00:01:36Lincoln Tower, this is Gazelle One Alpha Hotel, am I clear to land?
00:01:40Clear to land, Alpha Hotel. Watch the aircraft on your right.
00:01:44Alpha Hotel, acknowledging out.
00:02:19Mr. Franklin!
00:02:29Good morning! How are you, Mr. Franklin?
00:02:31How am I?
00:02:58Pike this time?
00:03:00Trout, hopefully.
00:03:06Whitefish, lake, torrential rains.
00:03:09Wood River, Alaska, torrential rains.
00:03:12Lake of the woods.
00:03:14I am pursued. Crazy weather all over the world.
00:03:17Including here.
00:03:19It's clear and sunny at the fishing lodge.
00:03:23Like I said, crazy.
00:03:26How much is the fare?
00:03:29Same, 150.
00:03:47Beautiful, isn't it?
00:03:53Brownsville Lake, through the saddleback.
00:04:20There's heaven.
00:04:22Sunny and clear.
00:04:24The curse is off me.
00:04:34That water's pretty high on the dam, isn't it?
00:04:37Been an awful lot of rain the last three weeks.
00:04:41I hope that runoff from the hills hasn't spoiled the fishing.
00:04:44No way.
00:04:46The fish love it.
00:04:49Oh, my God.
00:06:19Be patient, sweetie.
00:06:22You know, I can't move too fast.
00:06:25Come on, kitten, move it to the phone.
00:06:30I came as quick as I could, honey.
00:06:32I know, kitten. How are you feeling?
00:06:34Big as a balloon.
00:06:36I called to...
00:06:37I know.
00:06:38To remind you...
00:06:39To go for my checkup. I was just getting ready.
00:06:42Then go. You know what the doctor told you.
00:06:49And, kitten, be careful how you drive.
00:06:52What, honey?
00:06:53I love you.
00:06:54I love you.
00:07:03Hey, Sam, how you doing?
00:07:04Hiya, Steve.
00:07:05Morning, Mr. Franklin.
00:07:07Why, nobody else with you?
00:07:08I'm afraid the local weather report scared them off.
00:07:11And the Chamber of Commerce bellyaching like crazy.
00:07:13Well, at least it isn't raining here.
00:07:15And the fish are biting, I hope.
00:07:17They're biting, like always, yes, sir.
00:07:19Well, then, let's get at it.
00:07:20My usual cabin?
00:07:21Usual cabin, yes, sir.
00:07:23Well, you know, it still might clear up.
00:07:25Well, $50 tip, big spender.
00:07:28But you know something?
00:07:29A thousand like him still wouldn't satisfy the people in town.
00:07:34Sam, if anybody wants me, I'll be refueling at the airport.
00:07:37See you later.
00:07:45See you later.
00:08:45Come on.
00:09:09Here, sit up.
00:09:11Just sit up.
00:09:12Now, back up.
00:09:14Now, sit down.
00:09:18Anybody ever tell you you're not supposed to try to bust rocks with your head?
00:09:22It's all right.
00:09:23I really wasn't trying to break any rocks.
00:09:25You weren't, huh?
00:09:26Just jumped up and bit you.
00:09:28Yeah, sort of.
00:09:29Leak spotted.
00:09:31Yeah, we'll have to report that.
00:09:32This old dam gets them all the time.
00:09:34Hold still a minute.
00:09:39Anything else?
00:09:41Elbows, ankles, kneecaps?
00:09:44Seem to be all right.
00:09:46All right.
00:09:47Now, hold still a minute.
00:09:49This is going to smart a bit.
00:09:53Turn away from me.
00:09:55You get home from here okay?
00:09:57Yeah, I can get a ride from the lodge.
00:09:59All right.
00:10:00What's your name?
00:10:02Andy Cutler.
00:10:07Cutler, eh?
00:10:08You have a sister named Mary.
00:10:10Well, you know her.
00:10:11Well, I know her boyfriend.
00:10:14We did some flying together.
00:10:15Hey, you're Steve Bannigan, aren't you?
00:10:18Yeah, Paul's talked about you.
00:10:21What'd he say?
00:10:24Well, the part I can repeat is something about a wild-eyed Irishman.
00:10:28Good figures.
00:10:29Open your eye.
00:10:30Open up.
00:10:31Now look down.
00:10:34Listen, there's still a long hike up the lodge.
00:10:36You make it okay?
00:10:39Go ahead, stand up.
00:10:43How do you feel?
00:10:47Don't forget to tell Sam about that leak now.
00:10:50So long.
00:10:51Oh, Mr. Bannigan?
00:10:53Thanks for landing and all.
00:10:55My pleasure.
00:11:03How old are you?
00:11:12Come on.
00:11:42Come on.
00:12:12Come on.
00:12:30Hey, Paul.
00:12:31You look comfortable.
00:12:32Well, well, if it isn't the Red Baron and his big-tailed bird.
00:12:35Watch it.
00:12:36You're talking about the bird I love.
00:12:38And wish you owned.
00:12:39Only 900 more simple, easy payments.
00:12:41She's all mine.
00:12:42Which you'll earn by bringing in those super sportsmen of yours?
00:12:47Just brought in another one.
00:12:48What'd the lake look like?
00:12:51How high was the water?
00:12:52It's pretty high.
00:12:53It's almost to the top of the dam.
00:12:54How close to the top?
00:12:56About a foot.
00:12:57All we gotta do is let out some of the water.
00:12:59Oh, sure.
00:13:00And spoil the fishing.
00:13:03I ran into your girlfriend's kid brother.
00:13:07Bandaged his head, as a matter of fact.
00:13:08What happened to him?
00:13:09Well, there's nothing to worry about.
00:13:11He was up on the side of the dam and a leak popped out and startled him, I guess.
00:13:15And he slipped and fell.
00:13:16He's okay, though.
00:13:17I sent him up to Sam to report the leak.
00:13:19How big a leak?
00:13:20It's not very big.
00:13:22The kid says the dam leaks all the time.
00:13:24Where was it?
00:13:27It's about ten feet from the bottom on the right-hand side of the spillway.
00:13:30And the town council's gonna have to get off the dime this time.
00:13:33What do you want them to do, build you a new dam?
00:13:36A safe one.
00:13:37Hey, Tom, do me a favor.
00:13:38Will you call John Cutler?
00:13:40Tell him I'm on my way into town.
00:13:41I want a council meeting now.
00:13:45You got him, Bo.
00:13:46You wanna lift?
00:13:47Beats walking.
00:13:49You can give him a first-hand report on the leak.
00:13:51No, no.
00:13:52Don't include me in your messes.
00:13:54You and the town fathers fight your own wars.
00:13:57I'm gonna put in some rest and recreation with Daisy Kemple.
00:14:01That'll be on the way.
00:14:02You know, Steve, you haven't changed a hell of a lot.
00:14:04Oh, neither have you.
00:14:25You didn't say anything about a pit stop.
00:14:27The old boy that lives here has worked on every dam in this part of the country.
00:14:31He's forgotten more than the county engineer ever knew.
00:14:38Hey, Paul!
00:14:40What's going on?
00:14:41Have you been up to the dam lately?
00:14:43No, this morning.
00:14:44About sun up.
00:14:45What did it look like?
00:14:47Like I've been telling you and the whole town council.
00:14:50One of these days.
00:14:52It sprung another leak.
00:14:57Half an hour ago.
00:14:59Right where you said it would.
00:15:00Down low next to the spillway.
00:15:01How low?
00:15:03About ten feet from the bottom.
00:15:05Ten feet from the bottom?
00:15:06Right or left of the spillway?
00:15:12Where you going?
00:15:13To pack.
00:15:17Are you sure?
00:15:18Oh, I am.
00:15:20But you go get a look at Granite Gorge.
00:15:22If there's any water in it.
00:15:25Goodbye, Brownsville.
00:15:36No, no, no.
00:15:37Simmer down, Paul.
00:15:39As I said, Sam called me from the dam.
00:15:42He's plugged the hole.
00:15:43There's no crisis.
00:15:44John, nobody knows that dam any better than Charlie Davis.
00:15:47And he's moving out of the canyon.
00:15:49The leak in that spot has told him something.
00:15:51Well, it's been leaking for 50 years.
00:15:53It's an earthen dam.
00:15:54That's just the point.
00:15:55There have been too many leaks for too many years.
00:15:58Paul, we all know your viewpoint.
00:16:01That's why we called you.
00:16:04That's why we called in the Lincoln engineer.
00:16:06Where's the engineer's report?
00:16:08We're still waiting for it.
00:16:09Yeah, waiting.
00:16:10But we don't have any more time to wait.
00:16:12Paul, aren't you forgetting that John is a graduate geologist?
00:16:16That's not a hydraulic engineer.
00:16:18All due respect, John.
00:16:19What's the worry?
00:16:20The storm's over.
00:16:22That's not gonna stop the runoff from those hills.
00:16:24It's been raining up there for 30 days.
00:16:27I move we open the spill gates now.
00:16:30And lower the water level.
00:16:32You know what opening those gates would mean.
00:16:35Sure I do.
00:16:36No lake means no fish.
00:16:38And no fish means this town loses its main source of income.
00:16:42And if that dam goes, we won't even have a town.
00:16:47Now, folks in Brownsville elected me mayor to do what I think is right for the town.
00:16:53And I think that Paul is dead wrong about that dam.
00:16:57If the engineer's report condemns the dam, how would you vote then?
00:17:05I'd support your motion.
00:17:07So would Sid.
00:17:08I'll stake my membership in this council.
00:17:10That's exactly what it's gonna say.
00:17:12Paul, I wanna make something clear before we vote.
00:17:15Brownsville is a resort town.
00:17:17Now, that lake is the main source of everybody's livelihood.
00:17:20That's part of mine.
00:17:22I know what that lake is.
00:17:24That's mine.
00:17:25I know what the people want.
00:17:27To have their interests protected.
00:17:29All right.
00:17:31Now, all those in favor of Paul's motion to open the spill gates and drain the lake.
00:17:47I can't accept that.
00:17:49What do you mean by that?
00:17:50I mean I'm going to do something about it.
00:18:04So you're supposed to be in here and checked in by three o'clock, okay?
00:18:07I haven't even had one pain yet.
00:18:10Listen, you better do what you're told and get your fat self in here, okay?
00:18:13You sound just like Sam.
00:18:15Oh, and Mary, when are you and Paul gonna tie the knot?
00:18:20In September, after all the tourists go home.
00:18:33Coffee break.
00:18:35How long?
00:18:36It'll be a three-cupper.
00:19:10Hi there.
00:19:11Oh, hello.
00:19:17You look grim.
00:19:18You look beautiful.
00:19:25Hey, I've got to make a speech to Ted Horne. I want you to hear it.
00:19:30But Paul, the hospital is on high ground here. It's safe enough.
00:19:34Hey, Ted, I'm not talking about the four or five patients you have in here now.
00:19:38I'm talking about what you're going to have to cope with if the dam breaks.
00:19:41I find it hard to believe there's really any danger, Paul.
00:19:45I mean, surely Mary's father would have gone along with you.
00:19:48He has blinders on and so do the others.
00:19:50Now, the danger is real, and you have to gear up for the possibility.
00:19:54I'm sorry, Mary, but your dad's wrong.
00:19:57Well, if there really is an emergency, with the fishing season just starting, we've got a good supply of antibiotics and tetanus.
00:20:03What if the power fails, like Paul said?
00:20:05Mrs. Nichols, she's in intensive care. She could never survive a prolonged power failure.
00:20:10And she could never make it to Lincoln. It's an hour and a half on dirt roads.
00:20:13How about by helicopter? Ten minutes.
00:20:16She could stand that.
00:20:19Will it really come to that?
00:20:21I'm afraid it will.
00:20:22How about Mr. Barton?
00:20:24We can't postpone his surgery, and he definitely can't be moved.
00:20:28He's scheduled for this afternoon.
00:20:31Paul, if the dam is as bad as you say, my father would have agreed with you.
00:20:41If I can arrange for the helicopter, how long will it take you to get Mrs. Nichols ready?
00:20:46I'll have to prepare her.
00:20:49Maybe an hour?
00:21:02So you think I'm wrong, too?
00:21:04Oh, I certainly hope so.
00:21:08How's Andy? Is he all right?
00:21:09Yeah, yeah, he's fine. Have you seen Steve Brannigan?
00:21:13Yeah, he and Daisy are sitting out her coffee break.
00:21:25Hey, Mary, I'm sorry. I've been so worried about the dam.
00:21:28Andy's fine. Steve said he bumped his head. He was fishing off the dam.
00:21:33Fishing the lake, the dam. I wish the season was over.
00:21:37September will be all ours.
00:21:41Two hours after they throw the rice, we'll be in San Francisco, and four hours later, Hawaii.
00:21:47A week on Maui, and three weeks on the beach at Hanalei on Kauai.
00:21:53Thirty days of love and honeymoon.
00:22:00It's a date.
00:22:06About Dad.
00:22:10You know he's truly thinking of everyone's welfare. You know that.
00:22:14He means to.
00:22:17Now I have to find Steve.
00:22:59It'll seal itself like it always does, but we'll make sure.
00:23:17Yes, I have it on the record. Yes, I'll take care of it. Fine. Bye.
00:23:23You never did say what brings a big city flyboy back to Brownsville, of all places.
00:23:27I like the scenery.
00:23:30The local scenery?
00:23:31Sure. What else? Which brings us to the next plateau.
00:23:36How about a giant, soaring evening upon the town?
00:23:41Upon the town in Brownsville?
00:23:42You have a point. However, on the other hand, Lincoln is only about ten minutes away by copter.
00:23:48Lincoln City's nowhere.
00:23:50You have another point.
00:23:52But San Francisco?
00:23:57Now that's some work.
00:23:59What time do you get off work?
00:24:02Oh, but what about the unfriendly skies?
00:24:04No, no, that's no problem. I have it on expert authority.
00:24:08That's exactly at nine o'clock this evening.
00:24:11We have friendly skies. It's going to be clearing out much warmer.
00:24:14Hey, Lothario.
00:24:16You don't suppose I could be the voice of my conscience?
00:24:19Sorry, Daisy. I've been looking for you. I need some help.
00:24:21Anything you need. As long as I'm finished by nine o'clock.
00:24:23Good. We have a patient that has to go to Lincoln, and your copter's the only way to get her there.
00:24:27Why do you want to move her?
00:24:28She's in intensive care. The power's sure to go if the dam breaks.
00:24:32What's wrong with the dam?
00:24:33He has a thing about it. Don't pay any attention to him.
00:24:35It sprung another leak, Daisy. A bad one.
00:24:38Well, can't we do something?
00:24:40We have plans of our own, you know, for...
00:24:43Did Dr. Horn say to fly Mrs. Nicolet out?
00:24:46She's going to be ready to go in an hour.
00:24:47Why can't you fly her out in your crate?
00:24:49My engine's torn down. You know that.
00:24:50Steve, please. First Mrs. Nicolet and then San Francisco, okay?
00:24:56Um, listen, Samaritan, who pays for the gas?
00:24:59It's on me.
00:25:02Okay. I'll go 50-50 with you. My copter and your gas.
00:25:07You got it.
00:25:09Nine o'clock?
00:25:11You promise.
00:25:21Hey, you guys.
00:25:24Coach, we're just going to the schoolyard to practice the new plays you gave us.
00:25:27Johnny, forget practice. There's been some trouble at the dam. They're thinking they break.
00:25:30Are you putting us on?
00:25:32There's no put on.
00:25:33Well, I thought they were supposed to blow the siren in case of an alert.
00:25:35Mayor Cutler thinks it's going to hold. I'm doing this on my own.
00:25:38What I want you guys to do is spread the word. Alert the people to get ready in case they have to get out.
00:25:43They'll think we're fooling around. Nobody will believe us.
00:25:45Tell them I said so.
00:25:46Now, divide up the town. Knock on doors. Tell everyone.
00:25:50Okay, Coach.
00:26:03I want to get a look at the watershed and check the runoff.
00:26:05Make sure Charlie Davis was right.
00:26:07Okay, Coach.
00:26:08I want to get a look at the watershed and check the runoff.
00:26:11Make sure Charlie Davis was right.
00:26:13Okay, Coach.
00:26:14Make sure Charlie Davis was right.
00:26:16What about your Mrs. Nichols, the hospital?
00:26:18She won't be ready to go for a half hour.
00:26:21Let's take a look at the dam on the way to the hill.
00:26:45No sweat. It's tough to leak.
00:26:49You just panicked, that's all.
00:26:50I'd like to x-ray inside that pile of dirt.
00:26:53Let's have a look at the hills.
00:26:55Worry, worry, worry.
00:26:58Let's go.
00:27:12Granite Gorge.
00:27:15Like Charlie Davis said, if there's water in Granite Gorge, goodbye Brownsville.
00:27:21Let's go back to the dam.
00:27:27Let's go.
00:27:57Let's go.
00:28:14But it's true, Mrs. Wilson. Paul Blake said so.
00:28:16The dam can burst in any minute.
00:28:18Well, Paul ought to be ashamed of himself.
00:28:20Telling stories like that and getting you boys all upset.
00:28:23He wouldn't say it if it wasn't true.
00:28:25I'm sure he means well, but Mayor Cutler would set the siren if there was any danger.
00:28:29If you wait for the siren, it might be too late to get to Highbrown.
00:28:32The only thing high I'm interested in are the prices.
00:28:35If Mayor Cutler and Paul Blake would do something about those, they'd really be accomplishing something.
00:28:43Did he really say that about the dam, Johnny?
00:28:45Yeah, he said it, but a lot of good it's doing.
00:28:48You better get home and tell everybody you see, okay?
00:28:56Charlie Davis knows this dam better than anyone you know that.
00:28:59And granted, Gorge is running full.
00:29:01Well, I'm on top of it, Paul.
00:29:03And there goes the last of 30 truckloads of rock that filled the leak.
00:29:07Now, I'm keeping the men on standby.
00:29:09Sam, you haven't seen the runoff.
00:29:11Every creek, every stream, every canyon's over the top.
00:29:14Looks like the ocean coming through those hills.
00:29:16Well, you've got to understand Mr. Cutler's point of view, too.
00:29:19I mean, if I was to open the dam, if I was to say,
00:29:23If I was to open the dam, if I was to spill the water, all those fish...
00:29:26We're talking about people.
00:29:281,200 in Brownsville, and Abby's one of them.
00:29:32Well, Mr. Cutler was here yesterday.
00:29:34I mean, he took a good look at the dam,
00:29:36and he said he could prove scientifically the opposite of what was in the report.
00:29:40Yeah, yeah, I know. He's a geologist.
00:29:43What report?
00:29:46Sam, what report?
00:29:49Well, I guess he meant the engineer's report. I mean, he didn't say.
00:29:53Let's get back to town.
00:29:55Have a nice day, Sam.
00:30:19You look like a man with an albatross around his neck.
00:30:23I'm trying to figure out how a man I've known all my life,
00:30:26looked up to and respected,
00:30:28that would be his honor the mayor and the father of the bride-to-be.
00:30:33At the town council meeting,
00:30:35he told everyone he didn't have the engineer's report on the dam,
00:30:38but he did have the mayor's report on the dam.
00:30:41I don't know what he's talking about.
00:30:43I don't know what he's talking about.
00:30:45He told everyone he didn't have the engineer's report on the dam yet.
00:30:50I would have been willing to bet my life he wouldn't deliberately lie to anyone.
00:30:54Never trust a politician, not even in a one-lung town.
00:30:58Hey, listen, on the other hand, he could be right.
00:31:03What's Mary gonna think about all this?
00:31:06She thinks he's a saint.
00:31:16We ought to have Mrs. Nichols ready to go by now.
00:31:18Lots of luck with the mayor.
00:31:45Come on.
00:32:03Hey, Mr. Rennigan.
00:32:04Hey, Humpty Dumpty.
00:32:05Looks like they got you back together again. Let's see.
00:32:08Aw, my sister made me put that on.
00:32:10Well, it's very attractive. Devil may care.
00:32:13Mr. Rennigan?
00:32:14Steve. My name is Steve.
00:32:18I was... I was wondering...
00:32:21What do you want now?
00:32:22You want a ride in the Big Bird. Is that it?
00:32:25Well, I was actually wondering if I could wear your scarf a little while longer.
00:32:29You already wore it for a while.
00:32:32What, you wanted to wear it out?
00:32:34I wasn't trying to hurt it or anything.
00:32:37The truth is, that one I just don't, uh, ordinarily lend out.
00:32:43Well, I wasn't trying to keep it or anything.
00:32:52Well, look, uh...
00:32:54Why don't you wear it, uh...
00:32:57Until I can buy you another one. How's that?
00:32:59Just for a little while?
00:33:00Just for a little while.
00:33:14Hello, Paul.
00:33:15Oh, hello, Alice.
00:33:17Is something wrong?
00:33:19Is it about the dam?
00:33:21Well, it was still there 20 minutes ago. Is John in?
00:33:24Well, yes.
00:33:28I asked John about the dam. He said it was all right, that there was no danger.
00:33:32I know you disagree.
00:33:33I think there's a big danger.
00:33:36Knowing you, I'm sure you've given him all your armor.
00:33:39Yes, I have.
00:33:42Wasn't an engineer supposed to inspect the dam?
00:33:45Yeah, he did.
00:33:46Well, then what did he recommend?
00:33:48It seems we don't have his report yet.
00:33:51Oh, I see.
00:33:52I'm sorry, Alice, but this time John is wrong.
00:33:57My husband has devoted his life to this town.
00:33:59He's served it well.
00:34:01I won't question his judgment now.
00:34:04I'm sorry, Alice.
00:34:05He's served it well.
00:34:07I won't question his judgment now.
00:34:09And yet the first thing you ask me about is the dam.
00:34:16Are you coming over tonight?
00:34:18Well, I...
00:34:25See you then.
00:34:31I hope so.
00:34:38Sit down, my boy, sit down.
00:34:48When my parents died, I was bounced around from one relative's house to another.
00:34:56There was one home in this town, one place, one family.
00:35:01I used to dream it was my place.
00:35:03My family.
00:35:05You know whose home that was, don't you, John?
00:35:09Paul, you know how Alice and I always felt about you.
00:35:13How pleased we were when you and Mary started to go on together seriously.
00:35:18And nothing's changed either.
00:35:19Hasn't it?
00:35:20Of course not.
00:35:21I think it has.
00:35:22Let me explain to you why.
00:35:25All my life you've stood for the things that I thought were important.
00:35:29Sunday school virtues.
00:35:31Sunday school virtues.
00:35:34Let me finish, John.
00:35:36I think most of us in the town felt that way.
00:35:39Still do.
00:35:41But this town is entitled to honest, out in the open leadership.
00:35:55One of the things maybe you don't know is that this town was broke when you and Mary were kids.
00:36:00The bank was closed. People were moving out every week.
00:36:03Well, I stopped that, Paul. I turned it around.
00:36:06I headed up a group to buy that lake and all the land around it.
00:36:09I put this town back on the map.
00:36:12And every decision I ever made was for the good of these people.
00:36:16And it still is.
00:36:17Your decision.
00:36:18That's right.
00:36:19And it's your decision about the dam.
00:36:24I want to see that report on the dam.
00:36:27I didn't get it. I already told you that.
00:36:29John, I want to see that report now.
00:36:33I don't like what you're implying, Paul. I don't like it at all.
00:36:37John, don't you realize what could happen? You know the pressure behind that dam.
00:36:41If it goes, the lake goes with it, right down through that canyon like Niagara Falls.
00:36:45It'll wipe out this town and everyone in it.
00:36:48I think you're being overly dramatic, Paul.
00:36:51Sam told me you said you could disprove everything that was in that engineer's report.
00:36:58Now, if you haven't seen it, how do you know what's in it?
00:37:03Well, Sam misunderstood. He misunderstands a lot of things.
00:37:11That's true about most of us.
00:37:13There is no report.
00:37:21I'm sorry.
00:37:37Hello, Sam.
00:37:38Kitten, anything wrong?
00:37:41But Mary says that I should come to the hospital right away, so I'm just about to leave.
00:37:45All right. But listen, if it starts happening, please have the doctor or the nurse call me.
00:37:51I promise. I love you.
00:37:54I love you. See you at the hospital.
00:38:15Hello, dear.
00:38:16Hi, darling.
00:38:18Ah, to the cellar.
00:38:20Our own tomatoes.
00:38:28John, do you really believe the dam is safe?
00:38:32Of course.
00:38:35Do you believe saying it's safe makes it safe?
00:38:40Alice, I made a special trip out there yesterday.
00:38:42Take a first-hand look.
00:38:43And that dam, that dam is as sound as it ever was.
00:38:49That's not what I meant.
00:38:50It's not what I meant.
00:38:51It's not what I meant.
00:38:52It's not what I meant.
00:38:53That dam is as sound as it ever was.
00:38:56That's not what Paul says.
00:38:58I don't care what Paul says.
00:38:59But John, he...
00:39:00That's the end of it.
00:39:17Sorry, Alice.
00:39:21I'm puzzled, John.
00:39:23Which is it?
00:39:24There's no danger?
00:39:26Or even if there is danger, you think the money for the town is more important?
00:39:30Alice, please.
00:39:31I know what I'm doing.
00:39:34What did the engineer's report say?
00:39:37What we...
00:39:39We haven't got it yet.
00:39:42What if he declares the dam unsafe?
00:39:45Storm's over.
00:39:46A few more days, the water will be going down and...
00:39:50Well, it won't make much difference then what it says.
00:39:57In 24 years of marriage,
00:40:00I don't ever remember you admitting you were wrong.
00:40:03Not even once.
00:40:05Maybe that was because I was right.
00:40:11Alice, I know one thing.
00:40:14I was right when I picked you.
00:40:17I'm not sure.
00:40:20What do you mean by that?
00:40:24A wife should have pride in her family.
00:40:27In their accomplishments.
00:40:30But she should also have pride in herself.
00:40:33As a person.
00:40:35As an individual.
00:40:36You mean to tell me that you don't have?
00:40:41I don't remember ever telling you how I really felt about anything important.
00:40:46It was always how you felt about it.
00:40:49What you wanted to do about it.
00:40:58Yes, Sam, he's right here.
00:41:04What is it, Sam?
00:41:05Well, we got some more trouble, Mr. Cutler.
00:41:08In some places, the water's almost to the top of the dam.
00:41:11You can handle it, can't you?
00:41:13Well, I think so, sir, but you know the higher the water gets...
00:41:15You're authorized to call in all the men you need.
00:41:17Get a couple more bulldozers up there from the highway department, too.
00:41:21Okay, sir, as long as I can hire all the heavy equipment I need.
00:41:24Sam, have we had this same problem before?
00:41:29Yes, sir.
00:41:30And handled it?
00:41:31Yes, sir.
00:41:33Mr. Cutler, was that the engineer's report you were talking about yesterday?
00:41:36The devil with this report!
00:41:38I know what the dam will take and what it won't!
00:41:40Sam, everything is going to be all right, just like it always has.
00:41:46Now, you get out there, keep on top of things.
00:41:50You keep me informed.
00:41:51Yes, sir.
00:41:58That's Sam as an old woman.
00:42:02Everything's under control.
00:42:04Now, I'd better get back to work. We'll finish this talk later.
00:42:06John, you did get the engineer's report, didn't you?
00:42:08I just told you I did.
00:42:11Besides, darling, that's business. It's got nothing to do with you.
00:42:15It's got everything to do with me.
00:42:17With us.
00:42:19Alice, all this town has got is the lake behind that dam.
00:42:25Without that, we've got nothing.
00:42:27But the risk, John!
00:42:28It's going to be all right.
00:42:30It's going to be all right.
00:42:34I promise you.
00:42:58I promise you.
00:42:59I promise you.
00:43:00I promise you.
00:43:28Get the bulldozers out on top.
00:43:30And I mean on the double.
00:43:58Come on!
00:44:04Step on it!
00:44:16Andy, I thought I told you to get home.
00:44:19I'm just watching.
00:44:20I don't want you here.
00:44:21Why not?
00:44:22Because it's going to be dark soon. That's why. Now, get home.
00:44:25I'm not afraid of the dark.
00:44:28Andy Cutler, you move your little tail home or I'm going to call your father.
00:44:32Okay, okay, I'm calling.
00:44:54Steve, the lines are out to Lincoln. Can you reach anybody on the radio?
00:45:05Lincoln Tower, this is Gazelle One Alpha Hotel.
00:45:08Lincoln, go ahead Alpha Hotel.
00:45:11We have a dam over here in Brownsville that's probably going to break.
00:45:14We want to alert the U.S. Emergency Service. Do you read me?
00:45:17Roger. Relay by landline. Stand by.
00:45:21They're going to think you're some kind of a nutcase. You know that.
00:45:23Little boy that cried wolf.
00:45:25If we wait for it to break, it'll be too late.
00:45:28Considering the possibilities, I have the urge to get out of here.
00:45:31I know the feeling.
00:45:32It's the last time I'm going to let Daisy talk me into anything.
00:45:35Are you giving odds on that?
00:45:36Well, I could make an exception.
00:45:39Lincoln to Alpha Hotel.
00:45:41Alpha Hotel, go ahead.
00:45:43Emergency Service advises that the whole country's in flood trouble.
00:45:46Power poles washed out, no juice.
00:45:48They'll get somebody in to look at the dam as soon as possible.
00:45:50Keep them tuned in.
00:45:53Thank you, Lincoln. Can you give me weather conditions?
00:45:56Clear. Heavy turbulence expected. Wind gusting to 50 knots.
00:46:01Thank you again, Lincoln Tower.
00:46:04Good luck over there.
00:46:09We've got to get our patient out of here while the weather holds.
00:46:12Whatever happened to that fellow who was only looking out for number one?
00:46:27All right. Here we go.
00:46:29Easy now. Easy.
00:46:34There we are.
00:46:44When you get back, pick me up here. I want to go up to the dam.
00:46:47I'll be back to pick up Daisy. We've got a date tonight.
00:46:51I hope we're still here.
00:46:57I don't think we did the right thing sending Miss Nichols.
00:47:00We did the safe thing.
00:47:02You're alarming us when there's really no danger.
00:47:05Dad said he's sure the dam is safe.
00:47:07I don't think he's as sure as he sounds.
00:47:10Do you know what you're saying?
00:47:12I know what I suspect.
00:47:14Then what's that?
00:47:16Two months ago, I almost forced the town council to get that engineer's report on the dam.
00:47:21Two months ago, I almost forced the town council to get that engineer's report on the dam.
00:47:28Today at the council meeting, your father said he hadn't seen the report. He didn't have it.
00:47:33I think he does, and I think it says the dam is unsafe.
00:47:37You're saying my dad lied and is hiding the report, huh?
00:47:43That's right, Mary.
00:47:44But what's the point? Why would he do that?
00:47:46Because he believes he's right, that he knows better no matter what the report says.
00:47:50Well, then he probably does know better.
00:47:54Brownsville Hospital, Ms. Cutler.
00:47:59Hold on, he's right here.
00:48:00Sam Adams at the dam.
00:48:02Hello, Sam.
00:48:03Well, Paul, I know I shouldn't be phoning you, but calling Mr. Cutler doesn't do any good.
00:48:07He just says keep plugging the holes.
00:48:09Sam, get to the point.
00:48:10Well, the point is I can't be responsible anymore.
00:48:12We got water going over the dam right now, cutting the top, and it's dangerous for my men working out there.
00:48:17For every leak we plug, two more pop out.
00:48:19Now, somebody's got to order me to open those runoff gates so I'm not liable.
00:48:23All right, Sam, I'm ordering you to open them. Do you understand? I'll take full responsibility.
00:48:28Well, you understand, Paul, it's not my place to do it on my own.
00:48:31Get them open, Sam.
00:48:32Call me back and tell me what's happening.
00:48:38You didn't have the right to do that.
00:48:40I didn't have the right not to.
00:48:42And what if you're wrong?
00:48:48Well, Bill, here goes.
00:48:54We'll try the auxiliary power.
00:49:05Uh, almost.
00:49:10But not enough.
00:49:11It won't do it. It won't move it. Come on.
00:49:13Wade, get it up here. Get that rock there.
00:49:16Plug it. Plug it, man. All the way across.
00:49:20Come on, Wade.
00:49:31Paul, the gates won't budge. They're packed solid with tons of runoff debris.
00:49:35Sam, you've got to get it open.
00:49:37Sam, you've got to get it open.
00:49:39Sam, you've got to get it open.
00:49:42Sam, you've got to get them open.
00:49:44It's no use. Even the auxiliary power won't budge it.
00:49:47We need more pull. Even a little more might do it.
00:49:50The spillway gates won't open.
00:49:52How much more pull do you need?
00:49:54Well, it might take a ton, maybe ten, five, maybe a half ton.
00:49:59I don't know, Paul. I just don't know.
00:50:01All right, now maybe we still have a chance.
00:50:03Do you have a long cable up there?
00:50:05Cable? Uh, let me think.
00:50:07Uh, from the old ski lift.
00:50:09Yeah, yeah, Paul. I got a cable.
00:50:11Put an eye on each end. We'll need at least 150 feet.
00:50:14Brannigan will be back with a copter in about an hour.
00:50:16Maybe we can generate enough lift with that to pry the gates loose.
00:50:19Right. I'll have it ready.
00:50:28Hey, I love you.
00:50:30And I'll try to work it out with your father.
00:50:33Mary, will you scrub up, please?
00:50:36I'm going to start the operation on Mr. Barton.
00:51:03John, we have to alert the town now.
00:51:05What are you talking about?
00:51:07Sam called. The dam's being cut to pieces.
00:51:09Well, if it were really an emergency, you'd open the spill gates.
00:51:12They won't open. They're jammed.
00:51:13How do you know that?
00:51:15I ordered him to open them. He can't.
00:51:17Paul, the dam will hold. It's always held.
00:51:19When did you get that report, John? A week ago? Two weeks ago?
00:51:23We could have opened the gates then. We could have saved this town.
00:51:26I'm in charge here.
00:51:28You can't do that. I'm for business.
00:51:30John, please! No!
00:51:52What do we do now?
00:51:53Wait till you hear the horn from the dam.
00:51:55When you hear it, get to high ground.
00:51:57The hospital will be high enough.
00:51:59Quite a few of the phone lines are out.
00:52:01I can reach some of the outlying people and alert them.
00:52:04Don't wait too long, Emma.
00:52:08The dam will hold.
00:52:10Of course it will.
00:52:12Besides, it's not my time to go.
00:52:29Help me!
00:53:29Help me!
00:53:49Oh, Sam!
00:53:51Sam, please!
00:53:53Oh, please!
00:53:55Help me!
00:53:59Larry, run it out. Move it out.
00:54:02Move it out.
00:54:04Move it, Larry!
00:54:06Watch your hands on that.
00:54:08Put another eye in there, Larry.
00:54:28Don't tell me the Russians are coming.
00:54:30Worse. The dam's going.
00:54:32You were the only one who thought so an hour ago.
00:54:35Sam Adams thinks so now.
00:54:38I delivered Mrs. Nichols.
00:54:40I want to pick up Daisy. We have a date. Remember?
00:54:43Steve, I just turned the siren on.
00:54:45Sam called. The dam's being cut to pieces and they can't open the gates.
00:54:49Now, maybe with your copter we can get them open.
00:54:57Do it. Stack them up, men. Stack them up tight.
00:55:00Tight, men.
00:55:02Put them up there, men. Fast, fast.
00:55:04Clear out of here! Get out!
00:55:28You all set?
00:55:30Well, we got about 200 feet of cable.
00:55:33Now, how are you going to do it?
00:55:35Watch to hook one end of it to your strut arm and the other end to the bottom of the copter.
00:55:40Steve, that might pull the bottom off it.
00:55:43Yeah, I think I mentioned that a couple of times.
00:55:45That might give Sam just a little extra lift he needs.
00:55:49Let me see your cable.
00:55:56Will that fit your cargo hook?
00:56:00Yeah. Let's get it hooked up.
00:56:04Fred! Get out on that strut arm!
00:58:44Don't go! Don't go!
00:58:48Don't go!
00:59:19That was our final hope. What do we do now?
00:59:22Keep sandbagging and filling the cut.
00:59:26Thank God Abby's in the hospital.
00:59:29Get those bulldozers moving. We'll help.
00:59:36No way. I can't do it.
00:59:38Well, at least we tried.
00:59:50Where are you going?
00:59:51I've been trying to reach you and Mary ever since the siren.
00:59:53The hospital doesn't answer and your phone has been busy.
00:59:56I don't know where Andy is.
00:59:58Now, now, now. Calm down, Liz. There's nothing to get excited about.
01:00:02But the siren.
01:00:03Oh, that Paul Blake has lost his mind.
01:00:07He turned it on.
01:00:08John, do you know where Andy is?
01:00:11You really are worried, aren't you?
01:00:13Of course I'm worried.
01:00:15Well, I suppose he's somewhere up in town.
01:00:18But there's nothing to be anxious about.
01:00:21I told Emma to have someone climb that pole and shut that siren off.
01:00:25Then why did you come home?
01:00:27The siren. The flickering lights. I didn't want you to be worried. I knew you would be.
01:00:33John, I've got to know where Andy is.
01:00:35All right. I'll go look for him.
01:00:37I'm going with you.
01:00:48It's gonna go, Mr. Cutler. It's going to go.
01:00:50Now, look, calm, calm down, Sam.
01:00:53The devil would calm me down. You hear me?
01:00:55I'm not listening to you anymore. You did it.
01:00:58You wouldn't let me open those gates when I still could. And now it's too late.
01:01:02It's too late. Do you hear what I'm telling you?
01:01:05I hear you.
01:01:07It's gonna bust, Mr. Cutler. It's gonna bust.
01:01:10And it's on your head.
01:01:12Your head. Your head. Not mine.
01:01:21Sam says the dam is gonna break.
01:01:26But he's wrong.
01:01:30Let's go find Andy.
01:01:42Oh, God.
01:02:12Get outta here!
01:02:20Get out of here!
01:02:29That's it. That's it!
01:02:31That's it. Get out of here!
01:02:36Go! Go! Go!
01:03:45Now let me get!
01:04:54I never thought it would really happen.
01:04:58Mother, father, Annie.
01:05:04It's still there.
01:05:08Wait a minute.
01:05:09Where are you going?
01:05:10To my family.
01:05:11No, no, no. They can take care of themselves.
01:05:13They'll probably come here looking for you. You'll be out there looking for them.
01:05:17Be sensible.
01:05:19How much time before the water reaches town?
01:05:21How much time does everybody have?
01:05:24I don't know.
01:05:26It depends.
01:05:28We'll hear it first.
01:05:30Like the sound of a giant waterfall, they say.
01:05:43Where's Annie?
01:05:45We looked for him. We can't find him.
01:05:48Well, I'm going to.
01:06:21Oh, my God.
01:06:51Abby Adams never got here, did she?
01:07:22Oh, my God.
01:07:37I wonder where he is.
01:07:41She'll have sense enough to get to high ground.
01:07:45She's wearing my red scarf.
01:07:47What's that supposed to mean?
01:07:52It's my kid brother.
01:07:53He was the same age.
01:07:55We were hiking in the Sierras.
01:07:58This greenhorn got into trouble, and we, uh...
01:08:00I got us involved.
01:08:04We helped this halfwit try to this greenhorn, and the kid went over the edge.
01:08:32To look for them.
01:08:34I won't let you go anywhere.
01:08:35I can't stay here.
01:08:43Mary, I'm going.
01:08:45To look for them.
01:08:46No, Mother, I won't let you.
01:08:48Daisy, will you take over here?
01:08:49I just can't stay here.
01:08:51Alice, what's going on here?
01:08:52She wants to go looking for Dad and Andy.
01:08:54No, absolutely no, Alice.
01:08:56There's nothing you can do they can't do themselves.
01:08:59We need you here.
01:09:01I'm sorry.
01:09:21Just move out.
01:09:22Everything will be okay.
01:09:23Just go right up through there.
01:09:24That's it.
01:09:52Abby Adams might be trapped in her house.
01:09:55Dr. Horn wants us to go and try to find her.
01:09:57Is that Sam's wife?
01:09:59Okay, I'll crank her up.
01:10:03My father.
01:10:05And Andy.
01:10:07They'll make it. I know they will.
01:10:13Come on.
01:11:11Lincoln Tower, this is Gazelle One Alpha Hotel.
01:11:14Lincoln Tower, this is Gazelle One Alpha Hotel. Come in, please.
01:11:18Alpha Hotel, this is Lincoln Tower. Go ahead.
01:11:21Brownsville is underwater. Where's that help?
01:11:25Stand by. We have emergency service on an open line.
01:11:28OES inquires if the dam is broke.
01:11:31Yes, the dam broke.
01:11:33It's wiped out three quarters of this town.
01:11:35We don't even know how many casualties.
01:11:36What we need is medicine.
01:11:38Food, blankets, gas masks.
01:11:40What we need is medicine.
01:11:42Food, blankets, drinking water. It's called help.
01:11:45Tell them.
01:11:46I'll tell them.
01:11:48You seem pretty excited for a man that doesn't get involved.
01:11:51It's the company I keep.
01:11:55Alpha Hotel, this is Lincoln Tower. Message relayed.
01:11:58You're advised that supplies will be sent in as soon as flight equipment becomes available.
01:12:02Flood disaster conditions exist throughout the whole country.
01:12:06Thank you, Lincoln Tower.
01:12:08Well, we're still on our own.
01:12:13Abby's house should be about there, right?
01:12:16I think so. I can't tell.
01:13:16Hey, it looks pretty tricky.
01:13:18I don't think you better try it.
01:13:20Hey, you're not going to be able to get her up here, and if she's down there, she's going to need me with her.
01:15:04Help me!
01:15:13Let's try the kitchen.
01:15:36Let's try the kitchen.
01:16:04Let's try the kitchen.
01:16:05Your legs are caught.
01:16:06Did you see anything?
01:16:07Your legs are caught between two crossbeams.
01:16:08If I can pry them apart, you'll feel a slap.
01:16:09Did you see anything?
01:16:18Her legs are caught between two cross beams.
01:16:21If I can pry them apart, you'll feel the slack.
01:16:23Pour out fast.
01:16:24You understand?
01:16:25I almost had it this time for sure be ready
01:16:43Hey fellas, stay right there!
01:17:03Let her rest here a minute, I'll be right back
01:17:29Mr. Brannigan, please, get me Mr. Brannigan!
01:17:57Mr. Brannigan!
01:18:07Mr. Brannigan!
01:18:17Mr. Brannigan!
01:18:29Mr. Brannigan!
01:18:49Mr. Brannigan!
01:19:09Mr. Brannigan!
01:19:34Yeah, she's okay
01:19:35Paul's bringing her in now
01:19:38Well, we didn't make it to San Francisco, did we?
01:19:41No, not even to Lincoln
01:19:43Some other time maybe, huh?
01:19:46Miss Nightingale, you're beautiful
01:20:06Everybody watch your feet!
01:20:16Nice line
01:20:17Do it every time a dam breaks
01:20:19You got any problems?
01:20:20No, Mary and I specialize in second story book
01:20:25Have you seen my mother?
01:20:26No, we haven't
01:20:35Mary, the dam at the lake, we have to open the spill gates
01:20:44Come on
01:20:46I can't
01:20:55I knew he'd make it back
01:20:58Come on
01:20:59I knew he would
01:21:00I knew he would
01:21:24You wouldn't think John Connor would take anything so hard, would you?
01:21:28Nobody ever said he didn't care
01:21:35Tommy, are you all right?
01:21:37Yeah, I'm okay
01:21:38What happened?
01:21:39Mr. Marshall pulled me out, but...
01:21:42Mrs. Cutler...
01:21:45She thought I was Andy
01:21:47She went in to help me
01:21:50She went in and didn't come up
01:22:00Mary, I lied to them, to all of them
01:22:06Your mother, Paul...
01:22:09You had a good reason, I know you did
01:22:14Ever since we were old enough to think, everything I did was all right
01:22:21You always believed in me
01:22:24I still do
01:22:28Listen, you did what you thought you had to do
01:22:30That's all any of us can do, ever
01:22:32I thought I was doing what was best for the people here, but...
01:22:40I was trying to help myself, most of all
01:22:45I don't know anymore
01:22:54All casualties are not combatants
01:22:58You know, Branigan, sometimes you show promise
01:23:02Right over there by the tower
01:23:04Oh, Paul!
01:23:05Someone outside was saying the water in town isn't running off the way it should
01:23:08Anyone who's trapped is gonna stay trapped
01:23:10Yeah, if they're still alive
01:23:11Must be that bridge, flood debris stacked against it like a cork in the neck of a bottle
01:23:16A little dynamite in the right place ought to break it up
01:23:19There's a rock quarry on the next ridge to the west
01:23:22They should have dynamite and blasting caps, it'd be an easy hop for your bird
01:23:25Paul, it's Mrs. Cutler's
01:23:28Tommy Lohman just gave it to me
01:23:30He saw her go under and drowned
01:23:34You'll have to tell Mary
01:23:37You better let Daisy do it if you want to clear this bridge
01:23:39I'll take it
01:23:48You go on and do what you have to do
01:24:06I go through it all
01:24:08It's in this way
01:24:10I raised them to be six years old
01:24:20Just to have them murdered by a flood
01:24:26It's gonna be all right, just take it easy
01:24:28It's okay
01:24:36It's okay
01:25:07Is there anything I can do?
01:25:09Have you seen Anna?
01:25:16No, I haven't, Mr. Cutler
01:25:18Would you call her at City Hall?
01:25:21Tell her she shouldn't wait too long
01:25:26Yes, I'll call her and I'll tell her that you're worried
01:25:30And they...
01:25:36And they...
01:25:38He'll be back
01:25:53You know that I'm not afraid of you
01:25:57You know the terrain, what's our pattern?
01:25:59We have a clear approach to the bridge from the south
01:26:02Land in the field on the other side of it
01:26:04It's still above water
01:26:06Take a 30 left
01:26:16Take it easy, huh?
01:26:18Leave the driving to the pros
01:26:20You got any clear-cut idea how we're gonna do this?
01:26:23Just place the charges underneath the center of the bridge
01:26:26Light the fuses and run
01:26:28Pop the cork out of the bottleneck
01:26:30And drain the town
01:26:32We've got a dry field
01:26:34Has a nice simple sound to it
01:26:35If it works
01:27:23Yeah, that looks like it ought to do it
01:27:48It's enough here to blow up the whole town
01:27:50What town?
01:27:54Brannigan, help me, I'm stuck
01:27:57What do you think?
01:27:59I think we should have tested a piece of this fuse
01:28:01To see how long it's gonna take 20 feet to burn
01:28:04You don't know?
01:28:06How long it'll take you to get that bird 500 feet up in the air and away?
01:28:0970 seconds, aggregate
01:28:12How come we only have 20 feet of fuse?
01:28:14Because that's all there was
01:28:16I'll put this charge under the bridge
01:28:18You put that one in the rafters
01:28:53To Brannigan
01:29:54Paul, you okay?
01:29:56I'm coming
01:29:59Give me the end of it
01:30:23Let's go
01:30:50This car
01:30:52Must not get
01:31:17To Brannigan, help me, I'm stuck
01:31:21Steve! What fuse is still burning?
01:31:24Down here!
01:31:37Here, give me a hand
01:32:31How you doing, kiddo?
01:32:50Pretty good
01:32:52You know, she climbs real good for a beautiful lady
01:32:59Careful it
01:33:02You keep it, it's yours
01:33:26Have you been told about Sam yet?
01:33:31But maybe having the baby will help when they tell her
01:33:49Come here
01:33:56Oh, son
01:34:02Where have you been?
01:34:04I've been looking for you and for the rest of the kids
01:34:10Dad, now that Andy's back, will you lie down for a while?
01:34:16Whatever you say, Mary
01:34:23Oh, where's your mother?
01:34:28In a minute, dad
01:34:45A few hours pass and everything's gone
01:34:54How do we put things back together again?
01:34:58How can my father?
01:35:02I don't know, it's gonna take some time
01:35:05You could do it, Paul, without anybody's help, couldn't you?
01:35:10Dad can't
01:35:12He's going to need help, he's gonna need me
01:35:17And Andy too, Andy's gonna need me too
01:35:21You mean we'd better postpone September?
01:35:27Hey, partner, your medicine and supplies are in Lincoln, they ain't doing us any good there
01:35:40I really am sorry about San Francisco
01:35:43San Francisco will always be there
01:35:47We'll get to it
01:36:03Brownsville's gonna take a lot of rebuilding
01:36:08You could use some help