49ers press conference

  • el mes pasado


00:00No injuries to report so far.
00:01What about Jordan Mason, why didn't he play?
00:05Hip soreness.
00:06How did you evaluate Josh Dobbs' play?
00:10Did a good job, lost on a few drives, scoring drives.
00:12Made a couple plays when nothing was there.
00:15I thought it was similar to last week.
00:17Did he go first because he's ahead, or what's that competition?
00:20No, we just planned on giving Brandon first last week.
00:23And we're gonna give Dobbs first this week.
00:25So haven't decided on next week yet, but that was the plan from the beginning.
00:29It was your first chance to see Jacob Cowling in some game action.
00:32How did he put himself?
00:34I was happy with him.
00:35We'll see more when we watch the tape.
00:37But I think first and foremost, just his poise on the punt returns was good to see.
00:42He made good decisions with that stuff.
00:44And made a couple plays on the jet sweep, a couple plays in the pass game.
00:47So it was good to get him out there.
00:49What about one winners?
00:52He bruised his knee in practice.
00:53Did you throw the early challenge flag because you were bored again?
00:59No, just heard he was out, so I just threw it.
01:04And we all need reps.
01:07No, I didn't.
01:08Did you do that again for the third game?
01:11I haven't decided yet.
01:12I'm not sure yet.
01:13But why this year are you doing that?
01:15I mean, you've had other talented guys on offense.
01:18Why did you do it with this three?
01:21I just like Clint more than everyone else.
01:24No, no, that's not it.
01:27Just been thinking about doing it for a while.
01:29I can't really explain why.
01:33I think certain years, sometimes you wanna do it,
01:34especially when you're getting a feel for a quarterback.
01:36You want them to get used to.
01:37I think our quarterback I've been with for two years, so Brock's used to me.
01:42Clint and Brian have been doing a lot of the meetings with the quarterbacks.
01:45BA was with us last year.
01:48Just didn't feel like I needed to this year.
01:50And Clay's been great at it, so.
01:53Had nothing to do with the QBX?
01:55What's that?
01:55Had nothing to do with the QBX on both sides?
01:59It actually didn't.
02:00No, it didn't.
02:01But should have said it was that.
02:03So many of your starters, Liz and
02:06tonight are not available, why did you wanna see Brock tonight?
02:09What did you see from him?
02:10Just thought it'd be good for him to get a couple reps in, or
02:12a couple drives in.
02:13We were hoping it would be one long drive just to get him out,
02:16similar to what BA had last week.
02:18But we had, I think it was two, three in outs, so I don't wanna go past that.
02:21I think it's good for quarterbacks to get in.
02:25Felt good with the guys that were in there, and
02:26we're pretty conservative with what we did with them.
02:28And I felt Brock kinda wanted to do it, too.
02:31You and Morgan, you played a play him again on Friday?
02:35How'd you evaluate that?
02:36What'd you think of Tanner Mordecai and how he played him forward?
02:39I thought he did a good job.
02:41He got a couple chances with some throws.
02:43He ran the huddle very well.
02:45He got us in and out.
02:46I think he took us on that drive to get a field goal there at the end.
02:49Wish he'd got a little bit more, but did good with what we gave him.
02:53How'd you feel about Brock getting out on the next game?
02:55I mean, there were two frustrating drives, just three in and out.
02:57I don't think there was much there when he had it.
03:00He had a chance to make a big play on the keeper, going back across.
03:06But not enough plays, and there weren't really any good looks for him either.
03:10Matt, when you were not calling plays, what were you doing with your spare time?
03:14Chewing seeds, threw a challenge, made a couple timeouts.
03:17No, just talking to coaches, making sure we had the right people in there.
03:22There's a lot of guys on the roster, and you wanna make sure that
03:25guys get their opportunities, but also put guys in positions that you can evaluate
03:29where things are close, and that's kind of more the stuff I was paying attention to.
03:32Was there any hesitancy in putting Brock out there when you had so
03:36many non-starters out there in the field?
03:39Yeah, you always think about that stuff.
03:41If we thought it was an issue, we wouldn't have done it.
03:43But we were good with the guys out there.
03:45Brock wouldn't have gone, probably wouldn't have played Jake.
03:49Definitely would have had Colton and Jalen go as long, but
03:53we felt good with the group.
03:54Did you take three more than one tap hits on the first two series?
04:01What's that?
04:02Brock took like three hits more than one tap, so
04:05the first two series, were you like, maybe, and that was enough, or?
04:11Yeah, I mean, you think about that all the time, but it's also part of football, and
04:14I think he protects himself well.
04:15If we felt he was in a tough situation, we wouldn't have.
04:18But a lot of quarterbacks play throughout the league, and
04:23each week's different.
04:25I think it helps Brock to play, and last year he didn't get to as much with his arm.
04:29But I thought it was good for him to get out there,
04:31even though it wasn't two great drives.
04:33And I know he was really wanting to do it, and
04:37hopefully it'll make him a better position for this when we go to the Raiders.
04:40Did Juwan take an injury, or did he take an injury?
04:42No, Juwan has an injury.
04:45I forget exactly what it was.
04:46I think it's somewhere in his oblique, but
04:48something that shouldn't bother him next week.
04:50When the quarterback job comes down, or it seems to be, between Allen and Dobbs,
04:55what did you think of the two of them tonight, especially Dobbs and then Big Touchdown?
04:58Yeah, I thought they both did well with the reps they were given.
05:01Dobbs got to play a little bit more, and I thought he did a real good job.
05:04We know some of those drives.
05:05When Brandon came in, he did the same, so it was very similar to last week.
05:09The games have been tight, the practice have been tight, so
05:12that's a good problem we have right now.
05:14I know there's still time, but
05:15you've got a couple pretty highly drafted rookies who haven't played at all in
05:20Is time sort of running out for
05:21you to know whether they can be on the week one roster?
05:25Yeah, I mean, that stuff's always tough when guys get hurt and
05:28they're not out there, especially when guys get hurt right away.
05:31So that was just so good for Jake to be able to go through this week,
05:34stay healthy through this week, and get a play in that game.
05:37Hopefully, we're expecting to get Isaac back next week, so
05:40hopefully practice will go well, and we can take a look at him in the game.
05:43And hopefully, Ricky will get there, too.
05:45With so many offensive players out for practice and
05:49these games, not a lot of continuity, are you prepared for
05:53the possibility earlier in the year that you may have to win a different way?
05:56I mean, like with a lot of defense and kick and field goals,
05:59whereas in the past years when you hit the ground running, you were scoring 30 points.
06:04Yes, but I mean, I feel like we've had to win a number of times here.
06:09So it's, you look at that each week,
06:11even when you feel your offense is firing on all cylinders,
06:15you still, what's the best way to win a game?
06:17And that changes week in and week out.
06:19And I like to think we're built to do it a lot of different ways.
06:22I think we have done it a lot of different ways in our tenure here.
06:25And that's kind of what we always talk about.
06:27What does it take to win?
06:28And you try to figure that out by studying, putting together a game plan,
06:32and you do what you can in the game to find a way.
06:35And you really don't care how it looks or what happens.
06:37You just do whatever you can to win.
06:39You really haven't had a quarterback, even a backup, who could run,
06:42really run effectively.
06:44What does Dobbs' talent, what is he showing you?
06:47What does that add to what you can do on offense?
06:52I mean, I think there's a fine line when Dobbs can make a lot of plays with his
06:57legs, when you have a true running quarterback where you can put in
07:01all the running plays for them.
07:03I don't wanna necessarily put Josh in that category.
07:06But he is a guy that, if you don't honor him, you can run those plays.
07:10And if you aren't honoring him in that way and you can run those plays,
07:14you're gonna get a lot of really good looks,
07:15just like he did last year in Arizona and things like that.
07:18That's stuff that Sam Darnold was capable of too.
07:23You gotta have the threat with your legs and stuff.
07:26You gotta be willing to do it, but
07:27it's not something that you would ever major in with him.
07:29What is Firasal's talent?
07:33Seeing how his shoulder reacts this week.
07:35He's running routes, feeling good and stuff, but
07:37we don't wanna put him in there getting hit and things like that.
07:39And some awkward positions till we know he can pass all the tests and
07:43do everything, so he's day to day right now.
07:45Was that you here tonight?
07:47I believe so, yeah.
07:48Did I just see one of you on the sideline?
07:50No, I think he was sitting with all the IR players and
07:53stuff that we put in a box.
07:55George Taylor criticized us last week for not wearing nice shoes.
07:58How seriously do you take your shoe game and what are you wearing tonight?
08:02I'm wearing Jordans right now, and I don't take it that seriously.
08:07I like to wear nice shoes, but I don't like to shop, and
08:10I don't do things online very much.
08:12So people gotta usually give them to me, and I appreciate it when they do.
08:16How do you see them running to be the opening day punt returner,
08:22and would it be okay to have a rookie in that role,
08:26especially on the main line for this season?
08:29Yeah, I mean, we wanna figure out whoever the best punt returner is on our 53.
08:33And he looked pretty good today.
08:34We drafted him, hoping that he could have the potential to do it.
08:39Tonight was really the first time that we were able to get him out there, and
08:42he's had a week of being healthy.
08:43So he's definitely got a chance to, but
08:46tonight was a step in the right direction.
08:47Curtis Robinson had a couple big plays tonight.
08:51What have you seen from him so far this preseason, and
08:53has anything changed from the last couple years he's been here?
08:55Curtis just gets better each year.
08:57He's been here for a while.
08:58Helps out a lot on special teams, runs the show as a Mike linebacker.
09:03Really enjoyed having Curtis here, and gets better each week.
09:06And he's gonna have some tough decisions here when it comes down to the end.
09:10How did you gauge where he is, and what have you seen from him this summer?
09:24Similar to college.
09:25He's a good running back.
09:26He knows how to run the ball.
09:27He hits the right holes, doesn't mess around, lowers his pads, and
09:31falls forward.
09:33He's been good in practice, and
09:34he's done a good job with his opportunity in these two games.
09:36Did you do a production meeting with Tom Brady?
09:42I guess, like a pretend one.
09:46We did one with Mark and those guys too.
09:48It was good.
09:50Always fun to talk to the GOAT.
09:51Do you have any questions for him?
09:53A lot.
09:55Like every play of his career.
10:00Better than usual.
10:01Not to be confused with that good, but better than usual.
10:04All right, thanks guys.
10:07A lot of plays.
10:11How do you evaluate what happened out there during that time?
10:27Yeah, I mean, I think it was good just to get out there, get a feel for
10:30obviously the game speed, and getting hit, and trying to go through reads and stuff.
10:34And just get the feel again.
10:36So obviously it wasn't as productive as I'd like to have been myself.
10:42But that's why it's preseason, get out there and get a feel like that, so.
10:46I wanna say about a week ago, we got back from Nashville pretty early.
10:53So yeah, they asked me if I wanted to play and I said, yeah,
10:56I'd like to get out there and get a feel for it, so.
10:59What's it like to be in the place with Quinn?
11:02It's been good.
11:04I like just the way he calls plays and everything.
11:07And obviously it's preseason, so it's pretty, just our basic concepts and plays.
11:12We're not scheming up other defenses or anything like that.
11:15So having him get some reps of calling plays, I think it's good for him.
11:19And I like how he sees the game and the field and everything, so pretty good.
11:25You said you didn't mind getting hit.
11:27I mean, is that just kind of the rite of passage that you look for
11:29in a preseason game?
11:30And then not only the hit, but you land on your throwing shoulders.
11:34So is there a hazard to that?
11:36Yeah, I mean, yeah, at practice you're not getting that.
11:40Obviously you get a pass rush and all that kind of stuff.
11:43But to get out in the game and understand that there's a mental clock where you
11:47have to get the ball out or else you're gonna get hit.
11:49Or there's times where you do have to stand in there and take some hits.
11:52That's the kind of stuff you can get in practice.
11:54And so, honestly, it's those things that I liked,
12:00just the idea of playing in a preseason game to feel again,
12:03before the season gets here and everything.
12:04So it's good reps for me, it's a good feel for me as a quarterback.
12:09So I didn't mind it, it's part of the game.
12:12What are your thoughts on social media that didn't let you get any hit?
12:18You took three, I don't know, decent shots in the first two series.
12:23Do you have any thought at all like, maybe I should duck out of here?
12:27Not go for the third series?
12:29No, I mean, like I said, it's part of the game and stuff.
12:32So for me, I'm not out there freaking out about, my gosh,
12:35I'm not trying to get hit.
12:37That's not football.
12:38If I'm stepping out in the field, then obviously I know what's at stake in terms
12:41of it's a physical game, it's fast, things happen.
12:44You're gonna get hit, you're gonna fall to the ground.
12:47So I know that, but at the same time, am I gonna do some crazy scrambling and
12:52make up some stuff to try to move the ball?
12:55So you gotta be smart in that sense, so.
12:5817 practices in now, and a lot of offensive players have been missing
13:03since the beginning of practice, or some missing sporadically.
13:07Do you still think by week one, you can really hit the ground running and
13:11be a sharp offense?
13:12Or is time running out for that in terms of being really good week one?
13:16Yeah, obviously, I think we gotta take it day by day and get guys healthy.
13:20That's the first thing.
13:21I can't just sit up here and tell everybody that we're gonna be perfect and
13:25we're gonna look 100% come game one.
13:27Obviously, everyone's different in terms of their bodies being healthy.
13:31And so, but from the history that we have with guys rehabbing and
13:36getting healthy in our medical staff, they get guys ready.
13:39And I think come week one, we'll have a good majority of us ready to roll.
13:44So I'm pretty confident in that.
13:46And obviously, the coaches are gonna do some good scheming and stuff.
13:50And I think we will hit the ground running, so.
13:52What do you think of Todd's out there tonight?
13:54He's a baller, man.
13:55He makes plays, goes through his reads, and brings energy, man.
14:00He's out there making plays and guys feed off it, that's football.
14:03It's not always gonna be pretty and you drop back and
14:06everything's gonna be perfect.
14:07You're gonna have to make plays off schedule and
14:10bring some juice to the team and guys feed off that.
14:12So love having him in the room and like I said, he's pretty electric.
14:17Brock, last week you told me that Tanner could rip it, and
14:21we got a chance to see him tonight.
14:22I thought he looked pretty good.
14:24What did you think of his first performance?
14:26Yeah, man, awesome.
14:28To get out there, get into a rhythm, make a couple good throws on the run.
14:32And he was in rhythm, on time, making good decisions, man.
14:38So to go out there, fourth quarter, you never know what's gonna happen or
14:41what defenses are gonna be doing at that point.
14:43But he went out there and ran our offense pretty efficiently.
14:45So I'm pumped for him, and
14:46I know that's gonna continue to boost his confidence as he plays more.
14:50So pumped for him.
14:52Nicks and Kells kind of bounced around a little bit, center guard.
14:55I mean, you've had kind of a front row seat watching him and being around him.
15:01How do you feel about how he's developed and
15:04taken on a couple different positions?
15:07Yeah, I think Nick's ready for it.
15:09He's smart, like I said before.
15:11Obviously, he's learned from Brendel, and he's a guy that's come in and
15:15sort of earned the respect of all the guys in the room that he's playing with.
15:18And so for me to see him go and play both center and guard and
15:23being ready for his number to be called, I think he's done a good job with all of it.
15:26And he's gonna be ready for it, ready for his opportunity.
15:30And obviously, I got his back, and I know that he's gonna continue to get better
15:35as we go and as he gets more reps, so yeah.
15:38What do you want to accomplish on Friday?
15:40What would be a perfect preseason finale for you and the starters?
15:46I mean, obviously, you wanna get as close as you can to the feeling of how it's
15:50gonna be week one against New York and getting your feet out there and
15:55that feeling of putting a drive together, moving the ball, first downs,
15:59points on the board.
16:00I think that's what I'm sort of gonna chase for that game.
16:04And I know we all are as starters.
16:06So that's the goal, that's the goal every time we step out in the field.
16:09But week one's rolling up closer than we know it, so gonna be ready for it.
