Livestream 135-Battlefield 3

  • 2 days ago
Lots of jank, bad games and really bad internet
00:00:00I'm exiting my stream thing, sorry.
00:00:28The abyss is good though, not really, alright.
00:00:31I have clicked, wait, I didn't select them out.
00:00:36Nothing happens, right?
00:00:37Nothing happened, I think I'm good, alright, you're good to click join, I think, well not
00:00:45yet, but.
00:00:46I'm at a load screen, loading.
00:00:58Yes, I know I'm streaming.
00:01:03Waiting for players you can join.
00:01:28Oh yeah, I forgot.
00:01:41It was so jank, dude.
00:01:57We're going to have to restart and we're going to have to retry.
00:02:21Is it picking now?
00:02:22Oh, hey, there it goes.
00:02:23I'm in.
00:02:24I'm in, oh, um, oh, but I wanted the, I got to set my, oh I did fix it, we did, okay.
00:02:39I did, my sensitivity is so high.
00:02:43I also already fixed my mic.
00:02:47Can we reload or no?
00:02:53I mean, yeah, it's R.
00:02:56I meant the mission so I could catch the dialogue.
00:03:00I apologize.
00:03:02No, you're good.
00:03:04We could just off ourself, you got a grenade?
00:03:16He looks so dumb.
00:03:23I love our teammates doing nothing in the back.
00:03:37There's no give up option?
00:03:46Oh man.
00:03:54They really are very generous at this time.
00:03:58Aren't they?
00:04:00Like, holy hell.
00:04:05Is the baby crying?
00:04:13I'm about dead.
00:04:18Did as much property damage as I can.
00:04:29What's going on now?
00:04:31Staring at nothing.
00:04:33Is it going to reload us?
00:04:36I don't know.
00:04:44Can you escape and select mission or no?
00:04:48Yeah, but then it does nothing.
00:04:51Because I can't select this mission technically.
00:04:57I have to click quit.
00:05:00I guess that's...
00:05:05Is it going to take me with you and then we can't select it and we'll have to do the joining again?
00:05:11Yeah, I hit quit fully.
00:05:13Ah, okay.
00:05:17Well, you know, at least our settings are good now.
00:05:20And my mic is working.
00:05:22I'm happy I looked over.
00:05:24I don't know why it did default and that's not the default apparently.
00:05:29I'm loading and not waiting for players yet.
00:05:36It's not a perfect system, but you know, it's playable.
00:05:41Yes, that's what matters.
00:05:45I wish...
00:05:47You know, remember Battleborn?
00:05:48They have something similar.
00:05:53I miss Battleborn so much.
00:05:55There might be a mod to play it.
00:06:02I'm not too sure.
00:06:05I told you.
00:06:06Oh, that's all they said was that.
00:06:18All right.
00:06:22I told you about the mod for Battleborn.
00:06:28It's just like this downloadable thing.
00:06:31You got to choose the levels yourself and I don't think it's all playable.
00:06:39Honestly, I actually love the graphics of this game.
00:06:42Are you trying to knife my butthole?
00:06:44Can you hear it?
00:06:51Is this the way?
00:06:54All right.
00:07:01I didn't mean to do that.
00:07:04Wait, is it X?
00:07:06You ready?
00:07:14There's two.
00:07:17Going right or left or right?
00:07:19I'm going left.
00:07:27Is this television?
00:07:28It was a witness.
00:07:31Do I want my assault rifle with the night vision scope or a shotgun?
00:07:37Why did that do it but bullets didn't?
00:07:41To rip.
00:07:42Oh, AK-47.
00:07:44Yeah, I know.
00:07:45I see.
00:07:47The only thing is this gun has a red dot and it's like night vision.
00:07:52Yours is the same as mine then.
00:07:54You're orange.
00:07:56Yeah, it seems very useful.
00:08:03Please don't blow that up.
00:08:07I almost shot it when it was by you.
00:08:11There's two.
00:08:15Going right?
00:08:22Your go took forever.
00:08:25It's all good.
00:08:29These are big.
00:08:34I don't want to move because I don't know.
00:08:42Where was it?
00:08:43It was in here in the corner.
00:08:49Just the one, I guess.
00:08:59Got another one.
00:09:02You're pushing me.
00:09:04I was going to shoot it when it wasn't looking.
00:09:11You brute.
00:09:13I'm fat.
00:09:24The bullet just went through it.
00:09:25It was a tough camera.
00:09:27I thought of that too.
00:09:30Armour plated.
00:09:33Like my butthole.
00:09:41We're going to knife him.
00:09:42You ready?
00:09:43Why am I standing?
00:09:47I don't know.
00:09:50I didn't know they had assassinations like that.
00:09:53I couldn't remember.
00:10:02There's a camera too.
00:10:05Camera and a dude?
00:10:08Which one do you want?
00:10:12I guess I'll do the camera.
00:10:24Wait, we did?
00:10:40Same thing.
00:10:41Oh, two dudes and a camera.
00:10:48I'm in a good spot, I guess, to shoot the shit out of them.
00:10:52I'll shoot the camera then shoot at them if they're still alive.
00:11:06Just makes me want to play Splinter Cell and Army of Two.
00:11:10I know, right?
00:11:13Honestly, the pistols in this remind me of Army of Two.
00:11:19Yeah, I liked the variety and the upgrades and just the commentary.
00:11:25Camera and a hull and two dudes.
00:11:31Is there a peek function?
00:11:33I was thinking of that and I don't think so.
00:11:35I don't think so either.
00:11:37Alright, which dude do you want?
00:11:38Do you want to go for the camera?
00:11:39I'll go left dude and then try to get the camera.
00:11:42You go right and then do the same.
00:11:53Are we...
00:11:56Our bullets just don't hit it.
00:11:58You got it though, right?
00:11:59That burst, was it?
00:12:02Yeah, I think so.
00:12:03No, it's not broken.
00:12:06It's not moving.
00:12:09Yeah, it's broken.
00:12:11Yeah, I stopped shooting because I was like, are we even hitting it at this range?
00:12:19I guess.
00:12:20Are you ready?
00:12:23Oh, I shot you and him at the same time.
00:12:31Sick of their news.
00:12:33Oh, I almost got you, dude.
00:12:40Escort him out.
00:12:48I guess let's go.
00:12:58He's got a gun.
00:12:59Oh no.
00:13:00Is he going to stealth it?
00:13:01It does not look like it.
00:13:09Bro, come back.
00:13:10He is just...
00:13:14Fuck your family.
00:13:15We're your family.
00:13:16Get his ass in there.
00:13:22That was a nice little loop-de.
00:13:31YouTube, on point.
00:13:32Clear the road.
00:13:38Did you...
00:13:39I didn't do anything.
00:13:40I don't know what that was.
00:13:45Ammo crate.
00:13:50I like my scope.
00:13:54Ooh, baby.
00:13:57That's a pretty one.
00:13:58Wait, does that get rid of the...
00:14:01It's got a scope.
00:14:04It's got a night vision scope.
00:14:19Ooh, bad guys.
00:14:20I'm down.
00:14:21I'm down.
00:14:24They're up top, and they are not happy.
00:14:40I have underestimated these guys.
00:14:59I got to fix my headset.
00:15:01It's doing the stupid thing, even though nothing touched it.
00:15:04All right.
00:15:08Okay, so I'm going to switch weapons.
00:15:10I'm not a fan of the machine gun here.
00:15:13Holy hell, is it very not accurate.
00:15:18Okay, I guess I'm going to just use this secondary weapon I found.
00:15:21Holy shit.
00:15:28No, you're good.
00:15:40Did my game crash?
00:16:00That's unfortunate.
00:16:03Not perfect.
00:16:04I wonder if I click join, if I'll join back with you.
00:16:14I was trying to be quick and sneak.
00:16:16Did you already restart the thing?
00:16:18I'm waiting for players now.
00:16:22Holy shit, are you in already?
00:16:24Oh my god.
00:16:26I was trying to be fast, see if I could load back in.
00:16:29Holy shit.
00:16:33I say we just go loud.
00:16:38How about we just go fast?
00:16:41Oh, fine.
00:16:53Let me know.
00:16:54I can see right, I'm right here.
00:16:57Three, two, one, go.
00:17:14So I shot the end of it, and it...
00:17:17That's so dumb.
00:17:22You can go loud.
00:17:32You can go loud.
00:17:46Yeah, there's no achievement, so it doesn't matter.
00:18:02That was extreme.
00:18:05That was cool.
00:18:09Come on, dude.
00:18:15Let's go, buddy.
00:18:23I don't even know if we got to wait for him.
00:18:27Dude, we're already going to be out of there.
00:18:42Yeah, you might like the SVD with the scope, I guess.
00:18:46At least if the game actually has crashing issues, at least we have to reload the game every time to do the new level.
00:18:54Not bad.
00:19:02Okay, the RBK-74M also gets a scope.
00:19:08But try out the SVD over there, it's not bad.
00:19:12Make sure to grab ammo once you pick it up.
00:19:24Oh, did you want the other gun? Sorry.
00:19:26No, no, no, no, no. I got the SVD. I just didn't want my machine gun. It's not great.
00:19:39It's good, but only for, like, close-up.
00:19:57There's a lot of ammo, too.
00:20:15They can hit... I want to take your legs. Oh.
00:20:33How is it?
00:20:34It's actually really good.
00:20:36I kind of figured it felt good. I messed with it.
00:20:41It had 11 shots.
00:20:43Where is that guy?
00:20:47I'm confused.
00:20:53There's that guy.
00:20:55Where was he?
00:20:56He was actually... He was up top on the building right here.
00:21:01Ammo crate.
00:21:03Oh, cool.
00:21:07I was just thinking I might have to swap to my other gun.
00:21:11Ooh, what is that?
00:21:13Oh, it's another weapon. Never mind.
00:21:15There is a dead person gun over here.
00:21:18Nah, I like these ones.
00:21:20Hold on!
00:21:23Take point. We're not doing a good job.
00:21:28I feel like they'll run us over.
00:21:30Yeah, it's American.
00:21:32He will.
00:21:35Oh, our buddy.
00:21:44Oh, shit.
00:21:53Get reloaded.
00:22:00This one is actually better than my gun.
00:22:12I can't shoot his hand?
00:22:14Oh, I see guys. Okay.
00:22:16Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
00:22:18I'm down.
00:22:21I am not in a good spot. Can I crawl?
00:22:23I should have enough time to crawl.
00:22:28Don't rez me.
00:22:30Wait, can you reach me from the window?
00:22:32Let me slide over.
00:22:34Yeah, I got you.
00:22:37Nope, more rockets.
00:22:43Z, that's what it was.
00:22:47Okay, I see you, rocket man.
00:22:50But my mouse!
00:22:53Okay, someone else got him.
00:22:55Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
00:22:57I'm almost dead.
00:23:01I have to back up.
00:23:04So hurt.
00:23:07So hurt.
00:23:19Ow, weak fucking arm.
00:23:24Take gunner's position.
00:23:26I'm getting this ammo crate first.
00:23:30Yes, sir.
00:23:33Which .50 do you want?
00:23:35Oh, we both, we both, yeah.
00:23:40Ah, jeez.
00:23:42I thought I got in the passenger for a sec.
00:23:44You're like, nah, I'm riding, bitch.
00:23:50Drive? Oh, I'm rear?
00:23:54Get in my ass.
00:23:59Yeah, I saw that.
00:24:01No, you saw nothing.
00:24:03I like the look away of shame.
00:24:09No, it's just us.
00:24:12I can't see.
00:24:17I guess I'm point now.
00:24:27The destruction is so cool.
00:24:38Um, that bridge is gone.
00:24:40Whoa, that guy was just flying through.
00:24:46Road's blocked.
00:24:55Headshot from that gate.
00:24:58Oh, they want me to walk?
00:25:02Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh.
00:25:16Give me some help.
00:25:19Why did you do that?
00:25:22I was reading what the buttons did and I pressed them.
00:25:27How do I press C?
00:25:29Okay, I guess.
00:25:35I threw a grenade in my face.
00:25:38It took away my gun.
00:25:42I'm down.
00:25:54You are a motherfucker for what you did.
00:26:00What did I do?
00:26:03You ran out like an ass.
00:26:09Petch an egg?
00:26:11I'm gonna go get more ammo.
00:26:14Petch an egg.
00:26:18I don't know what you're saying.
00:26:24Petch an egg? What?
00:26:27I picked up an LMG.
00:26:33Where'd that rocket or whatever come from?
00:26:36I don't know.
00:26:46Okay, okay, I want in.
00:26:48I'm getting in.
00:27:15You're so fast, dude.
00:27:28I want that car to blow up.
00:27:34Oh, what?
00:27:37There are guys everywhere.
00:27:43I'm down. I'm down.
00:27:46Are you kidding?
00:27:57I'm just not good.
00:28:00Oh, I can't even select the mission. I have to exit?
00:28:03Oh my god.
00:28:09That is the worst thing about this fix.
00:28:21Wait a minute.
00:28:24Are you here?
00:28:26With me?
00:28:28Wait, it's kicking you out?
00:28:45I'm going hot.
00:28:47Wait, I have a different gun?
00:28:50Oh, I have your gun.
00:28:52Okay, are you ready?
00:28:54Sure, why not?
00:29:00I'm going hot, I said.
00:29:02I know.
00:29:06I like the pistol.
00:29:09That was a shotgun.
00:29:15Oh, I'm breaching clear.
00:29:27I only shot the one dude. How did the second guy die?
00:29:34That scream.
00:29:38The shotgun actually feels really good.
00:29:45Dude, this sounds gruesome.
00:29:48Give it here.
00:29:53I want you to use it. See if you can blow down a door.
00:29:57I don't know if you can or not.
00:30:02That looked terrible.
00:30:05For him, right?
00:30:09He lit up.
00:30:13There should be two.
00:30:24He's standing behind the doors.
00:30:28What the fuck?
00:30:32Did you see him walk through the wall?
00:30:35I don't know what just happened.
00:30:39Dude, we're here to save you.
00:30:45I got a red dot on the shotgun.
00:30:49This is a Scythe.
00:30:51Oh, okay.
00:30:53No, we won't get to use it much longer.
00:30:58Remember, there is friendly fire.
00:31:02Thank you.
00:31:04As you're shooting all behind me.
00:31:08Alright, bosses, we got this. Look.
00:31:12Did you want the...
00:31:14SV? No, it doesn't matter.
00:31:17I have...
00:31:19The other gun's good. I like it.
00:31:22The machine gun?
00:31:23No, the other one that's over here.
00:31:28Oh, they took my shotgun.
00:31:30No, it's just your secondary.
00:31:33No, they took my shotgun.
00:31:37Sorry, I can't say that.
00:31:39I know you can't.
00:31:40Did you just take the gun I wanted?
00:31:42I didn't touch it. It's right there.
00:31:44No, it vanished. It's just a vanishing system.
00:31:53Oh, wait. Where's my...
00:31:58Okay, nothing. Nothing. Alright.
00:32:04We gotta do this fast.
00:32:09Ooh, ooh, ooh.
00:32:11They do not play around.
00:32:15And I kinda like it.
00:32:24That guy was just running into a pillar.
00:32:27I don't know.
00:32:39I see him.
00:32:41But I can't hit him.
00:32:43I shot like four times just being stupid.
00:32:59How did that not hit him? What?
00:33:16That hurt supremely bad.
00:33:23I don't know who's shooting at me. Grenade.
00:33:32The dude on the balcony is like me. I forgot him, I think.
00:33:54Oh, way up top!
00:34:03Oh, Jesus, dude.
00:34:08S, B, what?
00:34:10There's another one somewhere.
00:34:12At least it was... Ah. Okay.
00:34:18It's the same.
00:34:22This other gun's actually better.
00:34:26Taking a shopping cart?
00:34:33Wait, if I can flip it, you could probably get in it and I could push you?
00:34:38Oh, I don't think it's gonna flip, though.
00:34:41I can't see no shopping cart there.
00:34:58Okay, I see where you're at.
00:35:03Scaffolding boy.
00:35:06I don't think I hit him at all.
00:35:14I'm gonna...
00:35:18I hit the DPI button on my mouse. I'm gonna try to shoot like this.
00:35:25It's less overly sensitive now.
00:35:32You know, if I got...
00:35:37I'm just... Oh, fuck.
00:35:40The spawns.
00:35:43If I got hit by this sniper, I would not have hit back up, no matter what.
00:35:49Like, these guys are crazy for continuing.
00:35:55Alright. Oh, okay.
00:36:05The pain.
00:36:09The pain.
00:36:25Is that not... Oh, okay.
00:36:30Oh, yes.
00:36:33Can I shoot the guy and take the first vehicle?
00:37:07Alright, I see where it's at.
00:37:18That van is invincible.
00:37:37The bridge guy was still there.
00:37:40Is he floating?
00:37:42Yeah, a few of them.
00:38:02I'm gonna stay in the vehicle.
00:38:18They never even expected it.
00:38:21They took my guns.
00:38:23I don't know who the rocket dude is or where.
00:38:31He's up top somewhere. Is that him?
00:38:35I don't know, but everyone else is dead.
00:38:38Come on, dude. Pop up.
00:38:40It was. Okay.
00:38:49This is mine!
00:38:51I couldn't remember. Sorry.
00:38:54Get your own.
00:38:56I wanna sit in.
00:38:58We'll both shoot the gun.
00:39:00I can't hit that guy over there.
00:39:03I guess I go first.
00:39:18Vehicle's smoking.
00:39:21Yes, and it's kind of on fire.
00:39:25Not on my screen.
00:39:27It's a rerun.
00:39:34I got a few kills.
00:39:38Oh, shit.
00:39:42Alright, I'm trying to find some cover.
00:39:45Alright, back here.
00:39:47Oh, it's stuck still.
00:39:49Oh, those are our teammates. Okay.
00:39:54I gotta heal before I do anything else.
00:39:57I'm going in that building with our teammates.
00:40:01They got me downed in here.
00:40:06This is... I see you, guys.
00:40:11They're across the street.
00:40:13Is this our friend just chilling, staring at the wall?
00:40:30This is apparently quite a risky game.
00:40:40Wow! They don't miss.
00:40:57I'm slowly hitting them.
00:41:18Got the building, guys.
00:41:21That were...
00:41:23Oh, my God!
00:41:49I can't get that guy, no matter what I do.
00:41:56I think he's down.
00:42:01I would hate to...
00:42:05This on hard would be insane.
00:42:09I also don't know. Is it capped to only two players?
00:42:13I think it might be, yeah.
00:42:15Where is this little fucker?
00:42:17I mean, fricker.
00:42:20Because I can't even swear in my own videos.
00:42:24Ow, ow.
00:42:29I don't know if they're dead.
00:42:44RPG on the top.
00:42:46Couple of them on the roof.
00:43:01Can you wiggle into this room?
00:43:08That was a lot going on.
00:43:13You're almost here.
00:43:18Get to the helicopter.
00:43:23Jump into the blades, guys.
00:43:33And we win.
00:43:39We had no headshots.
00:43:42That seems hard to believe.
00:43:45I don't know.
00:43:47I don't know.
00:43:49I don't know.
00:43:51It's hard to believe.
00:43:57Are you ready?
00:43:58Yeah, what happens?
00:44:00I gotta exit.
00:44:10I didn't say exit, but it's just gonna restart.
00:44:24I exited already, by the way.
00:44:29I'll just force exit.
00:44:36Even as janky as it is, man, it works better than EA has it.
00:44:42Waiting for players.
00:44:45With them, we couldn't even play.
00:44:52When we started working on this, it reminded me of Dark Souls days.
00:44:56Oh, man.
00:44:59The fun we had.
00:45:01Waiting an hour and a half just to load in to someone's game.
00:45:06Yep, and then immediately get ganked.
00:45:08Yeah, is your name there? Is your name there? No.
00:45:11Fall asleep for a bit. Still not there.
00:45:16I wonder if they were doing the same thing they do with, like, Reddit.
00:45:21Probably, honestly.
00:45:26Enemy inbound.
00:45:38I only got one.
00:45:46I don't remember this mission.
00:45:50Neither do I, but it's awesome.
00:45:53I got a silenced Uzi. This is sweet.
00:45:56Yep, me too. It actually is.
00:46:00Wait, what?
00:46:02I picked up one of their Uzis.
00:46:14Watch that door!
00:46:21Your Uzi's not as good as ours.
00:46:27Kinda like in ODST, the sub that they get.
00:46:32We have grenades, by the way.
00:46:34Snipers on the right.
00:46:37That's a grenade launcher on the ground.
00:46:40Yeah, I saw it.
00:46:44You're lighting me up there.
00:46:48I can't see you. Stop it.
00:46:55Move, please.
00:46:59That is not a grenade launcher.
00:47:01What is it, then?
00:47:02I think it's a shotgun.
00:47:04No way. That thing's massive.
00:47:06Press T for flashlight, by the way.
00:47:09It said it on the screen.
00:47:12Not for this.
00:47:34Did you just shotgun him?
00:47:36Yeah, it has that kind of range.
00:47:38It's out of ammo, but you want it just in case.
00:47:41Oh, I got more.
00:47:46Do you want to try this one?
00:47:53This thing has a drum clip.
00:47:55I know.
00:47:56Ammo crate.
00:48:02There's another one. They're everywhere.
00:48:09You ready?
00:48:10I want to try the oomph.
00:48:14Let me get the ammo for it.
00:48:16No ammo for the oomph? There it goes.
00:48:20I'm ready.
00:48:24I see people everywhere.
00:48:27Oh, shoot up there.
00:48:29I didn't get up anywhere.
00:48:31There's a hallway.
00:48:35That's not...
00:48:37That's not a good rifle.
00:48:39That's not what I wanted.
00:48:45I'm going down so I can get better cover.
00:49:02Just stay down, dude.
00:49:07Stay down.
00:49:18They threw a grenade at me.
00:49:26Nice, nice, nice.
00:49:32I think it's clear.
00:49:38For now.
00:49:45We're about to ruin this fancy office area.
00:49:56Ammo crate.
00:50:01Open it.
00:50:09I put a claymore down.
00:50:21I'm throwing a grenade.
00:50:23Because why not?
00:50:38My hover was just shot.
00:50:41It was a shitty desktop.
00:50:59Grenade, I think.
00:51:03Yes, I don't...
00:51:05Let's try.
00:51:26Oh, uh...
00:51:30That don't...
00:51:36So much blood just came out of you.
00:51:39Ammo crate.
00:51:41Is that through the wall?
00:51:50Get into position.
00:51:54Other door, move!
00:51:58Other door?
00:52:00Down here?
00:52:02I'm guessing.
00:52:05Oh, God.
00:52:08Here we go.
00:52:20Oh, fuck.
00:52:30There was, like, no cover and the dude was, like, right at my door.
00:52:33I broke glass and went into the office area.
00:52:37Careful, there's dudes across at the top right here.
00:52:44Ow! My...
00:53:08You have mine.
00:53:22That's the worst part about this, is that, uh...
00:53:25They make you re-just do everything.
00:53:29Wow, that's so bright.
00:53:36My claymore didn't do sh...
00:53:42I want that weapon. Jeez.
00:53:45Should I throw some machine gun? Oh, no.
00:53:48No, I want two, not just a pistol and that.
00:53:54It was good, but I'm just gonna roll with this for now.
00:54:13That hurt so bad.
00:54:25Those frickin' snipers, dude.
00:55:33What are you doing?
00:55:34I'm looking at guns, sorry.
00:55:36I just saw you run into the big plant area. I'm like, what?
00:55:48You ready?
00:55:49Yeah, I guess.
00:56:40Incoming grenade!
00:56:47A chair?
00:57:23Open it!
00:57:29Fuckin' stop!
00:57:31Cover the window!
00:57:56My claymore just went off.
00:57:59Hopefully it got someone.
00:58:17That wasn't so bad.
00:58:32I keep trying to hold E to pick up weapons.
00:58:39Instead of R.
00:58:47Yes, I knocked him.
00:59:03We have to still bust open the doors.
00:59:05I was like-
00:59:06He didn't let me do anything on the door.
00:59:08I was like, what are you-
00:59:12I still can't do anything at this door.
00:59:15I wonder if it's both of us then.
00:59:20Oh my god.
00:59:22I wonder if it's character dependent based on the gun we have.
00:59:26When we spawn in or something.
00:59:39I broke the glass down there and went to the left to hide.
00:59:44That was like the best thing I think I could have done.
01:00:13I'm just tossing grenades.
01:00:27Oh, you son of a bitch.
01:00:29I can see you.
01:00:40Ammo crate on the right.
01:00:42Oh, there's guys, dude.
01:01:12I'm just giving the grenades back to ammo boxes, so.
01:01:15Have you been using grenades?
01:01:20That guy just lit me up so bad.
01:01:22I gotta get this.
01:01:52Pay no mind to that one.
01:01:54Oh, you got one up there too?
01:02:00I'm gonna rappel down ankles.
01:02:09Is that a dude back there?
01:02:16Oh my god.
01:02:25I'm gonna rappel down ankles.
01:02:36I'm gonna rappel down ankles.
01:02:45Oh, here they come.
01:03:58Did you hear that?
01:04:10By the ammo crate area.
01:04:21Was that yours or his?
01:04:28Oh, that guy's freaking out over there.
01:04:31Dude, he spawned in on that trash can.
01:04:40They might know we're here.
01:04:43Jesus, that's loud.
01:04:57Does that actually make you go faster?
01:05:06Oh man, nice.
01:05:10That's fucking bright.
01:05:16Join your teammate.
01:05:23What was going on right there?
01:05:27That's what it looked like.
01:05:32Drive, drive, drive.
01:05:34This music.
01:05:44That was so bad.
01:06:04Oh, nice.
01:06:25It uses my actual ammo too.
01:06:35No way.
01:06:37Oh wow, that's the climactic ending.
01:06:42Watch that music.
01:06:44YouTube's gonna pick that up so fast.
01:06:47I'm gonna go set up the other mission.
01:06:49Alright, how many more do we got?
01:06:51Two more.
01:06:55Now it's time to drop them like liquid.
01:07:04I'm loading in.
01:07:20Waiting for players.
01:07:56This one.
01:08:06What's this guy doing back here?
01:08:08With his big claw hand?
01:08:13I don't know.
01:08:14What is he doing?
01:08:20Dude, what the fuck?
01:08:24Just trying to help.
01:08:25Bring justice.
01:08:35I guess.
01:08:36Are you ready?
01:08:38I couldn't just fall down it.
01:08:53We're sewer rats.
01:09:23It's okay.
01:09:24They'll find so many bullets and be like, what happened?
01:09:28He fell.
01:09:32He tripped into those bullets.
01:09:40Can you now?
01:09:48Down there.
01:09:53It's two.
01:09:54And a homeless dude.
01:10:00I'll take right.
01:10:06Mine was a headshot.
01:10:09So watch them still say no headshots.
01:10:19Make sure.
01:10:22Which one do you want?
01:10:23Right or left?
01:10:24I'll take left.
01:10:25All right.
01:10:34The rifle silenced, by the way.
01:10:38Oh, really?
01:10:40I just tested it.
01:10:49Right or left?
01:10:50I take right.
01:10:52All right.
01:11:00Mine has nothing.
01:11:01Yours has a lot.
01:11:06Yours is massive.
01:11:15So I'm wondering if we saw the same thing just for each other's kill.
01:11:23Stay in your doors, citizens.
01:11:27The way we crowd walk up these stairs.
01:11:33You missed the door.
01:11:35I was still behind you.
01:11:52I learned from the past how to breach and clear.
01:11:57That's a big face.
01:11:58Can you see his hands?
01:12:00I'm shooting his hands and I can't hurt him.
01:12:09The body block is real.
01:12:15Oh, that painting.
01:12:21Oh, it's just another rifle.
01:12:32Over there.
01:12:33Oh, our teammate just...
01:12:36We can bipod this.
01:12:38Wait, how?
01:12:39I don't know, but I'm...
01:12:42All right.
01:12:45Right or left, guys?
01:12:46How do you bipod?
01:12:47I don't know.
01:12:48I just right-clicked onto the windowsill.
01:12:49Oh, okay.
01:12:50I'll take right, guy.
01:12:51You ready?
01:12:52Three, two, one, go.
01:12:55Wait, he didn't die from that?
01:12:58No, apparently not.
01:13:01I don't know.
01:13:02And then he teleported.
01:13:03Yeah, I saw that.
01:13:05And they said, runner.
01:13:06No, nightcrawler.
01:13:08All right.
01:13:09Three, two...
01:13:10I got left, guy.
01:13:11Three, two, one, go.
01:13:14Now I'm ready to double-tap him.
01:13:18I'm reloading when we can.
01:13:21Just to make sure.
01:13:25That angle.
01:13:29Right or left, boss?
01:13:31I'll take right.
01:13:33Press E to deploy flashbangs.
01:13:35You ready to deploy?
01:13:37We're ready.
01:13:39Press E.
01:13:42Three, two, one, go.
01:13:45Oh, this is gonna be a bitch.
01:13:53I can't hit him.
01:13:54Yeah, I'm confused.
01:13:59I was shooting that dude and did nothing.
01:14:03Yeah, me too.
01:14:06That was not cool.
01:14:10That was very not cool.
01:14:27I say if this does that again when we're there, we just do easy mode.
01:14:33Because I don't want to have to fight if the game is kind of broken.
01:14:38You know I can't pick the difficulty, right?
01:14:42But didn't it let you for the helicopter switch it?
01:14:46Because I could pick it.
01:14:50Oh, game, how you must.
01:14:53No, we just got to get good.
01:15:04Yeah, that was kind of cheap.
01:15:06I was shooting the heck out of that guy right there.
01:15:12Was that?
01:15:14What was that?
01:15:15Our radio?
01:15:16I guess.
01:15:17I thought it was our radio is so loud.
01:15:20I know, right?
01:15:31Which one do you want?
01:15:33Three, two, one, go.
01:15:42Hot damn.
01:15:49Which one do you want?
01:15:51Three, two, one, go.
01:15:59We don't run out of ammo.
01:16:01They give us boxes fairly well.
01:16:07You want right or left?
01:16:10Three, two, one, go.
01:16:15Chat plot again, dude.
01:16:17Yours did, mine did not.
01:16:35What are they watching in there?
01:16:40Might have shot you in the back of the head.
01:16:56Sitting on my tripod in the left window.
01:17:06Alright, you want right or left?
01:17:08I guess.
01:17:12Tripod me.
01:17:17Three, two, one, go.
01:17:24You never said which you wanted, dude.
01:17:27So I wasn't sure.
01:17:28I didn't full commit to the one I had.
01:17:36I'll take right.
01:17:38I'm also not holding breath.
01:17:39You ready?
01:17:43Three, I got left.
01:17:44Three, two, one, go.
01:17:49I don't know how a neck shot isn't killing them.
01:17:59Squad let everybody down, damn it.
01:18:03Okay, so there's hostages in there and then there's the targets.
01:18:08Target stand, I think.
01:18:10Insert shooting.
01:18:12You can press Q to mark enemies.
01:18:15Alright, well, this guy, I can see a gun.
01:18:19Okay, so.
01:18:20Alright, well, I'm ready.
01:18:21Are you?
01:18:23We're ready.
01:18:26Three, two, one, now.
01:18:31Clear to engage.
01:18:33Hostages secured.
01:18:35What was our issue last time?
01:18:38I don't know, but I think I shot a hostage by accident.
01:18:48Pistol is good for one thing, at least.
01:18:59What'd you do?
01:19:01I fucked up their China.
01:19:08I can hear little bad footsteps.
01:19:12Oh, by the car.
01:19:14Okay, this gun's good, but not from that distance.
01:19:17I gotta switch.
01:19:31I don't have grenades.
01:19:39Do you have a shot?
01:19:46Alright, I can see the right.
01:19:48I can see the left.
01:19:51Three, two, one, go.
01:19:57What do you mean?
01:19:59I don't have a shot.
01:20:01I don't have a shot.
01:20:03I don't have a shot.
01:20:05I don't have a shot.
01:20:12Oh, there's other guys.
01:20:23Oh, that was it.
01:20:35You ready?
01:20:36There's three.
01:20:39I got the left one.
01:20:42Three, two, one, go.
01:20:46Behind that.
01:20:47Oh, he's dead.
01:21:08Find cover!
01:21:10Oh, Jesus.
01:21:12Heads up.
01:21:13Multiple contacts.
01:21:19Oh, God.
01:21:21Fuck, we're made.
01:21:22Fall down the stairs.
01:21:24They're sliding.
01:21:25It looks so good.
01:21:28Where's that sniper?
01:21:53Down here?
01:21:54Our side.
01:21:55Our side.
01:22:01Oh, my God.
01:22:03They light you up?
01:22:04A bit.
01:22:12Alright, where'd you go?
01:22:17That tree just...
01:22:29I can't see him because of that tree.
01:22:34Is that a daunt?
01:22:36I guess more music and we'll create
01:22:47This is alpha we're mobile proceeding towards the embassy
01:23:04Enemy times two. Oh take the shot. I can see the right I can see the left
01:23:11Three two one go
01:23:14Enemy down
01:23:18Reloading me too
01:23:22Hold fire wait for the squad
01:23:28I see the dude back there. Oh
01:23:32Do you have a shot where oh
01:23:36Also down there but in the way back
01:23:38The guy's walking. I got the last one. Yeah, three two one
01:23:43Oh, I got the right one. Three two one go
01:23:46Enemy down
01:23:49Yeah, there's a guy in the building you can see right there there's hostages
01:24:05Oh, no
01:24:10All right, three I think they're gonna stop oh
01:24:15You want the right ones i'll get the left because they lined up. All right
01:24:22No, okay ready
01:24:26I'll take the far right. I know left. All right, ready? We'll get him last
01:24:31two one go
01:24:38Let me down move what was with your delay on your guy
01:24:44I was gonna miss I wanted to be sure I hit him
01:24:49Oh, I gotta move the lamp
01:24:51Ah, you want the right or left guy? I'll try the right
01:24:55I can barely see his head two one go
01:25:01He's not dead neither of them are
01:25:05Wait, I hit that guy in the dome and he didn't die pretty sure that was the head
01:25:13Even at this distance that would just wreck you. Yeah
01:25:30Oh, no, oh no
01:25:36Geez there's so many i'll start on the right side you start on the left or middle east
01:25:43And we'll try to meet in the middle
01:25:57Nice they just shot someone in there i'm assuming it was a hostage. I'm hoping wait
01:26:16Oh, yeah one more
01:26:24I'm gonna set it up and then we'll be done. Yep until our computers stop
01:26:34Well, it keeps resizing everything from
01:26:37The game and then it just jumps back to different resolutions
01:26:42unloading in okay
01:26:54Waiting for player
01:27:04Okay for a second I was like, is it gonna work
01:27:31Masks on move it
01:27:35All locations are close we move fast let's do this. I didn't know you stopped at taco bell before this
01:27:51You're just moving fast and loud they see me, okay, we have a shotgun thing
01:28:06I'll be loud, too
01:28:29I got a reload
01:28:34Did you see brazil's losing access to twitter
01:28:38It'll be against the law
01:28:40Because they passed. I don't know their their leader doesn't want them using it
01:28:46Yes. Yep. If you get caught using a vpn to access it, you'll get a huge fine
01:28:52Well, at least it seemed big. I don't know what their money conversion is
01:28:57Yep, isn't that dumb?
01:29:00I I why are you flashing me bro? I'm hot and you're not
01:29:06I only knew about because I saw a picture of
01:29:18We have to keep moving
01:29:19I only know because I saw a thing about shadow laying there dying. He's like tell the latinos
01:29:25Tell the latinos that I love them
01:29:28And I was like, what is this about?
01:29:30And that's how I found out
01:29:35Into the night
01:29:46All right
01:29:50The shotguns in this actually have range and it's so nice
01:29:55Whoa, he just stood there. So perfectly still
01:30:08Painting over there. Yes
01:30:12Painting over there
01:30:30Shotgun so good. I wish every game could have a solid shotgun like this
01:30:42Cover me you look so dumb. I had to defuse the bomb by pressing keys on the keyboard
01:30:59I defused it
01:31:11To watch them slide down the stairs makes me happy
01:31:35I love you, too. Jackson
01:31:42It's my pillar
01:31:51Ow cat
01:32:02Splash banging me
01:32:26I am moving. Don't yell at me like that
01:32:32Did you run back to the crate
01:32:34Oh, no, I ran back to grab a gun just now
01:32:37The aek it's kind of like a mix between the aek and the easy
01:32:50Solid copy ramen is on site six six moving it
01:32:59Are you opening it? Come on. Oh, okay
01:33:09Back to the sunlight
01:33:19I wonder are the cops bad guys? No, I don't think so the people up there are though
01:33:37The flashbangs
01:33:41Ow, ow, I am
01:33:47I'm getting closer. No
01:33:52They banged me
01:34:19I can't oh
01:34:25They're up top up top
01:34:32This is my right
01:34:34I said to your left. Oh
01:34:39Work it for me. Yeah, i'll i'm washing the floor
01:34:47A chair fell from the ceiling
01:34:50As it should have
01:34:53I hear you in there
01:35:05Drop them
01:35:08It's immediately right around that corner, I just wanted to see how close I could get
01:35:27Go over here. Yeah, I did
01:35:32I don't think there's any more. Oh here they come
01:35:37Yep you get that did actually
01:35:46All the penetrations actually nice
01:35:49I know they had a solid game here, dude. My pistol went through this like killed him
01:35:55Games now, I feel like they regressed
01:36:04His tummy hurts
01:36:14Hear that water's about to boil ramen's close
01:36:21Bunch of weapons and ammo what could be happening?
01:36:47Are they okay
01:36:51I'm down. Oh my god. I'm down with my shotgun out
01:36:58How is my game messing up oh my god
01:37:12That that was so weird
01:37:20See what was weirder is watching you one-handed and shoot it. Yeah, it looked fairly broken
01:37:38Oh the other steps yep
01:37:44I killed my killer but i'm down
01:37:53Drop down
01:37:56One come on, let's get out of here you got him
01:38:10That wasn't so bad
01:38:13Finally get that off my face get ready three two one now
01:38:44This one where
01:38:51Oh, I didn't have a way marker I still don't
01:38:54Oh now I do what the hell
01:39:00No, he's got me
01:39:11Yes, good kill
01:39:24Over I just answer I just hear call me maybe
01:39:40That was it gg
01:39:43That's it for that game beat our best score
01:39:47It was like that for the last mission too. No headshots
01:39:51Oh, you know, I don't believe there's statistics ever don't either i'm exiting. All right
01:40:09So there yes still checking my headset made a noise
01:40:18Oh, man
01:40:21They could have did better with it but for you know
01:40:24Just a probably last minute add-on. I I do enjoy battlefield multiplayer like that
01:40:38Does it feel good to be done with it? Yep you yeah
01:40:43I'm happy. I got it. You like found that fix. I am too because it's a good game
01:40:51Oh heck. Yeah
01:40:59What now
01:41:01Um, I probably don't all right, that's a okay
01:41:07Any bots in the chat, I don't know go go beep up or something somewhere