• 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Un mondo dove la tradizione incontra l'innovazione, dove ogni sorso di birra racconta una storia di impegno verso l'ambiente e la società. E' questo il viaggio intrapreso da Birra Peroni, che celebra dieci anni di successi sostenibili presentando il suo Rapporto di Sviluppo Sostenibile 2023, intitolato "Connettiamoci al futuro".

In un periodo in cui le sfide globali richiedono soluzioni coraggiose, Birra Peroni risponde con determinazione: -24% nelle emissioni di CO2, -31% nell'uso di energia termica, -10% nell'uso di energia elettrica e -10% nei prelievi idrici per ettolitro di birra prodotta negli stabilimenti di Bari, Padova e Roma. Questi risultati non sono solo numeri, sono i traguardi tangibili di un impegno quotidiano per un futuro più responsabile e frutto di investimenti continui nel miglioramento dei processi produttivi e nell'adozione di tecnologie innovative.


00:00A world where tradition meets innovation, where every sip of beer tells a story of commitment to the environment and society.
00:12This is the journey undertaken by Birra Peroni, which celebrates 10 years of sustainable success by presenting its Sustainable Development Relationship 2023, entitled Let's connect to the future.
00:23In a period in which global challenges require courageous solutions, Birra Peroni responds with determination.
00:29Minus 24% in CO2 emissions, minus 31% in the use of thermal energy, minus 10% in the use of electricity and minus 10% in the hydrogen takes per hectolitre of beer produced in the establishments of Bari, Padova and Roma.
00:43These results are not just numbers, they are the tangible goals of a daily commitment to a more responsible future and the result of continuous investments in the improvement of production processes and the adoption of innovative technologies.
00:56In the last 10 years, many interventions have been made, both in terms of energy savings, both in terms of thermal and electrical energy, but also in terms of water savings, which are the great pillars on which we are moving from an environmental point of view.
01:12And these have been the consequences of a collective work linked to a change in production processes, therefore to a continuous improvement of processes, to great investments in plants and establishments.
01:24Just to say a number, in the last two years we have invested more than 40 million euros only in plants and establishments.
01:33The report illustrates the progress of the company on four fronts, People, Planet, Portfolio and Profit, which represent the pillars of its sustainability strategy.
01:42In addition to environmental sustainability, Peroni beer pays great attention to responsible consumption, has invested 5 million euros in a de-alcoholization system in Rome and promotes low or zero alcohol content, as demonstrated by the partnership between Peroni Nastrazzurro 0% and Scuderia Ferrari.
02:00There are many future challenges, from the issue of water, which is increasingly at the center of the company strategy, to the issue of packaging, up to the cereal industry.
02:07The issue of water is an issue that will increasingly be at the center of our strategies.
02:12Reduction, therefore, of water savings, but also to ensure that we will have water in the future, therefore to look at climate change as one of the great challenges.
02:24Agriculture is another one that we are working on, because we are a Made in Italy company, so our Made in Italy raw materials are fundamental.
02:36Therefore, working with the entire agricultural sector, more and more, we already do it with Campus Peroni, but it will be one of the great challenges in the future.
02:44From the reduction of emissions to the promotion of responsible consumption, through the adoption of innovative technologies, Peroni beer continues to demonstrate that sustainability is not just a goal, but a road to be traveled every day.
