Käpt'n Blaubär - 037. Die Zeitmaschine

  • 2 months ago


00:00Man, this is a historic moment.
00:14We are the first to explore the future with a time machine.
00:18It is now 18 o'clock, 35 minutes and 16 seconds.
00:24Let's go!
00:30There we are. It is now exactly 18 o'clock, 35 minutes and 29 seconds.
00:37That is the proof. We have traveled 13 seconds into the future.
00:43A triumph of technology.
00:45But men, the most dangerous part of our expedition is still ahead of us.
00:50We are in a completely unknown part of the future.
00:54Who knows what threatening life forms have developed in the meantime.
00:59We have to be on the lookout.
01:01There, a creature from the future. We have to make contact.
01:06Hail, you strangers. We are time travelers from the past.
01:10But do not be afraid. We come in peaceful mission.
01:13Well, I'm reassured.
01:16He seems to be intelligent. He speaks our language.
01:19From which era has it taken you in this part of time, if I may ask?
01:25We come from a time far beyond your imagination.
01:29It is over 13 seconds in the past.
01:32Well, that's a thing.
01:35Well, welcome to the future.
01:38Get out and have a little fun.
01:41Thank you very much, but we are not here for our pleasure.
01:44We have a research mission.
01:47We have to find out how it is here in the future.
01:50Maybe you can tell us something about it.
01:53The future?
01:55You ask me how the future is?
01:59The future is a dream in gentle colors.
02:03A paradise for berries in the rustic.
02:07A country where rum and honey flow.
02:10Or more rum than honey.
02:13To be precise, almost only rum.
02:16With a little shot of honey.
02:19And everywhere there is an eternal music.
02:23Magnificent seaman's shanties.
02:26The air is rocking.
02:29And robots? Are there robots?
02:32Glossy steel machines that do all the unpleasant work?
02:37Robots? What for robots?
02:40For that there are the berries.
02:44Yes, little berries.
02:46That do all the unpleasant work.
02:49The berries of the future are the purest work animals.
02:53They clean and scrub.
02:57They go shopping and bring empty bottles back.
03:01They rinse and dry.
03:05But the food?
03:07Don't you have to cook, too?
03:09Yes, and how they cook.
03:12They cook the tastiest things.
03:15Spinach and canned vegetables.
03:18Rhubarb salad and thick beans.
03:21Everything that all blueberries like.
03:24It's a dream.
03:28Sounds like a nightmare.
03:30But that's your job?
03:32Hopefully done.
03:33Oh no.
03:35Why don't you carry your grandpa around the block a few more times,
03:38so he gets a little movement, don't you?
03:44Is that how it's supposed to look in the future?
03:46That's terrible.
03:48That's a matter of taste, of course.
03:50Then we'll make sure we get back to the past.
03:54Thank you very much, stranger.
03:56You're welcome.
03:58And have a good trip.
04:00Come on, men, let's get out of here quickly.
04:04Let's go.
04:11There we are.
04:12We have to...
04:13...tell grandpa.
04:16There you are.
04:18I've been looking for you all the time.
04:20Where have you been?
04:22We were in the future.
04:23Not possible.
04:25Yes, with our time machine.
04:27A time machine, is that it?
04:30What's all this fuss about?
04:32Then tell me, what was it like in the future?
04:36Imagine, grandpa.
04:37There was a big blue bear.
04:39He told little fairytales.
04:41The most hair-straying lie stories.
04:43Not possible.
04:46What an adventure.
