How to Manage Your Monthly Budget...

  • 2 months ago
...for Medical Expenses
00:00What's your monthly budget for all of this?
00:05So I will say again, that being in the medical field,
00:09I probably am, it's a little easier for me to get HCG
00:13or LDN or these, I don't pay for my steroids at all.
00:20But the peptides can run me sometimes $800
00:25for six or eight weeks of them.
00:30I would say maybe on an average month though,
00:37maybe for, again, even like the vitamins and stuff I take,
00:41I get a practitioner's price, maybe $400 in a month.
00:47That's including everybody I see, everything I buy.
00:51If I can help anybody get anything, I'll be happy to,
00:54if I'm allowed to say that, I don't, if I'm not, forgive me.
