BTCC Crashes 2008

  • 2 months ago
BTCC Crashes 2008
00:00Oh, that's a tricky place to nip through and Chilton just gave him enough space.
00:03Oh, but Chilton's coming back at him, Chilton's coming back, this could end in tears.
00:07Oh, well, that was...
00:09Let's take another look at this.
00:10Well, I don't know if Steve McCain didn't know that Jordan was there
00:13because he took the normal racing line, which is to come across close to the inside.
00:18But Jordan definitely had his inside alongside there.
00:21The contact is actually very early in the corner.
00:24And I just hope that car hasn't hit the wall too hard
00:26because that's the last thing that poor Dave Varcher wants,
00:30is one of his brand-new BMWs.
00:32It's Turkington leading, Jackson in second,
00:34pushed by Jordan, Jordan squeezes,
00:36Olaf, he's got one of the Seats,
00:38it's Darren Turner, Turner's off at the hairpin.
00:41Yeah, Darren Turner's miserable luck continues.
00:43He started fifth, that was his best chance for good result.
00:46Dive out the inside, I think that was Chilton.
00:48There's a bit of rubbing down the back right.
00:49Oh, Shannon straight into... Oh, big shunt.
00:52That's a big, big accident from Tom Armstrong.
00:54Onslow-Cole in the Vauxhall,
00:56and that's surely going to bring the safety car out immediately.
00:58Too many cars gathered together in one section of track,
01:01and the front end of that Vector has been wiped out.
01:04The cars were three abreast and moving about on the bottom straight,
01:07and that was the inevitable result.
01:10What happened here?
01:12Oh, Plato initially made contact with Shedden,
01:15and Shedden shot into Onslow-Cole.
01:18They were trying to go three abreast there, and it just isn't the space.
01:22Plato had a good run off the corner into the hairpin at Druids.
01:25He's got some side-by-side action going on there.
01:27Squeezed out wide, I think Shedden on the grass.
01:29Shedden had been taken out wide.
01:31Adam Jones, it was, that he made contact with,
01:33I'm pretty sure, as they came through the hairpin.
01:35He's actually driven the car out of the way himself.
01:37Here we go, he's out on the grass.
01:39Now, he can't steer the car.
01:40It's got a mind of its own at this point.
01:42It catches the tires, which sucks the front end in,
01:46and around he goes.
01:47Now, Onslow-Cole was forced wide,
01:49but actually ended up finding more grip.
01:51Oh, he's been hit by Jackson, but he saved it.
01:54Building, building, but I'll tell you what it has done,
01:56it's put Jason Plato onto the back.
01:58I don't think that move was really on there.
02:00I don't think the gap was going,
02:02but it was a decrease, though.
02:06It just wasn't cleaning up the inside.
02:08Gelli, very lucky not to spin.
02:10Here we go, we're going to see just the end of Steven Gelli.
02:12Oh, there was some contact there.
02:14Couldn't see the lines that the cars were on,
02:16but there's some damage on the front of Steven's.
02:18Here we go again, up behind, right behind.
02:21Just on the second apex.
02:22Well, I think that was just one of those things
02:24where they were both carrying speed.
02:26As the leaders, one, two wide,
02:28come down into it and they're going to tough it out.
02:30Surely there's going to be some contact.
02:31Yes, there it is, further back.
02:34And it's Plato again, but he saved it.
02:36He's held it together, there's further contact behind.
02:38Real good overtaking, very, very brave and committed.
02:41Oh, no, now he's thrown it all away.
02:44Oh, he's thrown it all away at the very next corner.
02:47Look at this, he was battling for the lead with Turkey,
02:50and he tries to go the long way around.
02:52Ah, what happened was he was on the outside
02:54and Turkington was braking to the outside of the track
02:58and just took him wide.
03:00What happened to Giovannardi? Here we go.
03:02Oh, he's gone well wide there.
03:04No, that's not Giovannardi, my apologies.
03:06No, that was the incident between John George and Collard.
03:08This is the Giovannardi incident, as we thought.
03:12He got right on wide on the grass coming through Starkey's
03:15and there was no way back, and he was lucky, actually,
03:17not to slide out even further.
03:18Side-by-side again down the crane of kerbs,
03:21120 miles an hour.
03:23What a... Oh, you can see it coming.
03:26They're both going off.
03:28Chilton and Jackson hitting wheels and getting airborne,
03:31and that car is not going any further, Tim.
03:33No, I mean, Jackson's car just moved a little bit out.
03:36It doesn't rev as much as the petrol engine car,
03:39and you saw him there glancing down at the shift lights.
03:42It's very difficult to know when to shift,
03:44and he's got some more BMW action,
03:46and that's Gelli and Kinn,
03:48and Gelli this time is pitched off into the gravel at the old hairpins.
03:52That is a tremendous start by Stephen Kinn and Gordon Shedden.
03:57Oh, there's Andrew Jordan sliding there,
04:00Martin Bell, Stuart Oliver, and Taylor into the side of him.
04:05And that is on the far side of the circuit from us.
04:08Now, what's happened here?
04:09Oh, he's lost it at Hollywood, the top of the crane of kerbs.
04:13Got on the grass. Now, remember, he can't steer,
04:15stop, or do very much at all on the grass.
04:18Oh, that was a hard hit.
04:20Hard hit.
04:22Well, I hope he's okay.
04:24He's gone out of the car. He's a big, tough bloke.
04:26Shedden having a look and trying to defend his position.
04:29Remember, this is on slow call.
04:30Having a look down the inside, they're going to hit each other.
04:32They're half, and this is going to be very interesting
04:34because that Honda is not going to be able to stop.
04:37He's going to come straight out.
04:38Oh, it's like a stunt movie, but he's got it back,
04:41and he's actually going to be able to get it back onto the track.
04:43You could see that coming from a long way off.
04:46It was very close to the incident.
04:49They were both having a moment, weren't they,
04:51on the left-hand part of it,
04:53and obviously the slightest bit of touch,
04:54and that's Lorne Shedden across the inside.
04:56Lucky not to collect the box on as he got down to the bottom.
04:59Quite close in.
05:01He was doing better earlier on, and now it's Darren Turner.
05:03He's teaming off. Off goes Neil.
05:05Flicks to the right-hand side, puts two wheels on the grass,
05:07and there's no coming back from that.
05:09It's a little tap on the tyres.
05:11Matt Neil throwing the car to the outside.
05:15Chilton cuts back to the inside
05:17and just catches Matt Neil as he comes back across,
05:19I think, is the answer to that.
05:22Perfect angle. Well done to the guys for showing us that.
05:25You couldn't see that from...
05:27Well, it's behind him. This is Andrew Jordan.
05:29He's lost it. Finally, he's got control.
05:31Can't bring that one back.
05:32Got onto the slippery kerbs.
05:35He's got in behind the hedge.
05:37As they come back down towards us.
05:40Oh, no! Giovinardi's right in the back of Onslow Cole.
05:43Fabulous save.
05:44Now, there's a car in front that's just run off.
05:47And, well, Giovinardi...
05:50Giovinardi's just slammed into the back of his team-mate.
05:53Cronkston, let's just take a look at a replay.
05:56Ah, this was an incident a moment ago.
05:58Harry Volgaard, John George.
05:59Yeah, Harry Volgaard just sort of tagging.
06:01It is Colin Turkington, and sure enough, behind.
06:04Jackson trying to get alongside Tom Onslow Cole.
06:06And here comes Darren Turner as well.
06:08That's Matt Neal, I think you'll find,
06:09with Darren Turner and spinning out one of the Jordans.
06:12Yeah, that is. That's Andrew Jordan, I think,
06:14who's off in the early stages of this one.
06:16And another one off, that's one of the asterisks.
06:18It's either Martin Bell or Erkut Kizilima,
06:21who's off into the tyre barrier.
06:22So we've lost a couple of cars already.
06:24Oh, and there goes... That's Chilton.
06:26Tom Chilton in that lead pack.
06:27Oh, he gathers it together.
06:29Oh, and spins it round.
06:31Lots of cars in trouble on the opening lap.
06:32Maria Brest into Allard Corner.
06:34And Onslow Cole just has to back out of it.
06:37Darren Turner's... Oh, they've made contact, surely.
06:39They're not going to survive that.
06:41How did they get back on?
06:42And now Giovinardi's trying to take second place away
06:45from the youngster, from Andrew Jordan,
06:47who's never raced, really, with these cars.
06:49Oh, they've made contact. What a shame.
06:51That is such a shame.
06:53Andrew Jordan has to shortcut the chicane.
06:55He rejoins... Oh, in front and right.
06:57And Gordon Shetland for Team Halfords, who leads.
07:00Turner being pitched a bit sideways.
07:02Stephen Cain spins through the first couple of corners.
07:05Oh, look at that. Even in the straight,
07:07he was sliding the back end of the car all over the place.
07:10Oh, and he's won by...
07:11Jackson's off, Jackson's off from the lead.
07:14The first one to try the conditions.
07:16And he's fallen at that Hurdler Tower Corner.
07:19He's not the only one. Shetland off.
07:20One of the box halls off as well.
07:22Oh, some of the cars went sideways there.
07:24That was Jordan getting out off the tarmac.
07:26Another one as well. Oh!
07:28John George sideways.
07:29Surely, has he held that?
07:31Where is he? There he is.
07:32John George lost it.
07:33We thought he might have done one way.
07:35Then the other, right in the middle of the track.
07:37And somehow, they've all missed him.
07:40Here comes McNeil on the attack,
07:41trying to get down the inside of Gordon Shetland.
07:44He will not be denied.
07:45And these two former teammates,
07:47oh, they make contact into the wall.
07:49There's Shetland.
07:50What a shame.
07:51It looked as though that was just going to be a straightforward pass.
07:54It's ended in tears for Shetland.
07:58Not a long way behind here, is he?
07:59Oh, Plato went up the side of Turkington.
08:02It wasn't Jackson, it was Plato going up Turkington.
08:04Ran over the wheels.
08:06The wheel arches sticking out, and that was it.
08:09Let's take a look at it from on board here.
08:13Backed up in the air really well.
08:15It didn't quite...
08:16Well, there was never any room there.
08:18Because Turkington was already defending the line,
08:20and it was also wet on the inside.
08:23This is well into John George.
08:26That was a big hit.
08:27That was a big hit.
08:29Then it's Mike Jordan in fourth.
08:30What's going on, Matt? Jackson having...
08:32Oh, Jackson hits Turner!
08:34And Turner in the gravel.
08:36I think Jackson continues.
08:38Fabrizio Giovinardi's opened up a 1.2-second lead
08:41over these two guys.
08:42Oh, Jones down the inside, he's done it.
08:44Jones gets alongside Collar down the shave.
08:46Oh! And he's wiped off the front bumper on Jordan's car.
08:50Well, that's on the exit of...
08:51Oh, John George involved as well.
08:53That's on the exit of Riches between the first and second corner,
08:56Riches and Sear.
08:57Must have been cornered...
08:58Andrew Jordan.
08:59Andrew Jordan involved in that as well.
09:01And Martin Bell.
09:02Right, okay, so lots of cars.
09:04This is why we've got the save.
09:05This is on board Jordan.
09:06So let's just see...
09:08Oh, he got caught out behind.
09:10He was sort of trying to brake late.
09:11Brake too late.
09:13Touch there between Jackson and Neil
09:14as Jackson tries to take the place.
09:16McNeil says, if you're going to hit me,
09:18I'm going to hit you back.
09:19But Jackson ends up on the grass.
09:21Well, you probably could have predicted,
09:23but it's not over yet.
09:24They're into Collar, the fastest corner.
09:26Volkart and Jones make contact.
09:27Front-wheel drive, Jones saves it.
09:28Darren Turner trying to slot in the second,
09:30but he's been pushed out of the way.
09:32I think Chilton... Oh, and off goes George.
09:34Oh, he's been off a few times today,
09:36and he's off again in this one.
09:37But watch out, boys.
09:38You've got Giovinardi breathing down your neck.
09:40Oh, and off goes Jelly.
09:41Yeah, Steven Jelly.
09:42Turkington's got it.
09:43Giovinardi's trying to squeeze
09:45with one of the team Alphans cars and Tom Chilton.
09:47But through... Oh, he's got knocked sideways by Chilton.
09:49Giovinardi tries to hold it.
09:51He can't, he can't.
09:52And eventually, he's on the grass.
09:54Then it's Steven Kane.
09:55Then Mike Jordan leading this next little group.
09:57As you can see, Tom Onslow calls in there.
09:59So's Adam Joe.
10:00Oh, and Volcar this time.
10:02Spins, half-spins, regathers control.
10:04Andrew Jordan was the one who made contact,
10:07and they both lose places.
10:08Michael Doyle goes up the inside,
10:10and it's another front bumper gone from Andy Jordan.
10:12He lost it in the first race,
10:14now got the inside line for Cascades.
10:15But Turner so far, they've made contact.
10:18You can see that coming.
10:19Turner holds it, he holds it.
10:20He's still on there.
10:21He's passed by both Vauxhalls.
10:23Great, decent recovery.
10:24Mike Jordan side-by-side with Gordon.
10:26He's done it, hasn't he? He's got in front of him.
10:28As they come... Oh, no!
10:30Oh, no!
10:32Oh, what a shame!
10:35That should never have happened.
10:36That was totally unnecessary.
10:39And Mike is furious.
10:41Yeah, but I've got to say, he should be furious with himself
10:43because he was moving over when he was not a clear car in front.
10:47You look, he's pushing towards the pit wall.
10:49He's not in front. He can't do that.
10:53Oh, it's damaged the suspension.
10:54It could have been a lot worse.
10:55I'm amazed it wasn't worse than that.
10:57In fact, just taking a look at on-board view.
10:59Oh, look at how he nearly got collected by Adam Jones.
11:02Let's take a look at this.
11:03Is it the classic? Yes, it is.
11:05Off the exit of Vauxhall, slam across to the other side.
11:08And thankfully, he sort of hits it with the rear three-quarters.
11:11Then it's Matt Jackson in third position,
11:13Adam Jones in fourth place.
11:15Then it's... Oh, no! Contact, contact!
11:17Oh, and the tyres are thrown into the middle of the road.
11:20Darren Turner's... No, it's Plato's.
11:22Plato caught in the middle of it.
11:24Oh, we're surely going to have a safety car.
11:26Yeah, watch on your right-hand side,
11:28because Chilton will arrive very quickly.
11:34About to turn in.
11:35Oh, there he is.
11:36Suddenly arrives, swipes into Kane.
11:39Chivinardi, very good to miss the back of Kane's car.
11:42On-board Plato, I gather this.
11:44You can tell by how quiet it is on the diesel.
11:46Oh, no, that...
11:48So he was caught out, so Chilton was behind...
11:50Ooh, bang! That was Plato.
11:53They've all got past him. Now, this was his teammate.
11:54What happened on the restart for his teammate, Stephen Jelly?
11:57Ooh, contact with Chris Stockton.
11:59Yeah, that was a typical rear-wheel drive car.
12:02Not able to save a bit of contact.
12:03He can just keep it on the track for this first lap.
12:06And he's in the gravel, nearly getting off.
12:08Going off the back, that was one of the...
12:10one of the...
12:11Turner getting muscled out of the way as well,
12:14and then off in the background went Martin Bell.
12:16Slammed into the barrier.
12:17Venue where he had one of his best results
12:19of the season last year, did Martin.
12:21Meanwhile, battle, round goes Stephen Kane.
12:23Stephen Kane, a spinner, he got a little tap from somebody.
12:25But then out of this corner, along the straight to the hairpin,
12:28and from the hairpin up the start and finish line,
12:30the SEAT is obviously much better itself.
12:32Oh! Turner's off after contact with Chilton.
12:35Yeah, in the background, they've made contact.
12:37Turner's out, by the looks of it, this time he's ridden the...
12:39Here we are, we're on the approach.
12:40Chilton's covered the inside initially,
12:43and then Turner's just gone in a little bit too deep on the brakes.
12:46Gone up the inside, there's contact initially,
12:50and they've just touched wheels and both spun out.
12:53Oh, what a shame. Yeah, he just ran over the wheel there.
12:55They came in side by side and then sort of popped over the wheel.
12:58A little bit of contact.
12:59I think, here we go, up the inside,
13:01and he's actually turned his rear wheel,
13:03but popped over just there,
13:05and probably broke the rear suspension.
13:07Just ran over the rear wheel of Chilton.
13:09Soft here today, I tell you, he's racing hard.
13:12Oh, there's contact in the back!
13:13Plato's been turned around by one of the boxers,
13:15and he's in the barrier, won't finish.
13:16Plato out of the race.
13:19In the background, should be coming through.
13:21Next pair through. They're side by side.
13:24Now, it looks like, whoa,
13:26it looks like Plato has come up the inside of Ancelo Cole.
13:30They're side by side on the exit,
13:32and after two victories today, suddenly, it's all turned bad.
13:36And Ancelo Cole in a big slide now.
13:38He's been touched, and through go both Jones
13:41in this spectacular debut season.
13:43He is still only 19 minutes from not forgetting.
13:45Matt Neil is so quick.
13:46There's John Arweer, he's going,
13:48oh, no, he's had contact from behind!
13:50Yeah, and he was so quick that he sort of ran into the back.
13:53Oh! Shedden's off!
13:55They've both been hit, I think, by Turkington.
13:57And Giovinardi will get both.
13:59Here we go.
14:00This was the view through the chicane.
14:03Got sideways. Now, what happens here?
14:05Watch this. Turkington goes for it.
14:08Oh, yeah, there was contact.
14:10I think a squeeze, and then Neil gets pushed into it.
14:12Turkington was going on Neil,
14:13and Neil went into Shedden, didn't he?
14:15And now he's trying to shut the door on Giovinardi.
14:17Matt Neil's going to go the other side of it.
14:19Giovinardi's through.
14:20Is Matt... Oh, Rao goes Turkington!
14:23Bashes back, gets straight.
14:25Ian Mack, this is... What is going on here?
14:28Take a look at the replay here.
14:30Oh, that was...
14:31This is still halfway through that we've already had.
14:33Far so good they've made it round.
14:35Turner's up into second place.
14:37He's got... Oh, Collard's been turned around as well.
14:39Yeah, Collard, the teammate of Stephen Kane.
14:41Kane might be right up there.
14:43Well, we're looking at what happens to Rob Collard there.
14:46The white car just in front of Stockton.
14:47Oh, he gets it sideways.
14:49And Stockton had no choice but to run it.
14:52But, oh, and now we've got Kane on the grass, his teammate.
14:55And he's going to be beached in the gravel.
14:57There, yeah.
14:58What's their contact with Matt Neil?
15:00We saw Doyle going inside Volkard at Beckett,
15:03so I think this will be Brooklyn's.
15:05Here we are.
15:07Try and see what happened here.
15:08Doyle spins.
15:10Oh, and just recovering,
15:11Turner locks up and slides wide.
15:14There's Darren Turner running back.
15:16Pushed the others wide.
15:17See, there we go.
15:18Oh, there was contact, quite a lot of contact there.
15:21Yeah, that was Giovinardi up into the door there.
15:24Leaders come through Luffield.
15:25Oh, Tom Onslow, Cole, big, big slide
15:28in the middle of the pack there
15:29as Adam Jones tries to go around the outside of Matt Jackson.
15:32Oh, Matt Jackson's going to spin this time.
15:34Oh, and he gets collected by one of the Halverson's cars.
15:38Yeah, absolutely.
15:39What a shame for Matt Jackson.
15:40That really is so disappointing.
15:42It's Tom Chilton that made the contact.
15:44Matt Jackson and Jackson in the Independence class is massive.
15:47Both of them want to win that title.
15:49Oh, no! Oh, no, Turkington's rounded off.
15:52I thought he'd timed it right,
15:53but he just glitched the front of Onslow Cole, I think,
15:56for the way he's done it.
15:57Let's just take a look. What's been going on here?
15:59Oh, that was Gelli just unable to stop the car.
16:03BMWs one and two, but it's Matt Jackson in front.
16:06Gelli in second, Turner in third.
16:08Giovinardi in the gravel.
16:09Giovinardi's in the gravel at Paddock Hill Bend.
16:11He's got it back on.
16:12My goodness, he's scored points at every race this year
16:16and suddenly he's off in the gravel.
16:17Jason Hughes and John George have made contact as well.
16:20Well, that'll be a safety car for sure.
16:22So after that, I crushed... Oh, sorry.
16:24I broke the bumpers and my race is almost finished.
16:30OK, Fabrizio, many congratulations.
16:32I think Kane's got through.
16:34Yeah, he has. He's got past.
16:35So he's got past the team RSC, BMW, and here comes Plato.
16:37Plato on the grass and in the background,
16:39Chilton getting very out of shape.
16:41Plato and Giovinardi have not made a huge progress yet.
16:44Somebody... Oh, we've got a big shot.
16:46John George. John George has rolled that car
16:49on the approach into Sertis
16:50and that is going to be the safety car called for.
16:54That's a big accident there.
16:56I hope John George is OK.
16:57Yeah, this is Giovinardi's on board
17:00and already you can see the bunch in front.
17:02John George's car is two cars in front.
17:05He moves back across the front of Plato's car
17:08and gets turned into the wall in exactly the same way
17:10that Anselmo Cole did earlier in the year.
17:13He's moved across to the left and then he moves back to the right.
17:18Oh, dear, and he goes into the wall at fairly unabated speed.
17:23Yeah, and look at the way the energy of the car
17:25is dissipated as it rolls over and onto its side.
17:28Another view of it here, Tim.
17:30Yeah, in fact, Plato was looking to get down the inside.
17:33It's actually Turner. It was Turner, I think.
17:34Was it Turner? Yeah, you're right. I apologise.
17:36It was... Oh, that's a big roll. Big roll.
17:41Just take a look back at this.
17:43Now, this is the incident with Jones.
17:45Oh, and he's got contact.
17:46That was the contact with Gelli.
17:49Yeah. Yeah, again, it was, as you say, very similar.
17:52Sort of the contact front bumper to rear bumper on that backstretch.
17:55And that's taken Jones out of the race, I'm afraid.
17:58He's down to eighth position
18:00and he's still having to fight off McNeil.
18:02Oh, with the travel! Come on!
18:04Come on! And several others.
18:06That's Shedden, is it, in the background?
18:08I couldn't quite spot.
18:09I couldn't quite spot.
18:10And that's changed things now.
18:11Colin Turkington's suddenly gained several places.
18:14Yeah, and I think that might have been on slow.