• anno scorso


00:00You notice how many tourists are turning up here just to see where Stevie died?
00:12I just wanted to get permission to move Stevie's memorial somewhere more private.
00:16I know Mr. Stewart wants everything to go back to normal, but I can't.
00:19Why not?
00:20It's called sorry business.
00:21When someone passes away, we can't disturb their spirit.
00:25At least not until the community's been able to say goodbye.
00:28How do we do that?
00:30Usually an elder would come in to a smoking ceremony, help the spirit move on.
00:34Everything alright?
00:35No, Mr. Stewart, it's not.
00:37Your Honour, I'd like to request an adjournment.
00:39For what reason?
00:40I have an urgent matter I need to discuss with my client.
00:43What's Sonia?
00:44What about her?
00:45She's decided not to testify.
00:46You talk so big about how Sonia was our secret weapon.
00:49What happens when we go back to court this afternoon?
00:50I'm working that out.
00:51Well, I need some air.
00:52This is my fault.
00:53I don't know how you've come to that conclusion.
00:55He wanted to be a father, and I stopped that from happening.
00:58I call the defendant, Tane Parata, to take the stand.
01:00What is this?
01:01You told me it was a bad idea for me to testify.
01:03We don't have any more options.
01:10What about Uncle Gary?
01:12Could he help?
01:15It's fine, don't worry.
01:17I'll figure something out.
01:20Alright, love you, Mum.
01:23No luck?
01:25Between me and Mum, we've tried every elder, and no one is better.
01:30I just wish there was more we could do.
01:32Me too.
01:33I mean, the idea of a spirit being stuck here is awful.
01:39Where are you going?
01:41I'll be right back.
01:46Would you say you acted out of concern for the child?
01:51For the sake of the court, tell me.
01:54Do you have any children of your own?
02:01Are you married?
02:05And it's true, a difference of opinion over the desire to have children
02:09is what led to the breakdown in your marriage.
02:12Did you tell him that?
02:15Not to use in court.
02:17Mr Parata, what's the court's decision?
02:20It'll do with anything.
02:22I wouldn't ask if I didn't think the answer was important.
02:30You wanted to have children and your wife did not, correct?
02:37Did she lie to you about that?
02:44Your answer, please, Mr Parata.
02:49And would you say that you wish, above all else, to be a father?
03:00You think that's why I did it?
03:02Please, answer the question.
03:06Answer the question, Mr Parata, or you will be held in contempt of court.
03:18I want to be a father.
03:22No further questions, Your Honour.
03:25That was a nice spot Marley picked for the memorial.
03:28Yeah, it is.
03:30How's he doing?
03:31Same as the rest of us.
03:33Hey, have you been down to the beach?
03:35Stevie's memorial's gone.
03:37No, it's not gone, we moved it.
03:38Not that it's made much difference.
03:41To what?
03:42To the way people feel about going down there.
03:47I reckon I'll be able to help with that.
03:49Okay, I'm listening.
03:51I don't know if it'll work, but I want to try and help move Stevie's spirit on.
03:56I didn't think you could.
03:57I just gave home a call and they gave me some advice.
04:01So what exactly are we talking about here?
04:03I want to do sort of a smoking ceremony.
04:07It won't be the full thing because I'm not an elder, but I think it'll help.
04:11You sure you're going to be up to this?
04:15I want to do this for the bay.
04:17And for Stevie.
04:37We will now hear the closing submission from the defence.
04:44Tane Partha is a man driven by a deep-seated need to protect and nurture.
04:55There was no malice in his actions.
04:58At no point did he intend to harm the child or gain a reward.
05:03His sole objective was to keep her safe.
05:08Yes, he made some poor decisions coming out of a traumatic time in his life.
05:15Who hasn't?
05:17Ta'er is human, Your Honour.
05:20Mr Partha admitted how badly he wants to be a father.
05:24It even cost him his marriage.
05:30He treated that little girl like she was his own.
05:34He put her needs first, like any good parent would.
05:40He knew there would be consequences.
05:42But he chose to act because it was the right thing to do.
05:48Your Honour, when considering your decision,
05:52I urge you to focus not on what Mr Partha did, but on his good character,
06:00his integrity, and on the circumstances that drove him to do it.
06:08The defence rests, Your Honour.
06:10Thank you, counsel.
06:20I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
06:21He was never meant to use what I told him in court.
06:24Without Sonia, it was the only move I had left.
06:26You should have warned me. I knew you wouldn't go for it.
06:28Yeah, because some things are private.
06:29I'm sorry.
06:30It's done now. It's done.
06:32The case is adjourned until sentencing.
06:34Well, how long is that going to take?
06:36It could be tomorrow. It could be a week.
06:38Tomorrow could be a week. All we can do is wait.
06:48I'll be upstairs.
07:08Walu-Yambele, Yalapong-Wan.
07:38Walu-Yambele, Yalapong-Wan.
08:08Am I ready?
08:12Let's do this.
08:38Everything is moving.
08:40Getting out to what's being.
08:42Trust me, it's the best thing for you.
08:44Trust me, it's the best thing for you.
08:46Trust me, it's the best thing for you.
08:48And I know.
08:50And I know.
08:52And I know.
08:54And I know.
08:56You know I've said it from the start.
08:58I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I was planning to do.
09:00You don't seem very sorry.
09:02I'm sorry you're upset.
09:04But I'm not sorry for what I did.
09:06But I'm not sorry for what I did.
09:08Tana is so angry.
09:10Tana is so angry.
09:12The prosecution were painting him as a monster.
09:14The best way to counter that is to remind the judge that he's human.
09:16The best way to counter that is to remind the judge that he's human.
09:18He has a point.
09:20You can't actually agree with him.
09:22We had nothing without it.
09:24Maybe now the judge can see deeper things were at play.
09:28It helps her to understand why Tana did it.
09:30It helps her to understand why Tana did it.
09:32Well, I hope so.
09:34He's not going to thank you. Or me.
09:36Look, I don't care if he hates me.
09:38And neither should you.
09:40If it keeps him out of prison, then...
09:42I'll wear it.
09:58I don't want to hear it.
10:04That I'm sorry?
10:06Marshall took information
10:08that I told him in confidence
10:10and used it in court?
10:14Because I'm not sorry.
10:18I was angry too, but he explained his reasons and...
10:22I'm glad he did it.
10:24Are you serious?
10:26If sharing our secrets in court
10:28helps you avoid prison
10:30or gets you a lighter sentence,
10:32how could I not support that?
10:40I still don't see how it's going to make a difference.
10:46You're a good man
10:48going through a hard time.
10:50And they can see that now.
10:54This might be your last night here for a while.
10:56You don't need to spend it alone.
10:58We're all here for you.
11:18We'll be upstairs if you change your mind.
11:20We'll be upstairs if you change your mind.
11:36Sorry we're a bit late closing tonight.
11:38I was in no hurry to get out of the water either.
11:42It's good to get back out there, eh?
11:46So, what's tomorrow morning look like?
11:48I've got a couple of early lessons booked in.
11:50I've got a couple of early lessons booked in.
11:52I've got a couple of early lessons booked in.
11:54So back to business as usual then?
12:00Can I ask you something about today?
12:02Of course.
12:04What were you saying?
12:06I was encouraging Stevie's spirit to move on.
12:08I was encouraging Stevie's spirit to move on.
12:10Wailu Yambale Yalabungwan
12:12roughly means
12:14go, be free,
12:16be on your way.
12:18I feel better
12:20knowing that she's free now.
12:28I know this place is all about
12:30health and fitness, but
12:32I think we should make an exception
12:34for tonight.
12:46Felicity was really hoping you'd join us upstairs.
12:48Yeah, I know.
12:50She said she was glad Marshall did what he did.
12:52She said she was glad Marshall did what he did.
12:54Because it might help.
12:56I agree with her.
13:02If it helps show the judge the man that I see, it's worth it.
13:12Thanks for what you did for me
13:14in court today.
13:16I was just doing
13:18what I felt was right.
13:20Like you did with Poppy.
13:24But I couldn't let you throw yourself under the bus for me.
13:28It was worth a shot.
13:30We're some content
13:34The guts.
13:40But you have to know by now how much I care about you.
14:00Because I've got you.
14:14Hey. Tana's not up there, is he?
14:16No. Has the judge called you back
14:18for sentencing?
14:20That's fast, isn't it?
14:24Be straight with me.
14:26How worried should I be?
14:28Honestly, I'm sitting at about a nine out of ten.
14:38thank you
14:40for everything that you've done
14:42to help him.
14:44Everything I've done?
14:46Yes. Even that.
14:48You're welcome.
14:52Did Tana get a lift in with you?
14:56I haven't seen her this morning
14:58but she'll probably be around here somewhere.
15:02Hey, are we going to see you at court later today?
15:06No, I don't want to make things harder
15:08for Tana. But good luck.
15:10I'll keep you posted.
15:14Sorry, that's my phone.
15:26Molly, hey.
15:30Yeah, yeah, okay.
15:32I'll be there in a minute. Yep. Yep.
15:42I'll be there in a minute. Yep. Yep.
15:48I got a missed call from Marshall.
15:50The judge has called us back for sentencing.
15:52I need to go.
15:54Well, then go.
15:56You sure? Yes, hurry up.
16:06Listen, about last night...
16:08You don't have to say anything.
16:10I'm on it.
16:20I'll see you there.
16:32Good, you're here.
16:34Did you sleep in the gym?
16:36Does it matter?
16:38No, I guess not.
16:40Good. Shall we go?
16:42Good luck.
16:46Come on. Being late won't do you any favours with the judge.
17:04Hey. Hey, I saw Tana outside.
17:06Fingers crossed everything goes well for him.
17:10I'd better go.
17:20Tane Parata.
17:22Yes, Your Honour.
17:24There is no denying that you are a person of integrity.
17:36I've heard the arguments.
17:38You have strong support from your colleagues and friends.
17:42And it is clear that your intentions were good.
17:44Caring well for the child
17:46who was in no danger.
17:50The defence has argued convincingly
17:52that your actions
17:54were in part a response
17:56to your own personal circumstances.
18:00There seems to be no doubt that you thought
18:02you were doing the right thing.
18:06Sadly, the law disagrees.
18:10All the admirable traits
18:12and best intentions in the world
18:14do not excuse the fact that you acted
18:16unlawfully when you took that child.
18:20And for that, you must be held accountable.
18:24Which is why I am sentencing you
18:26to seven years in prison.
18:32You will serve that sentence
18:34under an intensive corrections order.
18:38Meaning, you can serve that time
18:40within the community.
18:46strict conditions are in play.
18:48I'm further ordering
18:50that you immediately attend
18:52a training and counselling programme
18:54to equip you
18:56with the tools to identify
18:58damaging behaviour
19:00and avoid repeating it.
19:04Oh, no.
19:06I'm thrilled, really.
19:08Thank you, Ruth.
19:10Right there, mate. Good on ya.
19:12Thanks, mate.
19:14Hey! You're back!
19:16Yeah, not for long, though.
19:18I need to head to the city now
19:20for a mandatory counselling programme.
19:22Dana, hey.
19:24Got some good news.
19:26As long as I don't have to buy a new house, mate,
19:28I'm good.
19:30Hey, don't worry. I'll be back soon.
19:32Good news.
19:36I'm really happy for you.
19:42All good? Yeah, it's just cash.
19:44Sorry. I should take it.
19:46Excuse me, guys.
19:54Look, I know we need to talk.
19:56But this definitely isn't the place.
19:58Yeah, you're right.
20:00I'll drop you a note for the paperwork.
20:02Can you just give me a sec?
20:04We've got to go before the judge changes their mind.
20:06And I'm only half-joking.
20:08Yes, go. Go.
20:10But we will talk, OK? I promise.
20:12Good luck in the city.
20:14Thanks. See you, everyone.
20:16Bye. See ya.
20:18Hey. Hey.
20:20Thank you so much for being there for Tana
20:22in court today.
20:24Oh, that's OK.
20:26And not just for that.
20:28He's lucky to have you.
20:36You OK?
20:38Not really.
20:46Harper, wait up.
20:50Are you OK? Marley, I...
20:52I know there's more going on between the two of you.
20:56Is this serious?
21:04I'm off work.
21:06And you're off work.
21:08We've got the place to ourselves.
21:10Be careful, Marley. The lock's been broken.
21:12Iluka, what are you doing here?
21:14I thought it was time I checked in.
21:16His brother showed up, so I thought I'd give him some space
21:18to catch up with.
21:20What's he like? Iluka seems like a nice guy.
21:22Maybe I should break into Marley's house
21:24instead of calling to say he was coming.
21:26What are you doing this time?
21:28Did he say why he's here?
21:30He just wanted to come see me.
21:32Nothing to worry about.