[Horror, Funny] Ju On The Grudge (PC) - Part 5

  • 2 months ago
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........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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BROFIST ...........


00:00how's it going bros my name is PewDiePie welcome back to the grudge our name is
00:22Mika we're lost here in the abandoned hospital I mean I guess maybe we
00:27handicaps wait we did this earlier it didn't work all right Erika still walks
00:32retardedly slow I mean sorry keep calling her Erika I think I'm gonna need
00:36renaming Erika whatever who cares I mean this is a bathroom and Erika oh yeah I'm
00:42supposed to do like this I can't oh oh oh bro someone has a lot of pubic hair
00:51holy shit oh oh oh no let's get out of here oh oh oh what's she doing in the
00:59men's room that's a boy that's a boy with a lot of pubic hair all right
01:03maybe if I move farther away Jesus Christ it's so annoying it should work properly now
01:09Erika you should be done can I open oh oh no I don't want to look in should I
01:13should I oh we're good god damn brah okay let's fuck that toilet I mean not
01:29literally fuck it but whatever all right someone told me in the comments what I'm
01:33okay I have to keep it like this apparently it's god I hate the Wii I'm
01:37not gonna lie I don't I don't like the controls when it's regular but when I
01:42use the Wiimote like this it's so retarded it's ridiculous but whatever I
01:48know what we're gonna do we're gonna go over here look at the computers god damn
01:53I love computers all right apparently this is like a map and you're supposed
01:59to go to the room that the computer tells you to go I'm a genius I thought
02:03I would I okay three under one baby okay baby let's go we're here now you need to
02:08exit and you got a big room huh it's right next to the men's bedroom
02:14bedroom bathroom all right whatever Erika Erika I'm Mika okay fine take this
02:23way okay good good good hey let's make a game where you walk
02:28retardedly slow yes yes maybe she has like a handicapped thing and I'm totally
02:33offending her right now that is no explanation nor to what you're doing
02:41that though maybe it's too high I don't know I like I never get this figured out
02:45whatever okay we're gonna go yeah tricked ya tricked ya didn't ya all right so the
02:52man's bathroom is here so the big room and we're looking for is over here I did
02:59I saw okay well no bro bro bro okay fine I don't care oh oh look I hate that
03:10it's not yet ah hello anyone in here someone
03:18god this is not good okay again mom is that you someone masturbating okay I
03:32need to pick up some item apparently here it's a TV I don't need that oh god
03:41that was close oh no more TVs all right I need to find something here how about
03:48mr. chair hello penny I'm looking everywhere for you
03:52no no okay we're good we're good all right check the room with a
03:59masturbating boy or girl I I'm not even gonna talk about how much is here
04:03hi penny there's supposed to be something here don't lie don't lie to
04:12god damn you're annoying me
04:18said go to all the rooms and pick out a set all right fine there's nothing here
04:23let's get it let's get the heck out of here okay yep Erica Erica I mean Mika
04:29Mika look at me like me okay good Erica no come on you were just leaving or
04:35just leaving it's good
04:40abracadabra again so that was a room 301 didn't get shit but whatever all right
04:48it's good Erica Erica Erica Erica Mika whatever your name is all right I'm
04:55pointing over here there's gotta be left right why she answered seriously
04:59you should stop changing that okay let's go back to the computer and see this is
05:05still says 301 are you still saying 301 brah brah are you still saying for your
05:12brah wow I'm so gonna die oh god I'm so gonna die oh I'm so screwed look at my
05:21battery wait let's look at this freaking map right next to the bedroom bathroom
05:25whatever all right wait wait wait wait wait wait let Erica look at that Erica
05:31look at that not that god damn you Erica we're gonna die we're gonna die it's
05:37your fault it's your fault you know in movies when you're like I said your
05:41fault that we're dying no it's definitely our fault one room next to
05:46this and the next room after that okay so it's not that one that one actually I
05:51don't understand Erica do you want to die fine I'll go in here
05:56oh it says 301 and 302 let's just check for phones can't be something bad
06:04all right are we good hello anyone in here I'm pretty cozy I don't think this
06:12is right though okay let's go back there's no I don't know why it kind of
06:18turned that off or something hello anyone all right let's go to 3 1 0
06:26whatever do whatever I don't need Erica
06:32okay okay she hates me it's okay I'm used to it
06:37it's a man's bathroom and this is 301 there's definitely something I'm missing
06:44301 yep that's 301 all right let's go for the last time it can't be the second
06:50time you walk in it's impossible I think all right
06:55hello heard someone masturbating it's just curious in the roof maybe what is
07:04this floor maybe hello floor talk to me all I can do is turn on the TVs I don't
07:12know why fine I'm gonna keep turning on TVs how much is here
07:21let's go to room 301 I don't like this game I don't know it's fun but Jesus
07:29Christ he walks so slow yep let's go all right it's you and me buddy
07:42fucking hate that shit who's doing that what is that what's that it's you I heard
07:53buddy buddy buddy buddy no no no no no no stop doing that please please
08:00oh there's no one there oh bro oh bro bros everywhere
08:07ah my butt ah ah ah my butt wait a minute ah ah no that was unfair I he was
08:20but but maybe that is the couch so anyone here
08:26hello anyone in the bed now ah freaking creep me out ah all right
08:37yep I'm just gonna turn left here Mika Mika and left you know left opposite of
08:45right you know you know that you know oh I can do this I can turn like this
08:50why didn't anyone tell me ah this is go this is go I'm so done I'm so done with this
09:02okay how do you gonna collect an item someone's like I collect an item but no
09:09all right okay Erica Erica I hate you but we need to do this all right let's
09:23see if it's changed or something I don't even know anymore clicks changed
09:27please don't say 301 I'm gonna be like oh no it says 301 again it says 305 and
09:34306 that means we've made progress boys and girls let's go to 305 and 306 I
09:40don't even know where they are but Mika you fucking retard you're gonna look
09:44down with me okay yep Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika yes Mika
09:53good you're a good girl Mika now go go you can do it do it for me if not for
10:00your pussy I don't even know why I said that but Jesus Christ just go we don't
10:04have a lot of time we just have to do this it's you and me buddy all right
10:09three or five so the other one was wait I think I'm walking in the wrong
10:15direction actually what is that what is this exit oh god I hate it's creepy as
10:28hell I think I need to restart my computer like usually it's
10:45okay I actually shouldn't spend time and look at it I'm gonna edit this video so
10:50much okay I was right no or was I no other direction in the end of the
11:06hallway okay let's do it just let's do it my arms getting tired as fuck let's
11:13just check their last rooms and that'll be it I'm so done so done with this game
11:18for today at least okay Jesus Christ my arm okay whatever I don't even care I
11:24care I was just kidding I'm sorry okay fuck it let's just go and get that
11:31thing I don't even know what it is but 305 and 306 neat it's a pubic hair again
11:37oh no oh no Erica I am NOT telling Erica to do it
11:42oh oh stop wait oh what is this TV what it I Jesus pain it shut up sorry
12:01what is that
12:04what is that I don't get it it's a house it's the grouch house I knew it I
12:13fucking knew it all right fine this is boring switch channel
12:20hello fine I don't even care waste my damn time oh no bro no bro
12:31Oh pubic hair fuck okay Erica Erica yeah pubic hair all right let's taste
12:38pubic hair cuz why not hello mr. pubic hair your damn fine pubic hair I'm gonna
12:45I'm not gonna lie all right let's just go all right say hello to mr. pubic hair
12:52hey hello hello ah we're actually good holy shit all right
13:03oh are you your dad hello kitty hello kitty how you doing hello buddy no are
13:09you doing where you go okay I'm gonna save that cat I'm gonna save that cat so
13:14good all right save that cat I can do it I'm Peter Pye first we're gonna go here
13:21and then we're gonna be all like hey I could okay
13:26how kitty come on I kitty kitty cat oh nope let's not go down okay good
13:41what why does the TV want from me oh Jesus Christ I hate televisions all
13:52right fine I was new it let's go to 306 Jesus Christ she just gotta open those
13:59doors it's long more energy he's like I don't trust doors all right 306 buddy
14:05let's go oh okay 306 buddy
14:16hello pubic hair girl
14:34yeah mr. shadow they get working huh it's working how did you know just be
