• last month
00:17Where we sitting oh my god, wait, I feel like I have to do it
00:25The on top lounge is back and different than before
00:30It looks absolutely incredible. I'm excited to just relax and just share what we think
00:41Come on top seven
00:44How's everyone feeling
00:48First runway divas
00:50Walk down there a lot of fun. I was actually not as nervous as I thought I was gonna be. Yeah, right
00:57You stepped around that corner and your face I was just like
01:03Thank you really and your face is just still so
01:12I was a little nervous for my reveal. Yeah, I'm just such a perfectionist. I'm like girl. I wish it would have gone
01:18Of course sailing. Yes. Yes. Yes, but you look sexy regardless girl
01:23Did anyone feel weird or not happy about their critiques, um, I mean they all kind of thought my number was flat
01:30They're like the beginning. They you know, they like my personality and like, you know, the smile the face
01:36Mmm, I had fun. Good. I really liked your song a lot. We were bopping
01:49Getting to know you you're just like so bubbly and effervescent
01:52Maybe your number could have had a little bit more of that. But regardless it was a bop
01:58Writing I think for sure like you had the most lyrics bitch. I'm sorry. You shocked the fuck out of me
02:04Because you walked in I was like, oh she seems a little shy that performance
02:15That's a signature move now you kind of shook me cuz when you walked in the workroom I was like
02:23Hearing some stuff you got from the fashion bar. Oh
02:28Wow, yes, ma'am
02:30Oh, that was like part of like the irony of me coming in and calling you guys trash cuz like that's like my thing
02:35I'm like, I don't wanna say trash queen, but she's an ironic. What was your entrance sign? I wasn't there
02:41Came in she said
02:52That's why I was funny
02:54Saphira thinks she knows all of us
02:58Isn't there something to be said about not letting all your cards show in your entrance, that's what I thought
03:02Yeah, I was about to say that. I just have so many cards. I just keep showing them
03:07Can we talk about how gagged they were at your costume?
03:11That's sickening I
03:13Don't think people understand like I do spend nights and nights and nights putting together and thinking of every detail and it shows
03:21As someone else who sews it takes so much time so kudos to you for that one. Yeah, for sure. Thank you so much
03:28Amanda how'd you feel about a critique? They didn't like my makeup, but I don't like my makeup either
03:36When you said you had never done a purple face before I was like I have done a purple face before but it was
03:41Like she's like, well, where is it? Well
03:44You heard badly about your makeup, which I know she wants me to paint my brows higher
03:50Bigger she said bigger bigger. I think you have already a great like eye shape and stuff
03:54You just have to extend it further. Yeah to the back
03:59In your brow bone, you don't use enough of your own face, we're gonna marsha marsha marsha you the fuck out, okay
04:04The girls all staring at my face going fix this fix that fix this
04:08It doesn't feel great to hear that but I feel like
04:12Everybody just decided to forget all the nice things. They said about me your original song my kitty super fun
04:18Your timing on the lines and how you lip-synced it to me. That's really hard to do. That's real comedy
04:22Your level of energy on that stage. It's like you're busting out of your body
04:27So I'm not mad. How long have you been doing drag like since like 2021? So it's not been that long. Yeah
04:35Your personality is so much better than your drag
04:48Is the compliment
04:53No, like you're just so lovely Oh talk to yeah, I'm just like staring in your eyes
04:58You know what? I mean?
04:59Mm-hmm and staring your eyes is like easy because you're present when Saphira says my personality is so much better than my drag
05:05I can tell that it's out of love. She and I have already developed this rapport
05:10She's already been very helpful and very caring in the ways that she talks to me. So I'm not taking it as a read
05:15I'm taking it as honesty, which maybe is worse
05:20When someone's president makes it easy to get another man also makes it like you said easy to look past the folded breastplate
05:29Your eyebrows being so close but the point is, you know, you are wonderful. Thank you are somebody. Thank you
05:36Who are you to read her breastplate? Yours is hanging out right now
05:41Honey I wish your breath
05:46It was where it needed to be when it needs to be exactly
05:51Saphira your
05:53Talent, I know
05:56Good boys. You kind of gagged us. No, I was I was absolutely beyond gagged because you looked so gorgeous
06:05I was like, are we a queen of the universe?
06:21What I was really gagged about is I was able to connect with Rue in this like old-school way
06:27I am I am a drag queens drag queen and like I do love drag in the way
06:34My old-school mothers just love drag and you know, I was Lord when she was like you
06:40She got it. Yeah, you are my queen. You're from my back. She appreciated
06:46I think it shows it comes through. Can I add that as like a newer Queen?
06:50I am so thrilled and honored to like be in this with you. Like I know agree
06:55Yeah, I'm so excited to get to do this really wonderful and I'm very happy because the thing is I can be a bitch but
07:01No one has made me
07:10Have kind of been in my head like all day and I haven't really been sharing it with the divas because I didn't want to
07:16Like I don't know make y'all think anything about it, but I knew I look great on the runway
07:21So I was worried about that and then my number clearly it read well
07:25Yeah, I crash right down here on your stage to show you how I stay engaging if you cannot clearly gauge
07:30We're only on the title page. Oh
07:33Those were in there
07:35But just hearing them just like sing my accolades
07:37I was kind of like shook and just so happy to hear that they understand my perspective my point of view because it's very
07:43Not the same as everybody else is it just like made me feel like so overjoyed like I love I enjoyed it
07:49Yeah, you're here though. Yeah
07:51Who do we think is in the bottom? Oh, I think it's safe to say me. Yeah. Yeah, and Amanda
07:58Probably so. Oh, yeah, I agree. If these two are in the bottom who's going home her
08:03Haha, it ain't me
08:06It depends on the song cuz she got energy booze he has energy
08:12You can think that but
08:17What a strong group of girls
08:24That's right bitch don't forget it I
08:28Really can't tell who is in the top because we all got such good critiques me
08:32I think the one queen that got like great critiques on the runway and talent was cute. Yeah, can I add?
08:38Yes, I didn't get a single bad critique, but yours were better
08:49Realistically if you had to say like, okay if I got immunity tonight
08:53What would be the challenge that I think that would come in handy for me?
08:56I'll say snatch game just because it can go either way. That's true. Like it's not just an improv
09:02It is so specific and strange. Yeah, like who knows what is going to happen with that? I struggle with picking up choreography
09:09Okay, that's something I struggle with. I wouldn't be mad at immunity girl
09:12I'm a very talented drag queen
09:14But I won't say that I don't have any like thing that I'm not great at and if anybody in here
09:17Says that they are good at everything. They are lying
09:33Was gonna bring my tata's to the party to
09:37Charlize Theron is an Oscar-winning Dior model goddess supreme
09:45And she's right next to me hey girl and I'm pink tell me everything um, she's bad she's great
10:04The eighth queen
10:07Watch out bitches
10:09You were such a good guest judge to like I loved hearing your point of view and your critique
10:13Listen, I took it as a moment that I wanted to really like give you guys something that I feel like people have given me
10:19Which I hope you all took with my admiration and respect and utter joy to be here
10:25And I love being surrounded by people who can still make me hear them
10:29Right because we so easily get to a place where like I fucking know it all if you can't learn something every single day
10:36So what are you really doing? Right? I watch you guys and I learn your confidence. I was like fuck
10:41I wish I had that confidence. Thank you. Oh my god. I'm fucking around. I'm just winging it. So
10:48You just have it I need to like get more of that
10:51Hey, oh my god seeing you in the workroom earlier and like you're talking about being a voice for our community
11:00So, I think it's so important for people of your like caliber like to speak up like trans people
11:06Yeah, drag queens you support us and you support what we do and you support who we are
11:10Like I just think that's really really cool. It's gonna mean a lot to a lot of people
11:13Yeah, yeah, that means a lot to me because they have two small children
11:16And I want them to grow up in a world where they know
11:20What it means to accept what's not you what is different and love that to not be scared of that and to embrace it
11:28And like that's my job as a mom
11:33There's so many people that are just grasping at straws to find reasons to hate people right easier to
11:40Bring down a community than to accept them. It's always a little tricky, right?
11:45I feel like we're living in a day and age where our words can so easily be weaponized
11:50against us I
11:52Worry about us as people
11:54And what we can do to each other and how powerful it is when you love and how powerful it is when you hate one
12:01Destroys and one builds different size of the same coin
12:04but I think you guys walk such a beautiful line of having to hear it having to see it having to feel it and then just
12:11Basically fucking them all up by just being the fabulous people that you are
12:17So I have no advice
12:20Okay, just be I ask you for advice on something you might know something about fame like having notoriety
12:27Like what was it like for you to come into that and deal with it and like having people know who you are
12:32so for me, it was really weird because I was raised in a really small farm town in South Africa and
12:38Having people kind of pry into your life in a way that didn't feel loving
12:44It felt like how can we break you down?
12:46How can we like point out things that could make you weak?
12:50I can't say that I've ever gotten to a place where I'm used to it. I'm not yeah, also
12:56We didn't have cell phones
13:03I might have been canceled by now
13:13I'm a big language buff and I love languages. Sorry, I gotta take Charlie's with me
13:21It is time for you guys to get ready to rate a queen though, okay
13:24How do you say slay Queen in Afrikaan? I don't know if there's an actual like a literal translation to it, but I would say
13:31Look fucking my book
13:34Book can we cheer Latina Latina way? Okay, just follow me one, two, three
13:48Fucking way back. I'm so in awe that you make it. I know we're like kind of matching
13:54I'm so I wish I could make it like that. Oh, thank you. So amazing. Yeah
13:57It is so surreal to have Charlie's here in this Dior number looking stunning
14:03And she's telling me how much she loves my look. I am absolutely shook
14:11Charlie's motherfucking
14:14Now we have to rate each other top to bottom I
14:18Think it was a good showing from all of us. Yeah, I think that we are the top three
14:23I'm wondering what the hell it means to rate a queen. Yeah, how are we gonna do this?
14:28This is incredible. I have to rank all of my sisters. I know
14:32Alright Queens follow me. It's time to rate a queen. Oh
14:35Are there lipsticks, please?
14:38Damn, I simply can't finish that
14:41Get all cameras up for voting in the workroom copy rolling rolling
14:51When it comes to this rate a queen situationality, I have a feeling there are many different strategies at play
14:57They could vote based on friendship. They could vote based on strategy and that makes it very scary going to this first elimination
15:06So I'm nervous boots because I know I'm about to lip-sync for my life
15:11So here we are. I think voting is not going to be solely based on performance
15:17I'm feeling a little nervous because I don't want to lip-sync
15:23But if I have to I'm about to show them why I deserve to be here
15:32Welcome back Queens this week. No one is going home
15:40Based on the rate of Queen results the top two Queens will lip-sync for the win
15:49Crystal and Q. This is your chance to impress me and earn immunity from a future elimination
15:58The time has come read your lip-sync for the win
16:17It's a fair crystal
16:20Conjugulations you're a winner, baby. Oh
16:25My god, I just won the first challenge I have immunity I have $5,000. I have
16:33$7,500 Thanks many challenge and now the girls know I'm gonna be somebody to look out for