Hi-5 USA - S01 E29 - Inside / Outside (2004)

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Hi-5 USA Season 1 (2002-2003)
Hi-5 Australia Season 1 (1998-1999)
Hi-5 Australia Season 2 (1999-2000)

SHAUN dresses up as a skeleton and dances with a skeleton friend. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 2, Episode 33 (My body inside).
KARLA pretends to be a toy, and when someone presses a button, she flops down, but when they let the button go and she goes up. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 27 (Arms and legs).
KIMEE turns her cupboards into a mouth and a tummy, Jup Jup makes her believe that the wall has come alive. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 28 (Inside and outside).
KARLA rubs her tummy round and taps her head at a time. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 28 (Inside and outside).
Chats helps JENN because she can't get to sleep. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 2, Episode 8 (Feelings we have).
KARLA stretches, yawns and bends. Adapted from Original Hi-5 Series 1, Episode 41 (Outer space).
SHARING STORIES: Karla tells us a story about a dragon named Cosmo (Curtis) who loves knitting, his brother and sisters (Shaun, Kimee and Jenn) laugh at him because he doesn't like roaring, stomping and fire breathing. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 2, Episode 35 (You and me).


00:00Five in the air, let's do it together.
00:04Five to the sky, who cares about the weather?
00:06Five on the floor, party's not in your place.
00:08Five to the front, there's a smile on my face.
00:10Five, five, five, five, five, five, together.
00:14One, two, three, four, high five.
00:16One, two, three, four, high five.
00:18One, two, three, four, high five.
00:21Five, five in the air, let's do it together.
00:28High five!
00:35Woohoo! Party!
00:37You've got to step right through the music.
00:40You've got to stomp your feet to the beat, yeah.
00:44Walk around in a circle, yeah,
00:47till you come right back to me.
00:51Grab your partner by the hand,
00:53spin them round and round and round.
00:55Kick your heel and point your toe,
00:57round we go with a do-si-do.
00:59Move your body up, move your body down.
01:02Move your body side to side and shake it all around.
01:06Now you touch your nose, now you touch your feet.
01:10Now you start to swing your arms, swing them to the beat.
01:14You've got to clap your hands to the music.
01:17You've got to stomp your feet to the beat, yeah.
01:22Walk around in a circle, yeah,
01:25till you come right back to me.
01:29Till you come right back to me.
01:32Here we go one more time.
01:33One, two, three, we're feeling fine.
01:35Hands on hips and bend your knees,
01:37tap your toes and dance with me.
01:39Slide to the left, slide to the right.
01:42Bring your feet together so you can jump in time.
01:46Hands on hips, now you bend your knees.
01:50Now you start to tap your toes, tap them to the beat.
01:54You've got to clap your hands to the music.
01:57You've got to stomp your feet to the beat, yeah.
02:02Walk around in a circle, yeah,
02:05till you come right back to me.
02:09Till you come right back to me.
02:11Clap your hands to the music.
02:14You've got to stomp your feet to the beat, yeah.
02:18Walk around in a circle, yeah,
02:21till you come right back to me.
02:25Till you come right back to me.
02:28Grab your partner by the hand.
02:29Spin them round and round and round.
02:31Off we go with the do-si-do.
02:33Kick your heels and away we go.
02:36Hi, I'm Jen.
02:37Hi, I'm Sean.
02:38Hi, I'm Carla.
02:40Hi, I'm Curtis.
02:41Hi, I'm Kimmy.
02:42And together, we're High Five.
02:52One, two, three, four, five.
02:57Hi, it's me.
02:58I'm dressed up as a skeleton today.
03:00Can you see all my bones?
03:02I've got a skeleton friend behind the screen.
03:04I've asked him to come out and have a dance,
03:05but he's a little shy.
03:07Oh, come on, Skelly.
03:08Come out and show us your bones.
03:10You guys want to see Skelly, don't you?
03:12That's better, Skelly.
03:14Don't be shy.
03:15Okay, Skelly, now say hello.
03:18Skelly's a skeleton made of lots of bones.
03:21Big bones.
03:22And little bones, like these finger bones.
03:25I've got a skeleton with lots of bones inside me.
03:27So have you.
03:28Looks a little bit like this.
03:31Now, bones are strong to hold us up
03:33and help us keep our shape.
03:35Kind of like the trunk of a tree.
03:37If we didn't have a skeleton inside us,
03:38we'd be all wibbly-wobbly like a jellyfish.
03:40Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble.
03:43So I'm pretty glad I've got my bones inside me.
03:46Now, how about that dance, Skelly?
03:50Skeleton bones rattle and shake.
03:53Legs and arms quiver and quake.
03:56Pelvis and hips swing side to side.
03:59Backbone bends, ribs on each side.
04:02Put them together all right.
04:05With the skull on the top.
04:09That's the skeleton.
04:11Doing the skeleton bop.
04:14Hey, you're not a bad dancer, Skelly.
04:18Gee, the bone on your head's pretty hard.
04:20We've all got bones to keep everything inside safe.
04:23Skull bones protect our brain.
04:25Kind of like a brain helmet.
04:27I definitely need my brain to think.
04:29So I'm glad I've got my brain helmet.
04:31These bones look a little bit like a cage, don't you think?
04:34Rib cage bones to protect our heart and our lungs.
04:39Inside our rib cage, our heart keeps on beating.
04:44And our lungs keep on breathing.
04:46This is where my rib cage is.
04:48Same as yours. Try breathing in.
04:51Did you feel your rib cage move?
04:53Now breathe out.
04:55Can you feel it again?
04:58Skelly's got a long backbone.
05:00Same as mine.
05:01Good for twisting and turning and all those kinds of things.
05:04Hey, want to do the skeleton bop?
05:07One more time.
05:10Skeleton bones rattle and shake.
05:13Legs and arms quiver and quake.
05:16Elbows and hips swing side to side.
05:19Backbone bends, ribs on each side.
05:22Put them together, all right.
05:25With the skull on the top.
05:29That's the skeleton.
05:31Doing the skeleton bop.
05:34Thank you, thank you.
05:36I think that's enough rattling and shaking for me.
05:39Ow, my aching bones.
05:41Hey, any chance of a back rub, Skelly?
05:44You bonehead.
05:54High five!
05:56Whee! Whee! Whee!
06:02Have you ever seen one of these?
06:04You press the button underneath and it flops down.
06:07Then you let the button go and up it comes.
06:10Press, release.
06:12Press, release.
06:14We don't need a button.
06:16We can do it using a pretend button.
06:18Ready? Okay.
06:20Press the button and down we go.
06:22Press and flop.
06:24Release the button and up we come.
06:26Release and up.
06:28Up we come. Release and up.
06:31You don't have to stand up straight every time.
06:33Okay, press the button and down we go.
06:35Press and flop.
06:38Release the button and up we come.
06:40Release and arms out this way.
06:43Press the button and down we go again.
06:45Press and flop.
06:47Release and up we come.
06:49Release and arms up in the air.
06:52Let's flop all the way down to the ground this time.
06:55Oh, I forgot to say press.
07:00Oh, I wouldn't want the button to get stuck.
07:02It's a good thing we're not really toys.
07:05Although I do kind of like it down here.
07:07Okay, ready to pop up?
07:09Last time. Release. Boing!
07:12See you next time.
07:37Hi, like the face I'm making?
07:40Well, I thought I'd make sort of a sculpture out of my cupboards.
07:43See, two eyes, a nose, and these doors are the mouth.
07:48Well, I can put things inside of the mouth to store them.
07:51Like this apple I'm going to eat later.
07:54Inside the mouth you go.
07:57I think it's fun to make things because you can use your imagination.
08:00Like if these doors are the mouth, then this door can be the tummy.
08:05Oh, where'd this come from?
08:08An apple core in my tummy cupboard?
08:11Oh, well I did put an apple up there in the mouth.
08:16Oh, it's gone!
08:19Oh, do you think this is my apple?
08:22Well, it's been eaten.
08:25No, it couldn't be.
08:27Well, these are only cupboards, not a real body with a real mouth and a real tummy.
08:31I'm going to try something else.
08:34Ah, my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
08:43Now I'll just wait a few moments to see what happens.
08:46Wouldn't it be funny if my cupboards were like a real body?
08:51What goes in must come out.
08:54What goes in it moves round about.
08:56In my mouth and down to my tummy.
08:59Food is good and food is yummy.
09:02Now let's check to see if my sandwich is still in the mouth.
09:07Oh, it's gone.
09:10My sandwich has been eaten.
09:13Something strange is going on here.
09:15Somebody's eating all of my lunch.
09:17Curtis, is that you?
09:20Oh, well maybe it's Jen.
09:24Chop, chop.
09:26Okay, whoever you are, eat my lunch, but you have to eat all of it.
09:31A container of dried fruit and nuts.
09:34Energy food.
09:36Take that!
09:39What goes in must come out.
09:42What goes in it moves round about.
09:44In my mouth and down to my tummy.
09:47Food is good and food is yummy.
09:52Oh, just as I thought.
09:55That was my lunch.
09:57All of it.
09:59Well, whoever ate my lunch, I hope they enjoyed it.
10:02They've certainly eaten a lot.
10:05An apple.
10:06A peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
10:09And a container of dried fruit and nuts.
10:12Well, that's a lot of food.
10:14They should be feeling pretty full by now.
10:17Oh, poor chop chop fool.
10:45Oh, I've eaten too much and I have an ache inside my tummy.
10:49I better give it a rub.
10:51Round and round and round.
10:53That's better.
10:54Have you ever tried this?
10:56Round and round with one hand and tap, tap, tap with the other.
10:59Oh, that's tough.
11:00You try.
11:01Round, tap.
11:02Round, tap.
11:04With both hands.
11:05And round, tap.
11:06Round, tap.
11:07Round, tap.
11:09Round, tap.
11:10Round, tap.
11:12Oh, that's a tricky one.
11:13Round, tap.
11:14Round, tap.
11:15Round, tap.
11:17Round, tap.
11:18Round, tap.
11:20Ah, there.
11:21Tummy's all better.
11:22Still fun to keep practicing though.
11:50You wake, Chubs?
11:53What's going on, Gems?
11:54Well, I can't get to sleep.
11:56I feel all wide awake.
11:57You woke me up to tell me that you can't get to sleep?
12:01Well, I'm sorry.
12:01I didn't mean to disturb you, Chats.
12:03I just have all these thoughts running around in my head,
12:05and they're keeping me awake.
12:07Well, I never have a problem getting to sleep,
12:09even after certain people wake me up after I'm already asleep.
12:14Well, you're lucky.
12:16I feel all wriggly and flibberty-unsky.
12:20What's that?
12:21Well, it's a word I made up when I was laying there,
12:23wide awake, trying to get to sleep.
12:26Flibberty-unsky is how I feel when I can't get to sleep.
12:28Well, how about I sing you a lullaby?
12:30That might help you get to sleep.
12:32A lullaby?
12:33That would be lovely, Chats.
12:36Nighttime, sleep time, say goodnight time.
12:40Goodnight, stars, silver and bright.
12:45Goodnight, moon, shimmery bright.
12:49Cuddle up with my blankie.
12:54Cuddle up really tight.
12:58Close my eyes and dream, dream to the morning light.
13:07Oh, Chats, I think your lullaby put Teddy to sleep.
13:11Of course.
13:12Teddy bears never have a problem getting to sleep.
13:14They love to sleep, like me.
13:17Well, maybe I need to do a few stretches to get to sleep.
13:20Want to stretch with me?
13:24Nighttime, sleep time, say goodnight time.
13:29Goodnight, stars, shimmery bright.
13:33Goodnight, moon, silver and light.
13:38Cuddle up with my blankie.
13:42Cuddle up really tight.
13:47Close my eyes and dream, dream to the morning light.
13:56Oh, Chats, I'm feeling a little sleepy.
14:00I don't feel so Flibertiansky anymore.
14:02Why don't you put your head down,
14:03and we'll both sing the lullaby one more time.
14:08Nighttime, sleep time, say goodnight time.
14:12Goodnight, stars, shimmery bright.
14:17Goodnight, moon, silver and light.
14:21Cuddle up with my blankie.
14:25Cuddle up really tight.
14:30Close my eyes and dream, dream to the morning light.
14:39Night, night, Jen.
14:41Sweet dreams.
14:54Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
14:58Stretch, stretch.
15:01Morning's come.
15:03Waking up now.
15:09And yawn.
15:15And yawn.
15:18Bend and stretch, bend and stretch, and yawn.
15:26OK, almost done stretching.
15:27Just a little bit more.
15:33And yawn.
15:39And no yawn.
15:41Bend and stretch, bend and stretch.
15:45Good stretching.
15:46All awake now.
15:53Hi, everyone.
16:07Once upon a time, there was a dragon named Cosmo.
16:10Oh, to be a dragon, be a dragon, be a dragon strong.
16:18Makes me sing, makes me sing, sing a dragon song.
16:24And it goes, na, na, na, na, na, yeah, my dragon song.
16:28Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na.
16:31Um, whoops.
16:32OK, back to the story now.
16:34Let's see.
16:35Yeah, there was a dragon named Cosmo who lived in a warm cave.
16:39And Cosmo loved to knit.
16:41He knitted wooly scarves and socks.
16:44I love knitting scarves.
16:46But most of all, Cosmo loved to knit big wooly sweaters.
16:50My masterpiece.
16:51It's almost finished.
16:53Oh, to be a dragon, be a dragon, be a dragon strong.
17:00Yeah, makes me sing, makes me sing, sing a dragon song.
17:06And it goes, na, na, na, na, na, yeah, my dragon song.
17:12Cosmo was knitting away happily in the cave
17:14one day when he heard his brother and sisters roaring.
17:21We're off to do some stomping and fire
17:22breathing in the forest.
17:23You coming?
17:24Yeah, it'll be fun.
17:25We'll do some fire breathing and roast marshmallows.
17:29Thanks anyway, but I'm a bit busy right now.
17:31Cosmo didn't really like stomping and fire breathing
17:34like the other dragons.
17:36He liked to stay in the cave where it was quiet and warm
17:38and do his knitting.
17:40Who ever heard of a dragon who liked to stay home and knit?
17:44I do.
17:45I like to knit.
17:46Cosmo, why do you knit sweaters?
17:48Us dragons can breathe fire to keep us warm.
17:52Never mind.
17:53We're wasting stomping time.
17:54Let's go.
17:57Cosmo did feel a little left out.
17:59Just because I don't feel like stomping, roaring,
18:02and fire breathing, just like the other dragons.
18:04That night, there was a heavy snowstorm outside.
18:08And Cosmo did the most knitting he had ever done.
18:13Not bad for a night's work.
18:15Time for bed.
18:17Just then, his brother and sisters
18:18came home from their stomping.
18:20And they were very, very cold.
18:23Nothing takes the fire out of your breath like a snowstorm.
18:27My roar has gone, too.
18:28Too cold.
18:30Cosmo knew just how to help them warm up.
18:33Cosmo gave all the wooly clothes he'd
18:35knitted to his brother and sister dragons.
18:37And before long, they were nice and warm.
18:41Thanks, Cosmo.
18:42This scarf is just what I needed.
18:44And I've never worn a shawl before.
18:46This is great, Cosmo.
18:48Well done.
18:49Hey, tomorrow night, why don't we all
18:51stay home and toast marshmallows in the cave?
18:53What do you say, Cosmo?
18:56Oh, to be a dragon, be a dragon, be a dragon strong.
19:03Makes me sing, makes me sing, sing a dragon song.
19:09And it goes, na, na, na, na, na.
19:12Yeah, my dragon song.
19:16From then on, the other dragons never laughed at Cosmo.
19:19Even though he still didn't like roaring and stomping
19:21and fire breathing, he did other things very well.
19:24Now, I think it's time for you and me to sing a song.
19:29Clap your hands to the music.
19:32You've got to stomp your feet to the beat, yeah.
19:37Walk around in a circle, yeah.
19:40Till you come right back to me.
19:44Grab your partner by the hands.
19:46Kick them round and round and round.
19:48Kick your heel and point your toe.
19:50Round we go, the do-si-do.
19:53Move your body up.
19:55Move your body down.
19:57Move your body side to side and shake it all around.
20:00Now you touch nose.
20:02Now you touch feet.
20:04Now you start to swing your arms.
20:06Swing them to the beat.
20:08You've got to clap your hands to the music.
20:11You've got to stomp your feet to the beat, yeah.
20:16Walk around in a circle, yeah.
20:19Till you come right back to me.
20:22Till you come right back to me.
20:25Go one more time.
20:26One, two, three, we're feeling fine.
20:28Hands on hips and bend your knees.
20:30Clap your toes and dance with me.
20:32Slide to the left.
20:34Slide to the right.
20:36Bring your feet together so you can jump in time.
20:39Hands on your hips.
20:41Hands on your knees.
20:43Now you start to tap your toes.
20:45Tap them to the beat.
20:47You've got to clap your hands to the music.
20:50You've got to stomp your feet to the beat, yeah.
20:54Walk around in a circle, yeah.
20:58Till you come right back to me.
21:01Till you come right back to me.
21:04Clap your hands to the music.
21:07You've got to stomp your feet to the beat, yeah.
21:11Walk around in a circle, yeah.
21:15Till you come right back to me.
21:18Till you come right back to me.
21:21Now you toss your right hand.
21:23Spin around and round and round.
21:25Off you go with the toes we go.
21:27Kick your heels and wave your arms.
21:30High in the air.
21:32Let's do it together.
21:35High, high, high, high five.
21:37High, high, high, together.
21:39High, high, high, high five.
21:42High, high, high, together.
21:44High, high, high, high five.
21:46High, high, high, together.
21:48High, high, high, high five.
21:51And I'm gonna bring it on, yeah.
21:53High in the air.
21:55Let's do it together.
