BTCC Cashes 80s

  • 3 months ago
Most of the recorded BTCC crashes, accidents, collision and spins from 1980s
00:00And down towards Stowe comes a gaggle of cars.
00:03In the middle of it, David da Costa spins and is just missed by another car there
00:08as he collects it together without taking any of the fence posts.
00:12And it looks as if it might be right for him this time.
00:14A spin by Charles Sawyer Hall.
00:16Everybody misses him, he collects it back together again.
00:19This makes the conditions very treacherous indeed.
00:22The yellow flag is waived there, all the drivers taking note,
00:25and off the road goes another Capri there.
00:27It's Andy Rouse, straight through the catch fencing and into the barrier.
00:31His race is run.
00:34Stillwind Percy hangs on, throwing the Mazda around.
00:37And here he loses it in a big way.
00:40Excellent driving, collects the car together.
00:44The front wheels of the Capri lock up.
00:46Allum's car goes off, hits the barrier, jumps into the air,
00:49and he gets opposite lock on, corrects the car before it can completely spin,
00:53block the track and perhaps be hit by Kimpton.
01:11Sidner in the lead, but at Stirling's he throws it all away.
01:15A tyre deflates and onto the grass he goes.
01:19This itself proved to be disastrous for Tim Harvey and the Estelle Rover.
01:24And Dooley is determined to try and get closer still.
01:28Tess Biddell hasn't got room, but two meet.
01:31Biddell stides sideways, corrects the car,
01:33as we see the action again in replay from the outside.
01:37Bang! There goes the Toyota, corrects it again.
01:41Rockets past the Ford Escort, and now Harvey takes his chance.
01:44On go the brake lights, the front of the car swings wide,
01:47and Leach locks it up and spins it out.
01:49And this is going to be Harvey through.
01:51Leach is out, he has the lead.
01:53Leach is out, he has lost the championship.
01:55He is into the clag.
02:00Behind him Marnie, just ahead of Lawrence Bristow in third.
02:03And Bristow spins at the very first corner of the championship.
02:06With him into the gravel trap goes Mike O'Brien in the Holden Commodore.
02:11Sidner up with Kimber Smith, he's going to have to pull out and pass here.
02:15He does so, and off they go, both of them.
02:19Oh my goodness!
02:21Minshaw slides out of sight.
02:23Sidner stops in the middle of the...
02:25And what a miracle!
02:27Alan Minshaw is perfectly okay, and so is Frank Sidner.
02:31And that is Andy Rouse going past the wreckage,
02:36past Frank Sidner's stationary car.
02:38Let's look at it again.
02:39Watch Sidner pull out to pass Kimber Smith.
02:43He goes across the line of Minshaw,
02:45who goes on to the wet grass, can't stop, into the tyre wall.
02:50Rolls over it.
02:51Thank heavens for a roll bar and a harness.
02:56And they are both perfectly okay.
02:59And Buxtorf has taken Minshaw.
03:02And he's off!
03:03My goodness, that's a big one!
03:09Straight past Mike Smith into seventh place.
03:11And there's Leach.
03:12Leach is losing it.
03:13He goes across Sidner.
03:16Straight into the arm cone.
03:20There goes Leach.
03:22Demon tweaks, it says on the side, and that's a demon tweak.
03:26Now another replay from Rouse's car.
03:28You can see Leach going off.
03:31And Rouse has moved up a place, therefore.
03:33Now, seriously, drivers take qualifying.
03:35Look back to Mark Hales attempting to qualify his Toyota and failing.
03:42Hales and the Toyota recovered.
03:44He'd be driving that and partnering Gerry Marnie in the race.
03:49And then it's Edwards and Marnie.
03:50And Marnie is challenging Edwards as they go into the chicane.
03:53And he pushes him off!
03:55Marnie rams Guy Edwards, who spins to a standstill.
04:01Too abreast into the Thruxton chicane.
04:03There was always bound to be one casualty.
04:05Sadly, it was Guy Edwards in the second calibre Ford.
04:09Grab it, once again, quickest away.
04:13Once again, Rouse right behind.
04:15And in the rain, Grab It loses it at Woodcut.
04:18End of lap one.
04:19Rouse sweeps by.
04:20Guy Edwards in third position onto the complex.
04:23Marnie, Edwards, that's Newman.
04:25Then with the lights on, it's Harvey.
04:27And Bristow spins!
04:29He hasn't touched anybody.
04:31Yes, he does.
04:32He hits Carl Jones.
04:33And Ratzenberger's hitting Smith as they go into the left-hander there.
04:36And he's lost it!
04:37Ratzenberger spins, out of contention.
04:40Past him go two, three, half a dozen cars.
04:43Here is Tim Harvey in fourth position.
04:47Mike Smith, there he is.
04:48And he's going off!
04:49Mike Smith's going off!
04:51Oh, straight into the tarm area!
04:54That looks a very nasty one indeed.
04:56The rear bumper's ripped off.
04:57The front of the car looks as though it's stowed in.
04:59But the door moves.
05:01And incredibly, Mike Smith has undone his safety belts.
05:04And he's getting out.
05:05And he looks perfectly OK.
05:07Full right lock.
05:08And Mike Smith plows straight on into the tar wall at about 90 miles an hour.
05:15Nearly took our cameraman with him too.
05:20Behind them, Mike Smith gives Graham Good a nudge.
05:23Off goes Good.
05:24But ahead, it's definitely Rouse versus Soper.
05:28Now it's Rouse leading.
05:29Now it's Rouse leading.
05:31And that's Wilson.
05:32Rob Wilson.
05:34And Dingle Dell.
05:37But looks perfectly all right.
05:38Rob Wilson in Graham Hathaway's Ford Sierra Cosworth.
05:42But there's a problem behind Mike Smith on the grass.
05:47And he's gone straight into the side of Hodgett's BMW.
05:50What on earth is happening?
05:53Well, Hodgett's is starting in the background there.
05:56Getting going again in his car.
05:57Mike Smith is on his way.
05:59But he's spun.
06:00Mike Smith spins at the very first corner.
06:05Mike Smith comes back onto the track in front of Hathaway, who moves to the right.
06:10And Mike Smith suddenly turns hard right straight into the orange BMW of poor Chris Hodgett.
06:17And already the yellow flags are out.
06:20Down to the right hander at Sierra.
06:21115 miles an hour.
06:22And he's off.
06:24Gerry Marnie loses it.
06:27Back off the accelerator.
06:30Down a gear.
06:31On with the brakes.
06:32And off!
06:33A third off.
06:34A complete 360 degree spin.
06:40And there's a squeal of tyres.
06:42Edwards is off.
06:45Rob Gravett threw into second place.
06:49Frank certainly won't like that.
06:51And Bristow's off.
06:52But Edwards hits the tyres.
06:56And it's Graham Hathaway there.
06:57He can see in his mirrors.
06:59And Tom Mills lost it.
07:01Godfrey Hall hits him.
07:04A really big smash.
07:05But mercifully they both look okay.
07:08And another redskin bites the dust.
07:16Past the Sierra.
07:18Into Stowe.
07:19And off!
07:21Into the gravel track.
07:27He goes off.
07:28Harvey goes off with Smith.
07:30Sittner goes up to fourth.
07:34Hall spins off.
07:35Sittner passes him.
07:36Binshaw passes him.
07:37Here is Mike Smith in the BMW.
07:40A dear leap.
07:41And he's losing it.
07:43He's lost it.
07:44And that's not at all surprising.
07:48Off goes Lionel Whippet again.
07:50The second time in one race.
07:52A day to remember.
07:54And behind Gerry, it's Harvey, Edwards.
07:56And off goes Bob Sands.
07:58Number 17.
07:59That's a big one.
08:00Straight into the absorbent tar wall.
08:02And it's lucky for him that that was there.
08:04Let's look at it again.
08:06Number 17, Bob Sands.
08:07He goes very wide onto the grass.
08:10Loses it.
08:10Into the tar wall.
08:14And that just shows the value of the tar wall.
08:19As they tuck into the apex.
08:24Straight into the back.
08:25And there's going to be ructions about that.
08:27Graham is not at all happy.
08:30And that is Carl Jones.
08:32Number 28 at Old Hall Corner.
08:34Squeal of tyres.
08:35He's off!
08:36Carl Jones pirouettes across the grass in the Ford.
08:40Tucks in tight.
08:41Let's it drift out.
08:43And he's off!
08:44Andy Rouse goes off.
08:46Straight into the tar wall.
08:48That's a very big bump.
08:50Out gets Andy.
08:51Thank heavens he's okay.
08:54He just suddenly changes direction for no apparent reason at all.
08:58And that is a mystery.
09:07Change again.
09:09And again.
09:10Turn right.
09:11And off!
09:12Lost it on the grass.
09:13And he's off!
09:14Number 29 at Old Hall Corner.
09:16Squeal of tyres.
09:18And off!
09:18Lost it on the grass.
09:20No friction there.
09:21Straight into the tar wall.
09:22Goes Chris Hodgetts.
09:24And Mike O'Brien loses it.
09:26And drive assured, it says on the side.
09:30Three Sierras ahead.
09:34And Van Couwen.
09:35And Jones spins!
09:37Carl Jones spins.
09:38The left rear end.
09:40More M3 action.
09:41That is the ex-Saab champion.
09:44John Llewellyn.
09:45Sidner is trying to pass.
09:49Right up on his side.
09:50He pushes Weaver onto the grass.
09:52He literally smashes his way past.
09:55Into the left-hander.
09:56And crump!
09:58Onto the gravel bed.
10:00There goes Frank on the left.
10:01Well, this is more like stock car racing.
10:04And here's Weaver.
10:05He's going to take Sidner.
10:06He's closing all the time.
10:08Sidner goes into the left-hander and he's lost it!
10:11He's off!
10:15Try and get through.
10:16Which sort of worked.
10:18James quite rightly closed the door.
10:21Quite firmly.
10:22We touched.
10:22I came off best of that.
10:24We both struggled around the last lap with tyre smoke and anything else pouring off the car.
10:28As I turned into Abbey, with effectively two corners to go,
10:32the left rear tyre blew.
10:34The rest is fairly obvious.
10:36But spectacular competition.
10:37Things have changed little since last season.
10:40Coming out of the chicane as Cleland clears it.
10:43Tony Crudgerton spins!
10:46And Crudgerton has already...
10:50Out of it.
10:52And Guy Edwards loses it.
10:53Full left lock.
10:54But the back of the car spins round.
10:57And that's the same place as Tony Crudgerton lost it.
10:59Maybe there's oil on the circuit.
11:02There he is.
11:03Trying to make up time.
11:05And he's lost it again!
11:07Now that must be the end of the race.
11:10Must be tyres.
11:12And there is Tim Harvey.
11:14Laurence Bristow behind him.
11:15The teammates in second and third places.
11:19Really going well.
11:21And smoke from Bristow's car.
11:22He goes off over the grass.
11:24Is he going to hit the barrier?
11:31Into the right-hander now.
11:34And there's a gap.
11:35And there's contact.
11:37Take that, James!
11:38And he almost spins.
11:40Here is a replay.
11:41Let's see what happened.
11:42Sidner tries to take Weaver on the inside.
11:45Hits the BMW hard.
11:46Here they are.
11:47Van Kouwen, number 25.
11:49Mike Smith, number 20.
11:51And there's contact.
11:52There's a nudge.
11:53And off goes Van Kouwen.
11:55Into the sand trap.
11:58And Van Kouwen savages Mike Smith.
12:01Now that is what I would call tit-for-tat.
12:04Off goes Mike Smith.
12:06Lap 30.
12:07In car with Wynne Percy.
12:08Fifth place.
12:09And he's losing it.
12:10He spins right round.
12:12In car now with Wynne Percy.
12:14In fifth position.
12:16Past Crudgington.
12:18Catching Mike Wilde.
12:19And he spins!
12:19Mike Wilde spins!
12:22There is Mike Wilde ahead.
12:24The car does a complete spin.
12:26And obviously something jammed.
12:28And is Tim Harvey ahead?
12:30And out spins the O'Brien Donovan Sierra.
12:34All action at Donington.
12:37He's going to take the lead.
12:39And Gravidge is going to take them both right on the apex.
12:41And they hit each other.
12:42Dowse it.
12:43Oh my goodness.
12:44The full 360-degree speed.
12:47The wheel is off.
12:48The grass has caught fire.
12:50But Rob Gravidge looks and dowse it out.
12:52Up onto the bank.
12:53Gravidge is out of the car.
12:55Miraculously, they are both perfectly okay.
12:58There is Dave Brodie in front.
13:00There is Dave Brodie in front.
13:02We're turning into the right-hander.
13:04And there is Gravidge!
13:06Slam bang into the tyre wall.
13:09And Dowse it does the same thing.
13:11Gravidge turns in.
13:12There is contact.
13:15Straight onto the grass.
13:16Into the tyre wall.
13:17Dowse it does the same thing.
13:18360-degree spin from Rob Gravidge.
13:22The wheel is off.
13:23The back is up.
13:25Running a bit wide there.
13:26And Harvey may be looking to get the place back.
13:28They touch!
13:29And Smith hunting sideways.
13:31Harvey and he both head for the gravel trapment.
13:34Well, that's a great shame to lose what looked a very promising battle
13:37between these two drivers.
13:39We see it again now in slow motion.
13:40Smith a little bit slow out of Hawthorne's there
13:42because he did that overtaking manoeuvre.
13:44But Harvey not really getting even alongside in the braking zone
13:48before there's contact between the two.
13:51And really, I think Tim was being a bit over-ambitious there.
13:54Smith had the line.
13:56What's just happened.
13:58And into the tyre barriers.
14:00Two BMWs.
14:01That was Godfrey Hall, I think, first in.
14:04That's the top of Paddock Hill.
14:05And a very bent BMW for Ian Forrest.
14:08Here we see the excellent rescue services in action.
14:11But here we see Godfrey Hall heading towards the barriers.
14:14The wheels actually were locked up from well before impact.
14:17And I think coming over the slight crest at Paddock,
14:19the cars do go light.
14:20He probably locked his rear wheels.
14:22And there they go, the Class C and D men.
14:25And somebody's hit Rossiter.
14:27Rossiter's Astra.
14:28There it is.
14:29Pushed out of the race.
14:30And now, down they go.
14:32Round Grand Elbin.
14:33And there's another one.
14:34It's Gerry Marnie.
14:37Gerry drifts a bit.
14:38Hits the grass.
14:38Loses traction.
14:39Spins off.
14:41But he'll be back.
14:44Smith past Kimber Smith.
14:46No, he's lost it.
14:48And Kimber Smith hits him.
14:50Bad contact.
14:50That is a big one.
14:52Thomas Metsera goes through.
14:54Chasing Dave Brody.
14:56Catching Jeff Kimber Smith's Toyota.
14:58Brody in front.
14:59Brody goes past.
15:00Smith goes past.
15:02Loses it.
15:04Fights it.
15:04But that was most certainly not Mike Smith's fault.
15:08We're with it.
15:09There goes Brody.
15:11And whoops, there's Mike Smith.
15:13Half onto the grass.
15:14But no problem.
15:16On we go.
15:18Let's see how James Weaver saw Mike's accident.
15:22And he sees Mike hit Gerry Van Kouwen's Sierra and lose it.
15:26And Weaver loses two places.
15:28Down to fourth in Class B.
15:29Position Rob Gravitt ahead.
15:31Into the left-hander.
15:33And we've hit Gravitt.
15:34Gravitt hits the arm cone.
15:36Tire smoke.
15:37He's fishtailing.
15:40There's Rouse.
15:42He's hit.
15:43He hits the arm cone.
15:45Now has to try and get past Newman himself.
15:46And I think he's done it.
15:47He's up the inside.
15:48Yes, that should be through.
15:50But Newman comes back.
15:51There's a slight touch there.
15:54And well, that's a great shame.
15:56Traditional teammates waging warfare in the background.
15:59Lawrence Bristow.
16:00Well, he was making up ground for that earlier spin.
16:03And there Thomas Mazera took his line and...
16:07Oh, and there, that's John Morris.
16:10And a multiple roll.
16:12John looks all right.
16:14Head moving with great relief in the car.
16:17The marshall's quick on the scene.
16:18But that was a very, very severe roll for John Morris in his Volkswagen Golf.
16:23He's obviously a bit winded by it.
16:26But we saw his head moving.
16:27And there we see the marshall's on the scene.
16:29And yes, John getting out perfectly right.
16:32But as the car is already rolling as it came into camera shot.
16:36And once bouncing, that really shows, you know, how quick the cars are going.
16:41Will they get it wrong?
16:42Into the left.
16:43Now the second part of the corner.
16:44The right hander.
16:45And he's tapped Good.
16:46He's hit Good.
16:47Spun him round.
16:49And soft straight into Graham Good's car goes Dave Brodie.
16:53Now here's a replay of Good's spin.
16:56Watch him very carefully.
16:58He's hit by Bristow, who hits him again.
17:00That's twice.
17:01180 degrees spin.
17:03And Brodie, unsighted, goes straight into him.
17:06Poor Graham out of the race through no fault of his own.
17:09Now it is Gerry Marnie's turn.
17:11Right up alongside him into the racing line.
17:14And there's contact.
17:15And he's lost it.
17:16Gerry Marnie's lost it.
17:17Looks over his shoulder.
17:18Straight onto the gravel track.
17:20And that is it.
17:22I don't think Gerry is at all happy.
17:27And I suppose you can hardly blame him.
17:30Well, his race is well and truly over.
17:32Now let's have a look at it again.
17:34Marnie on the left.
17:35May on the right.
17:37Well, Gerry's a big bloke and I'd better watch my words.
17:40But that looked like a Marnie shove to me.
17:43Anyway, whatever.
17:44They are both out of the race.
17:47Marnie and May.
17:49And Gravitt is going through.
17:50Gravitt is taking the lead.
17:52He has taken the lead.
17:53And there's contact.
17:54And off goes Gravitt.
17:55Not quite off.
17:56Andy Rouse keeps on his way.
17:58There's gonna be a big argument about that too, I am sure.
18:01Rouse into the complex left.
18:02Look for Gravitt on the left.
18:04There he is.
18:04He goes to the apex.
18:06There is absolutely nowhere for Andy Rouse to go.
18:08But he pushes his way through.
18:10And he's got it.
18:11He's got it.
18:11He's got it.
18:12And he's got it.
18:12And he's got it.
18:13And he's got it.
18:13And he's got it.
18:13And he's got it.
18:14And he's got it.
18:14And he's got it.
18:14And he's got it.
18:14There is absolutely nowhere for Andy Rouse to go.
18:17But he pushes his way through.
18:19Shakes his fist.
18:20And Rob Gravitt.
18:21There he is.
18:22Half a car ahead.
18:24But that is not enough.
18:25And he pays the price.
18:29Into the chicane.
18:30Edwards is gonna take it in the blue and white car.
18:32Smith in seventh place.
18:35And John Clark loses it.
18:37And I should think the car was alarmed with that.