• 2 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Detective Comics The Red Hood Figure


00:00Clowns are like cars. To see what's malfunctioning you may need to check
00:03under the hood. Here's a look at McFarlane Toys DC
00:06Multiverse Detective Comics Platinum Edition Red Hood.
00:22The Joker's past remains a mystery but Batman believes his nemesis was once the
00:28brilliant leader of the Red Hood gang, a criminal outfit that plagued Gotham City
00:32early during the Batman's career. After falling to a vat of chemicals stained
00:36his skin white and his hair green, the Red Hood seemed to opt for a career as
00:41the Joker, giving in to every insane impulse. You'd think with creating so
00:45many criminals chemical plants would be a little bit more careful and put lids
00:48on their vats. Before we get a closer look though at the Detective Comics Red
00:51Hood let's take the tape measure and see how tall the figure stands. One that's
00:55been on my waiting list for a while. Finally though Amazon had a big sale on
00:59all their DC Multiverse figures so I got this guy for a little over 20. Red Hood
01:03though is using essentially though the same Joker body as the one from the
01:07Three Jokers line. I'll be bringing that one in in a second. In the meantime though
01:10the Red Hood's gonna stand at 6 and 3 quarters of an inch in height or about
01:1317 and a half centimeters tall. So if you know this mold then you know the mold
01:18for Red Hood as the figure basically just a repainted body of the criminal
01:22Joker from the Three Jokers line. So if I start to do the math in my head I paid
01:26a little over $20 for basically just a plastic hood and a cape. I still think
01:31it's worth it though. Bringing in some of the other colorful criminals of Batman's
01:34lore. Here's what the figure looks like with Victor Freeze aka Mr. Freeze. Here's
01:38also what he looks like with Edward E. Nygma aka The Riddler. And hey why not
01:42let's bring in a boy wonder. Here's what the figure looks like with both Robin
01:45and the Batman from Nightfall. I guess I probably should have brought in a couple
01:48adjacent Todd Red Hood figures for comparisons right? No. No. We're not gonna
01:52overshadow the past The Clown Prince of Crime. No. The figure should stand on his
01:56own and not just be basically surrounded by other Red Hoods. The figure though is
02:00surrounded right now at least by a display stand. Because as well this is
02:03the Platinum Edition some frills get afforded. The DC logo down below. Normally
02:07it's branded in black. This time it's branded in silver. And to the far
02:12corner it has a peg that can plug into either one of the shoes of Red Hood. You
02:16only have one. Well you have two feet but you only have you only have one peg.
02:20The figure also comes included with the podium standee. I'm gonna remove the card
02:24and we'll just put that off to the side. By the way though the color that they've
02:26used for the stand happens to be the same one. Same style of silver as the
02:30smaller figure stand. Is that how it works? Apparently how it works. The figure also
02:35comes included with a trading card depicted on the side. We've got Batman
02:38going like this. Robin is like this. And just over top of that actually it says
02:43McFarlane Collector Edition. And in the corner it says we dare you to accept
02:47this challenge. Can you outguess Batman and Robin and name the man behind the
02:50Red Hood? Is it the Joker? Yes you've played this game before. Maybe you
02:55haven't played the game of reading the backstory on the back. Just above
02:59actually the the read up there is of course the debut. The debut is Detective
03:03Comics volume 1 number 188 February 1951. I personally would love to get that
03:09issue but I know. Small violin? No come on. It's gonna cost a lot of money.
03:14Unless I can get myself a reprint and I think I actually have myself a trade
03:17paperback of all the Joker's best stories. I'm sure 188 is actually in
03:22there. Let's put that back onto the standee and we'll just move the standee
03:26just over there just to kind of get everything out of the way. Up next though
03:30the figure comes included with a couple of Monopoly pieces. I play the crossbow!
03:33No no as usually I like to play the top hat. That's my favorite Monopoly piece. So
03:38if you ever ever try to play Monopoly against me first of all you'll lose.
03:42Second of all don't even think to grab the top hat. The top hat is mine. I always
03:46either was the top hat or a little meow cat. But the figure does like I said come
03:51included with a crossbow and sort of a sickle weapon. The crossbow I recognize I
03:55think is the one that came included with the Huntress. I can't quite though place
03:58where the sickle came from. I think it's that the villain that has the glowing
04:02eyes. He looks like he comes from the purge. I did a review of him. I can't even
04:05remember his name right now. If you know let me know and then we'll be all in the
04:09know. What's also to know as well is that he only has well because he's also using
04:13the same body as the criminal Joker that unfortunately also means he has to
04:17sacrifice one gripping hand. He has a gestured hand on this side. He has a
04:20gripping on the other but yet he has two accessories. You have to choose. You can't
04:25have both. You got to choose one. I started though the beginning of this
04:29review with him with a sickle in his hand. What I might though do is when it
04:32comes to displaying this guy and even for final looks I'm gonna put the
04:35crossbow in his hand. That seems more like something the Red Hood would have.
04:38Basically just put it in his hand. I want to say like angle his head
04:42but you wouldn't even know whether he's looking over here, he's looking over here
04:45or he's looking way up there. Hey there's a bird up there. Removing though the
04:50crossbow. Let's put it off to the side. Getting though a closer look at what
04:53little of a look we can actually get from the Red Hood. So essentially I know
04:57I've already kind of established this. Criminal Joker is just getting
05:01darker here with a new suit but it's the same figure, same hands, just different
05:06obviously head sculpt. The original Criminal Joker while the Red Hood is
05:10looking, I have no idea where he's looking. The Criminal Joker was a fine
05:12figure. I mean obviously this mold's been used a couple of times already. Now we
05:16get it this time around for the Red Hood. I mean it's some saving cost is
05:19obviously there but you know Red Hood had a very similar style of outfit
05:23anyways. Like I can't fault Todd and his team to get the most mileage out of their
05:26molds. It's always something I say here on this channel. If you can get the most
05:29mileage, I'm blocking the figure. If you can get the most mileage out of your figure's
05:33molds, why not? If it means that we get ourselves a Red Hood, the classic look,
05:36why not? Now if you if we were to say check underneath the hood, do you think
05:41we would find a face underneath? Anybody guess? Anybody want to take any guesses?
05:44The person that's already watched this review is already commenting down below. No, no
05:47you can't. You can't. If you take the hood off, what you basically look at and
05:51experiencing is the barren wasteland. I can't even think of
05:55what I was saying there. The barren wasteland of what would be an empty
05:58cavity. That's what I was thinking of. An empty cavity. There's a peg hole in
06:03there. I don't even know if you'd be able to see it or not and you got a long post
06:06there. So basically you just connect the two. You will know if you look at it.
06:09There's definitely more of an angle there so you kind of know what the front
06:13of the hood is and you sort of know what the back is because the front of the
06:16hood is a little bit longer. The cape also essentially can be taken off. So
06:21really once you have... so for me to collect the Red Hood, this is about $25
06:26right here. About $24 and then some shipping on top of that. This is
06:30what I invested into and yet I'm still not disappointed at all. So once that's
06:35removed, basically what you have, other than just a different head sculpt
06:38because this guy has no head, is the same body. Exactly the same. Exactly the same.
06:42Exactly the same. Exactly the same. So let's go ahead and put the cape back on his
06:48body. By the way, the cape, as I just get the hood back on his head, the cape has a
06:53wire that's built into it. It's on the side and it's also along the bottom here
06:56as well. I do actually like the material that they've used here too. I don't
07:00know why I would describe it as a silk. It's a little... I mean like it would be a
07:03cheaper silk. Anybody that knows anything about fabric can let me know and then
07:07we'll all be in the know. But there's a wire frame down below here. There's a
07:10wire down the side. There's wire on the side. So yeah, if you wanted to, you do a
07:13better job obviously than what I'm doing right now. But if you want to give a
07:16little flow to the cape, you can easily pull that off. The helmet looks good for
07:21you know again like what simple it is on a design. The rest of the body again is
07:25just a reused mold. But again like I do really like the colors that they chose.
07:29They may have even in fact gone a little bit darker for the suit instead of maybe
07:33even giving him the dark purple like this. Maybe even given a jet black
07:36instead. The gloves are painted well. I mean you know it's so easy for them to add
07:40some additional frills. It might be even one of the reasons too why they include
07:43the podium like this. Because again like with a figure like this, so many of the
07:47costs that were involved initially to make this figure, you're not
07:50paying those costs again. All you're really now having to retool is a new
07:54head or a new helmet. And just like sewing a cape is probably the cheapest
07:58thing a figure company could probably do. Says the guy that's behind the camera.
08:02Says the guy that's reviewing a figure and knows nothing about what the cost of
08:05productions actually are. What I do know is at least the articulation. The figure's
08:09head, if I can actually get that all the way on there. Now of course I'm trying to
08:13find where that there it is. Pop that all the way on there. So the ball joint, even
08:17though it is longer, it's not gonna afford this guy much in the way of
08:20posability. The head's gonna rotate back and forth whether that's the front,
08:23whether that's the front. It does rotate back and forth. It can move up and down
08:26just only a little bit. And there's a bit of a head rocker there too. Because he's
08:30also encased inside of a suit jacket, there is technically a ball joint in
08:34there, but you can't really do too much with it. I mean you can rotate it easily
08:38enough, but when you're rotating this, you're not just rotating this torso
08:40alone. You're rotating the total package. And I don't mean Lex Luger either. The
08:46arms rotate all the way around as well. You can hinge them easily out. We just
08:49recently had a look at this figure mold as well. Oh it was Owl in the Court of
08:53Owls 3-pack. I do hope you guys watched the review of that. I didn't! Oh get out
08:57of here. Get out. Just leave. Unfortunately though, because again they're using this
09:01jacket overlaid piece, the same issue still applies. I think the Criminal Joker
09:05also had it as well. The Owl definitely had it too. It does leave a bit of a gap
09:09space just to give a little bit of afforded space for the arms to rotate
09:13out. When you rotate them also out as well, you can see that it leaves the
09:16white open area here of what would be a shirt underneath. So it's unfortunate, but
09:21there's really no way to get around that if it means that the arm can do as much
09:24as it's doing right now. Hinge out. T-pose. Well, T-pose would be both. Rotate the
09:29arm all the way around. The figure does have a swivel cut in the bicep, a double
09:32hinge still on the elbow, and the hands rotate all the way around. The leg splits. No
09:38issues really there other than just obviously the longer jacket makes things
09:40like bending. A full Van Damme splits, you're not probably gonna... maybe you
09:44can pull it off. Maybe you can pull it off. Legs go forward. Legs go back. Swivel
09:50at the top of the thigh. The figure does have a double hinge on the knee. And
09:53again, your standard articulation where it counts. Ankle pivot. Ankle rocker. Toe
09:57articulation as well. I'm not even gonna... I'm not even gonna discuss the fact that
10:02again, like, for me to get a red hood, I got myself basically... like, they could
10:06have easily just released a hood and a cape accessory pack, and I could have
10:10just done the work myself to build a red hood. But I couldn't really do that
10:13technically, because again, like, the Criminal Joker has the wrong choice of
10:15purple. I mean, red hood ideally. I mean, I could use this body. I'm trying to think
10:20of really... I guess I could probably use also the owl. But like, he has also a tie.
10:24So I mean, the red hood should really have the kind of outfit that, you know, I
10:29think really in most of the comics too, the red hood tend to have only just also
10:32a little bow tie. He didn't really have technically the style of tie that the
10:36Criminal Joker would also have. Why am I having such a struggle here? It wouldn't
10:39really have the same style of bow tie. But you know, again, like, to get the most
10:42out of this mold. For me, even having this discussion with everybody, and I hope
10:45that everybody's enjoyed this review so much. But to, you know, again, to finally
10:50get myself a classic red hood, I have enough red hoods from Jason Todd. I don't
10:54have any red hoods, though, for the Clown Prince of Crime until now. Yes, the cape
10:58again is a nice added accessory. Of course, again, the hood. In the end, though,
11:02a $20 figure. I mean, at one point, the red hood was going for a lot more on
11:06eBay. I probably at one point had this in my shopping cart for around $45 to $50.
11:12I'm glad I ended up not doing that, because eventually, like, Amazon, just
11:15after, I think it was just after Christmas, marked a lot of their DC
11:18multiverse figures. So you may see, in fact, a lot of them showing up here on
11:21this channel. Some might be slightly older figures like the red hood here, but
11:25ones that finally I could finally add to my collection, and I didn't have to pay
11:29the ludicrous prices that they were selling for on eBay at one point.
11:32Accessory-wise, again, I think the only other thing I would have done, you know,
11:35they've saved, obviously, the cost of using the same mold as this guy here.
11:38Could we not have at least gotten ourselves two gripping hands? He has two
11:41accessories. Sadly, though, he only has one hand to hold them. Red Hood doesn't
11:45reinvent anything, no. For this figure to even exist, it means he got the hand-me-downs
11:49from the criminal Joker from the Three Jokers line, and I'm okay with that. I
11:52mean, maybe not the most comic accurate. I think his bowtie was a little bit more
11:56of a bowtie and less the tie that the criminal Joker has, but at least we get
12:00ourselves a Red Hood. If this was a case where Todd was to look at a character
12:04like this and know that there was cost involved to produce it from scratch, I
12:07don't even think we would have even gotten this figure anyways. If it means
12:11that we can get some mileage, and I will say this, if we get mileage out of a mold
12:14and we get then those deep-cut characters like a classic Red Hood, I
12:18don't mind at all that if to look at it, you know exactly the origins of this
12:22body build. Of course, at least we get ourselves a couple of accessories, and
12:26being that so much of the cost was already spent on the criminal Joker's
12:29body, it means that we also get a podium. We also get ourselves a crossbow, which
12:33again, I know we've gotten before, and we get the sickle, which again, I know we've
12:36gotten before. One thing though, at least about the Red Hood version of him, is
12:41that this guy's gonna go very nicely on the shelf, especially for the fact that
12:44they're now using the fabric capes. It seems just like moving forward that Todd
12:48doesn't really want to use plastic capes anymore, and I gotta say though, like the
12:52fabric capes give them more of a premium feel to it. I know there's not a
12:55likelihood that they're ever gonna release this figure, but you know, I was
12:59also thinking too, using molds again, one character I would personally love to see,
13:03and we're talking deep cuts on these, is a pack of mud pack
13:08clay faces with one of my personal favorites, Preston Payne. I don't know why
13:12I was thinking Preston Payne, because clearly they wouldn't be able to use any
13:14of the mold here from the criminal Joker. Maybe I was just looking at the dome, I
13:18was thinking of other characters that had domes, and I was also thinking
13:20Preston Payne. In the end though, what do you guys think of Red Hood? Let me know
13:24down below in the comment section. You know again, like at one point, I
13:27was gonna purchase this guy over on eBay, then Amazon just happened to pop up with
13:31a sale just after the holidays. You know, I had some holiday money kind of like
13:34sitting around, I just put in bunny ears, sitting around. I already knew I was
13:39gonna be spending it. I just looked on Amazon, not something I normally check,
13:43but I looked at DC Multiverse figures. Sure enough, they had a Red Hood for 22
13:46bucks. I threw it to the shopping cart, I was gonna check out right away until
13:49somebody came down into the room. Hey, what are you buying now? Nothing, I
13:52said, until they left the room, and then I quickly checked out. Hey, hey, hey, I don't
13:56need to ask anybody if I was buying something, but what do you guys though
13:59think of Red Hood? Let me know down below in the comment section. What other deep
14:02cut characters? I know again, like Red Hood, he's not really the
14:06deepest of cuts of characters, but what other characters maybe has other people
14:10not heard of would you like to see McFarlane Toys use or release? And if
14:15they were to release it, is there a mold that they've already done for a figure
14:19that you think that they could use for your character? If you guys also did
14:22enjoy this video, want to do it a solid throw it a like. You guys want to stick
14:25around for more? So I hope so. Hit that subscribe, turn on that Bell, come back.
14:29As always, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
