The New World Codes

  • 3 months ago
Featuring Cardinals Emil Johansson & Clark Isaac, revealing mysteries about the New World Order and revelations from the Bible Code.

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00:00We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a
00:25new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the
00:32conduct of nations.
00:34When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order,
00:41an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the
00:47promise and vision of the UN's founders.
00:52That was former President George W. Bush, H.W. Bush, a senior one, giving an address
01:03about the new world order, and that is the topic of our conversation today.
01:09We're also going to be talking about some Bible codes that reveal more on the topic
01:13and some scripture related to those Bible codes.
01:18Thank you for joining us, Cardinal Emil Johansen.
01:20Thank you for having me.
01:22It's a pleasure to have you on, and thank you for enlightening us on this topic.
01:28I'm looking forward to talking to you about it.
01:32So the US dollar, you sent me this image earlier, I know you wanted to talk about it some, there's
01:42some symbolisms here.
01:44Yeah, so a lot of people, you know, they think that the new world order is a bad thing.
01:50It's sort of the reign of Antichrist or something, but it is actually, in reality, the new kingdom
02:00that will be ruled by the Messiah.
02:03And there's a lot of symbolism when it comes to this, and it's a very old concept, of course.
02:11I believe the new world order was first coined by Freemasons.
02:22And you got it here on the one dollar bill.
02:25You see on the pyramid there, it says, if I can read it correctly, Novus Ordo Seclorum,
02:35which can be translated from Latin into English as new world order.
02:41And the symbolism here is the pyramid, which signifies some sort of hierarchy with the
02:51all-seeing eye on the top being the eye of God, God that sees and knows everything.
02:58And the pyramid being the foundation, the kingdom that was established before the eye
03:04descends to rule over it.
03:07So the Freemasons have been working behind the scenes to put everything in place and
03:12advance the kingdom to have it prepared for the Messiah to take over.
03:20And a lot of people think that the new world order is something nefarious, something bad,
03:25some evil plot, but we're saying contrary to that, that in fact it was a good thing
03:33that happened.
03:35It's going to be a new kingdom, a kingdom of love, justice, and ruled by our Lord.
03:43I think something that's important to note is order.
03:47And that's something that those who would preferably embrace chaos tend to avoid.
03:56That's another saying from the Freemasons.
04:01Can't remember what it's in Latin, but it's order out of chaos.
04:05So what we have now in the world is very much chaotic.
04:10People not being united, being very divided and doing their own thing and contending with
04:15each other.
04:18But we will eventually have a unified world under our Lord.
04:23And I think the reason that why many people think it's evil is because they've had to
04:29do so many of these things behind the scenes.
04:32They've had to lie in public to advance their agenda, mostly because I don't think people
04:39would accept it without having proper knowledge beforehand.
04:47People are so ignorant that they don't want this.
04:50They want something else.
04:52They want the status quo that is, I think.
04:55It's unfortunate that a lot of Christians have been convinced that this new world order
05:00is some kind of evil agenda.
05:02But it scripturally is actually supposed to be part of the new kingdom.
05:07And we know that the new kingdom is going to be completely different from this world.
05:12So a lot of changes are going to have to happen.
05:16And hopefully some of these changes will be easier for people because the foundation of
05:23the kingdom is already established.
05:27We have a way of communicating today that we never had before with the internet and
05:35We can talk to everyone in the whole world at the same time, pretty much.
05:39So the prospect of unifying the world is greater than ever.
05:47Very cool.
05:49That being said, maybe we should read some scriptures that has something to do about
06:02And Revelation 21 is the one that most commonly cite when it comes to this, at least I think
06:12And I was thinking there's so much here that maybe we should read the whole chapter, right?
06:20And maybe we'll pause in between and kind of give some brief explanations.
06:25So let's start it off here.
06:26So Revelation 21, then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the
06:32first earth had passed away and there was no longer any sea.
06:37I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God prepared as a
06:41bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
06:44Then I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, look, God's dwelling place is now
06:49among the people and he will dwell with them.
06:52They will be his people and God himself would be with them and be their God.
06:57He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
06:59There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things
07:06has passed away.
07:08So already there, we can hear the similarities here.
07:11There's new things.
07:12There's an order of things, a new earth, a new heaven.
07:16So perhaps much of the foundation that's been built, this old order that we live in now
07:22will pass away.
07:24Not much of it will remain if the old order is passed away.
07:29That might be something that people are pretty sad about having to let go of all those things.
07:34Yeah, probably.
07:38And I think that if people really knew what it meant, the new phase that we're entering,
07:43I think they would embrace it.
07:44But I think it's a fear of the new things and a fear of the unknown that holds people
07:51And if you read earlier chapters in Revelation, the birth pains of the apocalypse, it seems
08:02very tragic and painful.
08:05And it seems like a lot of people are resisting.
08:08And even though they have all these plagues coming onto them, still don't repent.
08:14But we'll get there eventually.
08:16God willing.
08:17God willing.
08:19So let's continue here.
08:21He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new.
08:24Then he said, write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.
08:30He said to me, it is done.
08:32I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.
08:36To the thirsty, I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.
08:43Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God, and they will
08:47be my children.
08:48But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those
08:54who practice magic arts, the idolaters, and all liars, they will be consigned to the fiery
09:00lake of burning sulfur.
09:03This is the second death.
09:05And just the other day we were talking about the Yellowstone caldera potentially opening
09:15up and indicating towards the fact that that might even be the prophesied like a fire when
09:22that finally does open up.
09:24Like the burning sulfur?
09:25Yeah, that's what the burning sulfur reminds me of is something like a volcano.
09:30Yeah, there are other prophecies in Revelation that seem to hint at that as well.
09:39I feel like at this point it might be good to talk about the cross-reference that goes
09:48into the book of Isaiah.
09:50All right.
09:52So what we just read, there's sort of an equivalent to that in the Old Testament because a lot
09:59in Revelation is a repeat of the older prophets in the Old Testament.
10:08So we can read here from Isaiah 65, from verse 17.
10:12For behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth.
10:16The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
10:20But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create, for I will create Jerusalem to be
10:24a joy and its people to be a delight.
10:28I will rejoice in Jerusalem and take delight in my people.
10:32The sounds of weeping and crying will no longer be heard in her.
10:38No longer will a nursing infant live but a few days, or an old man fail to live out his
10:43years, for the youth will die at a hundred years, and he who fails to reach a hundred
10:50will be considered accursed.
10:52They will build houses and dwell in them.
10:54They will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
10:58No longer will they build houses for others to inhabit, nor plant for others to eat.
11:05For as is the lifetime of a tree, so will be the days of my people, and my chosen ones
11:10will fully enjoy the work of their hands.
11:15They will not labor in vain or bear children doomed to disaster, for they will be a people
11:20blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them.
11:24Even before they call, I will answer, and while they are still speaking, I will hear.
11:29The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, but
11:34the food of the serpent will be dust.
11:37They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, says the Lord.
11:45So, definitely describes some good things coming to his chosen people.
11:52And those good things are outlined, again, in what remains of that chapter in the book
11:59of Revelation, chapter 21.
12:02And there's the wiping of the tears and everything there, so.
12:05But this, what remains in the rest of the chapter, I think there's another reference
12:10for that, talking about the measurements of the walls, and each gate being named, and
12:17that sort of thing.
12:18Yeah, we can come back to that, because we have a code that's talking about something
12:23like that.
12:25It would seem like, not a separate topic, but maybe a follow-up, like you said.
12:31I think maybe we can go on to show the first code.
12:37So this was 10 years ago.
12:42This makes me feel old.
12:46So in 2014, I discovered two codes while searching for the main search term, Order of the Messiah.
12:53And what I initially thought when I was looking up this today was that the order that it's
12:59talking about is maybe the ecumenical order of Christ.
13:03But when I looked into the translation of this word for order here, it's more like an
13:08arrangement or orderly things, more like that, than an order of people, like we are.
13:21What do you think it means when it says over here about penalization and punishment?
13:30First you got there, he is father.
13:37And then you get, yeah, penalization, emanate, originate.
13:42So it makes me think of Matthew 7, we talked about there.
13:52Yeah, well, yeah, we do have a scripture for Matthew 7 here.
14:04It makes me think of the people who, well, just read.
14:11May I read it?
14:12Yeah, sure.
14:14Matthew 7 verses 21 through 23.
14:19It is not everyone that says to me, my Lord, my Lord, who enters into the kingdom of heaven,
14:26but whoever does the will of my father who is in heaven.
14:30Many will say to me in that day, my Lord, my Lord, have we not prophesied in your name
14:37and in your name have cast out demons and have done many mighty works in your name.
14:43And then I will confess to them.
14:46I've never known you remove yourselves far from me.
14:49You workers of evil.
14:53So what makes me think about the word penalize and stuff in that code is that the evil will
14:59be punished in the order of the Messiah.
15:02There will be justice.
15:07And even people that think they're doing good apparently may even be considered workers of evil.
15:14So it's really important for people to get to know their Messiah.
15:18Yeah, absolutely.
15:20And then just in this time that we're living in now, people actually have that opportunity
15:26more so than they have for the past 2000 years.
15:31Christ was ascended into heaven.
15:35But since that time, people's personal relationship with Christ has been mostly through prayer.
15:42And now they have the opportunity to actually get to know him again.
15:48This is very important because it goes beyond just what was written and what was kept or mistranslated
15:55and taught in a way that maybe people misunderstood.
16:00Now they have a true opportunity to understand and receive that correction.
16:06And today we have unfortunately some of the worst type of people who do things in the name of Jesus
16:13and such.
16:15They do it for their own gain.
16:17And they're basically just hypocrites, misleading people, which is a horrible thing.
16:25It is.
16:26It's a sad story too.
16:28It's sad to see them having so much success when they have the people who try to preach the truth here.
16:37And people don't seem to want to reward that very much.
16:42But God has a reward for it.
16:44Oh yeah.
16:45You just got to be patient.
16:48And diligent.
16:51So that first code, it doesn't have that much in it.
16:56But there is another code that has much more in it.
17:00And this is the one that is in the Torah exclusively.
17:06Can you read that okay?
17:09That's very small for me.
17:13Can you make it a little bit bigger?
17:17How's that?
17:23Can you make it a little bit bigger?
17:25Sure, yeah.
17:26I can just scroll down when we get to the part you want to talk about on the bottom there.
17:33Okay, so this is...
17:38The main search term is Order of the Messiah.
17:41And it extends to a word that means doom or even death.
17:48So this could be a bit of a dark code maybe.
17:53But you've got some very significant secondary terms here.
17:57Don't mind me, I'm just going to close this window behind you.
18:00You've got some construction going on next door.
18:03So you've got some secondary terms here.
18:05The most important one there I think is the one that says to rule Lord, Rael, God.
18:14That says a lot in my opinion because Rael is the Messiah.
18:21And alongside the main search term there, you've got another very interesting secondary term.
18:28Do duty Allah one only.
18:34So that is what we're supposed to do in the Order of the Messiah, the New Kingdom.
18:41We're going to do our father's will or as Muslims call him Allah.
18:46I love seeing that confirmation in the Hebrew.
18:51The name Allah.
18:52It's just...
18:53It turns out now and then actually.
18:55Yeah, and it's really encouraging to see that God acknowledges all of his people.
19:04Even those that are not of the 12 tribes.
19:09Because there is only one God and it's the same God for Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
19:14Just only the one.
19:20And there's another interesting term there.
19:24Dawning patriarchs, Jesus.
19:27And it is Jesus, Yeshu.
19:29And I don't know...
19:33I don't know why it's just Jesus there.
19:39That's interesting.
19:41Where it says Yeshu here, it parallels with this term here to lust after Goy.
19:51Goy being the Goyim, the Gentiles?
19:55It's sort of a derogatory term for non-Jews.
20:00And Pharisaic, sanctimonious.
20:04So these are like Pharisees?
20:07The Pharisees are the ones that persecuted Yeshua and gave him that false name.
20:14So it's very interesting that these terms are all together like this.
20:20And they were also... Yeshua called them hypocrites for judging Mary of Magdalene because of her adultery
20:30when they themselves were committing adultery, also lusting after Gentile prostitutes.
20:38So since this main search term extends to a word that means death in most of the translations I found,
20:46it's maybe something talking about what's going to happen to those people.
20:53And yeah, some of the other words seem to also be sort of words that show crimes or, you know,
21:08I think that in the New Kingdom, trying to enrage or stir up riots and crowds and cause chaos
21:17is going to be looked down upon very much as you have their agitation, enraging, ruffling.
21:25And there's also a hurtful act, crime.
21:32Right here we see the term for to rule.
21:36Right here is to rule and...
21:39Well, actually, no, this is...
21:41This is ra'el God right here.
21:44And this is the word for order.
21:47And here...
21:48Is the word for true.
21:50Yeah, authentic.
21:51And this is all occurring in the same scripture.
21:53It makes me very curious what scripture this is.
21:55I know I keep bringing this up, but...
21:57Yeah, but it's a good point, but I have a tendency to not look it up.
22:03I suppose it would be a task all on its own to view each of the scriptures.
22:09It would take a long time to go through it, but you're very welcome to look deeper into that if you...
22:15I know you like to do that.
22:17Maybe on a future episode we can explore that topic together.
22:22Researching the codes and looking at the scripture occurrences.
22:24Because I know last week you were speaking about the throne of God, the throne in heaven, right?
22:31The throne of the Lord.
22:33And that was actually...
22:35It was a similar topic.
22:37The very same topic, just a different search that I performed about eight years ago when we were on our Israel mission.
22:47The name of the code was, faith has prepared his throne Taurus.
22:55And Taurus being the shape like a donut or a wheel.
23:02And it was just very interesting that we had found that.
23:06But even more interesting was the scripture occurrences.
23:11Even the specific words where they occurred.
23:14And it's a show that I used to do called Unsealing the Scroll.
23:20We might bring that back.
23:22We might bring that show back, too.
23:26Actually, it's interesting.
23:28It makes me think of another code I did years ago where it stretched...
23:35It was a huge skip.
23:36It stretched from the beginning of the Torah to the end of what is the second Kings or whatever the last book is there.
23:43And every verse that one of the letters occurred in sort of told a story on its own.
23:51I made a video about it.
23:52I'll try to find that.
23:53Maybe make an episode out of that, actually.
23:56Because I remember that being very profound when I found it.
23:59I feel like what we're doing here is almost like it's its own show.
24:05It's its own thing.
24:07Because on other episodes of this, what we're doing here, these live streams, we might be talking about current events or various different topics.
24:21But this is such a specialized topic.
24:23It feels like it needs its own thing.
24:26You know?
24:27And we can invite other researchers to come on with us as well.
24:33Present their research.
24:34I would love to see Richard and Mike Jan again.
24:37They were on the first episode, I think, when we talked about Torah codes.
24:41I'd definitely like to have them on.
24:45Yeah, so...
24:46Well, there was a scripture related to...
24:48I'm sorry for changing the topic like that.
24:51But it just felt like something to talk about.
24:53But that code, the order of the Messiah, doom, it related to some verses in Matthew 24?
25:03Yeah, it makes me think of this.
25:05I feel like we bring up Matthew 24 in pretty much every episode.
25:10But it's like the chapter for the end times, you know?
25:14It's got everything there.
25:17And you got here in verse 14.
25:19And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world for the testimony of all the nations.
25:25And then the end will come.
25:27And, you know, the gospels in the Bible have been preached all over the world for a long time already.
25:36So I think that it's actually referring to the new world order kind of stuff.
25:43That people are paying more and more attention to.
25:46And I think it's become so well known that the politicians and leaders don't use that term anymore because it's sort of too obvious.
26:00You know what I mean?
26:01Talking about the new world order?
26:04I don't think I've heard them use it since George H.W. Bush.
26:12He liked using that phrase quite a bit, actually.
26:15When I was watching that video earlier, it auto-played to another address that he was making about the same thing.
26:23Yeah, I think he mentioned it also in the State of the Union address in 1991, I think it was.
26:27Yep, that was what it was, too.
26:30And he went into a little bit greater detail about what that would entail, the changes to be made.
26:37A lot of them were actually really good changes to be made.
26:40Like making life better for people who were handicapped.
26:44Yeah, sure.
26:47One of the changes that I noticed that they were trying to implement was making child care more of an affordable option for couples.
26:58So that women could work more and see their children less.
27:03And it was supposed to be some kind of state-run programs that provide child care.
27:08I thought that was very interesting because that's essentially what our society has become now in the West, where the parents are around much less.
27:18And we're seeing a lot of negative results from that.
27:21But it's kind of this order out of chaos, right?
27:25We have to show what doesn't work for us to really appreciate what does work.
27:31And people have to be sort of taken out of their comfort zone, out of their set ways, in order for them to accept something new.
27:39So there's a point to everything, pretty much.
27:49Could you go back to the other card just for a little bit?
27:54Because something I noticed was the columns, the number on the columns up there.
28:05Do you see that?
28:10It's like 2024, 2025, 2026.
28:13And the main search term is in 2027.
28:18I just thought that was interesting.
28:20Maybe it's pointing to 2027 for this to be established or something.
28:27And here parallel to that is to duty Allah only in 2025.
28:38It's something we haven't really considered before when we were doing it, of course.
28:42But it just caught my attention.
28:44Well, very rarely does it come up that...
28:51Very rarely does the skip...
28:54Sorry, the column number align that way.
28:59And we have 2035 to rule Lord Ra-El God.
29:10I don't know. Is there a significance there?
29:13I don't know.
29:14I guess we will know by 2035 or 2027.
29:19Yeah, in hindsight, right?
29:23But I just found it interesting that it sort of looks like it's pointing towards a year.
29:29Could be a mere coincidence.
29:31It could be.
29:32Could be.
29:34But we don't know.
29:35Just thought it was worth mentioning.
29:40And then the third and final code I wanted to show today was...
29:44It's an update I made to a code that Richard discovered in 2015, January of 2015.
29:54And the main search term was The New World.
29:59And when he did this code, he...
30:02This is also a Torah code, just in the Torah.
30:05He chose to use the extension The New World Denomination.
30:12But when I looked into it, it could actually extend further into something else, which I chose to go with for this one.
30:19And I double-checked it with Google Translate as well.
30:22And it could extend to The New World Has an Enclosure or Domain.
30:29And I found that very interesting, because we know that in the New Kingdom, there's going to be a designated space for the Chosen.
30:38And outside of that place is going to be the Outer Darkness.
30:56Those who are unworthy are going to be cast out to the Outer Darkness.
31:02And I've got some interesting secondary terms here.
31:10You to solicit donations, glory him.
31:15And we've got triangulate, which may be a reference to the Pyramid.
31:21Which looks like a triangle in silhouette.
31:24We've got bedazzle, something amazing.
31:28Acquire, buy, purchase, shop.
31:31Complaint, or exalted.
31:34And teeth.
31:37And all these words made me think about the parable with the talents.
31:41Would you like to bring that up?
31:45Yeah, the parable of the talents from Matthew 25.
31:48Yeah, exactly.
31:51Because this is talking about, for those who don't know, the talents here is a currency.
32:01We have words for buy, purchase in that code there.
32:06And also for donations, soliciting donations.
32:13Yeshua, he said a parable that was recorded in the book of Matthew chapter 25 about this that you were referring to, right?
32:21So maybe we should read the whole thing here.
32:24But it's really the end that's most interesting.
32:28We can read.
32:29For it is just like a man going on a journey who called his servants and entrusted them with his possessions.
32:35To one he gave five talents, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his own ability.
32:42And he went on his journey.
32:44The servant who had received the five talents went at once and put them to work and gained five more.
32:50Likewise, the one with the two talents gained two more.
32:53But the servant who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground, and hid his master's money.
33:00After a long time, the master of those servants returned to settle accounts with him.
33:05The servants who had received the five talents came and presented five more.
33:09Master, he said, you entrusted me with five talents.
33:12See, I have gained five more.
33:14His master replied, well done, good and faithful servant.
33:18You have been faithful with a few things.
33:20I will put you in charge of many things.
33:22Enter into the joy of your master.
33:26The servant who had received the two talents also came and said,
33:29Master, you entrusted me with two talents.
33:31See, I have gained two more.
33:33His master replied, well done, good and faithful servant.
33:36You have been faithful with a few things.
33:39I will put you in charge of many things.
33:41Enter into the joy of your master.
33:44Finally, the servant who had received the one talent came and said,
33:48Master, I knew that you are a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed.
33:54So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground.
33:58See, you have what belongs to you.
34:00You wicked, lazy servant, replied his master.
34:03You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed.
34:07Then you should have deposited my money with the bankers,
34:10and on my return I would have received back with interest.
34:13Therefore take the talent from him and give it to the one who has ten talents.
34:17For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance.
34:22But the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
34:27And throw that worthless servant into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
34:52The parable is about making the most of what you've been given.
34:57Doing our Father's will.
34:59It's not necessarily about a monetary thing, but it could also be that.
35:05What are your thoughts?
35:09Yeah, there's a lot expected of us.
35:12Especially those of us who much has been given.
35:15And what we do with that has a lot of bearing on what God and what the Lord will decide will be done with us in the new kingdom.
35:26And that wicked servant in the parable, it sounds like a coward who retreats from the world
35:33and doesn't do our Father's will and doesn't do what is expected of him.
35:41Yeah, bearing that gift that much is expected of him to utilize,
35:48burying it in the ground, simply not utilizing it.
35:51Not even putting it in a place that would simply be available to gain interest on its own.
35:59Just hiding away, as if he doesn't exist.
36:04And if people could apply that to the truth of the Lord's return and the evidence about him,
36:10what people do with that information is determining what sort of useful servant they are.
36:19That's what I'm thinking.
36:23And I think this code seems to point to that.
36:26That should really give our people pause to reflect, to think about what they're doing or what they're not doing.
36:34Because it says the new world has an enclosure.
36:38So, there are people outside of that enclosure.
36:42And I don't think that's where we don't want to be.
36:46And that's also in Revelation 21, when they talk about New Jerusalem,
36:52they talk about there being walls and gates around it.
36:57And it even talks about the measures of the place, which is huge.
37:04What purpose would there be for walls and gates but to keep people out?
37:09Certainly not to keep people in.
37:11To protect the good people inside from the bad people outside, I'd say.
37:19Not necessarily just a protection from violence, but also protection from their evil ways.
37:26Keeping the children separate.
37:29It's part of the judgment.
37:31Separating the good from the bad.
37:35The wheat from the tares, as it were.
37:42So, yeah.
37:44That was the codes I wanted to show.
37:47Thank you for sharing those, brother.
37:49Thank you.
37:50And this topic, I mean, it really does tug on the heartstrings.
38:00It makes me consider my own path.
38:03It makes me consider the paths of those that I care about.
38:08And it makes me want to improve on all of those.
38:12And we truly hope that that has that effect on the people we're trying to reach, too.
38:20We all need to reflect and to do better.
38:24And I truly thank you for bringing this message to light.
38:30You're welcome, and thank you for letting me talk about it.
38:34Of course.
38:35Pleasure to have you on, brother.
38:37And look forward to have you on again next week, and perhaps more often, if you like.
38:44There's a lot of codes to discuss.
38:46Yeah, there's a lot of codes.
38:48It's just very time-consuming to do them, but yeah.
38:50Because I want to be very thorough when we redo them and update them, so I don't miss anything.
38:55Well, what you mentioned before about other guests being on and presenting their research could also provide more resources for us to discuss.
39:02So, let's try to convince them to come on with us.
39:05Yeah, we should.
39:06God willing.
39:07The Lord would approve.
39:08Yeah, God willing.
39:10Thank you, everyone, for joining us.
39:14It's been a pleasure.
39:16Love God, love each other.
39:17In the name of Rael.