A finales del siglo XI, Europa se encuentra en un estado de agitación marcado por el fanatismo religioso y el temor al apocalipsis. Este clima de desesperación impulsa a miles de creyentes a unirse a las Cruzadas, un movimiento militar que busca recuperar los Santos Lugares de Jerusalén de manos musulmanas. Las Cruzadas no solo representan una guerra religiosa, sino también un fenómeno social que transforma a Europa y al mundo islámico.
Las promesas de redención y la salvación eterna atraen a nobles y campesinos por igual. Alistarse en una Cruzada se convierte en un acto de fe, una forma de purificación espiritual. Las ciudades europeas se ven despojadas de su juventud mientras los hombres marchan hacia el Este con la esperanza de gloria y redención. Sin embargo, este fervor también es testigo de una violencia desenfrenada y de enfrentamientos brutales que marcan una época oscura.
A medida que las Cruzadas avanzan, se suceden los conflictos, la traición y los mitos que rodean a estos guerreros de la fe. La historia de las Cruzadas revela un complejo entramado de motivaciones, desde el deseo de poder y riqueza hasta la búsqueda de un propósito más elevado. Es un tema fascinante que nos invita a reflexionar sobre la naturaleza humana y los conflictos que han moldeado nuestro mundo.
Acompáñanos en este recorrido por una de las etapas más tumultuosas de la historia europea, donde la fe y la guerra se entrelazan en una lucha por el control de Jerusalén.
**Hashtags:** #Cruzadas, #HistoriaEuropea, #Jerusalén
**Keywords:** Cruzadas, siglo XI, Jerusalén, fanatismo religioso, historia, conflictos, Santos Lugares, redención, guerra, Europa.
Las promesas de redención y la salvación eterna atraen a nobles y campesinos por igual. Alistarse en una Cruzada se convierte en un acto de fe, una forma de purificación espiritual. Las ciudades europeas se ven despojadas de su juventud mientras los hombres marchan hacia el Este con la esperanza de gloria y redención. Sin embargo, este fervor también es testigo de una violencia desenfrenada y de enfrentamientos brutales que marcan una época oscura.
A medida que las Cruzadas avanzan, se suceden los conflictos, la traición y los mitos que rodean a estos guerreros de la fe. La historia de las Cruzadas revela un complejo entramado de motivaciones, desde el deseo de poder y riqueza hasta la búsqueda de un propósito más elevado. Es un tema fascinante que nos invita a reflexionar sobre la naturaleza humana y los conflictos que han moldeado nuestro mundo.
Acompáñanos en este recorrido por una de las etapas más tumultuosas de la historia europea, donde la fe y la guerra se entrelazan en una lucha por el control de Jerusalén.
**Hashtags:** #Cruzadas, #HistoriaEuropea, #Jerusalén
**Keywords:** Cruzadas, siglo XI, Jerusalén, fanatismo religioso, historia, conflictos, Santos Lugares, redención, guerra, Europa.
00:00The path of thousands of Saracen warriors will make a tremble go through all of Europe.
00:04You will all look up and shout,
00:06Save us!
00:08And I will whisper to you,
00:12For all of you are guilty.
00:16The avaricious kings who build their palaces
00:18are the ones who are guilty.
00:20You are guilty.
00:22You are guilty.
00:24You are guilty.
00:26You are guilty.
00:28The avaricious kings who build their armies
00:30are the ones who unleash wars.
00:32The enlightened ones who have convinced you all
00:34that killing infidels
00:36will make you gain a good place in the kingdom of heaven.
00:38The orphans,
00:40the homeless,
00:42and the hermits.
00:44When the little Arthal leaves this monastery,
00:46it will be too late.
00:48He will know everything he needs to know
00:50to enter the order of the Templar Knights.
00:52Jerusalem will have been conquered by the Crusaders.
01:02Thousands of dead will stain its streets
01:04and will cover the churches,
01:06the mosques,
01:08and the synagogues with hatred and resentment.
01:14And all because of you.
01:16Because of you.
01:18Because of your great guilt.
01:22Because of your great guilt.
01:24Because of your great guilt.
01:26Because of your great guilt.
01:28Because of your great guilt.
01:30Because of your great guilt.
01:32Because of your great guilt.
01:34Because of your great guilt.
01:36Because of your great guilt.
01:38Because of your great guilt.
01:40Because of your great guilt.
01:42Because of your great guilt.
01:44Because of your great guilt.
01:46Because of your great guilt.
01:48Because of your great guilt.
02:12If a knight steals a cow from you,
02:14he will take it to his castle.
02:16He will throw it into the fire
02:18and that same night she will celebrate a succulent feast.
02:21You can now go forgetting your cow.
02:26But if she steals your land, she will still be there.
02:29She will not be able to take it.
02:31You can visit her whenever you want, and you will not be able to forget her.
02:36Year of Grace, 1118.
02:38Christians rule in Jerusalem.
02:42The order of the temple was born in a time of exacerbated faith throughout Europe.
02:50The reality of Jerusalem at this time is a very, very confusing territory
02:56in the sense that the borders are practically in dispute with the Muslims
03:02and that the Christians have very few knights and very few soldiers to defend them.
03:08After the first crusade, most of the knights and soldiers have returned to their homes,
03:12have returned to the West, and consequently the troops that have remained are relatively reduced.
03:17It is true that many crusaders, once they have fulfilled the objective of conquering Jerusalem,
03:22many of them decide to return home.
03:24The territory of Jerusalem is very small, and from the beginning,
03:28in the face of everything that comes at it, it takes a defensive strategic attitude.
03:32The Holy Land is an area of wide commercial traffic.
03:36Of course, being an area of wide commercial traffic,
03:39there are a series of gangs that are dedicated to assaulting both caravans and pilgrims.
03:45The pilgrimage to the Holy Land was a very dangerous experience.
03:48Normally, the pilgrim did not arrive safe.
03:50This generates an automatic need for soldiers, an automatic need for police
03:55who protect the pilgrims, who protect the citizens,
03:59and who, consequently, take charge of the kingdom that has just been conquered.
04:03And there were a series of knights, sent by Hugo de Peins,
04:08who offered to protect the arrival of the pilgrims to the Holy Land,
04:15and they were the first Templar knights.
04:21Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem,
04:24today you will receive nine knights, the purest and most loyal of all those who fought in the Holy Land.
04:33Nine knights who do not come to you in search of a title or new opportunities.
04:42Nine of the few who have chosen to stay to defend your new kingdom.
04:49Perhaps their clothes are not the most appropriate to present themselves before a king.
04:53They are dirty and worn, but look at their weapons.
04:57If you want to continue sitting on that throne,
05:00you will need men who know what a sword is for.
05:05They are called the poor knights of Christ,
05:08and they are led by a noble second named Hugo de Peins.
05:11He will tell you many of those battles that you are so proud of.
05:15They could see the face of the enemy.
05:21In 1118, nine knights propose to King Baldwin II,
05:27now of the Christian Jerusalem,
05:30to found a new order of knights as support for the pilgrims who arrived to the Holy Land.
05:37That interview with Baldwin, that initiative that the King of Jerusalem has
05:41to use, to instrumentalize that group of knights,
05:44is really decisive when it comes to explaining the birth of the order of the Temple.
05:48It all starts with nine monks,
05:51which the number, as you know, is a special number, the number nine.
05:54The nine, we always talk about numbers, also numerology, right?
05:58Why the nine?
06:00They say that each of the sharp tips of the Templar cross
06:03represents each of the eight knights,
06:06and the central axis of that cross, that will be you, Hugo de Peins.
06:10These chronicles that speak of a specific number, the nine,
06:14well, well, it is closely related to numerology, Kabbalah, esotericism,
06:19the magical aspect of the mathematics that Turkish had in the Middle Ages.
06:23The nine Knights of the Temple were really a few more.
06:27Nine, ten or twelve were many.
06:30For a king, in a very delicate situation,
06:33from a strategic point of view, from a military point of view,
06:36a handful of well-trained men could be simply decisive.
06:43How many dukes and kings have you obeyed, Hugo?
06:47How much mediocrity have you had to know to not want to serve anyone else?
06:52Hugo de Peins was obviously an innovator.
06:55That idea of mixing, of merging the monk with the soldier,
07:00no one had thought of it until then.
07:03I don't know very well if he was a romantic,
07:06but, of course, what he predicts from the very beginning
07:09is that there must be a series of soldiers prepared for war
07:14who know how to fight to defend the pilgrims who go to the Holy Sepulchre.
07:19He must have been a very charismatic character because he convinced everyone.
07:22And starting from scratch was complicated.
07:25And he did it. Without a doubt, he did it.
07:28Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem,
07:31my ears bleed when I hear it.
07:34Do you really think that Christ needs a king who governs his kingdom?
07:38Your arrogance will grow over the years.
07:41You will even be buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre,
07:44as if that guaranteed you a good seat in the Kingdom of Heaven.
07:50Today you will hand over the custody of the Temple of Jerusalem
07:53to Hugo de Peins and his poor knights of Christ.
07:58We know that the order of the temple received from the king
08:01nothing less than a part of the temple of Salomon to sit down for the first time.
08:05This order had as its first name
08:08the poor knights of our Lord Jesus Christ.
08:11And it is a tradition that King Baldwin
08:14gave them the knights of what would be the old temple of Salomon.
08:18And they went on to be called the Order of the Temple of Salomon.
08:22The first thing the King of Jerusalem realizes
08:25is that he needs to have a permanent army.
08:28To have a nucleus, an elite, that would serve as the central nucleus of the army.
08:34What is important is that the King of Jerusalem
08:37sees the opportunity offered to him
08:40by a group of knights dedicated, in the end,
08:43to defend the Kingdom of Jerusalem itself.
08:47There is a certain mystery with the origins of the Order of the Temple.
08:51Why did a knight, Hugo de Peins, a second-category feudal lord,
08:56get this donation?
08:59I believe that Baldwin II, who just inherited the kingdom a few months earlier,
09:03has a limited political capacity.
09:07And what he does is rely on all those people
09:10who think they can somehow help him
09:13to defend his kingdom, to defend his capital, which is Jerusalem.
09:25The temple built by Salomon has been desecrated so many times
09:29that the day you, Hugo, and your knights enter it,
09:32you will only find ruins.
09:36Because the temple no longer existed.
09:39The Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed.
09:42It was no longer the same Temple of Salomon.
09:45It was the fourth temple that the Hebrews built in Jerusalem.
09:51The Temple of Herod the Great.
09:55This will be your temple.
09:58Here you will remain for nine years.
10:00The first nine years of the first nine Templars.
10:05And it is in those nine years that the imagination is shot.
10:08Then it is believed that they found the bow,
10:10it is believed that they found the spear of Longinus.
10:12There are many theories about what the nine Templar knights did
10:15for nine years in the temple.
10:17The truth is that it is an enigma.
10:19What did the Templars do there for so long?
10:21Probably those nine founders who spent nine years without protecting anyone,
10:24because they did not protect anyone, although it was their mission,
10:27did something more than pray those nine years they spent in Jerusalem.
10:30Since we do not know what they did or did not stop doing,
10:33we do not know if they found it or did not find anything.
10:35That is, everything that is said is obviously pure speculation.
10:38There is obviously little information about the first years of the temple,
10:42and those that exist can even be controversial, confusing and even debatable.
10:47What do the Templars do, the first Templars, during these ten years?
10:50They do not have a rule, they do not even have a habit.
10:53If we listen to some chronicles, they do not even have clothes to wear.
10:56Apparently, along with the place, along with the building,
10:59the arrival of a second, they are also given clothes, horses,
11:02in short, the minimum that is essential for what is supposed to be,
11:06which would later be an order of cavalry.
11:12What did they do during these first years?
11:15In theory, they defended the first wines,
11:17but in reality, these first ten years are a monumental failure.
11:22They do not achieve anything, they do not grow,
11:25they do not get new followers to enter the order.
11:28There was no way, let's say, a regulated way of becoming a gentleman.
11:33It was simply enough to say, I want to be a gentleman of the temple,
11:36I want to be here, in this place, in the temple,
11:38and defend the Peruvians, defend Christianity,
11:40give my life to the service of this ideal.
11:47In the year 125 of the era of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
11:50the foundations of the church seem to tremble every time you open your mouth.
11:55Do you think that the same church that covers its walls with gold
11:58should not cover its children with tarpaulins?
12:01And you are right.
12:02You should make them ashamed of it.
12:05You are Bernardo de Claraval, the spiritual father of the order of the cistern.
12:10Your name is already known by everyone.
12:14Your work will make your abbey flourish throughout Europe.
12:22The foundations of an order such as the cistern,
12:25which extends like dust,
12:27fulminantly, crosses Europe like lightning.
12:30More than 300 abbeys were built throughout Europe,
12:33and after his death, there were 700.
12:37Bernardo de Claraval is another of the great missionaries.
12:39He was not going to be Pope,
12:41but he had more prestige than any of the Popes of his time.
12:44Very austere in his way of living,
12:46he got rid of any type of material life,
12:48he barely ate,
12:50because he had ulcer problems due to his poor diet,
12:53because he had that idea of austerity, of absolute purity,
12:56almost not eating.
13:01Choose your words well, Hugo.
13:03You are not writing to just anyone.
13:07The support of Claraval to your cause could be decisive,
13:11but you have to convince him.
13:15Bernardo de Claraval was a cousin, a relative of Hugo de Pais,
13:18so he knew him.
13:20Without San Bernardo de Claraval, without this abbey,
13:23the temple would not have been what it was.
13:27Those poor gentlemen who guard the Temple of Jerusalem
13:30seem really willing to consecrate themselves to God,
13:34to protect Christianity.
13:37Isn't that the obligation of every good Christian?
13:43The Templars grow little during the first years.
13:46The rule was very new,
13:48although it already had the votes of chastity,
13:51poverty and obedience.
13:55Only when Bernardo de Claraval
13:58writes the praise of the new militia,
14:02to encourage the nobles to enter this new order,
14:08will be when the order of the Temple of Solomon begins to grow.
14:13Yes, it is true that San Bernardo has an important role.
14:16Among other things, he writes a whole treaty,
14:18the praise of the new militia,
14:20which is an apology, is a justification of the Templars.
14:23Where he says that the Templar Knights
14:25are the purest, most perfect Christians,
14:27that's what has to be done,
14:29that's what every good Christian has to understand.
14:33He is the first to lay the foundations,
14:35in a long letter,
14:37where he explains why the need for monks
14:39to become warriors, to take up the sword and be able to kill.
14:43San Bernardo, and therefore Hugo,
14:45considered the order of the Temple
14:47as a body of chosen people,
14:49of people given to Christ,
14:51given to God,
14:53who had to wield the weapons,
14:55who were not afraid,
14:57who were martyrs of the faith of Christ,
14:59they were his depositors,
15:01they were nothing less than warriors
15:03who were willing to give their lives,
15:05to become martyrs for faith.
15:07Cover your body with the armor of steel
15:09and your spirit with the armor of faith.
15:11That is the true courage.
15:15That book of San Bernardo,
15:17the praise of the new Templar Knighthood,
15:19is really the text that opens the doors.
15:22In order for an order of this type to work,
15:25a rule is needed,
15:27a discipline is needed,
15:29an organization is needed.
15:31Bernardo de Claraval,
15:33who knows that the Templars do not have that rule,
15:35simply the idea that a few knights have been formed there,
15:37that they have a common place, etc.,
15:39a common life,
15:41sees the perfect objective.
15:43He, who is a Dystercian,
15:45who knows very well the organization of a community,
15:47knows that in order for a monastery to work,
15:49everything has to be in order.
16:15Bernardo de Claraval realizes
16:17that this order
16:19that was founded in Jerusalem
16:21is really the ideal
16:23that he pursues.
16:25The perfect and almost pure mixture
16:27between the man
16:29who surrenders to God
16:31in the monastery,
16:33but who at the same time surrenders
16:35for the defense of that idea of Christianity
16:37through the use and practice
16:39of the weapons, the Templars.
16:43The monks have made of you
16:45an obedient, disciplined man
16:47and good knower of the word of Christ.
16:49You already know
16:51everything you need to know.
16:53For the Temple is the sword of God
16:55and you, Templar,
16:57will soon be the strong arm
16:59that grips his wrath.
17:01Say goodbye to these walls,
17:03you will not see them again.
17:05Curses Christians!
17:07You have not understood anything.
17:11Did you really believe
17:13that Islam would remain
17:17You still keep four kingdoms
17:19in the Holy Land,
17:21but soon all the borders
17:23will be attacked without compassion.
17:25The louder you shout
17:27invoking a new hierarchy,
17:29the more you will be attacked
17:31by the enemies.
17:33The louder you shout
17:35invoking a new holy war,
17:37the louder will be the echo
17:39that will answer you.
17:41Lihad, which means effort,
17:43effort for the cause of God,
17:45can be a military effort.
17:47It is a form of holy war.
17:49Lihad is divided into two types,
17:51Lihad Major and Lihad Minor.
17:53The Major, which is the main
17:55and the most important,
17:57is the effort for the community.
17:59It is the life dedicated to work
18:01for the ideals of humanity.
18:03The Minor, which is the least important,
18:05is dedicated to war,
18:07to the expansion of faith,
18:09and this is what today, unfortunately,
18:11prevails within the concept of Lihad.
18:15Just as you warn the infidels,
18:17they do not believe.
18:21Allah has sealed their hearts and ears
18:23and they will have a terrible punishment.
18:25They are two religions
18:27that belong to the same monotheistic trunk
18:29and yet they are sponsoring
18:31a confrontation that,
18:33in the end,
18:35is the confrontation for the Mediterranean.
18:39When they asked the messenger of Allah
18:41which is the best Lihad,
18:43he said,
18:45the best Lihad is the one
18:47in which your horse has been slaughtered
18:49and your blood spilled.
18:51It is very difficult,
18:53but we must avoid
18:55that the characters fall in good or bad ways
18:57because that implies a judgment of value
18:59and implies introducing
19:01an element of judgment,
19:03of morality.
19:05The writers are not judges
19:07and we do not have to decide
19:09who is good and who is bad.
19:11We have to explain a reality.
19:21My dear Knights of the Temple,
19:23you do not know
19:25how many legends will be written
19:27about you.
19:29Some will say
19:31that they saw you dig up treasures
19:33and others that they saw you hide them.
19:37Will there be anyone who swears
19:39to have heard you practice forbidden rites
19:41and even carry the Ark of the Covenant,
19:43to cover you with the Holy Shroud,
19:45to eat of the fruit of Paradise
19:47and to drink of the very Grail?
19:51Until now,
19:53I have only seen you take measures
19:55of your Temple.
19:57Or is there something
19:59you do not want to tell us?
20:11San Bernardo de Claraval
20:13encourages a mission
20:15that today we do not know exactly what it was,
20:17but we do know that there was an interest
20:19in knowing something
20:21about primitive Christianity.
20:23It is true that there was an exchange
20:25of documentation between San Bernardo de Claraval
20:27and those nine founders
20:29who go to the Holy Land,
20:31in which it seems that they found
20:33sacred objects,
20:35knowledge, perhaps old manuscripts,
20:37something more than was known
20:39to date.
20:41Most likely,
20:43from what is deduced from the documentation
20:45of Claraval,
20:47and in that documentation
20:49there were things
20:51that for them were very important.
20:53It will never be known what.
20:55The order of the Temple,
20:57being an order that arises
20:59within the Catholic Church,
21:01has traces of Christianity
21:03of other origins,
21:05not exclusively Catholic.
21:07For example,
21:09the idea that Jesus
21:11had a twin brother.
21:13It is an idea that is in the Bible.
21:15There is a passage in which
21:17it refers to Tome,
21:19and that Tome is
21:21described as Dimos.
21:23Dimos is the Greek word
21:25for twin brother.
21:27The Temple had secrets like that,
21:29obviously dangerous secrets.
21:35It's nice, right?
21:37Because not knowing it,
21:39we can always imagine
21:41what we want.
21:43We will always have that door,
21:45that open window,
21:47to be able to believe what we want
21:49and write the books we want
21:51imagining what we want.
21:53Because really,
21:55it will never be known.
22:03After a while,
22:05the Knights of the Order of the Temple
22:07had already freed
22:09all the paths
22:11that mercenaries
22:13and Muslims
22:17perpetrated against the wretched
22:19who went to the Holy Land
22:21to step on the same ground
22:23that Jesus Christ stepped on.
22:27The pilgrims who returned
22:29told the story and the bravery
22:31of these knights
22:33who had sworn to be poor,
22:35to be faithful to God,
22:37who had sworn silence
22:39and not to have relations
22:41with women.
22:43They were considered
22:47This legend spread
22:49throughout Europe
22:51and there was no son
22:53of a noble
22:55who did not offer himself
22:57to go to the Holy Land.
22:59Well, well, Hugo,
23:01I see that you have finally
23:05It is time
23:07for you to return to Europe
23:09and pick up the fruit
23:11of all those legends
23:13that you have planted.
23:15Tell me that you did not miss
23:17the smell of these forests.
23:21You are no longer nine
23:23greedy knights
23:25who escort caravans
23:27and you have made many
23:29and very good friends
23:31among the powerful.
23:33Bernardo de Claraval
23:35praises your militia.
23:37The nobles instill
23:39those same values in their children
23:41and the kings want to know you.
23:43I assure you that everyone
23:45will ever hear
23:47the valiant gestures
23:49of Hugo de Payens
23:51and his Templars.
23:53Initially, what he does
23:55is to collect
23:57those supports
23:59and to proceed
24:01to an institutionalization
24:03and an official recognition
24:05by the Western Church.
24:07There is the Council of Troyes.
24:11Bernardo de Claraval
24:13asked that a council be convened,
24:15the Council of Troyes,
24:17to establish a rule
24:19for the Templar Knights.
24:21That committee,
24:23Hugo de Payens,
24:25arrives in 1127 in Europe
24:27and it is then
24:29when this monastic and military order
24:31is officialized,
24:33at the same time.
24:35You will relate to all present
24:37the humble beginnings
24:39of the poor Knights of Christ
24:41and the difficult situation
24:43that is experienced in the Holy Land.
24:45You will have to read, one by one,
24:47the 72 chapters of the Rule
24:49written by Bernardo de Claraval,
24:51as monks and as warriors
24:53for the rest of your lives.
24:55You will be the only Knights
24:57with the right to wear a white cloak,
24:59for there will be no more pure Knights
25:01on the face of the earth.
25:03You will not have to obey
25:05any King Azuelo ever again.
25:07The Templars will only obey God
25:09and his representative on earth,
25:11the Pope.
25:13The Pope allowed
25:15a red cross
25:17to be carried
25:19on the white cloak,
25:21a red cross that symbolized
25:23the blood of Christ.
25:25The fire of the Holy Spirit
25:27ascends over the white of purity.
25:29For me, the red
25:31does not represent only the sacrifice,
25:33it also represents
25:35the fire of the Spirit.
25:41Chapter 22 of the Rule of the Temple
25:43The Knights
25:45will always wear white clothes.
25:47It will not be allowed to anyone
25:49other than the so-called
25:51Knights of Jesus Christ.
25:53Chapter 25
25:55Whoever wants to have the best
25:57will have the worst.
26:03Chapter 70
26:07Envy, jealousy,
26:09mutterings and confidences
26:11will be avoided as if it were the plague.
26:14Chapter 72
26:17No brother will kiss a widow,
26:19nor a virgin,
26:21nor a friend,
26:23nor any other woman.
26:25The Rule establishes
26:27each of the movements
26:29that a Templar performs
26:31from the moment he gets up
26:33to the moment he lies down.
26:35It regulates how a Templar
26:37should live in his convent,
26:39but it also regulates
26:41how the first to arrive
26:43to the battlefield
26:45and the last to leave
26:47should be.
26:57Venerable brothers,
26:59you have said goodbye to the world.
27:01Do not fear
27:03the approach of combat
27:05and are ready to receive
27:07the crown of martyrdom.
27:09Warm the salvation
27:11and I will imitate in my death
27:13the one of our Lord,
27:15because Christ gave his life for me
27:17and I am prepared
27:19to give my life for him.
27:21When one entered the order
27:23of the Templars,
27:25they had quite violent
27:27initiation practices.
27:29They prepared themselves
27:31for suffering
27:33and hence the harshness
27:35of those practices.
27:37And the Templar must be prepared
27:39for what a soldier
27:41receives at the end of the operation,
27:43that is, for the war,
27:45and in the war he kills himself
27:47and dies, of course.
27:49He must be prepared to kill
27:51and he must be prepared
27:53for tremendously cruel
27:55and even criminal situations.
27:59Chapter 14 of the Rule
28:01Water is drunk,
28:03or a little wine with water,
28:05and the Master is pleased.
28:07Chapter 16
28:09Always give thanks
28:11with a humble heart.
28:19In the case of those tortures
28:21that could be done
28:23on the appointment,
28:25they could be understandable
28:27as a condition
28:29for what could wait them
28:31in case of falling prisoners.
28:33There was a strict
28:35training plan
28:37that went through
28:39a series of circumstances
28:41that, in a way,
28:43annulled their personality,
28:45their own individual characteristic
28:47of being of each of them.
28:49They became instruments
28:51absolutely cold
28:53of a machinery
28:55that was the Templar Order.
28:57It was that image
28:59of the Templar Knight
29:01of a machine to kill,
29:03of a cold machine
29:05that fulfills,
29:07absolutely blind,
29:09the orders of his Master.
29:11Chapter 18 of the Rule
29:13Be pure, for I am pure.
29:17Be holy, for I am holy.
29:23I had the impression
29:25of being in the presence
29:27of soldiers similar
29:29to those of the American Marines
29:31who gave them the brain
29:33to become real machines to kill.
29:35The Templar Order was an authentic
29:37military unit of the elite
29:39where there were two fundamental features
29:41that differentiated it from the rest
29:43of the feudal knights
29:45and it was an obedience
29:47and an absolute discipline.
29:53Knights who renounce everything,
29:55the glory, the fame, the fortune
29:57according to some orders
29:59with which, obviously,
30:01now I would not agree.
30:23Year 1128 of the Age of Our Lord
30:25Each winter seems colder
30:27than the previous one
30:29and this is a long journey.
30:31After interviewing you
30:33with the Pope in Rome
30:35and having been recognized in France
30:37as the first Master of the Order
30:39of the Templars,
30:41you, Hugo, will direct your steps
30:43to the western end
30:45of the Iberian Peninsula.
30:47What does all this have to do
30:49with the Iberian Peninsula
30:51or with Portugal?
30:53Both the Portuguese Counties,
30:55the future Kingdom of Portugal,
30:57and Aragon
30:59are the regions of Europe
31:01along with France
31:03to which the Templars arrive first.
31:11Doña Teresa,
31:13Countess of the Portuguese Counties,
31:15you have become so fond of power
31:17that you can't stand the idea
31:19of not always doing what you want.
31:21What has attracted you
31:23so much to these gentlemen?
31:25Don't you know that they have sworn
31:27chastity for life?
31:29She was a Countess
31:31of the Portuguese Counties
31:33but deep down
31:35she aspired to be Queen.
31:39She was a determined woman,
31:41a great diplomat.
31:45She created intrigues of all kinds
31:47between Galicia and Leon.
31:49It is believed that the Templars
31:51could have arrived even before
31:53the Council of Troyes
31:55in the year 1126.
31:57But there is no doubt
31:59that in 1128
32:01Doña Teresa gave them
32:03the South Castle.
32:05The first castle of the Order of the Temple
32:07will not be built in the Holy Land
32:09but here, right on the border
32:11between Islam and the Counties
32:13of Doña Teresa of Portugal.
32:15This will be the first Templar Castle.
32:19In the first place,
32:21it will be a part of the border
32:23between the Lusitania
32:25occupied by Islam
32:27and the part occupied
32:29by the Christians,
32:31the Portuguese Counties
32:33that had their border
32:35over the Mondego River.
32:37Unlike other donations
32:39that the Templars received
32:41in Europe,
32:43in the Iberian Peninsula
32:45donations had another mission.
32:47In Portugal,
32:49their mission was fundamentally
32:51to participate
32:53in the Iberian Crusade.
32:55Because at the same time
32:57that there was a crusade in the East,
32:59in the Iberian Peninsula,
33:01which was occupied by the Muslims
33:0390%, there also existed
33:05this spirit of crusade.
33:09the mission of the Knights
33:11was to protect the pilgrims.
33:13But then it changed
33:15and it became
33:17also to protect the territories.
33:19And it is then,
33:21when they are instituted as an
33:23authentically military order,
33:25as an army.
33:29After touring
33:31between 1028 and 1029
33:33the various kingdoms
33:35and European states,
33:37we can already organize
33:39a small army.
33:41It is no longer a group of 10, 15,
33:43that has no economic possibilities,
33:45that has almost no horses.
33:47They already have an extraordinary
33:49military operation.
33:51They have received a large number
33:53of donations everywhere,
33:55in France, in Scotland,
33:57in England, in Portugal.
33:59Donations in money,
34:01but also donations in rents,
34:03donations in land.
34:05This family of the Templars
34:07returns to Jerusalem
34:09already loaded with wealth.
34:11Don't eat, Bernardo.
34:13I guess you have to preach with the example.
34:15That extreme austerity
34:17that you promulgate
34:19will end up killing you.
34:21You should take a little more care.
34:29Year 1143 of the Lord's Era.
34:31The Christians still
34:33keep four small kingdoms
34:35in the Holy Land.
34:37But Edessa, the most unprotected of them,
34:39will change sides today.
34:41Nothing could oppose
34:43that Turkish cavalry
34:45that has just appeared
34:47on the horizon line.
34:49The authorities of the undefended city
34:51will have no choice but to hand it over.
34:59As soon as the news is known in Rome,
35:01Pope Eugenius III
35:03will ask for help
35:05from all the kings of Christianity.
35:07Bernardo de Claraval,
35:09you will be in charge of carrying out
35:11this divine mission,
35:13preaching the second of the Crusades.
35:15Do you know what the bad tongues call you?
35:19because there is no one on the face of the earth
35:21that you are not able to convince.
35:25They also called him Dr. Honey,
35:27related to bees,
35:29as if he emitted honey
35:31every time he spoke.
35:33Bernardo de Claraval
35:35has a great capacity
35:37for rhetoric
35:39and great eloquence
35:41in his discourses.
35:43He spews a series of tremendous flames.
35:47I opened my lips and spoke.
35:49Unfortunate are those
35:51who do not bleed their sword.
35:53And at that moment
35:55the Crusaders multiplied.
35:57Cities and castles were left empty.
35:59It will be difficult to find
36:01a man for every seven women.
36:03I have left Europe
36:05full of villages with widows
36:07still alive.
36:09Those will be your words, Bernardo,
36:11not those of God.
36:13You are the one who sends them
36:15to finish their own graves.
36:17All those souls,
36:19packed with the honey of your words,
36:21will shout,
36:23Give me a sword.
36:25He is a man who believes himself
36:27endowed with a great messianic capacity.
36:29And this messianic capacity
36:31is really a flame
36:33to convince the people, the Christians,
36:35that they have to comply with the fundamental precept
36:37which is the defense of Christianity.
36:41Two gigantic armies of more than 70,000 men
36:43will cross Europe
36:45and meet in Jerusalem.
36:47They have not made this long journey
36:49to settle by attacking small cities.
36:51And King Baldwin
36:53and his fearsome Templar knights
36:55will soon convince them
36:57that together they could go to Damascus
36:59and conquer it.
37:01The Syrian capital
37:03would be an excellent booty.
37:07But Damascus will be waiting for them.
37:09The hosts of Islam
37:11already know how to defeat the Crusaders
37:13and they will do it again.
37:15After 30 days of combat
37:17they will have to retreat with their tail between their legs.
37:19The second of the many Crusades
37:21that are to come
37:23will be a complete disaster
37:25for Christianity.
37:29In the second Crusade
37:31there are already groups of Templar knights
37:33who are capable of successfully participating
37:35in military operations
37:37at the level that would be
37:39an open field combat.
37:41We do not know exactly
37:43when they will appear in battle,
37:45in the first great battle,
37:47but of course,
37:49in the years of the second Crusade
37:51they already participate in military campaigns.
37:53The Crusades,
37:55as a Christian goal,
37:57according to the Gospels
38:01and according to the Christian ideas
38:03of fraternity
38:05and love for one another,
38:07were a complete failure.
38:13Bernardo de Claraval himself
38:15accepted the failure of the second Crusade,
38:17saying that it was not the fault of God,
38:19but of the men who could not
38:21maintain the Christian values.
38:29They will blame you
38:31for this painful defeat.
38:33That will be your end, Bernardo.
38:35Postured in bed,
38:37weak and forgotten.
38:39You haven't eaten in a long time
38:41and your legs swell.
38:47Of course, Saint Bernard de Claraval
38:49is not an ordinary man and his order is not ordinary.
38:51He marked some fundamental centuries
38:53in the history of all of Europe.
38:57I warned you.
38:59You should have been careful.
39:01Your belly will not stand
39:03one more night.
39:09You will be canonized.
39:11So, guilty or not,
39:13we will all have to call you
39:15Saint Bernard de Claraval.
39:27That fundamentally creates
39:29some people,
39:31a very special type of monk,
39:33who feels and knows himself
39:35wise and superior.
39:51Bernardo de Claraval says
39:53that they are gentlemen
39:55and also monks,
39:59who carry out a double fight.
40:01A fight against the unfaithful,
40:03against the enemies of Europe
40:05and Christianity,
40:07and a fight against
40:09the invisible enemies,
40:11a fight against an inner demon.
40:13It is very important to know
40:15that the Templars had an ideal
40:17that was not only of physical war,
40:19but that there was an ideal
40:21with spiritual objectives.
40:25The Templar Knights
40:47The Templar Knights,
40:49unlike European fashions,
40:51in which the knights
40:53were dressed in silk
40:55and pointed shoes,
40:57which Bernardo de Claraval
41:01He harshly criticized,
41:03saying that those gentlemen
41:05who walk with luxury shoes
41:07and silk shirts
41:09are unable to fight for the truth
41:11and only fight for frivolous reasons.
41:13The Templar Knights,
41:15despite not having anything,
41:19to serve only God
41:21and his faith,
41:23were fantastic warriors,
41:29men who had adopted
41:31the values of chivalry,
41:33of defending others,
41:35the weak, the old,
41:37the women.
41:39The romances that were read in Europe,
41:41inflamed by the pilgrims who returned
41:43and who told the adventures
41:45of the Templar Knights,
41:47showed a man who had come
41:49to serve God and the Knights
41:51of King Arthur.
41:53All those people who went to Jerusalem
41:55to serve in the order
41:57of the Templars,
41:59in the end,
42:01what they were looking for
42:03was the round table
42:05of King Arthur.
42:19To be continued...