Inazuma Eleven Episode 92 "No way! There's another Jude?!" (Eng Dub) | Better Video Remastered

  • 3 months ago
00:00Is it really true, huh?
00:08All right, then yes, you can but watch your backs out there. Okay
00:14Who was that? Oh, hmm on the phone. I mean, oh
00:19That was Mark Evans
00:22Something came up and he won't be coming back tonight
00:24What he said he's with Juden the other so there's no reason to worry about him, but still I am a little I
00:31Wonder what happened to them. This isn't like mark. Why aren't they coming back?
00:36They'll be back tomorrow for sure. We've got the big game against Argentina the day after tomorrow
00:45They have to come back that's right
00:54But with that Ray dark somewhere on this island
01:16If you never take a stand you can never win gotta know where you're going or you won't begin
01:20But you got friends who be there for life
01:51Your friends in mind and everything
01:59Coming off of your shoulder and your heart you got to
02:34No way there's another Jude
02:59Ten players you say that's right. These guys are from Inazuma, Japan. We've got the goalie and some forwards
03:06that's all we need they'll be playing in place of the guys who got injured and
03:11They're gonna make sure we stay the Italian reps
03:14Well, I don't approve. Huh? I
03:18Still want to play I can do it, but Blasi. We can't have a Japanese kid in the goal for Italy. Give me a break. Oh
03:27I see you'd rather just lose the chance to represent your country then what was that? I
03:32Can protect your net as well as you can trust me. I'm good. So let us help you out
03:38He's right
03:45You're from the Japanese national team, aren't you?
03:48Why are you putting yourselves on the line for your enemies? We're not enemies. Oh, we're rivals. That's all
03:56What do you mean, you know what when we arrived here the first person I met was Fidel
04:09What gets me is there's amazing players like him all over the world and it gives me a thrill to think that one day I'll
04:15Get the chance to play against them. I
04:20Want to play as many of those guys I can hear on the world stage and I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen
04:26We all want to be the best in the world, right? That's what makes us rivals. We're not enemies at all
04:32Well said mark
04:36Rivals yes
04:40All right, fine, I'll trust you
04:42It's nice to meet you. I'm the Italian goalkeeper. My name is Blasi. I'd be honored if you could protect our goal
04:49Mark Evans, it's a pleasure. Just leave it to me
04:59So you didn't run away after all so if we win we represent Italy and we will will because we deserve to be here
05:09But who are those four the four of us are from the Japanese national team in Azuma, Japan
05:14They're playing as our substitutes taking the place of our injured players
05:19You just couldn't stay away could you do sharp my favorite creation
05:26It is him it's Ray dark
05:32I knew it. So this guy is the one yeah
05:37He's the one will stop at nothing
05:38the one who tried to kill us to stop us playing the ex head coach of Royal Academy and
05:43The man behind the death of my grandfather. Hold on
05:47Grandfather hold on. So all our injured players. I don't know what he's got planned for this game today
05:54But there's no doubt in the slightest that he wants to use the Italian team to further his own ambitions
06:01Hmm I can't believe he's here
06:05The commander's name is K
06:09Or mr. Dark to you
06:17Allow me to introduce you. This is the driving force behind team K. Demonio strata is his name
06:25Demonio he looks exactly like you Jude
06:35So this is liocon island is it it's a shame I won't be commentating these momentous games
06:40But I'll be cheering for in Azuma, Japan and anyone with an air shot will be deafened. But
06:45What is that stop the car stop it now
06:54Well, well looks like we'll be taking the kickoff all right
06:59Let the game to determine the Italian national team begin. I don't believe it. How can nobody be watching this game?
07:06This is a ridiculously important game. Why is nobody here?
07:21Mixed Italian and Japanese team
07:25By see that must be Mark Evans how very interesting let's see what you've got planned. Mr. K
07:36Arrangements have all been made sir, you can simply sit back and watch a project unfold on this little electronic device
07:45Commander we're ready when you are
07:48Excellent. Take them down and take the name of Italy from them. You have permission to do whatever you want to them
08:05Okay, let's go to work video
08:09Captain who would have thought that something like this would happen while you were gone
08:15You're ready, uh-huh. Sure ready to go
08:20We'll overcome this obstacle I'll show you captain
08:25And so team K will be kicking off this game and just look at all those injuries on the Italian team
08:30Or should I say team Orpheus?
08:33To take up the slack in Azuma Japan has kindly offered some of their players. It's a really unique team. We have here
08:41They're up against team K. But
08:43Unfortunately, I have no information on those boys. Their names are all I gotta go on
08:53Hey Jude Stonewall met with Ray dark and secret earlier, right? Yeah
09:01And there's a chance he might double-cross us I don't want the ball going anywhere near him today. All right. Sounds like a plan
09:22And there it is, there's the whistle and the game is underway this demonio kit has the ball and he's heading straight towards sharp Oh
09:30I'm going to erase you from history today
09:36True illusion ball
09:43I know that move. That's right. Demonio. You are perfection incarnate
09:53This is impossible you're not getting past me
10:13All right, move up now people you cover my right side, all right
10:18That formation
10:22Demonio leads the way and the rest of his team falls in line behind him. What's going on here?
10:27They're moving exactly like what all used to what are you trying to prove here dark?
10:38Don't let them go any further Marco Dante bring back the defensive line too late
10:46The demon boy is past Dante as well Orpheus just can't keep up with team K speed
10:52Take it
10:54That's the defensive line is in pieces I knew this would happen it's because of those new people
11:00If we hadn't been injured we'd have already scored
11:04So what are we going to do now?
11:08Jude knows exactly how this guy makes his strategies leave the formations to him. Okay, are you sure?
11:16Okay, that's what we'll do
11:18Leave us out there June. You got it
11:23Take the opposite side for do stay on the right
11:27Angelo they're going to move down on the right Anton you head that way to
11:31With sharp controlling the center the defensive line is starting to get back into position, but is it too late? I asked myself
11:38Somebody mark that Russell kid. All right, I'll take him
11:45This guy's actually better than Jude
11:48All we wanted was more strength and power
11:52When we had been overwhelmed by the humiliation of defeat great darks poisonous words lured us in and we joined his team again
11:59But as we felt deeper and deeper into darkness the one who showed us the light was June
12:07How could he possibly be better than our Jude
12:11Here comes the charge on Rosso
12:14I've been watching Jude's plays all this time that we've been together. So I bet I know all of your strategies, too
12:21One player sets up a trap to lure out the defense creating an open space away from the decoy play
12:27Which means he should be passing this way
12:30Demonio makes a pass to Rosso and sends a sword towards for do but watch this someone seems to know what's going on
12:36I got it
12:40Demonio's pass goes to Rosso get out of here. He was a decoy as well
12:47And I see your strategies never evolved beyond what I gave you what a shame
12:52While you were sleeping my next creation has evolved even further
12:59He has sharper senses than sharp he's faster than shot
13:03And he's stronger than sharp behold the great demonio strata
13:23Wowie that kid isn't bad. Are you okay? Sure. I'm okay
13:38No matter how hard you struggle you'll never be able to defeat me so come back come back, dude
13:54What is it what's wrong Jude it's me, dude, it's Joe
14:03Because the one who should have become my truest and greatest creation is you dude sharp that's ridiculous
14:16We're never gonna be able to beat them if you don't help us strategize you're right
14:25He is right I've already said no to you countless times
14:30But you know I speak the truth
14:34The dribbling
14:35the fainting
14:37the strategizing
14:39Sucker my boy is your whole existence and
14:44Everything you know I gave to you
14:49It is totally impossible for you to separate yourself from me, that's not true, and you know it
14:55No, you've forgotten my hold on you
14:58Look look at demonio
15:03Full of confidence basking in his own power and enjoying the game that he knows full well he would win
15:10Yes, that's what you used to do. I know that's how you were after you got to know me and mastered my style of soccer
15:17This confidence is gone from you. It's been lost and forgotten. I haven't forgotten anything
15:23You're so wrong after getting to know them. I've gained more skills than I've lost. I know what true joy is
15:29It's achieving victory by fighting with my friends
15:32Is that really all soccer means to you what you don't be friends you idiot?
15:41You need to be perfect you need to flawlessly conduct yourself and win total victory on your own
15:46You need to become the emperor of the field. This is what you want you face it. It's not who I am
15:53Stop denying it my will is too deeply embedded in you now submit to my will once more I
16:01Created you in my image you fool
16:07Yes, that's right
16:09Submit to me you cannot escape from me
16:14Yes, I can
16:16No, you cannot
16:18How would you just forget about the past you big girl?
16:22Your wishy-washiness is starting to annoy me. We're not puppets or creations. We're soccer players you moron
16:40Always knew you were a traitor stonewall. I'm sorry and here you are you're double-crossing us for Ray dark
16:47You've got the wrong idea Cyclops. I didn't approach Ray dark so I could go into cahoots with him. No, not at all. I
16:54Wanted to send a message to him. That's what I wanted to do
17:00I wanted to show him that I don't need his stupid power anymore
17:05You're just pathetic all you babble about is Jude Jude dude easy now
17:13Here I was trying to put an end to his plans all by myself
17:17You nerds kept showing up and following me
17:21You're kidding me
17:22If this idiot really thinks he's going to destroy the Japanese soccer team
17:27Then we're going to have to use soccer to destroy him
17:30So what are you gonna do about it a sharpie? You're gonna go back to being Ray dogs dog wolf wolf
17:38I'm nobody's dog
17:41And I'm nobody's creation
17:45Give me a hand you two get up here now. We've got a beatdown to give out to these idiots. That's more like it
17:54No, you'll be the ones giving me a hand
18:00To get defenses one after another now, that's more like the Jude I know go for it all of you
18:11Not bad in Azuma Japan not bad at all
18:16I'm on it. I'm over here fish face
18:20And it is over Japan or through the defensive line with a perfect centering pass
18:26But the one taking the ball is Italy's meteor boy
18:30And here it comes
18:42And he's got it team casekeeper stops the shot without even batting an eyebrow or an eyelid
18:49Nice there must be a result of the project which means I can look forward to some excellent result. Yes
19:00Who an assistant chapel are these guys and just where in all of Italy have been hiding all this time
19:06You can't keep goalkeeping skills like that a secret for long
19:15A bunch of second-rate monkeys like you were the commander's greatest creations. What a joke that is. What did you say? Yeah
19:27Here's team K team RBS is moved for being on the attack being in a tight spot in a matter of seconds
19:35Team K are the commanders true creations. We are the ultimate team
19:40And coming up now is the ultimate shot
19:52It can't be
20:01Emperor penguin
20:11Time for hammer
20:13It's too bad
20:20And it's in a ridiculous missile of a shot the blast sevens back into the net and team K pulled ahead by drawing first blood
20:30Are you okay mark are you hurt talk to me that evil shot just now it looks just like Emperor penguin number one
20:38No, it was way more powerful than that
20:41That's the strongest I've seen and yet he's still hey don't mistake it for some incomplete technique that has that nasty recoil
20:51That was the ultimate penguin shot
20:53Emperor penguin X is the strongest shot ever and I am the strongest player ever
20:59Is this really who team K are?
21:03This is the team that will help me rise to the top of the sport. Take hold of the soccer world and
21:09Then destroy it
21:13The past you parted ways with will now destroy your future
22:08You say
23:00We've got another evil technique to deal with it's Emperor penguin X I think team K are taking us too lightly
23:07We'll fight penguins with more penguins
23:09Coming up next it's the greatest face-off ever penguins versus penguins
23:14This game is off the hook
