• last month


00:00Oh, Cherry, doesn't it feel good to exercise your creative side?
00:19This is the only kind of exercising I enjoy.
00:22I could sit here all day.
00:25So could I.
00:27But don't you think we're taking advantage of Ranger Danger having him pose for us like
00:32What do you mean pose?
00:34This is just where he takes his breaks.
00:36Ranger Danger, we're not disturbing you, are we, honey?
00:39Not at all.
00:40Mother Abigail's just sitting on her porch.
00:43But some s*** is about to go down in Vegas.
00:46Isn't that always the case?
00:48I knew a man once from Vegas.
00:50He was so smart.
00:51He could remember my pin number just by me telling him one time.
00:57That spells password security.
01:01Sure does, honey.
01:03I think I like my art subjects better when they're quiet.
01:05I wouldn't know.
01:06I haven't had a moment's peace and quiet since camp started.
01:10All right, break's over.
01:13Can't wait to see what you two painted.
01:15I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised.
01:17Well, I think you're going to be just regularly surprised.
01:20All right, let's see it.
01:23It's fantastic!
01:25Oh, mine's awful.
01:28No, it's not, Cherry.
01:30You're always down on yourself.
01:32You think if I could go down on myself, I'd be here painting?
01:35Listen, you can't expect to be Michelangelo, Donatello, or Raphael overnight.
01:39These things take time.
01:41It looks great.
01:42Oh, thanks, I guess.
01:47Did you get a load of him?
01:49I know, right?
01:50You ever saw one of those mutant sewer turtles paint?
01:53So cultured.
02:21Good morning, campers!
02:23Good morning, Ruthie!
02:26We have gathered you in the Camp Wanakiki Arts and Crafts cabin
02:31because today you'll be working toward your artsy-fartsy badge!
02:38Thankfully, last night was not Taco Tuesday at Camp Wanakiki,
02:43so you should be feeling more artsy than ever.
02:47So you should be feeling more artsy than fartsy,
02:51which is a good thing because we're going to have a mother-tucking art-off!
03:01And here comes Ranger Danger with the first item you'll be painting.
03:05Well, I had a whole fruit bowl, but I got hungry waiting for the sugar baker,
03:09so unfortunately, all I have is this here pineapple.
03:16That's okay, Ranger Danger.
03:19You'll need all that energy for later on.
03:26Anyway, campers, you have all the supplies you need
03:30to create a masterpiece painting of this pineapple.
03:34We're going to put 15 minutes on the clock,
03:36at which time the sugar baker twins are going to come in
03:39and blind-judge your masterpieces,
03:42determining who will proceed to the next round of the mother-tucking art-off!
03:49Grab your brush. The clock starts now!
04:01It looks like we're going to be drawing pineapples today,
04:04a little still-life moment, which is really confusing to me
04:07because I thought pineapples were for swingers.
04:10My husband hates pineapple, but the minute I see him eating some,
04:13I know exactly what's up.
04:17I just love to paint. Like, it's my therapy.
04:19Like, I don't care how it looks. I just love the process.
04:22Work. Oh, my God. What a process.
04:25This is my process. You better work!
04:28I'm using all my assets. Yes!
04:31Make a mess. I don't make messes, Nutella!
04:35What are you talking about? You messy-bessy!
04:39It's really fun to finally come over here and play with colors
04:42besides doing our makeup every day.
04:44Okay, who's political here with their art?
04:46Drag is a political art form.
04:48It's a very powerful experience to be able to be political.
04:51You're still expressing your own take on something,
04:54and you're sharing it with the world, which is a very brave thing,
04:57especially in today's world. So, I mean, like, kudos to us.
05:01My art is pretty much dedication and awareness
05:05for black culture and black women.
05:08I have a lot of people who raised me,
05:11and a lot of trauma comes from that,
05:14but a lot of good memories also come from that,
05:17and it's like, I feel like it's my mission to uplift queer black voices.
05:21I'm not really the most political person when it comes to my art.
05:25For me, it's more cathartic, and a lot of the time
05:28when I'm, like, in a negative head space
05:31or I'm just dealing with something that I don't really know how to process,
05:34I just, like, find something blank and just mess it up.
05:37And it's really interesting, like, the things you find out about yourself
05:40and how you process things and run through it afterwards.
05:43I first started joining the drag community,
05:47and I first started pursuing this art.
05:50I was very worried at the way that I was going to be viewed
05:53because obviously I identify as non-binary, and I do identify as trans,
05:56and that's a journey that I'm currently on right now.
05:59It was really scary because I almost had to feel like,
06:02am I queer enough? Am I trans enough?
06:05Are people going to see me the way that I see myself?
06:08And it was a mind game for a while, but I'm happy to report back
06:12that this is the best place I could be to discover those things
06:15and that the community I have around me has really, really helped with that.
06:19So that was more me getting in my own head.
06:22My family lived in Hawaii for, like, a few years,
06:25and so when I was growing up, we always just had, like,
06:28a lot of, like, pineapple stuff that they had bought,
06:32like, lamps and just, like, decorations and stuff.
06:35So it definitely, like, kind of feels, like, homey to me.
06:38What do they think about the swinger?
06:41Oh, my parents love to f*** the neighbors.
06:44F***ing hell.
06:49All right, campers, time is up.
06:52Put your brushes down.
06:55Oh, look at these.
06:57Book me a flight to Hawaii and call me a pineapple princess
07:00because these are fabulous.
07:03Why don't you all take a quick break, and I'm going to get things ready
07:06for the Sugar Baker Twins to come in and do a blind judging
07:09on your artwork, and we'll see which of you
07:12moves on to the next phase
07:15of the Mother Tuckin' Art Off.
07:25Cherry Pie, you should see these paintings.
07:28They are so good.
07:31Matty, it's hard to...
07:34It's hard to see anything with this blindfold on.
07:37What the hell are you wearing that for?
07:40You said it was a blind judging.
07:43Take that thing off, you dumb c**p. A blind judging.
07:46Like we don't know whose paintings they are.
07:49Oh, they look so much better now.
07:52Ranger Danger looks like he's got 2 pineapples.
07:55This one looks like a grenade. It's the bomb.
07:58Oh, I like this abstract one.
08:01Oh, it's so Avante Garde.
08:04Well, which 4 do you want to move on to the next round?
08:07Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Just kidding. I think I have my 4.
08:10You know, I think I feel pretty good, too.
08:13Yay! Go team!
08:23The Sugar Baker Twins have made some decisions
08:26on which of the 4 of you will be moving on
08:29to the next round in the Art Off.
08:32And the first artist is...
08:38Sorry, I got distracted while painting.
08:41Well, there is a pineapple in it, so you're good.
08:44The second camper to move on is...
08:50Hello, little bikini honey bunny.
08:53There you go, all right.
08:56Now I have to ask, who painted this?
08:59It was me.
09:02Stevie, congratulations, you're moving on to the next round.
09:08And last but not least, somebody did something quite out of the box,
09:11and that was Ivana!
09:14You painted this with your beard?
09:17Stupid. All right!
09:20This challenge was both quick and dirty,
09:23and I think that that makes it just perfect, and I'm proud of what I made.
09:26Two shades of pink from a lady who stinks.
09:29At Art!
09:32Congratulations, I'm making it to the next round!
09:38Are you excited to see what you're going to paint next?
09:41Ranger Danger!
09:44There you are.
09:47Sorry I'm late. I found a family of kookaburras living in here.
09:50I had to coax them out with a big, fat, juicy, veiny worm.
09:56I bet you did.
09:59Anyway, campers,
10:02you have 15 minutes to paint this lovely birdhouse
10:05built by our Season 5 campers.
10:08Then we'll decide which two of you
10:11will go on to the final round of
10:14the Mother Tuckin' Art-Off!
10:20Ooh, this is gonna be a difficult one.
10:23I want to give her a glow-up.
10:26So I was very nervous today.
10:29I had a very emotional evening.
10:32I was very proud of my look yesterday,
10:35so I wasn't expecting to be in the bottom.
10:38But you know, it's a new day.
10:41Today's your day. It better be.
10:44Younique, how do you feel over there about the competition?
10:47I feel kind of good about what's going on.
10:50I'm kind of nervous as well because
10:53I had a top placement the first day,
10:56and then the next 2 days were safe,
10:59so I'm like, am I at a decline in this competition?
11:02So that just makes me nervous.
11:05It's so hard not to get in your own head about this.
11:09And I'm thankful I've been safe, you know, thus far, thank God.
11:14But I just like, I keep getting nervous that
11:17I'm not gonna be safe anymore.
11:20But it could happen to anybody, you know.
11:28Betty, Cherry, you need to pick 2 of these paintings.
11:32Oh my heavens.
11:34And that will determine who goes into the finals.
11:37Oh, the pressure.
11:39Oh, they're all so different and they're all so fabulous in their own different way.
11:43I don't know how to decide.
11:45This one's a little naughty.
11:47A little naughty, that's why I like it.
11:49This one's got some nice perspective with shadows.
11:52It is lovely.
11:54Some little chickadees action going on here.
11:56I think I know who my 2 favorite are.
11:58OK, if I have to only pick 2, I think I know as well.
12:01We're about to send 2 campers to the final round
12:04of the Mother Tuckin' Art Off.
12:16Wow, all of the campers are back.
12:19You all want to see who goes on to the next round, don't you?
12:23Well, we do have 2 winners.
12:25And our first winner is...
12:27the artist behind this painting.
12:31Stevie, that's you?
12:33That's me.
12:35Thank you so much.
12:36And the second camper to make it to the final round is...
12:40this artist.
12:44Congratulations, Lulu, you dirty little bird.
12:48All right, so for the final round,
12:51I feel like you 2 need to paint something that's a little bit more complicated.
12:57Oh, Ranger Danger.
13:01Hey, look who I found wandering through the woods.
13:10Oh my God, everyone, it's drag superstar Gamora Hall
13:14from RuPaul's Drag Race.
13:19Welcome, welcome to Camp Wannake.
13:21I'm so glad you're here.
13:23I mean, I just have to wear the king of camp,
13:26the Camp Wannake, you know?
13:28Look at this Bob Mackie, y'all.
13:33Lulu, Stevie, I think for this final round,
13:36you are going to paint this incredible, beautiful, living piece of artwork.
13:43Oh my God.
13:45How much time they got, though?
13:46You have 20 minutes to paint,
13:49or as long as Gamora can stand here.
13:53Just stand majestic like a tree.
13:57Well, as long as they're rooting for me, that's just fine.
14:00I think they're in your corner.
14:02All right, you 2 get painting.
14:04The rest of you campers, Ranger Danger, come with me.
14:07Have a great time at Camp Wannake.
14:09Let's go, girls. 20 minutes.
14:15I cannot believe that you are here.
14:17Me neither. I love a good cameo.
14:20All right, y'all need to capture my true essence.
14:22So here's my I'm-about-to-get-eliminated pose.
14:25I love that one.
14:26Wait, yeah, no, that's good.
14:28Oh, yes, yes.
14:29But someone said tree earlier, right?
14:31So you said this is the tree pose?
14:33Oh, can I do it in this dress?
14:34Oh, oh, oh, oh, look at you.
14:37Challenge, it's a challenge.
14:39Can I hold this?
14:41Okay, you have 20 minutes to hold that, okay?
14:44Gamora, I have a question for you.
14:46What kind of advice would you give drag entertainers
14:49who are competing in a drag competition?
14:51Do you have any advice?
14:52Hurry the f*** up.
14:55That's the one thing I would say if I could turn back time.
14:58But also I'd say just be yourself.
15:01I know that sounds really, really cliche.
15:03If you're selected to be on that competition
15:05or whichever it may be, they chose you for you, right?
15:09So bring that when you walk in the workroom.
15:11Oh, can I even say the workroom?
15:13Is that trademark?
15:14When you walk into the arts and crafts room.
15:17Literally just have fun.
15:18You need to forget that it's a competition sometimes
15:20and just let loose.
15:23Because I think for me,
15:25I was just trying too hard to be perfect
15:28and giving what they wanted to see
15:31and being worried every moment, second,
15:33that I was going to f*** it up, which I did.
15:35But that's why I f***ed it up, because I forgot to have fun.
15:39Will you ever live down your tree moment?
15:41Have you lived it down yet?
15:43You know, it's going to follow me everywhere like a ghost
15:45and I'm totally fine with it.
15:47You know, it's got to stay relevant somehow, right?
15:50Hey, if they're talking about you, you're winning.
15:53Can one of y'all actually say the line correctly?
15:55Show me how it's done, okay?
16:01I'm rooting for you.
16:04Oh, was I saying the wrong word?
16:06Have I said the wrong word?
16:08Yeah, maybe it was the emphasis on the wrong syllable
16:11is what did it for you, you see.
16:13Okay, now, Lulu, I look like a nun in that photo.
16:16Hey, listen, listen, listen.
16:18I was going for, like, banshee or, like...
16:20Ain't nothing holy about this.
16:21...woman of the lake kind of thing.
16:23You can't rush perfection, Kimora.
16:26That is true, see?
16:27Is this your first time out in the woods
16:29or have you gone camping before?
16:31This is actually my first time out in the woods,
16:33but then I'm sad that there's no bears.
16:35I want some bears.
16:36Just you wait till lunchtime.
16:40I need a break.
16:48I need a break.
17:04Well, apparently, we have quite a few painters
17:07this season at Camp Wanakiki.
17:09Kimora, what do you think?
17:11I'm impressed.
17:12I think this is the fastest I've ever been painted.
17:15Actually, you know what?
17:16I mean, I don't think my chin's that manly,
17:18but, you know...
17:20So, Kimora was really excited
17:22about the Camp Wanakiki T-shirt,
17:23so I gave her that Camp Wanakiki background.
17:26I even apologized to you.
17:27I said, I'm so sorry you're so much prettier than this.
17:30Well, you had time to add a chin implant for me.
17:33You know what?
17:34I was just trying to make you like me.
17:36Kimora, what did you think of the painting?
17:38No, all jokes aside, I think it's very beautiful.
17:40I do love beauty portraits, so I love it.
17:43It's really good,
17:44but there's another painting we should see as well.
17:47We do.
17:48Lulu, tell us about this lovely work of art.
17:51So, I really wanted to capture Kimora's total essence,
17:54so I did a full-body portrait.
17:57We have the glitter, we have the unicorn,
17:59and then, of course, I did put her in her natural habitat,
18:02the tree.
18:03I look like I'm about to get a f*** against the tree.
18:05I mean, which ain't a bad thing.
18:07You know, we are in the woods.
18:09So, Kimora, I think that you should decide
18:13who the final winner is of the mother-tucking art-off.
18:18Who will it be?
18:19Will it be Stevie's painting,
18:21or will it be Lulu's painting?
18:23Ooh, decision, decision.
18:25Power of my hands.
18:27Well, despite looking like a man,
18:31I will say I actually think Stevie's painting
18:34is the winner here.
18:36I just...
18:37You know what?
18:39Despite the crimson chin,
18:41you got the cheekbones, the jawline,
18:43and I love a good beauty portrait.
18:45So, Lulu, I'm sorry,
18:47but you're going to the pork chop bologna dog.
18:51Thank you so much.
18:52If they give me more time, I'll blend that for you.
18:55Well, Stevie, I have another surprise for you.
18:58Oh, no.
18:59Since you are the winner,
19:00you are receiving the coveted Immunity Badge.
19:05Wait, I don't know about all that.
19:07Now you know that whoever holds the Immunity Badge
19:10cannot take a hike tonight at the talent show.
19:16Speaking of which,
19:17the theme for tonight's talent show is Masterpiece.
19:23So I suggest all of you little artists
19:26hurry back to your cabins and get ready,
19:29and we'll see you at the talent show.
19:31And this concludes the...
19:35Mother Tucking Art Off!
19:58Good evening, and welcome to the Camp Wanakiki Talent Show!
20:03Tonight, our campers are earning their artsy-fartsy badge
20:07Ooh, and speaking of artsy-fartsy,
20:09we're joined by extra special guest judge Kimora Hall.
20:14And speaking of artsy-fartsy, I'm rooting and tooting.
20:18You were also modeling earlier today
20:21at the Mother Tucking Art Off.
20:23And tonight on the talent show stage,
20:25our campers will be presenting Masterpiece,
20:28a look inspired by a famous work of art.
20:31Kimora, as our extra special guest judge,
20:34would you like to ring in the talent show?
20:37Would I? I'd be so honored.
20:44Let's start the show!
20:49We all know the famous statue of a naked man
20:51sitting on a rock in deep thought.
20:53But what we don't know is what he's actually thinking.
20:57Maybe it's his favorite food,
20:59or maybe he's having an existential crisis,
21:02or maybe it's Cherry's sweet, juicy ass,
21:06or Betty's swamp ass.
21:08And yes, he can tell them apart
21:11because he's thought about it.
21:13Either way, he has a lot on his mind.
21:20But tell us what you really think.
21:22I thought that too.
21:25Puppies playing poker,
21:27hounds with taxes holdin'.
21:29Either way, I'm the bitch with the best hand in the pound.
21:33You call for a masterpiece,
21:34well, my monthly poker playing parties are best in show.
21:38Pay no attention to my glamour collar.
21:40I've rebranded it as the cone of fame.
21:44But between my luscious coat, gentle demeanor,
21:47and all those dogs playing poker,
21:50I've got a full house.
21:53You poker, you broader.
21:55I hope she's potty trained.
22:00The legend of Saturn devouring his son
22:02states that Saturn once ruled the Earth
22:04and didn't want his reign to come to an end,
22:06so he would consume every child he had
22:08in order to not be replaced on the throne.
22:11Talk about relatable.
22:12Every day these new drag performers
22:14are getting younger, faster, and more flexible,
22:16and every day I become the opposite.
22:18I'd like to keep the throne for as long as I possibly can.
22:21I haven't even had it for very long,
22:23and I'm just getting comfortable.
22:25So while my body quietly ages and decays,
22:27I think I'll feast upon their youthful flesh
22:29until further notice.
22:31I'm not bitter. You are.
22:33I told them lunch was in 30 minutes.
22:36Mmm, tastes like children.
22:41She made it through the wilderness.
22:44You know she made it through.
22:47I didn't know how lost she was
22:50until Christ was born.
22:53This masterpiece is inspired by
22:55Madonna and Child by Duccio
22:57and Madonna, no last name.
22:59This is the immaculate conception
23:01that bitch Mary wished she had.
23:03Maybe if she looked like this,
23:04she wouldn't have to open a burger joint.
23:06And yes, I'm still a virgin.
23:08You think I would let ancient dirty d*** in me?
23:10Please, this is before running water.
23:13Bitch, I am Madonna.
23:15Bustier, Mary.
23:18Attention feline fanatics and cat aficionados.
23:21Listen up as I paint you a portrait
23:23of cat art pioneer Louis Wayne,
23:25whose paintings and illustrations
23:27unleashed a cataclysmic shift in the art world.
23:30With every perfectly rendered tobing and tail,
23:32Wayne whiskered us away to a
23:34mutestical realm of wonder.
23:36Feeling curious as a cat?
23:38Well, come take a look and immerse yourself
23:40in the artistic masterpiece that is
23:42this p***y and this p***y.
23:45Put your paws up and let's thank
23:47Louis Wayne for teaching us all
23:49how to step our p***ys up.
23:51This p***y's out of control.
23:53What strain of catnip is this?
24:00Hello darlings, it's me, Fruit Basket.
24:04First name Fruit because, well,
24:06I think that's obvious, darling, don't you?
24:09And my name is Fruit Basket.
24:12I think that's obvious, darling, don't you?
24:15And last name Basket because
24:17I'm also a little bit of a basket case.
24:20And who wouldn't be?
24:22Spending your whole life being called a banana
24:24when you're really a pear
24:26can definitely take its toll.
24:28But all that queer-related trauma
24:30won't prune itself.
24:32Make sure you're taking your anti-anxiety
24:35and stimulantals, darlings.
24:38I love a man with a big basket.
24:40An apple a day keeps the pill bottles away.
24:46Well, hot diggity damn, y'all.
24:48It's me, Salvador Dali Parton.
24:51Would y'all look at me just melting away
24:53like a popsicle at a summer hoedown?
24:55Ain't no use crying over spilled sparkle.
24:58I'll just turn this puddle of fabulousness
25:00into a whole new art form.
25:02This melting masterpiece is proof
25:04that even reality can't hold me down.
25:07Melting ain't defeating, darling.
25:09It's just a pit stop on the road
25:11to even more surrealist adventures.
25:13By the way, does anyone know what time it is?
25:17Now, why'd she come in here looking like that?
25:19What time is it?
25:21It's nine till five.
25:25Who's ready to boogie-oogie-woogie with me?
25:28Potty brea...
25:32This Van Gogh-o girl has been serving
25:34anything but still life
25:36since she was hired at Studio 54
25:38to distribute Quaaludes three days ago.
25:41Who would have thunk a small-town girl like me
25:44could find food service work in the big city?
25:47Though I haven't quite gotten the hang of the uniform yet,
25:50I've definitely gotten addicted to cocaine.
25:53Andy Warhol told me that pointillism is passé
25:56and that Van Gogh was a sap,
25:58but he also told me I give great head.
26:00So, you win some, you lose some, I guess.
26:03Go, go, Patty, go!
26:05I think she's on a roll.
26:09It was so cool having, like,
26:11an established drag queen like Kimora Hall here.
26:14The way she was critiquing your art pieces
26:17definitely makes me nervous
26:19about the way she might critique art.
26:23The chin in that picture.
26:27PA said, brush it down, and I said,
26:29no, just let me blend it real quick,
26:31and he said, no, and I said,
26:33oh, she's too pretty for that.
26:35In my personal opinion,
26:37the top two has to be
26:39my fave little foot gremlin right here
26:42and our Salvador Dali Barton.
26:44Like, y'all.
26:46I appreciate you saying that,
26:48but I am still nervous.
26:50Sure, but...
26:52Well, well, I mean, we'll see.
26:54I'm just gonna say it.
26:56I really hope I'm in the top tonight.
26:58Yes, it's time for you to be in the top.
27:00I love your look.
27:02I think that the bottom is really difficult tonight,
27:04but I think that it is Rippa Manhattan.
27:07I think for Masterpiece,
27:09it does become about
27:11the scale of the look.
27:13And I agree.
27:15I think that I'm gonna be in the bottom tonight,
27:17and that's okay,
27:19but, yeah, it definitely breaks my heart
27:21to know that I have this brain
27:23full of ideas,
27:25but I have a wallet that's not full of money.
27:27You are extravagant.
27:29You are not.
27:31Well, that was one wild show!
27:35Well, good thing we brought you here.
27:37That's why we brought you here.
27:39Who were some of your favorites?
27:41Definitely my top was Nutella Fitzgerald.
27:43I loved her voiceover,
27:45but I love that she really committed to that character.
27:47Like, she stayed as a dog the entire time.
27:49When she'd drink out of that wine glass
27:51like a dog drinking out of a water bowl,
27:53that did it for me.
27:55All the details, like the doggy treats,
27:57the biscuits on the board,
27:59the playing cards were all dogs.
28:01The hair.
28:03I also really enjoyed Lulu's presentation.
28:05I thought it was very campy,
28:07very silly
28:09to do Salvador Dali Parton.
28:11How can you go wrong with that?
28:13I mean, I love both of those things.
28:17Like, this was camp, you know,
28:19so I think she really nailed the theme tonight.
28:21Well, I also really enjoyed
28:23Patti's story.
28:25I just love, like, a good
28:2760s, 70s vibe.
28:29So the thing with Patti's,
28:31it would be really funny if she actually knew
28:33how to roller skate.
28:35So she comes out, and she pretends not to,
28:37and then she does a bump, and all of a sudden
28:39she's twirling and dancing and tap dancing
28:41in roller skates.
28:43I noticed that was a trend alert tonight.
28:45Drugs. Lots of drugs.
28:47Yeah, usually it's poop.
28:49Stevie had the immunity badge.
28:51I'm not sure he needed it.
28:53I thought the performance was good.
28:55I thought the look was good.
28:57I thought the makeup was fantastic.
28:59Patti's personality is just kind of quirky
29:01and fun, and she's giving us something
29:03very different.
29:05Nobody else is doing anything like it.
29:07Are we picking a bottom three tonight?
29:09Uh, we might.
29:11There's some candidates for that.
29:13Have we talked about Hanna-Barbera yet?
29:15No, not yet.
29:17I was waiting for something to happen.
29:19You know, I was on edge the entire time,
29:21waiting to finish, and it just never happened.
29:23It was a swing and a miss.
29:25It was a paw print and a miss.
29:27She was inspired by a work of art,
29:29and I don't know that this was
29:31inspired by a work of art or just
29:33she put works of art on.
29:35To me, it missed the assignment
29:37in that respect.
29:39You know who I wish took a copy of the actual piece of art
29:41and put it on them? Rippem.
29:43If you have to explain what the work of art is,
29:45I feel like you already
29:47kind of missed the point.
29:49I kind of feel like Rippem is skating by a little bit.
29:51Their costumes are never
29:53really over the top or jaw-dropping.
29:55They're always just like some pieces
29:57that are put together.
29:59Let's talk about Unique New York.
30:03The concept was there,
30:05the execution was not.
30:07The wording on the other side,
30:09this is something that's happened
30:11on many seasons of Camp Wanakiki.
30:13It looked sloppy.
30:15Is handwriting a camp badge?
30:17It should be.
30:19I think her personality really saved it
30:21because I actually really enjoyed her performance,
30:23which was basic and low on the list.
30:25Welcome, Maura Hall.
30:27Thank you so much for joining us at camp today.
30:29Well, thank you for inviting me.
30:31I had such a blast at camp.
30:33We were so happy that you trotted in
30:35with your unicorn self
30:37and fabulous dress.
30:39In fact, we would like to make you
30:41an honorary camper.
30:43Shut up.
30:45I love this.
30:47It's so much better than a 100K check.
30:49Good, because we don't have that.
30:51I'm out.
30:57This is the one I was most nervous about.
31:11A new queen approaches.
31:13I've entered the competition.
31:21I feel like part of the sisterhood now.
31:23Part of the family.
31:25You have a t-shirt.
31:31It's going to weigh 75 pounds by the time I finish.
31:33That t-shirt is going to hit the ground.
31:35No matter where we're placed,
31:37y'all were amazing tonight.
31:39I really mean that.
31:41Again, the creative energy from that show
31:43got me inspired to do
31:45something really out of the box
31:47as well and lean more into the campy side.
31:49Thank y'all for the art that you produce
31:51and do.
31:57The sugar bakers are going to make me hike
31:59after this.
32:03I already got what I wanted from the show,
32:05which is a shirt, so I'm good.
32:07No matter what happens tonight,
32:09you're all here for a reason.
32:11You're all stars and I can't wait to see what you do
32:13afterwards because that's when the real
32:15race begins.
32:17It's time to take these heels off
32:19and hike down the hill.
32:23You better prance in those horns!
32:25The winner of Camp Wanakiki will receive a
32:27stupendous prize package including
32:29It's a Pola!
32:31A fabulous custom foam wig
32:33by Season 4 camper, Pola Frost.
32:35Shimmer and shine
32:37with a year's supply of glittery makeup
32:39and electric cosmetics.
32:41Set sail, baby! An all expense
32:43paid cruise provided by Dream Vacations
32:45and Adventures by
32:47All this and $10,000
32:49in cold hard cash
32:51provided by Hamburger Mary's
32:53where you can eat, drink
32:55and be merry, baby!
32:57Welcome back campers!
33:01We have made some decisions.
33:03Now we started today with eight
33:05of you, but unfortunately there are not
33:07enough artsy fartsy badges
33:09for everyone. So at the end of the night
33:11tonight, someone will have to take
33:13a hike. But
33:15Stevie, you have the
33:17immunity badge!
33:19Do you still have it on you? I do, it's in my pocket.
33:21Would you like to see it?
33:23I trust you, I trust you.
33:25That means you have immunity for today!
33:27Congratulations! Thank you!
33:29Would I be able to say something?
33:31Of course! So the way things
33:33were phrased was that whoever
33:35has the immunity badge
33:37will get immunity. And I do
33:39want to say I very, very highly
33:41considered passing it off to one
33:43of two campers. However,
33:45when we were talking in the rec room
33:47I was reminded of why I'm here.
33:49Everything I do,
33:51I do for my children.
33:53They deserve to see themselves succeed
33:55in a platform like this.
33:57I will be holding on to it.
33:59Now Stevie,
34:01you earned that.
34:03The fact that you even thought of giving it away
34:05means a lot. And the fact that
34:07you picked up on Ruthie's very clever
34:09wording shows that you're paying attention
34:11to the game. When in fact, yes,
34:13you could have given the immunity badge
34:15to someone else. I'm going to say
34:17you didn't need it
34:19today. I felt like I did.
34:21Yes, congratulations
34:23Stevie, and you will be joined
34:25in the rec room with
34:27Patty Bure and Ivana
34:31You three have all earned
34:33your Artsy Fartsy badge.
34:35Thank you so much.
34:39Alright campers,
34:41you five are in the
34:43top and bottom today.
34:45We will talk to the top
34:47two campers first, and that
34:49is Nutella Fitzgerald
34:53Lulu Crystals.
34:55You better work.
34:57That means
34:59Peak New York, Rip'Em, and
35:01Hanna-Barbera, you can wait backstage
35:03in the rec room. We'll call you out in a minute.
35:09Lulu Crystals
35:11and Nutella Fitzgerald,
35:13congratulations on making
35:15the top two today. Thank you.
35:17Yeah, how does it feel
35:19Lulu to be in the top two today?
35:23Yes ma'am. It feels
35:25really good. I'm very excited to be up
35:27here right now in this position, so thank you.
35:29Thank you, thank you. I loved everything
35:31about it. I love the detail and the lapels
35:33that they're dripping. I love the
35:35cut on the bottom of the coat that's dripping.
35:37I just thought it was dynamite.
35:39Really, really smart. Thank you.
35:41And the nails, they're dripping too.
35:43They are dripping. You are the nail queen
35:45of the season. They're dripping.
35:47If you need to get nailed, go see
35:49Lulu. That's the rumor.
35:51That's what I hear.
35:53Lulu Crystals,
35:55yesterday you were fartsy,
35:57today you were artsy.
35:59You did a great job
36:01at the art off
36:03and this look is fantastic.
36:05Thank you so much. Thank you. I really
36:07appreciate it. You have been someone
36:09that we have considered for
36:11top two in a couple of different talent shows,
36:13so you've been doing a really, really good job,
36:15so it's nice to see you on the stage. Thank you.
36:17And someone who is familiar
36:19with the top two, Nutella Fitzgerald,
36:21how does it feel to be back?
36:23Correct. Feels very correct.
36:27We have had a lot of
36:29animal looks on this show
36:31over the seasons, but the ones that are the most
36:33successful are the animal looks
36:35that have a complete character
36:37behind them. It was such
36:39a character. I fell
36:41in love the minute you walked out there.
36:43When you started lapping up that water,
36:45we were laughing so hard.
36:47You both did a fabulous,
36:49outstanding job today, but there can only be
36:51one winner,
36:53and that is...
36:55Congratulations, Lulu Crystals.
36:59You are the winner of the Artsy Fartsy
37:01Day at Camp.
37:05You've just earned $500 cash.
37:09Thank you so much. I'm definitely fartsy,
37:11so thank you.
37:13Yes, yes you are.
37:15Yes you are.
37:17Lulu Crystals and Nutella Fitzgerald,
37:19congratulations. You've both earned
37:21your Artsy Fartsy badge, and you
37:23can wave backstage for the badging ceremony.
37:33This simply is not my time.
37:35I refuse to go.
37:37I have so much more to show.
37:39I am such a better entertainer
37:41than what I display tonight, and
37:43my package and what I do
37:45is far beyond what
37:47I show tonight.
37:49I am up against two of the most talented
37:51people I've had the privilege of
37:53meeting, so
37:55as much as I want to be confident right now,
37:57I don't think I am. The two
37:59of them are incredible people and
38:01performers, and I can't see either of them
38:03leaving tonight. I'm just so grateful
38:05for this experience, being able to build
38:07all these friendships, but I also
38:09have so much more to show.
38:11If given another opportunity to invite
38:13the Sugarbakers and Rufy into my crazy
38:15little world, I think I could
38:17blow their socks off, so I'm going to keep
38:19my fingers crossed.
38:21Well, campers, unfortunately, you three have
38:23landed in the bottom today.
38:25Let's start
38:27with Rip'Em.
38:29So, I think that
38:31up until now, you've kind
38:33of landed in the middle, you've kind of always
38:35been in a safe spot, not quite
38:37at the top, not quite at the bottom.
38:39But as more and more campers
38:41take a hike, you're kind of shifting
38:43towards the bottom.
38:45That all said, I will say
38:47Rip'Em, that you did indeed
38:49receive your Artsy Fartsy badge.
38:51You can go join the others in the
38:53rec room. Thank you very much.
38:59New York, Hannah Barbera.
39:01Unfortunately, you are in the bottom
39:03two today. Now, this is a very
39:05un-unique position
39:07for you in the bottom
39:09unique. The bubble on top was
39:11almost like an afterthought.
39:15You rely a lot
39:17on your humor, and you are
39:19indeed very funny.
39:21I've only known you a couple of days, and you're one
39:23of the funniest people I've met.
39:25The thought of the
39:27headpiece is really
39:29clever. The execution
39:31is what's lacking.
39:35Hannah Barbera.
39:37Hello, friend. So, I have a question
39:39for you. Are these portraits
39:41on your dress, are they the actual
39:43paintings of the artist?
39:45Yeah, these are the public domain
39:47pieces of artwork by Lewis Wayne
39:49himself. I think the issue for me
39:51is the fact that they are the original artwork
39:53and the assignment was to present
39:55a look inspired by
39:57a masterpiece, not just
39:59take what you consider a masterpiece
40:01and put it on an
40:03outfit. That is why you're in the bottom.
40:05I understand. That's fair.
40:07My entire package, this is the one I was
40:09a little bit less confident about
40:11only because it did seem a little bit more
40:13simplistic to everything else that I have brought
40:15in here. Well, we've seen some amazing
40:17work from both of you. We have.
40:19But unfortunately, you know, we started today
40:21with eight campers and
40:23only have seven artsy-fartsy
40:25badges. So, unfortunately
40:27one of you will be taking a hike tonight.
40:29We are going to write on our chalkboards
40:31the name of the camper
40:33we would like to give that last badge
40:43Just a word of advice
40:45to both of you. If you find
40:47yourself on a reality show moving
40:49forward, don't call one of the judges a C-word.
40:51That said,
40:53I would like to give the badge
40:55to Unique.
40:57Unique spelling.
40:59I would like to see more from both
41:01of you. I would like to see
41:03Hannah get that last badge, though.
41:05And although
41:07in such a short time, I've grown to love
41:09both of you.
41:13Congratulations, Unique.
41:25I love you.
41:27I love you so much.
41:29You are a star.
41:31I love you, baby.
41:33This is what makes
41:35this competition so hard.
41:37It's sort of the bittersweet moment because we try
41:39really hard to create Camp Wanakiki as an environment
41:41that really is a family
41:43and to see the love.
41:45You succeeded because it really is.
41:47It really has been.
41:49I cannot be any more grateful.
41:51Thank you. Unique New York,
41:53congratulations. You have earned
41:55your artsy-fartsy badge.
41:57You can go join the other campers
41:59in the rec room for the badging ceremony.
42:01Thank you, judges.
42:05Hannah Barbera, you have been
42:07a pure delight
42:09to have at Camp.
42:11And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
42:13Thank you for making me feel like a star.
42:15You are a star, baby.
42:17You are a star.
42:19Thank you again for giving me this opportunity.
42:21Goodbye, friends.
42:23Take a hike, my dear.
42:25Enjoy your hike.
42:39Camp is a bad camp, Wanakiki!
42:53Well, looks like camp is over for me.
42:55I was sent on a hike today.
42:57Even though it's been such a short time,
42:59I've had so much fun,
43:01and I've met so many great people.
43:03That's all I really need to take with me.
43:05Just let your true self shine,
43:07let your color shine bright,
43:09and don't be afraid to be crazy and wild.
43:11You never know what kind of smile
43:13you'll put on another person's face.
43:17Goodbye, friends.
43:19It's time to go on a hike.