Hidden Power

  • 3 months ago

Featuring Cardinals Mat Staader & Clark Isaac, revealing suppressed technology that can create more equitable or free energy.
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Content live-streamed through multiple platforms:
00:00100 years ago, people were able to use electricity from the air.
00:16What you see on the screen is the real article from the Science and Invention magazine.
00:19An article about the Plauson invention was published in 1922.
00:21A ball made of aluminum was filled with hydrogen or helium and, at a height of 270 meters,
00:25generated a constant electricity with a voltage of 400 volts and a strength of 1.8 amperes.
00:29Two aerostats with a capacitor battery provided a power of 81 kilowatts per day.
00:32As the author writes, its power is very great.
00:34There is no doubt that this invention will soon become widely used worldwide, especially
00:37in rural areas and where hydroelectric power is lacking.
00:40Why don't we use it nowadays?
00:41The full picture of the article I published in my Telegram channel can be found via the
00:43link in the channel's profile.
00:45Thanks for joining us, brother.
00:52I think I want to play that video back again.
00:54I think I may have made the speed a little bit too fast there.
01:00I have no problem watching it again.
01:04So just to give people a brief summary of what we're going to talk about today, we're
01:09talking about hidden technologies, free energy devices, things that have been around since
01:17even before the time of Nikola Tesla.
01:19These are actually rediscovered technologies from him.
01:23And there's a, I guess we call it the Prometheus device, which is a gift from the heavens to
01:31the earth for free energy.
01:35I do have a little bit of an objection to the term free electricity, but I'll explain
01:40more a little bit later on.
01:44I'm going to go ahead and play this video back for everyone again.
01:48See from the air, what you see on the screen is the real article from the science and invention
01:57An article about the plaza and invention was published in 1922.
02:00A ball made of aluminum was filled with hydrogen or helium and at a height of 270 meters generated
02:06a constant electricity with a voltage of 400 volts and a strength of 1.8 amperes, two aerostats
02:12with a capacitor battery provided a power of 81 kilowatts per day.
02:16As the author writes, its power is very great.
02:19There is no doubt that this invention will soon become widely used worldwide, especially
02:23in rural areas and where hydroelectric power is lacking.
02:28Why don't we use it nowadays?
02:29The full picture of the article I published in my telegram channel can be found via the
02:33link in the channel's profile.
02:37So this technology that was displayed in that video, again, this is something that Tesla
02:42was working on and it was going to be implemented in Western societies.
02:47That was his hope and from everything I've read of Nikola Tesla, nothing of what he did,
02:59or very little, was for personal gain.
03:03He was trying to provide this to all of human society for free.
03:09It ended up being only things that other so-called inventors or profiteers took on
03:15that became for profit, like the alternating current.
03:18That was part of the problem, yeah.
03:22Many things, or probably I would argue that everything that Tesla invented, excluding
03:28the Tesla coil, someone else ended up taking credit for.
03:33He contributed to the development of the light bulb, but at the time he was working for guess
03:38Thomas Edison.
03:40Oh, yeah, the guy who took all the credit.
03:43I think it's Marconi.
03:44I can't remember his first name, but Marconi is credited with the invention of radio transmission,
03:50but even his own patent, Marconi's own patent application uses something like 200 of Tesla's
03:56patents cited in his own application.
04:03Let's talk more about this device.
04:08What does it use?
04:09Static electricity?
04:10It's commonly referred to as static electricity, which gives it the common misconception that
04:19it's useless, but yes, it's collecting electrical charges from the ionosphere, or as it says
04:29in that image, the electric exchange layer, but that terminal, or the image really, and
04:40most places you'll see similar images as portrayed in the same way, that you won't get a static
04:47You won't get a charge from the atmosphere until you get up to that height, but it is
04:52a very transient thing.
04:53It can depend on humidity, the moisture level in the air for one thing, which can bring
05:00it down much lower, and it does begin at even a meter above ground level, but the higher
05:10you get, the higher the charge level is.
05:14They're saying there's a layer in the atmosphere that has this electrical charge and it's typically
05:22above a thundercloud?
05:26Thunderclouds tend to form, they act as a medium, basically, between the ground and
05:42the ionosphere, where the water molecules in that cloud will act as a conduit, basically,
05:50to allow the charges to jump from the highest charge layer through the cloud to the ground.
06:01This is similar to this, what would you call this?
06:07This is a tower built by Tesla, right?
06:10I will admit that I believe this image is most likely photoshopped, but it does depict
06:19at least one understanding of how the tower that Tesla was building at the time his funding
06:26for this project was pulled.
06:29This is a facility called Wardenclyffe Tower.
06:34The building you see in the foreground is still there, and the concrete foundation is
06:38still there, but that tower has now been completely demolished.
06:44That's a piece of American history, I don't know why they would destroy that.
06:48And it was supposed to be not only a test project, but also the first of a network of
06:56towers that would allow, again, the patterns have disappeared, and the blueprints and everything
07:05have vanished for what this was supposed to do.
07:08But if you look at it, looking at the design of it, you can see a silhouette inside the
07:15tower itself that looks a lot like a Tesla coil.
07:19And so my presumption from this is that the dome of the tower itself was intended to pull
07:27those charges from the atmosphere and relay them into the coil, and that is where the
07:35power was actually getting transmitted from.
07:37Because it's been shown that if you have two Tesla coils, now the coil itself, I'm sure
07:44everyone's seen an image of one, you have a primary coil and a secondary.
07:49And if you have two of them that are wound with the exact same number of turns on the
07:55secondary coil, you put power into one, and like a tuning fork, the other one will pick
08:03up that power, I'm sure everyone's seen the scientific experiment, if you have two tuning
08:09forks near each other, you hit one, the other one will start vibrating at the same frequency.
08:14And is that related to magnetism?
08:19More closely related to radio waves.
08:24Radio waves.
08:24So actually, electromagnetic waves to be more accurate, because radio waves are a form of
08:31electromagnetic radiation, but they can be transmitted a long distance.
08:37And there were other devices that Tesla helped to invent, like you were saying before.
08:43The alternating current power is one, and I can't remember who it was, that may have
08:51actually been Edison as well, after Tesla stopped working for him.
08:54But alternating current power was made infamous at the time by, again, assuming it was
09:03whichever individual it was, would demonstrate the danger of this by electrocuting animals
09:12in public, which is just a horrendous thing.
09:17It's the second on the list, obviously, as we've mentioned, the Tesla coil.
09:24And although this is something that many people have reproduced all around the world, I don't
09:31think everyone has fully realized the potential that it has.
09:40The magnifying transmitter, I'm not 100% sure what that is, but I think it's got something
09:48to do with the actual transmission of the, the term itself indicates magnifying and transmitting
10:05the energy from one coil to another.
10:08Now, the next one, the Tesla turbine is a personal favorite of mine.
10:17Because this is a generator that can run off flowing water, it can run off compressed
10:23air, it can run off steam, and a very simple principle, only one moving part, really.
10:33And all it uses is friction or surface tension.
10:38You have a stack of disks, ideally metal, for their strength, with very narrow gaps
10:46between them.
10:49And your flowing medium, steam, water, air, whatever, is channeled in.
10:56It flows between these disks and basically grabs hold of them, makes them rotate.
11:05There is a example of it, I think it's in a museum.
11:13And you can tell, it's made out of cast iron, at least the main housing of it.
11:23And from what I've read, allowing for the fact that cast iron was apparently very different
11:30to what we see these days, much higher quality.
11:36I've also read claims, there it is there.
11:41There are some machined parts, and copper tubing, but the official claim is that this
11:50cannot be reproduced today because the materials we have would be torn apart by the forces
11:58generated in the Tesla turbine.
12:06That doesn't seem like a plausible way to deny that they couldn't make it, that the
12:15forces would be too great.
12:17But they can somehow contain nuclear reactions, but they can't contain a steam turbine.
12:23Yeah, a nuclear reaction is a very different thing, but...
12:28I'm just saying, the complexities...
12:31Fair point.
12:33A steam train is probably a better comparison in this context, that you have something rolling
12:42down the railway, comparatively for their time, when steam trains were at their peak.
12:51Enormous speeds, enormous velocities, massive levels of pressure, but somehow this can't
12:57be reproduced in 2024 in a usable way.
13:05That sounds like a feeble excuse to me, but we're seeing a lot of that with Tesla's technologies
13:10being suppressed.
13:12There's a lot of...
13:13Feeble excuses.
13:15And there's a lot of people that have been disappeared when they try to make free energy
13:20devices or more equitable energy devices.
13:25There's that term that flows around, which creates the perception of producing electricity
13:32out of nothing, but for one thing, there has to be a source for the charge, but in addition
13:44to that, using the term free, at least in my view, also creates this idea that nothing
13:51needs to be...
13:53No resources, no anything needs to be put in, but you still need to contribute materials
14:02to build whatever device.
14:04And maintain it.
14:05And maintain it, yeah.
14:08So there's extremely cheap energy and highly efficient energy.
14:14Okay, so maybe the terminology we should use instead would be more equitable energy sources.
14:20As you've been saying, and I agree, it's...
14:23But these things, they don't create as much of a profit margin for big companies, and
14:30they can't control the resources required to make them.
14:34Which is also a big part of the problem with just going back to the wireless transmission
14:40that Tesla wanted to do.
14:42He was being funded by, for those who have their eyes open, probably one of the most
14:48famous people in American history, J.P. Morgan, who...
14:52He was one of the founders of Morgan Stanley Bank.
14:58And J.P. Morgan Chase as well, I believe, at least, as a derivative of, or a subsidiary
15:05of that, I'm not sure.
15:06Yeah, later on, I think it was, but yeah, go on.
15:13When Tesla was building Wardenclyffe Tower, he was being funded, that whole project was
15:19funded by J.P. Morgan, up until the point that he found out that the power being provided
15:27to the people could not be regulated.
15:30People could just harvest it as they wished, free.
15:37Big business.
15:38It's not just that.
15:41Tesla, not Tesla, sorry, Morgan, J.P. Morgan at the time, himself owned copper mines.
15:50He owned factories to produce wiring specifically for the transmission of electrical power.
15:58All of that would have been rendered valueless, almost.
16:02Oh, yeah, once this technology is implemented.
16:06He needed transit power from the source to the home, for example.
16:12So some wiring would be required.
16:14But vastly less than what's implemented today.
16:16Yeah, there wouldn't be power lines running from a grid to a single source.
16:21The wiring still needs to be used in the coils, for example.
16:23So it could still be implemented there, but the amount, the resources needed, drastically
16:31And he was probably sitting on a whole lot of copper, and it would have been like diamonds.
16:37They would have had to figure out a way to limit it.
16:41Which, transitioning back to what you mentioned earlier about Tesla's wireless transmission
16:49being a rediscovery, now we've talked about this when we talked about Tartaria.
16:56Those buildings having big copper spires on the top of them, and wiring that seemed
17:01to go nowhere inside the structures that was all stripped out over a period of time.
17:10Many different examples of things, I've even seen photos of buildings where an arrangement
17:17of domes, just them and the supporting structures were just removed.
17:26Photos taken in the 1800s, presumably, or early 1900s, and then photos taken within
17:31the last maybe 15, 20 years.
17:35And these parts of the structure are just gone.
17:44Trying to erase our history, and they're trying to prevent people from living what would seem
17:53like a luxurious lifestyle to third world peoples, but making first world amenities
17:58available to them for really low cost.
18:03It's keeping the poor people poor.
18:08There was another device recently.
18:12This one, I stumbled across this a couple of days ago, and I know I didn't really explain
18:16it much.
18:17Yeah, you didn't tell me much about it.
18:19At all.
18:20Prior to the beginning of the live stream, on the left, these have almost completely
18:32fallen into disuse in cars and trucks.
18:37What is that we're looking at?
18:38On the left is a carburettor from a dirt bike.
18:42I'm not sure of the year model, but from what I've seen on bikes I've had myself, they're
18:48all fairly much the same.
18:51On the left, on the right, is a modernized design that, and this is an example of, there's
19:02been stories floating around which at one point myself I believed were fact, but looking
19:10into it further, there's no way it can work.
19:15This idea of carburettors that can make a car get anywhere up to say 500 miles per gallon.
19:23But on the right is a newly designed motorcycle carburettor, designed to just directly replace
19:32the existing one, and while it does have dramatic improvements in simplicity, it doesn't give
19:43you 500 miles per gallon, but what it does give is a efficiency increase of anywhere
19:50up to 25 or 30%.
19:55A lot of combustion engines, they are inefficient in many ways, but one of those is that they
20:03don't burn their fuel completely.
20:08Some of the exhaust is vaporized fuel.
20:11I want to read one of the comments that we received.
20:14This is actually from our Vicar General.
20:17He says that pacing technological development is, maybe I'll summarize what he's saying
20:27or rephrase it, but he's basically saying that pacing the technological development
20:32is done at this pace according to, as appropriate for social development.
20:40What we have here is obvious suppression of technologies, but it is growing at a steady
20:47pace for what you might consider social development, but there's a technology that will be available
20:54in the New Kingdom that will be on pace with the social development that we expect to happen
21:02in the near future.
21:04Well, in reference to the comment, we have seen examples of technology accelerating beyond
21:21the point of human development in the past and it being suppressed.
21:28The most famous example is the Tower of Babel.
21:30Yeah, and that was divine suppression.
21:34So it seems as though, while on the surface it could seem nefarious that these things
21:42are being suppressed, it could be for a higher purpose that it's being suppressed.
21:49At the time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel, mankind was at, they were on a development
21:56pace where they would be, a very primitive version of human society would be at a point
22:05where they would be venturing into space.
22:07Can you imagine that?
22:11No, cavemen in space, no, no, that would be a disaster.
22:17So yeah, of course, prevention measures had to be put in place.
22:23And Tartaria, it's a softer version of the same kind of reset.
22:29I can only imagine how wonderful life would have been with the technology that they had
22:35and obviously for similar reasons, things needed to be staggered a little bit.
22:43So one of the devices that will be implemented in the New Kingdom is something called the
22:49Prometheus device.
22:50But there's concepts about it that should probably be explained first.
22:56There's been, it's a very simple concept.
22:58It's basically magnetic repulsion.
23:01And with a wheel turbine?
23:04Basically like a, much like a generator, but the theory is, using it, well, looking on
23:13YouTube for five minutes, looking for magnetic repulsion, maybe you'll find so many different
23:19variations on the concept that it's bordering on absurd, and all using the concept of using
23:28magnets repelling each other to make a rotor turn to produce electricity.
23:35This concept of angling the magnets, is that just to keep it running so it doesn't lock
23:43And this is similar to what's been shown here on this Prometheus device from Lord Rael.
23:48This one, it perfects the design, because although the image seems very similar, very
23:55simple, I was about to say similar, which it kind of is, but the problem with a lot
24:01of these designs that you see people showing on YouTube and other platforms, is they seem
24:07to follow a concept of, let's add as many magnets as possible.
24:14And it's really not necessary, because all you're doing is adding magnetic interference,
24:20additional weight, because if you have the magnets too close to each other, they are
24:26going to, the magnetic field lines are going to interfere with each other.
24:32So what this design does, it eliminates, and admittedly this image is very simple, but
24:41it's all it really needs to be.
24:44Eliminates what?
24:45Eliminates excess weight, spaces out the magnets from each other so they aren't interfering
24:50with each other, and just does what needs to be done.
24:59I think it's interesting it mentions specifically a direct current motor, but why would that
25:05be instead of alternating current?
25:07Because alternating current would seem more efficient.
25:16The exact reason for that I'm not 100% sure of, but, I just don't notice that, yeah, potentially
25:24speaking DC motors are simpler, and you can always feed the power from that, into a brushless
25:32DC motor at that.
25:34So what could be the intention here, is to make a device available for creating at home?
25:39Yeah, so a brushless DC motor for one thing, less friction they have, from my understanding.
25:50So there's less resistance to the magnets turning the rotor there, and the power that's
25:56coming out of the motor you can always feed into a, if you've got a big enough power,
26:01you can feed it into a battery bank, or into a, the words escaped me, an inverter, that
26:13will convert it to alternating current.
26:14I thought it was really interesting, the name of the device, Prometheus, right?
26:20You and I were talking about this the other day, and we were speaking about the mythology
26:25around the, was it the Greek god Prometheus?
26:28The Greek god Prometheus, yeah.
26:31Tell us a little bit about Prometheus.
26:33There's two different stories, but they both have the same underlying concept, that Zeus
26:41chose to withhold fire from mankind, and Prometheus basically stole it from Mount Olympus, and
26:51gave it to mankind against Zeus' command, and he was punished for it, there's two different
26:59ways, but that's irrelevant.
27:00Exactly, the relevant part is that he gave an energy source to mankind, as a divine gift,
27:07from a divine source, which was not intended for mankind at that time.
27:13Very interesting correlation here, because Lord Rael attempted to offer this gift to
27:21mankind, and that screenshot is all that remains of what was once a much more detailed video,
27:29and even I have never seen the full video, it does not exist anymore.
27:34Right, well what I'm alluding to here is that, like in those times, now, mankind still is
27:41not ready for this divine gift.
27:43Well, yeah, and what I was going to, you're very right, and part of the reason, I have
27:51seen people try to reproduce the Prometheus device, and I could immediately see the problems,
28:01in at least one design, so they used metal bike wheels for the rotor, attaching the magnets
28:10to that.
28:14I would think that like, plastic would be a better choice.
28:18Yeah, like PVC piping, I think, would be a cheap way of doing it.
28:26It's pretty strong.
28:28Strong, yeah, but on a small scale, like a large diameter.
28:34Yeah, just to test it out, test the concept.
28:38I did actually, I never had, at the time, in the circumstances I was in at the time,
28:44I never had the time to complete it, but I did actually try doing it once, but
28:52I never got the time to, I had the rotor built, and just under the circumstances I was in at the
29:01time, didn't have the time to complete it.
29:04Well, when you're ready, you can help us to get disappeared, you know.
29:09But for anyone that can't immediately see the problems with using a plastic, sorry,
29:18metal wheels, any metal will extend a magnetic field.
29:26Right, well, this technology, clearly, it's not available for mankind right now,
29:34and when people try to make it, it's instantly suppressed, and people are silenced or removed
29:39from this planet, one way or another, and preserved, perhaps, at least the technology
29:47would be preserved for a later time, when mankind is ready, and that time will come
29:52after this, what you might call a great reset, but not just the financial great reset, the
29:58Reset of human society.
30:00Yeah, as a whole.
30:01So, really looking forward to that.
30:04Yeah, this society is completely broken, the world that we live in, it's...
30:09That's true, and it does need to be reset, does need to change, if we're ever going to
30:13get towards that utopic Star Trek Federation, Federation of Planets, sort of.
30:20That I'm looking forward to.
30:22Yeah, it's going to be great.
30:25Do you have any preview of what we're going to talk about next week?
30:29Hasn't been decided yet?
30:30Hasn't been decided yet, I am...
30:34That's okay, we don't have to tell them anything, they can just tune in next week.
30:37I was just about to say, I'm open to comments from our audience as well.
30:40Yeah, we'll take requests, sure, sounds good.
30:44All right, you guys know how to reach us.
30:46Thanks for tuning in.
30:48Cardinal Matt Stader, thank you for joining us.
30:51Been a blast, thank you for having me.
30:55No pun intended.
30:56All right, well, we love you guys, have a good day, be blessed in Lord Rail's name,
31:04love God, love each other.