Livestream 133-Styx: Shards of Darkness+Verdun

  • 2 months ago
Lots of jank, bad games and really bad internet
00:00Oh no, oh okay, I thought it froze my game starting the stream, wouldn't it be very chill
00:10would it?
00:11No, is that what you have a title for now?
00:13Yeah, I just use that from now on.
00:16You hearing a lot of wind?
00:19Like through your mic?
00:23Through my headset, wind?
00:26I'm not hearing it.
00:28No, you're causing the wind through your mic.
00:31Oh, sorry.
00:33I'd say you can hear me breathing.
00:38I didn't know what it was, if you had a fan or something going.
00:41No, I don't.
00:42I have no fans on this one, so I was like, what wind, like, yeah.
00:49Remind me next time we're at a ability table to do the raps, because I gotta get that achievement.
00:56I think you gotta swap back from the solution to the traps.
00:58Yeah, did you get the achievement for using the solution?
01:03I think I got it for the traps, but not the solution.
01:05Oh, okay.
01:06Alright, I guess, are we ready?
01:10Uh, yeah, I'm ready.
01:13It's time for soup, I have that.
01:17Achieved April 2nd of 2020.
01:22So it's dissolved 10 people in acid.
01:30Alright, I'm ready to go die a bunch of times.
01:33There you go, two more guards with acid traps.
01:36Wow, look at you, pro.
01:43What do I got?
02:16Still a symbol.
02:21I can feel it.
02:22Amber, oh, that sounds good.
02:24And blah blah blah blah blah blah.
02:26An amber storeroom!
02:28No way!
02:29I gotta get this.
02:31Oh, I'm getting all excited.
02:34I'm gonna need those fragments.
02:36Without them, it's gonna be a pain in the ass to crack the code.
02:40But first, let's find the symbols.
02:48You heard nothing.
02:51All I heard was, ugh!
02:53Oh, he yelled, please.
03:03Is that upstairs?
03:04Yeah, I think so.
03:05Jeez, it sounded like it was coming from my room.
03:17I heard that.
03:21It almost sounded like a cat.
03:35I'm on my way.
03:39I'm on my way.
03:42Come set me free.
03:45Uh oh.
03:48Oh, I didn't know!
03:52No more threat here.
03:55That scared the piss out of me, actually.
04:01I just made this YM plunge.
04:07That was wild.
04:37Shut up, people.
04:38We don't care.
04:42You know, I'm gonna worry about those skills later.
04:44Alright, crafting table is where?
04:47It's in the next room on the same level.
05:04There's also one down here, too.
05:09If you're talking about the table over here, it doesn't let me do anything.
05:15No, this side.
05:16It's like right above me.
05:19Or this way.
05:23Where all these people are.
05:37You see nothing.
05:49All life is less than spotty.
05:51I still cannot find said table.
05:54Is it this?
05:59I don't have the ore.
06:07Budge my butt.
06:09You scared me with your fast-foot steps.
06:12You scared me.
06:14You scared me.
06:15You scared me with your fast-foot steps, you a-hole.
06:21My fat feet.
06:52Oh no.
06:58What, you didn't like that?
07:05I think I got one on this side.
07:06You could ring my bell.
07:15wait wait she see you or me I don't know I think it was me she's staring at me
07:21through the floor what
07:33no oh brother oh wait wait oh thank God
07:45there's two or oh dear me to find that tablet all right
08:08I have somebody watching
08:15so no one will take them. They're doing a good job. I know right. Oh I didn't know he was
08:28right there.
08:34There's one right there.
08:45Don't you dare look in this. His little laugh.
09:07How did he what what?
09:11Explain that to me. He saw me. How? Well he's dead now.
09:23I don't know.
09:40You're gonna draw her out. Ready? Yep.
09:54He grabbed me even though I was invisible.
10:06They want to burn your body brah.
10:16Now it's personal. He's sleeping.
10:20Wait. He literally went to sleep after that? Do you want to get him? Oh no
10:33dude. Run with that body.
10:43He didn't fall down. He's right there hanging.
10:50There's an iron ore right here. Better stay alert. I didn't know he had backup.
11:20I can't spawn.
11:26Alright where's this son of a bitch?
11:39Vision go.
11:42This is a crafting table? Oh I see your dumb ass now.
11:54Yes I can make one trap.
12:24Surprising. Wait what's surprising? How'd she know about you? I don't know. Alright I'm
12:40actually gonna booby-trap this door. It doesn't give you a reticle. It just
12:46you just drop it. Well I'm gonna I'm gonna draw her in here anyways. Alright.
12:56She went through the window. Are you kidding?
13:03Don't go out the window. Please. Alright step on my trap. That's all I want.
13:21She went out the window again. Interesting. Alright brother I got a
13:29baiter in a running at me. Someone please step on this trap.
13:44Wait. I will mock the power. Step on this trap. Yo bro step on my trap. Oh that
14:11doesn't activate it. I didn't know that didn't activate the trap. Did you know
14:19that? I didn't. Did you know my trap was there before you did that? I did not.
14:28That was not I thought I thought I was gonna fuck that all up. Thank you. Why did
14:37Also why did she not see me there? I don't know that was really really odd.
14:42Really bad AI in that moment.
14:51I thought about throwing a glass at your fucking barrel.
15:06Too much noise. You know what there ain't no body you got nothing.
15:22Why didn't see him? You ain't got shit on me bro.
15:36What an unglorious guy.
15:46Okay I hate that you cannot jump through the window by jumping you have to use
15:53the vault. I know it's pretty shit. That's what got me screwed.
16:00There's an iron ore on the bookshelf.
16:09Wait I just jumped through the window by jumping. Yeah we don't have to kill
16:37everyone it's not an achievement I don't think. If it is we can end up just
16:45dropping it to the easiest and doing that.
17:07You will have but this one opportunity in your whole life to prove your worth.
17:21The victor will gain his place within the great cycle and receive the greatest
17:27reward and the greatest honor. Be honored.
17:35Be honored.
17:41Yes how fun.
17:44They worship some strange one live underground and eat shit.
17:57Where do I sign up?
18:14Well I guess that's what you get for too much inbreeding.
18:22That's right boys fight it out between yourselves.
18:52Almost there.
18:56Would have won if he didn't give the weapon back.
19:10But first the vanquished must make his offering.
19:22Why did it get blurry?
19:24I know that was weird.
19:26That's gonna leave a mark.
19:32That appetizes the beast.
19:34It does it does.
19:48Oh the brainwashing.
19:52What the?
20:00Get the hell away from me.
20:04He has entered the pantheon of heroes and is part of the great whole.
20:12The cycle is unceasing and his soul has now become immortal.
20:22I like that we didn't go invisible for that.
20:34Is there a problem your holiness?
20:38Not for the moment.
20:40Let's see where we can moor the big gal's airship.
20:44Hurry up.
20:46Have fun.
20:49You have to get to me.
20:53I see that.
20:55I thought about doing the there goes my hero.
20:59Aim for the bushes.
21:07No it looks like there's a path down.
21:09Cause there's a path up.
21:12Pick up pick up.
21:16Aim for the bushes.
21:28You and your nine rope.
21:34Oh why did I do that?
21:36Oh why did I do that?
21:42Okay I should have just jumped.
21:48You know what I saw?
21:52One of the guys from this old studio.
21:54I think it was a clover studio.
21:56You son of a bitch.
22:00He wants to do a sequel to a horror movie.
22:03He wants to do a sequel to Okami.
22:11I think it was like the article said he was asking.
22:17He was asking Capcom for permission.
22:21I can't take that.
22:23I will end up killing it.
22:25I think it's a dude in the corner.
22:37Oh what the hell am I doing?
22:47Fuck your stool.
22:50I had to to get that guy to move.
22:56Thank you.
22:58He was clearly going to see me.
23:02I'm upstairs.
23:12I puked.
23:14I puked.
23:16I puked.
23:18I puked.
23:24Drink it.
23:26She doesn't want it right now.
23:30Drink it.
23:38Come on drink.
23:40Oh no.
23:48Did I get thirsty?
24:06Alright I have to put a trap down.
24:18Where's his a-hole at?
24:28Alright he's coming back.
24:40Use the door dipshit.
24:42Use the door.
24:45He used the window.
24:47Come on dude.
24:57He didn't hide that body.
24:59So I just did.
25:01And it overlapped the box.
25:15Is there two in there?
25:37One got in your trap.
25:45Use the door dips.
25:49Help woman.
25:51It's a man.
25:57Big chungus to Doria.
26:01You are a bitch.
26:05I knew it was far enough away.
26:14God you know how much that would suck to get backstabbed.
26:16And then just turn into goop.
26:20It'd suck.
26:24Yeah they're having communion over here.
26:38I thought about doing that too.
26:42I only got one.
26:44Nope two.
26:50Wait what was that?
26:52Oh hide.
27:01We got a dipshit over here.
27:07There they go.
27:21They didn't hear that?
27:39That was odd that he looked right there.
27:43Come on guys.
27:46How can this be?
27:50Come on.
27:52Just you.
27:54Oh dude.
28:00I didn't know that was an option.
28:08Infernal noise.
28:10Infernal noise.
28:16And no one's the wiser.
28:30I got.
28:32Oh no.
28:40He is flippity flippin dude.
29:02That was my door.
29:10Infernal noise.
29:18This guy is probably so annoyed.
29:26We killed his only friends who were church goers.
29:29Infernal noise.
29:45Yeah I'm not so sure about that buddy.
29:49Got him.
29:53Alright we don't have enough.
29:55For the side objectives.
29:57So we're just going to go for the gondola.
29:59What's the side objective?
30:01We have to collect two more tiles for the amber storeroom.
30:03Oh that.
30:07It's just amber.
30:27Infernal noise.
30:49What now?
30:51Are we playing more?
30:53Probably not.
30:56You're the one who works.
30:58In the morning so.
31:00I just gotta know.
31:04Let me.
31:06See if there's a cutscene here.
31:08Before we leave.
31:10Know what I mean?
31:14Oh nope.
31:16Just you walking around.
31:22Did you want to spawn and use your stuff?
31:25I don't know if it'll save or what.
31:29I think I'll just maybe wait.
31:31To do any of this until next time.
31:35I don't know.
31:39Also I didn't get the achievement.
31:41For not using a skill.
31:43During a mission.
31:45And I don't remember using any skill.
31:49Any invisibility?
31:51I don't think I used it.
31:53I don't know then.
31:55Does it count you I wonder?
31:59Let me make sure I actually am missing that one.
32:05Yeah without using an amber power.
32:11Unless this still counts as a level.
32:13That we're on like a different part.
32:15That'd be annoying if it was.
32:18But yeah I've been trying not to use the abilities.
32:20Just for that.
32:36Shut up sticks.
32:50Quitting out.
33:06What'd you feel like playing for a little bit more?
33:08What are your options?
33:12There's realm for a little bit.
33:14There's first person.
33:16There's for a little bit.
33:18There's for done.
33:20There's chain together.
33:22Those are my three.
33:28My jump force had an update.
33:30That was 300 megabytes.
33:32But the game is dead.
33:34Like discontinued.
33:36I don't know then.
33:40The fuck?
33:49Not chain together.
33:51Because I don't know.
33:53If we play Verdun it'd be one match.
33:57So it's either Verdun or
34:03Let's do Verdun.
34:09As you say that I can hear the hard drive spin up.
34:11The one that Verdun's on.
34:13That's funny.
34:21Finger fuck.
34:41These guys have the best mustaches on my loading screen right now.
34:44They are pretty good ain't they?
34:46Like holy shit.
34:50You know what?
34:52I don't think they have the best moustache.
34:54I don't think they have the best moustache.
34:56I think they have the best moustache.
35:12Like, holy shit.
35:42I am, oh, ready whenever.
36:20They did good with the join thing.
36:24I agree.
36:26Cause what is it? There's a game where I have to hold F something, Anthem and something else, and I don't enjoy that.
36:34Like, when you have to hold a weird key that you're not used to, or if you're on a controller and it still makes you use a keyboard.
36:42Cause some people have computers set up in their living room, and they're like a console almost.
36:49So they might not always have access to their keyboard right in front of them.
36:55Alright, you're gonna wanna swap to gunner.
37:00Ow, my throat.
37:04And let me know when you're ready.
37:09I gotta do the bars, is that the one you said was good?
37:12Yeah, it's the other machine gun that you don't need to mount.
37:16Hell yeah, I'm ready.
37:21I am the rifleman.
37:23Rifles in this are actually really good.
37:30I like the feel of most of the rifles in this.
37:34When I'm not being challenged mentally.
37:39Alright, this first initial joining is usually long as hell for me.
37:45So enjoy the war.
37:47I shall, brother.
37:53Oh my.
38:00I have a scope on my rifle.
38:02Oh, cool.
38:04I'm changing it real quick.
38:22Alright, I'm actually in.
38:28I said spawn!
38:33I can see! Where's my gun?
38:36Oh no.
38:39My gun didn't spawn.
38:46Alright, I'm running in.
38:49What are we?
38:51We are American.
38:58That was horrible.
39:01Your head is gone.
39:03The recoil, I was not ready for all those people.
39:08Jesus Christ, dude.
39:22Oh my god.
39:37Nope, nope.
39:38The gun is weird.
39:40It's not bad, but I don't know about this angle I'm at.
39:44I think it's better in the trenches and stuff.
39:52Really, it kicks like a fucking mule and I can't get a single hit.
39:57I'm going in. I'm going in the trenches.
40:09Oh my god.
40:11Everyone is dying around me.
40:22Crawling over my dead buddies.
40:30They bombed me.
40:33How did they know I was there?
40:36German engineering.
40:39Oh my god.
40:49Warning, danger close.
40:51I got so fucked up right there.
41:08I don't want to spawn.
41:10I don't want to spawn, Captain.
41:12I died.
41:15My last time trying this and I'm switching.
41:19Not a fan of it?
41:20Not really.
41:21Why'd they gas way back here? What the hell?
41:23I don't know, they could be the enemy.
41:28No, it kicks so hard.
41:34I'm not able to get used to it.
41:38My friends!
41:42I'm dead.
41:48Do you want to switch?
41:50Yeah, I can swap.
41:51I'm the corporal, so you don't have to if you don't want to.
41:54It's up to you.
41:55I can use an Enfield.
41:56It's really up to you.
41:58Yeah, you can use a pistol.
42:00I'll be Grenader.
42:02Wait, pistol?
42:03What do you mean?
42:04I was the officer, you know.
42:10So you want me to be Grenade?
42:13No, I'm Grenader right now.
42:14Okay, so I'll just use my 1917.
42:22At least with Grenader, I get two grenades.
42:23I'm in the gas.
42:28Was that you?
42:30I'm in a hole.
42:35They wouldn't bomb it twice.
42:37They captured it.
42:41I'm so scared.
42:45I'm so dead.
42:59By a dead horse.
43:08Was that you?
43:09I'm dead.
43:10I went to shoot at the same time he just shot, but he shot a split...
43:18He shot a split second before I could.
43:24Did you just kill him?
43:25I killed one.
43:27Bot Fox or whatever?
43:29I don't know.
43:30I'm scared.
43:31I'm laying in the trench right now.
43:33I'm in a hole.
43:35I'm laying in the trench right now.
43:51They're coming in around the side.
43:53You got him, I think.
43:55Oh my God.
44:00Hold the line.
44:01Hold the line.
44:03Let's kill that Lego boy.
44:04I'm going to...
44:05I like being in purple.
44:06I like you guys being able to spawn on me.
44:14Me Enfield is just so good for an American rifle.
44:18Oh, he was laying right there.
44:19I wondered where Lego boy went.
44:21What a pussy.
44:26Now it's personal.
44:27He's on the left side laying down in the tree area.
44:30He's not.
44:31He's standing, but he got me.
44:32What a bitch.
44:34Where are you?
44:35You're still gunner?
44:37Just wanted to make sure.
44:39We're not giving this up without a fight.
44:44Commander with the pistol is nice.
44:51Got you, Lego boy.
44:57Did they call in a mortar strike on you?
44:59Doesn't matter.
45:00Someone just one-tapped me.
45:05I think I got two kills.
45:33I got to go.
45:39I'm dead.
45:41I ran through the fart.
45:43To better places.
45:47I went to better places, brother.
45:51Shit, that's a lot of fart.
45:54There's like six people on the left.
45:57This dude just got a quad kill with a grenade.
45:59I just seen it.
46:00It didn't do any damage to them.
46:02Never mind.
46:05You're dead.
46:06No, I'm in the fart.
46:09Oh, God.
46:10Left side just got mortared.
46:39It's so hard to live more than 20 seconds in this.
46:43I know.
46:47This straw bale is not doing so well, Captain.
46:52The bullets are...
46:58I can't see him, Captain.
47:01Do you want to swap classes, actually?
47:04To what?
47:05Oh, just anything other than that one.
47:07I'll use the gun, I think.
47:09If you want.
47:10I don't really care.
47:13Oh, fuck.
47:16Whenever you die.
47:18That flop-looking thing you did was great.
47:22Yeah, it looked like you flopped.
47:24Are you right here?
47:25I was right by you.
47:26I'm right here.
47:27Oh, God.
47:28I didn't know you spawned there.
47:30I've been by you when I said the straw bale ain't holding up so well.
47:35Hold the line!
47:36Hold the line!
47:39Don't go to left.
47:42I need two times.
47:43I have no body parts.
47:44I'm dead.
47:47Are you wanting me to what?
47:49Switch to what?
47:50Just swap roles.
47:51Anything other than gunner.
47:53Because I think each class can get the end field.
47:56Are these bots on our team?
48:10Here we go.
48:15Let's see how fast I can fuck this up.
48:19I heard a nade.
48:22He's up there.
48:23Bet you that's Lego.
48:27And of course I missed.
48:28I got logged.
48:30They got him.
48:31I got logged.
48:32Not Lego.
48:33Throwing a grenade.
48:36In the trench.
48:38I did team damage.
48:46Team damage.
48:48God damn it.
48:51Thank you.
48:57I can't hit anything.
49:01I'm in the trench.
49:02Me too.
49:04I gotta reload.
49:05Here they come.
49:06Here they come.
49:14Did you just?
49:16I have no bullets.
49:21He got me.
49:37But it didn't give us points.
49:46Let's go.
49:56He hit me twice dude.
50:03Where's Wilhelm to have killed me like that?
50:13I would love to see that kill feed.
50:23That nade hurt so much.
50:26I just random naded because holy shit.
50:31Get him General McClane.
50:33Get him Gerald.
50:34I can't hit for shit.
50:35Get him Gerald.
50:40Oh no.
50:43Oh no.
50:45I gotta reload.
50:47Oh no.
50:48Danger close.
51:05I'm way back here.
51:10Run over there green dude.
51:11You run.
51:15Dodge those bullets.
51:35Barbed wire.
51:36Barbed wire my feet.
51:40It's a hot zone right here Danny.
51:44Come on.
51:45He might come to my side.
51:48He peeked around from his little hole.
51:52I don't know what side you're on.
51:54I was to the left of you.
51:55Like six feet.
52:07Fuck you dudes.
52:08And your cracked shots.
52:17Is that you over here?
52:20I'm lying down I think.
52:21I'm so scared to move.
52:26Did you just throw that nade?
52:28Dude it flew so fast on my screen.
52:30Team damage.
52:38Let me follow up here with you.
52:46Who are we fighting?
52:47Two left.
52:48Two left.
52:49Two left.
52:50We're in front of you now.
52:51There's two of them.
52:52We're not giving this up without a fight.
52:55Capture it.
52:56Now we gotta defend.
53:03Where'd he go?
53:08Come here.
53:13They're very good at just disappearing.
53:16I'll be executed.
53:18You gotta crawl back here.
53:27There's a dude standing above.
53:31Got hit.
53:33Are you dead?
53:35They hit me though.
53:40This tent.
53:56He must be way over there.
53:59Some people are just too good at shooting in this.
54:05That was fast.
54:06As I lie dead.
54:09By the tent.
54:12Tent of victory.
54:15We sure showed them.
54:21Hell yeah.
54:28Did you want to do it one more or was that your one?
54:33They usually are kind of like long I'd say.
54:37We can always quit in the middle.
54:41We shouldn't.
54:42Probably not.
54:43That was a good one at least.
54:44You got to use the machine gun at least.
54:46Did you use it again?
54:48I used it.
54:49It wasn't bad.
54:50It kicks.
54:51I didn't get any long hits.
54:53It kicks like a mule dude.
54:56Let's see.
54:57These squads.
54:58See what else.
54:59Is there anything unique besides the flamethrower left?
55:15You know at least we made progress in sticks as well.
55:19That's so true dude.
55:20Finished the mission?
55:23In any stream it's better than no stream.
55:47Just the flamethrower.
55:53Everything else is heavy or light machine guns.
56:03I'm going to exit.
56:05That wasn't bad.
56:06It wasn't bad at all.
56:07Not bad at all.
56:08Got wrecked.
56:11That we did.
56:12At least Armando wasn't there.
56:15Some of those guys are such good friggin' shots.
56:19If anyone's in the chat, which you know would be probably a Twitch bot and some spam bot,
56:24but you know.
56:25Have a good night.