Social Cataclysm, Beyond Repair

  • 2 months ago

Featuring Cardinal Thomas Cavin & Clark Isaac, revealing the mysteries about where WW3 and the social cataclysm is heading.

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00:30Cardinal Tom Skaven, good morning Clark, good morning, good to be back, welcome back.
00:40A lot's been going on in the world, definitely, even while you were away, more has happened
00:47with Prophecy Fulfillment.
00:51I gotta say, I do apologize to our audience for you missing out on this, but I gotta have
00:58Tom with me in the mornings, I can't do this without you brother.
01:02There's too much going on Clark, far too much, I mean, as we're going to see in this stream,
01:10we do live in precarious times now.
01:13You were having trouble with some of your accounts recently, with your TikTok and your
01:22Twitter X, you had to open up new accounts.
01:27We're going to be streaming on that platform, I think starting tomorrow you said we'll get
01:31access to that.
01:32Yeah, Twitter's beginning to pick up now because this news, it's getting everybody, because
01:40the mainstream for a change, for a change, I have to say that, for a change the mainstream
01:47are actually reporting on all this stuff now, so it's in the public eye, they're not hiding
01:54it now, but as you can see here, look, writers attack hotels, used to house asylum seekers
02:02amid worst UK disorder in years, now this is actually getting put out there from the
02:12far right, even the elite, I mean we've seen what's happened around the world with the
02:18George Soros stuff, you know, the way that he put out stuff as well, paying these people
02:25to do things in the Ukraine and what not, you know.
02:29And you're sitting here, he's doing the same thing in the UK.
02:31This is it, this is happening right now, yeah.
02:38UK riots live, this is a good one actually, but you have to watch it because it's live
02:45all the time.
02:46Almost 400 arrested over violent disorder, a starmer puts standing army of police on
02:54Okay, I'm going to go ahead and play this video, we'll have a listen.
03:01Peaceful scenes of criminal violence and thuggery in some of our towns and cities, it's a total
03:09disgrace and there has to be a reckoning, those individuals who are involved in the
03:14disorder need to know that they will pay a price, there have already been hundreds
03:19of arrests and we have made very clear to the police they have our full support in pursuing
03:26the full range of prosecutions and penalties, including serious prison sentences, long-term
03:32tagging, travel bans and more.
03:35I think these people do not speak for Britain, for communities across Britain, people who
03:41speak for Britain are the people who've been out in our communities clearing up the damage
03:46that's been done across the communities and I think it's a disgrace what we've seen.
03:51When you say there'll be a reckoning for those involved, I think there's been over 400 arrests
03:55thus far.
03:56Are you expecting or hoping that anybody that even showed up on the fringes of one of these
04:01gatherings will ultimately be arrested or talking about those that are perpetrating
04:06the worst acts within the groups?
04:09Well I've made clear to the police they have my full support in going after the full range
04:14of offenders, from those who turned up at the last minute and joined in the looting
04:19to some of the most serious offenders who were pursuing really dangerous arson, really
04:25dangerous damage and criminal violence because we simply cannot stand for this.
04:31So we should be clear, there will be people who were thinking they were going on their
04:35summer holidays this week and instead they will face a knock on the door from the police,
04:39they will face arrest and a prison cell, a police cell.
04:44So there was something she said there that really caught my attention, that she was saying
04:51that these perpetrators from the far right, she called it far right thuggery and that
05:00they would regret their decisions and they will face the full force of the law.
05:07But it seems like she's completely ignoring the other side of this coin here, and those
05:15are the migrants that are actually being much more violent.
05:18Yeah, well I mean I was posting stuff the other day actually, the migrants are using
05:27hammers, axes, things like that, right, where, I mean they kind of use guns because guns
05:36are illegal actually in the UK, but they're using weapons such as axes and hammers and
05:41things like that and people are getting really seriously injured, right.
05:45If not, there's even, I think there's been two deaths through all this stuff now and
05:53it's just going to get worse and worse and worse, it's going to escalate, get tenfold this.
06:01Being from the UK, and I've lived in most of these big cities in the UK and I know for
06:09a fact how they can operate and these gangs that are out on the street, as I said it's
06:17just going to escalate and it's going to get worse tenfold because this is the Albert Pike
06:22script getting played out now, the end of it, you know.
06:26Yeah, and we're going to read from that, but there's some Twitter posts here.
06:31This post here, I mean, that I done yesterday, this actually just shows you how much the
06:38government are involved in this as well, right, the UK's Labour government confirms that Jewish
06:43synagogues and Christian churches will not receive any emergency security support during
06:48the riots, however, the British Home Secretary has announced that emergency security will
06:55be provided for all mosques in the UK.
06:58Now, we know ourselves, brother, that there is going to be a one world government, a one
07:05world currency and a one world religion and this is what we're heading to, right.
07:12I mean, Islam being the most, what can we say, for God, right?
07:22Yeah, but I mean, look at this flag, it's got a cross on it, yet they're not going to
07:26protect their own churches, and they're not protecting synagogues either, but...
07:31No, but this is all the big picture, as we'll be able to see and read from the Albert Pike
07:39Yeah, to me, it just seems reprehensible that they would abandon their own people.
07:48They know it's the end time as well, though, brother, and that's the days we're living in.
07:53This is in Bolton, right?
07:55Yeah, it's just the same as what's been happening, obviously, in the USA.
08:00I mean, Biden wasn't caring about his people either, so the British government are just
08:05following suit, really.
08:07And they're not prepared for a riot here, you can see there, the police are getting
08:12ready to retreat at this point.
08:15But they were ready to fight a bunch of their locals.
08:20And just as we've said before, on this one, civil unrest, UK Liverpool's Spellow Lane
08:27library torched last night by elite paid far-right radicals.
08:32Where have we seen this before?
08:35Now, history is just repeating itself.
08:38Burning books.
08:40Just burning the information.
08:46This is the Holiday Inn, where the rioters, actually, the crowds chant to get them out.
08:54Rotherham, UK.
08:56If you don't know where Rotherham is, it's just across the Mersey from Liverpool.
09:01It's another big city, really.
09:04But this is just showing you how the government actually manipulates through all these immigrants
09:14that come into the countries.
09:16Because they get the best of everything.
09:18They're in hotels.
09:19I mean, there's people, actually, in the UK that can't get housing at all.
09:24They're out on the streets.
09:26And these migrants are just spoiled rotten.
09:28Yeah, they're just walking in, putting on the best of hotels, and then they get the
09:34best of housing after a certain period.
09:37And plus, they get all the benefits, probably more so than what the British people are actually
09:48So this Albert Pike script you're talking about, it's about the three world wars.
09:54And of course, we've already had two world wars, and we're about to be on our third.
10:04We're pretty much on it right now.
10:07That could happen any day, as we'll talk about nearer the end of the stream.
10:15So I wanted to read from this Albert Pike script that we were talking about, so people
10:24A lot of people, they've already heard about this.
10:27And this may be repeat information for them, but for those that don't know, or people that
10:33need a reminder, this is for you.
10:35Well, it just shows you, Clark, that this script has been out for a long, long time.
10:41A long, long time.
10:42Yeah, this is a letter written by Albert Pike in the 1800s.
10:47And that letter was held in the London Museum, and it went missing.
10:54But eventually, it come back.
10:58It's just to let everybody know that it's not a fake letter, because there's a lot of
11:02information out there saying that it's fake.
11:06It was in the London Museum in London, and it went missing, but now it's back.
11:12This is from that particular letter from Albert Pike.
11:17And he said,
11:36that Islam, a mausoleum Arabic world, and political Zionism, the state of Israel, mutually
11:47destroy each other.
11:49Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on this issue, will be constrained to fight
11:57to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economic exhaustion.
12:05We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm,
12:15which, in its horror, will clearly show to the nations the effect of absolute atheism,
12:25the origin of savagery, and of the most bloody turmoil.
12:31Then, the destroyers of civilization, and the multitude disillusioned with Christianity,
12:39whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for
12:48an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light
12:56through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, Lucifer being Christ,
13:04the Light Bearer, the Morning Star, brought finally out into the public view.
13:12This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement, which will follow the
13:16destruction of Christianity and Atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
13:24Now, notice that in the script it doesn't say anything about destroying or conquering
13:30Islam, at all, actually.
13:34In fact, Islam will continue to be a part of the world society, and the pure doctrine of Lucifer,
13:43they'll be coinciding with one another.
13:46Don't we have the post that shows you, like in the UK, every city that has a mayor that's Muslim now?
14:03I did not see that, actually. But you can tell us.
14:08Well, let me pull it up.
14:12While you pull it up, I'm going to be showing people what's going on in the world here, at least in the UK.
14:24Because they're live streaming over there, all these protests and riots that are going on.
14:32This is in Bristol, England.
14:35I put it ahead, and here comes the one world religion on this post.
14:40This is the London video after the mayor's election, down there in London.
14:49The mayor of London is a Muslim.
14:52The mayor of Birmingham is a Muslim.
14:56The mayor of Leeds is a Muslim.
15:00The mayor of Blackburn is a Muslim.
15:04The mayor of Sheffield is a Muslim.
15:07The mayor of Oxford is a Muslim.
15:10The mayor of Luton is a Muslim.
15:14The mayor of Oldham is a Muslim.
15:17The mayor of Rochdale is a Muslim.
15:22So this has just shown you that the one world religion is coming.
15:30And tomorrow I'm actually going to be talking with you, Clark, about the collapse of all the major financial institutes around the world just now.
15:45I'm going to be talking on that.
15:49And that's how close we are, because historically, if you're looking back at World War II, the collapse of all the banks and everything like that, the financial system, that coincided with the war.
16:04And it's getting played out right now in front of everybody's eyes.
16:08All this that's happening in the UK, this is just one country, though, but this is actually happening all over the world.
16:21And part of Albert Pike's script was talking about political Zionism and the nations of Islam going at war with one another.
16:34And we have nations rising against Islam right now.
16:41We have Iran displaying its power very clearly.
16:47Yeah, even on the mainstream.
16:49This was what I found from Asgard Intel yesterday.
16:55They're displaying this on their television channels over there in Iran.
17:05And in the U.S., they're displaying this on their television channels over there in Syria.
17:12And they're displaying this on their television channels over there in Syria.
17:16And they're displaying this on their television channels over there in Syria.
17:19And their weapons build up in the country in light of the war in Iraq and the United States.
17:25Yeah, well, they make masha'a al-jazeera.
17:29Yeah, well, they make missiles like we make bread, you know.
17:35That's the way it is over in Iran.
17:38But the thing is, from what I've gathered and heard, there's going to be 1,500 missiles.
17:51And there's going to be 1,000 drones that they're going to use.
17:55All simultaneously from three fronts that are actually surrounding Israel.
18:02And you've got, yeah, you say the three fronts.
18:05So that's Lebanon and...
18:11And what was the third?
18:17Are they going to be going through Jordan, do you think?
18:23Well, Egypt's going to stand with them.
18:25But I'm not too sure if Egypt is going to actually get involved in this.
18:31But I kind of remember the name of that, the third front.
18:34But there's three fronts anyway.
18:36And they're going to be hitting Israel simultaneously.
18:41So Israel's not got much of a hope because, as you can see here, right,
18:47this is probably just showing you what it might be like.
18:53But Israel's Iron Dome is not going to handle that.
18:57And even with the Americans and the British warships being off the coast there,
19:04they're not going to stop much of that either.
19:09No, nothing could stop those.
19:12Nothing earthly could stop those.
19:14I mean, when we were watching that earlier, Clark,
19:16we were just getting a comment on how it looked just like some of the old battles
19:23that you used to have throughout history, you know, with the archers and things like that.
19:29Yeah, the volley of arrows?
19:32Yeah, that's pretty much what it looks like, a bunch of flaming arrows.
19:39Things are definitely heating up.
19:42And we've got World War III happening across the planet.
19:47Definitely, definitely.
19:49I mean, we've got China just waiting to take Taiwan.
19:54All this stuff has been increasing in severity ever since Prophet Michael Harr made the declaration that he did.
20:01That's right, yeah, yeah.
20:03And it's no coincidence, no mere coincidence, this is happening.
20:10Well, as I said, we've got Taiwan just waiting to get invaded from China.
20:16And then we've got, obviously, what's happening over in the Ukraine with Russia.
20:21Yeah, we've got not just Russia, but North Korea too.
20:26But Russia are even beginning to join in with Iran here.
20:28And North Korea, I mean, the three of them, China, North Korea, and Russia,
20:31it's just basically like a sleeping giant.
20:33Yeah, definitely.
20:36We're definitely heading there, and this is it.
20:39Gog and Magog.
20:40Yeah, and North Korea has the largest single standing army in the entire world.
20:46And nobody's talking about them.
20:48I know, it's huge.
20:50And they'll die for their leader, they believe he's a god.
20:53Yeah, well, these countries are under communism.
20:58They're like that with their leaders.
21:00Especially North Korea.
21:06Well, everyone, we hope that you're getting right with God and repenting.
21:14Understand that we are in the end, and Christ has returned.
21:20We are in the tribulation time.
21:23And while you have the chance, this is the time to repent,
21:30to love God truly, and love each other.
21:34Share his message.
21:36Yeah, we're about to see some scary things, that's for sure.
21:43Again, love God, love each other.
21:45In the name of Lord Rael, the returned Christ, amen.