S.u.e.ñ.o.s-d.e-l.i.b.e.r.t.a.d-Capitulo 122

  • 3 months ago
S.u.e.ñ.o.s-d.e-l.i.b.e.r.t.a.d-Capitulo 122


00:30We can't keep fooling them
00:34You told us that she entered by mistake in a hunter's hut and that a hunter shot her
00:40Yes, he went into an area that he did not know, I have already told you that it was a mistake on his part. Damien, tell me the truth
00:47I swear it by the memory of Catalina
01:04Maria no
01:06Let's go to a latino
01:10The important thing is to check one thing, it's just a moment
01:50For whom I want to scream my truth to them, live without fear and without looking back
02:14Dreams of freedom
02:26Maria you are not pregnant
02:30No, I am not
02:34But you are going to tell my husband and the whole family that I have been and that I have lost the baby
02:40What madness is that? I'm not going to do that. Of course I do
02:44If you don't want the whole family to find out that you have an affair with Dr. Borrell
02:50What the hell are you saying Maria? In my life there is only one woman and it is Marta de la Reina. You don't have to hide it, I heard you on the phone
02:57By phone? Yes, the other day when I called home. You have gone to sleep many times with her, her apartment is comfortable
03:07How could you hear us?
03:10This house is full of phones, you pick one up and put your ear
03:16You are miserable
03:19No, I am a woman who fights for what is hers. Fight? For what? For my husband
03:26How could you deceive Andres like that, with something so important?
03:32That doesn't concern you
03:34Or I ask you why you deceive Marta
03:37We are in equal conditions and we are going to help each other. No
03:41That's not going to happen. Why are you so sure? I'm not going to do that Maria
03:45I'm not going to deceive my brother-in-law with something like that
03:48The pain you are going to cause him will mark him for the rest of his life. Do you really want to do it?
03:52I know perfectly what I'm doing and I'm going to keep going
03:54Well, I'm going to tell him the truth and you can do whatever you want with Marta
03:57No, no, no, Marta and the rest of the family
04:01That everyone thinks you are the ideal man, what a disgust, right? Is that what you want?
04:05Not to mention the consequences it will have for Dr. Borrell, that they will throw her out of the house and you love her, right?
04:10Because it didn't seem like a romance
04:14What kind of human being are you?
04:16Someone who is capable of doing anything to save their marriage
04:20Based on lies
04:23What do you think our father-in-law will think when he finds out that you are cheating on his daughter?
04:28You've been cheating on Andrés all these months
04:31Do you think it would be more indulgent with you?
04:34Well, I can be a poor wife in love who for the love of her husband and for giving him a child
04:41goes crazy and suffers an imaginary pregnancy
04:46I see that you have everything planned
04:49I'm clumsy when I have a clear goal
04:56What do you say?
04:58You decide
05:16Daniel, have you seen Ethanol?
05:21I don't understand, where is it?
05:27I asked for it, it's here
05:30I wanted to talk to you
05:32Have you changed your mind about our business?
05:34No, forget about that, I'm missing things from the order I made this morning
05:38Well, look, I came to see if the order had arrived
05:42And what about me?
05:44Because I usually arrive at the first hour of the afternoon with the shift
05:47Is it something very important?
05:49Yes, of course it is
05:51There were several things, but mainly Ethanol, because without Ethanol I can't do anything
05:55Luis, your order is done and the delivery is scheduled
05:59For when?
06:01I don't know, boy, now an operator will arrive with your order
06:04Can't you wait a little?
06:06Yes, yes, what a remedy, I'll wait
06:09I'll wait
06:12Excuse me
06:14I'm calmer now
06:16Yes, you've become a basilisk
06:19I know you're angry about the business and I thought you had done the same
06:25On purpose
06:27Joaquín, please forget about this, that's it
06:34Thank you very much, gentleman
06:42Good afternoon
06:44Do you want to be shaved like that gentleman?
06:48No, not at the moment
06:50I came to offer you a more spiritual plan
06:53Well, thank goodness, because for the rest of the plans I don't have time, Mateo
06:57In the end I won't be able to accompany you this afternoon
07:02But hey, what did you come to tell me?
07:04So you won't be able to take the afternoon off?
07:07No way
07:11And I had given it to Don Agustín
07:13But Don Agustín wants you and me to go for a walk
07:17Let's see, it's just that the secretary of the diocese is interested in
07:22that the workers of the colony can do some kind of activity with the Legion of Mary
07:26Oh, I collaborated with them when I lived in the village
07:30Come on, much better, because Father Agustín and I would love you to be able to get involved
07:36giving catechesis to children from depressed areas
07:39But, but Don Agustín wants me to do that work
07:44Well, he proposed it to me, but I would love you to come with me
07:48as long as you feel like it and want to share this adventure
07:54I think it's great, but my request always came first
07:57Well, because you are my brother and I have always tried to favor you as much as possible
08:02Let's finish
08:04And not anymore, right? There is no more favor
08:07Well, no
08:09What is this, Joaquín?
08:11A way to punish me?
08:13You know what I'm telling you?
08:15That it will be very good for you not to have my extra help
08:19so that you realize that in this factory, in this company
08:23the Merinos are just simple pawns
08:26even though you occupy a position in the board, of course
08:29I am very proud of what I have achieved, not only for me, but for our family
08:32Well, very good, I congratulate you, congratulations
08:34But that candy they have put in your mouth, don't let it make you lose perspective
08:38Please, you don't have to be repeating it to me constantly as if you were a parrot
08:42I have eyes, I see what they do
08:44I simply think it is better to fight from the inside to recover the place that belongs to us
08:49Luis, the Merinos, we will never be up to the queen
08:55unless we carry out our father's project
08:59Please, don't insist anymore
09:01I have it clear
09:03Well, I also have it clear
09:05And you can sit down and wait for your order
09:09Well, I will
09:11Look, I'm going to sit here
09:15waiting for the new planning of your orders
09:19That's it
09:21Very good
09:23One moment, Joaquín
09:27I'm your boss
09:30So from today on, my orders always go first
09:35because they have priority
09:37And this is an order, is that clear?
09:51Let's see
09:53At first it couldn't be, but of course
09:56If it's for all that, for Maria
10:00there's no other way to go, right?
10:03Well, the thing is that we should leave this afternoon
10:08for Algodor, so if you don't have the afternoon off, then of course
10:12It's just that Fina wanted to pick up this afternoon too
10:16and of course, she didn't want to leave Carmen alone with all the kids
10:18But still, it doesn't matter
10:20Well, that would be great
10:23Very great
10:25And when are we leaving?
10:27As soon as possible
10:31Would you mind staying alone this afternoon?
10:35I have to go out for a moment with Mateo
10:39That's the story you told me, Claudia
10:42I'm sorry, but I can't
10:46But Carmen, we have to go out to Katekizan
10:52It's the secretary of the diocese
10:54She's going to give a catechesis to the disadvantaged children
10:57who live in depressed areas
10:59And it's going to be great for me, Carmen
11:01to be closer to him
11:03To him?
11:04No, to him
11:08Well, it's all for the poor kids and your sanctification
11:11But one and nothing more, Santa Tomás
11:13Thank you very much, Carmen, you really are a saint
11:15Thank you very much, Carmen
11:21Do you know how it went?
11:23We didn't see her
11:25We only heard a blow and a scream
11:28When I arrived from the office, she was lying on the floor and hurting her stomach
11:32And I immediately called the dispensary
11:34The fall was...
11:36It's a fatality
11:38She got dizzy
11:40We were talking in the corridor, Andrés, her and me
11:43And María went to the stairs
11:45But you were with them just before the fall?
11:47How is she?
11:49She's still with Jaime
11:51She's recognizing
11:53I didn't even dare to knock on the door
11:55Well, she was more or less fine, don't worry
11:58What worries me is my grandson
12:03Mrs. María is a strong woman
12:05I'm sure everything will be fine
12:07Thank you, Quema
12:09I'll leave you some water, thank you
12:11If you need anything else
12:13What we need is for Jaime to come
12:15Please let him know
12:17No, no, Father
12:19We're going to let Jaime do his job quietly
12:21I'll be in the kitchen then
12:23She could have fallen down the stairs
12:25I can't believe it
12:27I don't know, it could happen to anyone
12:29Especially if you're as nervous as María should be
12:31You don't even know where you're stepping
12:33Why was she so nervous?
12:35Well, she surprised Andrés by comforting my wife
12:37Jesús, I don't think it's the right time
12:40It's true that before the fall we were arguing
12:43How did you argue?
12:48How is she?
12:50María is fine, she's out of danger
12:53She has a few contusions because of the fall
12:55Thank God
12:57But Andrés
13:04María has lost the baby
13:23Guiñigo, are the radios here or not?
13:26Here they are
13:28Do you have money?
13:30Wait until I see the merchandise, then I'll pay you
13:33If I tell you the truth, I didn't think you'd be able to get the money
13:36How did you do it?
13:39Look, if I hadn't had the money, I wouldn't have gotten into this mess, don't you think?
13:43The only thing I've had to do is to get out of the Orcus cartel
13:46With the permission or without the permission of the lady?
13:49What do you think, that I'm in charge of my house?
13:50If you say that, it's because your Carmen treats you better than a candle
13:53On the contrary, I told her and she thought it was great
13:56Then why are you here as if you were preparing a robbery?
14:00Well, because
14:02This is surely not a trap, right?
14:04No, don't worry, I already told you that we are not doing anything wrong
14:07If you were the one who got involved in the business
14:10Well, let's open it and see how it sounds
14:16Be careful, be careful
14:18That's not for you, Casio
14:20Don't be stupid
14:28Look, look at the details
14:31Let's see, plug it in
14:43Look at the quality
14:45But let's see how this thing sounds, right?
14:47And how much do you say I have to ask for one of these?
14:50Look, I brought you a catalog so we can take a look
14:55Let's see the model
14:58Look, in Titan Radio, which is the best electronics store in Madrid
15:02It's worth...
15:032,300 carats each?
15:05Yes, well, in all stores, for the style
15:07And that's what I have to ask for this?
15:09Well, I would lower it a bit
15:11So that the clients see that they are taking a hit
15:13Yes, yes, but maybe I'll have to win too, right?
15:16But don't you see the margin you have?
15:18Give it to me, you're going to run out
15:21Well, here you have your 2,000
15:26And know that with this you leave me stiff
15:48What a mistake
15:51Jesus told me
15:53Where is Andrés?
15:55He just went out to the garden to get some fresh air
15:58And Maria?
16:00She must be devastated
16:02He told me he had left her sleeping
16:04How can these things happen?
16:06Well, I wish we knew why they happen
16:11That's true
16:13Sometimes I think that things are already written
16:15Both the good ones and the bad ones
16:17And that nothing can be done
16:19Well, with that philosophy, you can live more calmly
16:23Well, with a little more resignation
16:26For example
16:29Today Fino had bought tickets for a Gloria Lasso and Luis Mariano recital
16:33And I'm going to have to tell him that we can't go
16:38Because of what happened to Maria
16:40Well, abortions are more frequent than we think
16:43That's true
16:45And they are still very young
16:47They have their whole lives ahead
16:49But I was scared to fall down the stairs
16:52Yes, yes, it's hard
16:54Marta, see that concert
16:57That at least someone in this house is happy tonight
17:01I really see you affected
17:03Yes, it's true
17:05I don't know what to do
17:08I really see you affected
17:10Although it's normal to have to give the news to you
17:15It was just a drink
17:17You're even pale
17:20Darling, your hands are sweating
17:23Are you okay?
17:25Yes, it's just tiredness
17:28Lately you've always been tired, I'm worried
17:31I see you down
17:35Is something wrong?
17:37No, no, no
17:39Everything is fine, really
17:41Go to the concert
17:44No, if you feel bad I'll stay here with you
17:47Do you want to?
17:48No, no
17:50Besides, I don't want Fina to get jealous of me
17:54Can you believe that the other day she got jealous of the new secretary?
17:59Well, don't tell me more, I don't want any problems
18:02Go and have a good time
18:07Take advantage of the time
18:14What happened to the glass?
18:17When I went to pick it up, it fell, I'll pick it up
18:21Don't worry, I'll tell Tere
18:25A glass fell, can you pick it up?
18:28Thank you
18:35Well, the truth is that this is a good business
18:38Thank you for giving me these two radios, I'm sure I'll put them today
18:41Well, one is done, right? I did it for Gaspar
18:43Of course, I think so
18:47What are you doing here?
18:49Nothing, hanging out with my partner
18:55You had a break and you didn't even come to see me?
18:57Well, woman, I'm going in a while, how are you?
19:00And that box?
19:02Well, it's an order that has to be exchanged, right? Something like that
19:08By the way, I'm going home to get the postcard, I haven't found it
19:12And why do you want the postcard?
19:14To get my salary, what else? To buy another film?
19:17No, no, of course
19:19You didn't pick it up?
19:21No, no
19:23You don't know where it is?
19:25In these cases, praying to Saint Anthony does not fail
19:30Don't worry, it will appear
19:32No, of course, it has to be, it doesn't have legs
19:34Don't go cackling, tomorrow we have to enter the salero and both
19:38Goodbye, my husband's partner
19:40Nice to see you
19:42Íñigo, by the way
19:50Thank goodness you had everything contemplated with your wife
19:53Well, it's better that you sell this quickly because otherwise I'm going to have a problem with the mortgages
19:56You didn't have it so sucked?
19:58Well, of course
20:00Thank you
20:08So I don't even want to think about how Andres will be, and especially her, who has carried him in her womb
20:13Let's go to the cobbler, here, in the corner
20:19It is clear that lately we have not won for displeasure in this family
20:21It is a detail that continues to wear mourning for Begoña's mother
20:25You know it didn't come for her
20:27And if I take it off, it will be for Julia
20:29The girl doesn't like to see me like that
20:36Anyway, I'm glad she's better
20:39And how are you?
20:41How am I going to be, mother?
20:43Being as things are with Gemma
20:46Joaquín, I'm your mother
20:48I know you very well
20:50And I know there's something else you're thinking about
20:53And you don't know what to do with her
20:55Well, she nailed it
20:57Let's see, what's on your mind, tell me
21:02Hello, son
21:06Come on, the table looks good there, doesn't it?
21:09Do you like it?
21:10Yes, it's very good
21:11Well, it stays here
21:15What's up?
21:16You don't say hello?
21:18Don't worry, we'll talk now
21:20What do you want?
21:22Mother, can you leave us alone, please?
21:24No, no, no, mother can hear everything, come on, say it
21:28Let's see, I'm not going to serve you as an excuse for you to argue, so I'm leaving
21:32No, mother, stay, I'm tired of swallowing my own disgust
21:35Very well
21:38You should know that I have gone through hell to meet the production thanks to your new planning
21:43Well, don't worry, it won't happen again because I have received tax orders from above to favor my brother
21:51You have become very stupid and I have no choice
21:54I have to make you even more stupid and throw you out, right?
21:57I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm tired of telling you that you both have to help each other, to support each other, please
22:03You see, Luis, you're listening to your mother
22:06Brothers have to support each other
22:08You're obsessed with a chimera
22:10As of today, as far as I know, the work in this company is what allows us to move forward
22:15What do you want? Throw it all away?
22:17Let's see if I find out
22:19What's wrong? Do you want to leave the factory?
22:21I just want to take advantage of the opportunity that life has given us, both of us, both of his children
22:27Do you want to tell me at once, please?
22:30Look, mother, we have found a project that I wanted to do, father
22:36A project?
22:37And the only thing we have to do, both of us, is to get it going
22:40What kind of project?
22:42It is a project that father came up with
22:45And it consists of raising a swimming pool
22:49A swimming pool?
22:51Your father wanted to open a swimming pool?
22:54But where did you get that from?
22:56From some files that we found when the flood
22:59Everything is there, mother, the plans, the budgets, everything
23:02For many years
23:04Well, that's the least of it, the only thing we have to do is launch
23:07And it would be our opportunity to separate ourselves from those of the queen
23:10But is that possible?
23:12Of course it's possible, Joaquín, please, it's the same, it's the same, it's the same
23:15Because my brother has left me, well, he has left me and our father, because this was his dream
23:19Your father never told me about that
23:21Maybe if father didn't take it forward it's because it's not so easy to approach
23:27Or maybe it's because perfumeries of the queen was always his main life project
23:32Joaquín, your brother is right
23:34That company, in spite of everything, carries our essence
23:37We can't give up
23:39So you're on Luis' side
23:41No, because I don't have the details, I can't be on anyone's side
23:44And I understand that you want to break ties and look for your future
23:48And if it's with a project from your father, much better
23:51I'm not going to change my mind
23:53You see? You see?
23:55That's what bothers me the most, that he doesn't even value it or study it, he closes himself in a band
23:59But what do you want me to tell you? It's just something I don't need
24:02Well, I do! I'm in a hole right now
24:05And I need someone to get me out of it! God!
24:24I'll be right there
24:28Oh, Marta, how elegant you are
24:31Come in, I'm making coffee
24:33Thank you
24:37The truth is that I'm going to a recital in Madrid
24:40I haven't decided until the last minute
24:43After what happened, I imagine Jaime told you
24:47Yes, it was a tragedy
24:50I was scared when he called me Jesus
24:52And he didn't explain anything to me
24:54Luckily he called me Jaime and told me he was staying at home with Doña María, taking care of her
24:59In fact, I've just been with him
25:01And that's why I wanted to tell you
25:04I haven't seen him well lately
25:06I'd even say he's lost weight, as if he were getting sick
25:12Have you noticed anything?
25:14Maybe it's just my imagination, but I'd say he's even sad
25:18I don't know, today there are reasons to be, right?
25:21Yes, he was very affected
25:23But I'd say this comes from before
25:25Not that I know
25:27I haven't noticed anything
25:29I'm calmer
25:31Is everything okay between you two?
25:34I'm sorry, I know it's an uncomfortable situation
25:37It's not
25:41But since we both want the best for him, I dare to ask you the question
25:47I'm sorry
25:49It's okay
25:51It's okay that between us we know we have to have two
25:55I think so
25:58Clandestine relationships are complicated
26:03I totally agree
26:05There are better moments
26:07And others when things get difficult
26:14But we're fine
26:16I'm glad to hear that
26:18So maybe it's because of work
26:21We all have ups and downs in our mood
26:27Sometimes I forget that Jaime is particularly sensitive
26:30He is
26:32Things affect him, like everyone else
26:34Sometimes I think a little more about him
26:37At least a little more than the rest of the men I know
26:40He can handle it because it's part of his job
26:44But within the profession, what can I tell you?
26:47I hope he can let himself go a little more
26:50I hope he trusts you to do it
26:53And with me, even if things are different now, I hope so
26:57You can't force him to share something he wants to keep
27:03I agree with that
27:06Especially Jaime, who is very stubborn when he wants
27:10Marta, don't give him any more chances
27:16Although I remember that I have something left here
27:19I'm sure it's just tiredness
27:22Okay, I'll get it out of my head
27:26Thank you for taking care of my worries
27:30And for the coffee
27:32Whenever you want
27:34I think I should go
27:36I'll go with you
27:43Enjoy the concert
27:45Thank you
28:03Let's see, how much are we talking about?
28:07Agafar, before getting into the arena, let me explain
28:10You need a good radio for the bar, for the football games, the lottery
28:14And the better it is, the more customers you'll have
28:16And you also need this radio
28:18It looks good, Tassio, but I don't know if I can get into these expenses now
28:21I suppose you can't hear the sound quality it has, Gaspar
28:24You turn up the volume a little, a little
28:26And you can hear the football game until the morning in the arena from your office
28:29I'm going to get in trouble
28:31Well, Gaspar, my son, decide
28:33Don't waste your time and don't make me lose
28:35I have a row of interested people until you decide
28:37I'm going to ask you about the price, right?
28:39Yes, for half an hour
28:44This is what it costs in a store
28:46What are you telling me? 2,300 pesetas?
28:48One pasta, really, I agree
28:50Do you know how much I'll leave you?
28:541,500, you say?
28:56Now, look, really
28:58One for one, two for two, I'm going, I'm going
29:02Yes? Come on, a prize for the gentleman
29:04The best purchase of your life, Gaspar
29:06Are you sure you can hear this well?
29:08This is high quality fidelity, this has everything from the Germans
29:10I don't know what that means, but well, you're fine
29:12Come on, I'll try it later, I'll bring you the money
29:18You're a great guy, Tassio
29:20Well, that's it
29:22Wait, here's the other chicken, you'll see
29:30Mr. Agustín, how are you, how is your father?
29:32Tassio, you haven't seen Mateo and Claudia, have you?
29:37I miss their delay, they've both gone to Algodón
29:39to pray with the children
29:41and they'll have to eat something, these boys
29:43even if it's a loaf of bread
29:45Where have they gone?
29:47I don't know, they'll be about to arrive
29:49Father, I wanted to ask you if, by chance, by chance
29:51you need a new radio
29:53Why do you say that?
29:55Well, look, Carmen and I, because of the wedding,
29:58they gave us two of the same
30:00and I say, well, I'll sell one and give my wife something nice
30:02I have a Cascarria, but the reality is that I don't use it
30:04I'm not interested in world news
30:08Another thing is that you don't know what to do with it
30:10and you donate it to the church
30:14Actually, I wanted to get some money out of him
30:16But, well, excuse me, I won't bother you anymore
30:18Thank you very much
30:25This is a hard bone from Rader
30:27If I manage to sell it to Mr. Agustín, I'll have a safe prize
30:30This one is from La Cofradía, from the Virgin of the Closed Fist
30:32A little more talking to him, I have to give it to him
30:34Well, you have to sell it now
30:36Because your wife is going to want to see the postcard
30:38as soon as you get home
30:40What the fuck?
30:42Calm down, calm down
30:44It's clear that you were born for this
30:46I know perfectly well that you're going to put it on right away
30:48Look, look, look
30:50That punctuation
30:54Alfredo, how are you?
30:56By the way, the other day, could you listen to the Madrid football game?
31:02Have you been able to escape?
31:04Yes, yes, yes
31:06My sister-in-law is fine
31:08At least physically
31:10What was so urgent that you had to tell me?
31:12Marta came to ask me about you
31:14She's very worried
31:16She asked me if you were sick, like that, directly
31:19Damn it
31:21Before, at home, she saw me in the middle of a crisis
31:23You didn't tell her anything, did you?
31:25No, no, no
31:27But what was it?
31:29The sight again?
31:31Yes, yes, the sight and a huge headache
31:33I thought I'd better hide it
31:35Well, it's obvious you haven't
31:37I told her it was all a product of fatigue
31:39But, I don't know, with the worried face she had
31:41She must have noticed it
31:44Jaime, Marta is not stupid
31:46I know
31:48She's been seeing you strange for a long time
31:50Okay, but has she believed you?
31:52I think so, she's much calmer
31:54But this can't go on like this, Jaime
31:56How has she seen you?
31:58Has it been such an intense episode?
32:00I don't know how to tell you the intensity, Luz, I don't know
32:01Look, Jaime, listen to me
32:03It's not even funny for me to have to lie about you
32:05It's not funny for me to do it for you either
32:07So we're at peace in that sense
32:11I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
32:13I was completely out of place
32:15I'm sorry
32:18The attack has been very strong
32:21And the headache was so brutal
32:23That I don't know how I've been able to keep a conversation
32:26Mediately coherent with her
32:28Now I understand why she's been so distressed
32:33I'm very sorry, Jaime
32:35But I think it's time you tell her what's wrong
32:38No, no, Luz
32:40I can't, it's very difficult
32:42I know, honey, I know
32:46But we need Marta
32:48To know how to act if she gives you one of these crises
32:50And I'm not with you
32:52I don't want to embarrass her
32:54Not now, it's too late
32:56I don't want to embarrass her
32:58Not now, she's starting to be happy
33:00Please, be sensible
33:02It's absurd to keep hiding all this
33:04Today you managed to get out of it
33:06But these crises will be more
33:08Or do you want Marta to find you lying on the floor one day
33:10No, please, Luz
33:12Don't pressure me, please
33:14I know, I'm acting like a child, I know
33:16Come here, come here, honey, come
33:23Why is this happening to me?
33:25Why does this have to happen to me?
33:28If someone doesn't deserve this to happen to them, it's you
33:33But let's be realistic
33:36Marta deserves to know
33:38She deserves to take care of you as you need
33:41Because she loves you very much
33:49Give me a few days, okay?
33:53Okay, you set the times
33:58I'm just telling you that it's time to tell you the truth
34:03And when you do, you'll feel much better
34:05Because this tension can't be good
34:07No, it's not
34:10Episodes are stronger
34:12In stressful situations
34:14You see, honey?
34:16You see?
34:18All I want is for you to be as good as possible
34:21As good as possible
34:23EPISODE 4
34:49What has got into you to wear this?
34:51I don't know if you feel like it.
34:53I don't think I can eat in a long time.
34:56Then you have to do it to get better.
35:01What's the point of getting better?
35:05I don't want to live.
35:07I want to die like our son.
35:08Maria, don't say that, please.
35:10Don't make it harder for me yet.
35:12Since I was pregnant, I've been very careful on the stairs.
35:17But this morning...
35:20Begoña treating me like crazy and you giving her the reason.
35:24I'm sorry.
35:26I'm very sorry.
35:28It's not that I took her side, it's just that...
35:30I should have kept calm and thought more about our son, but no.
35:35I'm so in love with you that...
35:38It was an accident.
35:42You're going to leave me, right?
35:44Leave you? No, no.
35:45This morning you told me that you shouldn't have married me.
35:50You said it, Andrés, and I...
35:52I can't stop thinking about this.
35:55Begoña's influence, of course, but your words...
36:05Do you have today's information?
36:07Here, I'll give you a few more of my visits.
36:09But, Begoña, why did you go to work in such circumstances?
36:14Because I wanted to leave home.
36:16I can't stand the tension there and...
36:19And after what happened to María...
36:21Because of her abortion?
36:23And her fall.
36:25And what happened just before.
36:27What happened?
36:33We had a very heated discussion.
36:39That María was looking for.
36:41She accused me of seducing Andrés and...
36:44She insulted me, she pushed me.
36:47Andrés tried to calm us down.
36:49She got very nervous and left in a rage.
36:52And then she fell down the stairs?
36:58My God.
37:01Begoña, you are not responsible for anything.
37:06No, no, no, I'm not.
37:08And I don't think so, but...
37:10But I'm afraid of what María might think.
37:12And of Jesus himself.
37:14Jesus? Seriously? After everything he's done to you?
37:18Please, you need to get out of that cage as soon as possible.
37:25It's the last thing.
37:27Begoña, you can only take one every night.
37:31At this rate, they can make you addicted.
37:34That would be the least of my worries.
37:37We're talking about something very serious.
37:40You're a nurse, you know it just as well as I do.
37:42Look, Luz, in a few days I'll try to sleep without them, okay?
37:45But now it's impossible.
37:48In fact...
37:51In fact, you have to give me another shot.
37:55No, I'm not going to give it to you.
37:59But I'm your patient, you know I need them.
38:02Before your doctor, I'm your friend.
38:05Are you going to let me spend the night in a cage? Please.
38:09Look, tonight we're going to do one thing.
38:11You're going to try to sleep with the pills and tomorrow you'll tell me.
38:14But why are you doing this to me if you prescribed them to me?
38:16Because you're worse, Begoña. Much worse.
38:19I don't think you're capable of using them sensibly.
38:22Luz, I can't take it without the pills.
38:26I can't stand Jesus.
38:28My soul breaks when I look him in the eyes.
38:32And now with the loss of the child, please.
38:35Begoña, if you're not able to stand your husband for the many reasons you have,
38:41you'll have to make another kind of decision.
38:45Which one?
38:47I'm lost.
38:49I have no way out.
38:53All my paths have been cut off, Luz.
38:57A woman like you can't say that.
38:59What am I, Luz? What am I?
39:02A wife tied to her feet and hands, who can be denounced for adultery at any time.
39:06A mother who can't leave her daughter because her soul would break.
39:09And who isn't even able to fight for the man she loves.
39:12At least you've managed to escape the chains of Jesus, Begoña.
39:15I can't take it anymore.
39:17You have to stay calm without the pills.
39:20And decide what you want to do with your life.
39:23Luz, please. I'm begging you.
39:26One last time, please.
39:33I can't.
39:37Thank you very much.
39:39Lucero, don't leave like this.
39:48I really regret saying that to you.
39:52But it's true, Andrés.
39:55And now there's nothing that binds you to me.
39:58What do you mean, Maria?
40:00We're married.
40:02And now we have to overcome our son's loss together.
40:08You've asked me what's important.
40:11This is important.
40:14Please, listen to me.
40:18You and I will be together until death do us part.
40:23Do you really mean it?
40:27You don't say it out of obligation.
40:30No. What happened is the hardest thing that could have happened to us.
40:34But I'm sure it will help us to be more united.
40:48Maria, don't give up, please.
40:53For a moment, I forgot that...
40:58It hurts, and it hurts a lot, but...
41:03This makes me very happy.
41:06Rest, please, and calm down.
41:09Because what I've told you is true.
41:13Andrés, I love you very much.
41:16And Jaime told me that I'll be able to get pregnant again,
41:19so we'll be able to have as many children as we want.
41:24And together we'll be able to forget this tragedy.
41:29I don't know if I'll be able to forget it.
41:32But I'm sure that with your help,
41:35I can try to get over it and be happy.
41:39But I need you by my side, Andrés.
41:42I need your help.
41:45I swear.
41:49I love you.
41:53That's it.
42:00Honeymoon is definitely going to be our song.
42:03Yes, I got goosebumps listening to it next to you.
42:10I won't be able to stop singing it now.
42:13Although our honeymoon is going to have to be a little later.
42:17I can't wait.
42:18Maris wanted up to ten minutes.
42:21We can take a taxi and get there earlier.
42:24Or better yet,
42:26we can go straight to the dessert and go to the hotel.
42:33The recital was a success.
42:36In that theater, between the people, the two of them,
42:39as if we were just two friends who shake hands
42:42or suddenly hug each other because a song has given them a lot of excitement.
42:46People were excited.
42:47It gave me the feeling that there was another couple like us.
42:50When you...
42:54We have to go to all the recitals and concerts we can.
42:57Maybe we can try with a boat next time.
43:01Except for indiscreet looks.
43:03Mrs. Marta!
43:04What a coincidence!
43:06Isabel, we just left Gloria Lasso's concert.
43:09Me too.
43:11Oh, the gift you asked me about was for Mrs. Marta.
43:13Mrs. Marta?
43:18Mrs. Marta was very nice to my father when he was about to die.
43:22And her husband got the treatment that saved his life.
43:26I didn't know.
43:28Is he okay now?
43:29Yes, much better.
43:31You see, Fina and her father are like family.
43:34What were we going to do to try to save Isidro?
43:37By the way, I've heard a lot about his sister-in-law.
43:40The news is flying.
43:43It's been a very sad accident.
43:46I was with my brother this afternoon and he insisted on coming to the recital.
43:50Of course.
43:51The marriage wants to be alone with its grief, right?
43:54I didn't want Fina to lose such expensive tickets either.
43:57Yes, very expensive, yes.
43:58But it was worth it, right?
44:00Yes, yes.
44:02And her husband?
44:04Doesn't he accompany them?
44:06He would have loved it. In fact, we have insisted on it.
44:08But the job couldn't be canceled.
44:11Well, a great show has been lost.
44:13They're coming back for Toledo.
44:15Of course.
44:16Well, I'll leave you because a friend is waiting for me, so...
44:20Run, we won't entertain you anymore.
44:22See you tomorrow.
44:27Do you think she saw something?
44:29She hasn't been able to see anything.
44:31Although I've been very attentive.
44:35So she's the one you asked about the concert.
44:37Well, you tell me.
44:39You told me she was so cult and that she knew so much about books and music.
44:44Well, that's it.
44:46In the end, you got your way.
44:49We can't risk going to dinner.
44:52So we're going to have to move on to dessert.
44:57We're going to have dessert. Don't tell me twice, Mrs. Marta.
45:37Good night.
45:45I didn't know you were here.
45:48I'm going to sleep.
45:51I'm not surprised.
45:53Too many things have happened to me and...
45:57And they're all very difficult to assimilate.
46:03Andrés, I haven't been able to give you my condolences.
46:07I'm very sorry.
46:10I'm very sorry that it happened right after...
46:13No, I don't want to talk about that.
46:16I'm exhausted.
46:19If you come here, you can relax a little.
46:22Of course.
46:24I'm sorry, I'll leave you.
46:26No, you can't stay.
46:27I'm the one who left.
46:29I don't want to leave María alone for a long time.
46:34What do you want?
46:36I feel very bad.
46:40I've argued with Luz.
46:42And I've been in the cemetery because I still can't assimilate that my mother...
46:48I feel very lonely.
46:51I can't do anything.
46:53I know.
46:55I know it's my problem, but...
46:58Since you're the only one who's always able to comfort me when I'm down...
47:02And you told me you'd always try to help me...
47:08Maybe that has changed, Claro.
47:10But it's not that it has changed.
47:13It's that every time I've tried to help you,
47:16everything has gone worse.
47:19We can't go on like this.
47:23We can't go on causing so much pain,
47:26for which we feel for each other.
47:29The only thing we've managed to get by letting ourselves go
47:32is to destroy the family.
47:35My family.
47:44Leone, forgive me.
47:50Because I can't worry about you again.
47:55Everyone has to go their own way.
48:01There's something I've been thinking about,
48:05and it's that you and I are responsible for my son's death.
48:09You think I don't?
48:12But, Andrés, you know it was María who came to get me.
48:17It doesn't matter.
48:19It doesn't matter. It was an accident.
48:21We can't take responsibility for something like that.
48:23Yes, we can.
48:25Things are what they are.
48:27Then I understand that it's definitely over.
49:00The story is not over yet.
49:02Andrés, let's go!
49:04Andrés, let's go!
49:06Andrés, let's go!
49:08Andres, let's go!
49:11We'll go together.
49:14Let's go.
49:17Let's go.
49:19I'm not going to leave you.
49:21Let's go.
49:23We'll go together.
49:25Let's go.
49:27Let's go.
49:28I've never lost a penny with this.
49:30Besides, with the lipstick you have, I'm sure you were going to cover up.
49:35I've been a little weird since we met yesterday with your secretary, with Isabel.
49:39What happened? We just greeted each other.
49:42Yeah, and if she suspected something?
49:44Any birthdays in sight?
49:46No, no, it's not a birthday gift.
49:50It's a whim.
49:51I like being with people.
49:53But as far as I know, I don't think that's a problem for my priesthood.
49:58The problem doesn't lie in all that, Mateo.
50:00It lies in spending the night with a happy church in a train station.
50:05Does this have to do with those new relationships you say you're having in the business world?
50:10I made a small investment and it turned out well.
50:13No, nothing, I'm not looking at you.
50:14Oh, no, you're not looking at me, are you?
50:16Well, yes, I'm looking at you, but it's because...
50:20Because I don't think there are many people like you.
50:24Clotilde died of a gunshot wound.
50:27My son never took a gun.
50:29Years later, Jesus marries you.
50:33And you have an accident that almost costs you your life.
50:41It's the same one Gloria Lasso wore at the concert.
50:46Since you liked it so much, you've been after him from the beginning.
50:50But I know why.
50:52Because you're a bitter woman.
50:54With a marriage that's a failure.
