Trapped in Silence (1986) Drama

  • 2 days ago
A psychologist (Marsha Mason) and her colleague (Ron Silver) treat a violent teenage boy (Kiefer Sutherland) who refuses to speak.
00:00:47I started out as a teacher,
00:00:49but more and more, I became involved with children
00:00:51who suffered emotional disturbances.
00:00:54There were so many desperate kids
00:00:56tucked away in institutions like Garson.
00:00:58They told me this case was pretty hopeless.
00:01:00He didn't talk, he made no noise,
00:01:03even when he cried.
00:01:05They called him Zuboy.
00:01:07This is Harry Prakash,
00:01:09Garson Institute's resident head shrinker.
00:01:11How do you do?
00:01:12Jean Gabrielson, resident speech therapist,
00:01:15and Dana Wendolowski, resident social worker.
00:01:17We spoke on the phone.
00:01:19Hello, Jennifer.
00:01:20It's nice to meet you.
00:01:22And this is Zuboy.
00:01:28What's his name?
00:01:29Kevin Richter.
00:01:30How old is he?
00:01:32And if you can make him talk, Ms. Hubble,
00:01:34you'll become Garson Institute's
00:01:35resident miracle worker.
00:01:36That is, if you decide to take the case.
00:01:38Has he ever talked?
00:01:40Uh, not since he came here.
00:01:42I tried to work with him,
00:01:43but I think he's just too far gone.
00:01:45Well, I'll just go in and see what's what, then.
00:01:52Kevin, my name is Jenny Hubble.
00:01:57I believe, uh, Ms. Wendolowski told you
00:01:59someone was coming out to work with you?
00:02:01Well, that's me.
00:02:03I'm going to have to get back to work.
00:02:05I'm sorry.
00:02:06I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:02:07I'm sorry.
00:02:08I'm sorry.
00:02:09I'm sorry.
00:02:10I'm sorry.
00:02:11I'm sorry.
00:02:12I'm sorry.
00:02:13I'm sorry.
00:02:14I'm sorry.
00:02:15I'm sorry.
00:02:16I'm sorry.
00:02:17I'm Jenny.
00:02:19And I, uh, work with people who have a hard time talking.
00:02:29I'm going to be coming out every day.
00:02:33I've got a whole box of things for us to do.
00:02:40There are lots of kids like yourself, Kevin,
00:02:42who decide they don't want to talk anymore.
00:02:45Lots of kids.
00:02:46And they're all talking now,
00:02:47and I'm going to help you to talk, too.
00:02:50I know it's difficult when you haven't said a word
00:02:52for a long time.
00:02:54I have a patient.
00:02:57It's been a long time, hasn't it, Kevin?
00:03:08Well, I think the best way to start
00:03:11is if I just, uh, read for a while,
00:03:14then pretty soon you can read, too.
00:03:17All right?
00:03:21I think you're going to like this one.
00:03:23It's a mystery.
00:03:27Here we go.
00:03:28Chapter one, The Road Home.
00:03:31The entrance to the cave was hidden
00:03:33by a matted layer of dead branches
00:03:35twined together with a red leather strap.
00:03:37It was the work of a craftsman.
00:03:39More importantly, I thought I recognized the strap.
00:03:45Barney McFarlane.
00:03:50You were counting.
00:03:53The people behind the mirror.
00:03:59Um, I've made some notes about Kevin's fears.
00:04:03He's afraid of everything, you know.
00:04:05Darkness, dogs, string on the floor, pliers, you name it.
00:04:09Oh, and water.
00:04:11I guess you noticed he isn't exactly Mr. Hygiene.
00:04:13From across the room.
00:04:15I don't envy you sitting face to face with him.
00:04:18And, uh, of course he's afraid of going out.
00:04:21He hasn't set foot outside the residence
00:04:23in the four years he's been here.
00:04:25There's so much else wrong with him.
00:04:27Why did you decide to tackle his lack of speech?
00:04:29Well, Kevin will be 17 at the end of the month,
00:04:31and Garson only takes kids through their 16th birthdays.
00:04:34So we've already bent the rules to keep him here this long.
00:04:37Were you behind that?
00:04:41There's something about that boy.
00:04:44Anyway, um, the state has custody of Kevin.
00:04:48So if we don't come up with something soon,
00:04:50well, I don't have to tell you where boys like Kevin go.
00:04:53That only gives me a couple of weeks.
00:04:57Thanks for the file.
00:05:00Crikey, Jeff, it smells in here.
00:05:02Why don't you ever open a window?
00:05:04Couldn't reach it.
00:05:06I still think we should take up the floorboards.
00:05:08I'm sure our predecessor buried his rats and pigeons
00:05:11right under our very feet.
00:05:13What are you doing?
00:05:15I have a headache.
00:05:17I'm letting all the blood rush to my brain so it will go away.
00:05:20I'm sorry.
00:05:22It's all right.
00:05:24It's all right.
00:05:26It's all right.
00:05:28It will go away.
00:05:30But you're a doctor. Why don't you take an aspirin?
00:05:32I don't want to pollute my body.
00:05:34How's the new kid?
00:05:36Oh, he's a real loser.
00:05:38The most pathetic thing I've ever seen in my entire life.
00:05:40And ugly.
00:05:42Judy's only skin deep.
00:05:44Yes. He won't bathe. He won't change his clothes.
00:05:46He stinks.
00:05:48Who said clothes make the man?
00:05:50Well, at the age of 80, he had a testable I.Q. of 40.
00:05:52Count them, Dr. Tomlinson.
00:05:56In a few years, he's going to be a genius.
00:06:02Sounds hopeless to me.
00:06:04Tell Winslow you don't want the case.
00:06:06You know, I really should.
00:06:08Yeah, tell him he can't handle it.
00:06:10He knows what your schedule looks like.
00:06:14They held this kid back in kindergarten.
00:06:18He wouldn't talk, so the teachers thought he wasn't learning anything.
00:06:20Flunk kindergarten.
00:06:22What are you laughing at? That's not funny.
00:06:24I know, I know, I know.
00:06:26Forget it, Hubba.
00:06:28Come on, you don't want to tie up your life with a dunce.
00:06:30But while I was reading to him,
00:06:32he was counting the number of times that people were leaving the observation room.
00:06:34And he stopped rocking as soon as he was sure everyone had gone.
00:06:38Mere coincidence.
00:06:40No, no, no, no.
00:06:42I think the kid has more in the ball than anyone thinks.
00:06:44Problem is, if he doesn't make some progress soon,
00:06:46they're going to throw him into a back ward of a state mental institution,
00:06:48and that will be the end of him.
00:06:50He'll be better off. The drugs make it painless.
00:06:52Well, get this.
00:06:54His mother voluntarily made him a ward of the state.
00:06:56Now, what did he do to deserve that, I ask you?
00:06:58I don't know, Jen.
00:07:00Sounds like heartbreak city to me.
00:07:02I don't know.
00:07:04Come on, save yourself. Bail out before someone runs off with all the life preservers.
00:07:06I know what you're doing.
00:07:08You know, I can't imagine anybody taking a case like this.
00:07:10Except some fool who, you know, can't resist a challenge.
00:07:12Some kid who's trying to prove themselves.
00:07:14You know, a sucker.
00:07:16With the empathy quotient of Florence Nightingale, Mother Teresa.
00:07:18Mother Teresa?
00:07:20The entire staff of the Mayo Clinic.
00:07:22The entire staff?
00:07:24Jane Darwell and Graves are right. She might take the case.
00:07:26All right, I'll take the case.
00:07:42When will you be through, Miss Hubbard?
00:07:44Can you give us 30 minutes, Tyler?
00:07:50Come on.
00:08:06I'm gonna close this, too, okay?
00:08:08No mirrors, no ghosts.
00:08:20Can I come in?
00:08:22I know it's scary to start talking
00:08:24after you've been silent for so long,
00:08:26but the easiest way to start
00:08:28is to just jump right in.
00:08:30So what we're gonna do
00:08:32is have you read to me.
00:08:34I know.
00:08:36I know.
00:08:38It's something you're not used to doing.
00:08:40I know.
00:08:42I know.
00:08:44I know.
00:08:46I know.
00:08:48I know. It's something you're not used to doing.
00:08:52Come on. It's okay.
00:08:54We're just gonna start with the first word.
00:08:58Just look at it.
00:09:00Try it.
00:09:14Now, just the first word.
00:09:18The first word is always the hardest.
00:09:20After that, it's a cinch. You'll see.
00:09:22All right. What is it?
00:09:24What's the first word?
00:09:26That's right.
00:09:28Come on.
00:09:30You can do it.
00:09:34That's it.
00:09:36What is that first word?
00:09:38You can do it, Kevin. I know you can.
00:09:40Come on.
00:09:42That's it.
00:09:44What is it?
00:09:54That's it.
00:09:56That's it.
00:10:04Freudians don't have to go through all that, you know.
00:10:06Freudians prefer pigeonholes
00:10:08to jigsaw puzzles.
00:10:10You have to admit that a good theory
00:10:12at least gives a basis for understanding.
00:10:14The theories are for us, Jeffrey,
00:10:16so we don't feel stupid
00:10:18when we realize we don't really understand.
00:10:20I mean, if Freud were right,
00:10:22we'd have 100% success rate.
00:10:24As many people are helped by psychoanalysis
00:10:26as are helped by the laying on of hands.
00:10:28An atheist among the pious.
00:10:30Yes. I mean, I don't know
00:10:32what the picture on the puzzle box looks like.
00:10:34I just put the pieces together, and a picture comes out.
00:10:36You, on the other hand,
00:10:38decide what the picture looks like.
00:10:40Go in, try and find those pieces to fit your picture.
00:10:42I mean, it's backwards.
00:10:44All right, okay.
00:10:46Let us see what you have here.
00:10:48All right.
00:10:50Two siblings. No names or sexes.
00:10:52It was very helpful.
00:10:54Alcoholic stepfather.
00:10:58It's classic. It's terrific.
00:11:00Fears, you name it.
00:11:02Now, did his fears cause his inability to speak,
00:11:04or did his failure to speak cause his fears?
00:11:06I don't know.
00:11:08There's nothing in his file about it.
00:11:10All I know is
00:11:12he tries harder than any other kid I've worked with.
00:11:14He wants to talk badly.
00:11:16Maybe. Maybe.
00:11:18Because silence is a great cover.
00:11:20Maybe he's discovered
00:11:22that people won't make him do something
00:11:24if they think that he is afraid of it.
00:11:26Possibility, right? No responsibility.
00:11:28No blame that way. Or maybe he's brain damaged.
00:11:30No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:11:32He's not brain damaged
00:11:34because I asked him if he could talk,
00:11:36and he nodded yes.
00:11:38But you've only got his word for it.
00:11:42Ah, none of that sounds right to me.
00:11:44I think there's something else going on here.
00:11:46Well, you better make some more puzzle pieces, woman.
00:11:48I gotta go home.
00:11:50Okay. Bye.
00:11:52I think we're gonna do a little something different today.
00:11:54Elephant jokes.
00:11:56This is a funny book.
00:11:58Do you like elephant jokes?
00:12:00Why not? Look. Funny pictures.
00:12:02I think it's funny.
00:12:04What do you get when you cross peanut butter with an elephant?
00:12:06Peanut butter with a long memory
00:12:08or an elephant that sticks to the top of your mouth?
00:12:18I got a better idea.
00:12:24Can you come out from underneath there just a little bit?
00:12:26We need more room.
00:12:30I want to do some exercises.
00:12:32You're so tense.
00:12:34You need to relax your throat so it'll be easier for you to talk.
00:12:38Now, I want you to do exactly what I'm doing.
00:12:40You open up your mouth big, like this.
00:12:46I'm not gonna hurt you.
00:12:48Give me your hand.
00:12:56Now breathe.
00:13:00Use your diaphragm.
00:13:02It's right down there.
00:13:06Does your diaphragm feel like mine?
00:13:12Okay, now relax these muscles.
00:13:22Step back!
00:13:54Damn it. Easy.
00:14:02Come on.
00:14:16Look, don't worry about it, Jennifer.
00:14:18He does that sometimes.
00:14:20He does that sometimes? Why?
00:14:22Why does he do that?
00:14:24No one knows why.
00:14:26We give him a shot and he gets over it.
00:14:28It never lasts long.
00:14:32I'd like to see him.
00:14:34I guess it's okay.
00:14:36He's just laying in the seclusion room.
00:14:56Hi, Kevin.
00:14:58I'm so sorry.
00:15:00Did you think I was trying to trick you?
00:15:02If you did, I'm very sorry.
00:15:06I didn't mean to upset you.
00:15:18I have to go now.
00:15:20But I'll be back tomorrow.
00:15:24I'll be back.
00:15:38Why didn't you tell me
00:15:40that Kevin had been tortured?
00:15:42Uh, Jennifer, um...
00:15:44Well, his file said he was abused.
00:15:46His file said that his home life
00:15:48was in a questionable state.
00:15:50There was one note about bruises.
00:15:52Well, we thought you knew.
00:15:54How could I know? There's abuse and there's abuse.
00:15:56Kevin has been mutilated and God knows what else.
00:15:58We were all hoping you could find out
00:16:00what was wrong with him, Miss Hubble.
00:16:02I have to know what I am dealing with.
00:16:04I could hurt him poking around in there
00:16:06like some blind person.
00:16:08Well, what do you want, a leather-bound biography?
00:16:10None of us has even been here as long as Kevin.
00:16:12Well, where was he before he came here?
00:16:14Maybe the Welfare Child Services.
00:16:16No, here.
00:16:18Here's the number.
00:16:23Thank you.
00:16:25Thank you.
00:16:35Kevin Richter.
00:16:37Yes, I remember him very well.
00:16:39Just what can I do for you today, Miss Hubble?
00:16:42I'd like to see Kevin's records.
00:16:44His file was so incomplete,
00:16:46I thought maybe some information was missing.
00:16:48Thank you.
00:16:51You think a thicker file
00:16:53is going to tell you how to fix him?
00:16:55It's mostly a lot of bureaucratic nonsense,
00:16:57you know, self-important mutterings of little gods.
00:17:02I thought it might be helpful.
00:17:13I did find a few items.
00:17:15I'm sure this is all I have.
00:17:17The rest went over to the Garson Institute.
00:17:19Thank you.
00:17:50That was hard work.
00:17:52You must be dead tired.
00:18:48Can I come in?
00:18:50Sure, come on in.
00:18:52I just came by to tell you
00:18:54that we had a little breakthrough a couple weeks ago.
00:18:56Kevin's talking now.
00:18:58So soon?
00:19:00Oh, Jennifer, I knew you could do it.
00:19:02What did he... Does he know words?
00:19:04Words, sentences, complete with vocabulary, syntax, grammar.
00:19:07And he's got the sore throat to prove it.
00:19:09We had to multi-war off ourselves before I included anybody.
00:19:12Oh, I understand.
00:19:14Well, so the two weeks are almost up.
00:19:16Can we tell everyone now?
00:19:18Well, sure, but it's only a beginning.
00:19:21I mean, talking isn't saying something,
00:19:23and I have to get Kevin to really open up to really talk.
00:19:26I... I need more time for that.
00:19:28Oh, I know I can get them to let him stay longer now.
00:19:31Oh, good.
00:19:34Lozenges. We both need them now.
00:19:37Thanks, Dana.
00:19:45What's that?
00:19:47Spaghetti with tomato sauce.
00:19:54Looks like brains.
00:19:58Have you seen brains?
00:20:01Have you?
00:20:03Sure. In the grocery store on Spring Street.
00:20:06No, I mean real brains, pupil brains.
00:20:09Yeah, in college.
00:20:12Have you seen real pupil brains?
00:20:18I don't think I could eat spaghetti if it looked like brains.
00:20:25Well, turn the page.
00:20:32You don't hate me, do you?
00:20:35No, I don't hate you.
00:20:39I didn't think you did.
00:20:43From the first day, I didn't think you hated me.
00:20:48I could tell.
00:20:50I didn't think you hated me. I could tell.
00:21:36Oh, I love this store.
00:21:39Oh, you could bring me here every week.
00:21:43Here, smell this.
00:21:45It's wonderful.
00:21:48Old teachers never die. They just go to art stores and sniff.
00:21:52Now, listen, we have to find something very special for Kevin, something to open him up.
00:21:57How about this?
00:22:01Oh, that is so sick.
00:22:03You know, they don't even believe he can talk over there.
00:22:06I'm the only one he talks to, and I can't get him to talk to anybody else to save my life.
00:22:11I just feel like he's always one step ahead of me, you know?
00:22:14He decides what he's going to do and when.
00:22:17Any new clues?
00:22:19Yes, my dear Watson, Ellen and Barbara.
00:22:21Did you make one or two puzzle pieces for them?
00:22:23These are Kevin's sisters. I got their names from the child welfare services.
00:22:26I also got the one and only school report,
00:22:29and it said that the only time that Kevin talked was when someone threatened his sister.
00:22:33Very protective. Which sister?
00:22:36Well, I don't know.
00:22:38And it doesn't make sense, because the date on the school report
00:22:41and the birth dates of the two sisters,
00:22:43they were far too young to have gone to school with Kevin.
00:22:46That's no big deal. Somebody probably wrote the dates down wrong.
00:22:51Any other clues? What else?
00:22:59Of course. Why didn't I think of that spaghetti?
00:23:02No, Freud writes about spaghetti.
00:23:06We were reading a cookbook
00:23:09and flipped open to a photograph of spaghetti and meat sauce.
00:23:12Kevin had a very odd reaction to it.
00:23:14He said it looked like brains.
00:23:16It does. Make a puzzle piece out of it.
00:23:18I did.
00:23:20Come here. Look at this.
00:23:22Now, you see, this is perfect.
00:23:24That could be Kevin's family, right? Yeah.
00:23:26Okay, it might get him to talk about that.
00:23:28That is just... I mean, it's so direct.
00:23:30It's an invasion of privacy.
00:23:32Invasion of privacy? You're a shrink.
00:23:34This is perfect.
00:23:36Open them up, get inside, find out where the bugs are.
00:23:38Mm-hmm. Great therapy.
00:23:40Mm-hmm. I rest my case.
00:23:42You better put me on the case, Holmes. You need a good sleuth.
00:23:44I wouldn't put a Freudian on this one with a ten-foot couch.
00:23:50When I'm in bed,
00:23:52they leave the light on in the hallway.
00:23:55It makes shadows.
00:23:57Normal things,
00:23:59they stretch, change.
00:24:01They look like something else.
00:24:03Sort of like people.
00:24:05People you thought liked you.
00:24:11Then you find out they didn't.
00:24:15Chairs change in the darkness.
00:24:19Like people.
00:24:22I'm scared of chairs.
00:24:29You don't have to be scared of this one.
00:24:32See? I fixed the squeak.
00:24:34My trusty lip gloss.
00:24:36I try not to be scared of things.
00:24:39I try to fight it, but it comes all at once.
00:24:42It's like fighting the night.
00:24:46Come on over here.
00:24:48I've got a poster for you to color.
00:24:50Come on.
00:24:52And some felt-tip markers.
00:24:58I don't want to do the sky.
00:25:00It's too big and boring.
00:25:03Well, I'm not too keen to do it, either.
00:25:06Besides, I'd need a broad tip.
00:25:08The marker and I don't seem to have one.
00:25:10You have to do it.
00:25:12Oh, please don't make me do it.
00:25:14You have to do it.
00:25:16Well, why don't we leave it blank?
00:25:18There's plenty more to color.
00:25:22What's wrong? What's going on?
00:25:24You have to color the sky.
00:25:26You have to color it. Don't you hear me?
00:25:34I didn't mean it.
00:25:38Please don't.
00:25:40You don't have to. Please.
00:25:42It's no big deal.
00:25:44Don't be frightened. I'm not angry.
00:25:46I'll color the sky.
00:25:48No. No. Please.
00:25:50Please don't think I meant it. Please.
00:25:54Get away from me!
00:26:00Kevin, it's me!
00:26:02Get away! Stop it!
00:26:08Leave him alone!
00:26:22I got his letter.
00:26:38What happened?
00:26:40I don't know.
00:26:42I don't know what I did wrong.
00:26:46They'll have a doctor in for Kevin.
00:26:48Why don't you see him, too?
00:27:08That ought to be
00:27:10about nine-five on the Richter scale.
00:27:12At least now we know he can scream.
00:27:16He's going to be a while
00:27:18calming down.
00:27:20You ought to get some rest.
00:27:22I'm late for my next appointment.
00:27:38I heard about the tantrum yesterday.
00:27:40Sounds like your boy's got some pair of lungs.
00:27:42He can talk.
00:27:44Real words.
00:27:46So you say.
00:28:16It's our time together.
00:28:18Don't you want to come down?
00:28:22Look, I know
00:28:24things didn't go so well yesterday.
00:28:26You probably feel like
00:28:28the whole world fell apart, but it didn't.
00:28:30I'm still here, aren't I?
00:28:38we'll try again tomorrow.
00:29:12Can I sit down?
00:29:20I thought you didn't want to see me today.
00:29:26I told you to come here, right?
00:29:30You do this with me
00:29:32because someone pays you.
00:29:34Nobody can pay me enough money to go
00:29:36where I don't want to go.
00:29:38I was just thinking
00:29:40it'd be nice
00:29:42maybe if one person in this whole world
00:29:44didn't have to get paid to like me.
00:29:46No, Kevin, it's not that way.
00:29:52You know what he did to me once?
00:29:58One day I wouldn't eat my oatmeal.
00:30:02He made me sit there till I ate it.
00:30:06I wouldn't eat it.
00:30:10It got to be about two days old.
00:30:12It had mold on it.
00:30:18He pulled my hair back
00:30:20till I opened my mouth.
00:30:25Please don't make me do it, I said.
00:30:29Please don't make me do it.
00:30:33He just stuffed it in.
00:30:41I sicked it up.
00:30:44Couldn't help it.
00:30:50You know what he made me do again?
00:30:55He made me eat the oatmeal anyway.
00:31:03Must have made you awfully mad.
00:31:11Made me want to kill him.
00:31:14Who, Kevin?
00:31:18My stepfather, of course.
00:31:21My stepfather, of course.
00:31:25Do you still feel that way?
00:31:34I was mystified by Kevin.
00:31:37I wondered what it felt like to be him,
00:31:39what thoughts he had in his head.
00:31:42He was changing, I could tell,
00:31:44but I didn't understand what was happening to him.
00:31:46I needed real clues.
00:31:50This is for my sister.
00:31:55She's lovely.
00:32:04Once I was going to buy her a blue boat, did I tell you?
00:32:07I was so afraid to talk to the man at the store.
00:32:11But I made myself do it.
00:32:13And I gave it to her.
00:32:18My stepfather came up.
00:32:21Said, where'd you get that boat?
00:32:24Well, she said I had gotten it for her from the store.
00:32:30He said that was a lie,
00:32:32because I couldn't talk to the man at the store.
00:32:35He put it on the ground.
00:32:37Stepped on it.
00:32:39Broke it.
00:32:44Which sister is that?
00:32:46Ellen or Barbara?
00:32:54It's Carol.
00:32:59She's my sister.
00:33:01It's Carol.
00:33:07Don't you know anything about anybody named Carol?
00:33:10No, Jennifer, I don't.
00:33:12She could be a figment of his imagination.
00:33:15Ah, that drawing, it was so alive.
00:33:21Let me see this file again.
00:33:23You're going to make yourself nutty over this.
00:33:25I know, it's becoming something of an obsession.
00:33:29What's this?
00:33:31That's Mrs. Richter's consent to give custody to the state.
00:33:34I gave you a copy of that.
00:33:36You didn't give me a copy of a return address envelope.
00:33:40I think it's time I met Kevin's mother.
00:33:58Come on.
00:34:28Go, go, go.
00:34:58Come on.
00:35:22They told me you spoke to them.
00:35:26That's enough.
00:35:28Why did you decide to do it now?
00:35:34Because you wanted me to.
00:35:41I drew you something.
00:35:56I used to steal a pen and a red marker from the classrooms during school.
00:36:00They never look at me under the table.
00:36:04I draw very well.
00:36:09You certainly do.
00:36:12I want to see his body laid out in the street.
00:36:17I figure if I didn't talk, they wouldn't let me out.
00:36:20And if I couldn't get out of here, I couldn't kill him.
00:36:29I think it's a very good drawing, Kevin.
00:36:32Because it's important to think it through and talk about it
00:36:38rather than just go out and kill somebody.
00:36:54What's that?
00:36:56What is it? Let me see it.
00:37:05It's a knife. I made it.
00:37:07See how sharp it is?
00:37:11I want to see his brain splattered all over the floor.
00:37:15What you got to do is you got to help me get outside so I can get him.
00:37:19You can keep a secret, can't you? You won't tell anyone I made this.
00:37:22Well, why would I tell?
00:37:26It's such a beautiful knife.
00:37:28Do you see how sharp it is?
00:37:30This would kill anyone easy.
00:37:33Why don't you give it to me, Kevin, and I'll keep it for you?
00:37:38No. No, no.
00:37:40I got a place I can keep it. No one will find it.
00:37:43Oh, but they would, sooner or later.
00:37:46And you know Tyler. He'd definitely take it away from you.
00:37:50Why don't you give it to me, and I'll keep it?
00:37:55No. You wouldn't bring it back.
00:37:58Oh, but I would. Every single session.
00:38:01It's such a good knife, Kevin.
00:38:04I really like it.
00:38:06But why don't you let me keep it, and I'll bring it back every single session?
00:38:20You keep it.
00:38:25I can trust you.
00:38:43You scared me.
00:38:45What are you doing?
00:38:47Will you put them away?
00:38:49If I knew that you were going to sit around in the dark all night,
00:38:52and scare yourself to death reading those things, I never would have given them to you.
00:38:55You know, when I was in teaching, I never worried about physical danger.
00:38:58I mean, I was taller and stronger than the kids,
00:39:00but Kevin isn't a kid. He's a man. All I have are my wits.
00:39:03Yeah, which are considerable.
00:39:06You know, I wanted to give him speech, the key to his humanity,
00:39:09and instead I have created Frankenstein's monster.
00:39:12Oh, come on. You're being a bit melodramatic.
00:39:15Look, Jenny, you have forced him to the point where he has to choose again.
00:39:18That's all. Making a choice.
00:39:20That's all. Either confront his demons or hide forever in insanity.
00:39:23To choose is human, Jenny. He is not a monster.
00:39:25You know what I think? What?
00:39:27I think the drawings and verbalized feelings are his way of working through some powerful emotions.
00:39:32And even the knife, I think, in my opinion, helps him objectify a fantasy.
00:39:36I think they're all good signs.
00:39:39Could you be wrong about this?
00:39:44Crikey, Jeff. Damn it to hell.
00:39:46Did you eat?
00:39:49Come on, I'll buy you dinner.
00:39:51You're going to buy me dinner?
00:39:57Okay, let's clean out.
00:39:59Okay, who had the Chateaubriand with bernard sauce?
00:40:01That was my order.
00:40:02Was it yours? Okay.
00:40:04There you go.
00:40:07It does look a little funny.
00:40:09I could send it back to the kitchen and have them take care of it.
00:40:12I didn't bring my toolbox with me. Let's go.
00:40:17Stop! Stop!
00:40:27Nothing like old healthy aggression, huh?
00:40:31Come on, it's good to think about something else for a change.
00:40:34You're weird.
00:40:36Stop! Stop!
00:40:47I'm sorry, Jenny. You want to go home?
00:40:49No, no, no. It's okay.
00:40:53You sure?
00:40:56Hey, listen to me. I meant what I said before.
00:41:00Why don't you bring me in on the case? I can back you up.
00:41:05What for?
00:41:07I wanted some help.
00:41:09I want to be sure that I am doing the very best for you.
00:41:13So that maybe someday you can leave here.
00:41:17Did you ever ask me?
00:41:20Did you ever wonder how I might feel?
00:41:24You know, nobody ever asked me anything.
00:41:31This is my place.
00:41:33It'll still be your place, Kev. Jeff will not change that.
00:41:38Listen, he's just like me. He's very easy to talk to. You'll see.
00:42:00The first few sessions with Jeff were tough, for all of us.
00:42:04But in time, Kevin changed again.
00:42:07He treated Jeff like an old, long-forgotten friend.
00:42:10I was ignored.
00:42:12And when I wasn't being ignored, the two of them ganged up on me.
00:42:16I beat you bad, Jenny. $1,500. I got all your money. Everything.
00:42:21You certainly do have a way with money.
00:42:23No, it's just between me and Jeff.
00:42:25Hey, Jeff. What weighs a ton? Gray has 16 wheels.
00:42:30What? No, no. An elephant on roller skates.
00:42:33No, a Jenny on roller skates.
00:42:38I refuse to discuss this any further until you admit that you are jealous.
00:42:42After all your hard work, I walked in, I took over.
00:42:45Oh, you think I don't see what's going on.
00:42:48No. Intellectually, you understand. But emotionally, you're very hurt.
00:42:51I am not. It's not that way at all.
00:42:54I mean, you haven't seen Kevin change the way I have. He shifts radically.
00:42:58At the beginning, he was scared to death of everything. He was.
00:43:01Then suddenly, no fear. Then he was consumed with hatred.
00:43:04Now, no more hatred. He doesn't ask for his knife anymore.
00:43:07No gory pictures, no stepdad. It's weird, Jeff. It's just weird.
00:43:12Okay, is it possible when you entertain the thought that you don't want the therapy to end?
00:43:16You know, that's difficult for us sometimes.
00:43:18I understand what you're saying, but it is not that.
00:43:20You see, Kevin is just not the same Kevin.
00:43:23I mean, I can't account for it, but he isn't.
00:43:25Look, he's working through a lot of his feelings about you.
00:43:28And probably, if you'll indulge me, his mother.
00:43:30Of course.
00:43:31Okay, so just go with it. Be glad you're a success.
00:43:36I don't know. I just feel in my gut.
00:43:39Oh, your gut.
00:43:40Yeah, I'm sorry.
00:43:41You know, you make more decisions with your gut than any other part of your body.
00:43:45I have never met anybody that does all the thinking with her gut. Give it a rest.
00:43:50Besides, we've got to start planning some other things for Kevin now.
00:43:53Come on, it's going down the drain. It's all going right down the drain.
00:43:56It's going down the drain, what is it?
00:43:57It's okay, Kev.
00:43:59I'm going to go down the drain.
00:44:01The holes are too small.
00:44:03Got it.
00:44:04Here you go.
00:44:06There you go.
00:44:07Come on, come on. Nothing's happening.
00:44:11That's it.
00:44:13Maybe you should part it a little over to the side.
00:44:16No, that looks great.
00:44:18It looks terrific, Kev. It really does.
00:44:29I'm just flabbergasted.
00:44:30The very first time I saw it, I thought,
00:44:32Oh, my God.
00:44:33It's amazing.
00:44:34It's amazing.
00:44:35It's amazing.
00:44:36It's amazing.
00:44:37It's amazing.
00:44:38It's amazing.
00:44:39It's amazing.
00:44:40It's amazing.
00:44:41For the very first time, he's actually socializing with the other kids.
00:44:44He wants to know how to play volleyball. I can't get over it.
00:44:47Is that Susie, the new aide?
00:44:50We've heard a lot about her.
00:44:54Of course, the hurdle that remains is getting him to go outside.
00:44:57But, let's see, you took that assignment, Miss Hubble, didn't you?
00:45:00Yes, I did. I did.
00:45:02I've come up with several brilliant plans, but he's rejected all of them.
00:45:06Come on.
00:45:08It's too cold out.
00:45:10Why, this is invigorating.
00:45:13It's a beautiful night.
00:45:15I love the night.
00:45:17I hate the night.
00:45:18You can never see what's coming at you.
00:45:22My coat doesn't fit.
00:45:23Nobody's going to notice.
00:45:25You know, Jenny, I haven't been going out a whole lot lately.
00:45:29Come on, Kevin.
00:45:31It's okay.
00:45:33It's really okay.
00:45:42That's it.
00:45:43That's it.
00:45:44That's it.
00:45:45That's it.
00:45:46That's it.
00:45:47That's it.
00:45:48That's it.
00:45:49That's it.
00:45:50That's it.
00:45:51That's it.
00:45:52That's it.
00:45:53That's it.
00:45:54That's it.
00:45:58Now, the pizza parlor isn't very far away.
00:46:01You said we were going to Taco Tom's.
00:46:03Well, there isn't a Taco Tom's around here.
00:46:05We'll go another time.
00:46:08Next week.
00:46:11It's cold.
00:46:12I know.
00:46:13But if we walk briskly, we'll get warm.
00:46:18I hate pizza.
00:46:24I hate pizza.
00:46:42Would you like something to eat or drink?
00:46:46I think I threw up.
00:46:49Well, I'm going to get something to eat.
00:46:54But I have to go over to that counter over there.
00:46:58I'll be right back.
00:47:20That's kind of steep, isn't it?
00:47:23You get the floor show.
00:47:26Well, there's $2.75.
00:47:28Keep the tip.
00:47:46Kev, I know you're under there.
00:47:50I think you better come out from underneath the table.
00:47:54I can't.
00:47:59It's, um, 8.15.
00:48:04I'll give you five minutes, and then you have to come out from underneath the table.
00:48:22About got yourself together?
00:48:28Oh, Kev.
00:48:30They close in half an hour.
00:48:32We've got to go before then.
00:48:37Which reminds me, I must go to the bathroom.
00:48:40Don't go away.
00:48:41Let's go.
00:48:43I can't.
00:48:44Why not?
00:48:46I wet my pants.
00:48:49It's okay.
00:48:51I'll cover you.
00:48:52There's hardly anything I can't do.
00:48:54I'm sorry.
00:48:55I'm sorry.
00:48:56I'm sorry.
00:48:57I'm sorry.
00:48:58I'm sorry.
00:49:00I'm sorry.
00:49:01I'm sorry.
00:49:03I'm sorry.
00:49:04I'm sorry.
00:49:06I'm sorry.
00:49:07I'm sorry.
00:49:08I'm sorry.
00:49:09I'm sorry.
00:49:10I'll cover you.
00:49:11There's hardly anybody here.
00:49:16Come on.
00:49:18You ready?
00:49:21Here we go.
00:49:36You're really free now, huh Jenny?
00:49:39Free as a bird.
00:49:41They got cows and horses.
00:49:44It's gonna be heaven up there, huh?
00:49:4760 acres, Kev.
00:49:48And only seven other guys to share it with.
00:49:52It's pretty far, huh?
00:49:56It's pretty far.
00:49:59Does that mean it's the end of us?
00:50:04Hey, Kev.
00:50:05Come on, take, take, take.
00:50:07To Kevin's future?
00:50:08To Kevin's future.
00:50:16Strong stuff.
00:50:18I think this calls for a dance.
00:50:20A dance?
00:50:21A dance.
00:50:28May I have this dance, madam?
00:50:30Jeffrey, I can't.
00:50:31Yes, you can.
00:50:32I can't.
00:50:33Yes, you can.
00:50:34With me, you can.
00:50:35That's a spy.
00:51:11That was the way it usually was with all of my kids.
00:51:15Kevin was leaving for the group home,
00:51:17where he would live on a farm with more normal boys his own age.
00:51:22And that was to be the end of our sessions.
00:51:25Jeff and I thought we belonged to Kevin's past.
00:51:39Oh, great.
00:51:43I'm coming, I'm coming!
00:52:20Crikey, Jeff.
00:52:22Nice, huh?
00:52:26I suppose we should have expected this.
00:52:30I mean, there had to be more to that kid, didn't there?
00:52:34It could not have been as easy as it was.
00:52:37And after all those years.
00:52:40I kept the knife right in here.
00:52:42It's the first place I would have looked.
00:52:45He didn't have to destroy the place.
00:52:51How's the counselor?
00:52:52I'm fine.
00:52:54Broken arm.
00:52:55Dislocated shoulder.
00:52:58The police took Kevin to juvenile hall.
00:53:00He must have broken in here after we escaped from there.
00:53:04Oh, the people at Borenson Hospital are dying to get a hold of you.
00:53:09Got a lot of questions to ask.
00:53:11I'll just bet they do.
00:53:15It smells in here.
00:53:21Try not to mess up the office, okay?
00:53:24You know, we're running a damn sideshow here.
00:53:27We don't know a thing.
00:53:28We know nothing.
00:54:11Hi, my name is Jenny Hubbell.
00:54:14He hasn't said a word to anyone since he's been here.
00:54:16I'm so sad.
00:54:28So, what the hell happened?
00:54:35If you don't want to talk to anybody else, fine.
00:54:39But you talk to me.
00:54:45What were you thinking of, Kevin?
00:54:49What did you do at Bellefontaine?
00:54:51And what did you think you were trying to prove with a knife?
00:54:59Do you want to be your stepfather's son?
00:55:02Do you want to prove to everyone that you are just as horrible as he is?
00:55:08He's getting inside of you, Kevin.
00:55:11And you're never going to get rid of him.
00:55:13You'll be carrying him around with you always.
00:55:16Is that what you want?
00:55:20Two boys started fighting.
00:55:23The counselor, Margaret.
00:55:25She didn't do anything.
00:55:26She just stood there.
00:55:28I tried to get her to make them stop.
00:55:31That's why I pulled her arm.
00:55:33I didn't mean to break it.
00:55:35Oh, Kev.
00:55:40I wonder what's happened to my sisters.
00:55:43I think about them sometimes.
00:55:47You know how long it's been since I've seen them?
00:55:52Five years, eight months, one week and three days.
00:55:58I got a good memory.
00:56:02My stepdad, he'd be drunk.
00:56:07He'd get Carol out of bed.
00:56:09He'd do things to her.
00:56:11Dirty things.
00:56:13Once he got Barbara out of bed, too.
00:56:16But usually Carol.
00:56:18She was the oldest.
00:56:21One time Carol had to go to the hospital after he got her out of bed.
00:56:26I'm sure they're fine.
00:56:27Social service.
00:56:32They look for the big things.
00:56:35It's the little things that get you in the end.
00:56:38Like getting whacked every night of your life just for being alive.
00:56:44It hurts a lot more than getting knocked half dead just once.
00:56:52Jenny, how can you care about a world like this?
00:56:57I don't want to be a part of it.
00:57:01Being crazy ain't so bad.
00:57:06Carol wasn't as lucky as I was.
00:57:09She didn't go crazy first.
00:57:12She should have.
00:57:15There are a lot worse things than being crazy.
00:57:20Richter with a C-H.
00:57:22Yes, they used to live there, but they don't anymore.
00:57:24I see. Thank you very much.
00:57:25Well, if I knew that, I wouldn't be calling you.
00:57:27Okay, goodbye.
00:57:29If you hear of anything, will you let me know?
00:57:31Thanks. Bye.
00:57:33Well, that's the last idea I had.
00:57:43I just spoke with Kevin's mom.
00:57:45She's less than 60 miles from here.
00:57:48I love you.
00:58:01Hi, it's Kevin.
00:58:02It's not exactly problem-free.
00:58:04We were hoping you could give us some background on Kevin while he was living with you.
00:58:08He ain't my son no more. He ain't nothing to talk about.
00:58:12You knew that, didn't you?
00:58:14I had to give him up.
00:58:15I thought you gave him up because you wanted to.
00:58:19Well, we were having problems, and I couldn't keep him anymore.
00:58:28Why is that?
00:58:33It was because of my husband, Malcolm.
00:58:39How many children do you and your husband have?
00:58:42Counting Kevin.
00:58:45Well, there's a baby.
00:58:47There's him and the girls and Kevin, of course.
00:58:51How many girls?
00:58:52Just two.
00:58:54Barbara and Ellen.
00:58:57They got Barbara in the home.
00:58:59But Ellen goes to school now.
00:59:03What about Carol?
00:59:07There's just two.
00:59:10Ellen and Barbara, just two.
00:59:14Did Malcolm make you get rid of Kevin?
00:59:17No, the law did.
00:59:20The courts made you give him up?
00:59:22Well, after...
00:59:29Well, you know, that last thing.
00:59:33I'm sorry, what thing?
00:59:38Malcolm, you know, hit him a bit, and he...
00:59:46Kevin went to the hospital, you know, and the judges,
00:59:54well, they told us that Malcolm couldn't be around Kevin no more,
01:00:00or they'd put him in the slammer.
01:00:03Well, you know, I had to put Kevin somewhere,
01:00:10or else he couldn't have Malcolm to live with me, so...
01:00:21What did the man do to him?
01:00:23Had to go to a hospital?
01:00:26What besides the lamp cords, lit cigarettes, beatings?
01:00:31And why did they ban that beast from ever seeing Kevin again?
01:00:35And why the hell isn't there something in his reports about this?
01:00:39I mean, what kind of dementia grips those people over at social services
01:00:42that they never report any of this?
01:00:44They're damn lunatics!
01:00:46And she's got two more at home.
01:00:49I mean, what kind of a woman...
01:00:52Well, what kind of a mother would choose
01:00:54a brutal, vicious degenerate over her own child?
01:01:00Is she coming to see me?
01:01:03I don't think so.
01:01:06I didn't think she would.
01:01:09She told us how you came to be at Garson Institute.
01:01:14Did she tell you everything?
01:01:16Well, I'm sure she did, and she didn't even mention Carol.
01:01:21Last time I saw my mom
01:01:26was the night my stepfather beat me up.
01:01:32Do you want to see her?
01:01:39There's some things you quit wishing for,
01:01:41and after you stop wishing for them, you forget you ever wanted them.
01:01:47Um, Dr. Rosenthal said that if you would start talking to somebody else around here,
01:01:51you might earn enough points to go outside.
01:01:54Aren't you ever going to talk to anybody else besides me?
01:01:57I don't care what Dr. Rosenthal says, Jenny.
01:02:01I know, but they have their system here.
01:02:03I mean, you have to cooperate in order to get privileges.
01:02:07I mean, there must be some place you'd like to go.
01:02:10Taco Tom's for a burrito?
01:02:12We're dying to take you out.
01:02:14Isn't there some one place you'd like to go?
01:02:19Well, I was thinking that if I started to talk...
01:02:26And if I earned my points...
01:02:30I was hoping maybe you'd take me swimming.
01:02:34Swimming? You want to go swimming?
01:02:37Well, sure, if you really want to.
01:02:39Will you talk to people?
01:02:40Would you go in the water with me?
01:02:42Will you talk?
01:02:43Do you have a place where we could go?
01:02:44I do. Will you talk?
01:02:45I already started talking yesterday.
01:02:48That's great!
01:02:52Hey, Friday night's a good night to come.
01:02:55We have the whole place to ourselves.
01:02:59I like the water.
01:03:01It makes me feel relaxed.
01:03:04Jenny, do you remember the pizza parlor?
01:03:08How could I forget?
01:03:11This is sort of like that.
01:03:14It seems silly to me now, how scared I was.
01:03:17I wet my pants, I was so scared.
01:03:20I felt really dumb.
01:03:22Well, it's easier once you start.
01:03:31Just give me your foot.
01:03:34There you go.
01:03:37Now, I'm just going to hold it here.
01:03:40I'm not going to surprise you or pull you in.
01:03:43I'm just going to dribble some water over your foot, all right?
01:03:50That's it.
01:03:52Okay, relax.
01:04:02I'm sorry, Jenny.
01:04:06Well, let's call it quits for today.
01:04:08You had a great day.
01:04:11Thank you.
01:04:13Jeffrey, I think I finally got some pieces together.
01:04:31Dr. Winslow, I'd like to know what's going on.
01:04:34I've been expecting you.
01:04:35Sit down, Jennifer.
01:04:36I just want to know where Jeff is.
01:04:37I know you do, and if you sit down, I'll tell you.
01:04:46Jeff left the clinic Friday night.
01:04:48He left the clinic? Why?
01:04:49Jeff's a homosexual, Jennifer.
01:04:51The board thought it better if he wasn't working with children.
01:04:58I guess I knew that.
01:05:01So what?
01:05:02What difference does it make?
01:05:03We found him a job in California.
01:05:06He's going to be working in an alcoholic rehabilitation center.
01:05:08But Jeff is so good with kids.
01:05:10He would never hurt a child any more than I would.
01:05:15He's so good with kids.
01:05:19Jeff doesn't know anything about alcoholics.
01:05:21He'd be good with them, too, and they need him out there.
01:05:23Well, I need him here.
01:05:28Why couldn't you have at least told me?
01:05:30It really wasn't your matter.
01:05:31It was. We were sharing cases.
01:05:33Then it would have been up to Jeff to tell you, not me.
01:05:35It's a personal matter.
01:05:42Why did you do it?
01:05:43I didn't do it. The trustees did it.
01:05:45You could have stopped them.
01:05:47Why did you let a stupid, stupid thing like that matter?
01:05:51They're just a bunch of stupid, uncaring, narrow-minded people.
01:05:54Yes, well, sometimes the stupid are in the driver's seat, Jennifer.
01:05:59More often than not, because the smart, kind, broad-minded people are too busy outdoing.
01:06:11Were you in love with him?
01:06:14We had.
01:06:17No, I wasn't in love with him, but...
01:06:22I loved him.
01:06:26Now, what about Kevin?
01:06:27Jeff said he'll tell Kevin.
01:06:28One more person walks out of his life, it's going to kill Kevin.
01:06:34Oh, Jennifer, thanks for coming.
01:06:36I got here as fast as I could.
01:06:38What's going on? What happened?
01:06:40He tried to kill himself. We had to take everything from his room.
01:06:43He's still got a knife in his hand. Nobody could get close enough to take it from him.
01:06:46A knife?
01:06:47A sort of knife. It seems he might have made it himself. I don't know how he did it.
01:06:57No. No, Kevin.
01:08:51Can you hear me?
01:08:58It's Jenny.
01:09:05It's Jenny.
01:09:21It's Jenny.
01:09:27It's Jenny.
01:09:34It's okay. It's okay.
01:09:43It's okay.
01:09:46It's okay.
01:09:50It's okay.
01:09:53Well, I'm glad we finally had a chance to discuss all of this, Miss Hubble.
01:09:56I've been so busy with administration problems of late that until now the case hadn't really come to my attention.
01:10:02You treat me, Miss Hubble. Why do you do it?
01:10:05Why do I do it?
01:10:07I'm thankful you took the case.
01:10:08I couldn't spare the time myself.
01:10:10After all, there really isn't much point working with this kid, is there?
01:10:13He's probably going to wind up rotting away in some state hospital. No one cares.
01:10:17It's a sad case.
01:10:20So, is this for research? Are you writing a journal article on the case?
01:10:24No. It's not for research.
01:10:28I suppose he has no redeeming value even for research.
01:10:33He's human.
01:10:37That's not so remarkable, is it?
01:10:39The more of these bits of human refuse you get, the more immune you become.
01:10:43In the end, they just don't affect you at all, human or not.
01:10:47Well, maybe being human doesn't mean much to you, but it's all we really are.
01:10:53Who are we to judge it isn't enough.
01:10:56I understand the boy isn't talking at all, even to you.
01:10:59He's trying to deal with the loss of Jeff. It takes time.
01:11:03Oh, yeah?
01:11:05But I think we need to see some progress soon.
01:11:08There is a limit to how much time we can spend on one case.
01:11:20Hi, Kev.
01:11:26I think we'll probably finish this book today.
01:11:31Let's see. Where were we?
01:11:34The land of gorks and giants, yes.
01:11:41You know, two weeks is a long time to be talking to myself.
01:11:45I kind of wish you'd get out of this thing and say something.
01:11:48I'm boring myself to tears.
01:11:53Anyway, where were we?
01:11:56Ah, yes, the witch.
01:11:58The witch cackled at her hapless captives.
01:12:01The day will never end. The night is lost to you forever, she screamed.
01:12:05It is only a dream.
01:12:07There are a lot of things that are only dreams.
01:12:16Maybe it was just a dream I had that Jeff went away.
01:12:23You're not a dream, are you, Jenny?
01:12:25No, I'm real.
01:12:28Yeah, I thought so.
01:12:31I'm not so sure I want to know.
01:12:35I wish I couldn't tell the difference anymore.
01:12:39I want to stay crazy.
01:12:41It's better that way.
01:12:47You don't believe me, do you?
01:12:49I don't want to.
01:12:51That's no life, Kevin.
01:12:53What kind of life is that?
01:12:55What kind of a life is this?
01:12:58You haven't had a chance to experience the good parts yet.
01:13:02You've only had the bad parts.
01:13:05But you deserve all the goodness that the world has to offer, and it's out there.
01:13:10But you have to give up this game that you're playing with everyone.
01:13:14And you've been playing it for so long, it seems more real than your own life does.
01:13:19I've seen him do it.
01:13:25He says, Kevin, come here and take a look at what your sister done.
01:13:29She peed the floor.
01:13:32You wipe it up.
01:13:34What are you talking about?
01:13:36You want to know why I'm so crazy, don't you?
01:13:40You think you know so much.
01:13:46I had nothing to wipe the pee up with.
01:13:50So I started wiping it up with my hands.
01:13:55He says, what do you think I should do to her, Kevin, for messing up the floor?
01:14:03My mom was standing there.
01:14:06He says, Josie, go get the hot sauce.
01:14:11My mom does.
01:14:14Takes Carol by the hair.
01:14:17Says, I'm going to make you drink this for messing up the floor.
01:14:24Carol wouldn't open her mouth, so he put her between his legs, pulled her hair back until she cried.
01:14:32Then he poured the hot sauce down her throat.
01:14:36She screamed, so I screamed too.
01:14:38He says, that makes you talk, don't it?
01:14:41I want to hear you talk some more. He wants to hear me talk some more.
01:14:47So he picks up the bottle again and shook it, shook it, shook it.
01:14:57I screamed at him to stop.
01:15:00I screamed and I hit him, and he just laughed.
01:15:07He told Carol to wet the floor now.
01:15:11Made her take off all her clothes.
01:15:14When she squatted down, he kicked her hard.
01:15:20Said, I told you not to pee on the floor.
01:15:27I got down on my hands and knees and I begged him to stop.
01:15:30I told him I'd do anything, anything he wanted, just as long as he'd stop.
01:15:35He started screaming at my mama.
01:15:37Make him stop!
01:15:39Help her!
01:15:42She told me to shut up.
01:15:44It was none of my business.
01:15:46And I should leave him alone.
01:15:51Carol sicked up on him.
01:15:53She couldn't help it.
01:15:56He started screaming, got real mad and said,
01:15:59Oh, you shouldn't have done that.
01:16:01He started screaming, got real mad and said,
01:16:04Oh, you should not have done that, girl.
01:16:07I'm gonna make you be real sorry now.
01:16:10He picked her up by her hair and he threw her across the room.
01:16:14And I ran after her.
01:16:16He knocked me down, kicked me so hard.
01:16:19I couldn't get up.
01:16:21And I was scared he was gonna come and get me then.
01:16:25But he had Carol by the rocking chair.
01:16:30He held her by her hair,
01:16:33started banging her head against the floor.
01:16:37Right there by the rocking chair.
01:16:43When he got up,
01:16:46Carol didn't move.
01:16:48He says, that shows you who's boss, don't it?
01:16:51It sure ain't some little girl who can't even read yet.
01:16:55You see, Carol was in the first grade for the second time.
01:16:59And she still couldn't read.
01:17:01I hated him most for saying that.
01:17:05He told Carol to get up.
01:17:08But Carol, she just laid there.
01:17:12She was bleeding.
01:17:14I could see it coming out of her ear.
01:17:17I says, Carol, get up.
01:17:19Do as he says, please. Do as he says, please.
01:17:25She wouldn't move.
01:17:29He told her to get up.
01:17:32If she didn't get up,
01:17:34it was gonna make her hurt real bad.
01:17:39Carol didn't get up.
01:17:42So he picked up a frying pan,
01:17:45and he threw it at her.
01:17:50And her brains
01:17:52came out.
01:17:59I could see Carol's brains.
01:18:02I could have touched them.
01:18:08And the whole time,
01:18:10my mama seen the whole thing.
01:18:14And she just stood there.
01:18:18And never once
01:18:22not once
01:18:25did she do a thing.
01:18:52Here it is.
01:18:54Carol Marie Richter,
01:18:56aged seven years, two months,
01:18:58was battered to death by the stepfather
01:19:01in a family argument.
01:19:03He was jailed for the offense, four years.
01:19:05I have been working like a damn fortune teller
01:19:08for a year trying to figure Kevin out,
01:19:10and you had the answers all the time.
01:19:12Why didn't you tell me?
01:19:14So many things had gone wrong with the boy
01:19:17that people were terribly proud of him.
01:19:19So many things had gone wrong with the boy
01:19:21that people were terribly prejudiced against him.
01:19:23No one wanted to touch him.
01:19:25So you just thought you'd wipe the slate clean
01:19:27and forget his past?
01:19:29Yes, well, I was only trying to help.
01:19:32I don't want that file.
01:19:33I want every note, every page,
01:19:35every scribble on it.
01:19:36Do you understand me?
01:19:46You've been avoiding me,
01:19:49but I'm so glad you came.
01:19:53How are you?
01:19:55Are you gonna take the job in California?
01:20:00It's all right, you know, it's not, uh...
01:20:03I really don't want to talk about this.
01:20:06I want to talk about you.
01:20:07Me? I'm okay.
01:20:09Kevin's not so good.
01:20:11He just... he needs to be loved.
01:20:14Well, you can do it.
01:20:17You can love him, Jenny.
01:20:20I can't.
01:20:22Jeff, he needs so much.
01:20:25One more extra mile, then another and another.
01:20:28I mean, it's like a marathon that never ends.
01:20:30I can't do it.
01:20:32Come on, that's what your gut psychology is really about, isn't it?
01:20:36He's so scary, Jeff.
01:20:38Don't do it.
01:20:41Come on, Jenny, nobody's gonna hold it against you.
01:20:44I mean, nobody else has done it either.
01:20:58Come on, wait till you see what's in here.
01:21:02They have ten of everything you could possibly want.
01:21:05Come on.
01:21:12Look, they've got paper and all kinds of paints.
01:21:17What would you like? Would you like poster paints or watercolor?
01:21:23You take some paper, okay?
01:21:26Now, come on.
01:21:28You're the artist. You have to decide. What do you think?
01:21:36Kevin. Kevin, stop it.
01:21:39Kevin, stop it.
01:21:41No, no, come on. Please stop it. Please.
01:21:43Hey, chill.
01:21:45No, no, Kevin, please. It's wrong. This is wrong.
01:21:48I am not your mother.
01:21:51Stop it.
01:21:53Shut up, bitch.
01:21:59Come on.
01:22:07What do you think prompted the attack?
01:22:09It had to do with the fact that his mother stood by and watched while his sister was murdered.
01:22:13It's an entirely different situation. You weren't provoking him in that way.
01:22:16No, but it's more than that, since he told me about Carol's death.
01:22:19He's been building up to some kind of reaction.
01:22:22He always has a big reaction after every breakthrough.
01:22:25I didn't expect it to be this, but I'm sure it's a positive sign.
01:22:28Hardly a justification for rape.
01:22:30But he didn't rape me.
01:22:31But he would have.
01:22:32But he didn't.
01:22:36Well, I don't think we need to go through it all again.
01:22:39Dr. Winslow, do you have any other thoughts?
01:22:42I think you may well be correct in your analysis, Jennifer, but it's clear you are in danger.
01:22:46Yes, I think it would be best for all concerned to take you off the case.
01:22:49No. Kevin and I can survive this. We just need some time.
01:22:53This just isn't the case for you, Jennifer.
01:22:55Kevin's had a traumatic life. You're young and good-looking.
01:22:58It just makes things too easy to happen.
01:23:00It's the risk I take being in this profession.
01:23:03We'll get a male therapist in.
01:23:05Yes, Kevin responded very well to Jeff Tomlinson.
01:23:08Yes, he did. But Jeff's gone.
01:23:11And now you're going to take me away because of ten stupid minutes in an art closet?
01:23:15Prove to Kevin once and for all that he's right?
01:23:17Eventually, everybody does walk away from him?
01:23:20It's wrong. You're going to ruin all the good hard work we've accomplished.
01:23:25Please don't do this.
01:23:27He's testing me.
01:23:29If you let him win this round, he will lose everything forever.
01:23:35Dr. Winslow?
01:23:51Hi, Kev.
01:23:56I didn't think you'd come back.
01:23:59I thought you hated me.
01:24:01No, I don't hate you.
01:24:03I prayed you'd come back.
01:24:07I knew you wouldn't leave me like this.
01:24:13So we give it another try?
01:24:24But some things have to change between us.
01:24:27I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't mean it.
01:24:30No, no, no. I'm not talking about that.
01:24:33Listen, everybody else is making decisions about your life.
01:24:37I think it's time you started making some decisions of your own.
01:24:47We have to set some goals so you can start to get out of here.
01:24:53Taco Tom's. I want to go to Taco Tom's.
01:24:55Okay. Taco Tom's.
01:24:59What else?
01:25:01Come on. It's okay.
01:25:03See the onions?
01:25:05Give me a hand.
01:25:08One foot. Now the other foot.
01:25:10One more. Come on, come on, come on.
01:25:14How about play games with other children?
01:25:20That's so good.
01:25:22Play games without getting angry.
01:25:24I didn't play games.
01:25:26You didn't play games, huh?
01:25:28That's it.
01:25:30Good, good.
01:25:32Good, Kevin.
01:25:38Yes, yes.
01:25:43Are we making any progress?
01:25:45Ah, I'd like you to see his chart.
01:25:52Good, good.
01:25:55That's good. All right, one more step.
01:25:57One more step.
01:26:08Yes, 50 laps. In the shallow end, of course.
01:26:13I think so.
01:26:16Kevin's trial period is nearly at an end.
01:26:18We've had some thoughts about what's next for him.
01:26:20Possibly a group home with supervision.
01:26:22A home? That's wonderful.
01:26:24We need some assurance he isn't going to go around
01:26:27randomly breaking people's arms or raping them.
01:26:30Nothing Kevin does is random.
01:26:32He has a reason for everything.
01:26:34There's a difference between knowing why someone does something
01:26:36and knowing he won't do it again.
01:26:38Obviously, this is going to have an effect on any committee
01:26:41trying to decide whether he's fit for freedom or not.
01:26:43I understand.
01:26:45The matter of his parents is, of course, the crux of the issue.
01:26:47We need to know if he's resolved that satisfactorily.
01:26:50I think that I can find that out,
01:26:52if you give me permission to take him off the grounds.
01:27:08You know, Jenny, I think you took a wrong turn.
01:27:12I don't think Taco Tom would set up a stand here.
01:27:15Well, we'll just keep looking, okay?
01:27:22You know, Jenny, I think I remember this.
01:27:28A long time ago.
01:27:32If you keep going straight down this road,
01:27:35you'll see a loading dock.
01:27:38Jenny, there it is.
01:27:40Jenny, can you see it? There it is.
01:27:43I know where this is.
01:27:45I remember this.
01:27:47This is where I used to live.
01:27:49If you keep going down this street, you'll see my old house.
01:27:55There it is, Jenny.
01:27:57Jenny, that's my house.
01:28:03Stop the car. Stop the car!
01:28:11Maybe we should stay out here
01:28:13and talk about this for a couple of seconds.
01:28:17This is my house.
01:29:05This is the kitchen.
01:29:09This is the living room.
01:29:13This is the bedroom.
01:29:15This is where my mama and papa used to sleep.
01:29:39This is where
01:29:41Carol and Barbara and me used to sleep.
01:29:49Until Ellen came,
01:29:51and I had to sleep on the couch.
01:29:54Carol and I used to play hide-and-seek all the time.
01:30:01This was her favorite hiding place.
01:30:06I don't know.
01:30:08I don't know.
01:30:10I don't know.
01:30:12I don't know.
01:30:14I don't know.
01:30:16I don't know.
01:30:18I don't know.
01:30:20I don't know.
01:30:23I don't know.
01:30:29She was so funny.
01:30:33She'd always know how to make me laugh.
01:30:55Jenny, look.
01:30:57Look, it's Carol's blood.
01:30:59Look, can you see it?
01:31:01Come here.
01:31:03Feel it, Jenny.
01:31:09Was that her blood?
01:31:11Do you think that's her blood, too?
01:31:13Come here.
01:31:15Come here.
01:31:17Come here.
01:31:19Come here.
01:31:21Was that her blood, too?
01:31:25I think it's just a spot.
01:31:27I think maybe a bird was just there.
01:31:51I don't know.
01:32:22I think it's over, Jenny.
01:32:32There are no ghosts here.
01:32:34They're all gone.
01:32:42I knew you were scared to bring me here.
01:32:47But you brought me anyways.
01:32:52That's what love is.
01:32:54I know you love me.
01:33:04It wasn't really over.
01:33:06There were more ups and downs.
01:33:08But on that day at the abandoned house,
01:33:11Kevin began to build his future,
01:33:13and I was confident he could make it.
01:33:16At our last session together,
01:33:18Kevin was reluctant to leave.
01:33:20He turned to me and said,
01:33:22Getting better isn't always good, is it?
01:33:25Sometimes it means saying goodbye.
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