• 2 months ago
FTS 8.30
*Israeli genocide in Gaza continues after 316 days
*Thailand: Paethongtarn Shinawara elected as new PM
00:00The President of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Venezuela announced that
00:15she has started the technical analysis of all the electoral material consigned related
00:21to the elections of July 28th.
00:25The Israeli army continues to intensify its attacks against the Gaza Strip, when the genocide
00:31against the Palestinian population reaches 316 days and over 40,000 people killed.
00:41In Thailand, House of Representatives elected 37-year-old Pertang Tan Srinivatra as their
00:48new Prime Minister.
00:54Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:57My name is Belen De Los Santos.
00:58I'm from the TeleServe studios in Havana, Cuba.
01:00We begin with the news.
01:01The President of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Venezuela, Carizlias
01:05Rodriguez, announced that they have started the technical analysis of all the electoral
01:10material consigned related to the elections of July 28th.
01:14Rodriguez informed that the National Electoral Council has provided all the digital and physical
01:19electoral material for the investigation process.
01:23Likewise, she pointed out that the investigation will be carried out by the best technical
01:28and specialized team until the High Court gathers the necessary evidence to certify
01:33the decision of the Venezuelan people.
01:36In addition, Rodriguez reiterated the commitment of the judiciary to import justice in the
01:41face of the cybernetic coup of the global ultra-right denounced by the re-elected President,
01:47Nicolás Maduro.
01:48In view of the fact that, by means of judgment number 29, dated August 10, 2024, the magistrate
02:05of this electoral chamber will order an expert appraisal of all the electoral material of
02:10evidentiary value consigned in physical or digital form related to the presidential election
02:16process held on July 28, 2024.
02:20This chamber will make the following considerations.
02:23First, this electoral chamber shall proceed to perform in person the supervision and control
02:28of the expertise process of the material that is in the custody of the National Electoral
02:48Council and in the custody of the CNE, the political organizations and the former candidates,
02:54said expertise is in process of execution.
02:57By a group of experts in electoral material with the highest technical and scientific,
03:02national and international standards, guaranteeing the highest level of technical and legal excellence,
03:07which shall be performed directly, personally and daily during the entire process.
03:14We continue on topic, as on Thursday, ALBA Movimientos launched a statement and social
03:23networks condemning the actions that disregard the result of the July 28 presidential election
03:29in Venezuela.
03:30On the statement, the alliance pointed out that respect for the sovereignty and self-determination
03:35of the peoples must be a banner in international relations and that the social and popular
03:40movements that defend the Bolivarian people reject the slightest suggestion aimed at disregarding
03:46the result of the electoral process concluded on July 28.
03:50ALBA Movimientos also expressed that these insinuations are a disregard for the sovereignty
03:56and a lack of respect for the will shown by the people at the ballot box, while stressing
04:01that only the Venezuelan people, with the strength of its legitimate institutions, will
04:06determine their destiny.
04:10Meanwhile, various social and political Dominican organizations expressed their solidarity with
04:17Venezuela as this nation is being under attacks after the July 28 presidential elections.
04:24On a press briefing, Dominican revolutionaries claimed that the U.S. plans to make a coup
04:30d'etat against the Venezuelan people.
04:33On a press release, they ratified that Venezuela sets the National Electoral Council as the
04:38entity empowered to arbitrate the elections, as well as to give the results, and in compliance
04:44with the constitutional United Nations Charter, its decisions must be respected by all countries.
04:51They further demanded that the Dominican president, Luis Abinader, stop compromising the country
04:57with meddling actions against other nations and be guided by the constitution of the republic.
05:10The history of humanity knows no country more despotic and terrorist than the United
05:15Those who are aligned with the U.S. are the actual dictators and the despots.
05:18Yes, they are the criminal and the terrorist.
05:20This is the truth that is systematically hidden by immediate dictatorship.
05:25Which countries are encouraging precisely that meeting?
05:28Countries that are puppets, that are lackeys of the U.S.
05:31So those nations have not proven their true sovereignty and self-determination.
05:35Those are the ones that want to impose a meeting of that nature in the Dominican Republic.
05:39Here we say no.
05:41And more on Venezuela.
05:42The National Assembly unanimously approved the Bill on the Control and Regulation of
05:47the Non-Governmental Organizations and the Non-Profit Social Organizations.
05:52The measure seeks to guarantee transparency and establish a system to review the accountability
05:57of agents that receive national or foreign financing.
06:01The legislation is based on the fact that in Venezuela there are more than 60 non-governmental
06:06organizations which are sponsored by foreign governments, among them the United States,
06:11that operate for political purposes with the target of generating destabilization.
06:20Now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at SelecciĂł English
06:24where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
06:33We'll be right back, stay with us.
06:36Welcome back to From the South.
06:59We begin in Chile where on Friday they strike at the mine known as Escondida, the world's
07:04largest open-pit copper mine, entered its fourth day with no agreement between the Chilean
07:10workers and the transnational company BHP.
07:13The union maintains its demands for more rest time, better wages, an increase in the amount
07:19of bonuses given to the miners and compensation for those who are fired for all the time that
07:24they have worked there.
07:25The union emphasized that the dialogues to resolve the conflict failed, denouncing that
07:29the company is trying to condition the dialogues on the suspension of the strike.
07:34Besides limiting the talks to only two of the demands.
07:37In this context, they added that a salary adjustment of 2% and a health insurance plan
07:41of 100% were considered insufficient.
07:50And in other news, the delegates of the government of Colombia for the dialogue table with the
07:54National Liberation Army showed their position regarding the freezing of the process.
07:59Our colleague Hernan Tobar has the details.
08:01Let's see.
08:02The Colombian government made public the confidential proposal it made to the National Liberation
08:10Army days ago, aimed at paving the way to unfreeze the dialogue table, which has been
08:15paralyzed since the end of May.
08:19There is no problem with making the so-called confidential proposal public.
08:24It was proposed to them to make viable the proposal on economic reform that was agreed
08:29with the NLA, which was signed as the first point of agreement with the country's business
08:34community and the social movement of Colombia to discuss the mechanisms for its implementation.
08:40It seems that they are not interested in the subject.
08:44This provoked the reaction of the opposition sectors in the country which criticized this
08:49On the other hand, the members of the dialogue table on the part of the government assured
08:53that the objective is to look for ways to resume the dialogue.
08:59To be able to generate a space in which the social movements, the government and the National
09:05Liberation Army, along with the business community, are present.
09:10What is the purpose?
09:12To discuss the transformations contained in an agreement that I invite you to read.
09:18As topics for dialogue, I ask you to read the axis of the economic model contained in
09:25agreement number 28.
09:27Responsibilities can be introduced in this model if there is an agreement in which the
09:31businessmen are willing, the government is willing and the social movement is willing.
09:38Obviously, this possibility can be opened.
09:42The head of the government delegation for the dialogues reiterated her willingness to
09:46engage in conversations.
09:51The NLA has the possibility and the responsibility now to say how we continue.
09:57That is, we always have the disposition.
10:00At no time, and we are not going to do it, we have a clear conduct that we do not break
10:05the dialogues.
10:06We consider that the only valid mechanism to move forward with a peaceful process that
10:11is a table, a table that dialogues.
10:18The NLA assures that the government has failed to comply with the agreements, among them
10:23the demand to be removed from the list of organized armed groups, as well as the collusion
10:28between some military and paramilitary groups in several regions.
10:32Analysts expressed their concern about this scenario, but consider it positive that the
10:36NLA maintains the unilateral ceasefire.
10:43We applaud, of course, the announcement by the National Liberation Army to maintain the
10:48ceasefire unilaterally.
10:51We are very concerned that at a given moment the talks have been truncated again, and that
10:56once again the talks are entering a liturgy, and perhaps also because it is not very conducive
11:04to a process of trust that at a given moment there are secret talks behind the nation's
11:09back, as it is said to have been held some day with the National Liberation Army.
11:16A prompt response is expected from the National Liberation Army to restart the dialogue process.
11:22Hernán Darío, Tobalga y Tantelesur, Bogotá, Colombia.
11:29We now move on to other topics.
11:40In Puerto Rico, at least 900,000 people are without electric service.
11:46After the passage of Hurricane Ernesto.
11:48On Thursday, the Emergency Operations Center of Puerto Rico, LUMA, activated its restoration
11:54process to address the impacts of Tropical Storm Ernesto, which became a hurricane.
11:59According to Morning Report, LUMA Energy detailed that slightly more than 470,000 customers
12:06or subscribers were without electric service, which represents 31.9% of the total users.
12:13The company's President and Chief Executive Officer, Juan Saca, said that LUMA has been
12:18working around the clock to assess the damage, re-energize the affected portions of the power
12:24grid and restore power to all affected users.
12:31The power outage left us in the dark for over 24 hours even before the storm.
12:35I have elderly people and others who are bedridden.
12:37I don't know how much longer the blackout will be.
12:40We can't stand it.
12:42Japanese authorities canceled on Friday several domestic flights and train trips due to the
12:47weather alert issued by the approaching typhoon Amphibio.
12:52The Japan Meteorological Agency described as very strong the phenomenon that will affect
12:57Tokyo and other central regions of the Pacific coast in the Asian archipelago.
13:03The airline canceled around 500 flights and the Central Japan Railway Company completely
13:08suspended service in the Tokaido-Shinkansen bullet train line between Tokyo and Nagoya.
13:15Along with the risk of heavy rainfall, the JMA warned of the probability of landslides,
13:22storms, surges and hurricane-force wind gusts in much of the central Kanto region, which
13:29includes the capital and Chiba, as well as other areas along the country's eastern coast.
13:41And also, the organization CARE alerted on Thursday that almost half of the population
13:46of Zambia have been affected by the devastating drought caused by the El Niño weather phenomenon,
13:53which has forced many families to eat only once a day and travel long distances to get
13:59According to a statement issued by CARE and government data, 84 of the country's 116 districts
14:07have been hit, while 79% of the population in 27 of those districts where the NGOs conducted
14:15a survey consume a low or to the limit amount of water.
14:21Chikawe Bida, CARE's director in Zambia, said that the situation in the country is dire
14:26and continues to deteriorate, especially for women and girls.
14:31Not only do they have to walk long distances, but when they find water, it is usually not clean.
14:42We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
14:45channel at Telesurf English.
14:48There you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories, special broadcastings and more.
14:53Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
14:57world's most recent events.
15:01Final short break, don't go away.
15:23Welcome back to From the South.
15:41The Israeli army continues to intensify its attacks against the Gaza Strip when the genocide
15:47against the Palestinian population reaches 316 days and more than 40,000 people killed.
15:54In this regard, the Ministry of Health in Gaza informed on Thursday that seven people
15:58were martyred and several were wounded after an Israeli bombardment of a residential building
16:03in Javelia, north of Gaza.
16:06In the meantime, they also noted that another attack claimed the lives of five civilians
16:10and injured eight in the Adara area.
16:14In this way, the Israeli occupation forces continue their aggression against the Gaza
16:18Strip by land, sea and air since October despite the international community call for an immediate
16:33The Israeli occupation forces continue to commit genocide and massacres against the
16:37Palestinian people.
16:39Several floors in this building, which the al-Ahmad family owns, were targeted.
16:43I know this family well, they are civilians and innocent.
16:46A large number of people were killed, including children, women and seniors.
16:52And we continue in Palestine as on Friday, dozens of Israeli settlers stormed into the
16:57village of Jit in the occupied West Bank.
17:01In this sense, local authorities said that the extremists shot dead one young man and
17:05seriously wounded another in addition to setting fire to houses and vehicles.
17:10In this regard, they identified the fatality as Rashid Mahmoud Sada, of 23 years old, while
17:18another young Palestinian was taken to the hospital with chest wounds.
17:22On the other hand, Israeli media reported that about 50 settlers, some of them hooded,
17:28entered the village where they fired shots through stones and molotov cocktails.
17:33It is worth noting that more than 700,000 Israeli settlers live in the occupied West
17:38Bank and use violence on a daily basis to harass the Palestinian population.
17:48And meanwhile, a demonstration took place in the city of Ramallah in support of the
17:53Gaza Strip population and to condemn the crimes of the Israeli occupation army in the territory.
18:00In this regard, on Thursday, hundreds of protesters took to the streets to demand an end to the
18:05genocide in Gaza, which has killed over 40,000 people since October 7.
18:12During the demonstration, participants raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans in support
18:17of the resistance.
18:19Those present also denounced the silence and complicity of many international governments
18:24concerning the massacres committed by the Taliban regime.
18:35And in other news, on Thursday, authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo reported
18:40548 deaths due to the outbreak of the infectious disease known as Mpox virus.
18:47In the sense, Minister Samuel Roger Kamba added that in addition to the death toll,
18:52the country has registered a total of 15,664 potential cases so far this year.
18:59For his part, Roger Kamba also indicated that the virus is affecting most of the provinces
19:03of the nation of 2.3 million square kilometers and a population of 96 million.
19:11In this regard, also on Thursday, the World Health Organization declared the Mpox virus
19:15an international public health emergency, the highest level of alert.
19:21It must be emphasized that the current epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has
19:25a mortality rate estimated at 3.6 percent.
19:34And on Friday, Thailand's House of Representatives elected a new Prime Minister.
19:39Patong Thang Srinavarta, daughter of former President and influential politician Thaksin,
19:46won 319 votes of the 493 deputies in the current chamber and is the second woman to become
19:53the country's Prime Minister.
19:55At 37, she was one of the new faces of her party during the 2023 election campaign and
20:01is now the youngest to hold the post.
20:04The decision comes on the heels of the dismissal two days ago of Shreddha Thavisin, who, according
20:10to a court, violated the code of ethics established in the constitution.
20:15Now, of course, today I feel very honored and I feel very happy.
20:24I really hope that I can make the people feel confident about that we can to build
20:36the opportunities and to improve the quality of life and to empower to all Thais.
20:43And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
20:46You can find these and many other stories on our website at tellusorenglish.net and
20:50also join us on social media.
20:51We are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and also on TikTok.
20:55For TELUSORE ENGLISH, my name is Belen De Los Santos.
