• 4 months ago
00:00:24Mi voto e mi rivoto sospirando
00:00:33Passo tu le notte interi senza sonno
00:00:42E le figli zitto io contemplando
00:00:49Le passo di la notte sino a giorno
00:04:11La sua stanza è fatta e il bagno è in ordine
00:04:14Chissà come sarebbe contento il suo povero Paggio a sapere che è tornato
00:05:46No, non credo che ti rovinerò la piazza per molto
00:05:49Sai, sono venuto per sistemare un po' di cose
00:05:51Credo che... che venderò la casa e...
00:05:54Ma tu piuttosto, vedo che ti sei messo bene
00:05:56Ah, insomma, modestamento è il mio successo anch'io
00:05:59E non soltanto nel commercio
00:06:01Ah, sì?
00:06:04Vedi, io non è che c'ho la vocazione dello scavolo
00:06:07Ma non c'ho nemmeno quella del cornuto
00:06:09Che il cornuto ci si può diventare anche senza vocazione
00:06:12Poi oggi le probabilità sono in aumento
00:06:24Allora fammi un po' l'elenco delle vecchie amiche
00:06:27Quelle puttane, eh, le sante lasciamole perdere
00:06:29Dunque, Rosa, Rosetta, Rosina
00:06:32Sono riuscito ad andarci a letto solo dopo che si sono sposate
00:06:35Sì, perché prima si erano rifiutate per una questione di onestà
00:06:38Con la D'Amico, invece, non ci sono riuscito
00:06:41Perché si è sposata in Sud America con un'allevatore de bovine
00:06:44Una produzione de connescatola
00:06:47Rita Favazza, invece, l'ho perso un poco di vista
00:06:50Ma mi risulta che ha sposato come marito un fenomeno, sai
00:06:54Un potente completo
00:06:55Ma non è che è un fenomeno perché è impotente
00:06:57Ma perché è impotente con sette figli
00:06:59Invece, Mariella Lorusso, non la vedo da molto tempo
00:07:03Ma so che non ha fatto un matrimonio molto fortunato
00:07:06Dicono che si è capitato un marito un poco cornuto
00:07:09Mi stai a sentire?
00:07:10Ah, sì, sì
00:07:12E a Caterina, vuoi dire?
00:07:14Beh, che è rimasta vedova, lo sai, no?
00:07:16Sì, sì
00:07:18Senti, ma non mi dirai che sei tornato qui apposta per lei?
00:07:22Diciamo che non me la sono mai dimenticata
00:07:26E allora?
00:07:27Allora, vedi, Caterina
00:07:29È una che non saprei se mettere o no nell'elenco
00:07:33Ma tu la frequenti?
00:07:34Sì, sì, ci ho provato, ma niente da fare
00:07:37All'unica sconfittata della mia carriera
00:07:39E d'altronde a Napoleone, che la Napoleone un perso va per lui
00:07:42E ci ho provato a marito vivo e a marito morto, sai, mica solo io
00:07:46Ma niente da fare
00:07:48Allora è una santa
00:07:49E come no?
00:07:50Sono sicuro che a letto farà un miracolo
00:07:55Comunque, se non è una santa è una furba che è più probabile
00:07:59Mi piacerebbe incontrarla per caso
00:08:02Ah, e per questo non è che te deve preoccupare
00:08:04Tu dammi un giorno di tempo che te l'organizzo io apposta
00:08:07Un incontro per caso
00:08:08E mi dici, testuale, la vostra Catania è la Milano della Sicilia
00:08:14Capisci, con l'aria di farmi un complimento
00:08:17Perché questo è il punto, se la democrazia diventa caos
00:08:21Se la libertà è licenza è anche nero
00:08:25Sì, sì, mi scusi
00:08:26Non si incazzassi
00:08:27Ma perché se ne va?
00:08:28Scusi, non è corretto
00:08:29Era un discorso interessante questo, di storia e d'economia democratica
00:08:33Dica a me che io sono un uomo di cultura
00:08:38Dunque, lo conoscete il marito di Luisa, il melanesa
00:08:41Il quale va dicendo in giro, e a mia personalmente, che è fornito de grossi acciobotti
00:08:45Invece, non so se l'avete presente, Davide De Michelangelo
00:08:49Quello che sta a Firenze, è noto
00:08:50Ecco, quelle secondo me sono le misure giuste
00:08:52Ora invece lui, sentite questa che è vera
00:08:55Dunque, lui era riuscito persino
00:08:57Ma è meglio che andiamo per ordine
00:08:59Dunque, lui è andato a farsi la carta d'identità
00:09:01E allora quello ha cominciato a fargli le domande
00:09:03Dice, nome, azzenere
00:09:04Cognome, Brambilla
00:09:06Altezza, 1,73
00:09:07Capelle, nere
00:09:08Occhi, serole
00:09:09Sesso, enorme
00:09:18Vattene, e me ne do partire?
00:09:20Non lo so
00:09:39Ciao, Giuseppe
00:09:40E Luisa, conosci Giuseppe Laganna?
00:09:42No, non mi pare
00:09:43Ma credo di aver conosciuto suo padre
00:09:45Si accomodi?
00:09:50Sono felice di averti incontrata
00:09:52Quanto tempo
00:09:53Beh, ho l'impressione di averla conosciuta
00:09:55Ma non mi pare
00:09:56Ma credo di aver conosciuto suo padre
00:09:58Si accomodi?
00:10:02Sono felice di averti incontrata
00:10:04Quanto tempo
00:10:05Beh, ho l'impressione di esserla testimone di un incontro storico
00:10:09Di quelli che poi un giorno si dice
00:10:11Io c'ero, me ne vado al bar
00:10:18Sapessi quanto ti ho pensato?
00:10:21Non sei cambiata affatto
00:10:23Tu invece sei cambiata, molto
00:10:25Beh, sai, 15 anni nella vita di una donna incidono, purtroppo
00:10:30Ti ricordavo bella, invece sei bellissima
00:10:36Abbiamo gli occhi di tutti addosso
00:10:38Me ne infischio
00:10:41Ma io no, non sono una libera donna francese
00:10:45Sono una signora siciliana
00:10:48Scusami, ma sono talmente felice di vederti, di riscoprirti
00:10:52E cosi, rimarai qui molto tempo?
00:10:55Non lo so
00:10:58Forse dipende anche da te
00:11:01Che cosa vuoi carino?
00:11:03Niente, volevo guardarti senza avere gli occhi di tutti addosso
00:11:07E allora guarda, però per piacere fai alla svelta
00:11:11Perché sennò che cosa dice la gente?
00:11:13Che io approfitto che il mio maritino è lontano per fare cosine
00:11:16Hai guardato carino?
00:11:17Si, cioè no, lui sa io ho bisogno di vederti
00:11:22Va bene, va bene, ci vedremo
00:11:28Ma che cosa fai carino?
00:11:30Ci vedremo, però lo sai come sono fatta io
00:11:33Non mi va di sentirmi assillata, di prendere degli impegni
00:11:36Quando io sento parlare d'amore io scappo
00:11:39D'amore mi basta soltanto quello del mio maritino
00:11:41Che tutti lo sanno quanto è ben fornito
00:11:43Si, lo so pure io
00:11:45Ma a me mi basterebbe che tu quando mi incontri per strada o al circolo
00:11:48Invece di fare la strapotente
00:11:50Passarmi davanti come se io fosse un palo o una colonna
00:11:54Insomma anche io ho i miei argomenti
00:11:56Si potrebbe fare un confronto carino
00:11:59Alfredo, non è questione di confronti
00:12:02Lo sai come la penso
00:12:04Con gli altri confidenza solo in letto
00:12:08Fuori si ristabiliscono le distanze
00:12:10Uno di qua e l'altro di la
00:12:14Luisa, io non ne posso più, abbi pietà
00:12:25Tutto qui carino
00:12:27Ma che cosa baci a fare se non sai baciare?
00:12:30Che pirlottone
00:12:33Ma se penso che ti ricordavo timido
00:12:37Comunque ragiona
00:12:39Se non ci fossimo incontrati qui per caso
00:12:41Probabilmente non ti staresti nemmeno
00:12:43Io non sono qui per caso
00:12:45Ti ho cercata
00:12:51Hai buona memoria
00:12:53Mi ricordo tutto di noi due
00:12:55Ma scommetto che non conosci il mio numero di telefono
00:13:02Spiacente ma sono qui
00:13:05Ci siamo già detto tutto, tutto l'essenziale
00:13:08E non c'è niente di bello da raccontarmi a me
00:13:11Sono stata al bar e in cinque minuti ho raccolto un sacco di pettegolezzi su di lei
00:13:15Lei viene da Parigi e questo lo sapevo
00:13:18E' stato il primo amore platonico di Caterina
00:13:21E questo non lo sapevo
00:13:23Luisa, ho detto platonico
00:13:26Purtroppo ora devo andare
00:13:31Ci rivedremo spero
00:13:32Ma certo signora
00:13:33Luisa, mi chiami Luisa
00:13:35Arrivederci Luisa
00:13:39Giunbia che bell'uomo
00:13:41Fascino italiano più disinvoltura francese
00:13:44E' sposato?
00:13:46Non lo so
00:13:47Ma no che non lo è dai
00:13:50E poi cosa me ne importa
00:13:52Caso altra
00:14:12Si sono io
00:14:16Certo che me l'aspettavo
00:14:19Io sto bene
00:14:21Tu come stai?
00:14:30Si anch'io
00:14:32Ho voglia di vederti
00:14:41No qui a casa adesso no
00:14:44Ma non so
00:14:49Domani mattina?
00:14:51A casa mia
00:15:19Che belli, chi te li ha mandati?
00:15:22Sono belli davvero
00:15:23Ai le spine
00:15:31E' un vecchio amico d'infante se proprio lo vuoi sapere
00:15:34Pensa che eravamo a scuola insieme
00:15:36E' stato via molto tempo sai, è tornato da poco
00:15:41Per una donna è bello ricevere dei fiori da un uomo mamma
00:15:45Ti dirò
00:15:46Dipende dai fiori, dipende dall'uomo
00:15:49E dipende anche un po' dalla donna
00:15:51Tu non ti sporcare, lo sai la nonna com'è
00:15:53Uffa la nonna
00:15:55Se mi mandi sempre dalla nonna quando è vacanza
00:15:58Va a finire che le odio le vacanze
00:16:07Dai musetto non fare così, su
00:16:10E' da tanto tempo che non ci vediamo
00:16:12Dai musetto non fare così, su
00:16:14E' da tanto tempo che non vai dalla nonna
00:16:18Guarda una bella rosa rossa per te
00:16:24Ma se un uomo manda dei fiori vuol dire che è innamorato
00:16:28Oh, beh non necessariamente
00:16:31Può voler dire che è gentile, che...
00:16:33Oh, ecco la macchina arrivata
00:16:35Non farti aspettare, vai
00:16:41Ma devo proprio restarci fino a domenica
00:16:44Senti, sai cosa facciamo?
00:16:46Io domani sera telefono
00:16:47Dico che ti voglio a casa perchè ho bisogno di te
00:16:49E tu torni subito
00:16:50Grazie mamma
00:16:52Ciao amore
00:17:21Per poco incruciavi mia figlia
00:17:24Prima o poi dovremo conoscerci
00:17:30Ah, grazie per le rose, erano stupende
00:17:43Vuoi bere qualcosa?
00:17:51Non preoccuparti
00:17:53Non c'è niente di male
00:19:17Sono felice
00:19:19Mi hai mai pensato?
00:19:23Ti ho sempre pensato
00:19:28C'è una cosa che...
00:19:32che non ho mai potuto dimenticare, sai
00:19:38Solo che...
00:19:42a furia di pensarci avevo paura di essermela inventata
00:19:51Tu ti ricordi quella volta a casa tua?
00:19:55Dietro a quella tenda
00:19:59Ma ti ricordi? Davvero?
00:20:03Non ero mai stata così imbarazzata
00:20:06Tremavo tutta
00:20:08Perchè avevo paura che la gente di là ci sentisse
00:20:11Ci scoprisse
00:20:14Ma non tremavo di paura
00:20:18Era la tua mano a farmi tremare
00:20:21Com'era bello
00:20:26Non l'ho mai dimenticato perchè quella è stata la prima volta
00:20:30È stata...
00:20:32l'unica volta
00:20:33che ho goduto
00:20:41Ma non perchè fosse la prima volta
00:20:44Perchè eri tu
00:20:46Eri tu
00:20:50Con le donne confidenza solo al letto
00:20:54Dopo si restabiliscono la distanza
00:20:56Uno da qua e l'altro da là
00:20:58Naturalmente con il dovuto rispetto, la dovuta cortesia
00:21:01Buongiorno signora
00:21:02O mi salutasse al suo marito
00:21:04Quale amore, amore
00:21:06Vazzi al letto
00:21:07Ma quando sente puzza d'amore piglia esempio da me
00:21:12Ma poi io dico
00:21:13Con tutte le donne che sei avuto nell'universo
00:21:16Proprio qui te dovevo venire a fare incassare
00:21:24Dimmi una cosa, ma tu
00:21:25Che vai cercando da lei?
00:21:28Una cosa
00:21:32Non è possibile ritrovare qualcuno dopo
00:21:3515 anni
00:21:38Ci sono cose che sono cambiate in apparenza
00:21:40E altre che non sono cambiate affatto
00:21:44E è difficile ritrovare il limite fra le due
00:21:47Questa è solo filosofia mio caro
00:21:49E smettila
00:21:51Ho capito, ho capito
00:21:52Ho capito che ti sei rimbecillito
00:21:55Si è innamorato
00:21:57Don Gioecchino si è innamorato
00:21:59De brutto
00:22:00Questo finisce male
00:22:02Qua Don Gioecchino qua nella parte interna
00:22:04C'è un pelo come da un fastidio
00:22:07No, no, no, no, no
00:22:08Qua, qua, dalla parte bella del profilo
00:22:12Ah, che bello Don Gioecchino, grazie
00:22:16Caro Giuseppe
00:22:17Fare all'amore è come andare dal barbiere
00:22:19Scusate Don Gioecchino
00:22:20Voi non correte il rischio
00:22:21Non siete il mio tipo
00:22:23Barba, capelle, shampoo, frizione
00:22:26Pelle superflui
00:22:27Però poi via
00:22:28Hai lo spiritoso
00:22:31Io ti sto facendo un discorso drammatico
00:22:33Se tu non lo capisci
00:22:35Ma benedetta Sant'Agata
00:22:36Ma come io ti offro una serata
00:22:37Con due spogliarelliste di prima categoria
00:22:39Senza rischi tra l'altro
00:22:40E tu non solo ti fai pregare
00:22:42Ma al momento ti devo domandare pure scusa
00:22:47Brutto segno sei
00:22:51Io ho compelato
00:22:52E tu non mi puoi fare questo giardimento
00:22:56E non ti farò il tradimento
00:22:59Visto che hai bisogno però
00:23:02Non esageriamo
00:23:03Due donne non è che sono poi un esercito
00:23:05Modestamente per un uomo come me ancora posso far fronte
00:23:10Grazie Don Gioecchino
00:23:11Va bene così
00:23:13Insomma se viene
00:23:14Mi farebbe comodo
00:23:15Va bene?
00:23:16D'accordo, vengo a prenderti all'uscita
00:23:18Non te lo scordare
00:23:19No, no
00:23:20No, dico
00:23:21Non ti scordare quello che ti ho detto prima
00:23:23L'amore è una cosa superata
00:23:28Pigli esempio dei giovani di oggi che non si fanno incastrare
00:23:30Tu ce l'hai la ragazza?
00:23:31Io c'ho cinque figli
00:23:36Ma che ridi
00:23:37Questa è un'eccezione
00:23:38Sono sicuro che è l'unico ragazzo padre che c'hai in Italia
00:23:42Sei un coniglio
00:23:44Cosa vuoi?
00:23:45In amore ognuno ha la sua tattica
00:23:54Ma quale amore amore
00:23:57Sono io una stupida che pensa all'amore
00:24:01Poi quale tattiche
00:24:08Giuseppe e io siamo quasi cresciuti insieme
00:24:11Ci conosciamo benissimo
00:24:15E poi ormai siamo abbastanza adulti per
00:24:18E' quello che dicevo
00:24:19Tra voi due ormai
00:24:20Ormai niente Luisa
00:24:24In queste cose si rincomincia sempre da zero
00:24:29Non si è mai grandi sai
00:24:32E niente serve mai a niente
00:24:35A me mi sembra che esageri
00:24:37Dopotutto che cosa è successo?
00:24:39Sono cinque giorni che non ti telefono
00:24:41Capirai la tragedia
00:24:43E chi fa la tragedia?
00:24:49Sono arrabbiata con me e basta
00:24:52E invece non è vero
00:24:54Tu sei offesa con lui
00:24:56E sbagli tutto
00:24:59Io sarò superficiale
00:25:01Come dici te
00:25:03O un po' puttana come dice mio marito
00:25:05Ma viva la faccia
00:25:07Quando ne ho voglia
00:25:09Ne ho voglia
00:25:10E l'orgoglio me lo metto sotto i piedi
00:25:13Teresa me frega proprio niente
00:25:22Beata te
00:25:26In camera mia c'è un ragno
00:25:28Un ragno?
00:25:29Peloso, grasso e grosso
00:25:30Oh signor che schifo!
00:25:31Bisogna schiacciarlo
00:25:32Sì, va bene, va bene
00:25:34Senti io me ne vado
00:25:35Ciao Luisa
00:25:37E stai tranquilla
00:25:39Domani ti telefono
00:25:42Grazie, scusa se non t'accompagno
00:25:43Ciao, ciao
00:25:45Allora, dov'è questo ragno?
00:25:46Una balla, una balla, una balla
00:25:49Ma cosa ti è venuto in mente?
00:25:51Così volevo mandare via quella là
00:25:56Io dovrei essere molto arrabbiata con te, lo sai?
00:26:01Dì mamma, ti manda ancora ai fiori il tuo amico?
00:26:05Sotto le coperte, dai
00:26:10No, non me li manda più
00:26:15Ciao Musetto
00:26:18Ti prego, fammi trovare il portone aperto
00:26:20Caterina, non ti sentivo più
00:26:23Ti giuro che farò pianissimo
00:26:25Devo assolutamente vederti
00:26:28Ma sì, certo, solo cinque minuti
00:26:32Sai, ho una cosa per te
00:26:37A presto
00:26:45È stupenda
00:26:47È bellissima, io ti ringrazio ma...
00:26:58Era di mia madre
00:27:01Accettala, mi piace che la porti tu
00:27:08È stupenda
00:27:31E' riuscito con una donna?
00:27:35Con Alfredo
00:27:37Quello della gioielleria
00:27:39Ah, allora con due donne
00:27:45Caterina, sei tu che sono venuto a cercare
00:27:54Mi sono reso conto che tutti gli anni passati senza di te
00:27:59Sono stati per me soltanto una parentesi
00:28:05Nelle altre ho cercato solo te
00:28:08Ti prometto che non ti darò mai fastidio
00:28:12Non sarò mai noiosa
00:28:14Lo so
00:28:18Mai, mai
00:28:22Sei bella
00:28:27Ti amo
00:28:28Sei dolce
00:28:29Ti amo
00:28:30Sei bella
00:28:31Ti amo
00:28:32Sei bella
00:28:33Ti amo
00:28:34Sei dolce
00:28:35Ti amo
00:28:36Ti amo
00:28:40Mamma, mamma, che bello, oggi niente scuola
00:28:45Perché è tardissimo e tu non mi hai svegliata
00:28:50Le dieci
00:28:51Mamma mia, non ho sentito la sveglia
00:28:53Oddio, ho dormito troppo
00:28:57Che bella, te l'ha regalata lui
00:28:59Che cosa?
00:29:00La collana, è bella
00:29:02E' più bella dei fiori
00:29:07L'hai rivisto?
00:29:13A Parigi la gente non ha tempo per parlare
00:29:17Per passeggiare
00:29:19Ma semplicemente per vivere
00:29:21E quando un turista ha visto
00:29:25Place Pigalle, les Champs Elysees
00:29:27E stato sulla Torre Eiffel
00:29:29Crede di conoscere tutta la Francia
00:29:32Si però, le ragazze sono più belle
00:29:35E questo chi te l'ha detto?
00:29:36Lo so
00:29:38Io a Ligne ho conosciute di belle e di brutte
00:29:40Qui ne conosco solo di belle
00:29:42I francesi sono molto galanti
00:29:44E tu hai imparato bene la lezione
00:29:47Come mai non c'è più il quadro di tuo padre?
00:29:50Il papà, beh, l'ho levato io
00:29:52Non c'è bisogno di una fotografia per ricordarsi di un morto
00:29:55Noi andiamo di là, ciao
00:30:02Mamma mia
00:30:05Hai una figlia simpaticissima
00:30:07Ah, per essere sveglia, sveglia
00:30:12Davvero ti è piaciuta?
00:30:13Certo, e si vede che ti vuol bene
00:30:15Guai a chi ti tocca, eh?
00:30:16Già, hai visto?
00:30:18Per la faccenda del quadro come mi ha salvata
00:30:24Sono stata sciocca a toglierlo
00:30:27Ma, beh, a me sembrava più giusto così
00:30:30E tua figlia l'ha capito benissimo
00:30:32Anche lei ti ama
00:30:35E quello è stato l'ultimo articolo
00:30:38Oh, signora
00:30:42Quando c'è l'amore anche le giornate sembrano più belle
00:30:44Più spiritoso tu, eh?
00:30:45Ecco, è della natura che sono così, signora
00:30:52Sai una cosa bellissima
00:30:54Non ho più paura di quello che pensano gli altri
00:30:57Oh, brava finalmente, così mi piace
00:31:01Beh, si
00:31:02Perché da quando lo sa mia figlia
00:31:04Degli altri non me ne importa più niente
00:31:06Niente, niente, niente
00:31:30È stato lì
00:31:34Mio padre e tuo padre non diranno che finivano di fumare il sigaro
00:31:40Era la prima volta che riuscivamo a rimanere soli
00:31:45E io ero nascosta qui
00:31:47Con il cuore in gola
00:31:49Finché non ti ho sentito arrivare
00:32:00Sottotitoli creati dalla comunità Amara.org
00:32:31Beh, che stai facendo?
00:32:33Delle prove
00:32:36Su, vai a letto, che tardi
00:32:42Senti mamma, perché tu e Giuseppe non state qui la sera?
00:32:45Io lo preferisco
00:32:47Non mi piace restare sempre sola in casa
00:32:53Ma io pensavo che tu...
00:32:55Per me va bene, va bene
00:32:56Tutto quello che sta bene a te
00:32:58Vuoi sempre bene la tua mamma?
00:33:02Che domande fai?
00:33:15Mamma, posso andare a fare il bagno?
00:33:17Certo, andate pure, ma non tardate
00:33:20Ti dispiace?
00:33:21No, no, figlio
00:33:22Grazie, ciao
00:33:25Che strano, Graziella ci tiene a considerarti un padre
00:33:28Hai notato?
00:33:34Stai a dormire qui?
00:33:38Davvero non ti dispiace se resto qui?
00:33:43Buonanotte, Graziella
00:35:25Ti è caduto il lenzuolo
00:36:34Eccole qui, mamma mia che rumore
00:36:38Ragazza creata il volume per favore
00:36:42Mi cambio subito e ti porto il caffè
00:36:44Perdon, signora, mi metto un ballo
00:36:47Grazie, sono già impegnata
00:36:49If they bother you, go to the studio.
00:36:55Girls, the volume, please!
00:36:57Come on!
00:37:17That's it.
00:37:19Let's put on a more exciting record.
00:37:22Here, this one.
00:37:28Now you'll hear.
00:37:34Cousin, allow me a tango.
00:37:57Come on!
00:38:05Who knows what I'd do after a tango?
00:38:18Oh, yes, Franco Locascio!
00:38:23What a long leg you have!
00:38:25You'd better go crazy!
00:38:28Come on, child, don't be afraid.
00:38:30You'll do better than me!
00:38:33What a marble!
00:38:34What long hands you have!
00:38:36You'd better go crazy!
00:38:37What a long tongue you have!
00:38:39You'd better go crazy!
00:38:52Come, I'll destroy you!
00:38:56Come, I'll destroy you!
00:39:04Why do you always carry the basil in your pocket?
00:39:09Because you need...
00:39:11No, it's not for me.
00:39:13It's for the others, I'm generous.
00:39:15The others, male or female?
00:39:17Female, and the males haven't arrived yet.
00:39:20And then it's not worth it,
00:39:22because you've seen what's going on around here.
00:39:25Females, females.
00:39:26This has an effect only on females.
00:39:30By the way, how are you, my great love?
00:39:35Very good.
00:39:38Things have taken the right course.
00:39:41Ouch, ouch, so there's danger.
00:39:43But no, no danger.
00:39:46Of course you're lucky, you know.
00:39:48You know, a woman who doesn't have a husband,
00:39:51so no horns, no guns,
00:39:53and on top of that, there's the blessing of a daughter.
00:39:56Which is very important, because she's a whore.
00:40:00Yes, yes, Graziella, but...
00:40:02It's useless for you to feel bad,
00:40:04I said whore, not whore.
00:40:07Graziella is a very nice girl,
00:40:09and I don't like you making fun of her.
00:40:14I'm not saying no,
00:40:16but can I give you some advice?
00:40:18Go straight to me, take my example,
00:40:20listen to my experience,
00:40:21don't mess with this story,
00:40:23because even if it doesn't seem like it, there's a risk.
00:40:27Let me explain.
00:40:29A dead husband is comfortable because he doesn't shoot, right?
00:40:33But it's uncomfortable because it leaves room for a new husband
00:40:36that you could be very well.
00:40:38And this is the risk,
00:40:39because only as a husband you can become a whore,
00:40:41because as a lover you would be exempt from the horn, clear?
00:40:44I'll give you a better example.
00:40:45If it's true that your wife going to bed with another man makes you a whore,
00:40:48it's also true that coming to bed with you makes the other man a whore.
00:40:52But since two whores in the same bed can't coexist,
00:40:56then what does the law do to prevent you from shooting?
00:40:58It eliminates the horn of both.
00:41:03No, my little thing.
00:41:22Why didn't you answer?
00:41:25You didn't call me.
00:41:29And then I'm reading.
00:41:40What are you reading?
00:41:46But what is it?
00:41:58And Caterina?
00:42:00She's not here.
00:42:15She's not here.
00:43:15She's not here.
00:43:45She's not here.
00:44:42What are you reading?
00:44:44Cosa leggi?
00:44:57Hai capito, Giovanni?
00:44:59Io sono d'accordo che c'è uomo e donna se deve essere varetate dritte,
00:45:02però la donna non può più pretendere che io in giamma mi alzo per darle il posto.
00:45:06Gli arriva prima si sieda, ti pare?
00:45:07E se è incinta?
00:45:09Eh, se è incinta la faccio sedere, che devo fare?
00:45:13Anche perché può capitare che aspetta un maschio.
00:45:15Però in condizione normale davanti alle porte passa chi arriva prima.
00:45:19La dobbiamo finire con questo.
00:45:20Prego signora, passasse prima lei, servo suo e cosa di questo tipo, ti pare?
00:45:24Eh, mi pare.
00:45:25E poi, scusa, se fare all'amore fa piacere alla donna come all'uomo,
00:45:29ma per quale motivo deve essere l'uomo a pedinarla, a farle la corte,
00:45:32ad aspettare due ore sotto il lampione che pare che questa si stesse facendo la cortesia?
00:45:36Se vogliono mi chiamano, e se non vogliono, peggio per loro.
00:45:39Tanto non è che ce la metto solo io.
00:45:41Oh, oggi è di maschi vere, siamo rimasti in pochi.
00:45:44E' un volaggio, ieri io ho lanciato fama.
00:45:46Alfredo, sei tu? Sono la Luisa.
00:45:49Oh, ciao cara, come va?
00:45:51Come, come va, va bene.
00:45:53Scusa, sai, se non ti ho potuto chiamare, ma ho avuto parecchio da fare.
00:45:56Come non mi hai potuto chiamare?
00:45:58La cameriera mi ha detto che ieri hai chiamato tutto il giorno.
00:46:00Sì, sì, sì, sì, tu prova a chiamare, prova a chiamare,
00:46:03vedrò se posso trovare il tempo di concedermi.
00:46:07Concederti? Ti ha dato di volta il cervello? Chi ti vuole incontrare?
00:46:11Io ti ho telefonato perché mi dovresti rifare la montatura a un anello.
00:46:16Sì, sì, sì, hai ragione, hai ragione, carina, ma ti spiego dopo, eh?
00:46:21Non mi spieghi proprio niente, anzi, guarda, io cambio pure il gioielliere.
00:46:25E va bene, ti chiamo domani.
00:46:30Ti ho detto non cercarmi più.
00:46:32Oh, per favore, non piangere, dai, lo sai che le lacrime non le sopporto.
00:46:37E poi le lacrime sono manifestazioni di esterismo infantile.
00:46:41E poi ti ho detto che ti spiego dopo.
00:46:45Tu non hai niente da spiegarmi, tu devi andare soltanto al manicomio.
00:46:51Senti, quando ti sei calmata richiami, va bene?
00:46:55Le donne quando si attaccano, sai, dione liberi.
00:47:01Giuseppe? Ehi, sveglia, c'è il caffè.
00:47:07Sveglia, amore, c'è il caffè, si fa freddo.
00:47:20Su, dormiglione, dai, sveglia.
00:47:25Va bene, io vado alla messa.
00:48:36Posso stare un po' qui con te?
00:49:07Mi piace stare così, lo sai?
00:50:30La sonno.
00:51:04Vado a dormire in cabina mia.
00:51:07Quando eravamo civili, Palermo e Bagadad
00:51:09erano le due capitale le più importanti del mondo.
00:51:12Poi Bagadad si è evoluta di più
00:51:14e in Sicilia, invece, siamo rimasti indietro.
00:51:16Per esempio, noi qui possiamo avere una moglie a testa
00:51:19e 70 su 100 non ci fanno una buona riuscita.
00:51:21Non è che puoi dire, guardi, è defettata,
00:51:23se la riprendi indietro, non lo puoi dire.
00:51:25Ma invece la cambi, magari con una ricilindrata maggiore.
00:51:27Non solo, ma puoi avere 4 o 5 moglie, se ti pare.
00:51:30C'è il mercato, del nuovo, dell'usato, vai là e te la compri.
00:51:33Dunque, una moglie media può costare, fai conto,
00:51:36quanto una 500 su strada, però.
00:51:38Vedesse come sono obbediente.
00:51:39Se uno fa la capricciosa, tu gli richiedi stasera niente, eh?
00:51:42Stasera a letto senza cena, eh?
00:51:44Insomma, è gente coglionuta.
00:51:46E non c'è niente da fare.
00:51:50Ebbene sì, sono felice.
00:51:52Perché, si vede?
00:51:54Oh, sembri la reclam dell'amore folle.
00:51:57Lui, poi, guardalo un po'.
00:52:00Sembra come un eroe romantico, divorato dalla passione.
00:52:04Uella, dico, almeno a te questa storia ti fa bene fisicamente.
00:52:07Sembra un fiore.
00:52:09Ma lui, guardalo.
00:52:12Guardalo un po'.
00:52:14È ridotto, che il me pare un strascietto.
00:52:17Scusa, Caterina, io andrei un po' fuori.
00:52:19Ma ormai ci siamo già impegnate per la canasta.
00:52:22Beh, non importa.
00:52:23Presta, torno a prenderti tra un paio d'ore, va bene?
00:52:26Cosa preferisci?
00:52:29Che tu non cambi i tuoi programmi.
00:52:31Dicevo, Caterina, che la trovo un po' sciuppatello.
00:52:35Tutto calcolato.
00:52:36Una bella aria viziosa è quello che ci vuole per piacere alle signore.
00:52:46Che simpatia d'uomo.
00:52:50Ha letto?
00:52:59Chi è?
00:53:03Ah, sei tu.
00:53:05Ho lasciato le chiavi all'accendino.
00:53:07Mamma è andata alla canasta.
00:53:09Ah, e non sai quando torna?
00:53:12No, ma è poco che è andata.
00:53:29Non ti fa fastidio?
00:54:54Voi uomini siete tutti sporcaccioni.
00:54:58Posso darti una mano?
00:55:03Come sarebbe che noi uomini saremmo tutti sporcaccioni?
00:55:06Perché, non è vero?
00:55:08Beh, non tutti, dipende.
00:55:10Tutti, tutti!
00:55:13Dai, vieni qui.
00:55:19Ti dispiace passarmi le riviste?
00:55:29No, devo finire.
00:55:33Riposati, poi riprendi.
00:56:00Beh, mi sono scocciata.
00:56:24La vuoi?
00:56:25No, vediamo insieme.
00:56:33Tengo io.
00:57:09Hai guardato?
00:57:43Vuoi vedere l'altra?
00:58:04Che vuoi?
00:59:53Let's do it again.
01:00:00Listen, I don't care about you and the concert.
01:00:04It's not true.
01:00:05Anyway, I'll come with you if you prefer.
01:00:07No one.
01:00:08Recapitulate it, poor man.
01:00:09And who recapitulates it?
01:00:10I like that you cultivate your interests.
01:00:13All right.
01:00:14Then I'm going.
01:00:15See you later.
01:00:17Nice body, huh?
01:00:19Avoid a concert and conquer an afternoon of freedom.
01:00:22And what can I do about freedom if you're not around?
01:00:26If I catch him in the dark.
01:00:28Yesterday it was hotter, today the air is cooler.
01:00:31Here's the lemon pomegranate.
01:00:32You're ugly, my son.
01:00:34What is this plant that you have under your nose?
01:00:36And if I have to kiss a woman, how do you do it?
01:00:38And I made myself growl because I saw her.
01:00:41The usual imitator.
01:00:43Well said, son.
01:00:45The mustache is fine.
01:00:46But that much that is needed to make the woman hear the hair.
01:00:50But the lip must be beautiful, free, airy.
01:00:54Because the woman has the right to feel even the pulp.
01:00:56I explain myself.
01:00:58Yes, sir.
01:00:59To me it seems a simple thing.
01:01:01But since it's so complicated, tomorrow I'll get rid of it.
01:01:05Get rid of it, get rid of it, go, it's better.
01:01:08I can't do it.
01:01:10They're girls.
01:01:16Come, I'm here.
01:01:19Oh, this is a very important friend of mine.
01:01:23He's the one who had the best woman in Europe.
01:01:25Fifteen years, he went perfectly to Paris, no kidding.
01:01:28Place Fagal, Montmartre, Latin Quarter.
01:01:30And as you know, it's called that because it's the neighborhood where all the latin lovers in the world meet.
01:01:36In short, he's the one who made himself popular abroad.
01:01:39Of course, he's not an asshole like you.
01:01:42Sit down, Giuseppe, I have something to say to us.
01:01:44You know, here we are a little together, we spend a little time together.
01:01:46Giuseppe D'Acara, you know him.
01:01:48Ah, hello, Rosa.
01:01:50Yes, he was talking here with his friends, we were chatting, we were talking about...
01:01:54About women?
01:01:55No, to be honest, now we were talking about you.
01:01:57But before we talked about psychology.
01:01:59Ah, yes?
01:02:00Yes, psychology of the woman.
01:02:03Why a woman, after she's been in bed, she meets her by chance and pretends not to recognize you.
01:02:09Here he is, here he is, do you see that wild beauty?
01:02:13No, don't turn around, otherwise he'll understand.
01:02:15With that one, I've been in bed 15 times.
01:02:18How many?
01:02:1940 times.
01:02:22And now, look, look, look, pass as if we had never met.
01:02:28Ungrateful woman.
01:02:32Ah, it doesn't matter, the signature can allow it.
01:02:36Who leaves me, loses me.
01:02:40Be careful, Alfredo, that if you hear someone who knows you, he can put his hands in your face.
01:02:46To me, only my barber puts his hands in my face,
01:02:49who, to be sure that the thing didn't bring him consequences,
01:02:53claimed a written authorization.
01:02:57Yes, laugh, laugh, babbler, you know me.
01:03:03Giuseppe, are you crazy?
01:03:06No, no, no, don't turn around, there's the girl.
01:03:09No, she's beautiful,
01:03:12lucky that she's married.
01:03:14But, let's hope she ends up in the hands of a practitioner.
01:03:20Listen, I'm curious,
01:03:22are you controlling her, or is she controlling you?
01:03:27I greet you all.
01:03:30She's susceptible to the topic.
01:03:32No, no.
01:03:33She's pissed off, right?
01:03:36She's pissed off.
01:03:49Hi, do you know Mimì?
01:03:50Who are you?
01:03:51Didn't you say you were going to the concert?
01:03:53No, I never said that.
01:03:55Ah, I thought so.
01:03:57Well, I'm going home, because I have to study.
01:04:00I'll go with you.
01:04:01Yes, but don't come alone.
01:04:03Goodbye, good night.
01:04:28Was he your boyfriend?
01:04:29Mimì is not my boyfriend.
01:04:31Is he your fiancé?
01:04:32No, he's not my fiancé.
01:04:34But he's the one with whom...
01:04:36Yes, it's him.
01:04:37He's a nice guy, isn't he?
01:04:39Were you coming here, or am I wrong?
01:04:42No, he wanted to go upstairs, but I didn't want to.
01:04:45I left him right away.
01:04:48You didn't want what?
01:04:54Let's go upstairs, shall we?
01:04:58Here I am.
01:04:59Hi, Mom.
01:05:01I went to get an ice cream with Mimì and we met.
01:05:04How was the concert?
01:05:16You know, I was thinking about something.
01:05:25But if I tell you, you won't tell me I'm stupid.
01:05:29Let's hear it.
01:05:34Well, it's as if...
01:05:37I've never been unfaithful to you.
01:05:40Yes, because all this time, all these years,
01:05:44as if nothing had happened.
01:05:47I was waiting for you.
01:05:51I'm not stupid.
01:05:54I don't deserve you, Caterina.
01:05:58Caress my hair.
01:06:28I love you.
01:06:58I love you.
01:07:22I thought you were regretting not coming.
01:07:58I love you.
01:08:28I love you.
01:09:41It was nothing.
01:09:47It was a gust of wind.
01:09:50No, it's your mother.
01:09:58I love you.
01:09:59I love you.
01:10:25Go away.
01:10:27I have to explain to you.
01:10:29I don't want explanations. Get out of this house.
01:10:33What you're thinking hasn't happened.
01:10:38I want you to go.
01:10:39I want to.
01:10:40Because I just want to kill you.
01:10:42I want to burn you alive like a beast.
01:10:44Let me talk.
01:10:47You don't know what happened.
01:10:49Don't rush things.
01:10:52Please, this doesn't have to change anything between us.
01:10:57You disgust me.
01:10:59You disgust me.
01:11:01But why?
01:11:06I feel like I'm going crazy.
01:11:09I feel like I'm going crazy.
01:11:11There's something inside me that explodes.
01:11:14Graziella is my daughter, you understand?
01:11:16I love you.
01:11:19What do I do now?
01:11:20Calm down.
01:11:23Calm down.
01:11:25Don't go on like this.
01:11:28I believed in our love.
01:11:31I believed in us.
01:11:34Inside of me.
01:11:36I really loved you.
01:11:39I really loved you.
01:11:42And I still do.
01:11:45But now it's all mixed up.
01:11:47With hatred, disgust, shame.
01:11:51It's still inside of me.
01:11:53Because not everything goes away in a moment, you know?
01:11:57It's still inside of me.
01:11:58I feel it.
01:12:02I also feel...
01:12:04what will happen...
01:12:06when everything will be over.
01:12:09The confusion will be over.
01:12:11It will be terrible, you know?
01:12:14I'll leave. I'll disappear.
01:12:15It will be terrible.
01:12:16But first...
01:12:17First I need...
01:12:18I need your forgiveness.
01:12:21I only want you.
01:12:24Not like this.
01:12:26It's not that easy.
01:12:27It's not that easy.
01:12:29What do you think?
01:12:30To fix everything with something?
01:12:31You fill me with you and that's it.
01:12:33It's not like that.
01:12:34I only know that I love you.
01:12:36You don't understand anything.
01:12:37Because you men don't understand anything.
01:12:42You don't fix things like this.
01:12:46But what love?
01:12:47Made of what?
01:12:52Because you think with that.
01:12:54You reason with that.
01:12:55That's your strength.
01:12:56That's your flag.
01:12:57But it's not like that.
01:12:58It's not like that.
01:13:00It's not only like that.
01:13:04We had...
01:13:06We had something else, you know?
01:13:11I didn't make it up.
01:13:13It wasn't just me, you know?
01:13:14You were there too.
01:13:16You too.
01:13:21I don't know.
01:13:22Maybe it's out of fashion to talk about good faith and trust.
01:13:26But these things exist, you know?
01:13:28Without this, everything else doesn't matter.
01:13:30Everything else is useless.
01:13:32You know?
01:13:34But this...
01:13:35This is my bad.
01:13:38I think about this.
01:13:41But Graziella, no!
01:13:44Graziella, no!
01:13:47Graziella is my baby, you understand?
01:13:50Graziella is my daughter and you...
01:13:55I want to die.
01:13:57You didn't betray me with another woman, you know?
01:14:00You betrayed me with my daughter.
01:14:03She's still a little girl, don't you understand?
01:14:06She's a little girl.
01:14:08She can't understand.
01:14:09She can't know.
01:14:11Because to understand, to know,
01:14:13you suffer, you know?
01:14:14And you pay.
01:14:15I pay, how?
01:14:17You don't understand.
01:14:19She's still a little girl.
01:14:21There's time for her.
01:14:22There's time!
01:14:24She's little.
01:14:26Graziella is little.
01:14:28There's time for her.
01:14:29There's time.
01:14:30There's time.
01:14:46It's late, you're not going to school.
01:14:49I know.
01:14:51You're leaving.
01:14:57I'm leaving.
01:14:59I'm leaving.
01:15:01I'm leaving.
01:15:03I'm leaving.
01:15:05I'm leaving.
01:15:07I'm leaving.
01:15:09I'm leaving.
01:15:11I'm leaving.
01:15:13I'm leaving.
01:15:15Yes, go to Grandma's.
01:15:17Go to Grandma's until we find a good school.
01:15:21I'm going to pee.
01:15:25I'm not going to school!
01:15:29And not even to Grandma's!
01:15:35I promise I'll be a good mother, but don't leave me!
01:15:40Graziella, listen.
01:15:45Do you realize what you've done?
01:15:48Yes, and I won't do it again.
01:15:56I can't trust you.
01:15:58Then trust Giuseppe.
01:16:02Giuseppe has nothing to do with this.
01:16:04We're not talking about Giuseppe.
01:16:05Giuseppe will never set foot in here again, do you understand?
01:16:07Do you understand?
01:16:08Put that in your head!
01:16:09We're talking about you, about what you've done, about what you've done to me!
01:16:12Do you understand?
01:16:14You're hurting me!
01:16:26I didn't want to.
01:16:37Graziella, listen.
01:16:39Listen to me.
01:16:46Graziella, I don't want to punish you.
01:16:49That's not what I want.
01:16:52But what happened is very serious, you know?
01:16:57Very serious.
01:17:03If your father were here...
01:17:06If my father were here, Giuseppe wouldn't be here.
01:17:14It's true, you're right.
01:17:17I've done everything wrong.
01:17:22But now I'll make up for it.
01:17:25Now I'll defend myself, and I'll defend you too.
01:17:30At the cost of suffering.
01:17:32At the cost of being alone like a dog.
01:17:36At the cost of sending you away.
01:17:38Giuseppe won't let you send me away.
01:17:41Giuseppe won't let you send me away.
01:17:55Giuseppe will do everything I say.
01:17:58It's not true.
01:17:59If you do something bad to me, he'll defend me.
01:18:05I'm hungry.
01:18:06Can I have a coffee or not?
01:18:14He doesn't have to defend you from me.
01:18:16I'll be the one to defend you from him.
01:18:19Mama, why don't you tell me the truth?
01:18:23What do you mean by truth?
01:18:28I think you're right to be angry with me and Giuseppe for what we did.
01:18:34But if we promise not to do it again...
01:18:41I'm sorry.
01:18:47Graziella, listen.
01:18:49Listen, my love.
01:18:51I'm not angry.
01:18:53I'm in pain.
01:18:55And not just because of what you think.
01:19:00See, I have to reason for you.
01:19:03Even at the cost of being mean to you.
01:19:06Mama, listen, I...
01:19:07I swear I'm sorry.
01:19:10I don't want to make you suffer anymore.
01:19:13Everything can go back to how it was, Mama.
01:19:21What do you mean by how it was?
01:19:24I mean...
01:19:26No, how it was...
01:19:30When nothing happened.
01:19:42Nothing ever goes back to how it was.
01:19:47Things always leave a mark.
01:19:52So what happened between me and Giuseppe can't be erased.
01:19:56No! No, it has to be erased!
01:20:01So Giuseppe has to come back here.
01:20:05How dare you?
01:20:07Why do you say that?
01:20:10Because if you send me away, he'll look for me.
01:20:14And if you send him away, I'll look for him.
01:20:17But if he stays at home and you let him come,
01:20:20nothing will happen, I swear.
01:20:22I don't want oaths.
01:20:24And what do you want?
01:20:28I want you to look me in the eyes.
01:20:35Look me in the eyes.
01:20:41Here, I'm looking at you.
01:20:48All right.
01:20:51All right, Graziella.
01:20:54I decide to trust you.
01:20:58And him?
01:21:06And him?
01:21:10He will decide as he pleases.
01:21:15Do you want a coffee?
01:21:23No, thank you.
01:21:25Graziella is not in love with me.
01:21:28It was a game for her and I fell for it.
01:21:31But knowing what happened between us,
01:21:32do you really think this is as important as you?
01:21:35A game?
01:21:37You're talking to me like this about a game?
01:21:40I only know that I love you and that I have always loved you.
01:21:43But I guarantee you that in acting like this, we are divided.
01:21:46If we don't want, if we can't, if we don't have the strength to overcome,
01:21:49then it's better not to see each other anymore.
01:21:51You don't have to bring up this story every time, every time.
01:21:54Check yourself, Giuseppe.
01:21:56If you saw your face.
01:21:58But you realize that everything no longer makes sense, Caterina?
01:22:00In fact, it doesn't make sense to trust a man and a girl.
01:22:04Explain yourself.
01:22:06But I, I don't trust myself.
01:22:09I accept, do you understand?
01:22:11We're not talking about trust.
01:22:13I accept.
01:22:15I accept.
01:22:19But yes, you're right.
01:22:21Everyone on his own.
01:22:23It will go as it goes.
01:22:25I don't want to go crazy.
01:22:27But yes, I'm telling you that Mom knows that I'm coming here.
01:22:31It's not true.
01:22:33It's true. And she also knows that you come home when she's not there.
01:22:36And she also knows that I know that you know.
01:22:38You have.
01:22:41Why did you say that?
01:22:43Because it's true. My mother is a poor woman.
01:22:46I forbid you to speak like that.
01:22:48Do you still love her?
01:22:50Yes, I still love her.
01:22:52And you love me?
01:22:54Do you love me?
01:22:58Listen, I don't want you to go with her.
01:23:01You have to come with me.
01:23:03It's better not to talk about things you don't understand.
01:23:24I love you.
01:23:54It was the moment when the newspaper sent me to Korea.
01:23:59I stayed there for a year.
01:24:02But what I did most interesting
01:24:05is a report in Africa.
01:24:13On Guinea.
01:24:16We can also talk, right?
01:24:18Of course.
01:24:20Why don't you tell me what you did last night?
01:24:22It will be fun.
01:24:24Unfortunately, everything has become more fun than being here.
01:24:27And since you don't even have fun.
01:24:30I didn't say anything. I don't care what she says.
01:24:37I'm sorry, Giuseppe.
01:24:39I wasn't serious.
01:24:41I was joking.
01:24:45Let's go to the cinema, shall we?
01:24:49I have work to do.
01:24:51And you too, wouldn't it be nice if you studied a little?
01:24:52No, it's not the case.
01:24:55Why don't you tell her that you're going out to have fun?
01:24:58When are you coming back?
01:25:00We'll talk on the phone.
01:25:08No, I mean, yes.
01:25:10I mean, I understand that there is tension.
01:25:13But you know how Caterina is.
01:25:15And then...
01:25:17Maybe you're right.
01:25:18But isn't it that Caterina trusts me a lot for serious confessions?
01:25:23And I, on the other hand, trust you, Luisa.
01:25:29I need a courtesy.
01:25:34It is necessary that someone who is not me speaks to her.
01:25:38Don't worry, dear, I'll give you a hand.
01:25:44Between me and Caterina, it can't go on like this.
01:25:51The situation has become unsustainable for me, but I don't care anymore.
01:25:55Good, that's how it should be done.
01:25:57Don't worry.
01:26:01It's just that things have gotten complicated.
01:26:04Too much.
01:26:07And as far as she thinks about it, she believes me.
01:26:11I just have to close.
01:26:14You see, Luisa...
01:26:16You see, that's exactly what Caterina...
01:26:21If she refuses to understand, she thinks you don't love her anymore.
01:26:26Well said, Giuseppe.
01:26:28But why didn't you stay in Paris?
01:26:30In any case, I'm on your side.
01:26:33I can try to talk to Caterina, but...
01:26:37Who knows you?
01:26:39Who is it that does it?
01:26:40Listen, Giuseppe, I don't know anything.
01:26:42I don't understand anything, I don't want to understand anything.
01:26:44And in the end, I don't care about anything.
01:26:46And you don't have to care about anything.
01:26:48And then, excuse me, it's not nice that I have to know things from others.
01:26:50Leave me alone, huh?
01:26:52I admit everything.
01:26:54I admit beatings, triangles, quadrilaterals, horns, counter horns.
01:26:56But putting an innocent girl in the middle,
01:26:58holding her foot in two shoes, I don't admit this.
01:27:00It's not manly.
01:27:02It's a dishonesty!
01:27:04Alfredo, listen to me.
01:27:06Look, I love Caterina.
01:27:07And if it doesn't seem so because of Graziella,
01:27:09this doesn't authorize anyone,
01:27:11not even one like you, to intervene.
01:27:13And it's not a playboy from the province who can judge
01:27:15and speak in this way because they are my facts,
01:27:17only mine.
01:27:19Excuse me.
01:27:21Ah, yes.
01:27:28Let me see.
01:27:30Yes, of course.
01:27:32It's better to give up both.
01:27:34I don't know, maybe I should go.
01:27:37But what's the use?
01:27:39But what I can't get into my head
01:27:42is why a guy like you,
01:27:44a man of your experience,
01:27:46a Sicilian who has traveled half the world,
01:27:50managed to get involved in a story like this.
01:27:53Yes, I know, I know, I know.
01:27:55I realize it.
01:27:57But by force of living as I have lived for 15 years,
01:27:59just running around the world,
01:28:01I lost the sense of this country.
01:28:03And when the game started,
01:28:05well, it was too late.
01:28:07Graziella, however, will not suffer.
01:28:09She doesn't love me, it's a game for her.
01:28:11But I'm sure of one thing.
01:28:13I love Caterina,
01:28:15but you will never understand
01:28:17that what happened has no weight for me.
01:28:20I don't feel guilty.
01:28:22I can't feel guilty.
01:28:37I can't feel guilty.
01:29:07© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:29:37© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:30:07© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:30:38I lost your love.
01:30:40I lost my daughter's esteem.
01:30:44And rightly so.
01:30:46No, you haven't lost anything.
01:30:48You're just stuck.
01:30:50It's all recoverable.
01:30:52No, I tired you.
01:30:54I tired you, I disappointed you.
01:30:56But you know what's the hardest thing for me to bear?
01:30:59It's how I disappoint myself.
01:31:01This one is hard.
01:31:03But it's only me who is wrong.
01:31:05It's not you who should apologize.
01:31:07It's not you who should comfort me.
01:31:09At least spare me this.
01:31:12I can't explain it to you.
01:31:15Listen, Giuseppe.
01:31:17I want only one thing from you.
01:31:19Only one. I've already told you.
01:31:21I want you to be good to Graziella.
01:31:23You don't have to be mean to her.
01:31:25You don't have to.
01:31:27You have to see her.
01:31:29You have to look for her sometimes.
01:31:31Make her understand that you still love her.
01:31:33In the right way. Do you understand?
01:31:35In the right way.
01:31:38In the right way.
01:31:40How dare you talk to me like that?
01:31:42How dare you tell me what's right?
01:31:46We'll never get out of this.
01:31:48But you're already out! You're free!
01:31:50You send me Luisa, any Luisa!
01:31:52To preach to me, to give me advice!
01:31:54To give me the liquidation.
01:31:56You liquidated me!
01:31:58Good! You were good!
01:32:00Very good!
01:32:02But do you realize? Not even a dog is treated like that!
01:32:07I apologize.
01:32:09I thought you came to talk to me only about Graziella.
01:32:12Not about you.
01:32:39You, you!
01:33:07Graziella, didn't she come?
01:33:09I don't know if she's coming.
01:33:11Maybe later.
01:33:13Don't you take a bath?
01:33:15No, I don't feel like it.
01:33:17Then I don't feel like it either.
01:33:21Can I stay here with you?
01:33:23Of course you can.
01:33:25And what if Graziella comes and sees us alone?
01:33:28And what happens if Graziella comes and sees us alone?
01:33:31You don't have a choice.
01:33:33I don't have a choice.
01:33:34What happens if Graziella comes and sees us alone?
01:33:37Isn't she jealous?
01:33:39Yes, she is jealous.
01:33:41And why should she be? What comes to your mind?
01:33:44Look, it's useless for me to tell you so many lies.
01:33:47Graziella tells me everything.
01:33:50I know exactly everything you do.
01:33:53In the smallest details.
01:33:55Can I change in your cabin?
01:34:04Thank you.
01:34:13Can I use your towels?
01:34:26Why don't you come and help me?
01:34:34Come on.
01:34:56Hey, are you crazy?
01:34:58He did it just to make me jealous.
01:35:00Don't you understand?
01:35:01You don't see it.
01:35:03He took a hostage.
01:35:05Me too.
01:35:07I don't care because he did it.
01:35:09I wanted to try and I tried.
01:35:11And you don't care that he used to go with your mother, do you?
01:35:14What does my mother have to do with it?
01:35:16Giuseppe is mine now.
01:35:18Giuseppe is only mine.
01:35:20He's mine.
01:35:23That's what she says.
01:35:25She shouts and shouts.
01:35:27Giuseppe is mine, Giuseppe is mine.
01:35:29And you, what did you say?
01:35:31What did I have to say?
01:35:33Graciella behaves like a child.
01:36:15What's wrong, my love?
01:36:17What's wrong?
01:36:19Don't be like that, speak to me!
01:36:21Tell me something.
01:36:23Tell me.
01:36:25Tell me something, Graciella.
01:36:27What's wrong?
01:36:29What's wrong, Graciella?
01:36:31I don't have anything to say to you, Mama.
01:36:41Talk to me, please.
01:36:45Try it.
01:36:47Try it, my love.
01:36:50Don't do this.
01:36:53He's going to...
01:37:00With Rosina.
01:37:06With Rosina?
01:37:15But he doesn't love her, I know.
01:37:19He doesn't love me either.
01:37:20Thanks for listening.
01:37:21He loves you, he told me.
01:37:23You don't have to think about him anymore.
01:37:24And neither do I.
01:37:25We have to forget everything.
01:37:26You're big, take it back.
01:37:28Calm down, darling.
01:37:30You're big.
01:37:31You know how to do it.
01:37:33My daughter.
01:37:35You have to do it for me.
01:37:37What do I have to do, my love?
01:37:40Take it back.
01:37:42Take it back.
01:37:45What do I have to do?
01:37:51What do I have to do?
01:38:21What do I have to do?
01:38:22What do I have to do?
01:38:23What do I have to do?
01:38:24What do I have to do?
01:38:25What do I have to do?
01:38:26What do I have to do?
01:38:27What do I have to do?
01:38:28What do I have to do?
01:38:29What do I have to do?
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