Blood in the Water (2022)

  • last month
A young woman is captured by a sadist for a cruel game involving a great white shark and four similar opportunists who have escaped the law.

Dominic Ellis
Scott Jeffrey, Rebecca Matthews
Matthew B.C., Dominic Ellis
Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
British English
1h 20m

00:00:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:01:00You want me to tell you about a case?
00:01:19Which case? I can help.
00:01:26Talk to me, damn it.
00:01:28I can give you names.
00:01:44You're going to drown me, that's it, right?
00:01:46This isn't about you, Henry.
00:01:49No? Then what?
00:01:53I'm here. You've got me chained up for Christ's sake.
00:01:57You've been told this isn't about you.
00:02:11Do you know who I am?
00:02:14Do you know the contacts I have?
00:02:17Why you are here is not the question.
00:02:22You are merely one player in a larger game.
00:02:26A prelude.
00:02:29The shape of things to come.
00:02:57If you need something from me, anything, let's talk.
00:03:05I told you, absolutely nothing.
00:03:26You're working hard to stay out of the deep end, Henry.
00:03:45Shame you didn't have that attitude before today.
00:03:50This is what we need when we talk about chopping waters, Henry.
00:03:56The idea of sinking or swimming.
00:04:02You tried the chain already, remember?
00:04:12This is where you have been for a while, but not up to your neck in it.
00:04:20It's time to meet your main thing.
00:04:33Look, it was my decision, okay? And I thought it would help us.
00:04:38You know that?
00:04:40Shit, thank God I did inspections early.
00:04:43Look, I gotta go. I don't know when I'm gonna be able to jump online again.
00:04:47Hold on for me, Zara. I love you.
00:04:57Hey, it's me again.
00:05:00I don't know how long I'll get to keep the phone before they're gonna take it off me, so...
00:05:05I thought I'd just send it and if anything happened, you could listen to it back or something.
00:05:12It's important that you know you can't blame yourself for what happened.
00:05:18I chose to.
00:05:20Look, it was my decision, okay? And I thought it would help us.
00:05:25You know that?
00:05:27Shit, thank God I did inspections early.
00:05:30Look, I gotta go. I don't know when I'm gonna be able to jump online again.
00:05:34Hold on for me, Zara. I love you.
00:05:42I love you.
00:06:13I love you.
00:06:25You've reached the phone of Henry Sadler.
00:06:27I'm unable to take your call right now, but please feel free to leave a message and I'll get back to you.
00:06:34Henry, it's Zara Gray.
00:06:37I've been thinking about Richard.
00:06:39I don't think I can help. I just...
00:06:45Look, there's more to it. He wasn't the only one involved.
00:06:51Call me back.
00:07:10Emergency services, how can I direct your call?
00:07:13There's someone in my apartment.
00:07:15Can you confirm your address, please?
00:07:1893 Garwood Avenue.
00:07:21Can you confirm your name for me?
00:07:26Zara Gray.
00:07:28And the flat number?
00:07:35Miss, the flat number?
00:07:43Thank you. Someone is on their way.
00:07:58Miss, can you hear me?
00:08:08Miss, stay on the line. Stay on the line.
00:09:09Help me.
00:09:19What is it?
00:09:24Where am I?
00:09:27Is anybody there?
00:09:39Where are you?
00:10:08Stop fucking touching things!
00:10:26Seriously! Stop fucking touching stuff!
00:10:31Where are we?
00:10:34I wish I could answer that.
00:10:38You remember how you got here?
00:10:40Someone broke in.
00:10:43Pepper spray, huh?
00:10:45Yeah, still.
00:10:46No, no, no, no. Don't do that.
00:10:49It'll ease off soon.
00:10:51Where am I?
00:10:54Where am I?
00:10:56I want to leave.
00:11:00I want to leave.
00:11:02You've done something wrong.
00:11:06Hey, hey. What's your name?
00:11:09Hey, what's your name?
00:11:11What's your name?
00:11:15Pauline? I'm Cody.
00:11:19We're gonna get out of here.
00:11:25Hey, what about you?
00:11:27What's your name?
00:11:29Fuck you.
00:11:31Nice. Real nice.
00:11:39And you?
00:11:42What's your name?
00:11:45Come on, look. We gotta work together if we're gonna get out of this place.
00:11:55Let us the fuck out of here!
00:11:59Who are you?
00:12:00Let me out!
00:12:01I'm here! I'm here!
00:12:03I've done nothing wrong!
00:12:05Let me out!
00:12:06Please! Please!
00:12:08Who fucking did this?
00:12:13Let us the fuck out of here!
00:12:50Let me in! Let me in!
00:12:52You fucking bitch!
00:13:01Oh, fuck.
00:13:13Oh, fuck.
00:13:29Oh, fuck.
00:13:34Hey, are you okay?
00:13:36She's out of it.
00:13:40Hey, what's that?
00:13:42I need water.
00:13:44Can you reach it?
00:14:06Check the pockets.
00:14:09Check the pockets.
00:14:12There might be something useful in there.
00:14:37How'd you know that was in there?
00:14:43What's on this?
00:14:45I have no idea.
00:14:47You asked me to check the pockets. I pull out a fucking tape recorder.
00:14:50You expect me to believe that that was a coincidence?
00:14:53Please, I have no idea.
00:14:56I was just thinking that there might be a penknife or a key or something.
00:15:08You can trust me.
00:15:10I can help.
00:15:14I don't think you can.
00:15:17I don't think anyone can.
00:15:21I think life is organized to put us in boxes and that there's only one way in and one way out.
00:15:27And you don't believe in boxes.
00:15:35What are you doing?
00:15:40Hello, friends of Henry.
00:15:45If you're here in this room, it means that you are well acquainted with him.
00:15:49And alas, he needs no introduction.
00:15:52It may even mean that you had a conversation similar to the one heard here.
00:15:58What that also means, however, is that you have not yet found a way to reveal the truth that has burdened you.
00:16:07Unfortunately, that truth is the only way that you will leave this room alive.
00:16:15You have three minutes until things get problematic.
00:16:20Three minutes to understand what it means to be in this room with Henry.
00:16:25Good luck.
00:16:30That voice on the tape, it sounded like my lawyer.
00:16:36His name was Henry. Yeah, he was my lawyer too.
00:16:40And me.
00:16:43This is bullshit. You all know this guy?
00:16:56Yeah, yeah, I see.
00:16:57What does it mean?
00:16:58He said we have three minutes until we understand our situation.
00:17:02Yeah, I don't think I want to wait that long.
00:17:07Hey, hey, you, are you sure you can't get to the door?
00:17:11Me? I can't.
00:17:13Oh, come on.
00:17:15Fuck you. I'm not getting zapped again.
00:17:17All right, all right, all right, look, he said we got three minutes to figure out why we're in this room with Henry.
00:17:22No, he said that we've got three minutes until we're fucking dead like Henry.
00:17:27What, you think the rest of him's down there?
00:17:30I'm pretty sure that's where we'll all end up if we don't figure this out.
00:17:33Okay, okay, okay, so he's my lawyer and he's your lawyer too, right?
00:17:39Yeah, he helped me.
00:17:43So what, what, what? He helped you what, get off?
00:17:46From what?
00:17:48What does it matter?
00:17:49Well, it sounds like he's been secretly recording his client meetings.
00:17:54And how about you? What did you do?
00:17:59And you, he helped you get off too?
00:18:02I don't fuck all about this lady.
00:18:04All right, look, let's just keep this relaxed, okay?
00:18:24You're okay. Relax, okay?
00:18:29Hey, hey, hey, hey, the door, the door, he's been using that door, okay?
00:18:36So maybe it's not wired, yeah? Let's see if it's unlocked.
00:18:40Hey, hey you, come on, guy, guy, try the door.
00:18:59He's behind you. Try the door.
00:19:05I'm fucking serious. Try the door behind you.
00:19:28I thought you were a cop.
00:20:27You okay?
00:20:32Hey, um, look, I, I never did get your name.
00:20:40You saw what just happened to him, right?
00:20:46And you're asking my name?
00:20:50It's Zara. You knew him, didn't you?
00:20:55Or at least he recognized you.
00:20:58I saw that.
00:21:00He didn't try to save you, man, he knew you as a cop as well.
00:21:04How the fuck could you see anything from over there?
00:21:08And I, uh, couldn't reach.
00:21:12How did you know him, Cody?
00:21:16Why don't you tell them, officer?
00:21:20Don't be shy, Cody. Why don't you offer them a clue or two?
00:21:34You knew him.
00:21:45I think their disdain is clear cut, officer.
00:21:49How do you know the young man?
00:21:53Do you know his next of kin?
00:21:56I'm afraid I have some bad news for them.
00:21:59Jesus. He's sick.
00:22:02I don't think he's a valid question.
00:22:05Oh, yeah?
00:22:07What about you?
00:22:09What about me?
00:22:11You said Henry got you off.
00:22:14I never said that.
00:22:16She said that.
00:22:22So did he?
00:22:27Yeah. Let me get clear of a few charges. What about it?
00:22:30Yeah, sounds ominous.
00:22:31Fuck you.
00:22:33Hey! We're not talking about him.
00:22:36How did you know him? The guy who just...
00:22:38He was eaten by a fucking shark.
00:22:45All right.
00:22:49I was investigating him.
00:22:55His name was Chris.
00:22:57He was a dealer.
00:23:02A couple of young girls.
00:23:04Okay? Teenagers.
00:23:06They OD'd on his product.
00:23:09He's a lawyer.
00:23:16Well, you got him off.
00:23:19You said my evidence was tainted.
00:23:22And that's it.
00:23:24How was it tainted?
00:23:27Couldn't prove conclusively that the drugs were his.
00:23:32So you planted him. That's what you're saying.
00:23:36So Henry worked these guys.
00:23:39Yeah, I guess.
00:23:45You were investigating him.
00:23:48Reckon you could have been investigating the rest of us?
00:23:52No, I'd recognize you.
00:23:54Yeah, but if there's a link here...
00:23:56Then it's with Henry. Not with me. Okay?
00:23:59Sorry. Henry worked these guys.
00:24:02Henry got a guilty man free. Right?
00:24:07Seems like a specialized subject, wouldn't you say?
00:24:13Or am I just clutching at straws?
00:24:16I think the good officer has figured you all out, ladies and gentlemen.
00:24:21Everyone here is an opportunist.
00:24:24The only way free of your shackles and of your fate
00:24:28is to free yourself of the burden that comes with deception.
00:24:33Freedom comes from within.
00:24:44This is... This is a fucking wind-up.
00:24:48What did you do?
00:24:53You said that we need to confess.
00:24:55Confess what?
00:24:57Well, you said that Henry defended you.
00:25:01Maybe it's tied to that.
00:25:04Look, I was found not guilty.
00:25:07There's a not in front of guilty for a fucking reason.
00:25:10You. You put this together, didn't you?
00:25:13What? Me?
00:25:16Yes, fucking you.
00:25:18Who else would have the ability to lock us in a pool house,
00:25:21scare us off to death with rubber sharks
00:25:23and bloody tomorrow catch up with Paul?
00:25:25We all saw that poor man die.
00:25:28Oh, fuck off. It's one of his cop pals and no-one's died.
00:25:32How could he have faked that? Like, really?
00:25:36Oh, really. Cops have been pulling scams for years.
00:25:39Infiltrating groups, setting elaborate traps.
00:25:42Cops have formed an entire mob,
00:25:45hiring someone they're investigating,
00:25:47paying them in fucking cash to do petty crimes,
00:25:50letting them rise through the ranks
00:25:52and then doding them into confessing their sins along the way.
00:25:56Does that sound familiar?
00:25:58I don't know.
00:26:00You seem to know a lot about this for an innocent man.
00:26:04In situations like these, you have to think right.
00:26:07Who's to benefit?
00:26:09Who is to benefit? This is absurd.
00:26:13What, a death by a shark? He's fucking normal, is he?
00:26:16He's right.
00:26:18Of course I am.
00:26:20Maybe this is a police trap.
00:26:23No. Believe what you want.
00:26:27This can only be a police trap
00:26:30if everyone here is guilty of something.
00:26:33I know just as much about this as you do.
00:26:37You're lying at the very least.
00:26:48This is either some big scam
00:26:50because you're trying to get something out of us, or...
00:26:54or you're stuck here for a reason like the rest of us.
00:26:58I'm pretty sure you're not.
00:27:02I'm pretty sure it's not for being a good cop investigating a drug dealer.
00:27:12Looks like we're about to find out.
00:27:24I... I...
00:27:27You don't want to get locked up.
00:27:29Keep your fucking mouth shut.
00:27:31Henry valued the truth.
00:27:35He knew that.
00:27:37When I did, I...
00:27:40I only ever wanted to help.
00:27:42If he valued the truth,
00:27:44then why was he recording his client meetings?
00:27:49Was he blackmailing you?
00:27:53Henry was a good man.
00:27:59When I did, I...
00:28:01I only ever wanted to help, not hurt.
00:28:04What did you do?
00:28:06You said you'd get him for it.
00:28:10I was a carer.
00:28:14I spent 15 years
00:28:16looking after a retiree with dementia.
00:28:23His name was David.
00:28:28At the time, I was having some difficulty with my back.
00:28:32I had slipped a disc,
00:28:34and the doctor prescribed me oxycontin.
00:28:50I was in pain.
00:28:52I was tired.
00:28:58I left the pills out.
00:29:01I didn't mean to.
00:29:03But David...
00:29:07He found them.
00:29:10And he OD'd?
00:29:12Oh, my God, this is what he wants.
00:29:15You'll see.
00:29:19This is what happens when you spend your life lying.
00:29:23You become sick.
00:29:25You become so good at it,
00:29:27you actually forget what you're attempting to tell the truth.
00:29:30It was an accident, I swear!
00:29:33Just pour her out of her misery, for fuck's sake!
00:29:36I'm not fucking doing this!
00:29:38David, the dementia patient
00:29:40who is lucid enough to change his will
00:29:43to make you its sole beneficiary.
00:29:47The man whose condition led him
00:29:49to be physically violent with you on a regular basis.
00:29:55Year in, year out.
00:30:01Was it the money,
00:30:03or was it he just couldn't stand him anymore?
00:30:07Was it the money,
00:30:09or was it he just couldn't stand him anymore?
00:31:07THE FUTURE
00:31:22The truth could set you free,
00:31:25if only you could let go.
00:31:31Please, let me be gone.
00:31:33I don't want to be gone.
00:31:35No, I can't! No!
00:31:39No, that's not true!
00:31:41Please! You have no idea!
00:31:45This is where your lies have
00:31:47brought you.
00:31:49The edge.
00:31:51Oh no!
00:31:53Oh no!
00:32:03Shut the fuck up!
00:32:10Let me go!
00:32:18Let me go!
00:32:28I said let me go!
00:32:29Let me go!
00:32:33Fuck me.
00:33:04So you believe me now?
00:33:14This is fucking weird man.
00:33:20Who thinks of this?
00:33:24Who fucking thinks of that?
00:33:27Not a normal minded person.
00:33:30That's for sure.
00:33:33Fucking sadist psycho.
00:33:41Who are you to judge me?
00:33:44I'm innocent.
00:33:48So yeah?
00:33:53Or are you just hiding something?
00:33:57Like she was?
00:34:00I've done fuck all, okay?
00:34:03This is so weird.
00:34:05So theatrical. I don't get it.
00:34:15Their minds don't work like yours of minds are.
00:34:21I've met enough of them in my time.
00:34:24They're warped.
00:34:28Let me assure you, officer.
00:34:30There's nothing wrong with my brain chemistry.
00:34:33I am not the only predator here.
00:34:38You're a bloody sadist.
00:34:40I am the solution.
00:34:42To what?
00:34:45To what?
00:34:47I told you. A fucking sadist.
00:34:50What do you want from me?
00:34:53Look, whatever it is, we can work it out.
00:34:55Just stop the clock and we can talk.
00:34:59You clearly want information from us so we can work this out.
00:35:04I'm prepared to talk.
00:35:07You won't be able to reason with him.
00:35:10It's about time we realised we're all going to fucking die here.
00:35:13Don't say that.
00:35:14Why? Does it hurt your feelings?
00:35:16Well it hurts mine too.
00:35:20We've been put on trial here not to make a plea bargain
00:35:23but to be fucking executed.
00:35:27It's just not funny anymore.
00:35:30When was it funny?
00:35:34When you thought that the police were trying to trap you?
00:35:38And for what?
00:35:40Robbing old ladies?
00:35:42Don't be so fucking facetious.
00:35:44We've got two minutes until the next one goes.
00:35:48Didn't you see what happened to Pauline Ian?
00:35:51She was in denial too.
00:35:53Now she is in several pieces.
00:35:59Do you want to know who I am?
00:36:01I'm fucking no one.
00:36:04And I've done sweet fuck all.
00:36:06There are three of you remaining.
00:36:09What do you want from us?
00:36:16I was a used car salesman.
00:36:22I got stock in but I knew it was dodgy.
00:36:28I was just trying to make a living, okay?
00:36:36I was a young couple.
00:36:41They were really nice.
00:36:51I fucking crippled him, okay?
00:36:58And what about the girl?
00:37:04She didn't make it.
00:37:08And who killed her?
00:37:10Oh, come on.
00:37:22I killed her, okay? I fucking killed her.
00:37:37The guy I sold the car to, it's you.
00:37:40I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry.
00:37:42Thank you, Ian.
00:37:48I confess, okay?
00:37:50I confess. Let me die.
00:38:05I had enough going on like this.
00:38:15I'm sorry.
00:38:33I need something to turn him back into.
00:38:39Find something.
00:38:41There isn't anything.
00:38:44Then we'll do it.
00:38:48I'll have a look down there.
00:39:09Hurry, get out of the water.
00:39:14Cody, swim.
00:39:23Cody, get out.
00:39:25Get out of the water.
00:39:37Oh, shit.
00:39:39Oh, shit.
00:39:42Oh, shit.
00:39:58Congratulations. You've bought yourself some time.
00:40:02You've managed to keep your heads above the water.
00:40:05But for how long?
00:40:07There is still only one way out of here.
00:40:11In scenarios like this, it's not unusual for us to think about the choices we've made.
00:40:17Our regrets.
00:40:20Is that what you're doing now, Zara?
00:40:23Are you thinking about Rich?
00:40:25What he sacrificed for you?
00:40:28I can tell him you're thinking about him in your final moments.
00:40:33That would bring him some pathos.
00:40:37I wonder if that's enough to warm his cell in those cold winter nights.
00:40:53Drink this.
00:40:56You need to hydrate.
00:41:08I've been around the block a few times, you know.
00:41:11And each time, the victim wants the same thing.
00:41:17Do they know what that looks like?
00:41:20Heck no.
00:41:22Heck no.
00:41:27When a man loses his wife, it's a big deal.
00:41:32What about a child?
00:41:34I need you to be present for me, Zara.
00:41:37This is important.
00:41:41Fine. I'm just lightheaded.
00:41:44I need you to get your head in the game.
00:41:47I need a complete poker face from you.
00:41:49When they call you to the stand, we can't show any signs of weakness.
00:41:54We'll read it as a sign of guilt.
00:41:59Richard acted alone, Zara.
00:42:02I can't let Richard take the fall for this.
00:42:05The three of us discussed this.
00:42:09They left their front door open.
00:42:12The two of you were going through some tough times.
00:42:16Richard wasn't working.
00:42:18You were unable to work.
00:42:22He made a choice.
00:42:25A bad one.
00:42:27And that's why we're here.
00:42:34Let me tell you something. This expression.
00:42:38Your aura.
00:42:40It's not something I've not seen before.
00:42:42But if the jury pick up on it,
00:42:45you're going to have a much harder time in there.
00:42:51There's something I think you should do.
00:43:01I'm going to leave the room.
00:43:04And when I'm gone,
00:43:07I want you to hit the record button.
00:43:10And spill your guts.
00:43:12If that's what it is you're compelled to say, then get it out.
00:43:16Get it out now.
00:43:22Zara. Zara.
00:43:28Are you okay?
00:43:38You said Henry took your case, right?
00:43:45Did he ever ask you to make any recordings?
00:43:48He said he made all his clients do it before they take the stand.
00:43:52To purge any feelings of guilt.
00:43:55You know exactly what I'm talking about.
00:43:58And did you leave it with him?
00:44:01Fuck no. What was I going to say?
00:44:03The truth.
00:44:09What's your truth?
00:44:12Yeah. That's what I thought.
00:44:15What about you?
00:44:18This whole thing's about confessing.
00:44:20We did meet.
00:44:22What do you need to get off your chest?
00:44:25You need to put your fucking eyes away, son.
00:44:31This is a fucking joke.
00:44:33What's the shark meant to do now?
00:44:35Grow legs and bite me fucking head off?
00:44:38Not fucking likely.
00:44:39I think you're letting the stress get to you.
00:44:46Don't make out like I'm the crazy one here.
00:45:00He asked me to make a tape.
00:45:05But I didn't press record because I'm not a fucking idiot.
00:45:08Me neither.
00:45:10You are if you didn't realise Henry was bugging his office.
00:45:14Come on, the guy was clearly bent.
00:45:17He wouldn't be the first defence lawyer to extort his clients once he got them off.
00:45:21I suppose you were too smart to leave him a friendly fucking postcard, were you?
00:45:25I never met the guy.
00:45:27Oh no, of course.
00:45:29You were just innocently investigating teenage drug dealers.
00:45:34We're all here for a fucking reason, mate.
00:45:37You're just smart enough to know what the common denominator is.
00:45:39Oh yeah.
00:45:40And before you vomit out another excuse, I know who's doing this, okay?
00:45:46It's the guy I sold the car to.
00:45:48Why would he bring us into this?
00:45:50This is a vigilante thing, right?
00:45:52If he found me through Henry, he's obviously found all you scumbags as well.
00:46:02We ended up all the guilty cunts that got away with murder.
00:46:05I don't know who you think you're dealing with, but I'd back off if I were you.
00:46:09Oh, if you were me, eh?
00:46:13There's a secret inside you, inside both of you!
00:46:22How many cars was it?
00:46:24We've done me, remember?
00:46:27Yeah, and the guy upstairs?
00:46:29He wasn't too happy with your answer.
00:46:33And I almost died in that fucking pool because of it.
00:46:37What about your chain?
00:46:41How'd you explain how slack that was down there?
00:46:47I was down there while you were up here, high and dry on the sidelines.
00:46:51Fuck you.
00:46:52No, no, no, no.
00:46:53You don't get to run the show.
00:46:56Tell us the truth, and then maybe we'll all get out of this.
00:47:04How many deathtraps did you sell before you got caught?
00:47:14I'm starting to think he knows a lot more about this than he's letting on.
00:47:21Watch your game, Ian.
00:47:24Don't play me like a fucking muck.
00:47:27Why did you bring us here?
00:47:42Hey, stop it!
00:47:44Stop it!
00:47:48Stop it!
00:47:53Stop it!
00:47:59This is what he wants.
00:48:04He wants us to kill each other.
00:48:06He doesn't want us to kill each other.
00:48:09He wants the shark to kill us.
00:48:43How could you do that?
00:48:45He came at me. You saw that.
00:48:49You killed him.
00:48:50The shark killed him.
00:48:54Whatever sick game that Brit was dreaming up, it's over now.
00:48:59He's dead.
00:49:12I did what I had to do.
00:49:16If you're in here, that means you're no angel either.
00:49:20Whatever you did, tell me, don't tell me.
00:49:23It doesn't matter anymore.
00:49:26What are you doing here? What did you do?
00:49:29I'm here because assholes like that can't admit to what they've done.
00:49:34Guys like me have to clear up their mess.
00:49:38Oh, come on! Give us a fucking break!
00:49:44Well, it looks like you're up.
00:49:48So whatever it is you can't get over, you're gonna have to do that now.
00:49:54Come on, you can't hide from it.
00:49:56Hide from what?
00:49:57What you did.
00:49:58Whatever it is, you've been struggling to keep the fuck in ever since that voice mentioned the name Rich.
00:50:06Come on!
00:50:08No, you come on.
00:50:11Maybe I am hiding something.
00:50:15You haven't shown me a single ounce of who you really are.
00:50:19Of course he has. He's Officer Cody.
00:50:23The man with the plan.
00:50:27You're dangerous.
00:50:32I'm just doing what's been asked of me.
00:50:36Four people have died.
00:50:40This isn't a game.
00:50:41This isn't a game.
00:50:43I don't know how you keep pretending like it is.
00:50:46Of course it's a game. Life's a game, Zara.
00:50:49But if you don't play then you lose your turn.
00:50:53Come on! Aren't you fed up with this?
00:50:56Just tell him what he wants to know!
00:50:59You're sick.
00:51:02We're just pawns in the same game.
00:51:05And whose game is it?
00:51:07That doesn't matter now.
00:51:08All that matters is the two remaining players.
00:51:16What did you do to your husband?
00:51:21What do you owe him?
00:51:23I didn't mean it.
00:51:26I didn't mean to.
00:51:28You didn't mean to what?
00:51:31Keep it inside. He's not going to help you.
00:51:34Not in here.
00:51:38I had a child.
00:51:43We were meant to have a child.
00:51:47It wasn't meant to be.
00:51:53Rich, he...
00:51:55He tried to comfort me.
00:51:56He tried to make me understand that everything happens for a reason.
00:52:01Our neighbors had just had a baby.
00:52:16I was still mourning.
00:52:22I wasn't thinking.
00:52:25I wasn't thinking.
00:52:27I wasn't thinking straight and I...
00:52:40I failed them.
00:52:43Rich, he...
00:52:47He still took the fall.
00:52:49He still took the fall.
00:52:56My husband loves me.
00:53:01For all the good that'll do.
00:53:16That's it.
00:53:18You got what you wanted.
00:53:23Come on, let's go.
00:53:34I did what you asked.
00:53:36She confessed.
00:53:38Now let me out of here.
00:53:48This isn't what...
00:53:50Jeez, maybe you can't hear me.
00:53:53You're stuck here too, Cody.
00:53:55Just like me.
00:53:57You don't know what you're talking about.
00:53:59I know more than you think.
00:54:01Me, I've said my piece just like Ian.
00:54:03Now, now it's your turn.
00:54:07I fucking saved Ian.
00:54:09You killed him.
00:54:15This time, it isn't for me, not anymore.
00:54:18It's time for you to tell the truth, Cody.
00:54:22You don't know me.
00:54:24You don't know anything.
00:54:27What did you do?
00:54:30You can't get me here.
00:54:31Not up here.
00:54:34Time's running out, Cody.
00:54:38Come on, I did what you asked!
00:54:42I think you need to go back to the beginning, officer.
00:54:46Oh, fuck!
00:54:53Come on.
00:54:55What have you got to lose?
00:54:57My dignity!
00:54:59Is that worth more than your life?
00:55:01Fuck you.
00:55:12Okay, okay!
00:55:19You don't know what it's like being a cop.
00:55:27The uncertainty.
00:55:31The exposure.
00:55:46I put my life on the line every night.
00:55:54You know what constant pressure feels like?
00:55:58It's like a migraine pounding away in your head.
00:56:08Right there.
00:56:10Pounding away.
00:56:12Right there.
00:56:14Power move away.
00:56:42You're happy now?
00:56:45Feels good, doesn't it?
00:56:47To finally speak the truth.
00:56:51Fuck you.
00:56:56I've been waiting a long time for that, Cody.
00:57:19Yes, but it's not just me.
00:57:21It's all of us.
00:57:22The ones who had a bomb dropped on us.
00:57:25Because of you.
00:57:28The disenfranchised nurse who killed a defenceless old man
00:57:32and stole the money that should have gone to his family.
00:57:40The corrupt car salesman who left his customers crippled, widowed.
00:57:49And the witness who could have put a guilty man away
00:57:52but chose to stay silent.
00:57:58This is it.
00:57:59Final round.
00:58:01Sink or swim.
00:58:06The witness.
00:58:15You set this up.
00:58:17What did you do, Cody?
00:58:20Tell me the fucking truth!
00:58:23You want to know the truth?
00:58:45He saw what I did.
00:58:46He was there. He saw everything.
00:58:49Then he went to Henry.
00:58:52Henry found me.
00:58:58They threatened to bury me unless I kept paying them off.
00:59:04Extorting me.
00:59:06Those tapes that he tried to get you and Ian to record?
00:59:12He would have done the same to you guys.
00:59:15And that's when I met him.
00:59:21Ian was right.
00:59:24The guy's wife died in the car crash.
00:59:29Oh, he knew Ian was guilty.
00:59:32And he knew Henry had paid off a witness.
00:59:36They blamed it on him.
00:59:39The driver.
00:59:41And then what happened?
00:59:45We made a deal, didn't we, Cody?
00:59:48You offered your services readily.
00:59:50Keen to keep your nose clean of anything that would link you to Henry's disappearance.
00:59:56I'd take care of the witness and you.
00:59:59I didn't want to, Czar.
01:00:03I swear.
01:00:05What did you do?
01:00:08What was your end of the bargain, Cody?
01:00:16Oh, Chris.
01:00:23He said...
01:00:25He said that he would take care of Chris and Henry.
01:00:29But only if I drugged you and brought you here.
01:00:59I'm sorry.
01:01:30But I didn't know about the others.
01:01:34I swear.
01:01:49And I certainly didn't expect to wake up here myself hours later.
01:01:53You're sick.
01:01:55Twisted idiot.
01:01:58Don't you get it?
01:02:00Neither of us are getting out of here alive.
01:02:05Fortunately, Czar, that's only half true.
01:02:11You see?
01:02:13You wanted to know my story.
01:02:15Well, now you know it.
01:02:20But I can't tell you.
01:02:23But I can't let it out of this place.
01:02:25No more loose ends.
01:02:29Not after Chris.
01:02:49We all know what happens next.
01:02:53They'll blame you, Cody.
01:02:56You're not getting out of here.
01:02:58You'll... You're gonna rot here.
01:03:00Chained to this wall.
01:03:02They won't let you go.
01:03:05A deal's a deal.
01:03:06I held up my end of the bargain.
01:03:11Now there's only one last thing to do.
01:03:14It's the end of the line, Czar.
01:03:49Cody, please! Cody, please!
01:03:53Cody! Cody, please! Cody, please!
01:06:03Did you know that sharks predate the dinosaurs?
01:06:09They've been on this planet since before the very first tree.
01:06:14And in all that time, they never evolved.
01:06:16They're exactly the same right now as they were back then.
01:06:20Know why they never changed?
01:06:28They didn't need to.
01:06:31They're the ultimate predator.
01:06:34A killing machine unrivaled in its efficiency that sat at the top of the food chain for 500 million years.
01:06:50Oh, and this little thing...
01:06:54...sends out an electromagnetic pulse.
01:07:08It tells the shark that there's something down there in the water with it that's even bigger and even more scary.
01:07:16Though untrue, predator.
01:07:25You took something from me.
01:07:46I've been tracking Chris for months.
01:07:49The sole witness to my husband's murder and the one person that I thought would speak up and make it right.
01:08:16Of course, I was wrong.
01:08:19He was a shark.
01:08:22Just like all of you.
01:08:32He'd rather lie in his own pockets than see my husband's killer brought to justice.
01:08:40So, imagine my surprise.
01:08:43I'd almost given up on the whole thing.
01:08:46And then Chris led me to Henry Salver.
01:08:58You can trust me. I can help.
01:09:02I don't think you can.
01:09:05I don't think anyone can.
01:09:08I think life has organized to put us in boxes and that there's only one way in and one way out.
01:09:16So you don't believe in boxes?
01:09:19There's only one thing I believe in.
01:09:22What are you doing?
01:09:32And you?
01:09:35And you?
01:09:38The man behind the gun.
01:09:43I heard you. I had to enjoy you going on about how you'd been taken for a ride and how you'd been taken advantage of.
01:09:50You never even took a moment to look around and see who was in here with you.
01:09:56In the house!
01:10:05You looked me right in the eyes.
01:10:09And I realized you never even cared to look me up.
01:10:13I mean, why would you?
01:10:16There was never a trial or even an investigation.
01:10:21It must have been much easier for you to just put the murder aside and move on.
01:10:29Does it hurt?
01:10:31Does it hurt?
01:10:34Bleeding to death?
01:10:37I wouldn't know. My husband was already dead when I found him.
01:10:47Knowing everything that he went through?
01:10:51For you?
01:10:54I really, really hope it does.
01:11:01Hey, don't leave me here.
01:11:04No, sweetie, your fate doesn't belong to me.
01:11:10You've got your own things to pay for.
01:12:02Even now, Iowa, I am devastated.
01:12:09To have a child, a person grow inside of you.
01:12:16I felt it.
01:12:19I felt it. It was a part of me.
01:12:25When we went to the first scan, they told me he had a heart problem.
01:12:29They didn't think he would survive the full pregnancy.
01:12:35And even if he did, he would have complications for life.
01:12:43They told me to terminate him while it was still safe.
01:12:47My boy!
01:12:53I still had hope.
01:12:56I still had hope.
01:12:59So I refused.
01:13:03But in the coming months, it was clear that this wasn't going to be a happy ending.
01:13:12This place.
01:13:16This horror I've been through today.
01:13:19It's nothing.
01:13:22Nothing compared to having given birth to your lifeless child.
01:13:30To go through 23 hours of labor for him to be ripped away.
01:13:41For me and my child.
01:13:46No one was to blame.
01:13:49No one was responsible for what happened.
01:13:54My body failed me.
01:13:57Failed us.
01:13:59It was nobody's fault.
01:14:04But for you?
01:14:08For Angelina?
01:14:13I'm the one who's to blame.
01:14:16I took her life and left her there.
01:14:18Tore your life apart.
01:14:22My actions caused her death.
01:14:29I'm the one who's solely responsible.
01:14:37I can't tell you how sorry I am to have put you through that.
01:14:46But believe me when I say that I know what it feels like to lose someone who you love.
01:14:57I don't know if you can forgive me.
01:15:01I am truly, truly sorry.
01:15:10Thank you, Zara.