• 2 days ago
00:00I'm on set for the very first time, we're driving in and I see the soundstage, and I
00:11just want to go in!
00:13I am so excited to see everything for the first time.
00:18Oh, finally, I can put some makeup on, okay.
00:25Oh, I'm shocked that my pads actually fit in this chair.
00:27This is going to be so much fun.
00:31Honestly, it takes me back to being 17 years old and finding Drag Race for the very first
00:36time, and I felt something click in my heart.
00:39A little bit of pink eyeshadow in the eye is going to help me intimidate these girls.
00:46Some of them are going to hate me, but that's okay.
00:49You can be the juiciest, ripest peach on the whole tree, and there's still going to
00:53be someone who doesn't like peaches.
00:55What do you think of these nails, honey?
01:07The face has arrived!
01:09I'm here!
01:12Oh my God, I look actually, like, phenomenal.
01:13This is insane.
01:14It's time to see the starshine, mama.
01:24I'm very excited.
01:27I'm ready to finally just show all the hard work that I put in to get here, all the time,
01:34hours, blood, sweat, tears, hot, glue blisters, all of that.
01:36I'm not really nervous because I don't know what's going to happen.
01:39I'm not really nervous, because the only person
01:41I'm in competition with is really myself.
01:43I just have to come in here and do what I do best,
01:45and I do it well.
01:47It got me this far, so it shouldn't let me down now.
01:56I feel like this is the moment that my entire life has
01:59been leading up to.
02:01I have never been more ready for something my entire life.
02:04The only thing I'm nervous about is how hard I'm about to crush
02:08all these other girls.
02:10Welcome. Good morning.
02:11Queen's walking.
02:13I am going to rip this place to shreds.
02:18Oh, my god.
02:19Oh, shit.
02:20Where am I?
02:22Just kidding.
02:23Season 15.
02:26Hi, everybody.
02:28You guys asking me to retouch?
02:30Do I look busted already?
02:33All right, well, yes.
02:38I'm feeling amazing.
02:40So excited.
02:41The last month after I got the call was chaos.
02:45So I feel like I can really take over the world
02:48now after that preparation.
02:50All right, let's put this thing on.
02:52My message to the queens is really
02:55take a breath when you see me, because a lot of people
02:57pass out.
03:00I'm so excited.
03:01This is so crazy that we're actually here.
03:04Let's just get ready to give it to them.
03:06Queen walking.
03:08I'm about to walk into the workroom of RuPaul's
03:10Drag Race for the first time.
03:12I have waited to get here for so long.
03:15I am going to be a superstar in all forms of the word.
03:22Queen's walking.
03:23God, I could go to bed for sure.
03:26Thank you so much.
03:31Here we go.
03:34I get used to those.
03:38I can't believe that I'm here.
03:39This is like the nuttiest thing in the world.
03:42We made it.
03:44We're ready to party.
03:45We're ready to be our wackadoodly self
03:47and show America how beautiful a broken nose can be.
03:52My nose isn't actually broken, just to clarify.
03:55I'm most excited to show the looks that I brought.
03:58Because with the exception of two looks,
03:59I made everything that I brought.
04:01But you know, if anyone's being a negative Nancy,
04:05we'll try and correct that in the friendliest way we can.
04:09Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.
04:12Oh, my god.
04:13Look at my armpits.
04:14You're like, are you nervous?
04:15I don't know.
04:16Ask my armpits.
04:17Mary-Kate and Ashley.
04:19Are we ready?
04:20Oh, my god.
04:26Oh, shit.
04:28That was exciting.
04:31I am really excited to show the world what I do.
04:34And I just really want to make my family proud.
04:37And I hope America falls in love with me.
04:39If not, that's fine.
04:43Are we ready to show these bitches how it's done?
04:50I've got cameras to the trailers.
05:00Oh, my god.
05:03Oh, bitch, work.
05:06It feels so insane to be inside of my body right now.
05:08Like, I can't even believe that this is real.
05:13But bitch, it's happening.
05:14It's happening.
05:15It's happening.
05:15It's happening.
05:16It's happening.
05:17It's happening.
05:18It's happening.
05:19It's happening.
05:19It's happening.
05:20It's happening.
05:22I'm about to bring it.
05:23The it girl is here to bring it.
05:25Not like the clown, because that would be embarrassing,
05:29but like a clown.
05:30You know what I mean?
05:32Here we go.
05:32Here we go.
05:33Here we go.
05:34We're going to do it.
05:37This whole thing is, like, about to start.
05:40Let's blast it.
05:41I'm about to walk into the workroom for the first time.
05:43Like, my heart is beating so fast.
05:45And, like, my brain is going to explode.
05:49Queen's walking.
05:50Queen's walking.
05:52My nose.
05:59The doll is here.
06:06Today is the big day.
06:08Ooh, my body going to fit in this cha-cha.
06:11I don't know if I should be nervous or excited.
06:15I'm just happy to be here.
06:17Oh, my gosh.
06:19After so many times of trying, it's just a blessing
06:22to be here right now.
06:26Damn, I look good.
06:27I'm known for being over the top, out of this world,
06:30out of the box.
06:31You never know what they expect from me.
06:33Let them know your name, because you are Malaysia.
06:35Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll.
06:39Bye, bitch.
06:42Before walking into the workroom,
06:43I'm feeling, like, so shaky, so nervous, so excited.
06:48Here we go.
06:49But I'm ready to do it.
06:50Let's pump our way into this workroom.
06:52Queen's walking.
06:53How's your head?
06:57Oh, my god.
06:59Oh, my god.
07:03I thought I was going to be nervous.
07:04I should be.
07:05But I think when I see RuPaul, I'm going to, like,
07:07shit my pants.
07:08The queens that I'm competing with, I'm excited to meet them.
07:11I hope that they're nice.
07:12I hope that they like me.
07:13But, you know, they're just an obstacle.
07:15I definitely think I have what it
07:17takes to win this competition.
07:18I'm pretty, I'm funny, and I have a UTI.
07:20So that's my sympathy vote right there.
07:24Don't shit your pants.
07:25Don't freak out.
07:27Have fun.
07:29And look pretty.
07:31Oh, it's a lot of load on this wagon.
07:34I'm nervous.
07:35I'm excited.
07:36I'm ready to see these bitches.
07:37I'm ready for these bitches to see me, because I look good.
07:39It's showtime, baby.
07:42It's time for the fattest and the baddest
07:43bitch to enter the building.
07:45I hope they're ready.
07:48Queens walking.
07:49I'm just going to fuck this up.
08:03My balls are in the way.
08:05Oh, god.
08:09I love the smell of duct tape in the morning.
08:13I was always too scared to audition.
08:14But really, what gave me my drive to audition this time
08:18was my daughter, Carrie Colby, making it on last year.
08:21So got to represent for the Colbys.
08:25I'm a pageant girl, so I love a good competition.
08:28You know, I'm a mother for a reason.
08:31So I'm going to show them why I'm mama.
08:32Pull up a chair.
08:33Get comfortable.
08:35I'm not going anywhere.
08:39The princess is here.
08:41I have no idea what to expect.
08:43I am so excited, but I'm still nervous.
08:46I have butterflies, bees, moths, beetles, ants.
08:50I have everything in my stomach.
08:52But I'm prepared, I'm excited, and I
08:54cannot wait to see what everybody else is wearing.
08:58What a lovely entrance.
08:59Queens walking.
09:01I'm homo.
09:03Bop it.
09:04Oh, my god.
09:14I've got cameras prepared for Sasha's entrance.
09:19My balls.
09:21Seeing the lot, seeing the set, I've
09:24got so much emotions and excitement and nerves.
09:30I can't believe I'm about to turn this corner
09:33and be on RuPaul's Drag Race.
09:51Shut up.
09:52I'm done.
09:53Shut up.
09:54Take it off.
09:54Who is it?
10:00Oh, my god.
10:01You're kidding me.
10:06Mother has arrived.
10:08Ladykins, for your first maxi challenge,
10:11you'll be headlining a once-in-a-lifetime talent
10:17We're calling one night only.
10:19You'll need to work together on the big opening number.
10:22And in a moment, you'll head over to the rehearsal studio
10:25to come up with your own choreography.
10:29Repo, unclog cameras for the trailer.
10:36Yes, baby.
10:37Oh, my god.
10:38Oh, my god.
10:39OK, hold on.
10:39Oh, my god.
10:41Oh, my god.
10:43This is for me?
10:46Usually, there's like a Cheeto and a mozzarella stick for me.
10:51This is vacation for me, baby.
10:53Honestly, I'm used to hustling.
10:55I'm going to roast these bitches.
10:56They don't know what's coming to them.
10:57And I'm going to let them have it.
10:59I'm here to win.
11:00Get a camera outside ASAP.
11:03Rolling, rolling.
11:04Is this my stop?
11:10This is unreal.
11:12I got about three hours of sleep,
11:14which is about three hours more than I thought I would get.
11:17But here we are.
11:18I think I'm still considered a baby queen.
11:20I'm only two and a half years into the game.
11:23I think I've made good progress in that amount of time.
11:28I know it's a competition at the end of the day,
11:30but I'm here to have fun.
11:32You got this, girl.
11:35Midday snack.
11:36You know, got to get your queso in.
11:37You want a hot Cheeto?
11:40Here we go, baby.
11:41Baby, I have my hot Cheetos, and I'm ready to go, OK?
11:44I'm ready to show the world Latinx culture, gay culture.
11:47Baloo, oh, it's like Disneyland.
11:49Keep your hands and feet inside the cart at all times.
11:52And I'm just so excited to show the world these titties.
11:55Oh, my gosh, she survived the ride.
11:57Queen's walking.
11:58Is this a meeting for the ACM City Committee?
12:01Because they're here.
12:04All right, let's give it.
12:08It feels absolutely amazing to be here.
12:13I have been doing drag for ferocious years,
12:17working for only $50 a night.
12:20And it feels like all the sleepless nights
12:24are coming down to this moment to finally showcase
12:26what I have to show the world.
12:28I am a former athlete, and it feels good to get back
12:31into the ring for something.
12:32Drag is a sport.
12:33Not a contact sport, but drag is a sport.
12:41All right, the hair is big.
12:42We're looking good.
12:44Ooh, I'm ready for the crown.
12:46I don't know if it'll fit on this hair, but I'm ready for it.
12:49I've been doing this for 12 years,
12:51which in drag years is 507 years.
12:54And I'm finally here.
12:55I'm not nervous about the competition at all.
12:57And like, none of the challenges that they throw at us
13:00are going to be something I've never done before.
13:03Not a lot of people know how painful drag actually is.
13:06I'm wearing 17 pairs of tights and a corset.
13:09That is so tight that my organs are about to bust.
13:13And I've done it before.
13:15OK, got one on.
13:17That's half the battle.
13:18It's game time.
13:21I am so ready to fight for this.
13:24And I'm just reminding myself that I'm the MVP, baby.
13:27Let's give it a hit.
13:30It's game time.
13:37Repo, untuck cameras to the trailer.
13:41Bitch, I'm here, period.
13:44A room fit for a queen?
13:45I know that's right.
13:47Does this support 400 plus pounds?
13:50It feels amazing to be here.
13:52It's my first time ever really getting outside of Houston.
13:55And I'm ready to go.
13:56I'm ready to gag the girls.
13:57I'm ready to give me a little piece.
13:59I've been doing drag for a little over seven years now.
14:01I'm ready to use every single bit of information I've learned
14:05and snatch this crown, bitch, because it's
14:07time for a big girl to win.
14:09And I'm the biggest of girls.
14:13Who's mother baby eyelashes are these?
14:15No, ma'am.
14:16Oh, my god.
14:18Oh, wow, the weather's so nice here.
14:19In the back here?
14:20OK, stick the queen in the back.
14:22Wow, what's up?
14:24Oh, god.
14:25I've waited for this moment for such a long time.
14:28And it's really happening.
14:30And I don't know when it's going to set in,
14:32but it hasn't happened yet.
14:34Oh, my god.
14:35Luckily, the shock is really helping
14:37with how much my feet hurt.
14:39Hey, oh, there's boys here.
14:40Queen's walking.
14:41Oh, Lucy, you've got some sleigh to do.
14:47Oh, my gosh, she's finally here.
14:56It has been such a journey to get here.
14:58And I'm just so happy that it's finally here.
15:02It's time to start my world domination.
15:05I am Robin Fierce.
15:06I am stunning.
15:08I am fun.
15:10And darling, above all else, she is fierce.
15:12I'm here to take the crown, darling.
15:15OK, I'm holding on, girl.
15:17Right before I'm about to step in, I start to get nervous.
15:19But I have myself up, because I know,
15:21regardless of who's there waiting on you,
15:23you better look them in the eye and let
15:24them know that you've arrived.
15:25Queen's walking.
15:26Don't be fooled.
15:27The camera adds 10 pounds.
15:28Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
15:31If you're the queen, then I'm the mother talking princess.
15:33Got my purse and a tight little mini dress.
15:36I cannot with me already rapping.
15:40I'm here to spice it up and have fun,
15:41because that's what I do best.
15:43So it's not just Miss Spice here.
15:45I do have a twin sis, Miss Sugar.
15:47Is she going to try to come and take my spotlight?
15:48I don't know.
15:49We're going to have to wait and see.
15:51But, you know, I'm not really sure.
15:52But, you know, I'm not really worried about her, you know.
15:54And there's sugar and spice involved.
15:55Spice always comes out on top, so.
15:57OK, Spice, it is time to shake these girlies up,
16:00shake up the soccer moms, get the girlies mad.
16:02What you do best.
16:03Now's the time.
16:05Let's see how this goes.
16:06Ha, ha, ha, ha.
16:08OK, I'm starting to get into my zone.
16:11And I'm ready to just walk out there.
16:13Because in the words of RuPaul, this
16:15is the beginning of the rest of your life.
16:19Queen's walking.
16:20Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's
16:23the fiercest queen of them all?
16:26Ooh, the AC, y'all feel that?
16:28Well, I guess you can't, but.
16:29You can see that I'm not sweating, so that's good.
16:32Ooh, OK.
16:33See, the princesses are here.
16:35I don't know where that bitch Spice is.
16:37But we're not drag queens.
16:38We're drag princesses.
16:39I've been doing drag, it's going to be three years.
16:42You know, it took sugar a minute.
16:44I mean, sugar definitely had her booger days.
16:47Every drag queen is like, oh, is it the lash?
16:49Is it the wig?
16:50No, bitch, it's the heel for me.
16:51Once you put the heel on, all of a sudden, the posture's up.
16:56Get the shoe, baby.
16:57I think I'm ready.
17:00Ah, my nail.
17:03Oh, god.
17:04Hi, Miss Thing.
17:06I missed you.
17:07Mwah, mwah.
17:08You look so good.
17:08Oh, my god.
17:09There goes the nail.
17:10When I first see sugar, I'm so excited.
17:12I'm like, oh, my god, you look amazing.
17:13Should we trot?
17:14We're trotting to the car.
17:16We're like, so excited to see each other.
17:18And, like, do this together.
17:20And, like, embark on this experience together.
17:22Oh, my god.
17:23Did someone call for the Mary-Kate and Ashley of drag?
17:25Ru did.
17:27Look at that.
17:28Here we go.
17:31I'm actually not nervous.
17:32Because when I have sugar by my side,
17:33I'm like, why would I be nervous?
17:34Like, this is what we do.
17:35Like, we're just here to have fun and play.
17:37Wow, the little snack area.
17:40Are they twins?
17:41No, this doesn't look like a toy store.
17:43That was fun.