The Siege of Sidney Street - 1960

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The siege of Sidney Street of January 1911, also known as the Battle of Stepney, was a gunfight in the East End of London between a combined police and army force and two Latvian revolutionaries.

The siege was the culmination of a series of events that began in December 1910, with an attempted jewellery robbery at Houndsditch in the City of London by a gang of Latvian immigrants which resulted in the murder of three policemen, the wounding of two others, and the death of George Gardstein, a key member of the Latvian gang.

An investigation by the Metropolitan and City of London Police forces identified Gardstein's accomplices, most of whom were arrested within two weeks. The police were informed that the last two members of the gang were hiding at 100 Sidney Street in Stepney. The police evacuated local residents, and on the morning of 3 January a firefight broke out.

Armed with inferior weapons, the police sought assistance from the army. The siege lasted for about six hours.

Towards the end of the stand-off, the building caught fire; no single cause has been identified. One of the agitators in the building was shot before the fire spread. While the London Fire Brigade were damping down the ruins—in which they found the two bodies—the building collapsed, killing a fireman.

The siege marked the first time the police had requested military assistance in London to deal with an armed stand-off. It was also the first siege in Britain to be caught on camera, as the events were filmed by Pathé News.

Some of the footage included images of the Home Secretary, Winston Churchill. His presence caused a political row over the level of his operational involvement. At the trial in May 1911 of those arrested for the Houndsditch jewellery robbery, all but one of the accused were acquitted; the conviction was overturned on appeal. The events were fictionalised in film—in The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934) and The Siege of Sidney Street (1960)—and novels.

On the centenary of the events two tower blocks in Sidney Street were named after Peter the Painter, one of the minor members of the gang who was probably not present at either Houndsditch or Sidney Street. The murdered policemen and the fireman who died are commemorated with memorial plaques.
00:02:00Don't know
00:03:30Why did he not let me stay with him?
00:03:36Why did he send me away?
00:04:06Why must it end like this?
00:05:07I'm so happy.
00:05:09Carl, this is Zara.
00:05:12Zara, she served Carl Stein.
00:05:17Welcome to the club.
00:05:27Judge, a new girl for you.
00:05:29Countess, come on in.
00:05:32I am the secretary here.
00:05:34A pretty girl like you, why didn't I see you here before?
00:05:38I work late.
00:05:39Every night?
00:05:40Nearly every night.
00:05:41Some time for play is needed.
00:05:43You should come here more often.
00:05:45Now, take care.
00:05:46Before you know what you're doing, he'll have you behind the counter pouring cups of tea.
00:05:49Cal told me to look after you.
00:05:52Peter Piako.
00:05:53My name is Peter.
00:05:54Peter the painter.
00:05:55He's an artist.
00:05:56He paints pictures, but nobody wants to buy them.
00:06:00So what does that make him?
00:06:01A baroque genius.
00:06:02Shall we dance?
00:06:14Why don't you smile?
00:06:19Why not?
00:06:21Is that an order?
00:06:23It's a request.
00:06:30That's better.
00:06:42Excuse me, please.
00:07:06I told you not to come here.
00:07:07Peter, I've stolen the car.
00:07:10But I don't know where to hide it.
00:07:12The shed you told me about is locked.
00:07:14Did you look under the door?
00:07:15No, I saw...
00:07:16Go now, get out.
00:07:17Peter, I...
00:07:18Get out!
00:07:23Get out!
00:07:49I was working in the fields
00:07:51when the Cossacks came.
00:07:54I hid in a haystack.
00:07:56I saw them burn the village.
00:07:59They killed my father, my mother and...
00:08:02and my two little sisters.
00:08:04Then you went to France?
00:08:07Some of the villagers who escaped took me there.
00:08:11I went to school.
00:08:12I worked.
00:08:14I looked after myself.
00:08:16It was difficult, so I...
00:08:18I came to England.
00:08:20On your own?
00:08:23I have a room of my own.
00:08:24It's not so bad.
00:08:26You mean it's not so good?
00:08:28Not how a girl like you should live.
00:08:35Are you really an artist?
00:08:41Mr. Hirsch says that nobody buys your paintings.
00:08:43I'm afraid he's completely right.
00:08:46How do you live?
00:08:47Well, I once painted the portrait of an old lady
00:08:49who sold pickle herrings.
00:08:51And I had the pleasure of eating pickle herrings
00:08:53for the next two weeks.
00:08:55No, seriously.
00:08:56No, never seriously.
00:08:58That's the trouble.
00:08:59You've had to take life seriously.
00:09:00It's time you started to enjoy it.
00:09:04You won't talk about yourself?
00:09:14That's where I live.
00:09:17I'm on England.
00:09:22Good night, Sona.
00:09:24Good night.
00:09:47There was a boy
00:09:50Who thought he was brave
00:09:55But all that it gave him
00:09:59Was an early grave
00:10:01Yes, sir.
00:10:03Leave the boy alone.
00:10:04For life is short
00:10:07And death is more
00:10:09I said leave the boy alone.
00:10:11Women are sore
00:10:13I can look after myself.
00:10:15You heard him, Alex.
00:10:17He can take care of himself.
00:10:20And you, Alex Vars.
00:10:22You are too old to pick quarrels.
00:10:24I'm not too old to handle you if I have to.
00:10:30My little friend does not like people who threaten me.
00:10:33You see, she takes care of me.
00:10:41Some people around here can't take a joke.
00:10:44If you say so.
00:10:46It must be so.
00:10:51Everybody here?
00:10:58Where's Dimitri?
00:11:00You're late.
00:11:01Only a couple of minutes, Peter.
00:11:03In another instance, those couple of minutes would cost a life.
00:11:06I'm sorry, I...
00:11:07All right.
00:11:10At 11 o'clock tomorrow morning, Hans.
00:11:17I wait here, outside the factory with Lapidus.
00:11:20At 11 o'clock, two messengers will come out of the bank.
00:11:23Karl will follow them out and give the signal here. Lapidus?
00:11:26When they reach the gate, we grab the bag.
00:11:30And run down this alleyway here, throw the money over the wall.
00:11:33Joske will be waiting here and put into a shopping bag.
00:11:35Nina will be waiting here for him and there'll be a couple strolling with the shopping bag.
00:11:39Nobody will notice them.
00:11:40Dimitri will be waiting here for Hans and Lapidus with the motorcar.
00:11:44Drive also to the other end of the alley.
00:11:46And pick them up.
00:11:47Remember, they depend on you.
00:11:49I'll be there.
00:11:51Any questions?
00:11:53What do we do with the money?
00:11:55You'd better take it back to your place till I ask for it.
00:11:57Peter, couldn't I go instead of the boys?
00:12:02You know, your father fixation does you credits for us.
00:12:07You spend six weeks at the factory getting the information.
00:12:09I'll be all right.
00:12:11Stop fussing over me.
00:12:13I'm nothing to you.
00:12:18You are nothing to me.
00:12:24You'd better get some sleep.
00:12:29Good night, Peter.
00:12:30Good night, Nina.
00:12:30Good night, Peter.
00:12:31Good night, pal.
00:12:31Good night.
00:12:32Good night, Hans.
00:12:35Don't drink too much.
00:12:44You didn't used to question my orders, Alex.
00:12:46I'm not questioning them now, Peter.
00:12:48It's just that the boy is...
00:12:51He's a boy.
00:12:53I was younger than he was when I first joined the movement.
00:12:55Long live the cause.
00:12:56And I don't think my convictions will alter when I get to your age.
00:12:59You ought to know me better than that, Peter.
00:13:01You know what the cause means to me.
00:13:03I hope it means the same to all of us.
00:13:07I didn't know you had given a son to it.
00:13:12He was 18.
00:13:14What did he know about life?
00:13:16He'd only just started to live.
00:13:18He started to live when he died for what he believed in.
00:13:23Thank you, Peter.
00:13:24That's a great comfort.
00:13:39Come on.
00:14:49We've got company.
00:14:55Hi, little boy.
00:14:56What do I say?
00:14:58Hi, little boy.
00:14:59What do I say?
00:15:00Ha, ha, ha.
00:15:28My father had a farm.
00:15:30We used to...
00:15:47Get out of here.
00:15:48Get out of here.
00:16:19Come on.
00:16:28Come on.
00:16:30Come on.
00:16:48Call an ambulance.
00:17:14Where's the car?
00:17:20Go on.
00:17:43Forty-six, dear.
00:17:44There's been an armed robbery.
00:17:50Got it.
00:17:51Don't get too close.
00:17:52Keep up with him if you can.
00:18:00Get on to the yard.
00:18:01Give them the details.
00:18:02Tell them we'll have to use guns.
00:18:05Get on to the yard.
00:18:06Give them the details.
00:18:07Tell them we'll have to use guns.
00:18:57My leg.
00:18:58Get up.
00:18:59I'll help you.
00:19:16They're over there, sir.
00:19:17Near the woods.
00:19:20Give these out, will you?
00:19:22You take one man and try to head them off if they make for the woods.
00:19:26The rest of you, come with me.
00:19:35Superintendent Blakey from the yard.
00:19:37This is Inspector Mannery.
00:19:38Inspector Withers.
00:19:39Look, they're over there going through the woods.
00:19:41I've sent two men to try and cut them off.
00:19:43I'm going after them this way.
00:19:44We'll come with you.
00:19:55We'll be all right if we reach that wood.
00:19:57I'll never make it.
00:19:58Yes, you will.
00:19:59Go on!
00:20:06Mannery, you come with me.
00:20:08Withers, you take that one.
00:20:30Quiet, and I won't hurt you.
00:20:36My baby!
00:20:39My baby!
00:20:40My baby!
00:20:42Let me go!
00:20:44Run to the front.
00:20:47There we are.
00:20:48All right, shoot the child.
00:20:50Don't be a fool, man.
00:20:51Drop that gun and come out.
00:20:52I'll shoot the child.
00:20:53I'll shoot the child.
00:20:54I'll shoot the child.
00:20:55I'll shoot the child.
00:20:56I'll shoot the child.
00:20:57I'll shoot the child.
00:20:58Drop that gun and come out.
00:20:59There you are.
00:21:06Thank you, thank you very much, sir.
00:21:28Thank you, sir.
00:21:58Come on.
00:22:05Come on.
00:22:38Stop, I tell you!
00:22:50No, stop!
00:22:59We don't know who they are from Adam.
00:23:01Say, look at this.
00:23:06Look at his back.
00:23:08Foot flashes.
00:23:12I seem to remember reading in the paper a while back
00:23:14of some refugees who came from Russia or somewhere
00:23:17to this country to get away from the floggings
00:23:19and the executions.
00:23:20That's a good idea, John.
00:23:21It fits in with this.
00:23:22Look, all foreign stuff.
00:23:23The jacket's been made in Paris.
00:23:25I think this indicates a trip to France.
00:23:28For me.
00:23:29While I'm gone, you can nose around the East End.
00:23:31Thank you.
00:23:32See if you can get a lead on the loot.
00:23:34It must have been passed to someone.
00:23:36Find out who.
00:23:37Hello, Nina.
00:23:38Zara, it's only me.
00:23:39Come in.
00:23:40Peter asked if you would do something for him.
00:23:43Would you keep this basket till he wants it?
00:23:46Yes, of course.
00:23:47It's leaflets.
00:23:49We send them back to the homeland.
00:23:51Thank you.
00:23:52It's leaflets.
00:23:53We send them back to the homeland.
00:23:55You don't have to explain, Nina.
00:23:57It's just that you mustn't tell anybody about them.
00:24:01Tell Peter that I forget they are here.
00:24:06I tell you, the policeman was looking straight at me.
00:24:10Each time I go out in the street, I feel ill.
00:24:15Peter, there is a boat leaving tonight.
00:24:18The captain said he'll take me.
00:24:21Peter, I must have money.
00:24:25But there was 800 pounds in the bag.
00:24:29Peter, I'm all for the cause.
00:24:33But this shooting, I didn't think it would be like that.
00:24:39I'll get you some money.
00:24:41But you'll have to wait.
00:24:43But you've got it, the bag.
00:24:45Not here.
00:24:46I see.
00:24:48I'll be at the club.
00:24:50No, don't go to the club.
00:24:52You know the Swan opposite.
00:24:56We'll wait there.
00:24:58If you say so.
00:25:02It's all for the best, isn't it, Peter?
00:25:12You do understand.
00:25:16I did my best.
00:25:22I couldn't tell what happened with the car.
00:25:39Two people died for him.
00:25:42That little man will talk.
00:25:51Quiet tonight.
00:25:52Always is a Monday, sir.
00:25:54Don't you get people in from the club across the road?
00:25:56They're Medians.
00:25:58As if you don't like them.
00:25:59You should see them up and down the street, sir.
00:26:01Jabbing away, talk, talk, talk.
00:26:04They say there's anarchists over there, sir.
00:26:06And atheists.
00:26:08And vegetarians, sir.
00:26:12A brandy, please.
00:26:19Thank you.
00:26:20Thank you.
00:26:24Thank you.
00:26:30Thank you.
00:27:02Here I am.
00:27:03I came right away.
00:27:04You got it?
00:27:06It was my fault.
00:27:07The car wouldn't start.
00:27:08You can trust me.
00:27:09You needn't to give me the money.
00:27:10I'll stay.
00:27:11I'll stay.
00:27:12I'll stay.
00:27:13I'll stay.
00:27:14I'll stay.
00:27:15I'll stay.
00:27:16I'll stay.
00:27:17I'll stay.
00:27:18I'll stay.
00:27:19I'll stay.
00:27:20I'll stay.
00:27:21I'll stay.
00:27:22I'll stay.
00:27:23I'll stay.
00:27:24I'll stay.
00:27:25I'll stay.
00:27:26I'll stay.
00:27:27I'll stay.
00:27:28I'll stay.
00:27:29I'll stay.
00:27:30I'll stay.
00:27:31I'll stay.
00:27:32I'll stay.
00:27:33I'll stay.
00:27:34I'll stay.
00:27:35I'll stay.
00:27:36I'll stay.
00:27:37I'll stay.
00:27:38I'll stay.
00:27:39I'll stay.
00:27:40I'll stay.
00:27:41I'll stay.
00:27:42I'll stay.
00:27:43I'll stay.
00:27:44I'll stay.
00:27:45I'll stay.
00:27:46I'll stay.
00:27:47I'll stay.
00:27:48I'll stay.
00:27:49I'll stay.
00:27:50I'll stay.
00:27:51I'll stay.
00:27:52I'll stay.
00:27:53I'll stay.
00:27:54I'll stay.
00:27:55I'll stay.
00:27:56I'll stay.
00:27:57I'll stay.
00:27:58I'll stay.
00:27:59I'll stay.
00:28:00I'll stay.
00:28:01I'll stay.
00:28:02I'll stay.
00:28:03I'll stay.
00:28:04I'll stay.
00:28:05I'll stay.
00:28:06I'll stay.
00:28:07I'll stay.
00:28:08I'll stay.
00:28:09I'll stay.
00:28:10I'll stay.
00:28:11I'll stay.
00:28:12I'll stay.
00:28:13I'll stay.
00:28:14I'll stay.
00:28:15I'll stay.
00:28:16I'll stay.
00:28:17I'll stay.
00:28:18I'll stay.
00:28:19I'll stay.
00:28:20I'll stay.
00:28:21I'll stay.
00:28:22I'll stay.
00:28:23I'll stay.
00:28:24I'll stay.
00:28:25I'll stay.
00:28:26I'll stay.
00:28:27I'll stay.
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00:28:29I'll stay.
00:28:30I'll stay.
00:28:31I'll stay.
00:28:32I'll stay.
00:28:33I'll stay.
00:28:34I'll stay.
00:28:35I'll stay.
00:28:36I'll stay.
00:28:37I'll stay.
00:28:38I'll stay.
00:28:39I'll stay.
00:28:40I'll stay.
00:28:41I'll stay.
00:28:42I'll stay.
00:28:43I'll stay.
00:28:44I'll stay.
00:28:45I'll stay.
00:28:46I'll stay.
00:28:47I'll stay.
00:28:48I'll stay.
00:28:49I'll stay.
00:28:50I'll stay.
00:28:51I'll stay.
00:28:52I'll stay.
00:28:53I'll stay.
00:28:54I'll stay.
00:28:55I'll stay.
00:28:56I'll stay.
00:28:57I'll stay.
00:28:58I'll stay.
00:28:59I'll stay.
00:29:00I'll stay.
00:29:01I'll stay.
00:29:02I'll stay.
00:29:03I'll stay.
00:29:04I'll stay.
00:29:05I'll stay.
00:29:06I'll stay.
00:29:07I'll stay.
00:29:08I'll stay.
00:29:09I'll stay.
00:29:10I'll stay.
00:29:11I'll stay.
00:29:12I'll stay.
00:29:13I'll stay.
00:29:14I'll stay.
00:29:15I'll stay.
00:29:16I'll stay.
00:29:17I'll stay.
00:29:18I'll stay.
00:29:19I'll stay.
00:29:20I'll stay.
00:29:21I'll stay.
00:29:22I'll stay.
00:29:23I'll stay.
00:29:24I'll stay.
00:29:25I'll stay.
00:29:26I'll stay.
00:29:27I'll stay.
00:29:28I'll stay.
00:29:29I'll stay.
00:29:30I'll stay.
00:29:31I'll stay.
00:29:32I'll stay.
00:29:33I'll stay.
00:29:34I'll stay.
00:29:35I'll stay.
00:29:36I'll stay.
00:29:37I'll stay.
00:29:38I'll stay.
00:29:39I'll stay.
00:29:40I'll stay.
00:29:41I'll stay.
00:29:42I'll stay.
00:29:43I'll stay.
00:29:44I'll stay.
00:29:45I'll stay.
00:29:46I'll stay.
00:29:47I'll stay.
00:29:48I'll stay.
00:29:49I'll stay.
00:29:50I'll stay.
00:29:51I'll stay.
00:29:52I'll stay.
00:29:53I'll stay.
00:29:54I'll stay.
00:29:55I'll stay.
00:29:56I'll stay.
00:29:57I'll stay.
00:29:58I'll stay.
00:29:59I'll stay.
00:30:00I'll stay.
00:30:01I'll stay.
00:30:02I'll stay.
00:30:03I'll stay.
00:30:04I'll stay.
00:30:05I'll stay.
00:30:06I'll stay.
00:30:07I'll stay.
00:30:08I'll stay.
00:30:09I'll stay.
00:30:10I'll stay.
00:30:11I'll stay.
00:30:12I'll stay.
00:30:13I'll stay.
00:30:14I'll stay.
00:30:15I'll stay.
00:30:16I'll stay.
00:30:17I'll stay.
00:30:18I'll stay.
00:30:19I'll stay.
00:30:20I'll stay.
00:30:21I'll stay.
00:30:22I'll stay.
00:30:23I'll stay.
00:30:24I'll stay.
00:30:25I'll stay.
00:30:26I'll stay.
00:30:27I'll stay.
00:30:28I'll stay.
00:30:29I'll stay.
00:30:30I'll stay.
00:30:31I'll stay.
00:30:32I'll stay.
00:30:33I'll stay.
00:30:34I'll stay.
00:30:35I'll stay.
00:30:36I'll stay.
00:30:37I'll stay.
00:30:38I'll stay.
00:30:39I'll stay.
00:30:40I'll stay.
00:30:41I'll stay.
00:30:42I'll stay.
00:30:43I'll stay.
00:30:44I'll stay.
00:30:45I'll stay.
00:30:46I'll stay.
00:30:47I'll stay.
00:30:48I'll stay.
00:31:15A man unidentified is believed to be a foreigner.
00:31:19Could there be any connection between this killing
00:31:22and the recent armed robbery of the German's payroll?
00:31:28Peter, we must go to the police.
00:31:31No. What about some coffee?
00:31:46London and Dietrich Bank.
00:31:54It's not for me. It's for...
00:31:56This man was murdered.
00:31:58A man dies, Sarah, but an idea grows.
00:32:01We steal because no one will give.
00:32:04We steal because no one will give.
00:32:07We steal because no one will give.
00:32:10We steal because no one will give.
00:32:13We steal because no one will give.
00:32:16We steal so that there will never be any more refugees.
00:32:19So that people like your parents will not be massacred.
00:32:22Any sacrifice is worth that.
00:32:28Take it.
00:33:12How is my Sarah?
00:33:13I am not sure anything.
00:33:16How is Peter's Sarah, then?
00:33:20When it comes to women, the great idealist
00:33:22believes in private property.
00:33:24But you know, idealism can be very dull.
00:33:28With me, you can have a good time.
00:33:30Why are you here?
00:33:32What's the difference?
00:33:36Do you know these parts?
00:33:38A little, yes.
00:33:40I'm looking for a room.
00:33:42Somewhere cheap, quiet.
00:33:44I asked Mr. Hirsch.
00:33:45He's the secretary here.
00:33:49Mr. Hirsch.
00:33:51Mr. Hirsch.
00:33:52Mr. Hirsch.
00:33:53Mr. Hirsch.
00:33:54Mr. Hirsch.
00:33:55Mr. Hirsch.
00:33:56Mr. Hirsch.
00:33:57Mr. Hirsch.
00:33:58Mr. Hirsch.
00:34:17It's all arranged.
00:34:18They wanted a month's rent in advance,
00:34:20so I give them thirty shillings.
00:34:22Does that work?
00:34:23Well, considering we'll get something like 10000 pounds,
00:34:26I don't think 30 shillings is a bad investment, do you?
00:34:29You'd better come and see them.
00:35:29Three foot.
00:35:35Three foot.
00:35:46Alex, now you move in here,
00:35:49I don't want you to go around to the club anymore, understand?
00:35:52Remember, you're an ordinary attendant.
00:35:55We don't want to attract any attention.
00:36:04Very nice.
00:36:06Where is my equipment?
00:36:17A real professional.
00:36:20Every man should have a profession.
00:36:22What have you got?
00:36:24Except the cause.
00:36:27Did you know that you were followed tonight?
00:36:30How was Paris?
00:36:32Oh, fine. I got back last night.
00:36:35The AC told me that you were working underground.
00:36:38It looks as though your hunch was right.
00:36:40Do we know anything about them?
00:36:41Yes, one of them, the older one.
00:36:43Name of Lapidus.
00:36:44Political refugee and member of a gang of anarchists.
00:36:48Yes, they've done some pretty big jobs over there.
00:36:50Officially, they're supposed to be collecting funds for their precious cause.
00:36:53If you ask me, they're just plain thugs.
00:36:55The gang was broken up last year.
00:36:57Six of them were killed and the rest got away.
00:36:59Supposedly to England.
00:37:01Do we know anything about them?
00:37:04Who was the man who was murdered the other night?
00:37:06Yes, he's one of the gang, too.
00:37:08I was following two of them.
00:37:09One of them was talking to him in a pub the night he was murdered.
00:37:15Oh. And the other man?
00:37:17I don't know. He was, uh...
00:37:19smarter. He had better dress than the usual type who hang around the club.
00:37:23Well, keep at it.
00:37:25Oh, and, uh, be careful.
00:37:28Don't forget, these men are killers.
00:37:52Why are you following me?
00:38:16I said, why are you following me?
00:38:18You're hurting me.
00:38:19I'm waiting.
00:38:20It's not my idea.
00:38:21It's... it's Peter's.
00:38:23Take me to him.
00:38:25He's not going to like this.
00:38:27We'll see about that.
00:38:28All right. All right.
00:38:30All right.
00:38:35Yavaz, blue, blue.
00:38:41The words may seem strange.
00:38:45They come from the heart.
00:38:49And hearts never change.
00:38:54Go east, go west.
00:38:59I'll always be true.
00:39:04Yavaz, blue, blue, my darling.
00:39:11I love you.
00:39:24I love you.
00:39:43Don't ever tell anyone to follow me again.
00:39:48Don't go.
00:39:52Have a drink.
00:39:56Give me your hat and coat.
00:40:07I hope your room is all right.
00:40:09It'll do.
00:40:11Come over here.
00:40:12I want you to meet someone.
00:40:22Uh, Mr...
00:40:26John Carter.
00:40:27Mr. Carter.
00:40:28Mr. Brodsky.
00:40:30A business name, I take it.
00:40:33Oh, I have several such names myself.
00:40:35What kind of work do you do, Mr. Carter?
00:40:37I travel around, seeing life.
00:40:40What do you do?
00:40:41We collect funds.
00:40:42You might call it charity work for our fellow refugees.
00:40:44Well, I must go.
00:40:45It's, uh, it's getting late.
00:40:47Yes, of course.
00:40:48You will excuse us?
00:40:52We shall meet again.
00:40:54I hope so.
00:40:58Have a good time, Mr. Carter, huh?
00:41:04Thank you.
00:41:06I'll see you tomorrow.
00:41:08Bye-bye, Peter.
00:41:14No offense, friend.
00:41:17No offense.
00:41:21Tell me, this man Carter, what do you know about him?
00:41:25I know more than you do.
00:41:27It's the second time I've met him.
00:41:30He could be useful, but it would be unwise to take chances at a time like this.
00:41:36The next operation will be the biggest yet.
00:41:39You're doing fine work, Peter.
00:41:41Our leaders are very pleased with you.
00:41:43In the meantime, I'll make some inquiries about our friend.
00:41:47Until then, you keep a tight hold on him, but at arm's length.
00:41:51Good night, Father.
00:41:52Good night, Linda.
00:41:53Good night.
00:41:54Good night.
00:41:55Good night.
00:41:56Good night.
00:41:57Good night.
00:41:58Good night.
00:41:59Good night.
00:42:00Good night.
00:42:01Good night.
00:42:02What are you doing here?
00:42:21Enjoying myself.
00:42:22The party's over.
00:42:23Yes, but not for you and me.
00:42:26I think you had better go.
00:42:33You're drunk.
00:42:35Oh, yes, I've been drinking.
00:42:37But I'm still quite capable.
00:42:55Peter will kill you for this.
00:42:58But Peter isn't here, is he?
00:43:13What do you want?
00:43:16What do you want?
00:43:31What do you want?
00:43:58What do you want?
00:44:12What do you want?
00:44:32I didn't see him leave with the others, so I came back.
00:44:50Thank you.
00:44:51I'm glad that you did.
00:44:53He'll be all right now.
00:44:55Would you like a drink?
00:44:56I think I can find something.
00:44:59Next time, lock your door.
00:45:28How long now, Carl?
00:45:29When the old man closes up, about three hours.
00:45:33Was that the contact?
00:45:34Yes, Alex has gone with him to collect it.
00:45:59Leave me alone.
00:46:27Mr. Isaac.
00:46:28It's me, sir.
00:46:29I hope that catch you.
00:46:30I'm sorry, Mr. Bellows, I have just closed.
00:46:32Please, it won't take a minute.
00:46:34It's my wife's necklace.
00:46:35We're going out tonight, you see.
00:46:41Has he left?
00:46:42Yes, he was locking the door.
00:46:46All right.
00:46:56Thank you very much, Mr. Isaac.
00:47:23How much do I owe you?
00:47:24Please, it was nothing.
00:47:25Thank you.
00:47:26Good night.
00:47:27Good night, Mr. Bellows.
00:47:56Come on, we've got a call.
00:48:09Oh, that's all right.
00:48:10Sarge, we've only just come in.
00:48:11Well, you're just going out again.
00:48:13Where is it, Sarge?
00:48:14Arm's ditch.
00:48:15I'll do it.
00:48:16It's on the way home.
00:48:17All right.
00:48:18Oh, thanks, Tommy.
00:48:19I'll do the same for you one day.
00:48:20That's all right, mate.
00:48:21Come on, lad.
00:48:22How many are there?
00:48:23Well, I only saw one.
00:48:24A Browning automatic.
00:48:25By the size of the kit bag, it must have been half a dozen or more.
00:48:27Well, that's enough to go on.
00:48:28Are you going to pick them up?
00:48:29Give me Bishop's Gate Police Station.
00:48:31You say they're at this place in Cutler Street, huh?
00:48:32Number 11.
00:48:33We'll have to arm the men.
00:48:34These boys play rough.
00:48:35Oh, this is Superintendent Blakey from the yard.
00:48:36I want a half a dozen men.
00:48:37Arm them.
00:48:39We're going to investigate this case.
00:48:40Yes, sir.
00:48:41Yes, sir.
00:48:42Yes, sir.
00:48:43Yes, sir.
00:48:44Yes, sir.
00:48:45Yes, sir.
00:48:46Yes, sir.
00:48:48All right.
00:48:49Three men are already in the area
00:48:50investigating a jewelry in Houndstitch.
00:48:52That backs onto Cutler Street.
00:48:53What are they investigating?
00:48:54The jeweler says that he heard hammering on the wall.
00:48:55They'll be a massacre.
00:48:56To the hounds!
00:48:58That'll be a massacre.
00:48:59Oh, be careful.
00:49:00Three men are already in the area, investigating a jeweler's in Houndsditch.
00:49:04Houndsditch? That backs onto Cutler Street. What are they investigating?
00:49:08The jeweler says that he heard hammering on the wall.
00:49:11There'll be a massacre.
00:49:21What's up?
00:49:22Something wrong around here. Come on, lads.
00:49:31Ah, this'll be it.
00:49:35Probably some old geezer mending his boots.
00:49:38Come on, Tommy. Give him another knock.
00:49:43We're just making some inquiries about a...
00:50:00Your car!
00:50:24Now be careful.
00:50:31Where's the supervisor?
00:50:32He's inside.
00:50:35Well, the blood trail stops after about 30 yards.
00:50:37I see. He must have been badly wounded.
00:50:39Yes, sir. There was a lot of blood.
00:50:40Mannering, find out where they've taken him.
00:50:42I want him picked up while he's still able to talk.
00:50:45Check with the people in the hall and see whether they found those bullets and cartridge cases.
00:50:50Sorry, sir.
00:51:01It was madness bringing him back to his own lodging.
00:51:03We're moving now.
00:51:08Sarah, you and Nina stay with him.
00:51:13You go. We'll be all right.
00:51:18When we're ready to leave the country, we'll send for you.
00:51:20If they catch him, he might talk.
00:51:30Come on.
00:52:01Peter, find a place for us where nobody will ever know who we are.
00:52:09Come on, Peter.
00:52:31The whole area's sealed off.
00:52:33We can't get out.
00:52:34It's all right. There's nothing to worry about.
00:52:36Doesn't matter. We've got a lead on one of them anyway.
00:52:53For ten years I've been with him, Sarah.
00:52:55Ten years.
00:52:57Just so that I can watch him die in a filthy attic.
00:53:03If we could...
00:53:08They'd only save him for the rope.
00:53:11It's better this way.
00:53:16Who is it?
00:53:17It's me. It's the doctor.
00:53:18It's me.
00:53:19It's me.
00:53:20It's me.
00:53:21It's me.
00:53:22It's me.
00:53:23Who is it?
00:53:24It's me. It's the doctor.
00:53:25The landlady.
00:53:27Just a minute.
00:53:36There we are.
00:53:54You don't deny you know the man known as Peter the Painter.
00:53:58I knew him.
00:54:00How long since you last saw him?
00:54:02Two or three weeks.
00:54:04You were reported being with him four days ago.
00:54:06The Jubilee Street Workingmen's Club.
00:54:09I forgot.
00:54:11How did you happen to be at the lodgings of Karl Gardstein?
00:54:15Last night, at ten o'clock.
00:54:19Last night, at ten o'clock.
00:54:23We called round to see Karl Gardstein.
00:54:26He was in bed, wounded.
00:54:28You didn't call an ambulance.
00:54:29You know that already.
00:54:30Why didn't you?
00:54:32All about opening a window.
00:54:34It's very stuffy in here.
00:54:36You didn't answer my question.
00:54:39What was it?
00:54:42Your friend Nina said she happened to call on Gardstein last night.
00:54:45Did you just happen to call on him?
00:54:47I told you.
00:54:49Nina came to my lodging and fetched me.
00:54:51She asked me to help.
00:54:53Did it not appear odd to you that a man so very ill was not taken to hospital?
00:54:57I told you.
00:54:58I did not know what was wrong with him.
00:55:00Yes, you did, didn't you?
00:55:02Let's start at the beginning again, shall we?
00:55:06We'll never get anything out of this Nina woman.
00:55:09She's far too stubborn.
00:55:11Never makes a slip.
00:55:13What about Zara?
00:55:15That's different.
00:55:17I've told them to concentrate on her.
00:55:20And even after you'd seen the wound,
00:55:22you'd no idea that this man had been shot.
00:55:26When you read the newspapers this morning,
00:55:28did it not strike you...
00:55:30I saw no newspaper.
00:55:32That's right.
00:55:34You told me.
00:55:41May I have a drink of water, please?
00:55:45Thank you.
00:55:54Mr. Stolke, wake up.
00:56:04We'd like to check the second part of your statement again.
00:56:16Mr. Stolke.
00:56:19Mr. Stolke.
00:56:23Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
00:56:28You may go now.
00:56:31You may go.
00:56:37You may go.
00:56:40You may go.
00:56:46I'm free.
00:56:48Collect your belongings from the station, Sergeant.
00:56:50Good morning.
00:57:15Good morning, Sergeant.
00:57:41Two brandies.
00:57:43Right you are, sir.
00:57:46Thank you.
00:58:01Drink that up.
00:58:02Drink that up.
00:58:13Drink up.
00:58:15I'll get you another one.
00:58:19No, Sergeant.
00:58:33And don't you bring no drunken tarts in here again.
00:58:47She's very sick, Mr. Carter.
00:58:49She suffered a severe mental shock.
00:58:52I'm afraid the mind cannot take any more.
00:58:55She should go to hospital.
00:58:59Sarah, can you hear me?
00:59:01You've got to go to hospital.
00:59:06He sent for me, he said.
00:59:09I must stay here.
00:59:13He won't be able to find me.
00:59:16I must go.
00:59:18I must go.
00:59:20I must go.
00:59:22I must go.
00:59:24I must go.
00:59:26I must stay here.
00:59:28But you're not well and you need someone to see you.
00:59:32He won't be able to find me.
00:59:36She needs every care and attention.
00:59:38Can you manage?
00:59:41Well, I think so.
00:59:43I can get a room here.
00:59:45All right, then.
00:59:47Well, let her stay here.
00:59:49I'll get your prescription.
00:59:57We're nearly finished.
01:00:04You are not Peter?
01:00:08I'm your friend, John Carter.
01:00:10I want my Peter.
01:00:13He'll send for you.
01:00:15He promised.
01:00:18I'm sorry.
01:00:20I'm sorry.
01:00:22I'm sorry.
01:00:24I'm sorry.
01:00:28He promised.
01:00:47We're going to have a great Christmas, lady.
01:00:50It's okay for those who can keep up.
01:00:52Some of us will be old.
01:00:56It's cold outside.
01:00:58What are you doing here?
01:01:00It's Christmas Eve.
01:01:03We're going to have a party.
01:01:05We used to have a wonderful time when we were children.
01:01:07When Father Christmas was coming,
01:01:09we used to hang up our stockings
01:01:11and pretend to be Santa Claus.
01:01:13I'm going to have a party.
01:01:15I'm going to have a party.
01:01:17I'm going to have a party.
01:01:19I'm going to have a party.
01:01:21I'm going to have a party.
01:01:23I'm going to have a party.
01:01:24When Father Christmas was coming,
01:01:26we used to hang up our stockings
01:01:28and pretend to be asleep.
01:01:30We call him Nicolai Moros.
01:01:33It means Grandfather Frost.
01:01:36We didn't hang our stockings.
01:01:38We used to find presents
01:01:40on the window sill in the morning.
01:01:43And Mother would say,
01:01:49Go away.
01:01:51Go away!
01:01:52Go away!
01:02:01Two weeks and absolutely nothing.
01:02:03You realize we are being crucified by the press, don't you?
01:02:06I read the papers too, sir.
01:02:08Then tell me what you're doing about it all.
01:02:10I've released the woman Nina.
01:02:12She's not going to lead you anywhere.
01:02:14I think she is, sir.
01:02:16Not directly, I admit. She's too smart.
01:02:18What's that supposed to mean?
01:02:20I've devised a plan, sir.
01:02:22It all hinges on the fact that they can't escape
01:02:24from the ring that we put around them
01:02:26without outside help.
01:02:28Well, we think we know where this help is coming from.
01:02:36Hello, Sarah.
01:02:38Come in a moment, will you?
01:02:44What are you staring at?
01:02:46It's your Christmas dinner.
01:02:48I'm sorry, I kept you waiting nine days for it.
01:02:50It's better late than never.
01:02:52We'll celebrate New Year as well.
01:02:58That was wonderful.
01:03:07Do you know why I got up today?
01:03:10Why I made this dinner?
01:03:14The real reason.
01:03:16Real? Why?
01:03:20You'll be cross with me.
01:03:27I had a strange feeling today.
01:03:31They have not caught Peter.
01:03:34He'll be all right.
01:03:36And suddenly I can live again.
01:03:41I'm glad we have something to celebrate.
01:03:46Sarah, I don't want to spoil your evening, but
01:03:48he may get caught.
01:03:50And if he does, what's going to happen to you?
01:03:53When that happens,
01:03:55I won't exist anymore.
01:03:58I tell you, John,
01:04:00I may be alive,
01:04:02but I'd be a dead woman.
01:04:04Sarah, why don't you just leave Peter?
01:04:07Sometimes I dream
01:04:09if you and I
01:04:11had met
01:04:16But we did not.
01:04:20Can I help you with this?
01:04:23No washing up tonight.
01:04:25It all wets until morning.
01:04:27I'm tired,
01:04:29but I'm almost happy.
01:04:31And I'm going to bed.
01:04:33Good night, John.
01:04:35Good night, Sarah.
01:04:38Thank you for the wonderful dinner.
01:04:40Thank you.
01:04:42For everything.
01:04:52Good night.
01:05:22It's a bit dangerous, isn't it?
01:05:24If the mountain doesn't come to Mohammed.
01:05:26It doesn't seem to matter.
01:05:28We're going to make the next move ourselves.
01:05:30We're not going to wait for them any longer.
01:05:32And that girl in there is going to provide the opening gambit.
01:05:34But she's not well.
01:05:36So you told me,
01:05:38that she was well enough to go shopping this afternoon
01:05:40and she's looking at her old self again, I understand.
01:05:42The evening herald has run us up a dummy issue.
01:05:55Nina, this is wonderful.
01:05:57Hello, Sarah.
01:05:59It's good to see you, Nina.
01:06:02When did they let you go?
01:06:04Oh, two days ago.
01:06:07You don't look well, Sarah.
01:06:10Yes, yes, I'm fine now,
01:06:12seeing you again.
01:06:14I'll make you some tea.
01:06:17It is good to see you again.
01:06:19Yes, it is.
01:06:21It is good to see you, Nina.
01:06:25Have you heard from Peter?
01:06:27You have no news, I suppose.
01:06:34Nina, what is it?
01:06:42That was the man who was with Peter at the party?
01:06:45It's more than that.
01:06:47He was in contact with the outside.
01:06:48He was going to arrange their escape.
01:06:50Oh, no.
01:06:54What can we do?
01:06:56They must be warned.
01:06:58But we don't know where they are.
01:07:00I do.
01:07:18I don't know where they are.
01:07:49She's been in there for ten minutes.
01:07:51Here comes the supervisor.
01:07:56Is she still there?
01:07:58Yes, sir.
01:08:00I can't understand it.
01:08:03Are you sure it's Trashansky?
01:08:05Yes, sir.
01:08:07I'm sure it's Trashansky.
01:08:09I'm sure it's Trashansky.
01:08:11I'm sure it's Trashansky.
01:08:13I'm sure it's Trashansky.
01:08:15I'm sure it's Trashansky.
01:08:16Yes, sir.
01:08:19Here she comes now.
01:08:31Oh, no.
01:08:34And who did you leave watching the house?
01:08:51What's up?
01:08:52I'm so sorry.
01:08:53Well, of all the bloody cheek!
01:08:57You should have been fed, Bert.
01:08:58Here, what's up?
01:08:59I'm so sorry.
01:09:00Well, have one more blow on your cheek.
01:09:04You should have been fed, Bert.
01:09:58Peter, we did not know what to do.
01:10:23I had to come here.
01:10:38There was a man who thought he was brave, but all that it gave him was an allegory.
01:10:50For women are sore, and wine is strong.
01:11:00Not a headache, Policeman?
01:11:07You are not so brave now, Policeman.
01:11:13Stop it!
01:11:14Go call Peter.
01:11:15He's coming around.
01:11:47Your boyfriend is not so brave now.
01:11:54What will happen to him?
01:11:57What do you think?
01:12:03Well, it seems I was mistaken about you.
01:12:06You've been mistaken about a lot of things.
01:12:08It's a good idea of yours, printing this dummy newspaper.
01:12:11Fortunately, I saw Brodsky this evening, and he's quite safe.
01:12:15We leave for the continent in the morning.
01:12:17You think you'll get away with it?
01:12:19Why not?
01:12:20There's nothing to stop us.
01:12:22The entire police force would disagree with you.
01:12:26They'll find nothing here.
01:12:29Except you.
01:12:32Mannering's coat all right.
01:12:34Here's his warrant card.
01:12:35Where'd you get it, Sergeant?
01:12:36I saw Old Derry wearing it, sir.
01:12:38Thought it looked too smart for him.
01:12:40I didn't nick it, Governor.
01:12:42Where'd you get it?
01:12:43I didn't pinch nothing, Governor.
01:12:44Swept me.
01:12:45I didn't say you did.
01:12:46Where did you get it?
01:12:47Well, Governor, I was walking along, see.
01:12:50Minding me own business like, when I sees his coat hanging on the wall.
01:12:54Well, I says, that's a funny place to hang a coat.
01:12:57Where did you get it?
01:12:59Beard up.
01:13:01There's a policeman outside.
01:13:15He's all right.
01:13:17He's going past.
01:13:36I saw a glimmer of light upstairs, sir.
01:13:37Nothing else.
01:13:38No noise?
01:13:39No, sir. Not a sound.
01:13:40How many men have you got?
01:13:41I've got these and ten more at the end of the street.
01:13:43There's 40 more on the way.
01:13:45Try and get the people out.
01:13:46Use back doors where you can.
01:13:47Not more than two men at a time.
01:13:48And for God's sake, keep it quiet.
01:13:50You know, it's all rather a waste of time.
01:13:58I'll leave the door open, just in case.
01:14:04Why did you lie to me?
01:14:07It was my job.
01:14:08And all the pretense.
01:14:09Helping me.
01:14:10Caring for me.
01:14:11That was of your job, too?
01:14:13I meant what I said to you.
01:14:15I tried to warn you.
01:14:17Warn me.
01:14:18And what will happen to you now?
01:14:20They kill you.
01:14:21You know that.
01:14:22And they'll kill you, too.
01:14:24Not with a bullet.
01:14:25But you've been ill, Sarah.
01:14:26Very ill.
01:14:28You know what the doctor said.
01:14:30Do you think you can stand the strain of this endless running away?
01:14:33It's my life.
01:14:35And I want to live this way.
01:14:37Whatever happiness there is for me,
01:14:40it is with Peter.
01:14:43What doctor?
01:14:45Is this true?
01:14:46Yes, it is.
01:14:47I'm asking you, Sarah.
01:14:49Is this true?
01:14:51The doctor was exaggerating, Peter.
01:14:53I'll be all right.
01:14:54You'll be the one to kill her.
01:14:55Sarah is free to do as she pleases.
01:14:58She can only do as you tell her.
01:14:59Why shouldn't she come with me?
01:15:00Just suppose you do leave the country.
01:15:02You don't get shot and the strain doesn't prove too much for Sarah.
01:15:04What then?
01:15:06What waits for you where you're going to?
01:15:08More crime, more killing, more running.
01:15:11And all the time Sarah is running with you, you by choice.
01:15:14She because she can't help it.
01:15:16Do you think any of us can help it?
01:15:19If a man believes in something,
01:15:21he's a traitor to himself if he betrays that belief.
01:15:23Is that worse than betraying someone who believes in you as Sarah does?
01:15:27I have no intention of discussing my philosophies with you.
01:15:29No, you just intend to murder me.
01:15:30To have you executed.
01:15:32That is the difference.
01:15:35Come on, have me Keith.
01:15:36We're not going out to dinner, Dave, so move along.
01:15:38Bloomin' cops.
01:15:39Turning an old man out of his own.
01:15:44What you got that thing for?
01:15:45It's just to make sure you behave yourself.
01:15:47Yes, sir.
01:15:48Certainly, sir.
01:15:54One more house, sir, and that's all of them.
01:15:56Good work.
01:15:57How about your men?
01:15:58The whole area is sealed off.
01:15:59The only problem now is how the hell to get Mannering out.
01:16:01If he's still alive.
01:16:04Don't think I haven't thought of that.
01:16:10Peter, please.
01:16:11Do you have to?
01:16:14You go first with Alex, and we'll follow.
01:16:17I don't think we will be leaving at all.
01:16:30Alex, go and look at the back.
01:16:33Yes, sir.
01:16:49How much ammunition have we got, Oscar?
01:16:51Enough to withstand the siege.
01:16:53Exactly what we'll have to do.
01:16:55You can give yourselves up.
01:16:56The place is alive with police.
01:16:58They've cleared the street, too.
01:16:59I haven't got a chance.
01:17:00Why not admit it?
01:17:01So we fight.
01:17:02And Sara?
01:17:03Don't worry about me.
01:17:04Yes, go out and look at the back, will you?
01:17:06But, sir, I...
01:17:07Make sure.
01:17:12Cata, I'm letting you go.
01:17:15If you take Sara with you.
01:17:16No, Peter.
01:17:17Yes, Sara.
01:17:19I always done what you asked.
01:17:21But not now.
01:17:22Take her away.
01:17:24No, Peter, please.
01:17:25Don't let me go.
01:17:26Listen, darling.
01:17:28Believe me.
01:17:29It's for the best.
01:17:31It's not the end.
01:17:32You know me better than that.
01:17:33It's just that without you here to worry about me, stand more chance.
01:17:36Now go with him.
01:17:39No, Peter, no.
01:17:45Now take her away.
01:17:46For the last time, you...
01:17:47Do as I say.
01:17:48Alex, show them out.
01:18:02We're surrounded, all right?
01:18:05Where are they?
01:18:32You dirty traitor.
01:18:33Take that to the police.
01:19:01Peter, quick.
01:19:02Do we have to send him like that?
01:19:04You know the law, John.
01:19:06We have to give fair warning first.
01:19:12Alex, go out to the back.
01:19:14What is that policeman doing?
01:19:17Coming to tell us to surrender.
01:19:20You're not going to surrender?
01:19:21I'm going to kill you.
01:19:22I'm not going to surrender.
01:19:23I'm going to kill you.
01:19:24I'm going to kill you.
01:19:25I'm going to kill you.
01:19:26I'm going to kill you.
01:19:27I'm going to kill you.
01:19:28I'm going to kill you.
01:19:29I'm going to kill you.
01:19:31I'm going to kill you.
01:19:34Then I will give him an answer.
01:19:44Coming for her only.
01:20:00I'm going to kill you.
01:20:27It's going to be a rough job, sir.
01:20:28It's not worth it with rats like that.
01:20:30We'll take the chance, sir.
01:20:31We've got an account to settle.
01:20:33I understand your feelings, Sergeant,
01:20:34but I've orders from the Home Secretary.
01:20:36We've got the rations and can afford to wait.
01:20:38Time's cheaper than lives.
01:20:40Are the reinforcements coming?
01:20:59Yes, sir.
01:20:59We shall need them.
01:21:00We shall have half of London here in an hour or two.
01:21:03I dispute the battle for the half a dollar an ounce.
01:21:06Thank you, sir.
01:21:07Thank you.
01:21:07Right upstairs, thank you.
01:21:09When do you run on the roof?
01:21:10I dispute the battle for the half a dollar an ounce.
01:21:12Oh, you wish me.
01:21:32I dispute the battle for the half a dollar an ounce.
01:22:02Well, there's one thing, Blakey, they won't get away.
01:22:12You'd think there were 20 of them there.
01:22:14It's those damn newfangled automatic pistols.
01:22:17I'll give them this, though, sir.
01:22:18They're fighting like tigers.
01:22:20Right, you four, the brewery.
01:22:50The brewery, that's different.
01:22:51Very good, Sarge.
01:23:19What a waste of good beer.
01:23:49Who's the man in the top hat?
01:24:05That's the Home Secretary.
01:24:07What's his name?
01:24:10Winston Churchill.
01:24:19How is she?
01:24:43She's still on sedation, sir.
01:24:45Yoska, Alex, listen to me.
01:24:50Keep firing.
01:24:52If you do as I say, we've got a chance.
01:24:57We start a fire.
01:25:02The smoke and confusions will cover us from the police.
01:25:08While we get to the bottom of this,
01:25:11and maybe escape completely.
01:25:13If you stop firing, they will rush us.
01:25:16We won't.
01:25:17One of us will stay behind and give covering fire.
01:25:39I'm always the lucky one.
01:25:59All right.
01:26:01I'll give you covering fire.
01:26:14Don't move.
01:26:16I'm sorry, my friends,
01:26:17but I'm too fond of life to stay behind.
01:26:20You are the ones who believe in dying for causes.
01:26:22All right, you die.
01:26:25I've got a lot more bottles to empty
01:26:27and a lot more women to love.
01:26:34Now go, lover woman.
01:26:37Come on.
01:26:58Goodbye, Peter.
01:27:01You go.
01:27:02I'm not running anymore.
01:27:04I'm too old.
01:27:05I've done too much of it.
01:27:07Everyone I loved is dead.
01:27:09You must live.
01:27:47Five brigades on the way, sir.
01:27:49Well, this is the end of them.
01:27:53Is it?
01:27:54They're still firing.
01:28:14Sit down here.
01:28:16The doctor won't be long.
01:28:17Can you take your jacket off?
01:28:21Oh, the flaming bees.
01:28:24I beg your pardon, miss.
01:28:28Mind you, it won't be long now.
01:28:31The house is on fire.
01:28:33I think they'll all be roasted alive.
01:28:37It'll be all right.
01:28:38Oh, don't laugh at that.
01:28:43Hey, but watch it, will you?
01:28:55If they don't come out now, they'll be done for crisp.
01:29:00There ain't so much shooting now.
01:29:04Hold your fire!
01:29:31It's a ball in stock!
01:29:32Come on!
01:29:33Get that crowd back!
01:29:34Force that crowd back!
01:29:35Keep moving!
01:29:36That way!
01:29:37That way!
01:29:38That way!
01:29:39Keep moving!
01:29:40Keep moving!
01:29:41Come on, get that crowd back.
01:29:55Get them out of there at once.
01:30:05Get them out of there at once.
01:30:07Get them out of there at once.
01:30:12I told you once, without him I am a dead woman.
01:30:19Goodbye, John.
01:30:22You did what you had to.
01:30:37How long?
01:30:38A few hours.
01:31:06Move over inside.
01:31:16There's a stretcher coming in.
01:31:36We found two bodies.
01:32:06Both unidentifiable.
01:32:09I wonder who it was that got away.
01:32:35I don't know.