Trump's Assassination Predicted

  • 3 months ago
Featuring Cardinals Eric Logan, Emil Johansson, & Mat Staader. Revealing the hidden truths about the assassination attempts against former President Donald Trump, the predictive evidence of the Torah Code, and some valuable insight from our Lord.
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head wound. Very prominent
00:04Really see something that said, take a look at what happened.
01:22I was in the first row. I was directly in front of Trump.
01:26truly iconic moment in US history former president Donald Trump's attempted assassination seemed to have failed and
01:35You could say that's good news for America could also be bad news could be the start of
01:40some civil unrest possibly civil war
01:44We're not sure what's going to happen just yet. But there is some important revelations that we're going to be sharing with you today
01:50Including Bible code and Torah code revelations we have with us today
01:55Cardinal Eric Logan
01:57Cardinal Emil Johansson and
02:00Cardinal Matt Stater
02:02Thank you for joining us brothers
02:05Thank you
02:07Thanks for having us brother. Yes. Thank you
02:13So this
02:16May be the floor
02:20this shooting as
02:22Dramatic as it is as a lot of oddities about it
02:28But going all the way back before all of that
02:31This was predicted three thousand years ago
02:35discovered by our tour code researchers in 2016
02:39That's how far back we have known that somebody was going to try to assassinate Trump
02:46It's old news to us
02:49Have a look at this actually, it's fitting that Brian Clare at Richard Ruff
02:54included a
02:55One of the Illuminati playing cards and enough is enough
02:59In the image for this code discovery
03:03Because there's another one that comes into play with this event. I'll get into that a bit later
03:10But Cardinal Emil you're our main Torah code guy here on today's episode. Would you mind reading off the terms for that code?
03:18Yeah, sure. So the main search term here is assassination Trump me heart eight and
03:25we can see
03:29prominent secondary terms here
03:31Some of them occurring several times all of them occurring several times actually
03:36Which is gunfire
03:39venom toxicant poison and killing
03:43so this seems to
03:46Predict that would be an assassination or an assassination attempt by gunfire or or
03:53possibly poison and
03:56What we've just witnessed was through gunfire
04:00Yeah, one thing to note about or two things to note about Torah code it shows possible futures
04:08not always
04:10certainly the future that will come but for the most part it does
04:16Explain in one way or another point at
04:19Just about every possibility in this world stage guided by God timeline that we live in
04:27Now this term for poison that could be an alternative
04:33Timeline sort of thing that could have happened one of the options for
04:37this stage of
04:39the world, but I
04:42suspect it might be
04:45Not over yet
04:49If someone dies in the near future from poisoning we're going to know why
04:58It's something that could still happen you just have to wait and see also
05:05Yeah, so a lot of people have predicted this
05:08Event it didn't really take a lot of people by surprise
05:11Judging by how people have been or the media and the establishment have been treating Trump
05:18They've been doing everything against him like, you know the indictments and false allegations and they're smearing in the media
05:26It's like the but nothing else works. What do you have left? You know?
05:31Some officials have even said as much
05:34Publicly, I forget the individual's name. I know Marjorie Taylor Greene had some things to say about it, but
05:41Yeah to say that they've tried everything else. They'll try killing
05:48I'm honest
05:52I'm honestly surprised there hasn't already been some form of retaliation
06:01As yet at least
06:04You mean from the right hmm
06:09Yeah, as many right
06:14I was gonna say that's been
06:17Approximately 24 hours since it occurred now. So I suppose it's still early days. It's still
06:24How the window where that could happen, you know how the media tends to focus on one thing at a time
06:30for the most part I
06:33Suspect that there's probably a lot going on with Americans right now that is not being talked about including an
06:41increase in violence
06:44You know, it's funny for ever since Obama's reign
06:51There have been so many people on watch lists and only a growing number since then
06:56By now if you're not on a watch list, you know, what are you even doing with your life?
07:00It should be
07:03Yeah, as many far-right quote-unquote extremists they
07:08They have listed it's kind of a wonder that they're not all
07:12freaking out right now, but
07:14We know this is very much a staged coordinated event. I'm not saying the right or the left did it?
07:21I'm saying it was staged
07:23clearly plainly
07:25by well
07:27Alex Jones calls it the deep state, but it's deeper than the state
07:34This as we see this is in Torah code it's been planned for over
07:393,000 years. Yeah, the first one to predict it was God. That's right
07:44yeah, though Alex Jones didn't give a prediction and we're not sure the exact date but
07:50Yeah, the Torah the Torah code this message was established over 3,000 years ago
07:55So yeah, do you want to bring up that?
07:58Update to the code. We just was looking at as well
08:01Yeah, so this is an update to the to the previous code that was shown on the screen earlier
08:07It reveals some very interesting things
08:10Yeah, this is the same code
08:13as before but
08:15Now that we know some more there was some additional terms we could identify
08:20That's just spot-on here you got the shooting and you got one ear and there's also Hillary
08:31And there's another
08:34Yeah, I think we'll come back to that there's some other interesting words here too
08:40Afforded how much
08:44Obviates government to be a wise guy
08:53Because as we saw he was shot in one ear and
08:58That comes kind of up in the next code I did as well
09:03Do you want to bring that up? Yeah, so I found this code just before
09:11Just before the stream here, so I haven't had it peer-reviewed yet and it's a little very fresh but
09:17You can see some very interesting terms here what I look was looking for was shooting Trump, which is the main search term and
09:28The term I put on top there was two words first sheaf is you know
09:36It's a bundle of grains right tied together
09:40for the after the hardest symbolic meaning
09:43Yeah, it could be a very symbolic meaning and then there was
09:48a Talmudic
09:50Term which means to disfigure an animal's ear thus making it unfit for sacrificial purposes. I
09:58was trying to find some more information about this word, but
10:02Couldn't find all in the short time. I had to search but that is very interesting in my opinion
10:08Because very much couldn't yeah, what I was thinking is it could interpret it like
10:13the thing that happened to his ear is like
10:16God or someone sending a message to everyone that you're not you know to touch this man. You're not to kill this man
10:23It's not to be something's unfit for sacrifice
10:26Yeah, which to say that something is unfit for sacrifice is essentially to say that it is impure to begin with
10:33yeah, and there are many people speculating and
10:37Seem to look at things in prophecy that likens Donald Trump to an animal or a beast or or something like that
10:44Well that where it says clean if credit and then you know when proceeding that
10:51Above that term where it says to disfigured animal thus thus making it unfit for sacrificial purposes
10:57It feels like it's saying that
11:02Would be fit for sacrifice or at least made clean
11:07his trustworthiness by
11:10The the credit that he deserves
11:13Yeah, that's one interpretation
11:15what I was thinking was
11:18That the credit trust garment was the bulletproof vest
11:22they could have
11:24That made made him appear clean and at least his clothes were clean
11:28You know, well, otherwise they would have been have been bloody when he got shot because apparently he got a bullet in his chest as well
11:35Yeah, there was somebody
11:38Yeah, that other term that other term in one of the other codes saying me heart
11:43I think that might be referring to where one of the other shots was fired, too
11:49Yeah, which is it's an obvious, you know, basic basic target for anyone who's got even a
11:58modicum of any kind of kill training with a gun is
12:03There are certain points that you focus on two to the chest one in the head and
12:08Or I might have that backwards, but because I don't kill people
12:19Yeah, if you you're referring earlier to the double tap actually and that's one to the one to the body one to the head
12:29Then there are other interesting words like affirming confirmatory healthy healthful restorative
12:36Which is probably reference to that, you know, he's he's gonna make it. Yeah, it's gonna heal after that
12:44Or it could all be silly salutary
12:48And he made a very legendary salute there. It became a very a very
12:54iconic image
12:55Yeah, it's all it's almost like this image here from this
13:00Play deck that you know what you see that him making the same face here
13:04But he was yelling the word fight. Yeah
13:07When he was doing that fist bump
13:10That whole scene of him being escorted offstage
13:15It just what
13:18This is Secret Service. We're talking about right? So these are
13:23They have the reputation of being the best of the best when it comes to protecting key people
13:31Namely presidents or ex-presidents or those close to them
13:37They're at a massive public event. And if you watch the video, they have the smallest
13:45It's a woman I mean girl power go for it. She's
13:50Protecting the president with her life same as anyone else but so not to not to discredit her for her gender or anything, but why
13:58Just thinking tactically why
14:01would you have a
14:03much shorter human being
14:06smaller frame female in
14:08Front of the as a body shield as the worst possible body shield you could choose unless
14:15You want to leave the face open and get that?
14:18Get that shot. Yes the PR shot right there, isn't it?
14:24Public relations you can really see his face quite clearly when there's not a tall man blocking him
14:29Even as they're getting him off the stage
14:31I was watching this and I was just like man if there was a second shooter
14:36Because that's a real risk in any time something like this happens. Yeah, I think they might not be alone. Just I'm gonna
14:42basic security
14:44Watch this watch this video again. You can actually you can see before you do
14:48I want to point something out when you play it
14:50I want people to watch this and see it as he's coming down the steps. He's wide open whole front
14:58Wide open. This is Secret Service. We're talking about. Yeah. Yeah
15:02Come on, and and not only that that woman that's supposed to be the closest one to him from the audience perspective
15:10Also bends down leaves him even further wide open just to pick up his hat
15:15They have AIDS for that sort of thing
15:18I'm sure this is also a protocol that they have to do this when something like this happens
15:22They have to pull him off the stage and they have to you know abort everything
15:26But it looks very much like it Trump didn't want to do that. He wanted to stay and continue the speech
15:32Granted they have their limitations when you're protecting a key figure. It can be difficult to
15:38Subjugate their will to do your job
15:40One possible thing that occurred to me is the hat might have been picked up
15:45Simply in an attempt to prevent further delays like with Trump insisting on getting issues
15:53Someone someone also sorry continue. Sorry. No, I've made my point that was
16:01Okay, it's my mention some someone made a comparison to when Theodore
16:06Comparison to when Theodore
16:09Is it his name Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt
16:14And I think it was in 1914 or something. He got shot in in the chest
16:22Also doing a speech and
16:25he was saved by having his notes or something in his pocket and the
16:30They kind of absorbed the the bullet somehow. Oh, yes
16:35Look in a pocket trick
16:50What do you guys think about this
16:53This theory about Hillary Clinton. I know that she was in
16:57She was in this code right here
17:00We didn't mention it yet, but
17:02I'll bring it bigger up on the screen
17:05Or it says the shooting. It says one ears as the updated version of the 2016 result and
17:12It also says the name Hillary
17:18And you know
17:20yeah, and there is another layer to this that is a reason why she's in this code because she
17:27Let's let's face it. We all know by now that she does not have clean hands. There's a lot of blood there a
17:33lot of people tied to her
17:35Disappearing suiciding, etc. We it's not a secret at this point
17:43Sorry, I shouldn't have said that it was a
17:47That might get us flagged
17:49entertainment purposes
17:51And a certain no, I mean there are certain words that tend to get flagged depending which platform you're playing on and that's one of them
17:58the s-word
18:00Moving moving on. I want to read something when asked about this
18:05L'Oreal offered some insight about
18:09Why she might be in the code?
18:13He said there's a great esoteric under message that most people don't see
18:18Hillary represents the evil witchiness of Babylon
18:22She is the most senior high-profile
18:25Influential woman in liberal left America who like so many women of her archetype?
18:32Literally gets away with murder and other heinous crimes in full view of everyone
18:37She is the most senior advocate of child sacrifice her sacrament
18:43This is reference to
18:46The abortion laws
18:48Now Trump in contrast represents what her and her coven mates
18:53see as the ultimate representation of evil patriarchy a
18:57strong man who has risen to great power wealth stature and influence a
19:03Man who seems to also be able to get away with things while the weaker female dominated men cannot
19:10He's a man who has subdued and dominated beautiful women his wives and mistresses
19:16insulted vile women
19:18objectified and subjugated women his beauty pageants
19:21thwarted the plans of evil women those that falsely accused him
19:26derailed the plans of scheming women most notably Hillary herself and
19:30ultimately brought an end to the daily sacrifices to Babylon's goddess
19:36By overturning Roe vs. Wade the federal decision that had set up America's abomination of desolation
19:43This is ultimately a battle of good versus evil
19:50Those are those words on the matter
19:53Trump is as alpha as they come
19:55Pretty much. Yeah true symbol of American defiance against the matriarchy
20:01Yeah, I had to pause for a moment when you when you said abomination for a moment my brain heard abomination
20:10You wouldn't be far off and there's a reason for that
20:15He's very much part of that yeah
20:20But this is understand
20:23while it is orchestrated by
20:26forces far before America's inception
20:30it is at the same time a
20:33An act on the stage meant to be seen and understood for what it is
20:38it is an
20:41orchestrated battle of good versus evil in terms of
20:45The symbolism and the archetypes that are being displayed in opposition to each other. That's why you have such polarization
20:52That's why Trump himself since before he was even elected has been
20:57More than anything else. He is a polarizing figure
21:02he is
21:03He polarizes the right from the left
21:07Extremely. So now more than ever
21:11This this is very much you could call it deep state as Alex Jones does we
21:16Understand that it is older than that. It is older than the state the state is
21:22The state is a crop even the deep state is one player on the board
21:27being moved
21:29It's just a minor one at that relatively speaking
21:33No relative them you bring up Alex Jones. Would you like me to?
21:39Display that prediction that he made. Yes, please
21:44Listen to me very carefully. I have told you for months on air. They're gonna try to kill Trump and when they try to kill Trump
21:51They're gonna go after everybody else. That is his top supporters and they also will try to kill Biden and blame it on a Trump supporter
21:57Wow, that's coming next
22:00Make no mistake the same deep state that's behind by just trying to make him step down
22:04Well, they're gonna try to kill him and blame it on a Trump supporter
22:08Make no mistake the same deep state that's behind by just trying to make him step down
22:12What's behind us today? They're now reporting was an antifa shooter who's now been killed
22:16How convenient is that that the supposed shooter has been killed?
22:20Ladies and gentlemen, our Republic is in maximum
22:24danger right now, I'm about to go live and
22:31That is very interesting so he
22:33Basically says that they're gonna go after
22:36Biden next and try to blame it on a Trump supporter. It's just gonna further
22:43cement this divide. Further polarize. Yeah. The sort of thing that can potentially
22:53escalate very rapidly. Yeah and if you saw how I was paying attention to how
23:00the mainstream media reported on this and the statements that the different
23:05people gave about this if you notice that all the Democrat people Obama and
23:11Biden and so on they were very sort of meticulous about condemning political
23:20violence and stuff and then the media reported that oh it was a Trump didn't
23:26actually condemn political violence and they didn't discourage retaliation and
23:30so on. So I think that if something like that happens to Biden now they're gonna
23:35sort of blame it on Trump for not doing that. It's sort of like they're setting it up.
23:40And what the Democrats classically do, one of their basic tactics is to blame the
23:49other side for what they're doing. It's basic narcissism.
23:53They do it on themselves and blame others for it. That rooftop thing that is one of the big points about this whole thing that just it just stinks of being deliberate. Being allowed. There's a there's a quote if you wouldn't mind actually you know what let's read this first.
24:18Park would you mind reading that one. Do you want the meme that's on the screen here? Yeah. Yeah why didn't they have the Secret Service on that roof and then this little person here answers a reason to have the CIA and the Secret Service on the same roof. Oh CIA asset. Obviously there would be no official paper trail leading to and we're too good at what they do for that but it's incredibly likely that this was another
24:48person who was just as many of the shooters and so-called terrorists so far.
24:52They're instigated. They're fomented. They're fermented you could say. Yeah let's put the little girl in front of us on when we're being shot at. Perfect plan. That's very cute. That's adorable. It reminds me also that the symbology of the upside-down American flag symbolizes
25:13distress. Yeah it does. There's a tweet by someone Uncommon Resolve if you could pull that up I'll read it for everyone. Oh right that was a different meme but let's see here. This one right here. Yeah it really puts it in perspective. So Uncommon Resolve says I'm not sure enough people realize how
25:42statistically remote the possibility is that one untrained person happened to pick the one uncovered rooftop within firing range on the one day that the two sniper team was looking in the one direction from which the assassin was firing and neither saw the threat nor engaged the target before he could get off one shot. He got off what was it three initial? Yeah at least two shots.
26:09Yeah but probably more than that because it it hits like three people in the audience I think. Or was it two? At least one person was killed. Yeah it was two people in the audience so one was killed and another I believe he was a local local official his nephew I think was wounded.
26:29So this this whole thing it we even have footage of the the counter snipers on their barn they're looking right at the guy as the shots were fired they flinched when it happened almost as if they were experiencing recoil it was such a dramatic movement but the they they they sat there and let it happen first but they were looking right at him but it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's
26:59time their shots fire they it didn't even look like they were moving their
27:02guns because the camp when we play the footage you'll see that the camera looks
27:08away from them the moment they start to shoot there wasn't really any time while
27:12the camera was on them that there was no adjustment that you could see really but
27:18they were facing how do you look at a guy on a roof with a gun pointed at the
27:24ex-president possibly future president and not do anything like that's your
27:30whole job this is protecting that person maybe we should bring up an accidental
27:37maybe we should bring up that interview from BBC where the guy talks about
27:41trying to warn the the cops and secret service about the guy on the roof and
27:45they didn't do anything about it yeah would you like to bring that and there's
27:51well I'm bringing up the video that Eric here was talking about it yeah but it's
27:59short yeah this shows that I bet that he was talking about it about the snipers
28:04and their reaction
28:08no it's blessing bring it back a little bit so people would see it again
28:21it's one of the Secret Service snipers up there right mm-hmm
28:25our snipers
28:34and what what video were you asking for yeah that was this interview here yeah
28:39okay right we couldn't see him but we could hear him so we walked up and
28:48probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking I'm estimating here I have no
28:54idea you know but we noticed the guy crawling arm you know bear crawling up
29:02the roof of the building beside us 50 50 feet away from us so we're standing there
29:08you know we're pointing we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof and he
29:12had a gun right he had a rifle right we could clearly see him with a rifle
29:15absolutely we're pointing at him the police are down there running around on
29:21the ground we're like hey man there's guy on the roof with a rifle and the
29:25police are like huh you know like like they didn't know what was going on you
29:29know we're like hey right here on the roof we can see him from right here we
29:32see him you know he's he's crawling and next thing you know I'm like I'm
29:38thinking to myself I'm like why is Trump still speaking why have they not pulled
29:41him off the stage I'm standing there pointing at him for you know two three
29:45minutes Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn I'm pointing at
29:50that roof just standing there like this and next thing you know five shots ring
29:55out so you're you're certain that the shots came from that guy on the 100%
30:00hundred percent and he he was up there for a couple of minutes he was up there
30:04him up there for a couple of minutes absolutely at least three or four
30:06minutes and you were telling yep we were telling the police we were pointing at
30:11him for the Secret Service who were looking at us from the top of the barn
30:14they were looking at us the whole time we were standing by that tree could they
30:17binoculars they see him probably not because the roof the way the slope went
30:22he was behind where they could see but but why is there not Secret Service on
30:26all of these roofs here I mean this is not a big place did you see I mean
30:31obviously everyone when the shooting started everyone was very panicked did
30:36you see what happened to him at all oh yeah they blew his head off okay sorry
30:39Secret Service blew his head off okay we just be careful because we don't know
30:43quite who's watching but you're pretty sure they shot the guy absolutely
30:46100% okay yep you saw that happen yep yep okay yep and did you see them go up
30:52to him afterwards or they yeah they crawled up on the roof they had their
30:56guns pointed at him make sure he was dead he was dead and that was it it was
31:00over it appears that Donald Trump
31:05so yeah there's a lot of things pointing to something real fishy yeah this was
31:13clearly a stand-down order that was given somewhere along the line just the
31:18fact that the Secret Service perimeter was so small it was way I forget the
31:23actual numbers but it was way below what a typical perimeter of protection would
31:31be for this sort of thing by Secret Service it was this this this was a loud
31:37guts let's let's not and I've seen other people have any illusions about it yes
31:42in other people also saying that they try to warn the police or Secret Service
31:46about they saw the guy crawling and I mean two to three minutes that's a
31:50pretty long time to not react and do anything it's a long time if you think
31:56about what you can do in two to three minutes yeah at some point actually just
32:02before the shooting according to one report a like a beat cop you know just a
32:08regular cop or whatever was not not Secret Service was climbing that roof he
32:15climbed up the ladder to the roof and there I guess the report says that the
32:21gunman turned and pointed the gun at him and he got back off the roof really
32:25quickly and then immediately the gunman turned and fired his shots which I have
32:35my doubts about that because all this was happening while see well the actual
32:40counter snipers were facing that way and they didn't see a gun being pointed at a
32:45cop think maybe that guy's the threat nothing it just doesn't add up but
32:56obviously some regular beat cop wouldn't be in on it or anything like that he
33:01wouldn't be getting those sorts of orders he would just be doing regular
33:04additional security detail nothing major from him so the choice of bodyguard to
33:15cover Trump's front is it's laughable it's so so plainly stagecraft guys very
33:26convenient to to get that sort of angle and that picture that some some some
33:33media reports is going to win this election pretty easily looks you know
33:39so wholesome and nice it looks like a champion of the United States you know
33:46from what I've seen of the location where the podium was located and the
33:52surrounding structures it wasn't like there was an overwhelming number of
33:57elevated positions that they had to try and the Secret Service had to try and
34:02keep an eye on it you can see on the map there's only a few groups around it's
34:07middle of a large field almost but there's from the overhead map you can
34:12see there's not that much around to cover it would have been extremely easy
34:18wouldn't have even taken that much manpower to have eyes on every inch of
34:22those rooftops all around I believe I believe if I'm not misremembering the
34:29the standard for Secret Service and this is don't quote me on this I'm not a
34:34hundred percent by any means about it but the standard I think perimeter for
34:39Secret Service to detail this sort of thing would be a half mile like I saw
34:44out as a half mile from the target they would be monitoring rooftops and all
34:49that sort of thing well a good observation post from what I've seen of
34:54the images as well there's a water tower there they could have had a spotter up
34:58there quite easily would have been able to see everything every rooftop
35:05definitely in that direction yeah even the sloped ones you would still have a
35:10pretty easy time seeing I would assume both angles are sloped hmm well it's at
35:19least just going off the images I've seen the water tower is at least three
35:24times higher than any other rooftop there
35:30it's gonna be interesting to follow this and see what happens FBI is gonna head
35:36up the investigation from what I understand yeah a blue flag yeah I mean
35:49they've been working together with the Democratic Party to discredit Trump
35:52before hmm they were didn't they bring forth that fake dossier with that they
35:59were talking about that talks about Russian girls doing their business on
36:05him and stuff that was clearly just fabricated yeah they've shown a lot of
36:13bias and who they target and how intensely it's it's gonna be
36:19interesting to see how that plays out but let's keep an eye out this may not
36:24be over especially with poison being in the codes this is more in the codes as
36:31well there's a you know that they were talking about a second shot perhaps that
36:38there might be more attempts against his life
36:42the other Harris is the is the next president of the United States not
36:49president-elect but by default from Biden being taken out of office yeah do
36:56you have that card there I think you had a second shot yeah had it in one of the
37:04tabs there I think the other card on there yeah second bullet so this is what
37:12a lot of people say there might be a second attempt I don't know I could be
37:19referring to the second bullet in this event maybe it's from the Illuminati
37:23card game a lot of predictive messages hidden within this deck yeah that's been
37:31out of the 70s 80s maybe something like that I'd love to have the whole set to
37:38see you know which cards can we take off and which ones do we have left and try
37:43to see what you know what but they predict the original sets actually
37:48selling for over $200 on eBay there's a newer updated version that has the same
37:54the same cards in it it's just you know a newer release that's only like $30 on
38:00Amazon and it's actually playable right it's a game it is yeah it's a game that
38:05you can play oh yeah it would be fun yeah play out the end of the world
38:10together I'm not sure if it's $200 worth of fun but yeah no yeah that's like a
38:15collector's edition kind of a thing but that is what you're seeing is from the
38:20original deck and it does kind of resemble Trump a little bit with the
38:24blonde hair yeah there are some uncanny resemblances as the store code
38:29discovery actually includes one of the cards as well in the image on the top
38:35left yeah title the card being enough is enough I don't have a clip up but there
38:45was also the Simpsons also predicted the the death of Donald Trump even
38:51before he was elected president and the Simpsons never did any predictions right
38:57do they well it's weird any weird uncanny things that yeah and out to
39:07happen I'm having trouble hearing you brother
39:11how's my audio nothing oh yeah it's something happened to your audio that's
39:16very nice can you speak yeah I can speak oh must be on my headset okay so are
39:24you getting me messed up as well yeah it was just me sorry
39:31thought I'd interrupt you there what were you saying no worries yeah just
39:36joking about the Simpsons predicting things because it does happen I mean
39:44there look there there are so many people in the alert watcher community
39:50who have pointed out over and over again this principle that the elite seem to
39:55have that if they telegraph their moves ahead of time then when it happens
40:01anyone's fooled by it it's their own fault there's no culpability from that
40:06if they telegraph it ahead of time there's there's some truth to that but
40:11at the same time it is meant to be a sign for the alert for the watchful so
40:17recognize these things we are meant to read into it we are meant to pay
40:22attention to the crap of media but not as near and entertainment there is more
40:30to it that we're meant to observe and consider that's why people all around
40:35the world should listen to us because we very much follow these things to
40:40understand deeper meanings about things that are hidden to the general public a
40:44lot of times there's symbolism in everything
40:50yeah even the wall behind this Trump like figure on the the second bullet
40:58he's got stones brickwork behind him wink wink masonry hmm so there's a lot
41:16of fun stuff we can dig into I say fun and the multitude of meanings truth is
41:23fun it's fun watching the fireworks you know well this is all part of the
41:33process to bringing the kingdom of God that's all part of the process to not
41:38just bring it but to show people why it's so necessary they have to
41:42understand that for it to be sustainable they have to understand the need for it
41:47we're almost there people are starting to see a need for something very radically
41:52different from anything they've been shown or led by this far but a lot of
41:59ideologues have to come crashing down I have to be proven to fail and
42:06spectacularly so people do learn best by trial and error don't they hypothetically
42:15so we guide that process let them learn God's will be done
42:29yeah so God's will be done I think that I think that we've reached a proper
42:38closing point for today's episode what do you guys think I think so there is
42:43there is one more thing I would add just as a bit of a teaser to next week
42:48or some soon episode speaking of a wound to the head right there is a head wound
42:57very prominent and scripture in the book of Revelations to be specific I'm going
43:02to be diving into all of that next week is Trump that individual described in
43:09the book well I wouldn't say that but we'll get to it
43:15so there's something for everyone to look forward to looking for the revelation
43:20yes we're also going to be at some point we're going to be talking about the
43:28mark of the beast and the multiple fulfillments of that prophecy
43:35multifaceted perspective there that's what I'm referring to yeah chapter 13
43:40we're going to break it down because it is not what people think one of many
43:46colossal scriptural misinterpretations that have become so prevalent in this
43:51wide highway that we call Christianity today
44:01okay I wait a house their way to heaven
44:06this is thank you everyone for joining us yeah um I do want to close this on a
44:13positive note too I know we we did a little bit of joking around today but
44:18this is a pretty serious matter the you had the the attempted assassination of
44:26former US president and president-elect Donald Trump and I do say president-elect
44:32because it most certainly he would win landslide victory if there is a upcoming
44:35election there will be more on this topic coming soon throughout the rest of
44:41the week we'll be touching on it at various points as news comes out
44:45including additional Torah code evidence if it if God chooses to reveal it to us
44:49thank you everyone for joining us love God love each other in the name of the
44:54Lord turn Christ Lord rail
