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In Matthew Chapter 25, Jesus continues His teaching on the end times with three parables that emphasize the importance of preparedness, faithfulness, and judgment. The Parable of the Ten Virgins illustrates the necessity of being ready for Jesus' return, as five virgins are prepared with extra oil for their lamps and are welcomed into the wedding feast, while the unprepared ones are shut out. The Parable of the Talents highlights the importance of using one's gifts and opportunities responsibly for God's kingdom, as two servants invest and double their master's money, receiving praise and rewards, while a third servant, who buries his talent out of fear, is punished for his inaction. Lastly, the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats describes the final judgment, where Jesus separates people like a shepherd separates sheep from goats, commending the righteous for serving Him by helping those in need and condemning the unrighteous for their neglect. This chapter underscores the need for vigilance, responsible stewardship, and compassionate service in anticipation of Jesus' return and the final judgment.
