Executive Target (1997) Action Thriller

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Fast paced Action Thriller about a stunt driver (Michael Madsen) heading for prison on a minor charge is freed against his will by a terrorist gang.
00:00:30You ask my advice, Mr. President, and all I'm saying is...
00:00:49All you're saying, Max, is that I should screw my conscience, along with about 250 million
00:00:54people in order to save a few jobs in an elitist group primarily made up of people who are
00:01:00still living in a fantasy land.
00:01:02Now, I didn't become the President of the United States to make friends, Max.
00:01:06God knows if I wanted to do that, I would have stayed in New Jersey.
00:01:10I mean, I took the position to do the best job I could for the good of the whole country.
00:01:15I'm just saying it shouldn't be so drastic for security reasons.
00:01:20I can no longer justify spending billions of dollars on ludicrous projects with people walking around the street homeless and hungry.
00:01:30With all due respect, Mr. President, I don't think the security of the country is ludicrous, Max.
00:01:37You're a good soldier. The security of the country is what it is because of men like you.
00:01:42I'm just hoping that if we move towards a better tomorrow, somebody will say that that was the responsibility of me.
00:01:49I hope so, too, sir.
00:01:50Mr. President, you're ready for you, sir.
00:01:53Thank you.
00:01:56Come on. This is going to be hard enough to pass as it is.
00:01:59I'm going to need you to cover my ass in this one, partner. I'm going to need your help.
00:02:03Yes, sir.
00:02:04Let's do it.
00:02:10I'd like to thank you all for attending what I'm sure will be a historic event.
00:02:14Our guest today is a man who was elected four short years ago on a platform of returning government to the people.
00:02:20In those four years, he has exceeded this promise.
00:02:23Today, he will unveil a new plan which will launch us into the next century as a nation devoid of poverty and fear.
00:02:30A nation willing to take the next great step forward.
00:02:35The city of New York is proud he has chosen our beautiful city as the launching pad for this new journey.
00:02:41So, ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States.
00:02:45Thank you.
00:02:49Thank you.
00:02:51Thank you very much.
00:02:54I'm sure that most of you know why I'm here today.
00:02:58In fact, Washington has never been known for keeping secrets.
00:03:02I tell my security people that if they want to study infiltration techniques, just keep an eye on the press.
00:03:10I'm going to lay some rumors to rest.
00:03:13This is going to be a step on a long journey that is not without detractors.
00:03:18I'm here to ask for your support.
00:03:22We all know that cuts have to be made.
00:03:25The high paranoia spending of the 80s is no longer acceptable in the 90s.
00:03:30Star Wars belongs in the movies, and it should be financed by Hollywood, not Washington and the American people.
00:03:40The American people can no longer justify letting things like education, the environment, Social Security, Medicaid fall by the wayside.
00:03:59While billions of dollars are being spent for $650 toilet seats ordered by the Pentagon.
00:04:06It's time to start spending our money in the right places.
00:04:10Essential places.
00:04:12Now we owe this to our children.
00:04:14We owe this to the children of the world.
00:04:16America is a leader, a superpower.
00:04:18And a superpower should not only be strong in the skies, it should be strong on the ground.
00:04:25However, I'm not for a moment going to sacrifice the safety of the land we live in or the freedoms that we so cherish.
00:04:34But it is time to get our priorities in order.
00:04:38Whoa, quite a moving speech, Mr. President.
00:04:41Full of your usual drama and short on down-home intelligence.
00:04:45Returning government to the people, come on.
00:04:47I ask you this, California, are you going to allow some bleeding-heart president to cut thousands of your defense industry jobs so he can take your wages and disperse them among deadbeats who haven't worked a day in their life?
00:04:57Give me a call here at CRN, the station which sticks to the politics.
00:05:00Hello, you're on CRN, who's this?
00:05:02Um, Betsy.
00:05:03What do you have to say, Betsy?
00:05:04Um, I think that cutting military spending and giving the money back to the people is a really nice thing to do.
00:05:09You call throwing thousands of your fellow Californians out of work nice?
00:05:17There's our boy.
00:05:29Chicken's in the coop.
00:05:35Let's go.
00:05:37We agree that the defense industry provides over 100,000 jobs in the state of California, right?
00:05:42Who turned that at home off?
00:05:44Hey, you want to knock it off your fucking nut before I come back there and kick your ass?
00:05:48The only time I've ever gotten it is when I've got these fucking things on.
00:05:52I'm telling you, shut up.
00:05:54Fuck you.
00:05:56You never said that.
00:05:58Fuck you, too.
00:06:00What they say is meaningless, which is why I'm here.
00:06:02What they say is meaningless, which is why what they don't say is most important.
00:06:06Next caller, hello, you're on CRN.
00:06:22I think Carl's coming to LA tomorrow, right?
00:06:24Slimey Creature will be here tomorrow, yes.
00:06:33Oh, my God.
00:06:53Right there.
00:06:56PT-117, PT-117, we've been involved in a major traffic accident.
00:07:00We have injuries at second and spring.
00:07:03Oh, shit.
00:07:06Oh, shit.
00:07:08Oh, damn.
00:07:33Help me.
00:07:58He's here.
00:08:00Let's go, Evil. You're coming with us.
00:08:03I think you got me confused with somebody else.
00:08:06My name is Nick.
00:08:08You're Evil Knievel to us, motherfucker. Now move.
00:08:10Hey, what about the rest of these guys?
00:08:12Fuck them. They're criminals.
00:08:26Come on.
00:08:2820-14-90, 20-14-90.
00:08:54Contacts 43.
00:08:5820-14-90, 20-14-90.
00:09:36What were you doing?
00:09:38Contacts 43.
00:09:58What the fuck were you just doing? Just letting him get away?
00:10:01Like you didn't? I was getting shot at, too, you know.
00:10:03Fucking moron.
00:10:08You're fucking losing him.
00:10:10Will you just shut up and get off my back?
00:10:12He's a professional stunt car driver.
00:10:14If I could do what he does, we wouldn't need him.
00:10:20You're losing him. You're losing him, you moron.
00:10:22Shut up.
00:10:23Watch out.
00:10:37Now we lost him.
00:10:39Fucking moron.
00:10:59I'm in pursuit, heading east on second.
00:11:14Look at that.
00:11:17What are we going to tell Lamar?
00:11:18Is that you fucked up?
00:11:19That's because you're in my face all the time, bitch, with that mouth of yours.
00:11:23You're such a fucking idiot.
00:11:24What now, Einstein?
00:11:26Just let me think it through.
00:12:05What's wrong?
00:12:41West on seven, coming up on ground.
00:12:51Hey, wait!
00:12:54Stay there!
00:13:25Oh, my God!
00:14:25Oh, my God!
00:15:10What are you doing?
00:15:24What are you doing?
00:15:53Whoever ambushed this bus
00:15:54obviously wanted one of them real bad.
00:15:57Here's a list of the 13 that got away.
00:15:59Headquarters is running a background check
00:16:01on their family and friends.
00:16:03We should be able to catch most of those geniuses that way.
00:16:07Give Carelli and Smith half the list.
00:16:09You and me will take the other half.
00:16:13So we do six.
00:16:38Come on, Mara!
00:16:52I got a spot.
00:16:55Do you like dusting today?
00:16:58Bella, I wore this especially for you.
00:17:03Merci beaucoup.
00:17:20If my life was as beautiful as you,
00:17:22I'd still be married.
00:17:24Your wife is as beautiful as me.
00:17:26She never would have married you.
00:17:30I gotta tell you,
00:17:32self-control is not my strong point.
00:17:35Oh, I'll take care of that.
00:17:39Well, thank you.
00:17:42Ow, you're hurting me!
00:17:43Haven't I told you a million times?
00:17:44Don't touch the customer.
00:17:46Take it easy.
00:17:47Hey, use it out.
00:17:48Use it out.
00:17:49Hey, hey, hey!
00:17:50You're out of here.
00:17:58Where the fuck you go?
00:18:01Hey, fuck you, too!
00:18:04Fucking bastard.
00:18:13Fucking prick.
00:18:15Fucking bitch.
00:18:18Oh, you scared the shit out of me.
00:18:22I need some help.
00:18:24No shit.
00:18:26So did I five minutes ago.
00:18:27Where the hell were you?
00:18:30Waiting for you.
00:18:31You got a car?
00:18:32Yeah, down the block.
00:18:34What the hell you doing?
00:18:36Get me out of here, would you?
00:18:39I like that outfit.
00:18:41Like the matching cuffs.
00:18:52Come on.
00:18:55Want a beer?
00:18:59I don't want to be rude, but...
00:19:01I'd like to get rid of these first, if you don't mind.
00:19:03What's the matter?
00:19:04Your bondage is not your style, huh?
00:19:10Well, nothing much has changed around here.
00:19:14You think I've gone too far?
00:19:18Is that what you're thinking?
00:19:20I don't know.
00:19:23Maybe a little.
00:19:25Those are for safety, wise guy.
00:19:28Some woman locked me to the bedroom one night for six hours.
00:19:31I had to call in the neighbors to help me.
00:19:34It was embarrassing as hell.
00:19:36I'm sorry.
00:19:38I'm sorry.
00:19:39I had to call in the neighbors to help me.
00:19:41It was embarrassing as hell.
00:19:44They think I'm a fucking pervert.
00:19:50Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing, huh?
00:19:52I'm going to cut them off.
00:19:53Those are good cuffs.
00:19:56You're going to ruin them?
00:19:58Get me out.
00:20:10I sure missed you, Bella.
00:20:13You too, my man.
00:20:16Good to be back.
00:20:18Still working on the gas formula?
00:20:21You bet.
00:20:22Getting close, too.
00:20:24Pretty soon I'm going to have the best fuel stock our world has ever known.
00:20:27Bella's Brew, I'm going to call it.
00:20:30Be famous.
00:20:31Be rich.
00:20:32Buy my own strip joint, huh?
00:20:34Have a seat, partner.
00:20:36Here, put your feet up.
00:20:38Come on, huh?
00:20:39Come on.
00:20:43Have you seen her? Have you spoke to her?
00:20:45Not since the last time I banged her.
00:20:47Is that supposed to be funny?
00:20:49Talking about my wife.
00:20:51I know.
00:20:55Hey, man, don't tell me you lost your sense of humor.
00:20:58No, man.
00:20:59I'm not talking about my wife.
00:21:01I know.
00:21:02Hey, man, don't tell me you lost your sense of humor.
00:21:05Maybe I did.
00:21:06Along with my self-respect.
00:21:09That's what she lost.
00:21:11Why don't you just go ahead and pick my heart out when you're done with that?
00:21:14Be fair play.
00:21:16So you don't know who these people were, huh?
00:21:18I have no idea.
00:21:20One minute I'm on the bus.
00:21:22Next thing I know, the fucking thing turns over.
00:21:24These people come rushing in.
00:21:25They're pointing guns in my face.
00:21:27There's cops everywhere.
00:21:29They hustle me out of the bus.
00:21:30Everybody's shooting.
00:21:31I jumped in a car and I took off.
00:21:33I don't know what the hell was going on.
00:21:35Life is such an adventure, ain't it?
00:21:40What are you going to do now?
00:21:42I'm going to turn myself in.
00:21:44I got a year left.
00:21:46I'm going to do it.
00:21:48And why would you bother removing these?
00:21:51Because I want to see Nadia.
00:21:53Oh, that guy.
00:21:56I never had a chance to explain myself.
00:21:57That prosecutor had it in for me from the get-go.
00:21:59Oh, come on, Nicky.
00:22:01Yeah, face it.
00:22:03You got caught with your hands in a cookie jar.
00:22:05Everybody knows you've been screwing around her for months.
00:22:07I mean, the only way you'd ever get her to listen to you is to tie her up.
00:22:09And we say you're not into that, so...
00:22:12Let me tell you one thing.
00:22:14I love my wife.
00:22:16More than anything else in the whole world.
00:22:18And I miss her, Bella.
00:22:20And I got to see her.
00:22:22No matter what.
00:22:24I don't know who these people are or what the fuck they're doing.
00:22:25I don't know who these people are or what the fuck they want from me.
00:22:27But I'm going to go see her.
00:22:30The least she could do is make a better appearance.
00:22:33A man is often judged by his clothes.
00:22:36I'll lend you some of mine.
00:22:41No polyester.
00:22:45Who's next?
00:22:47Nick James.
00:22:49Is that the same Hollywood stunt driver, James?
00:22:53What's wrong?
00:22:56Cherkov had a great career going.
00:22:59Until he got busted with an 18-year-old girl with a personal of cocaine.
00:23:03Blowed his whole life.
00:23:05Stupid bastard.
00:23:08What's the address?
00:23:10Last address is 8487 West Alvarado.
00:23:25Let's go.
00:24:14Hey, baby.
00:24:18I love people with habits.
00:24:20Fuck you so long, Nicky boy.
00:24:22Men are so predictable.
00:24:24And so are the cops.
00:24:28Get rid of them.
00:24:30Now listen to me.
00:24:32All right?
00:24:34I want you to answer the door.
00:24:36You get rid of these fucking cops and nothing's going to happen to you.
00:24:38Let's go.
00:24:40I am not joking around with you.
00:24:42Don't be foolish.
00:24:50Good evening, ma'am.
00:24:51I am Officer Smoke.
00:24:53This is my partner, Officer Green.
00:24:55I'm sorry to bother you, but we'd like to ask you a few questions.
00:24:58How about what?
00:25:00Your husband?
00:25:02My husband?
00:25:04I haven't spoken to my husband in almost a year.
00:25:06I really wouldn't know.
00:25:08We don't mean to alarm you, but your husband escaped tonight.
00:25:12Think we could step in for a minute?
00:25:15It's so late, and I was about to go to bed.
00:25:17We'll just be a minute.
00:25:19I promise.
00:25:21I'm sorry.
00:25:23I can't let you in unless you have a search warrant.
00:25:25We have a warrant.
00:25:42You know, we're trying to gather as much information from the lab as we can.
00:25:45The lab?
00:25:47Who do you think did it? His wife?
00:25:49She's never been arrested for so much as stealing a piece of chewing gum.
00:25:52Why should she suddenly just blow away two cops?
00:25:55No, it was Nick James, for sure.
00:25:57And I want that bastard.
00:26:01Well, I'll put an APB out on him immediately.
00:26:03What a brilliant idea.
00:26:12Do I, uh...
00:26:14Do I at least get a chance to plead my case?
00:26:16You know, even murderers get to do that.
00:26:18Come on, brother.
00:26:21I mean, look.
00:26:23I met this girl once before that.
00:26:27I had no idea what she had in her purse.
00:26:30She begged me for a ride.
00:26:32That's all it was to her.
00:26:34Please, please, please, please, please.
00:26:36Shut the fuck up.
00:26:38Please, please, please, please.
00:26:40You shut up. You're bothering me now.
00:26:42What, you want to hear this shit?
00:26:45I'm a sentimentalist.
00:26:47So where are you taking us, anyway, huh?
00:26:50To sea?
00:26:52To me.
00:27:09Now, come on.
00:27:11The bar's waiting.
00:27:14Here we are.
00:27:16Home sweet home.
00:27:18All right, let's go. Come on.
00:27:20What the hell is this, the Batcave?
00:27:23Ever heard of Area 54?
00:27:25Well, this is Area 55.
00:27:27Shut up.
00:27:38Hey, Nick James!
00:27:40Hey, everybody, it's Nick James!
00:27:41Hey, Nick.
00:27:45You know, I cannot tell you
00:27:47what an honor and a pleasure it is
00:27:49to finally meet you in person.
00:27:51I have watched your entire career.
00:27:53I trust your trip wasn't too unbearable.
00:27:57I'm Lamar.
00:27:59Oh, I'm sorry?
00:28:01It's not any way to treat a guest.
00:28:03Take those cuffs off.
00:28:14What the fuck is going on?
00:28:16Patience, Nick.
00:28:18Everything in time.
00:28:20Well, fuck you.
00:28:22Time is now.
00:28:24I'd like to know what we're doing here.
00:28:26What do you want with us?
00:28:28Look, Nick.
00:28:30Let's not get our relationship started out on the wrong foot.
00:28:32Now, go make her comfortable.
00:28:36Look, it's gonna be fine.
00:28:38Where are you taking her?
00:28:39Don't worry, Nicky boy.
00:28:41I'll take care of her like she was my own.
00:28:43You're gonna get yours, motherfucker!
00:28:45Keep an eye on him.
00:28:47Make sure she's okay.
00:28:49She's gonna be fine.
00:28:51Everything's gonna be fine.
00:28:53Look, let's go play a game.
00:28:55It's good for relaxing the tension.
00:28:57Come on.
00:28:59I don't like games.
00:29:09I told you.
00:29:11Quite an expensive little hobby
00:29:13you got going here for yourself.
00:29:15Guess we're gonna play a game.
00:29:19Cops and robbers.
00:29:21The red one is you.
00:29:23The robber.
00:29:25The objective is, as in life,
00:29:27to avoid destruction.
00:29:30I'm ready when you are, Mr. James.
00:29:35Let's hit it.
00:29:40Be careful, Nick.
00:29:42They're all booby traps.
00:29:53Catch up, Nick. Catch up.
00:30:00Watch out for that car.
00:30:10Oh, shit!
00:30:15I guess I win.
00:30:19You know,
00:30:21I always wondered
00:30:23if you guys can drive a car as well on the street
00:30:25as you do in the movies.
00:30:27Let's not forget I lost those two jerks
00:30:29you had following me, didn't I?
00:30:33I hope for your sake you'll be able to
00:30:35duplicate that feat.
00:30:37All right, come on. Tell me what you want.
00:30:40We've been experiencing a little
00:30:42cash flow problem,
00:30:44but luckily
00:30:46there's a bank that will help us
00:30:48replenish our finances.
00:30:50What's that got to do with me?
00:30:52You're gonna drive the getaway car.
00:30:55I ain't driving no getaway car.
00:30:57You can't make me.
00:31:01no, I can't.
00:31:03But your heart can.
00:31:05She'll be in the next room
00:31:07waiting patiently for your triumphant return.
00:31:09Should you not return
00:31:11or become
00:31:15she will die.
00:31:18But enough sharp talk.
00:31:20Why don't you go and see Nadia?
00:31:22I'm sure she'll want you to tell her
00:31:24that everything is gonna be just fine.
00:31:31Hey, beautiful.
00:31:41you gotta learn how to relax, woman.
00:31:45Maybe that hubby of yours
00:31:47wouldn't stray down that other path.
00:31:49Get your hands off of me.
00:31:52Well, if it ain't Rudolf Vasalino.
00:31:55That's pretty funny.
00:31:57Think I can have a moment alone with my wife?
00:31:59I don't know, Nicky boy.
00:32:01I don't think she likes you anymore.
00:32:06Where are we gonna go?
00:32:07I can't get out of here.
00:32:09All right, Ripple, let's go.
00:32:11Maybe you should talk to Dr. Ruth.
00:32:13I heard she's good about things like this.
00:32:15Yeah, you probably got her number.
00:32:17Can you get her something to wear, maybe?
00:32:25Oh, man.
00:32:30Don't even try it, Nick.
00:32:35Why couldn't you just break out of jail
00:32:39Haven't you done me enough damage?
00:32:41Did you have to drag me into this
00:32:43whatever the hell this place is?
00:32:45I don't know who these people are.
00:32:47Then why are we being held here
00:32:49like animals, Nick?
00:32:51You had to have some kind of dealings with them.
00:32:53I swear to God, I don't know who they are.
00:32:55What is it that they want?
00:32:57Can you at least have the decency
00:32:59to tell me that much?
00:33:01Well, do you?
00:33:03You wanna know?
00:33:07I have a bank.
00:33:12Not me, actually, but
00:33:14you want me to drive the getaway car?
00:33:16Are you crazy?
00:33:18Honey, the only thing I'm crazy about is you.
00:33:20Nick, come on, please.
00:33:29Look, you hired me to do a job,
00:33:31and it will be done.
00:33:33I promise it will be done!
00:33:37Is everything all right?
00:33:39No, everything is not okay!
00:33:41How in the hell could you
00:33:43let that happen over at Nadia's?
00:33:45Was, uh...
00:33:47It was a fuck-up!
00:33:49I told you,
00:33:51I didn't want any attention drawn
00:33:53to Nick James, didn't I?
00:33:55Nothing whatsoever that would
00:33:57draw him back to us, whatsoever!
00:33:59I mean, do you know how long
00:34:01it took me to find the right man,
00:34:03to find him?
00:34:05Ripple just gets carried away
00:34:07when he's not around.
00:34:12and precision
00:34:14are the key elements to our success.
00:34:16Without them, we won't be able
00:34:18to spend a fucking time.
00:34:20We need the bait
00:34:24I mean,
00:34:26do you think for one minute
00:34:28they would pay us
00:34:30or let us live
00:34:32if we were any different?
00:34:35I will not allow
00:34:37them to jeopardize
00:34:39this operation
00:34:41or my reputation.
00:34:45It won't happen again.
00:34:47No, it won't.
00:34:50I want you to dispose of Ripple.
00:34:53Jesus, Lamar, they were just fucking cops!
00:34:55That's not the point!
00:34:58The point is
00:35:00he doesn't think.
00:35:04Ripple and I have been partners for years.
00:35:05I will not have an idiot
00:35:07fucking things up!
00:35:09I do not want him to return
00:35:11to this complex.
00:35:13You brought him in,
00:35:15you take him out.
00:35:19You pick the time,
00:35:21you pick the place.
00:35:23The only thing I suggest is
00:35:25you do it quickly.
00:35:32So, Dorothy,
00:35:33how are all our friends in California?
00:35:36Well, sir,
00:35:38by my early reports,
00:35:40not very happy.
00:35:42Our biggest objections
00:35:44are going to come from Douglas.
00:35:46That's where most of the cuts
00:35:48are going to score a direct hit.
00:35:50Not that Stockheed and Burroughs
00:35:52are going to roll over that easily.
00:35:54They're all going to come at you
00:35:56with everything they have.
00:35:58Well, let them bitch and moan
00:36:00all they want.
00:36:01They weren't so damn greedy
00:36:03in the first place.
00:36:05Well, I do believe
00:36:07that these four days
00:36:09are going to be the toughest
00:36:11of our campaign.
00:36:13But if we can convince
00:36:15the people of California
00:36:17that we can make up
00:36:19for the loss of employment
00:36:21in other areas,
00:36:23which we can,
00:36:25I think the rest of the country
00:36:27will have no problem
00:36:29accepting our plan.
00:36:31Let me bring you in.
00:36:53What do you think?
00:36:55Is that supposed to be
00:36:57a getaway vehicle?
00:36:59I don't think anybody's
00:37:02What do you suggest?
00:37:06Whose bed is this?
00:37:12Well, I might need to borrow
00:37:14a few parts.
00:37:16I'll put them in here.
00:37:20Anything for the cause, right?
00:37:25It'll be a lot less painful
00:37:27if you don't watch.
00:37:32Got this straight off
00:37:34the internet.
00:37:36Blueprint of the bank.
00:37:38Ain't nothing sacred anymore?
00:37:40That's nothing.
00:37:42I got an email thing
00:37:44going on with this chick.
00:37:46Can we interrupt this fantasy
00:37:48just long enough to show us the vault?
00:37:52Right there.
00:37:54This corridor connects
00:37:56it with the lobby.
00:37:58On the other side of this door
00:37:59there's an employee entrance
00:38:01leading out to Chandler Street.
00:38:03That's where Nicky Boy will be.
00:38:05The whole job shouldn't take
00:38:07more than 4 minutes and 45 seconds.
00:38:09Yes, sir.
00:38:11Well, then.
00:38:13Does everybody know what to do?
00:38:15Then good luck.
00:38:17And remember,
00:38:19nothing happens to Nick James.
00:38:30Not too bad, Mr. Goodrich.
00:38:32Not too original,
00:38:34but not too bad.
00:38:36Don't you have anything else to do
00:38:38besides bug me?
00:38:40I'd do your wife,
00:38:42but she's taking a nap.
00:38:44Don't get cocky, Nicky Boy.
00:38:46Right now you're our meal ticket.
00:38:48Trust me, your days are numbered.
00:38:51Thanksgiving's on its way.
00:38:53Get the fuck out of here.
00:38:59Come on, come on, come on.
00:40:00Come, sit down.
00:40:02I thought Nick was going to be here.
00:40:04Where is he?
00:40:06I think you better sit down.
00:40:16he's right there.
00:40:18What do you mean, right there?
00:40:23the van your husband's in
00:40:25has a sensor in it.
00:40:27So from right here,
00:40:29we can watch his whole little adventure,
00:40:32just like being there.
00:40:37Try it, it's good.
00:41:00Hey, hey, hey.
00:41:01What are you doing?
00:41:02What do you want?
00:41:03Hey, just cleaning your window
00:41:04for a dollar, Holmes.
00:41:05It's awful dirty.
00:41:06I ain't got a dollar.
00:41:07Now get the fuck out of here.
00:41:10Hey, hey, hey.
00:41:12Wipe off the rest of that,
00:41:13would you?
00:41:14For somebody with no money,
00:41:15you're sure as hell picky.
00:41:19Everything okay?
00:41:21Absolutely, officer.
00:41:22Everything's fine.
00:41:23Is this guy bothering you?
00:41:25No, sir, he's not.
00:41:26He's just cleaning off the window.
00:41:27We'll either keep it rolling
00:41:29or put some time in the meter.
00:41:31Okay, got it.
00:41:37go away.
00:41:58Come on.
00:42:06Hold it right there.
00:42:28Go, go, go.
00:42:40Go, Nick, go.
00:42:41Drop your weapons
00:42:42and step out of the vehicle.
00:42:48Come on, Nick.
00:42:49Let's get to the drop, huh?
00:42:56Nick, pursuit of suspect
00:42:57heading east on Chandler Street.
00:43:00Speed up, will ya?
00:43:08Now heading north on Alvarado.
00:43:12Why are the cops there?
00:43:13What's going on?
00:43:14Part of the plan.
00:43:16What do you mean, the plan?
00:43:18Well, we want to see
00:43:19how good a driver
00:43:20your husband really is.
00:43:30It's all your fault!
00:43:31Shut up!
00:43:32Fuck you!
00:43:33Shut up!
00:43:41You're under arrest.
00:43:42You're under arrest.
00:43:43Why'd you shoot that lady?
00:43:46Because she had a gun.
00:43:47She didn't have nothing!
00:43:48She was supposed to get killed.
00:43:49That wasn't part of the deal.
00:43:50They were just gonna
00:43:51hand us the money
00:43:52and say,
00:43:53thank you for shopping with us.
00:43:54Now do your job,
00:43:55Mr. Stuntman,
00:43:56and lose these assholes.
00:43:57Shut up!
00:44:04Heading north
00:44:05on Beverly and Redwood.
00:44:06He's gonna be south on Rampart.
00:44:37Keep going!
00:44:44Continuing on Rampart.
00:44:50Copy that.
00:44:51We're closing in.
00:47:32The drop's up here, pull over.
00:47:44Here we go, come on.
00:47:49Why is he stopping?
00:47:50It's okay, it's okay.
00:47:51Direct hit, Batman.
00:47:52You got him?
00:47:53Good, come on, let's go.
00:47:54All right, it's a number, Nick.
00:48:04Anything happens, call it.
00:48:05Hey, listen.
00:48:06Don't let anything happen to Nia.
00:48:07Don't let anything happen to you.
00:48:08Come on, let's go.
00:48:10Move out, now.
00:48:11Come on.
00:48:12Go back and help them.
00:48:14Come back.
00:48:15Come back.
00:48:16C'mon, Nick.
00:48:18We need to move out.
00:48:20C'mon, Nick.
00:48:22Move out.
00:48:23C'mon, Nick.
00:48:24You have to come.
00:48:25Move out now, Nick.
00:48:26We need to move out now, Nick.
00:48:28Get back.
00:48:29They're trying to kill us.
00:48:30The video.
00:48:31The video.
00:48:32They're trying to kill us.
00:48:34They've got us covered.
00:48:36Get back.
00:48:38what come on come on vick come on just leave him he's gonna be a gimp anyway get up get up i can
00:48:46yes you can now come on ripple come here give me the money and go back and help them we're
00:48:52all gonna die because of that fat fabio looking fuck come on you go back and fucking help them
00:48:57get up get up uh let's go all right come on
00:49:05get over here help me
00:49:16problem solved
00:49:18fucking piece of shit motherfucker
00:49:22fuck you jack let him go jack let him go lieutenant hold on excuse me lieutenant
00:49:31a bank robbery downtown what do you think is driving the getaway van nick james you got it
00:49:37all right i'll get back to you later bye lacy come on it's me rip why more money for us
00:50:07we've got a trap
00:50:43over here
00:51:22Step out of the vehicle! You are surrounded! Step out of the vehicle with your hands up!
00:51:52You are surrounded!
00:52:05You are surrounded!
00:52:10You are surrounded!
00:52:17Check with Simpson. Police don't have him.
00:52:30Well, maybe he's using an alias, and they don't know yet. Check again.
00:52:33Mar, you're getting upset over nothing. I mean, even if he is with the police.
00:52:38He doesn't know nothing, remember? About anything.
00:52:41If they ask him where we are, he doesn't know.
00:52:47Trust me. He'll call.
00:52:51He won't jeopardize Nadia's life.
00:52:54Where did you leave Ripple?
00:52:56In the sewer.
00:53:03It's a good place to leave Nick James when this job is over.
00:53:06I thought we were going to set him up and then turn him over to the cops when we're done.
00:53:09Don't be ridiculous. When this job is done, he's done.
00:53:13And Nadia?
00:53:15And her?
00:53:17You're beginning to sound like Ripple.
00:53:19And her? And her?
00:53:25Look, look, look. I'd like to be alone, okay?
00:53:28Sure, boss.
00:53:40Where the hell have you been?
00:53:43Let's go.
00:54:09Lost your appetite?
00:54:15Lost your appetite?
00:54:22Didn't think you'd be that upset.
00:54:24Why would you say something like that?
00:54:27Didn't think you cared about him anymore.
00:54:29Just because you don't care about somebody doesn't mean you wish him dead.
00:54:32Maybe you don't know the difference.
00:54:34Luther just called. He's on his way in with Nick.
00:54:40He's not dead after all.
00:54:43Guess we can eat, huh?
00:54:52I was worried about you, Nick.
00:54:54You were, huh? I'm lucky to be alive, okay?
00:54:56Your boy Ripple shot somebody.
00:54:58I wasn't supposed to be part of the deal.
00:55:00No, look, look, look. That was a mistake.
00:55:02I'm sorry to upset you, but mistakes happen.
00:55:04Fuck you and your mistakes.
00:55:06I'm taking my wife and I'm getting the hell out of here tomorrow.
00:55:09The job is not finished yet.
00:55:11Bullshit. I'm finished.
00:55:14You're finished when I say you're finished.
00:55:16That is one more step.
00:55:18And if you veer from the plan one iota,
00:55:20or do anything foolish, I will kill her personally.
00:55:29What are we gonna do?
00:55:31Hit a couple more banks?
00:55:34You think too small, Nick.
00:55:36This is not one of your trivial movie plots.
00:55:39This time it's the real thing.
00:55:42We're gonna kidnap the President.
00:55:49Lamar, you're gonna grab the President of the United States.
00:55:52No shit, Sherlock.
00:55:54For what?
00:55:56To sell him.
00:55:58To who?
00:56:00Obviously to somebody he pissed off.
00:56:02Come on, Nick. Don't be naive.
00:56:04The list is endless.
00:56:06Do you actually think he has no enemies?
00:56:08Look, our President can bring in a hell of a price.
00:56:13I mean,
00:56:16how do you think we got all this?
00:56:35You're insane.
00:56:41People like Ruby and Oswald were insane.
00:56:44Idiots thought they were gonna get paid after they did it.
00:56:49certain people want him dead.
00:56:51And they're gonna have him dead.
00:56:53Now, whether it's done by me or somebody else,
00:56:55I'm just trying to cover my ass.
00:56:57Now, I thought you shared my same spirit of adventure.
00:57:02What makes you think I'd have anything to do with this money, Nick?
00:57:07Big money.
00:57:10Because with big money, you can do anything.
00:57:14Money is
00:57:19Money is freedom.
00:57:21Money is
00:57:28Now, you haven't been in jail too long
00:57:30to have forgotten the pleasures it brings, have you?
00:57:33How can you do this?
00:57:35You're an American.
00:57:37What's that?
00:57:39What does that mean anymore, Nick?
00:57:42We go into countries and we destroy them.
00:57:43Slaughter the people.
00:57:44Turn them against one another.
00:57:45And for what?
00:57:46For money.
00:57:47That's what it's all about.
00:57:48Now, each president
00:57:49merely covers for the powers that be.
00:57:51And when they stop covering,
00:57:53they're gone.
00:57:55Somebody will always want to kill the president.
00:57:57And they know it.
00:57:58It comes with the territory.
00:57:59How do I know that you're not gonna kill Nadia?
00:58:02You'll kill us both after you get your meal ticket.
00:58:05I could kill you right now.
00:58:07But I don't.
00:58:09Because you still need me.
00:58:10No, I don't need you, Nick!
00:58:14I like you.
00:58:18I admire your talent.
00:58:20And because I do,
00:58:22not only am I gonna grant you your life,
00:58:24but enough money for you and Nadia to live very,
00:58:27very comfortably for the rest of it.
00:58:31Three billion.
00:58:32That sounds cool.
00:58:33That's a lot of money.
00:58:35Where am I gonna spend it?
00:58:36Oh, you'll find a place.
00:58:38We cover our tracks around here very, very well.
00:58:40We're not one of your cause groups
00:58:41here to make a stand.
00:58:42We're in, we're out.
00:58:44We can even make it look like you're dead.
00:58:46With enough money,
00:58:48you can do whatever you want.
00:58:55you listen to the voice of reason.
00:58:59You are involved in some very deep shit now.
00:59:04You'll never be able to lead a normal life.
00:59:07They'll put you in prison
00:59:09for a long, long time.
00:59:13I mean,
00:59:15you think,
00:59:17you think a judge is untouchable?
00:59:20These are some very, very powerful people.
00:59:22You know how the government works.
00:59:26They can buy your life
00:59:28or your death.
00:59:32Trust me.
00:59:34Trust me
00:59:36and one day they'll walk away from this thing free.
00:59:40They'll screw you, Nick.
00:59:43That's what they do best.
00:59:47I want half now
00:59:49and the other half
00:59:50when you get to Prez.
00:59:52Any way you want it.
01:00:06A fool and his money are soon parted.
01:00:36We're gonna die, Nick.
01:00:38No, no.
01:00:39I'm scared.
01:00:41Everything's gonna be fine.
01:01:04This is General Mohler.
01:01:06You take care of security.
01:01:07We'll take care of the President.
01:01:09You must execute our plan perfectly.
01:01:14or no deal.
01:01:15You just remember
01:01:16to bring the money.
01:01:21Cocky bastard.
01:01:23He really thinks I'm an idiot.
01:01:31If we don't bring him alive,
01:01:34we're dead.
01:01:35What makes you say that?
01:01:38Let's just say I know my friends
01:01:41very well.
01:01:45Very well.
01:02:05I'm sorry.
01:02:06I'm late for our listeners,
01:02:07but the President is in town today
01:02:08and you know what that means.
01:02:11And more traffic.
01:02:12Leave at the President's call now.
01:02:13Downtown will be packed.
01:02:14I'll be there.
01:02:15I'll be there.
01:02:16I'll be there.
01:02:17I'll be there.
01:02:18I'll be there.
01:02:19I'll be there.
01:02:20I'll be there.
01:02:21I'll be there.
01:02:22I'll be there.
01:02:23I'll be there.
01:02:24I'll be there.
01:02:25I'll be there.
01:02:26I'll be there.
01:02:27I'll be there.
01:02:28I'll be there.
01:02:29I'll be there.
01:02:30I'll be there.
01:02:31I'll be there.
01:02:32I'll be there.
01:02:33I'll be there.
01:02:34I'll be there.
01:02:35I'll be there.
01:02:36I'll be there.
01:02:37I'll be there.
01:02:38I'll be there.
01:02:39I'll be there.
01:02:40I'll be there.
01:02:41I'll be there.
01:02:42I'll be there.
01:02:43I'll be there.
01:02:44I'll be there.
01:02:45I'll be there.
01:02:46I'll be there.
01:02:47I'll be there.
01:02:48I'll be there.
01:02:49I'll be there.
01:02:50I'll be there.
01:02:51I'll be there.
01:02:52I'll be there.
01:02:53I'll be there.
01:02:54I'll be there.
01:02:55I'll be there.
01:02:56I'll be there.
01:02:57I'll be there.
01:02:58I'll be there.
01:02:59I'll be there.
01:03:00I'll be there.
01:03:01I'll be there.
01:03:02I'll be there.
01:03:03I'll be there.
01:03:04I'll be there.
01:03:05I'll be there.
01:03:06I'll be there.
01:03:07I'll be there.
01:03:08I'll be there.
01:03:09I'll be there.
01:03:10I'll be there.
01:03:11I'll be there.
01:03:12I'll be there.
01:03:13I'll be there.
01:03:14I'll be there.
01:03:15I'll be there.
01:03:16I'll be there.
01:03:17I'll be there.
01:03:18I'll be there.
01:03:19I'll be there.
01:03:20I'll be there.
01:03:21I'll be there.
01:03:22I'll be there.
01:03:23I'll be there.
01:03:24I'll be there.
01:03:25I'll be there.
01:03:26I'll be there.
01:03:27I'll be there.
01:03:28I'll be there.
01:03:29I'll be there.
01:03:30I'll be there.
01:03:31I'll be there.
01:03:32I'll be there.
01:03:33I'll be there.
01:03:34I'll be there.
01:03:35I'll be there.
01:03:36I'll be there.
01:03:37I'll be there.
01:03:38I'll be there.
01:03:39I'll be there.
01:03:40I'll be there.
01:03:41I'll be there.
01:03:42I'll be there.
01:03:43I'll be there.
01:03:44I'll be there.
01:03:45I'll be there.
01:03:46I'll be there.
01:03:47I'll be there.
01:03:48I'll be there.
01:03:49I'll be there.
01:03:50I'll be there.
01:03:51I'll be there.
01:03:52I'll be there.
01:03:53I'll be there.
01:03:54I'll be there.
01:03:55I'll be there.
01:03:56I'll be there.
01:03:57I'll be there.
01:03:58I'll be there.
01:03:59I'll be there.
01:04:00I'll be there.
01:04:01I'll be there.
01:04:06You're never gonna get away with this.
01:04:12Are you willing to bet your life?
01:04:14Oh, yes?
01:04:18You're a son of a bitch.
01:04:20You made him do this.
01:04:21No, no, no.
01:04:22I didn't make him do anything.
01:04:23Money did.
01:04:24How's it going, Session?
01:04:31Doing good. How about yourself?
01:04:34Cool. I got this truck and a couple more back there.
01:04:38Need to clear a way through for three trucks. Let them go.
01:04:45Appreciate it.
01:04:57Have you ever felt the exhilaration of a well-executed plan?
01:05:04Watch. It's very exciting.
01:05:19It's great to see those guys in the kitchen, huh?
01:05:21They're behind you. They're behind you.
01:05:24What's next?
01:05:44Sky 2, adjusting course heading to 150 at 1000.
01:05:48Sky 1 maintaining position over motorcade. Area secure.
01:05:51Roger, Sky 1. Area secure.
01:06:14Sky 2 dropping to 800 feet. We're heading south on Figaro.
01:06:25Ah, yes. Here we go.
01:06:4120, 20, 10, 20, 20, 10.
01:06:55What the hell was that?
01:07:30Code red, code red. Get down there, Sky 2.
01:07:32They're coming behind me.
01:08:01Get him in there.
01:08:08You better buckle up there, Mr. President.
01:08:14Watch this.
01:08:42Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
01:09:12Oh, shit.
01:09:41Oh, shit.
01:09:52In pursuit of red sports car on hill approaching 8.
01:09:55You're not going to get away with this.
01:09:57Maybe not.
01:09:58Maybe it's about it.
01:10:00Just hang on, sir.
01:10:02I'm saving your life.
01:10:15In just a few hours,
01:10:18Nick is going to make me a very, very rich man.
01:10:41Nick, where the hell are you?
01:10:47I'm doing the best I can.
01:10:50Who is that?
01:10:52Somebody whose plans got changed.
01:11:21Where are we going?
01:11:23To a friend's.
01:11:24Oh, good.
01:11:26Step on it.
01:11:28Where are we going?
01:11:30To a friend's.
01:11:31Oh, good.
01:11:33Step on it.
01:11:35No problem.
01:12:08Watch this.
01:12:34Oh, good.
01:13:02Oh, good.
01:13:21Now tell me that doesn't give you a hard on.
01:13:31I got him out.
01:13:33Get the fuck out of here, Nick.
01:13:35Get lost.
01:13:36Let's go.
01:13:46What the fuck is he doing?
01:13:48What the fuck is he doing?
01:13:51What the fuck are you doing?
01:13:52Okay, what the fuck?
01:13:54What's he doing?
01:13:55What the fuck?
01:13:56Hey, come in, Jack.
01:13:57Jack, get the fuck in that car.
01:13:59You are fucking dead, man.
01:14:00God damn it.
01:14:02You know, you must not be worth very much to have me, honestly.
01:14:04You don't scare me.
01:14:05Get out of here.
01:14:06Get out of here.
01:14:17You better not fuck up my plans.
01:14:19Son of a bitch.
01:14:24Hey, hey.
01:14:43Oh, Nick.
01:14:44Oh, you won't believe what's going on out there, man.
01:14:46It's insane.
01:14:48Bella, close the door.
01:14:50Where the hell did you get this thing, Nick?
01:14:51I borrowed it.
01:14:52Bella, will you please close the door?
01:14:57I don't like the way you're behaving, Nick.
01:15:05Holy shit.
01:15:07Jesus Christ, Nick.
01:15:08What, are you crazy?
01:15:10Bella, relax, please.
01:15:11Snap out of it, okay?
01:15:12Oh, my God.
01:15:14I'd like you to meet the...
01:15:15I know who it is, Nick.
01:15:16I voted for him, okay?
01:15:18So did I.
01:15:20We're going to go right through that door over there.
01:15:36Oh, sir.
01:15:38You got to excuse the place.
01:15:39I let my cousin stay here for a couple of days, and...
01:15:42Are you no kids?
01:15:45Want to sit down?
01:15:50Sit, no?
01:15:51Well, I think I've got to.
01:15:59Listen, first of all, I'd like to apologize for this entire situation.
01:16:03I'm not quite sure how to start to explain to you what is going on.
01:16:10Come on, Nick, spit it out, huh?
01:16:11I can't wait to hear this one myself.
01:16:17Mr. President, I was forced to kidnap you.
01:16:22By who?
01:16:25Sir, I had nothing to do with this.
01:16:27I'm a mechanic.
01:16:29Tell him, Nick, I'm a mechanic.
01:16:31He is a mechanic.
01:16:34By a man named Lamar.
01:16:38You realize the United States government has a policy not to negotiate with terrorists.
01:16:43Nicky, we're not terrorists.
01:16:45Would you please...
01:16:48You got the wrong idea, Mr. President.
01:16:50I'm not a terrorist, and I'm not associated with any terrorist group whatsoever.
01:16:55In fact, I'm a stunt driver, a stunt car driver.
01:16:59At least, I used to be.
01:17:02Well, you haven't lost your touch.
01:17:08Thank you, sir.
01:17:10I've actually been out of commission for a little while.
01:17:15What do you want?
01:17:16I need you to stay here.
01:17:20These people are holding my wife.
01:17:23And they're gonna kill her unless I give them you.
01:17:27Which I can't do, sir.
01:17:29They've got quite a military installation underground.
01:17:34It's been referred to as Area 55.
01:17:38I think it's something you should know about.
01:17:43I don't want my wife to die, sir.
01:17:45And I don't want you to die either.
01:17:47They're planning something big. I don't know what they're doing.
01:17:49I don't know how the hell I got involved in this whole thing from the get-go, but...
01:17:54You're telling me that you're innocent?
01:17:57I guess you're pissed off.
01:17:59I'm very pissed off.
01:18:03But not so much at you as my security.
01:18:06I mean, how in the hell do you kidnap the President of the United States?
01:18:10Good point, sir. Very good point.
01:18:12Bring it out of this, some heads are gonna roll.
01:18:15All I need is a couple of hours after this is all done.
01:18:19You can lock me up, put me back in jail, throw away the key.
01:18:23That's up to you. I just need a couple of hours to get in there and get her out.
01:18:27I think I have a way that I can do it.
01:18:29But I need you to stay here.
01:18:31Why should I trust you?
01:18:40Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
01:18:42Hold it! Hold it! Hold it!
01:18:44Hold it! Hold it! Hold it!
01:18:46Wait a minute!
01:18:48Let them go.
01:18:50Let them go.
01:19:06This, uh, is Area 55.
01:19:10How far is that from here?
01:19:12Two, two and a half hours.
01:19:14With who driving?
01:19:17All right, take these two men.
01:19:19We've got two hours.
01:19:21And then, if we don't hear from you, we're gonna do it our way.
01:19:30Take this with you.
01:19:32It's a homing device.
01:19:34That's how these characters got here.
01:19:39You mind if I go too, sir?
01:19:41No, it was just a...
01:19:43We should stick around.
01:19:45Hey, once a Marine, always a Marine.
01:19:48He wasn't a Marine, sir.
01:19:52Go ahead.
01:20:04Thank you, sir.
01:20:10There's plenty of beer in the fridge.
01:20:19$20 million worth of equipment, and I can't find them.
01:20:30I can't fucking breathe in this thing.
01:20:32Well, you can't take it off, because we're almost there.
01:20:34I'm not getting a good feeling about this.
01:20:36Just relax. Everything's gonna be all right.
01:20:38This is a shit plan.
01:20:40You got a better one?
01:20:42Now, just remember, when I say,
01:20:44Cherry Coke, that's when you shoot.
01:20:46That's when you fire.
01:20:48Cherry Coke.
01:20:50And who?
01:20:52Anybody, except me.
01:20:54Shoot that way. Shoot to your right.
01:20:56Don't talk.
01:20:58Fuck you.
01:21:00Hey, no cursing. You're supposed to be the president.
01:21:04You guys read me back there in the trunk?
01:21:06Loud and clear.
01:21:08When I pop it, you go.
01:21:10Copy that.
01:21:12We're almost there.
01:21:14This is fucked up. This is very fucked up.
01:21:16Will you just shut up and act presidential?
01:21:32Lamar, they're here.
01:21:44Is this him?
01:21:46No, it's your mother.
01:21:48Can I see him? It's the president. I want to see him.
01:21:50No, I want to show him to Lamar.
01:21:52Come on, Nick. I want to see him.
01:21:54No, come on. Let me see him. I've never seen the president before.
01:21:56No, no, no. Come on. I want to show him to Lamar.
01:21:58Hey, Luke. What?
01:22:00Did you ever have a Cherry Coke?
01:22:02Cherry Coke? You mean like when we were kids?
01:22:04Cherry Coke.
01:22:06Did you ever have a Cherry Coke?
01:22:12All right, let's get the fuck out of here.
01:22:18Goddamn it. How the hell did I have to say it?
01:22:20What the hell? I wanted to be sure, okay?
01:22:22Five times I said it.
01:22:24Cherry Coke. Cherry Coke.
01:22:26Well, you're having a fucking conversation with the guy. What do you want me to do?
01:22:28Two minutes. Repeat, you have two minutes until backup arrives.
01:22:38Security breach in Sector Seven.
01:22:40Security breach in Sector Seven.
01:22:42All available personnel proceed to intercept at A-level.
01:22:44All available personnel proceed to intercept at A-level.
01:23:04Go, go, go!
01:23:06Let's go, Bella.
01:23:07Stay put.
01:23:08I'm going to get Nadia.
01:23:09I'm going to get Nadia.
01:23:36Go, get Nadia.
01:24:06Go, get Nadia.
01:24:33Go, get Nadia.
01:24:55Hey, good looking.
01:24:56What took you so long?
01:24:57Dropped the gun.
01:24:58It's all over.
01:24:59It ain't over till it's over, Nick.
01:25:00You know that.
01:25:01What'd you do with the president?
01:25:02What are you going to do, shoot a lady?
01:25:03I'll shoot her.
01:25:04I mean it.
01:25:05Drop the fucking gun.
01:25:06Ladies first.
01:25:07Get her gun.
01:25:08I got you.
01:25:09I got you.
01:25:48I wish that bitch would ask me again.
01:25:49You ain't going to die on me you crazy old bastard, come on.
01:25:50Let's get him out of here.
01:25:51Let's go.
01:25:54Some fucking plan.
01:25:55Shut up, some fucking plan.
01:25:56Help's on the way.
01:25:58You stupid son of a bitch.
01:25:59at all. If I'm going to go down, at least I'll have the pleasure of taking you out first.
01:26:05Jerry, come on!
01:26:23Okay, are you shot? Are you shot? Okay.
01:26:29Come on.
01:26:40Come on, bring it up, bring it up. Come on.
01:26:59How you doing, partner? Yeah, I've been better.
01:27:10Yeah, we all have. Listen, I'm sorry.
01:27:18It's all right. Worst things have happened to presidents.
01:27:22I'm sorry about your friend. Yeah, I know.
01:27:29You must be... Nadia. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. President.
01:27:35Pleasure to meet you. You must be very proud of him.
01:27:41Yeah, I am. I am.
01:27:47We did a little research on him while I was waiting.
01:27:52I think we can work something out with the time you have left.
01:27:58And does this belong to you? No.
01:28:08I think you can hold on to it. Maybe you better hold on to this.
01:28:18I hope not.
01:28:26I love you.
01:28:47I love you.
01:29:17I love you.
01:29:47I love you.
01:30:17I love you.
01:30:47I love you.
01:30:49I love you.
01:30:51I love you.
01:30:53I love you.
01:30:55I love you.
01:30:57I love you.
01:30:59I love you.
01:31:01I love you.
01:31:03I love you.
01:31:05I love you.
01:31:07I love you.
01:31:09I love you.
01:31:11I love you.
01:31:13I love you.
01:31:15I love you.
01:31:17I love you.
01:31:19I love you.
01:31:21I love you.
01:31:23I love you.
01:31:25I love you.
01:31:27I love you.
01:31:29I love you.
01:31:31I love you.
01:31:33I love you.
01:31:35I love you.
01:31:37I love you.
01:31:39I love you.
01:31:41I love you.
01:31:43I love you.
01:31:45I love you.