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00:34Money for what?
00:36To see Jungle of Blood, it's the new Andy Steele film.
00:38He's with the SAS, but he gets hunted in the jungle.
00:40But he knows how to make strangling traps with vines.
00:42That doesn't sound very suitable.
00:44It is, it's patriotic.
00:46No way, I told him if he didn't tidy his bedroom, he wasn't getting any pocket money.
00:48I did tidy it, I spent hours tidying it.
00:50Really, well that's strange, because I've just been up there,
00:52it looks like a family of baboons have moved in.
00:54Mum, can we have a look?
00:56Mum, can we have a look?
00:58We're up there, it looks like a family of baboons have moved in.
01:00Mom, can we have blueberry pancakes for breakfast?
01:02Not today, love, we're having yummy eggs in the microwave.
01:04But we never have pancakes.
01:06I'm gonna be in the paper!
01:08Oh, no, no, no, what for?
01:10Well, I phoned them up and told them about the Ice Skating Club, how well it's doing.
01:14The Ice Skating Club that you're not in?
01:16Well, I went last year. A bit.
01:18No, no, you went one Wednesday.
01:20I distinctly remember the day, because it was the day I bought the incredibly expensive skates.
01:22And I can't get the money for the cinema.
01:24the money for the cinema. Well anyway, I just got an email and they're coming here this
01:28afternoon to take a photo of me. Would the whole ice skating club come in here? No, it's
01:33just me. I didn't tell the others. You didn't tell the others but they're in the group and
01:36you're... What is this? Some kind of interrogation? No. No, we are very proud of you and all your
01:43many different sporting activities. Of course we want your picture in the paper. Mum, can
01:50I get my picture in the paper? I'll wear my favourite suit. All breakfast is nearly ready
01:58Mrs Law. Nice to have something to look forward to, isn't it? I saw with Sean McKinley whether
02:04mum made blueberry pancakes for the children and they were all really happy. Welcome to
02:09reality. Mum, please, Ben and Alison are going to the film and I just want to... No. Fine,
02:15I'll get a job, earn the money, probably get work down the fishing boats. It's quite dangerous
02:20but hopefully I won't get maimed or crippled. Hopefully.
02:34Alison? Password! Password! Give me the password!
02:38Dragonfly! Dragonfly! You nearly dislocated my jaw. I've been practising. Did you get
02:46the money for the cinema? No. My dad was still annoyed about the tripwire. You? No.
02:51Dragonfly! Dragonfly! What's that? Your dad's anorak? It's not funny. My parents bought
03:00me it. Look at it. It's so big it stands up on its own. I wanted a light summer jacket
03:08but they saw this and said I'd get the whole of winter out of it. I don't die of heatstroke
03:13and I didn't get any money for the cinema. Parents said they'd spent enough money on
03:17this and this. Don't worry, I know how to get the money. Golf balls. So, tell me this
03:26again. We're going to find old golf balls and sell them to the driving range? For ten
03:30p each. I know some guys from the fifth who did it. It made 40 quid in three hours. And
03:35these old golf balls are where? In there. It's knee deep in them. An amphibious operation.
03:41Outstanding. You can't go in there. You'll get vials disease. Don't be stupid. I'm not
03:48being stupid. Rats wee in the water. If you get it on you, you get vials disease. Kidney
03:53failure followed by slow excruciating death. Everyone goes in the ditch. Right, right,
03:59wrong. I'm not risking my health for some... Everyone goes in the ditch. OK, OK. But this
04:05is insane. Insane. Got something? Just a rock and a fist full of deadly bacteria. Anything
04:19negative? It's a rabbit. Get out before it wees. And another one. They're everywhere.
04:26We're surrounded. Negative on that. It's a rabbit. Catch it. Catch it. Catch it. Why?
04:33Why do we want the rabbit anyway? Oh, how sweet. My old ice skating dress. The pet shop
04:52sell rabbits for 20 quid each. So we'll catch two and sell them for a tenner each. We got
04:57the money. Outstanding. Yeah, but... Sand. Rabbits love sand. I bet it lives here. I
05:05hear them. Rabbits. Can I just ask, how do you know what rabbits sound like? Well, dig
05:13down. Get them by surprise. Charlie, you can't just dig up a green. Look. Hostiles. It's
05:22OK. Just act natural. All right, boys. Lovely day for it, isn't it? Of course they're not
05:28all right. We're trespassing and vandalising. Run!
05:52Come on, ladies. Do you think Charlie got away? Probably. He's had a lot of experience
06:16in covert ops. Like your anorak. Did you build it yourself? Oh, what is it? Get it off me.
06:28Don't believe this. I'm an object of public ridicule. And it's so hot. I think I'm getting
06:34dehydrated. The pain will make you stronger. Ow! What are you doing? Just mending my dress.
06:49I want it to look nice for the photos. Very good, Hannah. Reuse and recycle. Let me see.
06:55What's that? You look like you're off to join the circus. Well, I think it is... It's ridiculous.
07:01You can't have your photo taken in this. Hang on. But, Mum, it's my favourite... Hannah,
07:06you're having a new dress and that's that. Got it? Yes, Mum. Wait. How much is this
07:11going to cost? Considerably less than therapy for me if I'm publicly humiliated. Can we
07:16at least discuss it? Of course we can. As soon as we get back from shopping. Stupid
07:26rabbit. I can't believe it ate two buttons. It's wearing ID. Name's Phoebe. It's got an
07:32address. I don't think it's supposed to eat buttons. We should sell it before it gets
07:37ill. We can't sell it. That's somebody's pet. He doesn't care who owns it. Look at it.
07:42He'd be happy anywhere. But this is kidnapping. Or... rustling. Or... it's a crime. It's
07:49definitely a crime. We'll need a box. Look, I've told you, I'm not interested. You haven't
07:59even looked at it. It's in top condition. No, thank you. But you're 20, couldn't it
08:03beat any of yours in a fight? Out. Well, looks like that's the end of the rabbit plan. Maybe
08:11not. The butcher! No way, Charlie, you can't. I'm not. He doesn't like me and Elson since
08:20we sneaked into his freezer to make the giant ice pop. But then... Charlie, no, please.
08:32There you go, my love. Anything else? Thank you. I don't think we're in.
08:37Good day. I've got a business proposition that you might possibly be potentially interested
08:48in. A rabbit? What would I want with a rabbit? What? Is there anywhere we could speak in
09:09private? Look, Sonny, I haven't got time for this. What is it you want? Well, I thought
09:17that you could do quite well if you purchased a rabbit and sold it on to your customers.
09:23You know, for delicious stews and pies. What are you trying to do? Ruin my business? Go
09:34on, clear off. Go on, get out. Go on, clear off. Go on. Oh, sorry. Okay, so we need another
09:53plan. We should take it back. Yeah, but how would we get money for our... You mean ransom
09:59it? That's a brilliant idea. What? No, I didn't say... Well, tell the owner they've
10:04got to give us 20 quid or they'll never see it again. Outstanding. Good job, Ben. Stop
10:09saying that. It wasn't my idea. It's gorgeous. I love it. Oh, it's all in a day's work.
10:17Wash dishes, scrub floors, stop door to humiliated family. No, seriously, thank you so much,
10:22Ron. Oh, so you bought the dress. That's the modern world, I suppose, isn't it? Everything
10:28thrown away as soon as it has the slightest blemish. That's not true. We kept hold of
10:32you, didn't we? You like it? You look lovely. Just don't spoil the moment by telling me
10:37how much it costs. Oh, he wants his clothes washed separate. I don't like him touching
10:45other people's. You'll get used to it. And no pancakes. For Mum and for Telly... Isn't
10:53real. She lives in a magical world full of pancakes and separate washes. We live in Scarborough.
11:00It's better, Mattelli. Have you seen the other one? Yeah, no, he's up in his room. He wanted
11:06the newspaper for some kind of school project. Charlie's doing a project? Yeah, with Ben.
11:12Oh, Ben. He's such a good influence.
11:24Bring the money in a smoky bacon crisp packet to the fountain in Fitzmores Park at four
11:28o'clock. Twenty quid or the rabbit gets it. Come alone or the rabbit gets it. Do not contact
11:33the police or the rabbit gets it. Outstanding! Yeah, the prosecution will love it. There
11:39won't be a prosecution because we're not going to hurt the rabbit. We'll just pretend so they'll
11:43give us the money for the cinema. I can't believe I'm going along with this. I think I've got
11:48a weak character. Oh no, look!
11:59Bad rabbit, you're not supposed to eat the curtains.
12:03Huh, that's sorted it.
12:17That's the house I borrowed the rabbit from. Hey, where'd you get the space suit? Just
12:21shows what you know. That's a Jay-Z jacket. The exact one he wore on his latest tour. Jay-Z?
12:27Cool. Jay-Z jacket? Why didn't I think of that? You two hide over there. You're going
12:35in alone. Is that a good idea? Absolutely. It makes total sense. No one's going in because
12:40I'm throwing this at the front door so they'll hear it and come out. And we'll get a positive
12:45visual of the enemy. Good thinking.
12:58Willful destruction of property. That's a real crime. We're criminals.
13:10Hey, you! Have you broken my window? What's your name? Come on, you two. What is your
13:15name? Eddie, it's not them kids. This note, it says someone's got phobia.
13:28Why are you all dressed up?
13:31For the reporter.
13:33Louis, do you know what a reporter is?
13:37A reporter is someone who looks for children who aren't very kind and she reports them
13:42to the government. And she especially hates children who think they're great because they
13:46get all dressed up.
13:48But you're getting dressed up.
13:50No, no, this is just an old dress. I dug it out from the bottom of the cupboard because
13:53I'm throwing it out. But when the reporter sees you in that suit, she's going to report
13:57you and the men will come and take you away.
14:00To where?
14:01To a special camp where they make children work very, very hard. And you can only eat
14:06lumpy porridge and you can't see mum and dad. But it's okay, Louis. Just stay away from
14:12the reporter and you'll be fine.
14:24Charlie, is that you?
14:26Have you cleaned your room yet?
14:28Yeah, of course.
14:29I hope so, because I'm coming up there to check in a minute.
14:36Oh, no.
14:47Oh, no. Bad rabbit.
14:54Not bad. What's in the box?
15:04Just some toys and books I've tidied up.
15:08Now this I've got to see.
15:15Okay. Make sure you put that away, alright?
15:23What's the matter with you? You're sick in the head.
15:41I just want you to know, if you mess up with me and the reporter in any way, I will turn
15:45your life into a nightmare.
15:46Yeah, okay. Whatever.
15:48You're not even listening.
15:52See this? If you start any trouble, I'm going to put it in the microwave with a giant bottle
15:56of ketchup.
15:57That's a brilliant idea. How come I didn't think of that?
16:00And it will cause a giant mess and you'll get the blame because no one would ever believe
16:03that I've done it and you'll be grounded for a month.
16:06Got it? Okay, got it.
16:09Have a nice day.
16:10Yeah, I will, when you're gone.
16:14Phoebe? Phoebe? Phoebe? Phoebe? Phoebe? Phoebe?
16:34Just checking for mouse droppings.
16:38It's fine. There aren't any.
16:40Yeah, 100%.
16:44Enjoy your stay.
16:49Phoebe? Phoebe?
16:51Magic Rabbit, where are you?
16:53I'm off out on business, but you can still keep looking for the Magic Rabbit, can't you?
16:57Yeah. How is it magic?
17:01It plays the banjo.
17:03If you find it, just bring it to our room and wait for me and don't tell anybody
17:08because the Magic Rabbits are our little secret, isn't it?
17:11Will the Magic Rabbit stop the reporter from taking me away?
17:18Magic Rabbit?
17:20Oh yeah, it's Hannah's dress.
17:22She dug it out from the bottom of her cupboard because she's throwing it out.
17:26Is that right?
17:36What do you mean you haven't got the rabbit?
17:40What are they?
17:41Rabbit ears. I made them from Hannah's old dress.
17:46Are you out of your mind?
17:48This plan is definitely going to work.
17:58What's all this?
17:59Oh, for the interview. I want it to look professional.
18:02Right. And the trophies?
18:05Oh, I borrowed them from Jenny Leaf.
18:07I don't want him to think I'm just good at ice skating.
18:09But you're not good at ice skating.
18:11See, this is the problem nowadays.
18:13People want the fame and the recognition without any of the hard work.
18:16Duh, obviously.
18:17No, no, but it's not right, Hannah. It's wrong.
18:19You did not win these trophies and I want you to put them away.
18:22But Dad...
18:23No, Hannah!
18:26So you're saying...
18:28I shouldn't take the credit for what Jenny Leaf's done.
18:32And I should just be who I am and be proud of myself?
18:34Yes. You have a beautiful soul.
18:37And I'm not the greatest athlete in the world.
18:39But it's OK.
18:41Good girl.
18:56The note said for one person to come alone,
18:58so you two keep watch out for anyone else.
19:01You bring the walkie-talkies?
19:05Why don't we just use our phones?
19:07Too risky! Drop signals!
19:09Insecure channels!
19:11And I don't have any credit.
19:13Hey, it's the guy with the Jersey jacket.
19:15How's it going?
19:17Oh, er...
19:18Well, you know, I'm just, er...
19:20chilling in the hood.
19:23Did you see that?
19:25I'm cool. I'm actually cool.
19:28It makes it all worthwhile.
19:30The dehydration and the constant sweating.
19:33Hey, stay focused, OK?
19:41Rabbit one is in the lettuce patch.
19:43Repeat, rabbit one is in the lettuce patch.
19:47Rabbit one has dropped the carrots and we're good to go.
19:51Western perimeter is secure.
19:56Eastern perimeter's secure.
20:05The pun stays between us
20:07if you're trying to make it up to me.
20:09I'm not trying to make it up to you.
20:11I'm trying to make it up to you.
20:13I'm trying to make it up to you.
20:15Between us, if you try to run around,
20:17the rabbit gets it.
20:18All right, son, just stay calm.
20:21It's over there, right?
20:31Is that one of them Jay-Z jackets?
20:33Oh, er...
20:34Yeah, you know, just, er...
20:36chilling in the hood.
20:38Hand it over.
20:41Give us the jacket back!
20:42What? No, come on!
20:44Jay-Z would never wear this!
20:45Look at it! It's tat!
20:47OK, go ahead, it's your star funeral!
20:58All right?
21:02Eastern perimeter has been breached.
21:04Repeat, eastern perimeter has been breached.
21:13Give me that!
21:19It's empty.
21:20Just two bits of fur.
21:29You jeopardised the entire operation
21:32and lost some valuable equipment!
21:34Hello? I've just been mugged!
21:36I'm the victim here!
21:38And all because of you and your Jay-Z story.
21:40I thought you liked being cool.
21:42There's nothing cool about being mugged!
21:45I've probably got post-traumatic stress!
21:47Don't be annoying!
21:49Right, OK, understood.
21:51So what are you going to do about the rabbit?
21:53I'll go home, find it, leave it outside their house
21:56and meet you at the cinema at ten to six.
22:01Lovely warm jacket.
22:05I don't know who you are, but you've got my walkie-talkie.
22:09So hear this.
22:11I will find you and I will hurt you.
22:16Is that Alison, the psycho?
22:23It must be so interesting being a reporter.
22:26It's all right.
22:28Anyway, here's a list of questions you might like to ask.
22:30Just suggestions.
22:33What do you look for in a boyfriend?
22:35Someone who appreciates me for myself.
22:38Someone who's always there, waving, never curling,
22:40blue eyes, 5'10", or more.
22:42And no-one who's been dumped by Amanda Bryce
22:44because I won't have her walking around.
22:46Sorry, shouldn't you be writing this down?
22:49Oh, hello, Louis.
22:51This is Terry, the reporter I told you about.
22:53You can't take me.
22:55I've got some magic rabbit.
22:57Anyway, where were we?
22:59Oh, yeah, Amanda Bryce.
23:01She thinks she's so cool.
23:03Can we just get on with the photo?
23:05Oh, right, OK.
23:07You think you can make me look like this?
23:11If I had £100,000 and a team of highly skilled surgeons.
23:14Excuse me?
23:16What are we going to do, Eddie?
23:18Phoebe? I miss her so much.
23:21I know, Dwayne. I know.
23:24But this is the only clue we've got.
23:27You've got to hand it to her.
23:29A very professional job.
23:31Hold on. What's that?
23:34It's from a bigger bee.
23:39Come on.
23:47Where are you going?
23:49I'm watching the magic rabbit.
23:51It's lost its banjo.
23:53Where is it?
23:55It's there.
23:57It's the grumpy people's room.
23:59Why are you wearing that?
24:01Because I'm getting my foot in the paper.
24:03So obviously I'm going to wear my best stuff.
24:05Just don't worry about it. You won't understand.
24:07Just get on with your little picnic.
24:10The rabbit's showing magic.
24:12It's made loads of things disappear.
24:17Oh, no.
24:23Bad. Very bad.
24:31If anyone asks, you didn't see me, all right?
24:34Goodbye, magic rabbit. And thank you.
24:38Lovely day, isn't it?
24:42Ah! My dress!
24:44Oh, Brookville.
24:46I will...
24:54Oi! You!
25:02Oh, my camera!
25:04What are you standing here for?
25:06This is my favourite corner for running round.
25:10Hold this.
25:13Oi! Come here!
25:26I don't believe it.
25:28You wait years for a photo like that.
25:34Hurry, Mum! Can't hear you!
25:43Welcome to Hell, Phyllis!
26:01Out of the way!
26:03Yeah, up, yeah!
26:10Your rabbit wrecked our house.
26:12You owe my dad a fortune.
26:27How can this be right?
26:29Do all the laundry for a week.
26:31And for what? For getting a lost pet back to its owners?
26:34What kind of a lesson's that for a child?
26:37It's a travesty of justice!
26:59Subtitling by SUBS Hamburg