• 2 months ago
Tempest was an ill boi this week, so we threw him a bone and gave him a nice easy list of his favourite WWE matches of all time!

00:00 - Start
01:22 - 10
02:31 - 9
03:43 - 8
05:07 - 7
06:12 - 6
07:28 - 5
08:40 - 4
09:55 - 3
11:12 - 2
12:25 - 1

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00:00I was a very, very ill Tempest this week, and what do I do with my time away from work
00:05where I watch and write about wrestling?
00:07Well, I watched more wrestling, of course.
00:09Would you all have expected anything less of me?
00:12And while I lay in agony, I decided to watch my most favoritest of WWE matches, and as
00:17I continue on my trek on the comeback trail, I thought why not treat myself a little bit
00:21with a nice easy list about the absolute best of the best of WWE.
00:26There have been so many matches that have truly encouraged my fandom over the years,
00:30helping my tastes evolve, and giving me experiences I will never forget, so before I get on with
00:35it, I must say this comes with a bolded and italicized opinion warning.
00:40These are my favorite matches, not necessarily the ones I think are the best, and not the
00:44ones you need to think are the best, and for the sake of making this easier on myself,
00:48I'm not including NXT matches on this list, because honestly, this would just be a list
00:53of my 10 favorite NXT matches of all time, and that is a list for another day.
00:57As it stands, I'm Tempest Haling from PartsFunKnown, and these are my 10 favorite WWE matches of
01:03all time.
01:04But before I get on with my list, make sure of course that you like this video, subscribe
01:07and enable notifications to always on so you never miss a fun list just like it, and make
01:11sure that you check out the updated version of Adam Blampied's 10 favorite WWE matches
01:17of all time, and his 10 favorite non-WWE matches of all time as well.
01:2210. The KofiMania Elimination Chamber Match
01:26I love a good Elimination Chamber match. The 2009 Edge Double Feature nearly made its way
01:31onto this list, but at the end of the day, it was Kofi Kingston's near win in 2019
01:35that won out. So often with the Elimination Chamber stipulation, I find it very difficult
01:40to get invested given that it's so obvious who's going to win. The show is always so
01:44close to WrestleMania that there is so rarely any suspense around the finish, and while
01:49that very much COULD have been the case with this match here, the tsunami of momentum Kofi
01:54had gained from his epic gauntlet match performance on SmackDown made everyone watching, including
01:59myself forget how unlikely it would be for him to win the WWE Championship right before
02:06This match has everything you could want, an ROH callback with Daniel Bryan and Samoa
02:10Joe starting, AJ Styles, Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy evening out the field with excellent
02:14work, but the final showdown of Kofi and Bryan had me and all of my friends on the legitimate
02:19edge of our seats when we watched this live. I don't think Kofi's WrestleMania title
02:24win is as satisfying without this match, and to me it is the perfect example of the pre-Mania
02:29chamber match done just right.
02:329. Sheamus vs. Gunther Clash at the Castle
02:35I was very tempted to put the WrestleMania 39 three-way dance on this list, because what's
02:39better than a double-man meatburger besides a triple-man meatburger, but this one really
02:44comes down to the environment in which I watched the matches. No disrespect to Adam, his living
02:49room or the mountain of bean-related snacks he made for our WrestleMania watch party,
02:53but nothing will ever beat watching Gunther and Sheamus tenderize each other's chests
02:58in Sheamus' hometown of... Wales, while surrounded by a few hundred ravenous friends
03:04and fans at our WrestleTalk watch-along.
03:07That's a f***ing party right there. As for the match itself, it was just everything I
03:11wanted. It was a double serving of f*** yeah with a side order of Jesus f***ing Christ.
03:16Everyone knew what Walter and Sheamus could do together, and then they got in the ring
03:19and they did exactly that and everyone f***ing loved it. Walter is a perfect wrestler. He
03:25is the greatest intercontinental champion of all time, and this match was his chance
03:30to finally step up on the main roster and have his defining match. This match completely
03:35revitalized Sheamus' career as well, and ultimately, it remains one of the most fun
03:39experiences I have ever had watching Wrestling With Friends.
03:43Number 8, Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero Smackdown, September 26, 2002
03:48It is a well-known fact that Edge is indeed my favorite wrestler of all time. There were
03:52many matches of his that were long-listed for this, but while I think it would be inarguable
03:57that Edge's best work came as a main event heel, a lot of the matches that were the closest
04:01to making this list were his young babyface performances from this time frame. Edge vs.
04:06Angle from Backlash and Judgment Day, Edge and Mysterio vs. Angle and Benoit from No
04:10Mercy, but for me, the one that I love most from the whole bunch is this one, Edge vs.
04:16Eddie Guerrero from Smackdown in September of 2002.
04:19Edge and Eddie had high expectations when they started feuding in mid-2002, but while
04:23their Summerslam and Unforgiven matches were good, it wasn't until this match that their
04:28work became great, and holy f*** is it great, with the one exception being there is a woman
04:33screaming throughout this match that is in desperate need of a tranq dart, this match
04:37is, in my opinion, the best match in Smackdown history.
04:41Eddie was such an incredibly dynamic performer, his movements in this match were so crisp
04:46and snug, whipping Edge down with a huge sunset flip powerbomb, crushing Edge with a helo
04:51with a ladder, and finally getting beat with the biggest education of all time off a ladder.
04:56Edge and Eddie were two of Smackdown's all-time best, and this match is just such a vibe.
05:01It is very easy to see why WWE Brass had big plans for Edge when he was having matches
05:06like this.
05:07Number 7, The Shield vs The Wyatt Family, Elimination Chamber 2014.
05:13To this day, there have been very few trios in wrestling that have wrestled with as much
05:16fluidity as The Shield, like I can really only think of The Elite and the House of Black
05:21as far as factions that move with such excellent teamwork like these guys.
05:26While other Shield matches like their debut at TLC 2012 and their matches with Evolution
05:30may be better, there have been very few matches over the last decade in WWE that have given
05:34me as much joy as this one.
05:37The story in this match was just so simple.
05:39For over a year, The Shield were the team that held the numbers advantage and were almost
05:43unbeatable because of it.
05:44Then, when the cracks were finally starting to show within the group, The Wyatt Family
05:48enters to beat them at their own game, isolating each member of The Shield until they were
05:52unable to keep the evil cultists at bay.
05:55It is so brilliantly mixed with the completely distinct styles of each Shield member, and
05:59the always excellent character work of Bray Wyatt orchestrating Dean Ambrose and Roman
06:03Reigns against each other, as well as Luke Art Purchase being the goddamn best.
06:08Miss you every day, Brody.
06:09This match is just fun in corporeal form.
06:13The 2018 Men's Royal Rumble Match Continuing the trend of life-altering live
06:18viewing experiences, we have the 2018 Men's Royal Rumble Match.
06:22Maybe the best Royal Rumble match of all time, according to who you ask, but one that holds
06:26a very special place in my heart because I got to be there live and in person to see
06:30it happen.
06:31So, to all of you who think this is one of the all-time best Rumbles, just know that
06:34you're right, and live it was even better.
06:37Almost everyone's favorite thing in wrestling is a great Royal Rumble, and I am no different.
06:41It's got everything, comedy spots, storylines culminating, storylines beginning, surprises,
06:46great wrestling, f***ing counting, you know wrestling fans like that, and this Rumble
06:50has it all in spades.
06:52I have been to exactly one Royal Rumble live, and I am so glad that it was this one.
06:56I mean, just listen to my reaction to Rey Mysterio's surprise return.
07:08Or my reaction to Nakamura's win.
07:15It is just a perfect viewing experience, and the best possible way to get me to be
07:23a spokesperson for anyone looking to go and see a Royal Rumble live, because you should.
07:28Number 5, Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H vs. Edge, Armageddon 2008.
07:33Now this one is really an emotional pick.
07:36All of the matches on this list are on here because they had me feeling some type of way.
07:40The feeling can be different depending on the match for sure, but each of them made
07:43me feel something.
07:45When I was a young'un watching wrestling for the first time in 2008, the story of the
07:48back half of the year was Jeff Hardy's chase for the WWE title.
07:52This was the story that had me watching, and show after show Jeff came up short.
07:57It may be a surprise to you, but I was a big Jeff Hardy fan.
08:00This totally hasn't been illustrated on our channels time and time again.
08:03So when we got to Armageddon 2008, and Jeff Hardy was set to wrestle Triple H and Edge
08:07in a triple threat match, little did I know at the time that we would get the single most
08:12emotionally satisfying win of my wrestling fandom.
08:15Other people have Eddie beating Brock, or Brian toppling The Authority, or Kofi Mania,
08:19but this was the match I saw at the perfect time in my life to fully capture my imagination.
08:25And it certainly doesn't help that the match itself is f***ing rad too.
08:28A spear through the announce table, this gnarly ass whisper in the wind electric chair combo,
08:33and then finally this swanton for the finish.
08:36Without this match, I genuinely don't know if wrestling would have held my attention
08:39the way it did.
08:41Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker, Bad Blood 1997
08:45There are a few matches in WWE history that I would consider to be perfect.
08:49This would certainly be one of them.
08:52Shawn Michaels and Cool Hand Spook have had a few matches that would definitely place
08:55high on many people's lists, but honestly their Hell in a Cell match at Bad Blood 1997
09:00still outranks both their WrestleMania matches as my favorite.
09:04The story here, again, is so simple, and so effective.
09:07Shawn, the little chicken s*** heel, is trapped in a cage with a monster and is beaten mercilessly
09:13as a result.
09:14Then, when the action spills outside the cage because a cameraman is injured, Shawn climbs
09:19the cell not because this is the time that they do a big spot, but because he didn't
09:23think that bear could climb this tree.
09:26When it became clear that that bear COULD climb this tree, Shawn tried to get the f***
09:30out of dodge, only to be dropped through the announce table for his trouble.
09:34Whilst his takers seem primed to kill Shawn dead, leaving him in a bloody heap, we get
09:37the best wrestling debut of all time with the idiot Mayor Kane.
09:41The Hell in a Cell stip has gotten a bit overcomplicated at times in years past, but the first one
09:46still holds up as probably the best, and definitely my favorite because of its simple and effective
09:51storytelling and all-time classic moments.
09:55Number 3.
09:56Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho, The Bash 2009
10:00Now this match is just so much f***ing fun.
10:03I feel like this is one of those matches that has been called underrated so many times
10:07by so many people that it has actually become properly rated, but that doesn't mean I'm
10:11not going to give it his flowers.
10:13Rey Mysterio had not gotten to have the type of match that he was having with extreme regularity
10:17in ECW and WCW during his time in WWE, while also having the placement and time allotted
10:22on a pay-per-view card to really tear the house down.
10:25Which is mad, because give Rey 20 minutes with someone who can keep up, and you have
10:29a match of the year candidate.
10:31And more specifically, the blow-off match of their 2009 rivalry over Mysterio's mask
10:36and the Intercontinental title at The Bash.
10:39This match is just free-flowing art.
10:42They mix Mysterio's high-flying offense with Jericho trying to ground Rey better than maybe
10:46any match of Mysterio's WWE run.
10:48The double springboard moonsault, the seated senton to the floor, the best codebreaker
10:52out of midair of all time, this is just one of those magical matches where every single
10:57thing two wrestlers do clicks.
11:00Nothing hits their mark, nothing could be done better, and if it wasn't on one of the
11:04most forgettable pay-per-views of its era, this would probably be better remembered as
11:08one of the best matches of both men's careers as it rightfully should be.
11:13Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin, WrestleMania 13 and Survivor Series 1996
11:17Yeah, I'm cheating a little bit here with this one, but I really do love both these
11:21matches pretty much equally, but for completely different reasons.
11:25Bret Hart and Steve Austin's roles for their matches at Survivor Series and WrestleMania
11:29are so totally different.
11:31At Survivor Series, Austin is clearly the heel, while Bret is the returning babyface
11:35while at WrestleMania the two are on very different paths, culminating in their legendary
11:39double turn.
11:40On most days, I consider Bret Hart to be the greatest professional wrestler to ever walk
11:44the earth, and I think these may be his two greatest works of art.
11:48His WrestleMania 10 match with his brother Owen was also long-listed for this project,
11:52but there is just something about the Bret Austin matches that make me feel so f***ing
11:57It's the raw violence of it all.
11:59These matches aren't clean and polished, they're rough around the edges and grungy,
12:03and somehow still technically exceptional.
12:06I say somehow, it is Bret f***ing Hart.
12:08These are matches that hold up marvelously, better than almost any matches of their day,
12:13and are matches I would watch the most to study when I was trying my hand at this whole
12:17wrestling thing.
12:18They will always hold a special place in my heart because of that, but there is one match
12:24that I prefer.
12:26Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle, WrestleMania 21
12:30This is the best Shawn Michaels WrestleMania match.
12:32This is the best one.
12:33If you disagree with me, please send your discontent to me on Twitter at Pete Quinnell.
12:37Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels were a match made in heaven, a real honest-to-goodness
12:41dream match come to life and at WrestleMania no less.
12:44Whereas Shawn's WrestleMania matches with the King of the Druids were also excellent
12:48but filled with big moves and huge near-falls and such, a winning formula no doubt, this
12:53match just appeals to me far more.
12:55From Shawn bamboozling Kurt by trying to out-wrestle him in the early goings, to Kurt
13:00just not being able to push Shawn away no matter how hard he tried, because despite
13:04being 100% less olympically qualified, Shawn was still just as good at this stuff as Kurt,
13:10which only further fueled Kurt's inferiority complex, giving this match more drama and
13:15a perfect finish.
13:16If ever I need a match to lift my spirits and remind me why I indeed loved WWE, this
13:22is the one for me.
13:23And that's my list.
13:24Make sure of course that you like this video, subscribe and enable notifications so you
13:27never miss a fun list just like it, and click the link above to see Adam Blampied's 10
13:32most favourite non-WWE matches.
