Tìm Lại Chính Mình - Tập 20 End

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00Episode 3
00:00:07What a new way!
00:00:11I said it was a reference so I brought a film clip from the camera.
00:00:16A few days later
00:00:28I moved to a normal house and then suddenly I lost my memory.
00:00:34In the process of harmonious treatment,
00:00:37there are often new cases.
00:00:39Are you in a bad mood?
00:00:41Ah, first of all,
00:00:43it means that the process of harmonious treatment will not be smooth.
00:00:48Maybe it depends on the personality of this new personality.
00:00:52If the personality is an ISH,
00:00:57then it would be great if you were that helper.
00:00:59Are you trying to convince yourself?
00:01:01When the patient has the strength in the process of harmonious treatment,
00:01:05it will create the presence of a psychic to help you.
00:01:09But usually in some cases,
00:01:11ISH patients will show different characteristics.
00:01:14you haven't graduated yet, right?
00:01:17In that case,
00:01:21it will depend on whether he comes to help harmoniously or to cause trouble.
00:01:39Who is it?
00:01:52Can you open this bag?
00:02:17According to your request,
00:02:18I have investigated the bank account of the Bank of Tết.
00:02:24What's wrong with you?
00:02:29I was touched.
00:02:30I was touched. I lost consciousness.
00:02:35I saw ISH.
00:02:44Mr. Tata!
00:02:45Are you okay?
00:02:46Mr. Tata!
00:02:47Mr. Tata!
00:02:48Are you okay?
00:02:49Let's go home.
00:02:50Let's go.
00:02:56How do you feel?
00:02:58I feel much better.
00:03:00I have compiled the financial reports and accounting books of the branches in the corporation.
00:03:05I have also checked and confirmed the members of the board of directors and the main shareholders.
00:03:09I have also compiled them and put them in the documents in the meeting room.
00:03:12When did you prepare all these things?
00:03:14I told you.
00:03:15From now on, I can't just play and eat.
00:03:28I called the old driver of the director,
00:03:31Ms. Minh Son.
00:03:35He didn't say much about the reason.
00:03:39But the recent incident seems to have been mentioned to President Nga.
00:03:48Is that so?
00:03:49There was an accident in the morning.
00:03:51The new driver said that the accident had been planned in advance.
00:04:02Are you okay?
00:04:05Do you need to call ODG?
00:04:07It's okay.
00:04:17Please go to meet the driver and confirm his statement.
00:04:21Are you really okay?
00:04:22I need to know the whole story.
00:04:24Please hurry up.
00:04:27Yes, I know.
00:04:28Don't worry.
00:04:36This is my mother.
00:04:38She is very beautiful, isn't she?
00:04:40If you close your eyes and sleep, you will see her.
00:05:05Where are you going?
00:05:24Where is our princess going?
00:05:26You know where I'm going, so you act like this.
00:05:29Let me go.
00:05:30What are you doing?
00:05:31Where are you going?
00:05:32You can't do that.
00:05:35Let me go.
00:05:36Let me go.
00:05:37Where are you going?
00:05:38Let me go.
00:05:45Do you know who Mr. X is?
00:05:48Of course I know.
00:05:49Where did you put your fingerprint?
00:05:53Of course I know.
00:06:05But I won't tell you for free.
00:06:09I'm a very modern girl.
00:06:11I know how to give and receive.
00:06:13You don't know anything.
00:06:16You're so rude.
00:06:24Give and receive.
00:06:34Give and receive.
00:06:41What are you doing?
00:06:42You scared me.
00:06:43When did it happen?
00:06:44I'm sorry.
00:06:45I'm really sorry.
00:06:46I will live my life to make up for this.
00:06:49What are you kidding?
00:06:50Why do you look so serious?
00:06:51And you said those words.
00:07:14Help me.
00:07:21My hair is messed up.
00:07:22Why are you here?
00:07:26I'm sorry, Orion.
00:07:28Give it to me.
00:07:29Give it to me.
00:07:30I love you, Orion.
00:07:33I love you.
00:07:42Sit up.
00:07:43Sit up.
00:07:44Sit up.
00:07:45Sit up.
00:07:46Sit up.
00:07:48Be quiet.
00:07:49Be quiet.
00:07:50Be quiet.
00:07:52Cheer up.
00:07:54You have Yuna.
00:07:58Cheer up.
00:08:01Yuna will give you a kiss.
00:08:06He is a soldier.
00:08:14What are you saying?
00:08:18I'm going to sleep.
00:08:26Yuna will wait for you.
00:08:29Don't wait for me.
00:08:30I will stay there if it's appropriate.
00:08:33Anna, you're going to stay there.
00:08:38You're the only one.
00:08:40Born in 2010.
00:08:45You guys.
00:08:47Think about it. What is this?
00:08:50Anna, I have informed you about my military training.
00:08:55Where did you get this?
00:08:57If you lie to me again, you will be punished.
00:09:03Sit still. Smile.
00:09:08You are so beautiful.
00:09:11Put your head up.
00:09:26Anna, look at me.
00:09:41Orion, are you okay?
00:09:47It's not a cockroach.
00:09:56I have regretted my life.
00:10:11Let's see.
00:10:20You promised. Tell me who you are.
00:10:25This picture is so beautiful.
00:10:28Every day in my life, you are my...
00:10:35You are so lucky.
00:10:41When you are happy, I will disappear.
00:10:47What are you talking about? Explain it to me.
00:10:50That's all.
00:10:54I'm sleepy.
00:10:56I'm sleepy.
00:10:59I will tell you when I wake up.
00:11:03Anna, you are so...
00:11:33Hey, girl.
00:11:38Thank you.
00:11:40For what?
00:11:42Thank you for treating me like a friend.
00:11:45Thank you for treating me like a sister.
00:11:52Thank you for making my wish come true.
00:11:55Anyway, thank you for everything.
00:11:59Throughout my life,
00:12:02you are the first girl I met that made me want to fight the most.
00:12:08Please take care of your health.
00:12:20You are so rude.
00:12:22I'm sorry.
00:12:26I'm sorry.
00:12:28I'm sorry.
00:12:51Are you Na?
00:12:53Come here.
00:12:58Dixin is with Dohan now.
00:13:03We have to leave
00:13:05so that you and I can be comfortable.
00:13:12Come here.
00:13:28But the wind is still blowing.
00:13:30We have to survive.
00:13:40Thank you.
00:13:58You were a little girl
00:14:07with a flower in your hair
00:14:16You told me with a smile
00:14:22Ah, Jonah.
00:14:25I want to fly far away like a bird
00:14:34I want to fly far away like a bird
00:15:01I'm leaving
00:15:04I'm leaving
00:15:07I know
00:15:10Why did you do this to me?
00:15:15Why did you do this to me?
00:15:24When I watched her,
00:15:27I fell asleep for a while
00:15:30Then she disappeared
00:15:33I missed her so much
00:15:48This is erased
00:16:03This is erased
00:16:38Finally, the former president, Cha Chun-yo, woke up
00:16:41Your father wants to see you and Ojichi
00:16:45According to the former president,
00:16:47to atone for the past,
00:16:49he couldn't leave like that
00:16:51and hoped that you could give him a message
00:16:53Wait a minute
00:16:55Why don't you say anything?
00:17:00Where are you going to leave your own doctor?
00:17:06I'll see you at home
00:17:13The criminal's name is
00:17:15and that criminal's name is
00:17:17my father
00:17:19Above all,
00:17:21the one who killed Ojichi's mother
00:17:23is also my father
00:17:39What's wrong?
00:17:41Hasn't he come back yet?
00:18:00What are you doing?
00:18:20What are you doing?
00:18:25Who are you?
00:18:28Who are you?
00:18:38It's Nana
00:18:40I'm Nana
00:18:43My name is
00:18:45I know
00:18:50Shadowhood, right?
00:19:13How do you know my name?
00:19:17Because I am
00:19:35I think this sister
00:19:37is you when you grow up
00:19:41So you
00:19:43is me when I was young
00:19:47Do you understand?
00:19:50Am I beautiful?
00:19:52Yes, very beautiful
00:19:57I grew up very healthy and beautiful
00:20:01I also did very well
00:20:05I am also receiving a lot of love from my parents
00:20:09I have a wonderful brother
00:20:11and I have a lot of friends
00:20:14So I am no longer
00:20:18a kid who is trapped in the basement
00:20:24You have received a lot of love?
00:20:32A lot, a lot
00:20:34a lot
00:20:36a lot
00:20:38a lot
00:20:40A lot, a lot
00:20:42A lot
00:20:44That's right
00:20:49If you
00:20:51have met me
00:20:53there are a few things
00:20:55I really want to tell you
00:20:57What is it?
00:21:01That time
00:21:05when Truc was mad at me
00:21:08It's not my fault
00:21:12It's not because I am a bad kid
00:21:14or hateful
00:21:16Do you understand?
00:21:22It's his fault
00:21:30Do you understand what I'm saying?
00:21:34So don't be sad
00:21:37and don't be afraid anymore
00:21:49I know
00:21:55I have you by my side
00:21:57Do you understand?
00:22:08You can leave
00:22:12Can you do it?
00:22:20I can't go alone
00:22:22I don't know how to
00:22:26So what can I do for you?
00:22:30Call X
00:22:37Mr. X
00:22:41Who is Mr. X?
00:22:45Who is he?
00:22:47He is my dad
00:22:51He is my dad
00:23:03I want to go out
00:23:13We can go out
00:23:15if my dad is here
00:23:21Your dad is dead
00:23:27I'm sorry
00:23:29I'm sorry
00:23:31Your dad will pick you up
00:23:37He will protect you
00:23:41Can he see me?
00:23:43Of course
00:23:45He can see you
00:23:47wherever you are
00:24:01I love you
00:24:17Nana is here
00:24:19Nana is here
00:24:27Thank you
00:24:31What happened?
00:24:35Just because of me
00:24:39You made too many memories
00:24:43I feel guilty
00:24:45I want to say sorry
00:24:49But I also thank you
00:24:53You have done so many things for me
00:24:57You have suffered so much
00:25:01Maybe now you know
00:25:07You did it on purpose
00:25:11That's it
00:25:13That's my hope
00:25:17I'm so lucky
00:25:19to meet you
00:25:23I can say thank you
00:25:31I love you
00:25:39If my dad is the one who killed your mom
00:26:01Can I open it?
00:26:07Can I open it?
00:26:31What do you think?
00:26:33When I open it
00:26:35I don't know what it is
00:26:37In this box
00:26:39It can be an explosive
00:26:41or a gold
00:26:43But before I open it
00:26:45I don't know
00:26:49Idealism will decide the size of fear
00:26:53Fear is something
00:26:55created by a person
00:26:57and the result of idealism
00:27:02What should you do now?
00:27:04I will confirm it
00:27:10Face your past
00:27:12Don't waste your idealism
00:27:14for your past
00:27:16when it has been concluded
00:27:18Idealism should be left
00:27:20for the future
00:27:22For the benefit of the future
00:27:24Decide what will happen
00:27:26I am
00:27:29Nana's dad, right?
00:27:31Because you said that
00:27:33That's why I play this role
00:27:41Why do you look like this?
00:27:45You look more like a magician
00:27:47than what a child thinks about his father
00:27:49It must be something similar
00:27:51I don't know
00:27:53how lucky I am
00:27:55when I don't look like a superman
00:27:59From now on
00:28:01I will protect Trizin
00:28:05I will be stronger
00:28:09You can rest assured
00:28:13I'm glad to hear that
00:29:55Come here.
00:29:59Let me see your face more clearly.
00:30:03I hope you are not mistaken.
00:30:07I didn't come to visit you.
00:30:11Not at all.
00:30:13Just because you have been in a coma for 21 years,
00:30:17it doesn't mean that the drug will become a victim.
00:30:19So, don't act as if you are very weak.
00:30:24And don't pretend to be a victim.
00:30:35The reason I came here,
00:30:38there is only one reason.
00:30:39I want to ask you a few questions.
00:30:43You have investigated
00:30:44about the death of Director Min Xiong
00:30:48and President Cha Kinh Ho, right?
00:30:51Is it true?
00:31:04Cha Duhun is not qualified to give his opinion.
00:31:08He is not qualified to give his opinion.
00:31:11But Cha Duhun is not qualified to give his opinion.
00:31:15Maybe the President doesn't know about the company.
00:31:17So, it is a very wrong decision for Cha Duhun.
00:31:20Are you talking about my personality disorder?
00:31:23Is it true?
00:31:25Yes, it is.
00:31:27If we hand over Sunshine Group to a patient now,
00:31:29all investors will not accept it.
00:31:32That is the truth I want to say here.
00:31:34It won't happen.
00:31:36As long as the matter is handed over,
00:31:37I will be fully responsible.
00:31:41But first of all,
00:31:42I have something to ask you.
00:31:45The accident 21 years ago
00:31:47of Director Min Xiong and President Cha Kinh Ho,
00:31:50was it really a traffic accident?
00:31:54Was there any conspiracy?
00:31:56Director Cha Dinh Phuong.
00:32:02That was investigated by the president's family.
00:32:07One of the drivers must have received a tip-off from his uncle.
00:32:13If it was his uncle,
00:32:14it means that it was not just a traffic accident.
00:32:17In fact, it was a very simple accident.
00:32:22With the intention of canceling the contract.
00:32:26He intended to control the accident of those two people.
00:32:31But it turned out to be an accident.
00:32:36But because of that accident,
00:32:37the two founding members of the group passed away.
00:32:42The company suffered a great loss.
00:32:47And that is also a situation that no one can explain.
00:32:51Is there any evidence to prove that?
00:33:00We are still alive is the evidence.
00:33:03The one who caught your uncle
00:33:05to harm the people
00:33:08and the president is you.
00:33:13It's you.
00:33:15My father,
00:33:16Director Cha Dinh Phuong,
00:33:17hid those documents and told them.
00:33:19Now the documents that the president is looking at is it.
00:33:22What he wants to find right now is that game.
00:33:27Even if you are hungry again,
00:33:29even if you are hungry again,
00:33:31you can't hide your identity.
00:33:33So what about these?
00:33:35These are the documents that prove that
00:33:37the transfer of funds of Director Cha Dinh Phuong
00:33:39all over the world.
00:33:40This is the account record for 3 years.
00:33:43Yesterday, the company's plans
00:33:45have been resumed.
00:33:47We also found out the action of the money transfer.
00:33:52So let's do it like this.
00:33:54In exchange for hiding the weakness of President Cha,
00:33:57you also have to cover up my story.
00:34:02I won't do that.
00:34:05My story is a personality,
00:34:07not a story to be imprisoned.
00:34:09But if you want other people to know about these stories
00:34:11of Director Cha Dinh Phuong,
00:34:12you will have to be imprisoned for 3 years.
00:34:15Cha Dinh Phuong!
00:34:17Find a way to solve the problem.
00:34:22How to minimize the damage.
00:34:27How to minimize the damage.
00:34:43Se Jin.
00:34:48Maybe I have to hand it over to you.
00:34:51Because you are not a monster,
00:34:53but just Cha Do Hoon.
00:34:57You are right.
00:34:59The monster
00:35:02is someone else.
00:35:06The most unfortunate person in this story
00:35:08is you.
00:35:10You become a place without monsters.
00:35:12Se Jin.
00:35:14You should build it directly.
00:35:18What are you talking about?
00:35:21As you know,
00:35:22I am a sick patient.
00:35:24A multi-personality.
00:35:25Wait and see.
00:35:27Until you fully recover.
00:35:30Go abroad,
00:35:32get treatment,
00:35:33and come back here.
00:35:35Until then,
00:35:37hand over to me to protect Se Jin.
00:35:55Mr. Tata.
00:35:56What's up?
00:35:57What's up?
00:36:00It seems that Ms. Oh Re Jin
00:36:02is coming to visit your father.
00:36:09How does she know that place?
00:36:11It seems that your mother asked her.
00:36:20Mr. Tata.
00:36:22Mr. Tata.
00:36:24Mr. Tata.
00:36:26Mr. Tata.
00:36:48I really
00:36:52look like my mother.
00:36:57Mr. Tata.
00:37:11Why did you do that?
00:37:16I'm sorry.
00:37:21I'm sorry for everything I did to you.
00:37:32if you don't forgive me, I still want to say this.
00:37:43Because you're still alive,
00:37:46I'm really grateful.
00:37:51The reason why I'm still alive
00:37:53is because I want to confirm that
00:37:55you're still alive
00:37:57so that I can correct my mistake.
00:38:14Do you want to be forgiven?
00:38:17You just need to die faster than a day.
00:38:20Mr. Tata.
00:38:25Mr. Tata.
00:38:39You just need to die faster than a day.
00:38:43Get out of this world as soon as possible.
00:38:46Do you understand?
00:38:49Mr. Tata.
00:38:52What do you mean?
00:38:55Is it still burning?
00:38:59Don't do that, okay?
00:39:01Get out of here.
00:39:03From now on, stop asking for forgiveness.
00:39:06Don't do that.
00:39:19Don't try to ask for forgiveness or understanding anymore.
00:39:25If I want to forgive you and understand you,
00:39:29it's not because of you.
00:39:34It's just because of this person.
00:39:36If so,
00:39:38it's just because of this person.
00:39:42He must have felt guilty all his life
00:39:45asking for forgiveness and always protecting me.
00:39:53please just wait.
00:40:00Let's go.
00:40:02Let's go far away.
00:40:05Anywhere is fine.
00:40:10Let's go.
00:40:11Let's go outside.
00:40:13Let's go.
00:40:22Let's go.
00:40:35Hey, Shin.
00:40:36Don't you want anything?
00:40:39I have chosen gifts for all the characters.
00:40:41But I don't know what to buy for you.
00:40:46Tell me.
00:40:47Don't you want anything?
00:40:49It's a gift I can't give you.
00:40:51What is it?
00:40:53It's you.
00:41:03It's so beautiful.
00:41:09Shin, look at me.
00:41:16Is the gift more beautiful
00:41:18or me?
00:41:20Is it impossible?
00:41:21No, it's impossible.
00:41:23Don't be stubborn when you don't have a base.
00:41:34what are you thinking about now?
00:41:40Thinking that time will stop.
00:41:45Thinking about how to be with you forever.
00:41:50That thought.
00:41:57As I thought,
00:41:58you are hoping, right?
00:42:01You are hoping that I will disappear.
00:42:07It's okay.
00:42:08You don't need to answer me.
00:42:09I understand.
00:42:13Don't be like that.
00:42:14Look at me.
00:42:15I don't like it.
00:42:17I just want to look at you.
00:42:25In this world,
00:42:28you are the first one to say that
00:42:30my words
00:42:32are orders.
00:42:36What about human?
00:42:41Now I will die as a human
00:42:43by this way.
00:42:45Until I am still treated as a human.
00:42:49I will need more time.
00:42:55If you keep being like this,
00:42:56you shouldn't...
00:42:57I called you out here.
00:43:01I'm sorry
00:43:05for making you like this.
00:43:10I'm sorry.
00:43:12I'm sorry.
00:43:16Just let it go.
00:43:41I'm sorry.
00:43:58I have received a lot from you.
00:44:04Now I will try to return it.
00:44:07I can't see it as a gift.
00:44:10Please accept it.
00:44:17That's a great choice.
00:44:23Nothing can be better than this.
00:44:25Like a farewell gift.
00:44:40You don't want it to last forever, do you?
00:44:44Me too.
00:44:46I also want to be with you forever.
00:44:51Let's go.
00:44:53To anywhere.
00:44:56Starting from our terrible memories.
00:44:58Don't kill me.
00:44:59I don't want to be lost.
00:45:03I don't want to be alone.
00:45:06I don't want to be alone.
00:45:12Let's go.
00:45:15To anywhere.
00:45:17Let's go.
00:45:19To anywhere.
00:45:22Starting from our terrible memories.
00:45:25Don't you want to run away?
00:45:28Are you stupid?
00:45:30Isn't that natural?
00:45:33Why don't you want to run away?
00:45:35Your memories will fade.
00:45:38Then you won't need me anymore.
00:45:43You are also existing in my body.
00:45:46Only my body and time are mine.
00:45:51When you need me, I will call you.
00:45:53Please help me.
00:45:54I don't want to.
00:45:57You are free to take it.
00:46:00Or give me your body and time.
00:46:02The more you give, the more chance you get.
00:46:06Hey, Jagu.
00:46:10If you are still in that society,
00:46:12with that scary face,
00:46:15I will definitely come back.
00:46:20So live well.
00:46:32Live well.
00:46:38Be strong.
00:46:58Live well.
00:47:03Hey, Singu.
00:47:04What is this?
00:47:07You are me.
00:47:09It's me.
00:47:16It's me.
00:47:21It's you.
00:47:28live well.
00:47:32Live well.
00:48:03Don't love me like this.
00:48:08How can my heart be like this?
00:48:15What I can give you
00:48:20are tears that won't stop.
00:48:28With that strange face I saw for the first time,
00:48:34I will only hurt your heart.
00:48:43Let me love you alone.
00:48:48I love you.
00:49:18I love you.
00:49:49One year later.
00:49:51Oh my god.
00:49:53How are you?
00:49:54I'm fine.
00:49:56Take a rest.
00:50:05200 copies were sold after publishing
00:50:07the romantic novel of writer Omega.
00:50:10The romantic love story between a female doctor and a talented man
00:50:14was published.
00:50:15It was a great success.
00:50:17You mean
00:50:19I was the one who brought the story of a talented man to you?
00:50:24Yes, that's right.
00:50:28You are dead.
00:50:46I'm sorry.
00:50:47Can you stop talking to me?
00:50:50There's information in here.
00:50:54You can sit first.
00:50:55Thank you.
00:50:56Thank you so much.
00:50:58I'm the one who should thank you.
00:51:04I'm sorry.
00:51:06I'm sorry.
00:51:08I'm sorry.
00:51:10I'm sorry.
00:51:12I'm sorry.
00:51:14Let me see.
00:51:17Are you a fan of this writer?
00:51:21My dream is to see him in real life.
00:51:24He's amazing.
00:51:37This is from the writer for me.
00:51:40I will give it to you.
00:51:45For me?
00:51:47Thank you so much.
00:51:50have you ever met the writer?
00:51:56I'm his distant relative.
00:52:01Can I invite you for a cup of coffee?
00:52:04Can you give me some time?
00:52:08I don't have time to do anything.
00:52:13My name is U Hu.
00:52:15I'm sorry. What's your name?
00:52:20My name is
00:52:23Mr. Yuna.
00:52:26Mr. Yuna.
00:52:29I will come to you.
00:52:31I will come to you.
00:52:35Come over there.
00:52:37Wait a minute.
00:52:47Oh my God.
00:52:48This guy.
00:52:49What have you been doing all day?
00:52:51Why are you so young?
00:52:52You are so young.
00:52:53How can you cook?
00:52:54This is just for a meal.
00:52:56Look at it again.
00:52:57I'm so angry.
00:53:00Oh my God.
00:53:02I'm so angry.
00:53:03Please sit down.
00:53:04You are so bad at work.
00:53:08Oh my God.
00:53:09That kid is not a good worker.
00:53:12You are so bad at work.
00:53:14Isn't he handsome?
00:53:16I don't know how many more customers the restaurant will have thanks to him.
00:53:19No, it's not that.
00:53:20I asked for two more students.
00:53:21I kicked him out.
00:53:22Look at his face.
00:53:24The more staff, the better.
00:53:26It's better than not having him.
00:53:28I don't know what to do.
00:53:33Let's make up for the two of them.
00:53:36Are you crazy?
00:53:37He hasn't had a job for a year.
00:53:39How can I give my daughter to him now?
00:53:41It's late.
00:53:42Let's eat something.
00:53:43I just woke up.
00:54:12I heard that you handled that case well last week.
00:54:14Is that right?
00:54:16Thanks to you, my grandchild is fine now.
00:54:19You don't have to thank me.
00:54:20I didn't do that.
00:54:22Didn't you prepare all the materials?
00:54:26I just followed the instructions.
00:54:28The case?
00:54:31You have to call An.
00:54:33It's all thanks to An.
00:54:37Don't say that.
00:54:38If it's like that,
00:54:39I won't feel anything anymore.
00:54:43But I have a question.
00:54:45How do you know what happened?
00:54:48I mean,
00:54:49our lawsuit is the last one.
00:54:51The last one.
00:54:54It's a company that has been inherited for three generations.
00:54:58I just think that there will be a chance to win
00:55:00if you make a proposal to them
00:55:01to keep all the staff.
00:55:04I want to ask one more thing.
00:55:06Okay, just say it.
00:55:07You were promoted last month.
00:55:09Why do you come back now?
00:55:10It's not my business,
00:55:12but the chairman is waiting for you.
00:55:16I want to be like this for a while.
00:55:19Do I have to go abroad for treatment?
00:55:24Every day here is a new and happy thing.
00:55:27It's true.
00:55:29I can't bother you anymore.
00:55:32I understand.
00:55:34I'll be there soon.
00:55:35Oh, and this is very important.
00:55:37This time,
00:55:39don't think about drinking beer.
00:55:41Don't drink.
00:55:43I told you many times
00:55:44that it was just the first time I did it.
00:56:06What are you doing here alone?
00:56:10Looking for someone new.
00:56:16Your girlfriend has a day off.
00:56:18You have to run to her side.
00:56:21But you enjoy it alone?
00:56:24You know that time flies so fast.
00:56:27I think it's possible recently.
00:56:29But I don't want to be alone.
00:56:31I want to be with you.
00:56:32But time flies so fast.
00:56:34I think it's possible recently.
00:56:37Are you kidding me?
00:56:39Are you kidding me?
00:56:55Put it on.
00:56:56In front of me.
00:56:59when you work,
00:57:00you will be lazy.
00:57:04Give me your hand.
00:57:18Or just wear my ring?
00:57:23I heard
00:57:24that the ring is the sweetest bridge in the world.
00:57:29Wow, I'm wearing a bridge.
00:57:44There is a deep love in everyone's heart.
00:57:48If you ignore it and just look at it,
00:57:50the night will be deeper.
00:57:52You have to be brave enough to go down the stairs
00:57:54and turn on the light.
00:57:55If you are afraid of being alone,
00:57:56someone will definitely hold your hand.
00:58:05If I can be with you,
00:58:07I will not be afraid.
00:58:16the personalities have been combined.
00:58:18Everyone is happy.
00:58:21Thank you everyone.
00:58:23Love you all.
00:58:26Thank you.
00:58:49Love you all.
00:58:50Thank you.
00:59:18Thank you for watching
00:59:22Kill Me, Ill Me.
00:59:23Love you all.
00:59:25So, the personalities have been combined.
00:59:28Everyone is happy.
00:59:31Thank you everyone.
00:59:33Love you all.
00:59:34Thank you.
00:59:48Love you all.
00:59:49Thank you.
01:00:19Love you all.
01:00:20Thank you.