panties are huge!
00:11:34She isn't here yet.
00:12:11You smell just like the sun, you know that?
00:12:23What are you doing down there?
00:12:29She has a lot on her mind.
00:12:31You can't blame her.
00:12:32Don't worry about it.
00:12:34The truth is, you're a lot smarter than I am.
00:12:36I can see why Sachiko has high hopes for you.
00:12:39Yeah, well, I think you're cool, Grandpa.
00:12:51This lady of your heart will always show in your work.
00:12:57Are you hungry?
00:13:03Grandpa, can I use your kitchen?
00:13:06Why don't we all take a break, then?
00:13:09Today's your lucky day, Taro.
00:13:12You sure do seem to like Kento's cooking, don't you?
00:13:16She never grooms herself.
00:13:18Or sharpens her claws, for that matter.
00:13:20What a strange cat.
00:13:23So scary.
00:13:26I'm still convinced you're Taro's reincarnation.
00:13:32I bet other people are feeding her, too.
00:13:34She'll get fat.
00:13:36And you'll get fat, too.
00:13:38You'll get fat, Taro.
00:13:40You'll get fat, Taro.
00:13:42I bet other people are feeding her, too.
00:13:44She'll get fat.
00:13:45Well, I prefer chubby cats, anyway.
00:13:48Obviously, they shouldn't be obese, though.
00:13:55Taro, are you leaving here already?
00:14:04I bet she has plenty of homes to go back to.
00:14:41Oh, no!
00:14:55Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!
00:14:56That was so amazing!
00:14:58You're leaving already?
00:15:00Oh, wow! He's the most dreamy boy in the entire world!
00:15:15A cat! It's a cat, Mommy!
00:15:17It's so cute!
00:15:20How come you didn't tell me that Taro was here?
00:15:23I bought a treat that I wanted to give her.
00:15:27Are you still here?
00:15:31She left without greeting her owner.
00:15:33How rude.
00:15:34She isn't our pet.
00:15:36And I found her, not you.
00:15:39And I found her, not you.
00:15:42On that rainy festival day, right?
00:15:44You skipped out on cram school,
00:15:46and her poor mother was pretty furious about it.
00:15:50I'll be going now.
00:15:52Oh, all right.
00:15:53Thanks for today.
00:15:54Thank you for everything!
00:15:58Shut up.
00:15:59I didn't say anything.
00:16:05That day...
00:16:19Then I'll stop going.
00:16:21It's just a waste of money, right?
00:16:23I don't really care.
00:16:25I don't even want to go to cram school.
00:16:28I'm hanging up now.
00:17:02That was the day that...
00:17:04... that I met Taro.
00:17:09That day...
00:17:17I wish I didn't have to go to the bathroom in this body.
00:17:23Bite you, brown tabby!
00:17:30Oh, it's only you.
00:17:32You really should have gone to Hinode's place.
00:17:35You would have gotten to spend more time with him if you had.
00:17:38I haven't even wiped my butt.
00:17:39Cats don't use toilet paper.
00:17:41We just go...
00:17:43It's ego-friendly.
00:17:44That is totally disgusting!
00:17:46You'll have to learn to be more open-minded.
00:17:49You should be enjoying living like a cat.
00:17:51This would all be such a waste if you don't.
00:17:54Would you relax? I'm having a blast!
00:17:56Oh, really?
00:17:59Well, in that case, you can keep that mask.
00:18:01Just give me your human face in exchange.
00:18:05You don't need it anymore, do you?
00:18:07Tch! Not happening!
00:18:10I sell cat masks to humans who want to be cats...
00:18:13... and I sell human masks to cats who want to be humans.
00:18:16That's my job.
00:18:18Don't you see?
00:18:20You have a wonderful cat life ahead of you if you keep it.
00:18:24Go away!
00:18:25Throw away your tiresome human face and enjoy your sweet cat life!
00:18:33He's gone.
00:18:35What is his problem?
00:18:37Enjoy your sweet cat life, please!
00:18:41I really am rooting for you, you know.
00:18:49You should tell Hinode the truth.
00:18:51Tell him who Taro really is.
00:18:53Just go up to him and say it was me, Muge, all along.
00:18:57He'll lose that frosty attitude and fall head over heels for you.
00:19:02There is no way I will ever do that.
00:19:05First of all, he'd never believe me.
00:19:07And even if he did, what if it backfires and he ends up hating Taro instead?
00:19:13I should gather more info as Taro than use what I know to get closer to him as Muge.
00:19:18If that's your plan, it doesn't seem to be working out...
00:19:20Quiet, quiet, quiet!
00:19:24You know what? You're really shady.
00:19:26You don't charge anything for swapping cat and human masks.
00:19:29So what do you get out of all this?
00:19:32Reduce, reuse, and recycle!
00:19:34You're a liar!
00:19:40What the...
00:19:46Boiled potatoes! Boiled potatoes!
00:19:49Oh, Mio, you really like these, don't you?
00:19:53All right now, open wide!
00:20:06It's so good! I love it!
00:20:10Hey, Mio. Have some boiled potatoes. You like them, don't you?
00:20:15Are they too bland?
00:20:16Not at all. They're great.
00:20:18In fact, it's healthier than I thought.
00:20:21In fact, it's healthier this way. It tastes just like hot cuisine.
00:20:24Oh, really?
00:20:26Right, Mio?
00:20:27Oh, no, I've never had it.
00:20:29Kids like me prefer to have lots of meat and great flavors.
00:20:34You'll gain weight.
00:20:35That's okay. Hinode says she likes you better when I'm chubby.
00:20:38Hinode? Who's that? Your boyfriend?
00:20:40None of your business!
00:20:42So I'm right. What is he like?
00:20:45Did you know about this?
00:20:47No, I didn't.
00:20:48You know what? You should bring him home sometime.
00:20:50You can introduce him to Kaoru.
00:20:52You're both women, so you'd be more comfortable talking to her about it.
00:20:56Mio, you can talk to Kaoru about anything.
00:20:59Is he in the same grade? Or is he older than you?
00:21:02And who said they liked each other first?
00:21:04Look, Dad, he isn't even my boyfriend, okay?
00:21:06You have nothing to be shy about in this house.
00:21:08Would he just leave me alone already?
00:21:10I know that this isn't the place where I belong.
00:21:14So, I'm going to do whatever it takes to marry Hinode
00:21:18and move out of here as soon as I can.
00:21:21But in order to do that...
00:21:25I can't let this chance slip away.
00:21:28I love him, and not just because he took me in.
00:21:31He named me a female cat, Taro.
00:21:34That name was special to him.
00:21:36It was the name of his previous dog.
00:21:38He's so loyal.
00:21:40And he's smart, but he doesn't take it for granted.
00:21:47I know what he's really like.
00:21:49He ignores me when I'm Mugei, and that makes me sad.
00:21:53When I'm Taro, he's... he's so sweet to me.
00:22:02I love you so much, Taro.
00:22:05I love you so much, Taro.
00:22:08Your smell, it's always like the sun.
00:22:11Hinode, I... I'm actually...
00:22:16Hm? What's wrong?
00:22:20I can't do it.
00:22:22I don't have the courage to tell him that I'm really Mugei.
00:22:34You're so lucky, Taro.
00:22:36Hinode, I wish you would tell me what's wrong.
00:22:40Just tell me how I can help you.
00:22:42Oh, I have to make my lunch for tomorrow.
00:22:46He's making his own lunchbox?
00:22:49I want some.
00:22:54Sunrise attack!
00:23:06It's lunchtime now.
00:23:08Here's your change.
00:23:13My dad actually prepared my lunchbox for me today.
00:23:16So you're having rice ball bombs, then?
00:23:18Looks like it.
00:23:19Lucky you!
00:23:20Are you kidding?
00:23:21Every time I'm forced to eat those things, I practically break my jaw.
00:23:25And the seaweed always ends up being soggy, too.
00:23:27This ultra gaga and eccentric.
00:23:29That annoying barbaric she-gorilla.
00:23:31Why's she so obsessed with Hinode lately?
00:23:34Who knows? It's really starting to get on my nerves.
00:23:38I feel sorry for Hinode. I mean, this is the Mugei I know.
00:23:41What's their problem?
00:23:43Ugh, let him talk. It's not like I care.
00:23:46Speaking of Hinode, he's been acting so smug lately.
00:23:49You think so?
00:23:50Yeah, like he's better than us.
00:23:53His grades shot up out of nowhere. It just doesn't make any sense.
00:23:57He must have cheated on the tests.
00:24:02What are you gonna do?
00:24:04I can't wait to eat.
00:24:05No, don't!
00:24:08You have to calm down. Mugei!
00:24:10Someone stop her, please!
00:24:12What did you just say about Hinode?
00:24:14You better take it back!
00:24:16What are you doing?
00:24:32What is wrong with you?
00:24:34Man, this is so much easier when I'm a cat.
00:24:39Are you insane? What's your problem?
00:24:41That's exactly what I was gonna ask you.
00:24:44Hinode is always...
00:24:46You have no idea how hard he works.
00:24:49The two of you better stop lying about him, or else I'll make him...
00:24:54Hey, are you all right?
00:24:57Are you all right?
00:25:01Hey, let's go.
00:25:02Yeah, I'm all right.
00:25:04I'm totally fine, actually.
00:25:06Are you worried about me?
00:25:08You should go to the nurse.
00:25:10No, it's nothing, really. I'm fine.
00:25:13Let's go.
00:25:17Oh, you don't have to do that. I'll clean it up myself.
00:25:21You can have half of my lunch.
00:25:26Wait, really?
00:25:33Are those boiled sweet potatoes?
00:25:36I didn't even know you could cook.
00:25:38You made all that yourself?
00:25:40Yeah, I did.
00:25:41That's seriously impressive!
00:25:43My dad can learn a thing or two from you.
00:25:45Look at that color! Look at that shine!
00:25:48I bet it's salty!
00:25:50Are you complaining?
00:25:51No, that was a compliment.
00:25:53It's like the way my mom makes it.
00:25:56You really should have just ignored those two, you know?
00:25:59Yeah, agreed.
00:26:00They can say whatever they want about me.
00:26:03But when it comes to you, I won't let them put you down like that.
00:26:08These boiled potatoes are delicious!
00:26:15Hey, what are you doing?
00:26:19You know these boiled potatoes are...
00:26:27Salty? Shouldn't you have said tasty?
00:26:29You think they're really salty? That's all?
00:26:31Yeah, you're right. Okay, then...
00:26:34Knock it off!
00:26:35I'm pretty sure once was enough, all right?
00:26:37You think?
00:26:45Muge, I bet his rice is salty too!
00:26:48Hey, shut up!
00:26:50Did I just... make Hinode laugh?
00:26:53Don't go jumping off buildings again, okay?
00:26:56You do know you're a human, not a cat.
00:27:03She has the same scent.
00:27:05Eat up, Hinode! Don't be shy!
00:27:07Open wide!
00:27:08I can feed myself.
00:27:15Hinode Sunrise Jump!
00:27:23Hinode Sunrise Jump!
00:27:33Open the door.
00:27:34And there we go!
00:27:38Welcome home.
00:27:40Thank you.
00:27:42What happened to your leg?
00:27:44Are you hurt?
00:27:45Oh, this?
00:27:46No, don't worry, it's just a scratch.
00:27:50No, really, it's fine.
00:27:52I'll leave my lunchbox in the sink.
00:27:54Hmm, onions?
00:27:56That means we're having curry.
00:27:57Or maybe meat and potatoes!
00:28:00Did something happen?
00:28:02You seem to be in a good mood.
00:28:03Oh no, nothing at all, just a normal day.
00:28:13Are you all right?
00:28:20Oh, Hinode...
00:28:32His laugh...
00:28:33I really want to see him laugh again.
00:28:42A perfect landing!
00:29:13The End
00:29:21It looks like he isn't home yet.
00:29:24You can't be serious!
00:29:26We can't afford to keep the studio anymore.
00:29:28It's just too expensive, to be honest with you.
00:29:31At this rate, we won't be able to pay Mr. Sakaguchi his salary.
00:29:35But Grandpa can continue working!
00:29:37Don't you be selfish now.
00:29:39His eyesight is getting worse anyway.
00:29:43I wanted to keep working, but she's right.
00:29:45Are you sure about this?
00:29:48I'm very sorry, Kento.
00:29:50You should be focusing on your entrance exams.
00:29:53If you want to use the kiln again, make sure you do it soon.
00:29:59Hey, are we shutting down the studio?
00:30:01Yes, we are.
00:30:02What about Mr. Sakaguchi, though?
00:30:04He'll be quitting.
00:30:05Are you serious?
00:30:06Wait, I might have a good idea.
00:30:09What if we had Mr. Sakaguchi start his very own pottery class?
00:30:12There are already too many pottery classes in this town.
00:30:15That wouldn't help.
00:30:17All the girls in town will totally be interested if he's the instructor.
00:30:20Well, I know I would join the class.
00:30:23But why?
00:30:46The sweet and sour pork is really good.
00:30:48You think so?
00:30:50Isn't it?
00:30:51The key is the onions.
00:30:53They make or break this dish.
00:30:58Why does it taste so good?
00:31:00The flavor is strong.
00:31:01Just the way you like it.
00:31:02I'm really glad you're enjoying it.
00:31:04I'm glad you're enjoying it.
00:31:06I'm really glad you're enjoying it.
00:31:18He looked so sad.
00:31:20I can't help him.
00:31:22Not as Muge or as Taro.
00:31:24The sweet and sour pork was good.
00:31:26I hate this so much.
00:31:28It's not fair.
00:32:08Did you injure your leg?
00:32:12Oh, poor girl.
00:32:15Are you okay?
00:32:19It's just like her injury.
00:32:27The truth is I wish I were able to speak my mind like her.
00:32:31I want to continue doing pottery.
00:32:33I want to continue doing pottery.
00:32:36I know that the studio isn't doing so well right now.
00:32:40But I want to tell him.
00:32:41I'll be in charge of it.
00:32:43Except I'm not that confident myself.
00:32:46So I didn't say anything.
00:32:49I don't know how Grandpa does it.
00:32:51In his hands, ordinary clay turns into all kinds of shapes and colors.
00:32:56I've always wanted to be like him.
00:32:59But again, I couldn't say it out loud.
00:33:04She would have said it though.
00:33:07If Muge were in my shoes, I know she would have.
00:33:10Inori, I'm just like you.
00:33:13I can't say the things I really want to either.
00:33:19You're so amazing, Inori.
00:33:22I used to wish that the world would end.
00:33:25I wished it every day.
00:33:27But now, after meeting you and falling in love with you,
00:33:32the whole world just seems so beautiful to me.
00:33:36All I want to do is help you.
00:33:39I want to hear you say...
00:33:41say I love you.
00:33:54I have to keep studying pottery.
00:33:57There's nothing special about my creations right now.
00:34:01I also have to go to Tonomori High School.
00:34:08But for starters, I have to tell Mom about my plans.
00:34:13Let's go, Taro.
00:34:40So, did you end up telling him the truth?
00:34:43Of course not.
00:34:44I see.
00:34:46You're clearly never going to tell him at this rate.
00:34:49So why don't you...
00:34:51stay a cat forever?
00:34:53No way!
00:34:55As a cat, I wouldn't be able to do anything for him.
00:35:00Yes, well, you can't help him as a human either.
00:35:03That's not...
00:35:05Not right?
00:35:08Not right? Are you sure, dear?
00:35:11If you stay as a cat, you would be able to stay close to Hinode.
00:35:15You'll be able to observe him,
00:35:17then sleep, have him feed you,
00:35:19then sleep, poop, then sleep some more.
00:35:21Isn't that just great?
00:35:23Hinode would be so happy.
00:35:25Enough! Enough! Enough!
00:35:37The world is filled with so many things that I hate and things that I don't need.
00:35:42But if those things aren't around when my time here is finally over...
00:35:47I guess I wouldn't want it to be like that.
00:35:52I wouldn't want that, that's all.
00:35:56You're tickling me.
00:36:20Something doesn't feel right.
00:36:23Was Kaoru here?
00:36:25Was she in my room?
00:36:29Her shoes are still here.
00:36:31She must have gone out the window.
00:36:32At this hour? Without shoes on?
00:36:34I think she's been sneaking out of her room lately.
00:36:39What do we do?
00:36:41I don't feel right scolding her.
00:36:43Yeah, I know how you feel.
00:36:54What's up?
00:36:56Mio, did you go out somewhere?
00:37:00I went to your room to see if you wanted to have tea together, but you weren't there.
00:37:04Oh, well, I was...
00:37:07I was up on the roof.
00:37:10Sometimes you just really want to feel the wind on your face, you know?
00:37:14Well, good night!
00:37:16Good night, dear.
00:37:22Hinode's sunrise is...
00:37:24I don't want to use meaningless words to protect myself.
00:37:27Even if he gets upset about it, I'd rather have Hinode's honesty instead.
00:37:31No, that's not right.
00:37:40Who needs Mio Sazuki?
00:37:42Mio Hinode.
00:37:44Mio Hinode.
00:37:46Today, that's better.
00:37:59So, did you stay up late studying?
00:38:01No, I was actually thinking about my life.
00:38:05Hey, guys!
00:38:09Good morning!
00:38:10Hey, you guys!
00:38:14What is it?
00:38:22What is she going to do now?
00:38:24Hey, Hinode?
00:38:25What's up?
00:38:27I, um... I wanted to give you this.
00:38:33Is that a letter I see there in your hands, Miss Muge?
00:38:37This is none of your business!
00:38:42Is it a love letter?
00:38:45Miss Muge!
00:38:46Miss Muge! Miss Muge!
00:38:48I got your letter over here.
00:38:51Confession time!
00:38:52You can't hide now.
00:38:53How about I read it out loud for everyone to hear?
00:39:00You guys really need to cut it out!
00:39:02Hey, Bono, you're really going to read it?
00:39:04She went all out. How pathetic can you be?
00:39:08Here goes.
00:39:09Hinode, anytime that I see you, I just feel so happy.
00:39:13Aren't I?
00:39:14You see, the name Hinode Sunrise isn't just some random phrase I came up with.
00:39:18Give it back!
00:39:19In fact, it's actually how I feel about you.
00:39:23You are my sunrise.
00:39:25Give it back, you jerk!
00:39:27Hinode Sunrise is when the sun rises above the horizon.
00:39:31It's that moment that warms my soul.
00:39:33Give it back!
00:39:35Why are you so desperate?
00:39:38Is this too embarrassing for you?
00:39:40Why should I be embarrassed?
00:39:42You have absolutely no right to be making fun of my feelings!
00:39:48So, you gonna accept it?
00:39:50This love confession of hers?
00:39:52Mr. Sunrise!
00:40:08What's wrong?
00:40:11Confession time! Confession time! Confession time!
00:40:16Hinode, I just wanted to cheer you up.
00:40:19A little help here.
00:40:20You see, you and I are the same.
00:40:22I can't say the things that I truly feel.
00:40:25Just stop it. And you're wrong. We're nothing alike.
00:40:29This really embarrassed me.
00:40:31Have you considered my feelings at all?
00:40:34Everyone just heard this.
00:40:36I seriously hate pushy people like you.
00:40:41But what if I told you in person?
00:40:43Just leave me alone! Didn't you hear me?
00:40:46I said that I hate you!
00:40:52I really hate you.
00:40:56Oh, I see.
00:40:58I see.
00:41:05You hate me that much, huh?
00:41:07I'm okay.
00:41:08Well, then.
00:41:10That's too bad, I guess.
00:41:23I told you to give up on him!
00:41:26Pretty sure I should be the one crying right now.
00:41:30Listen to me! You have to forget about him!
00:41:33What? I can't!
00:41:35Do it, or we can't be friends anymore!
00:41:38I don't want that to happen.
00:41:44You idiot!
00:41:51Mio? Are you there?
00:41:54Yeah, I'm here.
00:41:55Would you like some tea?
00:41:58No, thank you, though.
00:42:01Can I come in?
00:42:04One second!
00:42:07Okay, come in!
00:42:13I can't have any tea because I'm trying to lose weight!
00:42:21Do I make you uncomfortable?
00:42:24What do you mean? Is this a self-opera now or something?
00:42:27Of course not! Why would you even think that?
00:42:31Why are you laughing like that?
00:42:33You always do that, and I don't understand why.
00:42:36Are you trying to force yourself to be someone you're not?
00:42:39Well, listen, Mio. I was thinking that we—
00:42:42So selfish.
00:42:43Huh? Excuse me?
00:42:45You are all so selfish! So self-centered!
00:42:53So what if I'm forcing myself to smile?
00:42:56I am doing it because I want to!
00:42:59Stepmother, are you serious?
00:43:02You and Dad knew perfectly well I was never going to be happy about this!
00:43:06But I have been doing my best to live peacefully with you in this house, haven't I?
00:43:10And now what?
00:43:11Now you want me to stop laughing if it's not real?
00:43:14It is all about what you wanted!
00:43:18Don't get me started on Mom!
00:43:20She walked out of my life and completely abandoned me!
00:43:24And now she says she wants to live with me?
00:43:27The truth is I don't care about Mom or Dad or you!
00:43:31I really couldn't care less!
00:43:33I don't need any of you!
00:43:43Wait! Come back!
00:43:45Let's go!
00:43:54I don't care anymore.
00:43:56Kaoru, Kinoko, Dad, Mom...
00:44:01I don't care if they all hate me.
00:44:04It doesn't matter.
00:44:06Kinote is all I need.
00:44:15I really am an idiot.
00:44:27Yori was right about me after all.
00:44:30He didn't mean anything when he shared his lunch with me.
00:44:35But I got excited and wrote a letter.
00:44:39Because of it he says he hates me now.
00:44:45I just want to hear him say I like you.
00:44:50I want to hear him say I love you.
00:45:00Kinote's sunrise is when the sun rises above the horizon.
00:45:04It's that moment that warms my soul.
00:45:07When I'm with you, I feel warm and fuzzy inside.
00:45:11I know other people feel the same way too.
00:45:13Even if things don't go your way, please don't blame yourself.
00:45:16You see, you and I are the same.
00:45:19I can't say the things that I truly feel.
00:45:21Those words... I wonder why she said that to me.
00:45:24I never told her.
00:45:26She couldn't know about my problems.
00:45:31Isn't this a little late for you?
00:45:37You know that plate you stepped on?
00:45:39You left a paw print.
00:45:42It actually helped.
00:45:44Grandpa seemed to be impressed with it.
00:45:47She thinks I'm like her, but is she right?
00:46:10The scent of the sun.
00:46:12It's just like her scent.
00:46:16She didn't seem like the type to have trouble expressing herself.
00:46:25Wait, what? No way.
00:46:36I love you.
00:46:40Why didn't I see it?
00:46:45I love you.
00:47:01So, if I was Taro, then he would finally love me?
00:47:10Hinode sunrise.
00:47:12This was always my dream.
00:47:15To see the sunrise with Hinode.
00:47:32This is...
00:47:34Oh right, this is Hinode's house.
00:47:37What? Oh no, look at the time.
00:47:40I'm going to be late for school.
00:47:42Oh yeah, I'm a cat.
00:47:44I don't have to go to school.
00:47:51Everything's better when you're a cat, you know.
00:47:54It's all sunshine and rainbows.
00:47:56I'm a cat, so you can take my word for it.
00:47:59I wouldn't lie.
00:48:02I'm done.
00:48:03With? What?
00:48:05With being...meow.
00:48:08Oh, is that right?
00:48:11Very good.
00:48:13I'm done.
00:48:23Thank you.
00:48:25What's that?
00:48:27Your face, of course.
00:48:29It comes off when you're sure you don't want to be human anymore.
00:48:33You'll stay as a cat now.
00:48:35What? I can't go back to being human?
00:48:37Well, actually, you can.
00:48:40If you were to put this mask back on, that is.
00:48:43Although the only problem is, you would have to do it before you turn into a real cat.
00:48:48Your transformation will take a while, but when it happens, we can go out to celebrate.
00:48:55Wait, I'm not ready to...
00:49:04Hi, Muke.
00:49:08Fukase, Hinode, come with me.
00:49:12She ran away?
00:49:14Did you know about it?
00:49:17Are you Hinode?
00:49:20Are you going out with Mio?
00:49:23It's just that Mio had mentioned your name once before.
00:49:26Did she go to your house last night? Was she there?
00:49:30Please, tell us the truth.
00:49:32We won't get angry.
00:49:34They're not a couple, he's not lying.
00:49:36Yes, but Mio has been sneaking out of her room every day, so we thought...
00:49:39They're not a couple, okay?
00:49:41I would know. I walk home with Muke every day.
00:49:44All right, then if you know where she is, will you please tell us?
00:49:48But I don't know.
00:49:50If I did, then maybe I wouldn't be such a useless friend.
00:49:58If you'll excuse us.
00:50:00Thank you.
00:50:01Thank you.
00:50:07What did they want? Does it have to do with Muke?
00:50:10Yeah. She ran away from home.
00:50:12Really? I bet it was Bana and Ibori.
00:50:15They must have gotten under her skin.
00:50:17I'm not so sure.
00:50:18She would never run away from home. Not because of losers like them.
00:50:22You think so?
00:50:23Oh, you've been her best friend since grade school, haven't you?
00:50:27She's always been Miss Ultra Gaga and eccentric to us.
00:50:30But not you. You understand her.
00:50:33Hey, I think I'm gonna go try to find Muke.
00:50:36What? Right now?
00:50:37Isami! Tell the teachers that I'm going!
00:50:40You can't go! I'll look for her alone!
00:50:43You can't look for her!
00:50:45What's going on?
00:50:46Let go!
00:50:47Huh? Isami?
00:50:48I came to check on them!
00:50:49Just let go of me!
00:50:50Let's go to class, guys!
00:50:51Stop it!
00:50:53I see. I didn't know about her family situation.
00:50:57When she was in grade school, her mother walked out on her.
00:51:00Our classmates started ignoring her because of that.
00:51:03I was her close friend through it all.
00:51:05And I was the only one who remained friends with her after.
00:51:08But she didn't want them to bully me, so...
00:51:11Yeah. I guess stuff like that happens.
00:51:14Yeah, well, it shouldn't.
00:51:16Yori! Hi!
00:51:19Yoriko said she's going to walk home with us today, right?
00:51:24She said she doesn't need you, Miss Ultra Gaga and Eccentric.
00:51:27Yeah, your mom probably said the same thing to you.
00:51:30Let's go, Yori.
00:51:49That hurt!
00:51:50Are you crazy? Why would you do that?
00:51:53I'm gonna tell!
00:51:54This is bullying, don't you know that?
00:51:56Guess what? I don't need you either!
00:51:58I don't need Yori!
00:51:59Or my mother!
00:52:00I don't need you!
00:52:01I don't need anyone! Not anyone!
00:52:14Wait up!
00:52:17I need you, Muggy!
00:52:19Maybe you don't need me.
00:52:22But I really need you, okay?
00:52:24You hear?
00:52:43Muggy, I'm sorry!
00:52:49Muggy, wait!
00:52:55I'm sorry, Muggy!
00:52:58That's when I realized.
00:53:00Muggy always puts on a brave face.
00:53:03She pretends she's all right.
00:53:06Even when she's hurting inside.
00:53:10Hey, did you mean it when you told Muggy you hated her?
00:53:14If you meant what you said,
00:53:16I want you to ignore Muggy.
00:53:20Don't let her get her hopes up.
00:53:23Well, I...
00:53:25Wait! Don't say anything!
00:53:29I need to be sure.
00:53:30Do you actually like Muggy?
00:53:32If you do,
00:53:33she has to be the first one to hear it, not me.
00:53:40to say I hate her,
00:53:41that wouldn't be true.
00:53:57I noticed...
00:53:58her friend called Miyo...
00:54:02That's right.
00:54:03It's kind of their nickname for her.
00:54:05I really had no idea.
00:54:07Does her mother know what's going on?
00:54:15Oh, great.
00:54:16What's the matter?
00:54:18She's coming over.
00:54:22Wait, that's...
00:54:23That's Mom's bike!
00:54:31I told you to get her a smartphone, didn't I?
00:54:36Tell me one thing.
00:54:37Why did you go to her school?
00:54:39Have you thought about what her classmates may say
00:54:41about the two of you showing up there?
00:54:43We figured her friends might know something
00:54:45that could help us find her.
00:54:46Well, couldn't you have just called them then?
00:54:49Would you have known where to start?
00:54:51Do you even know who they are?
00:54:52Actually, I don't.
00:54:53Yeah, some father.
00:54:56Miss Miki, may I ask something?
00:54:57Did she go to your place?
00:54:59What does that mean?
00:55:00Just that Miyo is...
00:55:02She can't be honest around you.
00:55:04She's too kind for that.
00:55:06But what concern is that of yours?
00:55:08You forced yourself into her life and into this family.
00:55:11You obviously wouldn't understand.
00:55:13And I ask you,
00:55:14did you take the time to think about her feelings
00:55:17when you abandoned her?
00:55:20Don't you know how much pain you've caused her?
00:55:27I want to be her mother again!
00:55:29Knock it off!
00:55:30Get away!
00:55:33Don't you want Miyo to be happy?
00:55:36Don't you get in my face!
00:55:42This isn't the best time to say goodbye.
00:55:50Where are you?
00:56:09Fukase, I've looked all over for you.
00:56:11I'm sorry.
00:56:13Well, did you find Sasaki?
00:56:16I see.
00:56:17All right, we'll let her parents handle it.
00:56:19Let's go back to school.
00:56:20Yes, sir.
00:56:22Where's Hinode?
00:56:23He went to the train station to look for Miyo.
00:56:25Hey, Hinode is looking for me?
00:56:33That's all we know.
00:56:35I know you're all worried about her,
00:56:37but please leave this to the adults.
00:56:45Kento should be back soon.
00:56:51You must really like Kento if you came to wait for him.
00:56:56I didn't catch that, Grandpa.
00:57:01Could you repeat that?
00:57:04Sorry, little one.
00:57:05I don't know what to feed you.
00:57:07I'm home, Grandpa.
00:57:10Oh, good.
00:57:11Mom isn't back yet, right?
00:57:13Taro, what are you doing here?
00:57:17Listen, I have to go out again, Grandpa.
00:57:19Could you cover for me with Mom?
00:57:26Okay, Taro.
00:57:27Maybe you can help me find her.
00:57:53Where the heck could she have even gone to?
00:57:57Wait, is everyone I know really looking for me?
00:58:14Truth is, I didn't know anything about her.
00:58:18Where does she usually go to spend her time?
00:58:21What kind of things does she like?
00:58:23What's on her mind?
00:58:25I had no idea what she was going through.
00:58:29I mean, she was always smiling and laughing.
00:58:33She did it all for me.
00:58:37Compared to me, she is amazing and just so much stronger than I am.
00:58:43It's an expression of love!
00:58:48I was afraid she would see me for...
00:58:50for who I really am.
00:58:52A nobody.
00:58:56I have to apologize to her.
00:58:59Then she would...
00:59:00she would come back, right?
00:59:02Oh, Hinode.
00:59:04You're amazing, you know that?
00:59:06You care about your family.
00:59:08You're loyal to your friends.
00:59:10You're gentle with animals.
00:59:13That's why...
00:59:15I love you.
00:59:21I should have been nicer to her.
00:59:24What's that?
00:59:32I don't understand what he's saying.
00:59:36So I really am turning into a cat.
00:59:40I messed up.
00:59:42I should have told him to forget about me
00:59:44before turning into a cat.
00:59:49I want to go back to being a human.
00:59:56Good morning!
00:59:57Oh, morning.
01:00:10Good morning!
01:00:15It's been three days since she returned.
01:00:18And she hasn't done a single sunrise attack.
01:00:22Something's strange with her.
01:00:24Do you think she might still be upset
01:00:26over that thing with the letter?
01:00:28You apologized to her, right?
01:00:34Oh my god, it's so cute!
01:00:37Where did you come from?
01:00:38I've seen it around town.
01:00:40It's looking at us!
01:00:41Look at those eyes.
01:00:42Come here, kitty.
01:00:48I am in trouble.
01:00:51Add ing to a verb and you get a gerund.
01:00:58Sasaki, what does the first example say?
01:01:04Uh, well...
01:01:05It says here, I hate dry rice.
01:01:09I'm not too sure.
01:01:12They're laughing at her joke.
01:01:14I have to do something.
01:01:16That fake muge is actually...
01:01:20Hey, mask seller!
01:01:22Show yourself!
01:01:24Mask seller!
01:01:36I'm home!
01:01:41Yoji, Mio's back!
01:01:46Mio, you're back!
01:01:48Are you all right?
01:01:49I've been so worried.
01:01:50Did anyone try to hurt you?
01:01:54You're soaked.
01:01:55Yeah, I'm okay, though.
01:01:57You'll catch a cold.
01:01:59Here, I'll fill the bathtub.
01:02:01We'll eat once you get out.
01:02:04Oh, my, I haven't finished cooking.
01:02:11Hey, thank you.
01:02:26The end.
01:02:29The feelings of others can be a mystery to us.
01:02:32The best we can do is guess.
01:02:34You shouldn't assume that you have someone else figured out.
01:02:41Okay, see you later!
01:02:45Muge, wait up!
01:02:52You know, I'd completely forgotten that we had all made plans to walk home together today.
01:02:56Are you feeling all right?
01:02:58Of course I am!
01:03:04Hey, Hinore.
01:03:05I was thinking I'm going to stay over at your house tonight.
01:03:09What are you talking about?
01:03:11I'll go to your house, eat your food, and then we'll sleep together.
01:03:15Wait, what?
01:03:16Are you nuts?
01:03:18Is this some kind of prank?
01:03:20You mean I can't?
01:03:21Of course not.
01:03:22What the heck is wrong with you?
01:03:24I can't believe I was worried about you.
01:03:26Let's go, Isami.
01:03:29Wow, she's gone off the deep end, hasn't she?
01:03:33I admire you for being her friend for so long.
01:03:36Yeah, thanks.
01:03:38He turned me down!
01:03:40What did you expect?
01:03:48See you!
01:04:01Why, hello, little kitty.
01:04:03Hold on.
01:04:04I can understand you.
01:04:06Well, I'm still half cat, not fully human yet.
01:04:09You're Kinako, right?
01:04:12Kinako, listen.
01:04:14I want to go back to being a human.
01:04:16Give me back my face, please!
01:04:20I can't understand Hinore anymore.
01:04:22That's because you're turning into a real cat.
01:04:25But you don't have to worry, though.
01:04:27I'll make your dream come true.
01:04:29I'll go out with Hinore.
01:04:30Wait, are you sure you're okay with that?
01:04:33Hey, Kinako!
01:04:35I prefer being a cat, to be honest.
01:04:38Then why did you...
01:04:40I did it for her.
01:04:42For who?
01:04:43You mean Miss Kaoru?
01:04:46She gave me happiness.
01:04:49I want to return the favor.
01:04:53Humans can live a lot longer than cats.
01:04:56I'm almost at the end of my lifespan.
01:05:00I want Kaoru to be happy, even when Kinako is gone.
01:05:07So, from now on, you're going to live your life as a cat.
01:05:12And I'll live out your human life.
01:05:14I'll take your place as Kaoru's daughter.
01:05:18No, no, no, no, no, no!
01:05:20I want to be with Hinore!
01:05:22It's too late for that.
01:05:24The Mask Seller and I will each give half of your lifespan.
01:05:29That's how it works.
01:05:32How am I supposed to undo this?
01:05:35Where's the Mask Seller?
01:05:37He's usually on the other side.
01:05:40The other side?
01:05:41How do I get there?
01:05:43You should be able to see it if you're a cat.
01:05:46What's that?
01:05:47Is that a path?
01:05:48If you can see it, then your transformation is almost complete.
01:05:51Hold on! I can't wait for the festival!
01:06:21I'm sorry.
01:06:42What's this?
01:06:44It's a cute torii gate.
01:06:46Is it for cats?
01:06:50I want to go back to being Mio.
01:06:53No, no, no, can't do.
01:06:56Mask Seller!
01:06:57Why would you want to go back to your miserable human life?
01:07:01Lick your butt like a good cat and have Hinore take care of you.
01:07:05Where's the other side?
01:07:07And what's this festival?
01:07:11I heard it from Kinuko.
01:07:13Kinuko took my face!
01:07:14You'll become a real cat.
01:07:16And that will be on the very day of the next summer festival.
01:07:21Summer festival?
01:07:36Wait, what?
01:07:38Wait, I...
01:07:40I want to go back to being a human!
01:07:42I want...
01:07:44I want to tell Hinore how I feel about him.
01:07:51You should be able to see it if you're a cat.
01:08:01What's that?
01:08:12What on earth is that?
01:08:18I have to go there.
01:08:42To be continued...
01:09:04How do I use this again?
01:09:10Are you used to using your phone yet?
01:09:12No, not yet.
01:09:13Which rock have you been living under?
01:09:16Anyway, about the festival today...
01:09:18The festival?
01:09:19Isami called me.
01:09:21He's inviting you and I to go with him and Hinore to the festival.
01:09:24Oh, did he?
01:09:26What are you gonna do?
01:09:28I think I'll go with Kaoru instead.
01:09:31What, really?
01:09:33What about your mom?
01:09:35She doesn't know my number yet.
01:09:37I see.
01:09:40I see.
01:09:49Hey, Kaoru. Are you all right?
01:09:52Oh, Mio.
01:09:54Are you going out?
01:09:57Hinako still hasn't come home.
01:09:59She's never not come back like this before.
01:10:03I don't mind if she forgets me.
01:10:05I just hope someone else is taking care of her.
01:10:10I'll go look for her.
01:10:24About Kinako...
01:10:26I think she would...
01:10:28She would never forget you.
01:10:31You have to know that Kinako is the happiest whenever she's with you.
01:10:36She loves you a lot.
01:10:39I really hope so.
01:10:41Thanks, Mio.
01:10:48I see.
01:10:50You should come anyway.
01:10:51I'll be there. See you later.
01:10:55Hey, Kanto. Why don't we go to the festival together?
01:10:58You should invite Mr. Sakaguchi, too.
01:11:01I'm going with my friend.
01:11:03Well, how about you invite Mr. Sakaguchi anyway?
01:11:06And then you can tell him you can't make it.
01:11:08Why don't you just do it yourself?
01:11:10Ugh, seriously?
01:11:12Oh well, I'll go ask Grandpa.
01:11:15Mugei isn't joining us?
01:11:21What are you doing?
01:11:23I just... I want to ask you something.
01:11:25What is it?
01:11:27Why not come in through the front door?
01:11:29I was just wondering, how do you feel about me?
01:11:31Huh? What do you mean?
01:11:33You like me?
01:11:36What are you talking about?
01:11:38What's gotten into you lately?
01:11:40You never used to talk like that. It's weird.
01:11:42I knew it. You saw right through me.
01:11:44What's that mean?
01:11:46You obviously figured out I'm not the real Mugei.
01:11:50Would you stop teasing?
01:11:52Look, I just want for things to...
01:12:09Let me get this straight.
01:12:11You don't want to be Mugei anymore?
01:12:14The truth is, I made a mistake.
01:12:16I realized I can never replace Kinuko as Mugei.
01:12:19I guess I underestimated how much Kaoru loves Kinuko.
01:12:25Taro as Mugei?
01:12:27That's the reason why they both smell like the sun.
01:12:32I love you.
01:12:34I wish I'd known about this earlier.
01:12:36Honestly, I don't blame her for wanting to be a cat.
01:12:39Her mom's made things difficult.
01:12:41I actually feel sorry for Mugei.
01:12:44It must have been hard for her.
01:12:46She can't imagine anyone ever loving her.
01:12:49Not even her own parents.
01:12:51So, you see, that's why you're the only one who can save her.
01:12:56Will you do it?
01:12:58You want me to save her?
01:13:00You can do it, Hinode!
01:13:02I think I'm being used.
01:13:08Cat Island?
01:13:09That's right.
01:13:10The sacred tree is going to awaken today.
01:13:13Its power turns humans into cats permanently.
01:13:16This is a lot to take in.
01:13:22Give me your hand.
01:13:25Don't let go, alright?
01:13:28Cat Island
01:13:31That's Cat Island, on the other side of this bridge.
01:13:34What bridge?
01:13:36Don't worry, I can see it.
01:13:39What do you mean?
01:13:41Ow! Something's there.
01:13:46If you let go, you'll fall.
01:13:51Only cats can see this bridge.
01:13:54I'm not okay with this!
01:13:58Cat Island
01:14:00Hinode's running late.
01:14:03They can't have the festival in the rain.
01:14:06Wanna go to a cafe instead?
01:14:07Hold on.
01:14:08Is that...
01:14:13It's Yuri!
01:14:16Mugi, where are you right now?
01:14:18Uh, on a bridge, I guess?
01:14:21What? I saw Miss Kaoru.
01:14:25She was looking for her cat in the rain.
01:14:27She didn't even have an umbrella.
01:14:29I see.
01:14:31Are you alone?
01:14:33Hinode's with me.
01:14:36Wait, who invited whom? I have to know!
01:14:39I invited him, I guess.
01:14:42Okay, forget that I asked.
01:14:44Go for it! I'll be here rooting for you!
01:14:46You have to tell me all about it tomorrow when I see you, okay?
01:14:52Mugi is pretty lucky.
01:14:54What are you talking about?
01:14:56How wide is this? Slow down!
01:15:23What is this place?
01:15:25Everyone's a cat and the sun never rises?
01:15:28No time to wonder. I have to find him.
01:15:31Excuse me, I'm looking for the mask seller.
01:15:35Mask seller? What is that?
01:15:37The question is, can you eat it?
01:15:39You should eat something before you go.
01:15:41Yeah, you'll like our menu.
01:15:43Our rats are fresh, you know.
01:15:45I think I'll pass.
01:15:47You sure? It's really good.
01:15:50Mask Seller
01:15:57Somebody, please! Where can I find the mask seller?
01:16:00Mask seller!
01:16:02Hey! Where are you?
01:16:05Hey, miss.
01:16:08You're half-human, aren't you?
01:16:11Your face was taken, right?
01:16:13Wait a minute. Do you know about the mask seller?
01:16:17Please tell me where he is.
01:16:20I have to see him. I'll do whatever.
01:16:28Come in.
01:16:32You guys, we have a newcomer.
01:16:37Oh, I...
01:16:40Cat Island
01:16:43So, this is Cat Island?
01:16:47And everyone in this bar used to be a human?
01:16:50Yeah, that's right.
01:16:52So you really want to be a cat too, huh?
01:16:54You must have had a terrible time as a human being.
01:16:58Humans are just horrible, don't you think?
01:17:01Well, that's a bit extreme.
01:17:03Hey, you.
01:17:05If you really want to go back to being a human,
01:17:08you should leave as soon as possible.
01:17:10Yeah, but I'm not able to talk to humans as a cat.
01:17:14You see, I... I need to tell someone how I really feel.
01:17:17So I...
01:17:18What are you still doing in here then?
01:17:20See, once the mask seller takes your lifespan, you're stuck here forever.
01:17:24You can never go back to being a human.
01:17:27That would... suck.
01:17:31Cat Island
01:17:34Is that a human?
01:17:36It's been a long time.
01:17:37Is he a cat person?
01:17:39Make sure to watch your head.
01:17:41Ow! That hurt.
01:17:43Told ya.
01:17:46Excuse me!
01:17:50He isn't here.
01:18:00How about this one?
01:18:03Alright, now do a somersault!
01:18:12What is this place?
01:18:14I... I can see things now.
01:18:16That means I'm a cat.
01:18:20Why only your hands?
01:18:22How should I know?
01:18:25Mask Seller
01:18:30You must be Hinode!
01:18:34Mask Seller?
01:18:35Mask Seller?
01:18:36Hey, listen!
01:18:38I want to return this beast to Muge, so...
01:18:43What was that?
01:18:45You mean you don't want your share of her lifespan?
01:18:48Fine. In that case, I'll take your share too.
01:18:51No complaints about that, right?
01:18:53No! No, wait!
01:19:02So, don't you regret turning into a cat?
01:19:06I do, but what's the point in dwelling on it?
01:19:09Makes it all the more depressing.
01:19:11We ran away.
01:19:13All of us here chose to run from our problems.
01:19:16That's right.
01:19:17For example, take me.
01:19:20I ran away from my responsibilities as a mother.
01:19:24I doubted if I gave my children the love they deserved.
01:19:28I began to feel like they knew I wasn't up to the task.
01:19:32So I ran.
01:19:36I didn't know how to love someone or to allow them to love me.
01:19:40I had to get out of there.
01:19:42My insecurities were suffocating me.
01:19:45We've come to terms with our decisions, but you still have your whole life.
01:19:49Tell your special someone how you really feel.
01:19:51I know you can do it.
01:19:53Too bad. So sad.
01:20:02Hinode isn't in the human realm.
01:20:06As a matter of fact, I locked him up inside my shop.
01:20:10What? Hinode? But why?
01:20:12He traveled here, hoping he would be able to find you.
01:20:16There's no way.
01:20:18Hinode doesn't even have any idea that I'm Taro. I know you're lying.
01:20:22The cat that has your face, Kinako, was it?
01:20:25She was with him, so he probably heard from her.
01:20:28Kinako is here with him?
01:20:30Yes, sirree.
01:20:32Why couldn't they wait just a little longer?
01:20:35You'll turn into a real cat soon enough.
01:20:39Hinode was looking for me?
01:20:42But why?
01:20:45We can't let them get in the way.
01:20:47We have to hurry. We have to get to the promised place.
01:20:57Okay, that's enough.
01:20:59She's just a kid, you know.
01:21:02Children have a longer lifespan, much longer than you.
01:21:06I want her lifespan, and I...
01:21:11We have to save this Hinode kid.
01:21:13Let's go to his shop.
01:21:15Yes. Thank you for the help. All of you.
01:21:18We have to hurry.
01:21:25I'm assuming Hinode is your special someone, right?
01:21:31So he came for you.
01:21:33I don't know.
01:21:34He must be very brave to come here.
01:21:44It won't budge.
01:21:48We're here.
01:21:51Hey, is someone out there?
01:21:58Open the door, please!
01:22:09Thank you very...
01:22:15No, wait a second.
01:22:17You're Muge, aren't you?
01:22:19I can understand you.
01:22:24Your hands...
01:22:25Oh, I put on a mask, but it didn't turn me into a cat.
01:22:29Just these.
01:22:32That is so like you, you know.
01:22:34What does that mean?
01:22:36Want your face back?
01:22:39Go back to being Miyo Sasaki.
01:23:10Oh no!
01:23:11The secret tree will wake soon.
01:23:14Let's go!
01:23:16Wait! You run so fast!
01:23:18Hurry up!
01:23:22I'm running as fast as I can!
01:23:27Muge didn't end up turning back into a human.
01:23:31She believes that turning back will only cause her pain and suffering.
01:23:36It's all up to you now.
01:23:40Well, well.
01:23:42At this rate, Hinode will turn into a cat too.
01:23:46Or maybe a half-cat.
01:23:49I'm so happy, happy, happy!
01:24:06Would you stop it?
01:24:08Would you stop it?
01:24:09Let me go!
01:24:10No, Nani!
01:24:13You have to be human again!
01:24:24You have to take better care of your life!
01:24:26It belongs to me now!
01:24:28You understand?
01:24:31Hey, hey, hey!
01:24:32Come back here!
01:24:34Wait, wait, wait!
01:24:35What's going on?
01:24:39Hinode shouldn't be here.
01:24:42He has to go back.
01:24:44He just wants to study pottery.
01:24:46He wants to be like his grandpa!
01:24:49Hinode, over here!
01:25:04Excuse me!
01:25:05Is that going off?
01:25:08Oh, yes!
01:25:09Did I get it right?
01:25:11Oh, sure thing!
01:25:14Is that going off?
01:25:15All clear, all clear!
01:25:17Thank you!
01:25:33Go back!
01:25:36Go back!
01:25:51Are you okay?
01:25:58You can do it!
01:25:59Come on!
01:26:07Let's go home.
01:26:09Yeah, okay.
01:26:13Hinode, I'm sorry.
01:26:19Why are you the one apologizing?
01:26:21I'm not exactly the sharpest guy.
01:26:24I only realize who's been supporting me,
01:26:26who's had my back once they're gone.
01:26:29I've always been like this.
01:26:32My whole life.
01:26:34I finally realized the truth
01:26:36when I learned you weren't actually Taro.
01:26:40You cheered me up at school.
01:26:42It was always you from the start.
01:26:45Do you mean that, Hinode?
01:26:47And that's why I have to change.
01:26:53You should stay the way you are.
01:26:56Mask Seller!
01:26:58I'm sorry.
01:27:00The way you are.
01:27:02Mask Seller!
01:27:03And your lifespan.
01:27:05I'll take that as well.
01:27:07As compensation.
01:27:09Let go of him!
01:27:31Welcome to the promised place that I told you about.
01:27:38Sorry, but there's no way for you to get out of here.
01:27:41The two of you will turn into a cat and a half-cat soon enough.
01:27:45And then your lifespans will be mine!
01:28:00My nine happy cats!
01:28:03If we get out of here and find the whole world gone...
01:28:35It doesn't matter to me either way.
01:28:38I don't want you to disappear, Muge.
01:28:42Yeah, me too.
01:28:44I don't want you to disappear either.
01:28:56That hurts!
01:28:58Turn Muge back to normal!
01:29:01How do we undo this?
01:29:03Your face doesn't want to go back!
01:29:07Even if you were to actually become human again,
01:29:10nothing will change, don't you understand that?
01:29:13That's not true!
01:29:15Once we turn back, we'll...
01:29:18We'll do better!
01:29:30It's the sacred tree!
01:29:38My body, it feels...
01:29:40What's happening?
01:29:47Now if you'll excuse me.
01:29:51Oh, that's very nice.
01:29:54I'll take yours next.
01:29:56Stop it!
01:29:59No! That's my lifespan! Wait!
01:30:02Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
01:30:04Hey, come here! Wait!
01:30:06I'm taking Muge with me!
01:30:12How can you do this?
01:30:14She didn't do anything wrong!
01:30:16It's mine!
01:30:18It isn't her fault she's in so much pain!
01:30:21Oh no...
01:30:25This is all my fault!
01:30:28I have to do something, or I'm going to regret this.
01:30:32I want to return his feelings!
01:30:41I'm just denoting...
01:30:52I never told them how I felt!
01:30:54Give it up, old rookie!
01:30:56I hate this place!
01:30:58I want to go back!
01:31:00Let me go back!
01:31:02I want to go back!
01:31:04Let me go back!
01:31:13Please let us go!
01:31:15Why won't you just let us go back already?!
01:31:19Behave, or I'll tear you to pieces!
01:31:27I thought I told you not to mess with them.
01:31:33Oh, it's you.
01:31:35Get him!
01:31:53Sorry we're late.
01:31:55Thank you, guys.
01:31:57They really did it! He saved us!
01:32:02He saved us!
01:32:04He saved us!
01:32:06He saved us!
01:32:08He saved us!
01:32:10He saved us!
01:32:12He saved us!
01:32:14He saved us!
01:32:16He saved us!
01:32:18He saved us!
01:32:20He saved us!
01:32:22He saved us!
01:32:24He saved us!
01:32:26He saved us!
01:32:28He saved us!
01:32:30He saved us!
01:32:39I... I want to learn everything about you.
01:32:43You do?
01:32:45Your Hinode Sunrise Attack, for example.
01:32:48You do the craziest things sometimes.
01:32:51I want to see every side of you.
01:32:54Not just your smiling face.
01:32:56Your angry face, too.
01:32:59Are you sure?
01:33:01You would still want to be with me, even at my worst?
01:33:04And I want to tell you, the human you, that I love you.
01:33:09I want to see you smile again.
01:33:13I want that, too.
01:33:15To see you laugh like a child again.
01:33:19I want to tell you how much I really love you.
01:33:23I don't want to wait anymore.
01:33:25I won't.
01:33:28So let's go back.
01:33:31Back to where we belong.
01:33:34You should go on home, too.
01:33:36Make sure to always treasure your own home.
01:33:39I will.
01:33:41All right, let's go.
01:33:50Thank you all for everything.
01:33:52Yeah, thanks a lot, you guys.
01:33:56Bye, take care.
01:34:04Hinode, Kinako, thank you.
01:34:07I made you both worry so much.
01:34:10Well, it wasn't just us.
01:34:12Yoriko and Isami were worried when you ran away.
01:34:15Banae and Ibori, too.
01:34:17They tried not to let us show, though.
01:34:20Your parents were worried sick, you know that?
01:34:23You may not have realized it, but a lot of people care about you.
01:34:30I guess I showed my heart to everyone who loves me.
01:34:34To Kaoru and to my dad and my mom, as well.
01:34:38I told myself that I didn't need anyone.
01:34:48And now...
01:34:49Now I know that I was wrong.
01:34:52I'm gonna change.
01:34:54I mean it.
01:35:23I'm human again!
01:35:27Yeah, me too.
01:35:33I hope everyone on the other side can be happy as well.
01:35:52Forgetting memories, I take a shallow breath
01:35:58Wiping away the sweat, summer wind
01:36:11I'm okay.
01:36:12I love you.
01:36:14Me too.
01:36:15I love you so much, Hinode.
01:36:22I wonder if you've already forgotten
01:36:24When we sat in the shade of a tree in summer
01:36:27There was a cloud that came out from the hill in the distance
01:36:32You tried to grab it
01:36:35With your stupidly cut hand
01:36:38I drew a cloud on my hair
01:36:40I smiled and held it
01:36:45So that I won't forget
01:36:47So that I won't fade
01:36:50Because what's left in history isn't everything
01:36:57Just for now, I close my eyes
01:37:00Forget all the words
01:37:02The darkness is laughing
01:37:04I'm a ghost waiting for summer
01:37:08Tell me more about your heart
01:37:10Tell me about the smell of summer
01:37:13I take a shallow breath
01:37:20Translated by Releska
01:37:46So that I won't forget
01:37:48So that I won't fade
01:37:51Because what resonates in my heart isn't everything
01:38:01Tell me more words
01:38:04Tell me that it's goodbye
01:38:06I'm still looking
01:38:08At the ghost in the flowers blooming in summer
01:38:12Not words, but time
01:38:14Not time, but my heart
01:38:17I take a shallow breath
01:38:21I wipe my sweat and get hot
01:38:28I smell summer
01:38:47I wonder if I've already forgotten
01:38:50Sitting in the shade of the trees in summer
01:38:52I put ice cream in my mouth
01:38:55And waited for the wind
01:39:01It rained, the flowers fell
01:39:04I just held a tainted cheek
01:39:07I've been drinking the moonlight of a ghost's failure
01:39:13It's true, it's like night
01:39:16A faintly transparent whisper
01:39:19It's true, it's okay to laugh
01:39:24But I'm waiting for you
01:39:44I'm waiting for you
01:39:52The summer has passed, the city is quiet
01:39:55I finally returned to my room
01:39:58It's night
01:40:00I'm watching this beautiful moon alone
01:40:04It's true, I used to
01:40:07Tears were made of jewels
01:40:10It's true, it's okay to laugh
01:40:16I've already forgotten my voice
01:40:19Memories and love are dead
01:40:22I walked along the windless beach
01:40:25To that summer
01:40:32I want to say goodbye
01:40:38It's just like a dream
01:40:44I won't say a single thing
01:40:49But I'm waiting for you
01:40:55I'm waiting for you
01:41:06I'm getting old, I'm getting one
01:41:09It's spring in a room with nothing
01:41:12I'm drinking love with a shot that's missing the bottom
01:41:18It's true, it doesn't taste good
01:41:21The more I drink, the thirstier I get
01:41:24It's true, it's okay to laugh
01:41:29But I'm waiting for the night
01:41:55I want your flower song
01:42:01It's just like a dream
01:42:07I won't say a single thing
01:42:14But I'm waiting for you
01:42:20But I'm waiting for you
01:42:26I don't remember your eyes
01:42:32I don't change your mouth
01:42:38I won't say a single thing
01:42:44But I'm waiting for you
01:42:50I don't know your flower
01:42:56I don't have your face
01:43:02I won't even say goodbye
01:43:08You're turning into the night
01:43:38You're turning into the night
01:43:43You're turning into the night
01:43:48You're turning into the night
01:44:08You're turning into the night
