La promesa - Capitulo 404

  • 3 months ago
00:30¿Pero no presupongas nada romántico?
00:32Nadie va a hablar con la Guardia Civil por ahora.
00:35Es que si lo hubiéramos denunciado en su momento,
00:37nos hubiéramos ahorrado todo esto.
00:39¿Pero qué es lo que quieres?
00:40¿Qué quieres, ver a mi hija en un calabozo?
00:42Si el juez lo determina así, sí.
00:46¿Y si no me quiere volver a ver?
00:48Pero no digas enormidades.
00:50Martina sabe de sobra el amor que le tienes.
00:52El amor que no le he sabido demostrar.
00:55Y entendería que quisiera poner tierra de por medio.
00:59¿A qué se debe esa obsesión por el señorito Curro?
01:02¿No te has enterado de que Martina se ha escapado del sanatorio?
01:05¿Acaso sospechas que guardé relación con esa huida?
01:10¿Alguien lo ha visto?
01:12Entiendo que sí.
01:13Pero si quieres puedo interrogar a mis criadas por obviedades.
01:18Ninguna de las doncellas sospecha la ausencia del señorito.
01:21Yo mismo me he encargado de subirle la comida al señorito Curro
01:24para que parezca que sigue comiendo como de costumbre.
01:26También me he encargado de deshacerle la cama todas las mañanas
01:29y desordenarle un poco el cuarto.
01:31Tu generosidad para conmigo ha sido infinita.
01:34¿Me estás echando de la promesa?
01:36No. Jamás.
01:39Tú sabes que las puertas de mi casa estarán siempre abiertas para ti.
01:43Pero no puedo pretender que abandones tu vida para hacerte cargo de la mía.
01:47Es el último favor que te pido, amiga.
01:50Quiero que sepas que me opongo totalmente a la decisión de la Márquez.
01:54También me da pena irte y perder la oportunidad de conocernos en la ciudad.
02:04Una pena que Cruz quiera separar nuestros caminos justo ahora que empezaban a unirse.
02:11Si os he hecho venir es para deciros que seguimos adelante con lo de las mermeladas.
02:16¿Entonces Virtudes ha cambiado de opinión?
02:18Mi hija ni pincha ni corta. Esto es una cosa nuestra.
02:22Cruz y tú tenéis que hacer las paces.
02:24Esa mujer me odia, como también odiaba a Tomás.
02:29Solo se portó bien al principio, como estrategia para conseguir lo que quería, que era casarse con usted.
02:34Virtudes, digas lo que digas, vamos a vender mermeladas hasta conseguir la última peseta
02:38que necesitas para recuperar a tu hijo y te puedas ir a vivir con él.
02:41Bien dicho, Lope. Así que vamos a dejar de perder el tiempo hablando y...
02:46coge un cucharón y ponte a rellenar tarro.
02:50¿Recuerdas el revuelo que se montó por la mujer que no estaba invitada a la dichosa merienda?
03:00Esa mujer, la duquesa de Carril, es mi madre.
03:07Piénselo bien, ¿qué sentido tiene que yo quiera invitar a nadie a una merienda de la señora Margarita?
03:13Tienes razón. Esto ha tenido que ser alguien que quisiera arruinar esa merienda.
03:20Aunque todos insistan en mirar para otro lado, yo...
03:24tengo la firme determinación de averiguar qué pasó con la quinta invitada a la merienda de doña Margarita.
03:31Dime, Vera.
03:33¿Qué sabes tú de la duquesa de Carril?
03:40¿La duquesa de Carril?
03:42¿Yo qué sé qué puede pasar con esa señora?
03:44Vamos, Vera. No te hagas la tonta.
03:46Estoy diciendo la verdad, señor Arcos. No sé por qué me pregunta a mí por ella.
03:50Pues porque la duquesa de Carril se presentó en la promesa a la merienda de doña Margarita.
03:54Y nadie sabe cómo recibe esa invitación.
03:57¿Y debería saberlo yo? ¿Que soy una simple doncella?
04:00Sí. Una doncella que estuvo presente en la merienda.
04:05Sí. ¿Y?
04:07Pues que no me creo que no oyeras nada.
04:11Porque la duquesa de Carril comentaría algo sobre su invitación si todo resultó ser tan raro.
04:15No. No dijo nada. Al menos no delante de mí.
04:20Se lo garantizo, señor Arcos.
04:22Lo único que sé es que esa duquesa recibió una invitación, como todas las demás,
04:26y que la señora Margarita no quiso decir nada durante la merienda para evitar situaciones incómodas.
04:31Ya. Pues alguien tuvo que enviar esa invitación, puesto que la duquesa la recibió.
04:36Como usted bien sabe, yo me dedico a limpiar y a planchar. No a mandar invitaciones.
04:41Ya. Y dudo mucho que alguna vez realices una tarea de tanta responsabilidad.
04:49Mira, ¿tú sabes si Santos y la duquesa de Carril se conocían de antes?
04:55Que yo sepa, ¿no? ¿A qué viene esa pregunta?
04:58No, a nada.
05:00Algo habrá venido, ¿no?
05:02Solo estaba reflexionando en voz alta.
05:04Fue Santos el encargado de enviar esas invitaciones.
05:09¿Cómo en quién las envió Santos?
05:12Lo que he dicho.
05:16Bueno, en todo caso, señora Arcos, no sé por qué le da tantas vueltas al asunto.
05:20A mi parecer no es un asunto tan importante y la señora Margarita y el señor Baeza decidieron dejarlo correr.
05:25Te he pedido yo tu opinión.
05:27Y para que lo sepas, el asunto sí es muy grave.
05:30Es que no pasó nada, pero podría haber pasado.
05:32No comprendo por qué.
05:34¿Y tú qué vas a comprender?
05:37Imagínate que la duquesa de Carril hubiera estado a malas con algunas de las invitadas.
05:43Ya, bueno, pero eso no pasó.
05:45Pero podría haber pasado.
05:47Y eso lo habría arruinado todo.
05:49A ver si te enteras de una vez que las cosas no se hacen en esta casa así.
05:53Supongo que tiene usted razón, señor Arcos.
05:55Ojalá pudiera ayudarla, pero no sé nada de esas invitaciones ni de esa duquesa.
06:00Anda, quítate de mi vista, que ya he perdido bastante tiempo contigo.
08:01What's going on?
08:02I've been told that the governor of Alicante
08:05wants to retain all the wheat from his province.
08:08And I wanted to know if the press said anything about it.
08:11Why would they want to do that?
08:13I understand that producers can sell it,
08:15but only within the province of Alicante.
08:18Do you think they could force us to do something like that here?
08:21I wouldn't be surprised if our governor did something like that.
08:25There's no right.
08:27How can those people put their noses in who we sell what is ours?
08:31Everyone talks about freedom as long as they don't govern.
08:33But as soon as they come to power, it's always the same story.
08:36Yes. In any case, all our cereal production goes to our neighbors.
08:41So better tell me what the echoes of society say.
08:44I don't want to make bad blood.
08:46Well, not much, really.
08:47Like, for example, that the princess of Samson has arrived to Algeciras
08:50and that the count of the corner is going to host her in his palace.
08:54This man is very welcome to stay.
08:56Especially ladies who travel alone.
08:58Don't be malicious, Alonso.
09:00He's going to give a recital in his honor.
09:02Oh yeah?
09:04Very entertaining.
09:06Well, you know what? I don't think it's a bad idea.
09:08In fact, we could do something similar to celebrate Manuel's return.
09:12Wasn't the dinner you organized enough?
09:16You know that dinner ended like the Rosary of Aurora.
09:19And what guarantees us that this is not going to end the same?
09:21I'll make sure that Catalina doesn't feel like a starved corpse at the table.
09:25Adriano is not a starved corpse.
09:27He rents an important part of our lands.
09:29We have to get along with those people.
09:31Well, we can get along with them from a distance.
09:34We don't need to have them close, suffocating us.
09:37Cruz, get off your pedestal.
09:39Why do you always take me the other way around?
09:41Not always.
09:43In fact, I have listened to you regarding my friend María Antonia.
09:46And she agrees that it is time to abandon the promise.
09:49You are right. We have been to one of those.
09:52This recital would not only serve to celebrate Manuel's return,
09:56but also as a farewell to María Antonia.
09:59Don't look for more reasons.
10:01It is clear that you have been thinking about celebrating that recital.
10:04María Antonia deserves something more than a simple goodbye.
10:07The occasion helps me when I need it most.
10:09And I am very grateful.
10:11Am I not?
10:12Yes, yes, yes. Of course.
10:14Well, very well. No more talking.
10:17We will invite some friends and hire some musicians.
10:21Come on, I'm going to let Petraff know to get to work as soon as possible.
10:27What I don't know is whether to tell María Antonia or let it be a surprise.
10:33Whatever you see. I leave you with your things.
10:47Thank you.
11:12Were you calling me, ma'am?
11:14Yes. I thought of organizing a recital to celebrate the return of my son Manuel.
11:19I think it's an excellent idea.
11:21Me too.
11:22But so that it is not just an idea, we have to get to work on it actively.
11:27In addition, the recital would not only serve to celebrate the return of my son,
11:31but also to say goodbye to my friend María Antonia as she deserves.
11:35I didn't know you were going to leave us, Mrs. María Antonia.
11:39Well, it's time for me to go back to your house.
11:42And the promise is not a free hotel to stay for months.
11:46Although some seem to believe so.
11:48You are absolutely right, ma'am.
11:51And have you already thought about who you want to invite?
11:54I haven't decided yet.
11:56In a while I will give you a list of guests so that you can send them a notice.
12:00And you want me to be the one to call the musicians?
12:05We could invite that music quartet that came two years ago for my birthday.
12:09And any specific request for food?
12:11Because we will also have to decide the wines.
12:13Petra, for God's sake. If I have called you, it is for you to take care of it.
12:16Not for you to ask me everything.
12:18I thought you wanted to take care of the details, as in previous occasions.
12:23Well, no. You are going to take care of it.
12:25I pay you to work, not to walk around with a sad face.
12:28Yes, ma'am.
12:30So go thinking about several menu proposals,
12:33look for several options for musicians to choose from,
12:36and also tell me what dates you think would be the most appropriate.
12:40And can I ask you if the lady wants the recital to be soon?
12:43As soon as possible.
12:45You go thinking about options, you present them to me and I will choose.
12:49That's how I always worked, compadre.
12:51And I never had to be above everything.
12:53Be careful, ma'am. I'll take care of it.
12:56I hope so.
12:57Let's see if now I'm going to have to miss a keymaker like Mrs. Darre.
13:01So come on, get to work.
13:11And where do we put them, mother?
13:15We'll put them under the beds.
13:18Not like López and Salvador, who have left them here in the middle.
13:20Because if someone comes in, they won't find them in their bed.
13:23And do you think they will be safe here?
13:25Of course, daughter.
13:26This is the private room of María Fernández and Hanna.
13:29And they won't get angry when they come back and see that we have used their room as a warehouse?
13:33How are they going to get angry?
13:35The girls are a couple of blessed.
13:37The girls are a couple of blessed.
13:39They are not going to get upset about something like that.
13:41I see.
13:42And if, by chance, Beta discovers the jams, she will think it's her thing and I don't want ...
13:49Daughter, stop making it worse for yourself, okay?
13:52No one is going to find out anything.
13:54Besides, it was Hanna herself who had the idea of ​​looking for the money for you.
13:59And I thank her.
14:01And me.
14:02And everyone.
14:03A girl, when she is not doing a favor to one, she is doing it to another.
14:08I am alive thanks to her.
14:10I know.
14:11She told me.
14:12If I didn't come because she convinced Don Manuel to bring a friend of his, a doctor,
14:18and make me that novel thing, I wouldn't be here now.
14:23Nor could I give you this kiss.
14:29And I would never have met my grandson Adolfito.
14:33Well, let's put the boxes away.
14:36The important thing is that the jams are sold and that you get the money to get your son back.
14:41Because a child with whom he has to be, with whom he is best, is with his mother.
14:47His plan has the agony of his mother.
14:50That is the reality.
14:52Have faith, daughter.
14:54Have faith.
14:55Come on, sit down.
14:56I'm passing you.
14:58Come on.
15:02In the back.
15:03In the back.
15:32Wow, I'm glad you received me with such good disposition.
15:36What a surprise.
15:38I thought you wouldn't come to see me.
15:41I would like us to go for a walk.
15:46We could go to see the lands that I have leased to your family.
15:50After selling the jewel and paying my debts, I listened to you.
15:53I made improvements in the land.
15:54I would like you to see them and tell me what you think.
15:58So, in addition to your management, you also want my opinion on your crops?
16:03My father had high esteem for you.
16:05He said he knew a lot about agriculture.
16:07He exaggerated, I don't know so much.
16:09Don't be modest.
16:10He didn't speak for himself.
16:15Although I'm sure you've done it very well and I can't tell you little to help you.
16:18You never know.
16:20Let's see, don't expect anything spectacular, I don't have enough rooms.
16:24I also started managing the farm little by little.
16:28If you only knew how much trouble we went through at the beginning ...
16:33Yes. I didn't have the money to pay Tadeo for the fodder he sold us for the animals.
16:37So I had to reach an agreement, desperately, with him.
16:41Let's see, I had understood that things were not going very well, but I didn't know that ...
16:44up to that point.
16:45Yes, it was a very bad time.
16:48But little by little it was getting better and today the farm is doing well.
16:52You just have to see the crops.
16:54Catalina, I don't want to be indiscreet, but what was the agreement you reached with Tadeo?
17:02For a while, Tadeo provided us with the fodder in exchange for a chess board
17:07and for me to play with him every week.
17:12He gave you the fodder in exchange for just playing a few chess games?
17:20That's right.
17:24Tadeo is a good man and he wanted to help me.
17:27You see, we both have a lot to thank him for the generosity of others.
17:32And you saved the lands for which my father worked for years.
17:36I will always be indebted to you.
17:41Last night when I saw that you were not coming to visit me, I ...
17:45I was a little distressed.
17:47Some carpenters from the village came to fix the silo and I had to help them.
17:52I was thinking about it and I thought you would still be upset about the dinner with my stepmother and the frac.
18:00Well, a little upset, yes, I was, you know, but ...
18:06How could I not come to see you?
18:09I'm an impossible man.
18:11It's the same as telling the earth not to ask for water.
18:15I'm glad to see that you are no longer angry.
18:17And me, that you will miss me.
18:21Well, yes, one is alone and the days are very long.
18:26Shall we take that walk?
18:27Yes, if you want, we can go to my house to eat later.
18:31Well, he's humble, but no one will come to bother us.
18:48Mrs. Arcos.
18:51Come in.
18:58Mrs. Arcos, it's me, Santos. Let me in.
19:01No, you can't come in.
19:06You haven't heard me. I told you you couldn't come in.
19:09I just want to know what's wrong with her.
19:11I just saw her through the corridor like the devil's soul.
19:14Nothing, nothing's wrong with me.
19:17It is clear that something is happening to her.
19:20And it must be serious because you have a lot of temper
19:22and you don't let yourself be disturbed at the first exchange.
19:28The thing is that in this palace no one respects anything at all.
19:32It is true that you have taught me a lot.
19:34And with whom have you had it now?
19:38With no one.
19:41Maybe if you tell me, she'll be calmer.
19:46You're right.
19:47Maybe it's good for me to vent with someone.
19:53The Marquise who has treated me today as if I were a ...
19:56a rag to be taken off the floor.
19:59The Marquise?
20:01And why?
20:03That's the worst.
20:06She hasn't come to tell me.
20:08She wants to organize a recital and ...
20:12and it has been the most impertinent thing with you.
20:14A recital? Well, I hadn't heard anything.
20:16Because it had to happen to her today.
20:20She intends to celebrate the return of her son Don Manuel
20:23and the departure of her friend Maria Antonia.
20:26What I don't understand then is why she has taken it with you.
20:28No, not me.
20:30I intended that she would guess the thought to organize everything,
20:34but she didn't even know what she wanted.
20:36Not that you were divine.
20:38No, I'm not.
20:39And I need specific orders.
20:42As Diantres intends that I ...
20:44that I know the guy.
20:46The recital that she wants when she doesn't explain herself.
20:49And how did she get with me just to ask?
20:53She must have gotten like that for something other than the recital.
20:56She got angry and took it with you.
20:58The gentlemen always take it with the service.
21:00You know that.
21:02I don't know.
21:05Mrs. Arcos, your work is impeccable.
21:07And you can't even get half a hit.
21:10Do you think so?
21:11Of course.
21:13I think about it and the rest of the service, although it is difficult for them to admit it.
21:15Well, that's ungrateful.
21:17I know they would never help me.
21:20Pure envy.
21:21I tell you.
21:23But don't listen to her.
21:24You just have to work and make deaf ears to the people around us.
21:29I see that despite your youth you are very smart and you can distinguish what matters and what doesn't.
21:36I learn from the best.
21:39Thank you, Santos, for worrying about me.
21:43You have to give them.
21:45Yes, you have to give them.
21:48Because I have an education.
21:50And because no one here worries about me.
21:54And for once someone does, yes, you have to thank him.
22:13Good morning.
22:15Sir, I didn't know you were coming.
22:18I'll pick this up right now and leave it to you.
22:20No, no, it's not necessary for you to leave.
22:22I just came to leave a few things.
22:24Really, you don't mind?
22:26Really, you do yours.
22:33Do I bother you in this corner?
22:35No, no, who is going to bother me, sir?
22:37No, no, who is going to bother me, sir?
22:41I finish hitting on a parakeet.
22:43There is no hurry.
22:55That yes, I still have to clean the dust off the table, but since you have it full of things, I have not wanted to touch anything.
23:05Do you see it very messy?
23:08I haven't said that, but maybe I have.
23:14Believe it or not, there is an order in all this chaos.
23:18Or at least I know where everything is.
23:21And it is clarified with so many papers?
23:26You see, the ideas that have no future, I leave them to the right.
23:31Those that have a possible future, I leave them to the left.
23:35And then there are the ideas in which I am working right now.
23:40And they are in the center.
23:42I, the truth, is that if you don't tell me anything, I would have put everything together in a pile.
23:49Anyway, don't think that I am afraid of anything.
23:54My mother, every time she enters my room, puts some glue.
24:02Of course.
24:07You are Simona's daughter.
24:13Likewise. Virtues to serve her.
24:18When she was very little, she played with her sister Catalina and her brother Tomás, may he rest in peace.
24:25My mother always speaks wonders of Miss Catalina.
24:29She loves her madly.
24:32In this house we also love your mother very much.
24:35And the promise would not be the same without her.
24:38Nor would she eat so well.
24:40She has a good hand with the stoves, yes.
24:43Yes. And a golden heart.
24:47And in this house we are very grateful to her.
24:51And she to you, sir.
24:54And me.
24:56Thanks to you, my mother is still alive.
24:59Excuse me, what are you talking about?
25:02When you moved heaven and earth to heal my mother when she fell ill.
25:09Oh yes.
25:11Yes, I remember.
25:13Although in reality I only did what I had to do.
25:16If your mother is alive and with us, it is all thanks to Hanna.
25:21She is the one who should take the credit, she did not separate from your mother in a single moment.
25:25I know. And I thank her with my soul.
25:28Virtudes, speaking of Hanna, have they told me that she is out of the promise?
25:34Yes, she and María Fernández are helping a friend of Mr. Marqués.
25:40Something like that I have heard, yes.
25:43And do you know if she will return soon?
25:45No, but hopefully soon, because I miss her very much.
25:52María Fernández is so funny.
25:54María Fernández is so funny, always with her sayings and her barbarities.
25:58Yes, that girl talks for the elbows.
26:00And Hanna does not imagine the jewel that is that Zagala.
26:06Yes, she seems like a good person.
26:09She is. Always willing to help with some sensible advice.
26:17Well, I'm not surprised you miss her.
26:20It's to do it, sir, it's to do it.
26:25Well. Yes.
26:46So, Mrs. Candela, you are in charge of buying the sugar and the fruit.
26:50Yes, as I am going to the village to teach.
26:53Well, we are going to need four sacks of sugar, seasonal fruit, but it has to be ripe, but not too much.
26:58It's too much, Lope.
27:02Perfect. Thank you.
27:05The boy is the conductor and he does not want anything to escape him.
27:09I can put it in a jar if you want.
27:14Yes, yes, of course.
27:16But to see if they are sold at a good price, because everything is having a lot of work.
27:19Yes, yesterday we were a little late.
27:22I don't know how we are going to thank you for everything you are doing for my virtues and my grandson.
27:28We are doing it well at ease, Simona, don't get upset.
27:31The bad thing is that I don't know if it will be useful for something.
27:34Don't say that, Cancina.
27:36Of course it will be useful, Mrs. Simona.
27:38If we continue at this pace, we will arrive in time to put the bodies together.
27:41Yeah, but it's not just the money, Lope, and you know it.
27:44And the rent.
27:45Yes, but what are we left with?
27:48That what we earn would go to virtues.
27:50So that she lives in peace for a while with her son.
27:53Until she finds a job that can accompany her with her upbringing.
27:57Yes, that's right, but how long can we be like this?
28:00As long as the girl is working to heal the people.
28:03Of course, it will be a short time.
28:07Let's see, I can't find another solution.
28:09I think the best thing is to keep going with the jam, while we think of something else.
28:13Yes, the best thing will be for us to focus on putting all the rooms together and then we'll see how we do.
28:18The important thing here is that Virtue is with her son as soon as possible.
28:21Well, yes, because as the saying goes, step by step the rooster gets stuck.
28:25Yeah, but ...
28:27No buts. Come on, Simona, this is not the time to get into the worst.
28:32That's right.
28:34We are going to start making more jams to sell them as soon as possible.
28:38With an eye so that Mr. Lorenzo does not find out about anything.
28:40Yes, well, if we already know.
28:43With the little money the captain spends, as soon as he finds out what we are doing, he can mount the gourd.
28:50López, do you think Tadeo will want to help us sell the jams?
28:56Of course, Mrs. Simona.
28:58First, because he is a great person, and second, because the captain of the Mata is not in the business.
29:02Well, with Tadeo, we are going to sell the jams until the last jar.
29:06And I'm sure we'll put the rooms together soon.
29:07I hope so.
29:09Trust that everything has a remedy, except death.
29:21Why should I be?
29:23Stop pretending, Alonso.
29:25You know exactly what I'm talking about.
29:27Well, no.
29:29But if you insist, I will say yes, so that we can have the party in peace.
29:33Cruz has let me down many times.
29:36Cruz has let me down very elegantly, and it's time for me to leave La Promesa.
29:40Ah, that's it.
29:42I told you days ago that you were no longer necessary here.
29:45And you told her too?
29:47We share everything.
29:49Everything? Really?
29:52María Antonia, I don't want to argue with you, so if you've only come for that, you can go.
29:58Are you also kicking me out of this room?
30:00I'm fed up with trifles.
30:01I'm sorry.
30:03I wish you the best, really.
30:06And for that, it will be good for you to leave this house.
30:09It will also be good for you.
30:11I tell you from the bottom of my heart.
30:13You have to go back to your routine.
30:15You have to look to your future.
30:17And for that, you have to be in your palace.
30:19Sure. And stop bothering the poor Marquis, right?
30:21I thank you very much for everything you've done for Cruz.
30:24But this situation is no longer comfortable for anyone.
30:27Well, thank goodness you're grateful.
30:29I ask you to remember these days as a good thing.
30:32And forget the quarrels we had.
30:36Quarrels without importance that should not affect our friendship.
30:39María Antonia, you are loved in promises.
30:42Maybe that's why you got confused and thought there was something that never existed.
30:47Of course. And now I'm confused.
30:50There was never anything else.
30:52I love Cruz and I will continue to love her.
30:58It may be hard for you to leave now,
31:00but soon you will understand that it is the best for everyone.
31:07Hello, Cruz.
31:11We were talking about María Antonia's departure.
31:13She has confirmed that she is leaving us.
31:15It has been a pleasure, but I think the time has come.
31:19It's a shame, friend, but everything comes to an end.
31:23Anyway, don't think you're going to leave just like that.
31:27I'm planning a music recital to say goodbye to you.
31:33Come on, I'll tell you the details.
31:36And if you come up with any idea, you tell me.
31:39You see, I came up with the idea of ​​the recital.
31:42Because the count of El Rincón made a deal with the princess of San San.
31:48It's just that everything keeps going up.
31:50From wheat to coal.
31:51From wheat to coal.
31:53Yes, shoot.
31:55If the gentlemen do not raise the budget, we will not be able to reach the end of the month.
31:58Well, we will have to find something to save.
32:00Well, now we have to start by removing the oil lamps from the service and putting candles.
32:04Yes, we will have to remind them to use them properly.
32:06Yes, and forget to turn on the firewood stoves in the service area at night.
32:10Well, from there we can save a few pesetas.
32:16Am I bothering you?
32:18No, no, on the contrary. Come in, come in, Mrs. Martínez.
32:19You came at the right time.
32:21We were talking about the need to make cuts.
32:24If this can actually affect the kitchens.
32:27I imagine that, as always, what the service eats.
32:30Well, it's true, but you will also have to be very careful when taking advantage of what is spent for the gentlemen.
32:36It is already done, Mr. Baeza.
32:38Well, we'll see how to earn a few pesetas here and there.
32:42You tell me, Mrs. Martínez, what did you want?
32:45Speak, please.
32:46The point is that so far we have been keeping it a secret, but this cannot continue like this.
32:52Because you have every right to know.
32:55What day are you talking about, Simona?
32:58Because of course, if this is known later, it still harms you, who are not to blame for anything.
33:03No guilt, no knowledge, if you haven't just explained yourself.
33:07The point is that we are making jam here, in the kitchen.
33:11For the promise.
33:12No, no, no, they are to sell them here in Lujan.
33:15And get some money so that my virtues can recover my grandson.
33:19Well, I don't think the gentlemen will find it funny.
33:22And much less the captain of the Mata.
33:24What do you think, Mr. Baeza?
33:26And what products are used to make those jams that we buy for the house?
33:32No, no, no, no.
33:34We are paying for the fruit and sugar with the money from the collection, as they are for the same cause.
33:38And when do they prepare those jams?
33:40When we finish the work of the day.
33:43I see.
33:45Well, then I don't see any inconvenience.
33:50Mr. Baeza, the captain of the Mata is going to get a basilisk if he finds out.
33:55The service can do whatever it wants in its free hours.
33:58Thank you very much, Mr. Baeza, you are very understanding.
34:01Look, but Mr. Pellicer is right.
34:03If this gets to the ears of the captain, it can be a problem.
34:06And he will say that this directly harms his own jam business, and rightly so.
34:11Harm? I don't think so.
34:13We only intend to sell a few jars in the market in Lujan and in some surrounding village.
34:18Even so?
34:19Well, no. The captain has a sale to the mayor.
34:22He sells to the Spaniard army and they are simply going to sell a few jars.
34:26They are not going to affect him at all.
34:28Is that what we think?
34:30Yes, be careful.
34:32That way we avoid a disgrace.
34:37Thank you very much.
34:49Lope, I have to talk to you.
34:52Well, I have a lot of work to do and I have to go back to the kitchen.
34:54Well, but I guess it's okay because it takes another minute, right?
34:58Look, I don't think you were wrong when you told me that Santos was behind my mother's invitation.
35:04This morning I spoke with Mrs. Arcos and she told me that he was in charge of sending the invitations.
35:08White and in a bottle, right?
35:10Yes, I guess so.
35:11No, I'm sure it is.
35:13I'm sure he wanted my mother to come and find me.
35:19Well, I have to go back to the kitchen.
35:21Can you tell me what's wrong with you?
35:23Look, nothing's wrong with me, I have a lot of work to do.
35:25Lope, don't lie to me.
35:27Since I told you who I am, you don't stop avoiding me.
35:30When we are in the same room, you don't even look me in the eyes.
35:32Vera, what's going to happen to me?
35:34What's going to happen to me?
35:35That your parents are dukes, that happens to me.
35:38What do you mean? You know it perfectly well.
35:40Just as I knew this was going to be a problem between us.
35:42That's why I decided not to tell you before.
35:44Vera, it's a problem.
35:46You're a noble and I'm just a simple cook.
35:48But this doesn't change anything.
35:49Vera, it changes everything.
35:50Not for me.
35:51For me, yes.
35:53You can keep playing the maid for a few months.
35:55But at the end of the day you are a noble.
35:57Lope, not anymore.
35:58Now I'm Vera.
35:59You will always be the daughter of the dukes of Carrín.
36:03And I am a cook who earns four quarters a month.
36:06Lope, but I don't care what you earn.
36:09I have been happier with you than in all my life.
36:12Is it that our relationship is not above all those titles, all that money?
36:17Vera, we live in very different worlds.
36:19Lope, I also believed it.
36:21But together we have created another world.
36:23A world in which we are only you and me.
36:25In which we love each other and we don't care what people think.
36:28Listen to me, that sounds beautiful.
36:30But it is impossible.
36:32But why?
36:34If we love each other.
36:35And that is the most important thing.
36:37Vera, because when you get your life back from before,
36:39you are going to ask yourself what you are doing with a cook from three to four.
36:42No, no.
36:43Don't speak for me because I would never say that.
36:45Maybe you don't.
36:47But your world will push you to it.
36:49And I don't want to see it.
36:51I don't want to suffer for that.
36:53I don't want to see how you start looking at me with other eyes.
36:55I don't want to go through that.
36:58Lope, what are you trying to say?
37:02That you don't want to be with me?
37:06Lope, I love you.
37:08I love you and I will always love you.
37:13I need to think.
37:27I need to think.
37:39I don't understand, Romulo.
37:41You have always done what was right.
37:43And you have always been very clear that it is right and not.
37:46And this jam thing is not.
37:48It can be.
37:50So why are you going to let them go ahead?
37:52You said it yourself.
37:54I have always done what was right.
37:55And I'm tired of it.
37:57I have seen many injustices and they always fall on the service.
38:00But that's not fair.
38:02Wages of misery.
38:04Days of sun to sun.
38:06Bad words.
38:08I think the time has come for us to break the rules from time to time.
38:10Do you remember the case I told you about?
38:12The one on the street that died in a hunting accident?
38:14Feliciano Arcos.
38:16Doña Petra's son, right?
38:18Well, he didn't die in a mount.
38:20He died here, in the palace.
38:21Because the doctor didn't want to waste time
38:26attending to a simple servant.
38:28But he didn't attend to him.
38:30No, yes, yes, he did attend to him.
38:32But since he was in a hurry, he didn't do the surgery on condition.
38:34A few days later, that boy caught an infection
38:37that took him to another world.
38:39Unfortunately, there is a way of thinking that abounds a lot.
38:42It is that one cares as much as the rooms they have.
38:45I'm fed up, I'm very fed up.
38:47You won't be mixing churras with marinas.
38:49All I'm doing is giving that girl a chance
38:52so she can get her son back and carry on with her life.
38:55If we don't give it to her, who will?
38:57I guess no one.
38:59She deserves it. She deserves to have hope.
39:02You think you know someone,
39:04but you always end up being surprised.
39:07Well, I guess that's where the charm lies.
39:12Each person is a world.
39:27There's still a lot of work ahead.
39:29It's what the field has.
39:31There's always something pending.
39:33And you want to do it.
39:35Although many times, when I see a storm approaching,
39:38it makes me tremble.
39:40When you work in the field, you have to assume that it is so.
39:43For example, the sun.
39:45It is necessary for the crop to mature,
39:47but it can also crack.
39:51And the water makes the crop grow.
39:53Although it can also flood the fields.
39:57But well, that's the life of a farmer.
40:01Desiring anxiously the same things you have.
40:06Yes, it's a paradox.
40:11Do you know what it means?
40:13Yes, I know perfectly well what paradox means.
40:17I'm sorry.
40:19Sometimes I seem worse than my mother-in-law.
40:21No, don't say that.
40:23You talk to me with respect.
40:25What I don't understand is how you can stand that I treat you so badly.
40:32You know, if it doesn't affect my business or other people,
40:36it would seem funny to me.
40:41I'm still surprised by the ingenuity of the Spaniards
40:44when it comes to making fun of each other.
40:46And ...
40:48Did you ever care that you were drawn that visa?
40:51Well, yes.
40:53But one doesn't come out every day in the press.
40:56Or they name it in the coplas of the Chirigotas.
41:00I would prefer to be anonymous.
41:04It doesn't matter.
41:06If it's not for one thing, it's for another.
41:08Cruz always finds a way to attack me.
41:11At least you're strong and you can take it.
41:15I can take it, yes.
41:17But because I'm surrounded by people like you,
41:19who make me even more resistant.
41:49Can you tell me why it took you so long to come back?
41:52You had me desperate.
41:54I know, I know. And I'm sorry.
41:56It's just that things got more complicated than expected.
41:59But the important thing is that everything is fine.
42:02Are you sure?
42:04Because they called the sanatorium saying that Martina had escaped.
42:07Well, now Martina is in a place where she can't be found.
42:09And she's safe and sound.
42:11I thought you would have taken her straight to the promenade.
42:13Yes, of course.
42:15So that Conde Dayana could put her back in that sanatorium.
42:17Or worse.
42:19Call the Civil Guard.
42:21Yes, you're right.
42:23For now, it's better if she's far away.
42:25Well, and how did you get her out of there?
42:27It wasn't difficult.
42:29I entered at the time of the visits, like a family member.
42:32And as soon as I entered, I left.
42:34But with her.
42:36I covered her with a long coat,
42:37so that they couldn't see the sanatorium clothes.
42:41In the event of an escape?
42:43Then we fled through the forest, in a hurry.
42:46And no one noticed Martina's absence?
42:48Yes, I think so.
42:50They followed us.
42:52But we started running like devils.
42:54And we managed to mislead them.
42:58I don't know what would have happened if they had caught us.
43:00But the important thing is that everything is fine.
43:03Everything is fine.
43:09What's going on here?
43:12Do you want a drink?
43:22I'm not good at lying.
43:25And I didn't know what to say when they asked me why.
43:28It's been a lot of hard days.
43:31I know.
43:33And I'm sorry too.
43:35I wanted to do it before, really.
43:37But I couldn't.
43:40Lies are the least of it.
43:42You were worried about me.
43:44I even went crazy looking for you.
43:50I'm not a kid anymore.
43:52You can't always be protecting me.
43:53Let's see...
43:55How's the family doing now?
43:58And how do they receive you?
44:00Because I kept telling them you were unwilling.
44:06Don't worry, because that doesn't worry me.
44:09Now I have to see what to do with Martina.
44:11She can't be hidden forever as if she were a criminal.
44:24We have to turn this situation around, Curro.
44:28But I still don't know how.
44:43Could you prepare some appetizers?
44:46Like potato omelette, some croquettes, prawns with chilli.
44:50But we'll have to give her something with more meat, right?
44:53So she won't go hungry.
44:55Sure, we could make a barbecue.
44:58I don't know.
45:00Why don't we serve her a stew?
45:04Candela, the musicians have to give the recital.
45:08Not the guests.
45:10I like the idea of appetizers as appetizers.
45:13If they get hungry, they'll fall asleep during the recital.
45:16What would you like to cook?
45:18Something that's not typical, Mrs. Simona.
45:22I was thinking of a foie gras empanada with caramelized apple.
45:26Or some croquettes with bull's tail.
45:28But everyone likes that, right?
45:31Yes, Mrs. Candela.
45:33If it's to do the usual.
45:35For me it's fine, no problem.
45:37Let's see what Mrs. Petra and Mrs. Marquesa say.
45:39The best thing is to prepare several appetizers and let them choose.
45:44Miss, you're here again.
45:47Would you like some buñolos? I've just made them.
45:48No, Simona, no.
45:50Whenever I come here, I don't come to eat.
45:53Tell me what you've come to tell us.
45:55That you've finally left the hangar and are going home.
45:57For now, that's not in my plans.
45:59I've come to ask you for a favor.
46:01And I'll give you whatever you need.
46:04Can you prepare me a dinner for tomorrow at the hangar?
46:07Something simple.
46:09Of course, if it seems to you...
46:11First, a pipirrena, that you like a lot.
46:13That's fine.
46:15And if you prepare me a rabbit with garlic,
46:16I wouldn't need anything else.
46:18And if you feel like it,
46:20a good dessert,
46:22so that it stays with a sweet aftertaste.
46:24That's fine.
46:27Miss Catalina,
46:29are you going to receive a visit from the hangar?
46:32Something like that, yes.
46:35I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you.
46:37I just asked you if you needed my help.
46:41No, don't worry.
46:43And if I need anything, don't hesitate to let me know.
46:46As you did when you wanted to know more
46:49about Miss Martina and the poisoning.
46:52By the way, did my explanations help you?
46:56Yes, they were very useful.
46:59I hope they find the culprit soon.
47:03That's what we all want.
47:05Well, if you don't need anything from me,
47:08I'll leave you.
47:10Thank you.
47:17I think Mrs. Petra is going to give us a scare.
47:20Has anyone heard her come in?
47:22What are we going to hear?
47:24We'll have to put the camera
47:26to see where she's going.
47:28Because I, in one of these,
47:30stay in the place of the scare.
47:32Whatever I say.
47:41Sit down, Mrs. Pia.
47:43Be careful.
47:46Let's see.
47:54María, where have you been?
47:56At the fair in Luján, where your uncle lives.
47:59Where were we going?
48:01We went for a walk.
48:03I'm sorry to scare you.
48:05But I was scared when I woke up
48:07and saw that you weren't here.
48:09We went for a walk.
48:11It was a long walk.
48:13This cave is huge.
48:14It took us a long time to find you
48:16when we came here with the marquis.
48:18The good thing, if there's anything good,
48:20is that you can take long walks
48:22without having to go outside.
48:24I'm too tall, I'd say.
48:26Mrs. Pia, I think it's fine that you walk,
48:28but you have to be careful.
48:30It's very easy to get lost in these galleries.
48:32Don't worry, I'm not going far.
48:34I can't do it with my soul.
48:36Any effort seems to take my life away.
48:39Well, that shouldn't be the case.
48:41And I'm afraid that instead of improving,
48:42it's getting worse.
48:44Maybe you're wrong, Hanna.
48:47Because lately I've been thinking
48:52that maybe I'll die here.
48:54Don't exaggerate, Mrs. Pia.
48:56My mother used to say
48:58that everything sticks, except beauty.
49:00No one is going to die here, Mrs. Pia.
49:02No one, because I say so, period.
49:04María is right.
49:06All I have to do is hold on a little longer.
49:07Mrs. Pia, I'm very sorry.
49:11Because all this has been my fault.
49:13I thought bringing her here
49:15and making her die was a good idea,
49:17and I'm realizing right now
49:19that it wasn't a good idea at all.
49:21No, Hanna, it wasn't.
49:23My son is safe and far from Gregorio,
49:25and that's the only important thing.
49:27You did it with your best intentions, Hanna.
49:31I'm sorry, Hanna.
49:33I'm sorry.
49:34You did it with your best intentions, Hanna.
49:37All I want is for you to think about yourself too.
49:40I'm doing it.
49:42I'm thinking about myself.
49:44And the plan is fine.
49:46I'd rather die here
49:48than at Gregorio's hands.
49:51What nonsense.
49:53No one is going to die here.
50:28Come in.
50:29Come in.
50:34Excuse me, Mr. Pellicer.
50:36Come in, come in.
50:38I'll give you some instructions right away.
50:42Are you okay?
50:44Yes, yes, very well.
50:46Well, your eyes are red.
50:48Have you been crying?
50:50No, no.
50:52It's the allergy.
50:54I mixed it with the ammonia to clean it.
50:56Are you sure?
50:57If there is something that has put you in this state,
51:00maybe if you tell me, I can help you.
51:02No, nothing has happened to me.
51:04You won't have any problems with Santos again, will you?
51:08I know you're not dating anymore.
51:10I just hope you haven't tried anything.
51:13No, Santos hasn't bothered me.
51:15You don't have to protect him.
51:17It's the truth.
51:19Santos has nothing to do with my tears.
51:21And I suppose the ammonia and the allergy either.
51:23It's just that I've been a little down for a few days
51:26and I cry for anything.
51:28It's just that.
51:30But hey, did you call me for something?
51:32Yes, yes, this is urgent.
51:34Go immediately to the upstairs floor
51:36where the Duchess of Carril is waiting for you.
51:40The Duchess of Carril?
51:42And what do I do?
51:44Should I bring her some tea or some pastas?
51:46No, no, she doesn't want to drink anything.
51:48It seems that a few days ago she lost some gloves
51:50and she says you gave her some.
51:52Does she have them?
51:54No, I don't know, I don't remember.
51:56They may be in the closet
51:58where we keep the guests' clothes.
52:00Very well, then check it
52:02and meet with the Duchess as soon as possible.
52:04Yes, I'm going right now.
52:23Manuel, son.
52:25Come here for a moment.
52:34I hadn't seen you.
52:36Sit down for a moment.
52:38I have something to tell you.
52:41You tell me.
52:43Get one of your best suits ready.
52:45I'll be right back.
52:47You tell me.
52:49Get one of your best suits ready.
52:51We're going to organize a recital
52:53in your honor.
52:56And what have I done to deserve that recital?
52:58Return alive from the front.
53:00Isn't that enough?
53:02Mother, we already celebrated that dinner.
53:06No, that was a bad dinner.
53:08Look, I've made a selection of the pieces
53:10that the musicians could play.
53:12Let's see what you think.
53:17Yes, it's a...
53:19It's a great selection.
53:24I'm telling you now
53:26that I'm not going to go to that recital.
53:28And if you can tell me why?
53:30Because I'm not going to celebrate my return
53:32while my sisters are locked up in the cellar.
53:34She's there of her own free will.
53:36She can come back right now if she wants to.
53:38She thinks she won't be well received.
53:43I'm glad she came back
53:44so she can take Martina to the sanatorium.
53:46Or to your dinner,
53:48so she can sit on our table.
53:50Yes, but she's gone again.
53:52And all because of the problem you two have.
53:54I don't have any problem.
53:56Yes, you do.
53:58And it's in your hands for Catalina to come back.
54:02How can I make her come back?
54:04Don't you know how stubborn she is?
54:06Mother, you know perfectly well
54:08what you have to do.
54:10I can't erase the memory
54:12of everyone who saw those drawings.
54:14I can't.
54:17You helped them make fun of Catalina, Mother.
54:20And that not only hurt her,
54:22but also your business.
54:24Those are your exaggerations.
54:27If you want her to come to that recital,
54:30you know what you have to do.
54:3612,000 euros in jewels
54:38that have been taken
54:40from one of the best jewelry stores in Cordoba.
54:42Have they caught the thieves?
54:44But there are suspects.
54:46The owner of the jewelry store is convinced
54:48that it was two of his brothers
54:50helped by three Italians.
54:52Apparently, they came in at night
54:54without forcing the lock.
54:56Not even the ones in the safe.
54:58Obviously, someone knew the combinations.
55:00Hence, it is suspected that they were his brothers.
55:02What do the Italians have to do with all this?
55:04There are many lately in these lands,
55:06fugitives who do not want to fight in the war.
55:09Blessed are the eyes.
55:11You finally show up.
55:12Has he recovered you from your indisposition?
55:15He was not sick.
55:19What do you say?
55:22I want to say that it was all a lie.
55:28Then why have you been locked up in your room for so long?
55:31He has not been in his room.
55:35I can see that someone suspected it.
55:37You helped Martín escape from the sanatorium, right?
55:40Of course I did.
55:43The strange thing is not that Martín has escaped.
55:46The strange thing is that once inside,
55:48they have not left you locked up.
55:50You are always so clever, father.
55:52This is not the time for jokes.
55:54Your son has just confessed a crime.
55:58Do you know where Martín is?
56:02Of course I know.
56:13Maybe that accidental mistake is not such,
56:16but a sabotage in every way.
56:21Yes, and in order to harm a partner.
56:23That's fine.
56:25I am not to blame for all the evils that haunt this palace.
56:27Not all, obviously.
56:29I'm talking about one in particular.
56:31Mother, what are you doing here?
56:33Look at my daughter.
56:35I have not stopped thinking about you since I saw you the other day.
56:37And that day I did not react well, I admit it.
56:39I was abrupt.
56:41Mother, what has come?
56:43To ask you to come home.
56:45With me.
56:47And now when a new priest comes,
56:49he will need a person to do the tasks.
56:51And that's where the game comes in,
56:53the girl.
56:55And don't you think that this priest and the other
56:57are going to tell each other all the secrets?
56:59And the theft of the chalice.
57:01No, he won't say anything.
57:03And how are you so sure?
57:05I find it interesting that you talk about
57:07those moments in life.
57:09I also believe that there are moments
57:11to face changes.
57:13And, I don't know, also to live
57:15another adventure.
57:17That you and I can be something more than
57:24The quality and, above all, the flavor
57:26of our product has dropped dramatically
57:28and it seems that there are complaints about it.
57:30I'm afraid that the drop in the quality of the jams
57:32is exclusively your responsibility.
57:34Are you making fun of me?
57:36Curro only wants the best for Martín.
57:37Catalina, please.
57:39Look, I only say one thing.
57:42Either you end this once and for all
57:44or your cousin can end up in jail.
57:47Who has put you in a bad mood? Petra?
57:49No, it has nothing to do with Mrs. Petra.
57:51It has to do with the captain of La Mata.
57:53The captain?
57:55Yes, he fired me.
57:57And Mrs. Candela and you too.
57:59Well, look, I agree with that.
58:01But I prefer a thousand times
58:03that some people are piling up around here
58:05than to go into the bushes.
58:07I am cured of fright
58:09and I assure you that I am not here to argue.
58:11That's what I don't understand.
58:13What day has Andrés come then?
58:15I understand that everyone
58:17trusted the judgment of Count D'Aiola.
58:19We tried to avoid a bigger evil.
58:21Yes, that he didn't call the civil guard
58:23and that he ended up in jail.
58:25Nothing will make me change my mind.
58:27Well, then Martina will not return the promise.