Solomon's Number & the Mark of the Beast

  • 2 months ago

Featuring Cardinals Mat Staader & Eric Logan, revealing the Mark of the Beast and the number of his character.

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00:30Thank you everybody for joining our stream.
00:42Christ is back and we have some very important guests on our show today.
00:47Cardinals Eric Logan and Matt Stater.
00:50Today we're going to be discussing the Mark of the Beast, the number of his name and his
00:56character and the number in its relation to King Solomon.
01:00Thank you for joining us brothers.
01:03Happy to be here.
01:04Thanks for having us bro.
01:10So this is something we touched on a few weeks back.
01:13We went over a fairly detailed breakdown of Revelation 13 and the Mark of the Beast detailed
01:21Drastically correcting a lot of misconception that's out there, am I right?
01:29Oh yeah.
01:31But one downside of that, going into so much detail, we didn't really get to finish some
01:37of the teaching that's in the public domain at the moment from the Rayleigh teachings
01:43because there's entirely a whole other chapter that further just smacks the point, making
01:53it absolutely obvious the Mark of the Beast is not this evil, sinister, satanic thing.
01:59It is not of Satan at all.
02:04It's very much a mark of Christ and we can see that right when you finish the chapter
02:11of 13 talking about the 666 and so on and the explanation of why that number is even
02:18a thing.
02:20But right after that, you get into Revelation 14 talking about the lamb and I'll go ahead
02:26and read the first verse.
02:28And I looked and lo a lamb stood on the Mount Sion and with him 144,000 having his father's
02:36name written in their foreheads.
02:40Notice this, this satanic deception of calling our Lord a beast in the entire last chapter
02:46and then switching it up to lamb in this chapter to confuse anyone who wasn't carefully reading
02:53and grasping that the Mark is what connects them between the two chapters.
02:57Surprise, surprise, a lamb is a beast.
03:03Good to think it.
03:05In fact, there are numerous verses elsewhere in scripture that tell you that a beast is
03:09a nation.
03:10I believe that was Daniel, if I'm not mistaken, describing nations as beasts or kings for
03:21that matter.
03:30So would you like to read the next chunk of that?
03:34Well, from there, there's several lines following verse one that describe the destruction of
03:44And then after that, in verse nine, we have the final confirmation of the Mark.
03:50And the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice, if any man worship the beast
03:56and his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall drink
04:03of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of
04:10his ignition.
04:13And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in
04:20the presence of the lamb.
04:24Wine is given for celebration.
04:27And for those who are sealed with the lamb's mark shall celebrate in his company and the
04:35company of angels as the smoke from Babylon's destruction fills the air, which breathing
04:43in will.
04:44Well, if you've ever tried breathing in smoky air, it is difficult.
04:49It's a tormenting thing.
04:51So that when we get the wildfires in Australia in the middle of summer, when they're close
04:59enough, yeah, that gets difficult to breathe.
05:04So verse 11 goes on to talk about.
05:09And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever.
05:15And they have no rest, day or night, who worship the beast and his image and whosoever
05:22receiveth the mark of his name.
05:28In the Englishman's Concordance, the phrase of her torment means that verse 11 is speaking
05:36of the horror of Babylon in that particular context, or those who do not have the mark
05:54See a Greek word that comes from.
05:59So once the sealed of the lamb have their new bodies, they're no longer going to need
06:03to sleep.
06:04That's that without rest of it.
06:07They're not going to sleep.
06:10Here is the patience of the saints, verse 12.
06:14Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Yeshua.
06:19So 12 has just confirmed for us that these are the Lord's chosen being spoken of.
06:25Revelation 7, 1 through 3 actually further confirms this.
06:29I'll even pull that up for a moment.
06:33I've already got it out.
06:35So Revelation 7, 1 through 3.
06:41After this, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back
06:45its full wind so that no wind would blow on land or sea or on any tree.
06:51And I saw another angel ascending from the east with the seal of the living God.
06:57And he called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the
07:01land and the sea, do not harm the land or sea or trees until we have sealed the foreheads
07:10of the servants of our God.
07:13So who's being sealed?
07:15It's the servants of God, not those going off being led astray by Satan.
07:24Those who have been led astray by Satan have been led to believe that the mark of the beast
07:27is this evil demonic thing and you have to pick up your book and read.
07:32It really doesn't take that much more than reading in an application of common sense.
07:44Here is wisdom.
07:45Here is enlightenment.
07:47It's been given freely.
07:51Love you.
07:58Further, Revelation 15 speaks of those who have gained the victory of the beast, Lord
08:07Rael in this context, not over him, standing by what is clearly a sea of molten glass like
08:16you would expect from a nuclear war or maybe a meteorite impact.
08:27So I think with what we've spoken about today and when we previously covered this topic,
08:36the mark of the beast is an essential part of the new kingdom of Christ and it is the
08:43way through which those who do not make it into the inner kingdom shall still have a
08:51way to live and provide service to the crown.
08:59You know, there's something interesting about all of this that I can't help but point out
09:04to a great many believers who've often fallen into the trap of thinking that they would
09:09have no hardship or no price to be paid, frankly, for their faith.
09:17This paints a picture that, no, there is a time where it's not going to be good, or
09:25at least there will be some torment.
09:28Those who do serve Christ are going to face persecution for it.
09:34But you know, the stories about King Solomon
09:47also have something to tell us.
09:50If you remember, I believe it was yearly, every year, King Solomon, the son of David,
10:00some parallels there, he received, what was it, 666 talents of gold?
10:11Every year.
10:12And if it's safe to assume that that's using, there's several different, throughout history
10:19there's several different measures of weight that are referred to as a talent, but the
10:26biblical standard talent generally sits somewhere around 130 pounds or 62 kilos, 63 kilos, somewhere
10:36around there.
10:38So 666 talents, I did calculate it, now I can't remember the exact numbers, but given
10:48I've got them up right here, I pulled them up on this little calculator right here.
10:53So actually, I calculated dollars, euros, and shekels.
10:57So I'll just quickly narrate this for you guys.
11:02So in dollars it's 1.97 billion, in euros it's 1.79 billion, and in, oh I'm sorry, yeah,
11:19and in shekels, oh wait, maybe I don't have that one, but that's alright, yeah it's almost
11:272 billion dollars worth of gold, essentially, each year.
11:35And the part that makes me laugh is this is just what he received in tithes from the citizens,
11:41that was nothing to do with what he received from international trade or anything like
11:51that, from the regional governors that he also ruled over, and their respective areas.
11:56This is just what he received directly from his own citizens in his own kingdom, each
12:04So I think it's 1 Kings 10 verse 15 that speaks of that.
12:15You know, his citizens must have been doing okay too.
12:20It would require a lot of gold to build that temple and all of its extravagance.
12:32So it's interesting because the Messiah is referred to as the Son of Man and as the Son
12:41of David.
12:43Well, here we have King Solomon, who's quite literally the Son of David, having 666 talents
12:52of gold brought to him every year.
12:55I don't think that's an accident.
12:57I don't think that's something that we're meant to just kind of look the other way about.
13:03This is a clear indicator that this is not some evil demonic number, it's the number
13:11of the lineage of the Son of Man.
13:15It's a very obvious indicator of that, if you ask me.
13:21Number of the Son of David.
13:23There's a lot of Christian-sourced misinformation out there, false doctrines about King Solomon
13:32and how his entire kingship is some kind of representation of an apostate, which is really
13:39not the case.
13:40And there's no biblical precedence to indicate that, except that there were some points in
13:45time in which he placed the love of a woman that he was not married to above his calling
13:52from God.
13:53But many prophets, many kings in the past have fallen and repented, and such is the
14:01case with Solomon as well.
14:07I even saw one claim from some Christian preacher or self-proclaimed scholar or something along
14:18those lines, that King Solomon was the Antichrist.
14:27I didn't waste my time on investigating the claim.
14:35When you go through these sorts of videos and they're, because I think I've seen a few,
14:40something like that does ring a bell.
14:42As astounding as it still is, it's not new.
14:46As Solomon said, nothing new under the sun.
14:49But when you see videos like this using, you see the same telltale, just blatant errors,
15:00using the name Jesus over and over and over.
15:07Using the name that literally is an insult, translates from, may your name and memory
15:15be blotted out.
15:16Using that for the Son of God.
15:21Where's the love in that?
15:25This is a truth that's not widely spread, not widely taught, but that's the truth.
15:30And once people know it, and they continue to use that name, and if they don't,
15:34I'm going to step away from you guys, go ahead and continue.
15:38Think about it.
15:40If they don't already know it, and they're at this level where they're really trying
15:46to do deep dives and digging into scripture and teaching about Christ, that's something
15:51they should be, the name of the Lord, this is a big deal.
15:56It's not some small thing.
15:58So, when you see them using this big of an error, and then going on to make claims about
16:07the Antichrist, as if there's one specific Antichrist, as if scripture didn't tell you
16:14that they were in the world, they, plural, there is already a spirit of Antichrist in
16:20the world, there are, even in the time of the apostles, they dealt with them every day.
16:27This is something that is everywhere, it's just, it's not one person, it's a mindset,
16:32it's a school of thought, it's an attitude, it's a spiritual setting of people being against
16:41The number of people I've tried to point out the importance of the truth of the name and
16:47the origins of the Jesus thing, and they, this is even...
16:55They shrug it off, like it doesn't matter.
16:58The one that's most prominent in my mind was a 50-something-year-old who insisted on using
17:06Jesus, she was an atheist, is an atheist, and refuses to use the name Yeshua, because
17:14she was taught 45 years ago, in Sunday school, that it was Jesus.
17:22You get them when they're young, right?
17:24Yeah, and it's one of those responses that's just that, forgive me for saying it, but that's
17:31stupid, that, so, in the last 45 years you haven't learned how to incorporate new information
17:39into your understanding of the world?
17:43It's that old dog, new tricks thing.
17:48People get very set in a certain way, and learning that that's wrong, or that something
17:54else is better, change is required.
17:59People shy from that.
18:01They'd much rather just keep doing what they know.
18:05We've heard the argument that people say, well, he knows his fake name.
18:12He knows what I mean by his fake name.
18:14I mean, they don't use the word fake name, right, but that's essentially what they're
18:18saying, like, well, he knows what I mean when I say Jesus, yeah.
18:22He knows what I mean, he knows I'm talking about him, like, yeah, he knows that you're
18:26inadvertently insulting him, and now, actually, it's advertent.
18:34To say, to do something, knowingly do something wrong.
18:38That's what, you know, he's, the Lord is very understanding about how, why this deception
18:43has been throughout history, so he's not faulting everybody that hard for this, but
18:51once you know, once you understand and you've been taught and given every opportunity to
18:56go verify it for yourself, look into it a bit more, if you're at that point and you
19:03continue, what excuse do you have?
19:07You don't say, he knows my heart, because if your heart was in it, you wouldn't,
19:13someone you love deeply, you wouldn't use the insult name that their childhood bully
19:19used on them, you know?
19:21You wouldn't say, oh, he knows I love him.
19:23That's stupid.
19:26And you know that.
19:27I may have missed this.
19:28If you guys were talking about it while I was away, I did just come back.
19:31I apologize.
19:32I had to step out for a second and try to get the neighbor to keep the dog quiet, but
19:38Appreciate it.
19:39Yeah, no problem.
19:41Sounds like it's worked.
19:43Thank God for that.
19:44So, no, what I wanted to bring up, I don't know if you guys already talked about this,
19:50I apologize if you have, but one of the Lord's past incarnations, it seems as though you
19:57were indicating towards it when you were saying that Solomon was known as the son of men,
20:03and also son of David.
20:05He was labeled as such in scripture.
20:08Of course, he was a descendant of David, and the Christ, the Mashiach, is supposed to have
20:16been also a son of David.
20:19And it hasn't been completely revealed to us in a way that would be satisfying to us
20:26in terms of prophetic fulfillment, but it seems more and more clear that it's very likely
20:35that Solomon was a past incarnation of the Messiah.
20:42Yeah, it really does look that way from trying to consider all things.
20:48Now, granted, people have to understand a few things, because anyone who does know Solomon's
20:53history, he clearly wasn't perfect.
20:55He clearly wasn't without sin.
20:57So, yeah, he wasn't the Messiah.
21:00But to say that the same soul couldn't return in one form or another, I don't feel confident
21:08saying he was or was not Solomon.
21:11However, there is in terms of, at the very least in a metaphorical sense, there are some
21:17parallels there.
21:18And you have to understand that when Christ is described as perfect, or a sacrifice without
21:30blemish, most people don't realize that to be without sin, that's not this metaphysical
21:37state of being.
21:38It's a legal term.
21:40It's a legal concept, a legalistic concept.
21:43We're referring to law, God's law.
21:47He is, basically, he has diplomatic immunity.
21:51Whatever he does, exactly.
21:55He is above sin, no matter what he does.
21:57That would be how he is without it.
22:01He can walk into a temple and flip tables and piss everybody off, but he's not sinning.
22:06Well, if you look at Solomon's behaviors, and as they're listed in scripture, historically
22:11speaking, he acted as though he was above sin also.
22:15And in his kingship, I mean, he didn't seem to answer to anybody but God.
22:21When he stepped outside of that, he was taught a lesson.
22:28But at the same time, God has put him here on this earth, not just for our sake, but
22:36for his.
22:37Because that's his heir.
22:39He is raising them.
22:40He is training them.
22:41So there is room for improvement.
22:44Of course, if you consider the descriptions of him in parables, back then being very much
22:55a lamb, and in the latter days, very much a lion or goat, a matured beast, he's at a
23:04point now.
23:05That's why this is the second coming, because it's time.
23:08He's ready to take the throne.
23:10He's done all that growing.
23:12He's done all that perfecting.
23:16Now is the time for the throne.
23:19But we know that he has incarnated on earth multiple times, and the exact number of which
23:36we do not know for certain.
23:41But it is a well-established fact that he has spent more time here, living in a human
23:50form, to experience life.
23:53More time than he really needed to, arguably, to experience, well, maybe not arguably in
24:03the context of the whole growth aspect, but definitely to experience life from a human
24:16How much that diplomatic immunity would change things, as far as that goes, I'm not sure,
24:21but growth is...
24:25Well, this is probably a bad cliche to be using, but the first Thor movie, if you remember
24:36what he was like, the character was like at the beginning of the movie compared to at
24:41the end of it.
24:43Very arrogant, warlike, brash, impulsive.
24:49Sent to earth to do some maturing, without his godly power.
24:54He's stripped of his power, sent to earth essentially as a mortal, and it is not until
25:01an act of self-sacrifice that he basically rises from the dead and gets his power returned
25:07to him.
25:09You know, we have often pointed out the parallels, the repetition from one religion to another,
25:19and basically how the various pantheons of the world were actually the same individuals,
25:26the same royal family, under God, in different places and different times, but more or less
25:32following the same recipe.
25:34Thor, and many of my best guess, is Enlil, or the spirit that became Christ, speaking
25:44of spirits.
25:45And Solomon, we've often referred to the verses which say a spirit of wisdom will rest upon
25:53Obviously the Holy Spirit is of wisdom, let there be no question of that, and that's how
26:00we've always interpreted that verse.
26:02It would be just as in his baptism 2,000 years ago, the light, the dove, the spirit came
26:09down, and that is the moment when it was joined with the mortal man Yeshua, and the voice
26:16of God spoke then and there, introducing him, like he just arrived, because he did.
26:23This is my son, and I'm well pleased.
26:25This is my son, and I'm well pleased.
26:29So, then the same thing happens now, well, 2011, see that spirit come, rest upon him,
26:36you know, this is the return of Christ, and the fullness of it, these other incarnations
26:42weren't really the same in that regard, because that spirit wasn't truly as one with them
26:49in the sense, at least to my understanding, I think you're mistaken, but it seems that
26:54obviously it would have been guided the whole way anyway, each time, a curriculum, a process
27:03that has to be played out, but Solomon was considered to be so wise, the pinnacle of
27:13wisdom in many regards, the wisdom of Solomon, a household phrase for a reason, but the spirit
27:22of wisdom would rest upon him, speaking of the Messiah, and in fact be indicating that
27:29the spirit of Solomon is also part of him, and you know, the verses describing the parables
27:37describing him, describing his multiple incarnations, the lamb, I believe, having seven eyes.
27:47So, a pretty hilarious gif of that, creepy, unsettling, I don't know if it's going to
27:53make it into the stream or not, but that's something, quite a mental image to get stuck
27:59with, but it's based on the parable of the lamb having eyes, and these are each like
28:05the seven spirits that rest upon him, so Solomon's incarnation very much could be one of them.
28:13Yes, that's a distinct possibility.
28:29Oh, you're looking for it, aren't you?
28:32Yes, I am.
28:33Yes, I am.
28:35Are you talking about this?
28:37Oh, man.
28:45Let me pull it up a little bit before we show the audience.
28:48One of us, one of us, one of us.
28:55It's disturbing, I'm not going to lie.
28:59Yeah, I don't know what to say about that.
29:04I haven't played it, but I've seen ads for it.
29:07There's this game, The Cult of the Lamb, and this kind of reminds me of that.
29:13Yeah, that's the final boss right there, that's what that is.
29:24Okay, I'm turning this off so that we don't lose our audience here.
29:29Yeah, before you do though, you should show them the image right before that one.
29:33The angel treading the winepress of the fury of God.
29:38Oh, are you talking about the angry angel with no nipples?
29:45Yes, yes.
29:47He is nippless.
29:49Not that an angel would need nipples, but I found it surprising.
29:55He doesn't make milk, he makes wine.
30:00That is, that is, yeah.
30:02It's definitely AI generated, because you can, you see his hand carrying the basket?
30:07Yeah, it's got the handle going for it.
30:09He's got a few extra fingers, yeah, yeah.
30:12Yeah, it looks like he's got about seven fingers there as well.
30:18Maybe there's a parable about that.
30:23His hand is complete.
30:24It doesn't look like he has any teeth on his top row either.
30:29Maybe that's why he's angry.
30:30That's why he treads wine.
30:31He can't chew the grapes.
30:34So angry.
30:35I would be angry too, I guess.
30:43The image you've got right here is pretty cool.
30:46Let me pull this up too.
30:48I really like this one.
30:49It looks like something an artist drew.
30:53It is beautiful.
30:54At first I thought it was handmade, and then I looked a little closer.
30:58That hand that's outstretched has three fingers on it, and that sort of tells me it's probably AI.
31:06Plus, you almost never see that level of, like, intricate, I don't know, specularity?
31:11Intricacy, let's just say that in an image anymore.
31:16That's something you...
31:17Like luminosity.
31:22I set that as my background on my computer.
31:26It's pretty cool.
31:30Yeah, there are so many AI images out there now.
31:34You have to be very picky about if we're going to use it to represent the Lord in any way.
31:39It had better.
31:40Yeah, yeah.
31:41That bottom one there, I really like that one.
31:43Although the grapes look like tiny little apples.
31:47That is a very intense image.
31:49It's very cool.
31:51That kind of has a whole UFO theme to it as well, which was a nice Easter egg.
31:58That's why I chose it.
31:59Well, part of the reason I chose it.
32:02I don't know.
32:03I don't know.
32:04I don't know.
32:05I don't know.
32:06I don't know.
32:07That's why I chose it.
32:08Well, part of the reason I chose it.
32:11Can we...
32:13Maybe it's a bit of a squirrel topic shift, but...
32:17Easter egg, Easter ishtar, you know, that whole thing.
32:21Actually, like, one of multiple holidays that she's managed to shove down everyone's throat.
32:30Yeah, Valentine's Day, aka Lupercalia being another one.
32:37The fact that even...
32:40So many elements of our phrasing and language are corrupted by terms like Easter egg.
32:48Which is a nice...
32:49The meaning of...
32:51It's a nice little thing that you find, you know?
32:54And even that gets her...
32:57Yeah, even that gets her name slapped all over it.
33:04So when you think of the 144,000 who aren't corrupted by everything she put forth...
33:14When you really think about what...
33:16To what degree they would have to be separate to have none of that.
33:22To us, it's commonplace.
33:24But to these children, that's not going to be a thing.
33:31Actually, something to look forward to.
33:36People who aren't corrupted by her.
33:40That's going to be a completely foreign thing to interact with them.
33:46In any way.
33:48They're not going to get any of our references, man.
33:53Stop it. Get some help.
34:01At the same time, it's a...
34:04I'm thankful every day for the fact that there is a plan to spare them.
34:13It's vital for the kingdom.
34:15They're going to be leading the tribes.
34:17They're not just part of the kingdom.
34:19They're not even...
34:21The majority of the kingdom.
34:22They're the leadership that we're going to teach and train in the ways of the Lord.
34:26And not the ways of the devil.
34:28The ways of the Lord.
34:29And not the ways of the world.
34:32So, they are very much a vital, necessary part of what makes Paradise, Paradise.
34:40They've got a big job to do.
34:43There's not really much of this world that they need...
34:45That they'd be singing out on, anyway.
34:50Except our silly cultural references.
34:54From Michael Jordan about people getting help.
34:57Stop it. Get some help.
35:05I love that one.
35:07Do you think they'll have needs?
35:11We'll teach them those ways.
35:14Do you guys have any previews for your topics coming up throughout the week?
35:19I know that you guys are guest speakers at various points in the week.
35:22Eric, you're on for Friday. Matt, you're on for Wednesday.
35:26Matt, I think I know what you want to talk about.
35:29Well, I did start off several weeks ago now.
35:33We did a show on Flat Earth.
35:37Yeah, it was part one.
35:40It'll be part two of that.
35:42And I'm actually looking forward.
35:44Also talking a little bit about the origins of Earth itself.
35:49The creation process.
35:55Beginning with Tiamat, yeah.
35:58As it does, yeah.
36:01Start at the beginning, arguably.
36:06Sooner or later, we've really got to get into a deep dive on the whole core of Babylon topic.
36:16The Olympic event as well.
36:18That whole fiasco.
36:22Are we going to touch on either of those on your Friday topic?
36:26I hadn't planned on it, but it's possible.
36:30Honestly, I feel like that deserves a few more heads coming together.
36:36But yeah, those two topics actually very much are connected.
36:41And we're going to be revealing why.
36:43Maybe that's next Sunday.
36:45By the time I went to watch the opening ceremony, the videos of it had already been pulled offline.
36:50So I'm going to have to see if I can find a copy of it somewhere to download.
36:54Because I have to admit, all I've seen so far is some screenshots and heard other people's assessments of it.
37:00Well, I can say there's one little ray of Silveira.
37:06That's a reference to the band.
37:09But one silver lining to the whole thing was they actually had Gojira playing.
37:16Yeah, and apparently they absolutely rocked it.
37:21For those of you who don't know, Gojira is a French metal band.
37:26Actually, if you listen to a lot of their lyrics, you'll find that there's a lot of good message there.
37:32I'm not fully endorsing all of it, obviously.
37:36But there are some nuggets of wisdom.
37:39I'd say it's a fairly positive band.
37:43You wouldn't know it if you didn't listen to it at first.
37:46If you're not listening carefully.
37:48But it's a band that I'm pretty fond of myself.
37:51Yeah, nice seeing them.
37:59I'm probably going to be spending the rest of the day looking for somewhere that that video is still available of the opening ceremony.
38:08I remember when I opened up, the first place I went to was YouTube.
38:14And there were all those listings saying that it was, you know, the opening ceremony.
38:22It was a video two hours long.
38:25And all of them had some variation on a looping 30 seconds of the Statue of Liberty.
38:34Not the Statue of Liberty.
38:37Freudian slip there.
38:39The Eiffel Tower.
38:41And people walking around it in the foreground kind of thing.
38:45Yeah, it's interesting.
38:47The Statue of Liberty, not the outer sculpture of it, but the internal framework was actually made by Eiffel, the same guy.
38:56I remember you saying that a couple of weeks ago.
39:02Clearly it was something that was fairly well accomplished, that building.
39:09The Eiffel Tower itself, if I'm not mistaken, itself was supposed to be a temporary structure.
39:16It was built for a World's Fair or something like that.
39:20And the intent was to demolish it, or dismantle it, after that World's Fair or whatever it was was done.
39:27And public outcry caused a delay in that, which became permanent.
39:36That's interesting.
39:38The symbolism of it, it's fairly phallic in nature, you know, there are obelisks all over the place.
39:45There's a whole esoteric bit to get into about all of that, the masculine and feminine, and who the feminine is, guess what?
39:55Her again.
39:58And that's not to say that everything female is evil or anything like that, it's just that it's been co-opted.
40:06Corrupted, you could say.
40:09There is a divine feminine that is good, just, and absolutely vital and deserving of honor and love.
40:18She's not it.
40:22She's an insult to it.
40:24She's a smear upon my lady's honor.
40:28And unfortunately, she seems to have influenced the vast majority of modern women to her ways.
40:40Western women anyway.
40:44I know the same ideology hasn't pervaded anywhere near as well in the Middle East, I know that for a fact.
40:55A lot of more, let's say, primitive cultures, and not only primitive, but even advanced cultures as well, because you've got examples like Russia, China, they're not primitive by any stretch, but at the same time still very apart from her in many ways.
41:17That's why they find themselves in such opposition to the land of Columbia.
41:25Not the country Columbia, but the district of Columbia.
41:34It's sad, really, that it's come to this.
41:39I understand that it was prophesied and it did have to happen, but it's still sad to see.
41:47Still sad to see.
42:18And there are all sorts of variations and interpretations about that and quotes to get slapped onto it, but you can look at one, and you can look at the other, and you can make your choice which one bears good fruit.
42:38You have to see both to really understand it, so it had to be shown.
42:45I think we've pretty much covered everything we intended to cover for today.
42:57I think so.
42:59Is there anything else that you guys want to do?
43:01Yeah, well, I wanted to know if you had any kind of preview or announcement about what you wanted to discuss on Friday.
43:07Not presently, no.
43:10Okay. All right. So, yeah, looking forward to the surprise.
43:16And Brother Matt, I see some of the preparations that's been made for your topic, and a lot of it's been done behind the scenes, and a whole lot of it's been done in public, so people want to go ahead and check that out.
43:33It is available for people to see on the International Congregation of Lord Rael Facebook and VK groups.
43:40Prophet Michael Haar and Arthur Kingman have both been posting extensive amounts of information on this topic, and I think we will be presenting some of that information that they've been portraying to the public.
43:58And, you know, tying it together with a very, I would say, enlightened Raelite perspective.
44:08Looking forward to seeing that.
44:10Yeah, yeah. Definitely one for the record books.
44:16Yeah, we're bringing that back.
44:18You guys are going to be busy with everything happening in the Middle East right now.
44:22Oh, yeah, we've got a lot of catch-up to do. We missed the whole week last week on our morning live stream, so we're going to be playing catch-up this week.
44:30Oh, I'm going to go ahead and switch over to my camera real quick, because it's part of the outro, but ever since Prophet Michael Haar and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman, and Arthur Kingman
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45:30Arthur Kingman.