From Darkness to Light

  • 3 months ago
Featuring Cardinals Thomas Cavin & Clark Isaac, revealing current events and hidden truths.

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00:40I have shown it time and time and time again.
00:50I and my saints have suffered so very much so that you may flourish.
01:02And what have I required in return?
01:06Your repentance? Your rationale?
01:12Perhaps even your love and gratitude, if you were so inclined.
01:20But, like spoiled children, you only appreciate what you've been given when it is taken away from you.
01:33I have no more desire to wrestle with you.
01:37To hope that you will suddenly see the error in your ways and change for all the right reasons.
01:51No, you have absolutely no intention of changing.
01:58You have no intention of showing appreciation for the gifts that have been showered upon you out of love.
02:09Sometimes, with children, you just have to cut your losses.
02:21You just have to hope that you will be able to salvage your children's children.
02:33So be it.
02:38If it is impossible to save this wicked generation, then we shall take the children of men.
02:48The unspoiled and unsullied.
02:53We will take them from you because you do not deserve them.
02:59And because they are far better off without you.
03:05We will take a remnant and use them to seed the new earth.
03:13And they will grow.
03:16And they will appreciate the bounty that shall be bestowed upon them.
03:23And they will be deserving of my father's countless blessings.
03:29They shall live in the paradise of the eternal kingdom.
03:35And they will not be like you.
03:42You have caused too many of them to stumble.
03:46And caused me an anger so great that at this very moment I am unable to express it fully.
03:55Bless your children, good pie.
04:01And pray that I find them worthy to be taken before we do what we are about to do.
04:14Children are being taken.
04:24This prophecy is being fulfilled.
04:27While many of the children are being taken for one purpose or another,
04:32it's clear in the news that in Israel, children are being taken for conscription service.
04:39The ultra-orthodox Jews basically have said that they would rather die.
04:45Yep, that's true.
04:47As we'll see on this clip, but before we watch this,
04:53I would like to say something to these people.
04:56Not just the Jews, but to other faiths.
05:01This is actually to other leaders of the faiths.
05:07Be you rabbi, pastor, ministers or priests.
05:19You're about to see prophecy fulfillment yet again.
05:24Make contact with us immediately.
05:31So that we can move on to our next step.
05:38We have to be in the Middle East.
05:42Contact us today.
05:46And make sure you do.
05:55This truly is a wicked and adulterous generation.
06:00And most of them are not worthy of the kingdom to come.
06:05And their actions or lack of actions are proof to this end.
06:12The ball is in their hands.
06:15And we see children being taken from them.
06:24Taken to train and fight in a war that they're meant to lose.
06:33This we touched upon just the other day.
06:40In the Lord's video of Romans 9.27.
06:51Do they not take heed to these messages that we send out to them?
06:56Obviously not.
07:10Do you have the Romans 9.27 that we can put back up just as it amends after them?
07:18Yeah, I've got it written out right here. I'll go ahead and recite it.
07:229.26 through 28.
07:25It will happen that in that very place where it was said to them,
07:29You are not my people, they will be called sons of the living God.
07:32Isaiah cries out concerning Israel.
07:36Though the number of the Israelites is like the sand of the sea, only the remnant will be saved.
07:41For the Lord will carry out his sentence on the earth thoroughly and decisively.
07:48I was actually talking about, you know, all the video itself that we actually played the other day.
07:53Oh yeah, no, I played that before we went on.
07:57Yeah, they saw that before they saw us.
08:00That was just a reminder for them, obviously.
08:04But he tells you clearly in that video what he was going to do.
08:12And he's just shown you that he's fulfilling his own words, his very own words.
08:19That he is.
08:21And ever since the Holy Prophet, Michael Haar, the return of Elijah, the reincarnation of Elijah,
08:31he made a proclamation against the nations.
08:36And since that time...
08:40Things have snowballed.
08:41Oh yeah.
08:43Not just with what you might expect.
08:45You know, you might expect it to be something like, okay, more natural disasters like what we've been talking about.
08:50But other things are happening in world news.
08:55Where we're leading ever closer to World War III, the total destruction of civilization.
09:00Self-destruction, really.
09:02And this is all part of God's plan, as was said by Prophet Michael Haar.
09:08And there's some interesting news I wanted to bring up.
09:12And I know you and I discussed this before the show, but I wanted to bring it to the audience's attention as well.
09:18There are, even though they're unconfirmed reports, there's a lot of people talking about this,
09:23that the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, had a stroke during a live meeting.
09:32And this is bringing into question his capabilities as a leader in China,
09:39just the same as Biden's capabilities are being in question.
09:43They're both about to be replaced.
09:47And at the same time, these party leaders in China are saying that shortly after that replacement,
09:56it will be time to take Taiwan.
09:59Well, I read that article yesterday.
10:02It said just exactly your own words there, Clark.
10:06And that's definitely on the cards, because in other news, just as late over the last couple of days,
10:14China have actually been sending ships around Taiwan.
10:18So they're definitely getting ready for this.
10:22It's on the cards.
10:23We've shown Bible codes, Torah codes, predicting this nuclear fire that's coming.
10:29We've shown codes that predicted the assassination attempt against Donald Trump, former president of the United States.
10:38We've shown codes that depict Kamala Harris being appointed as president, despite Biden already being president.
10:47And if you still think that, if they still think, the viewers I'm talking about, that this is all coincidence,
10:56well, they're really deluding themselves, you know, because it's all coming from God's words through the Torah codes.
11:04Everything is being given to them.
11:06And if they still can't see that, then...
11:11So, yeah, we have Bible code.
11:14We have words of the returned Christ.
11:18We have prophecies within the Bible, words from the prophets, and even words from prophets that have returned, reincarnated.
11:27Well, look what happened here.
11:29We just talked about this the other day.
11:31You know, the Lord actually sent out that message to the Jews.
11:40And what happens?
11:44It happens.
11:46There's quite a number of people out there that want to believe something contrary to what we're saying,
11:51because their mind really can't be wrapped around any of what we're saying being truth,
11:56because if what we're saying is true, then they have to change everything that they believe.
12:01At least that's what they think.
12:03And the truth of the matter, really, I guess you could say the proof is in the pudding.
12:10The evidence far outweighs any simple belief system.
12:19And we're trying to liberate people's minds and hearts and spirits from the confines of dogma that has been preventing them from seeing truth.
12:31Yeah, definitely.
12:33If they would only come in to us, into the congregations and things like that, they would be able to research it themselves.
12:46I would never ask anybody to know or just take my word for anything.
12:53I would rather they just went and researched themselves and joined the place.
12:58Researched themselves.
12:59If they're not happy, then they're free to go.
13:02It's a very easy approach, you would think.
13:07But I would encourage people to do more than that.
13:13I would encourage them to be part of the conversation, too.
13:15We're too late in the day for all this.
13:19They have to find out themselves.
13:21See it within their own hearts.
13:23Brother, we've got people who are available to teach them directly.
13:29Not just ourselves.
13:31While we are capable of making the time that we do to do these live streams and make other content,
13:37we might not have all the time of the day to speak to everybody that wants to speak to us.
13:40We have people that are capable.
13:43I would encourage people to ask questions.
13:47To seek answers to those questions.
13:50And not just Google search it and find some troll group out there that's making up lies.
13:54But a lot of it comes from their own heart as well.
13:58Whether they want to find the truth.
14:03Because they come into the congregation, some of them.
14:08We do have the sleeping trolls that are in there.
14:11So the sleeping trolls go like that.
14:13They say something.
14:15And automatically their minds are changed and they just leave straight away.
14:18Rather than ask the question.
14:20Excuse me.
14:22Rather than ask the questions that you're actually saying, you see?
14:25Well, these people, these trolls, have already been proven to be government plants within the ranks of...
14:34Sleeper cells, so to speak.
14:37And these people are very well trained at counter...
14:42Oh, yeah.
14:45And saying just the right thing to get people to just tune out and change the channel.
14:53Lose interest.
14:54And these...
14:56I'm not going to say it's a bad thing to be a sheep of a person.
14:59But it certainly is if you're not following your shepherd.
15:03That's it.
15:05Only those who know their master's voice.
15:10Well, there's other news that's coming out.
15:12But there's some scripture that kind of leads into that.
15:15We were talking about this earlier.
15:17Did you want to read from Isaiah chapter 5 here?
15:20Isaiah chapter 5, 20.
15:22Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil.
15:27That change darkness into light and light into darkness.
15:31That change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter.
15:35And from Luke chapter 8, starting at verse 17.
16:01He has will be taken from them.
16:07So they're trying to drop hints in the news.
16:10There's some things that were in the shadow of mystery that are being brought to the light.
16:17And one of those things, we've been talking about this on a regular basis.
16:22And so people should be knowing about this.
16:26There's information going out there about a ninth planet in our system.
16:32Again, they're talking about this.
16:34They're dropping hints.
16:36Yeah, they say it's the ninth planet, but it's planet X.
16:41Yeah, they're trying to say it's all the way out in the Oort cloud.
16:44Yeah, yeah.
16:45But what they're really doing is they're dropping hints to society.
16:48That's here.
16:50They're trying to prepare people mentally for the idea that it's true.
16:55And they're only admitting a little portion of the truth.
16:58Oh, yeah. Definitely.
17:00They call it the hidden worlds theory.
17:03That planets can elude our sight simply because of their distance or makeup.
17:10It's not just the one planet, though. It's a whole system, you know.
17:13That's true. That's true.
17:15That's what they forget to mention.
17:16The nemesis system is its own star.
17:21And we're in a binary system.
17:25That's our coming in, so there's going to be carnage very, very soon.
17:29And there's plenty of proof out there that this is actually happening.
17:35And I'm just going to bring this to
17:37Yeah, this is a good article.
17:39Yeah, this was put up in our congregation recently.
17:44To do with the Earth.
17:46The Earth's rotation had stopped, they say.
17:49But it hasn't stopped.
17:53No, no, it's actually, they're saying that the magnetic, the magnetics of,
18:00forgive me, I'm not a scientist, but I'm just going to summarize.
18:05The magnetic frequencies that they're detecting from what they perceive as the Earth's core are reversing.
18:11Now, they think that the Earth's core is spinning the opposite direction.
18:16The reality of what's happening is quite different than what we're perceiving,
18:19because we're perceiving it from a globe perspective.
18:24But many of us know that the Earth is sort of a concaved disk on the top,
18:30and then underneath is something quite different than what we would expect.
18:34Not simply a ball rolling around in space.
18:38Planet X, or the nemesis system, has a massive magnetic pulter.
18:46That's just it right there.
18:48Yeah, we're talking about things that are affecting the Earth that are from outside the Earth.
18:54And it's strange because CNN posted recently that climate change is something that is causing
19:04this Earth's rotation to slow down.
19:09And that's just, that's absolutely ridiculous.
19:12When it's the nemesis system.
19:14The nemesis system is the propagator for everything that's happening on this Earth at the moment.
19:22Yeah, it's certainly not man-made climate change.
19:26That's what the mainstream media would like everybody to believe.
19:28Yeah, they would want you to think that cow farts and Volkswagen beetle exhaust is going to change the world like that.
19:35Get the humans to stop eating so much vegetables, you know.
19:39Yeah, and how dare you eat meat that's not grown in a lab and made from bugs.
19:48And yeah, this is all part of their plot to eventually get people to eat each other.
19:53Because that's the economical and climate safe way of doing things.
19:58It's evil.
20:00And they're calling, this is part of what we were talking about earlier, where they're calling what is evil good and what is good evil.
20:08That's correct, they're just switching everything around.
20:12But at the same time, they're also dropping hints about truth in a way to absolve themselves of responsibility when these things finally come.
20:23God knows the depth, he knows what's going on, that's how he put that in the scriptures.
20:27He knew they would do that at this time.
20:29It's strange to me that they think that that's sufficient to get them a place in the kingdom.
20:35If any at all, it would be the lowliest place in the kingdom.
20:40If they want a high elevated place in the kingdom, the logical thing to do would be to help the Lord and his saints.
20:50At least allow us to complete our mission.
20:53That's it, yeah.
20:54And what is our mission, brother?
20:56What can we tell people our mission is if they want to help?
20:59If we were artists now, we have to move on because there's still certain prophecies to be fulfilled.
21:06We need to be in the Middle East, as I mentioned earlier.
21:10The Lord has to set foot on the Mount of Olives.
21:15And once he does that, that's it, all over.
21:19So really, the end goal that we're expressing here is simply to fulfill prophecy.
21:26Correct, yeah.
21:27And it's up to everybody out there.
21:30Be you Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.
21:35We need your help.
21:37And it's as simple as that.
21:39And it doesn't matter what political condition these countries are in.
21:45We could all stop this together and be in a matter of weeks, days, or whatever.
21:50All it requires is our presence.
21:53Just bring us there and God's will be done.
21:59On Earth as it is in Heaven.
22:02Well, seems like a simple enough message.
22:04Hopefully people receive it.
22:07There's links down in the description for more of our sites and other ways to reach us.
22:14We hope to hear from you soon, God willing.
22:17And love God, love each other.
22:20In the name of Lord Rao.