• el año pasado
El documental "Hijos de Talibanes" ofrece una perspectiva única y reveladora sobre la vida de las nuevas generaciones en Afganistán, criadas en un entorno marcado por el conflicto y la ideología talibán. A través de entrevistas, testimonios y un análisis crítico, el filme explora cómo los hijos de los talibanes están moldeando su identidad en un país que ha estado en guerra durante décadas. Este documental no solo se centra en la historia de estos jóvenes, sino que también plantea preguntas cruciales sobre el futuro de Afganistán y el legado de sus padres. Al profundizar en las experiencias de estos niños y adolescentes, el documental desafía estereotipos y busca entender la complejidad de su realidad, ofreciendo una narrativa que combina educación y reflexión. La importancia de este tema radica en la necesidad de entender cómo la violencia y la ideología afectan a las generaciones venideras. Al abordar el impacto emocional y social del extremismo, "Hijos de Talibanes" se convierte en un recurso esencial para educadores, investigadores y cualquier persona interesada en la dinámica sociocultural de Afganistán. Este documental es un llamado a la empatía y al entendimiento en un mundo que a menudo simplifica y malinterpreta las realidades de las vidas afectadas por el conflicto. No te pierdas esta importante obra que invita a la reflexión.

**Hashtags:** #HijosDeTalibanes, #DocumentalAfganistan, #CulturaYConflicto

**Keywords:** documental hijos de talibanes, vida en afganistán, talibanes y sus hijos, legado de la violencia, generaciones de extremismo, análisis social afganistán, conflicto en afganistán, identidad juvenil en guerra, impacto del extremismo, empatía en el conflicto.


08:06There is no country without weapons.
08:09Every country has weapons.
08:12What weapon is this?
08:15Exannula, 8 years old.
08:17He is Abdulla's best friend.
08:19His father is Abdulla's personal assistant.
08:25Where is this machine gun from?
08:33No, it's American.
08:35Ah, okay, American. How do you want me to know?
08:41In the madrasa, Farid has a nickname for each boy.
08:45One is the kidnapper,
08:47another one is the one with the explosives,
08:49and there is another one who is the suicidal terrorist.
08:52In the madrasa.
08:55I have known Exannula since he arrived here.
08:59He is very intelligent and a good boy.
09:05He knows how to do things right.
09:17Grab the comet's rope!
09:21It's broken.
09:24We are the same.
09:27We are both human.
09:29We are friends and we are the same in everything.
09:37I like studying a lot.
09:41When I grow up, I want to be a doctor,
09:45and then an engineer,
09:47and then a Taliban.
10:06Exannula, what is the difference between school and madrasa?
10:11Both are good.
10:14The school doesn't lead you to success.
10:17If you go to school, you can become a religious herudist,
10:21a director, a doctor, and whatever you want.
10:25If you go to the madrasa, you can become a religious herudist.
10:30You can be whatever you want in any of them.
10:33But do you get more experience in school or in the madrasa?
10:37In both.
10:40But do you get more experience in school or in the madrasa?
10:44In both.
10:46In both, you study the alphabet.
10:52But does the madrasa make you a real human being?
10:56In school, they also make you human.
10:59Who does God reward more, who goes to school or the madrasa?
11:03He rewards the one who goes to the madrasa more than the one who goes to school.
11:06Okay, so why is school necessary?
11:09What is it for?
11:13You know, if you memorize the Koran,
11:16you will become an enthusiast of suicide attacks.
11:21So if they asked you to do it right now,
11:25you wouldn't question it.
11:29When you die, the prophet welcomes you in heaven.
11:35This is how those who have memorized the whole Koran are rewarded.
11:40Because they carry it in their hearts.
11:45Who welcomes the school principals in heaven when they die?
11:50All sins begin at school.
12:06One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
12:23Before, I didn't know anything about cleaning shoes.
12:27But starving is hard.
12:31I saw other girls working, younger and older than me.
12:38And I thought, why can't I do it, and they can?
12:45Okay, I'm going to start picking up.
12:49Let's pick up.
12:52What do you have to eat here?
12:54Oh, they don't have anything.
12:56Let's go buy something with these ten Afghanis.
13:05God knows how much I suffer
13:08when I see my children working in the streets.
13:12There's nothing worse than that.
13:15What can I do? We're under a lot of pressure.
13:18There have been times when I've gone out into the street
13:22screaming and begging God,
13:24I can't go on like this.
13:35I've prayed to God to take my life away from me.
13:41I've prayed to God to take my life away from me.
13:46I've asked God to take my life away from me
13:49because I can't take it anymore.
13:51I have no choice.
13:54There are thousands of people like me who have been displaced,
13:58who have lost their homes and their families.
14:03There are more and more people on the streets every day
14:06because the situation is getting worse.
14:12I'm a refugee.
14:14I'm a refugee.
14:16I'm a refugee.
14:18I'm a refugee.
14:20I'm a refugee.
14:22I'm a refugee.
14:24I'm a refugee.
14:36Every woman has a dream that she wants to fulfil.
14:40I had many dreams,
14:43but unfortunately I didn't get them.
14:46I'd like my children to be able to study when they grow up,
14:50to improve their lives,
14:52to not have to rely on others.
14:55I wanted to achieve something,
14:58but unfortunately I haven't been able to do anything.
15:02Maybe God doesn't want me to fulfil my dreams.
15:10I just want my daughter to study and improve.
15:21Many Afghan women are illiterate,
15:24a legacy of the last time the Taliban were in power,
15:28more than 20 years ago.
15:30The rate of female literacy
15:32doubled in the last decade,
15:34during the Western occupation.
15:36But now the Taliban are reversing the process.
15:39They have banned girls from going to school,
15:42and by doing so, they have shrunk the hopes and dreams
15:45of a new generation.
15:47The wish of everyone is to receive a good education
15:51and do something for themselves.
15:53No one wants to not study and die of overwork.
15:56Education is important for all girls.
16:04At the moment, primary school girls can still go to school in Afghanistan,
16:08but many have to work,
16:10and girls like Shukria and Arezo end up begging in the streets
16:14instead of being in a classroom.
16:18Children can choose between going to school
16:21and the Taliban's favourite option, the madrasa.
16:31Even in the Taliban circles,
16:33some still believe that education is the passport to the future.
16:43He's my first son.
16:45I love him very much.
16:49May God guide him and grant him success
16:51so that he can grow and become a good person.
16:54When I'm no longer here,
16:56everything, his studies and his work,
16:58everything will depend on him.
17:00A son is one of the best gifts
17:02a person can receive.
17:04He's a smart boy, thank God.
17:06He's capable. I want to take him to school.
17:09He'll go to a school near home.
17:11He'll attend class in the morning.
17:13In the afternoon, he'll study with a tutor.
17:15He's a young tree. You can mould him however you like.
17:18To the right or to the left.
17:20I love him very much.
17:25Salaam alaikum. How are you, director?
17:27Salaam alaikum.
17:30Exanullah's father is visiting a private school
17:33in the hope that they'll accept his son.
17:37How old is he?
17:38Eight years old.
17:39Good. I can't enroll him first.
17:41He'll have classes six days a week.
17:43On Thursdays, we have half a day until 12.30.
17:46No lunch on Thursdays?
17:47No lunch on Thursdays for the students.
17:49The rest of the day, the classes go from 8 until 2.30.
17:53You know the curriculum, right?
17:56It's like before.
17:58With the enrollment, we charge an advance fee
18:01that includes uniform, books and lunches.
18:0412,000 Afghanis a month?
18:06Is it really that much?
18:07It's very expensive.
18:08My salary doesn't even reach 12,000 Afghanis a month.
18:10It's 12,000 Afghanis with a 50% discount.
18:13It used to cost 24,000 Afghanis.
18:15And transportation isn't even included?
18:18It's too much, right, Exanullah?
18:23It's expensive because we offer a high level of education.
18:25I know they offer a quality education,
18:27but I don't know how I could pay for it.
18:32We'll have to talk about it at home.
18:33Okay, no problem.
18:44Even those who are close to power face challenges.
18:47But at the other end of the social spectrum,
18:50there is a growing class of marginalized people
18:52who seek to escape their spiral of despair.
19:08I have two sisters and a brother.
19:13My brother's name is Amir Hussein,
19:16but he became an addict and left us.
19:20He's 12 years old.
19:26When he found out about his father's death,
19:28he started taking drugs because he was suffering a lot.
19:32I've looked for him everywhere.
19:38I haven't seen him in six months.
19:43I really want him to come back,
19:45but if he does, no one will recognize him.
19:50We won't recognize him because his face will have changed.
19:59Areso's brother, who is now 13 years old,
20:01is one of millions of Afghans addicted to opium or heroin.
20:06It's an epidemic fueled by suffering, poverty and despair.
20:15Some of them are very clean,
20:17but there are others who are very dirty.
20:20There is a very big canal where the garbage is going to stop.
20:26That's where they're going to take drugs.
20:33Areso's mother has gotten the help of a civil servant
20:36in charge of these issues to locate her son.
20:44There are no pictures of him?
20:46What's his name?
20:47His name is Amir Hussein.
20:48They usually change names here.
20:50If you give us a picture, they'll find him under the bridge.
20:53If I see him, I can identify him.
20:56We'll go around and try to find him.
20:58We'll go this way and coordinate with the people under the bridge.
21:04They use the boys to distribute the drugs.
21:06Let's see what happens.
21:08There's a place under the bridge that's very dark.
21:11I think there are a lot of young boys there.
21:13We'll look around that area.
21:15You shouldn't have brought your daughter.
21:18Take her there.
21:19She can stay with the driver.
21:22She's not allowed to go in there.
21:24Go with the driver.
21:35Hey, have you seen a boy named Amir Hussein?
21:42Amir Hussein! Amir Hussein!
21:48Do you have a camera?
21:52Has anyone seen a boy named Amir Hussein?
21:56Raise your head. Let him see you.
21:59No, it's not him. He looks like him.
22:13Do you know a boy named Amir Hussein?
22:16He's your age, or maybe a little older.
22:19I've only been here ten days. I don't know this place.
22:22I'm from Sarepul. I'm new here and I don't know anyone.
22:25I sell tea and bread. That's all.
22:46I have a bad feeling. It's been six months.
22:49God knows if he's alive or dead.
23:17What a waste of lives.
23:19They're very young and they're throwing their lives under the bridge.
23:26I feel very bad. I'm very sad.
23:29Coming here has made me very sad and my head hurts.
24:10I don't like women if they don't wear hijab.
24:16When the Americans were here, they were more embarrassed than in the Taliban era.
24:28At least now they cover their heads.
24:31But before, young people wore their heads and legs naked.
24:39They should wear the niqab again.
24:42Not just the handkerchiefs on their heads.
24:44If they only put the handkerchief on their head, evil will come to our country.
24:49With the handkerchief, suicides and anything can happen.
24:55No one can see it, but the hijab is very good.
24:57Men think they are more powerful than women, but that's not the case.
25:06Arezo, you speak too.
25:10I have nothing to say.
25:11Why not?
25:12It's good for you to write, talk.
25:17Are women weak?
25:20No, women are powerful.
25:24Men are weak.
25:26If women are good, they will become presidents and we will recover this country from the hands
25:32of the Taliban for the people to whom it belongs.
25:37If men had to stay at home and they were not allowed to work, how would it be?
25:43Women could govern men, they could hit men for not cleaning the house,
25:48for not cooking and for not taking care of the children.
25:55First I drink and then you.
25:57Hey, hey, save some for Harun.
26:05Have you left a little for Harun?
26:07Yes, I have left a little.
26:09Hey, Exanula, if you had 500 dollars, what would you do with them?
26:15I wouldn't do anything.
26:18Would you keep it?
26:20You could buy a house and other things.
26:26You wouldn't give money to the poor and you would scare them.
26:31I will go to heaven.
26:33The previous government did not give money to the beggars so as not to misbehave them.
26:46Do the Taliban give them money?
26:49The Taliban.
26:50Do they give them money?
26:53What are you doing?
26:54Give me some of that.
27:09I can't eat anymore, my stomach is going to explode.
27:12They haven't brought it all to me, bring me a soda so I can eat more.
27:21They brought me two plates of rice, but they didn't bring me a drink to go with it.
27:30Do I bring you more rice?
27:31No, no.
27:32Do I bring it to you?
27:33No, no.
27:34I was kidding.
27:35Don't you know what a joke is?
27:48One day, while cleaning shoes, Shukriya had a fortuitous encounter that would change
28:02her life.
28:03Ali, a film student, asked her if she wanted to star in a YouTube program about
28:08the children of the streets of Kabul.
28:10What coffee shop was it?
28:16It wasn't a coffee shop, here it says Bama.
28:25Hello everyone, I hope you are happy and well.
28:32Today we are going to Pulkush to say hello to our friends there.
28:37Stay with us until the end of the program.
28:39How did the business go today?
28:53Not very well.
28:54Have you had any customers?
28:56Have you had any customers today?
28:57No, no customers.
28:58I haven't sold anything.
28:59Now no one has money, they have destroyed the country.
29:00They have destroyed the country.
29:03What's your name?
29:06And what are you doing?
29:08What do you do for a living?
29:09I sell bags.
29:10How much do you earn a day?
29:11Fifteen Afghanis a day.
29:12What are you selling?
29:13Children's clothing.
29:14Children's clothing.
29:15Children's clothing.
29:16Children's clothing.
29:17Children's clothing.
29:18Children's clothing.
29:19Children's clothing.
29:20Children's clothing.
29:21Children's clothing.
29:22Children's clothing.
29:23Children's clothing.
29:24Children's clothing.
29:25Children's clothing.
29:26Children's clothing.
29:27Children's clothing.
29:28Children's clothing.
29:29Children's clothing.
29:30Children's clothing.
29:31Children's clothing.
29:32How much do you sell them for?
29:33One hundred and sixty Afghanis.
29:34One hundred and sixty Afghanis.
29:35How much do you earn today?
29:36One hundred and seventy Afghanis.
29:37Do you study?
29:40Are you going to school?
29:41To school, no.
29:44Not anymore.
29:47Most of the time we film kids who have stopped going to school.
29:55I ask them what their name is, what course they were in,
30:00what school they went to.
30:03Like me, they don't have any financial support,
30:09so they have to support their families.
30:15Hi, can you explain to me why you work in the street?
30:22To make a living.
30:32Areso, look at your cable and look at mine.
30:35Pull a little, they're getting tangled.
30:40In a matter of months, Shukria has become a local star.
30:45Thousands of people in the community watch her YouTube videos,
30:49they recognize her wherever she goes,
30:52and she's making some money,
30:54almost enough to escape her life as a cleaning lady.
31:03I've realized how strong I am.
31:06Now I'm sorry.
31:10Take it off so everyone can see your hair.
31:14No one's going to look at your hair.
31:20All that clothing is mine.
31:22They're all naked.
31:23Yellow is for me.
31:32She's a very talented girl.
31:34She works very hard to get what she wants.
31:37She works hard and tells me,
31:39Mom, pray for me,
31:41so that my destiny
31:45is not like yours.
31:49I love you.
32:10It's the holy Kaaba.
32:12The home of the messenger of God is here.
32:15When the messenger of God was martyred
32:18in the time of the wars,
32:21it's the holy Kaaba,
32:23and the prophet was here.
32:26Other places are for other messengers.
32:33I still don't know everything.
32:41I can't do it better.
32:49I've finished.
32:52Can you recite the names of God?
32:57I only know a few.
32:59I don't know many.
33:03What does it say here?
33:05It says here, the holy Koran.
33:08The holy Koran.
33:11We must recite it to be informed of everything.
33:16I don't know much about the Koran.
33:20I've only studied up to here.
33:23Up to where?
33:25I've only studied up to here.
33:29Do you understand the two pages you've studied?
33:32No, I don't understand the meaning.
33:35When you read, you have to know the meaning.
33:38Do you know it?
33:41Maybe the teachers don't know it either.
33:45Do you know what it means?
33:51So you don't know the meaning at all?
33:54At all.
34:11Let's start.
34:12Let's do it.
34:15Let's go.
34:17What are you looking at?
34:19I swear I can't see anything.
34:22Where are you?
34:24Where are you?
34:25Where are you?
34:26Where are you?
34:28I can't see anything.
34:30I can't see anything.
34:45I almost fell down the stairs.
34:54I don't want one of these.
34:56They're too small.
34:59How much are they?
35:0110 Afghanis?
35:02How many do you want?
35:03The three of us should buy the 20 Afghanis.
35:07Those are 20 Afghanis.
35:0920 Afghanis?
35:12Wait, sir. You don't know how to count.
35:1520, 40, 50...
35:26Don't move it too much.
35:28Last time you also zoomed in, didn't you?
35:31Okay, okay.
35:32You zoomed in too much and it moved a lot.
35:35It moves a lot.
35:36Don't zoom in and don't move your hand too much.
35:39My hand shakes and I fall asleep.
35:42The last star of YouTube in Kabul is behind the lens.
35:47A viewer has bought him a camera and Shukriya is eager to learn.
35:54This is the camera.
35:56It takes pictures and records videos.
36:00If I click here, it records a video.
36:03And here, it takes pictures.
36:07With this, you zoom in.
36:10Who gave you this?
36:12They sent it to me and Ali brought it to me.
36:18He told me that I should use it to learn.
36:23I want to improve with this camera.
36:25I really like recording things.
36:31Poverty has taken over everything.
36:39Yes, yes, yes.
37:05Look at this.
37:09Look at this.
37:32Let me take a picture.
37:39Now you're an actress.
37:41You've become a movie star.
37:49I've become famous.
37:51I'll do that. Come.
38:10What do you want to be when you grow up?
38:22When I see the fighters driving their cars,
38:26I get very emotional.
38:30I tell myself,
38:32that when I grow up,
38:34I'll be a Mujahideen too.
38:40Hey, drop that gun.
38:42It's not going to break.
38:44Yes, what are you saying?
38:46Be careful with the gun, okay?
38:48Come on.
38:51I'm going to be a Mujahideen.
38:53I'm going to be a Mujahideen.
38:55I'm going to be a Mujahideen.
38:57I'm going to be a Mujahideen.
38:59I'm going to be a Mujahideen.
39:01I'm going to be a Mujahideen.
39:05Be careful.
39:11Being a Mujahideen is good.
39:15They're pure human beings.
39:19They're not liars.
39:22Anyone who lies is not a Mujahideen.
39:25But some Mujahideens lie.
39:28Not all of them are good and honest people.
39:32Some lie about guns,
39:34and others lie about other things.
39:51Shall I start?
39:53Hello, friends.
39:55Welcome back to our show.
39:57Today we're going to ask the kids how much they've earned today.
40:03These YouTube videos have transformed Shukriya's life.
40:07Her days sitting on the side of the road,
40:09cleaning shoes, have been left behind for now.
40:12But an even bigger opportunity is about to come
40:15for her and for Areso.
40:18Someone told me about the possibility
40:21that they could study.
40:23It's a private school,
40:25and they told me they could help them go to class.
40:31Shukriya and Areso are still young enough
40:34to be able to go to school
40:36according to the new Taliban regulations.
40:39With the help of a sponsor,
40:41they will be able to enroll in the private school.
40:49How will you treat your teachers?
40:52I will speak politely with my teachers
40:56because they were also students once.
41:16Why wasn't I going to work hard?
41:18I always do my best at school
41:20to become someone in the future.
41:23I don't want to be illiterate.
41:25I want to become someone in the future.
41:28I don't want to be uneducated.
41:36As-salamu alaykum.
41:37As-salamu alaykum.
41:40How are you?
41:41As-salamu alaykum.
41:42Exanula's father has finally found a school that can pay.
41:50Hello, how are you?
41:51Very well, thank you.
41:52I brought a new student, teacher,
41:55and a new classmate for you guys.
42:01He will learn with you.
42:02His name is Sayyid Hasan Ula Khan.
42:05Give him the welcome.
42:09I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satan.
42:12I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satan.
42:16In the name of Allah, the Merciful.
42:19In the name of Allah, the Merciful.
42:23Do you know what our religion is?
42:26Very good.
42:27Again, what is our religion?
42:31I'm very happy.
42:34My friends are good.
42:37What are we?
42:40I miss Abdullah.
42:42He goes to school and I go to school.
42:50What did you study today?
42:53Mathematics and English.
42:56I have very few colored pencils.
43:00There's one behind you.
43:07I'm very happy.
43:09I really like that they study.
43:11Look at them there, studying and focused.
43:15Ariso is the best in her class.
43:17She has a lot of talent.
43:19Her teacher motivates her and tells her that she is a good student.
43:25Her child works very hard and studies a lot.
43:28She no longer works in the street.
43:31She works very hard and says,
43:33I will have a career, mom.
43:35My future is not ruined like yours.
43:40A, B, C, D, E, F, G.
43:51Well done.
43:53You've learned a little.
43:55I'll teach you everything you learn at school.
43:59I'm an uneducated person, I don't know these things.
44:01I'll teach you.
44:09What would be your reaction if they ever attacked your father?
44:23If they attacked my father, I would have to protect him.
44:34Do you love your father very much?
44:39Do you love your father very much?
44:59Four decades of war have left Afghanistan exhausted.
45:03Poverty and hunger have caused enormous suffering.
45:07But in the darkness, there is a ray of hope in the minds of children.
45:16There is the tree of wishes.
45:20If you approach it, your wishes will come true.
45:25What wish should I ask for?
45:27Whatever you want.
45:31What is your wish?
45:33First, I wish that God will give me a brother.
45:39Secondly, how can someone have a brother without a father?
45:47If I don't have a father, how can I have a brother?
45:50Well, it's just a wish.
45:52I can ask for the wish of having a brother.
45:55And I also want to be the richest person in the city.
45:58That way, I can help the poor.
46:01Get them out of the streets.
46:03Give them houses.
46:07I hope to see that day.
46:09Come on.
46:10Someday it will happen.
46:12I'm freezing.
46:14Come on, let's go.
