Melody of Golden Age (2024) Episode 5 English Subtitles

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Melody of Golden Age (2024) Episode 5 English Subtitles
01:00用一生奉陪 至少有你同行与同悲
01:08解开宿命欲望无畏 一场梦回
01:44今日之事 多谢你了
01:48我看 你要谢的是另有其人吧
01:57确实与我有九分相向 但还是瞒不过你
02:12陈述实刚正不宜 但字里行间 偶尔却透出女子风格
02:18这颜幸当日是张相一律推荐 如今却有意帮你
02:24我看 此事妙得很啊
02:52差你去办的也是桩苦差事 一定小心谨慎
03:28看来是我错怪夫人了 这一出事 她还算有情有义
03:36她不起 我自己不会说吗
03:53她居然敢利用我 可恶
03:57算了 她也只是想为陈白衣伸张正义
04:16看不出来啊 她还有模仿自己的本事
04:21大哥灵 她动了您的褶子 回去会要不要
04:28留着她 看她还能玩出什么花招
04:34倒是有件事 得即刻去办
04:42贤王殿下 贤王殿下
04:45不好了 外面 外面
04:57臣萧仲 领旨
05:13运仁德力深 资义勇而成物
05:29委之监察 扬我国威
05:32抚慰民心 主者施行
05:34抚慰民心 主者施行
05:52贤王殿下 太皇太后有命
05:55此事重大 一个都不得延误
05:57贤王殿下此行 全权由内卫府来护送
06:00大个令已经安排好 还请贤王殿下安心一驾
06:14现在早晚蚊叉大 四时浇水最佳
06:24贤王殿下 请
06:40夫人 夫人
06:53好 那我再等等
06:55and we can't stop him.
07:03Madam, this is lotus seed soup.
07:05Drink it while it's hot.
07:10This girl is so unfamiliar.
07:25Ya Dayou
07:43I've heard of you, my lord.
07:45The sixth concubine of Yan
07:46is really a smart lady.
07:48She was arrested in the palace a while ago
07:50and hasn't returned.
07:52If you ask me about the progress of the case,
07:54I'm afraid I'll have to return empty-handed.
07:56I know the whereabouts of Shen Du.
07:58I only met you today to clarify the Yan family's position.
08:07I don't understand. Please enlighten me.
08:10After the Grand Empress Dowager heard that Fang Jian and Tong Yao were together, she was very angry.
08:13She immediately ordered Prince Xian to go to Fengxiang Prefecture to supervise the disaster relief.
08:18When she left, she didn't even let anyone follow her.
08:21She even hid the route to find her.
08:25Prime Minister, you think that
08:26the Grand Empress Dowager suspects that Prince Xian is behind the incident with Tong Yao.
08:30That's why she wants to kill Prince Xian.
08:34a tiger's prey does not eat its prey.
08:35The mountain is high and the road is far. If something really happens,
08:38it will be too late.
08:40Let me ask you.
08:42The Grand Empress Dowager is in charge of state affairs. She doesn't care about political affairs.
08:45What is the name of the late emperor?
08:47Does the Yan family still know?
08:50I have been investigating the case.
08:52I really don't understand the affairs of the court.
08:55It's even harder for me to bear the responsibility.
08:58Not only do you not want to enter the court,
09:00but you also want to be alone in this case.
09:03Not only you,
09:05even the Yan family can't get away with this.
09:09The Grand Empress Dowager is in charge of state affairs.
09:11Maybe Prime Minister is overthinking.
09:13A series of cases and Tong Yao.
09:15Could it really cause such a big trouble?
09:18The Buddha swallows his sins. Tong Yao is so vicious.
09:22She is pointing out that the Grand Empress Dowager is not in the right position.
09:24If she wants to make a fuss, it's not just the late emperor.
09:29What does Prime Minister want me to do?
09:31I have already sent people to investigate.
09:32The Shen family is using Flying Pigeons to send out orders and messages.
09:36This time, the late emperor's trip, they will definitely use the Flying Pigeons to report.
09:40Hurry up and find the late emperor's route.
09:44At that time, no matter if the Shen family wants to assassinate the late emperor,
09:48or if they really want to protect him,
09:50we must prepare in advance.
09:52Flying Pigeons?
10:07Madam is in her own house.
10:11Why are you acting like a thief?
10:17Brother Li, I have been waiting for you.
10:20When did you come back?
10:22Did the Grand Empress Dowager give you a hard time?
10:24You made me worry all night.
10:26Yan Liu Niang, why are you acting like a star?
10:31Do you think you can please me like this?
10:35If you don't eat this, then forget it.
10:39Are you satisfied now?
10:42As the Minister of Justice,
10:43you should know what kind of punishment you should be given for falsifying the memorials.
10:47Moreover, your lies have caused so much trouble in the court.
10:51At that time, I was just worried about my uncle.
10:55I didn't write any memorials.
10:57How would I know what I should write and what I shouldn't write?
11:01Save me?
11:06I'm afraid you are using me as a knife.
11:10The road is heavy at night.
11:12Let's go inside and rest.
11:30Chen Bai Yi, a talented scholar from the Han family,
11:31committed suicide in the Great Cang Ming Hall.
11:33He was stabbed in the back by an arrow.
11:36The Great Cang Ming Hall has the Great Sky Stone.
11:39When will the investigation end?
11:41Everyone, why do we have to be the disciples of the Great Cang Ming Hall?
11:46We can only be their shadow.
11:48We won't do it anymore!
11:50Look at you all.
11:52If the Great Cang Ming Hall didn't exist,
11:54you wouldn't even be able to enter the Great Cang Ming Hall.
11:56And you still want to be the disciples?
11:58Let me tell you, you were born lowly.
12:01What did you say?
12:02You are just a bunch of people who only know how to steal.
12:09Stop fighting!
12:11Stop fighting!
12:12I said stop fighting!
12:13Stop fighting!
12:16How dare you!
12:17How dare you!
12:26You are just a bunch of people who only know how to steal.
12:29The Great Cang Ming Hall committed suicide.
12:30What is the result of the internal investigation?
12:33Empress Dowager,
12:35the internal investigation has been further investigated.
12:37Indeed, as mentioned earlier,
12:39student Chen Bai Yi was stolen by the eldest son of the Jin family.
12:42He was kicked out by the Jin family.
12:44He even humiliated Ouda in public.
12:46He was so angry that he didn't report it to the government.
12:48In the end, he committed suicide.
12:53The student of Hongwen Hall is causing trouble.
12:55It hasn't stopped yet.
12:56Jiangnan is reporting it.
12:58Look. Look!
13:00If you don't carry out the Great Cang Ming Hall,
13:03it will be difficult for you to gain the world's favor.
13:07Will the world's students
13:09just look down on the talents of the Great Cang Ming Hall?
13:12Empress Dowager, please calm down.
13:19selecting talents is a national matter.
13:21The noble families should not use this to maintain their positions.
13:25This is causing such a controversy.
13:27I think, whether it's the Han family or the noble families,
13:31we should put them together and compare them.
13:32We can use them to select talents.
13:38I don't think so.
13:40Selecting talents is a national matter.
13:43How can we change it just like that?
13:46I'm afraid that Prince Ying
13:48is not lost in the middle of the day
13:50because of the conflicts with the students of the Han family.
13:59The Han family is also a citizen of the Great Cang Ming Hall.
14:02Why would Prime Minister Zhang
14:04give such a big response when I said a few words for them?
14:06Could it be that he's trying to steal the article
14:10and deceive the public?
14:12Prime Minister Zhang, you already knew about it.
14:15Empress Dowager, you are wise.
14:16I only care about the design of the Great Cang Ming Hall.
14:20We can't just look at the article when selecting talents.
14:22It's also a matter of family ties.
14:25Prime Minister Zhang, you are wrong.
14:27A person with the privilege of protecting the noble families
14:29has already caused so much corruption.
14:32It should be the noble families who are in power.
14:36Empress Dowager, the victims of the Lian Huan case in Ximing Temple
14:39are all descendants of noble families.
14:41It's possible that the Han family was bewitched.
14:51It's hard to predict.
14:53Suppression will never solve the problem.
14:55How could you not know such a simple truth?
14:59Could it be that you want the Empress Dowager
15:02to bear the name of being unfaithful to the Han family in the future?
15:07I am loyal to the Empress Dowager.
15:09I can see it every day.
15:11If I open the mouth of my disciple,
15:12I will never let the Empress Dowager down.
15:15Alright, alright.
15:16Prime Minister Zhang, get up.
15:19You two are arguing
15:21because of the design of the Great Cang Ming Hall.
15:25Minister Shen,
15:26haven't you already investigated the Ming Hall case?
15:29Then, what do you think?
15:34Among the disciples of the Han family,
15:35those who are really talented
15:36do need a plan.
15:38I think we can choose
15:40a fair way to interrogate
15:43to make it easier for the Empress Dowager to investigate.
15:45I think we should start from the Hongwen Hall.
15:50Those who are from the Han family
15:52can enter the hall to learn.
15:54The Empress Dowager is wise.
16:05It's you.
16:11Miss, sit here.
16:16Come, sit.
16:20Thanks to you,
16:22my unfilial grandson
16:25can finally rest in peace.
16:27Da Ge Ling, do we still need to...
16:30The article written by Chen Shusheng is highly praised by the disciples.
16:34I brought a book for you.
16:39It's a pity. I don't know how to read.
16:43I'll read it for you.
16:49The Western Zhou song.
16:51A plum blooms in the Western Zhou.
16:54The plum blooms in Jiangbei.
16:56The plum blooms in Danshan.
17:17This wife is really willing to give herself a hard time.
17:22But the fairness and justice she wants
17:26is not that easy.
17:51I didn't expect you to have such a plan.
17:57What's wrong?
18:05The Empress Dowager has decreed that the Hongwen Hall will be used as a demonstration hall.
18:08Those who are from the Han family can enter the hall to learn.
18:14I mean,
18:16I dare not be greedy.
18:19I'll rely on Da Ge Ling to learn from Zhou Wo.
18:22This time, I will definitely be able to gain a reputation
18:26among the Han disciples.
18:28How great! I'm happy for you.
18:31Is this what I care about?
18:36I'm not sure.
18:38I'm not sure.
18:41In the future, if you make another move,
18:43inform me in advance. Otherwise, I won't let you off lightly.
18:47That's true.
18:49What reputation does a Bai Wuchang have?
19:01It's late at night. Why are you going out?
19:05Why are you going out?
19:10I'm going out for a walk.
19:12If I don't run, I'll be tired. How can I sleep by Bai Wuchang's side?
19:31Does she go for a run every night?
19:34Madam said this will help her sleep.
19:49It's too bright.
19:51The light didn't move. It's still the same.
19:55Do you also think it's bright?
19:56People in the manor are used to it.
20:05I remember Xichen has a kind of cloth that can cover the light.
20:09Go and make a blanket.
20:12Also, don't light the light over there in the future.
20:22Save as much as you can.
20:35Bai Wuchang's Manor
20:55Eldest Brother, please.
20:58Bai Wuchang's Manor
21:04You've already barged in.
21:06Come in.
21:17Hurry and come down.
21:28The 12 dead in Ximing Temple have all been identified.
21:31Most of the corpses in these cities were familiar corpses.
21:34They often entered and left the city together.
21:35But there are still two groups that haven't been identified.
21:38Didn't you say that the manor is highly efficient?
21:40How come it's been so long and they still haven't been identified?
21:46The male corpses are all male.
21:47Based on their appearance and clothing, they can be identified very quickly.
21:51But those female corpses' appearance was destroyed.
21:53They didn't have a household registration, so it did take some time.
21:55Also, their disappearance time doesn't match the time of their deaths.
22:00Doesn't match?
22:03Are those male corpses the same?
22:05That's right.
22:06A small difference is two to three months.
22:08A large difference is one to two years.
22:10After the murderer took them away, they were able to be imprisoned for so long.
22:13That's right. The risk will be greater.
22:15Are the female corpses the same as the missing musical notes that the suspect found?
22:19That's right. It's the musical notes of the missing musicians.
22:22You're saying that all of them are musical notes?
22:25That's right.
22:26That's not right.
22:27How is it not right?
22:28The gold accessories that these female corpses are wearing are not right.
22:42Look at this.
22:45It's really beautiful.
22:51The color is not bad at all.
22:53It's really pretty.
22:59That day, I felt that it was strange.
23:01These gold accessories, compared to other accessories, are written too precisely.
23:05It doesn't look like it's from an ordinary gold workshop.
23:08These things shouldn't be easily obtained by ordinary musical instruments.
23:14I don't know much about these things.
23:15But Cui Cui said that famous craftsmen
23:18are used to leaving marks on their works.
23:24The golden armor of the Lijiang Gold Workshop
23:26was a private workshop in the palace.
23:28It was used to make jewelry for the nobles.
23:30It was only opened for ten years.
23:31It's more than a hundred years old.
23:34It has become the best in the city.
23:35Then, take care.
23:39The noble guests are arriving.
23:40I don't know what you two would like to choose.
23:44Bring all the best things from your side.
24:06Madam, are you satisfied?
24:13Madam, you have good taste.
24:14How much is it?
24:15This is 50 taels.
24:24I told you that ordinary musical instruments can't be bought.
24:42I want to buy something beautiful.
24:44When the shopkeeper comes,
24:45let him take out the treasure of the shop, okay?
24:54The purple bamboo tea is a tribute to the present.
24:57The Yangxian Purple Bamboo Tea is the best.
25:00I gave a few taels as a gift.
25:03I can't bear to drink it at home.
25:05It's too expensive.
25:07This is the treasure of our Dong family.
25:09The noble guests are arriving.
25:10I can't bear to give it to you.
25:12Hasn't the host come yet?
25:17It turns out to be the Great Ge Ling and Madam Ge Ling.
25:19I don't know if you two have any advice
25:22If I'm not mistaken,
25:24you are the head nurse of Prince Ying's side.
25:30The Great Ge Ling has good taste.
25:32He still remembers me, a little slave.
25:34I'm really adored.
25:39Do you recognize these gold pieces?
25:56This is indeed from our Bijiang Gold Workshop.
26:01I want to buy the list of these goldsmiths.
26:08Great Ge Ling,
26:10you are making it difficult for me.
26:14The gold workshop is open to welcome guests.
26:16There are so many guests coming and going.
26:18The jewelry sold over the years is also countless.
26:20How can I remember all of them?
26:2250 taels for a hairpin.
26:24Even if ordinary people
26:26were to sell their property,
26:28they wouldn't be able to buy it a few times.
26:31If you can't give me the account book,
26:33why don't you tell me
26:35who can give it to me?
26:46If there is any hidden agenda
26:48or secret,
26:50this matter is serious.
26:52You can bear the consequences.
26:54Wait a moment, Great Ge Ling.
26:58I'll go get it now.
27:19This is not bad.
27:24I'll take this one.
27:26It's simple.
27:28It suits you.
27:40Are you giving it to me?
27:52Are you asking me to pay for it myself?
28:16The gold accessories
28:18worn by female dead people
28:20are really expensive.
28:22There are no musical instruments
28:24in the list of these accessories.
28:26But there are a few familiar names.
28:36It's a male dead person.
28:38That's right.
28:40Their smiles
28:42are really worth thousands of gold.
28:52This seems to be a confused account book.
28:54A lot of goods
28:56are only written in Yansong.
28:58There is no number
29:00and no specific location.
29:02Jinfang often holds banquets.
29:04The noble women in the city
29:06must have been sent out.
29:08Such a big handle.
29:10Then that Teacher Yang
29:12is really amazing.
29:14There is someone else
29:16in this list.
29:18Teacher Yang
29:20is Prince Ying's confidant.
29:22His status is not comparable
29:24to ordinary workers.
29:26But just now,
29:28he called himself a slave
29:30in front of you
29:32and handed over this list.
29:34It seems that he is afraid of offending
29:40he doesn't want you to continue
29:42His back
29:44is very likely to be Prince Ying.
29:46Do they want to
29:48use banquets to attract
29:50women from various officials' mansions
29:52and then use the editors
29:54to understand the thoughts and actions of each mansion?
30:04No wonder Prime Minister Zhang is so scared.
30:06Do you know Prince Ying?
30:08Prince Ying
30:10is deeply favored.
30:12On the surface,
30:14he seems to be enjoying himself all day long.
30:16But in fact, he is in the city.
30:18But you don't have to worry.
30:20I guess he will come to you soon.
30:22What do you mean?
30:24Da Ge Ling.
30:26Get up.
30:28Prince Ying sent a letter.
30:30Prince Ying sent a letter
30:38Prince Ying sent a letter
30:40to invite you to the flower banquet.
30:46Isn't this Da Ge Ling?
30:48Why didn't anyone say anything?
30:50I just saw it.
30:52Mrs. Wu looks pale.
30:54I heard that her husband raised a prostitute.
30:56Who made her so reluctant
30:58to marry that little official?
31:00Men are all the same
31:02whether they have money or not.
31:04That's right.
31:06I also heard that
31:08Mrs. Tang liked a poor boy
31:10so much that
31:12she eloped with him.
31:16Why didn't I hear that?
31:18Do you know why Mrs. Tang
31:20has a good relationship with Prince Ying?
31:24Because they all like poor boys.
31:26That's right.
31:28That's right.
31:34Mrs. Tang, please spare me.
31:40It's okay.
31:42I was careless.
31:44Mrs. Shen.
31:46Look at how bold
31:48Mrs. Shen is.
31:50Isn't she the daughter of the Yan family?
31:52She looks like a lady
31:54of the Yan family.
31:56Mrs. Shen, it's your first time
31:58attending such a banquet.
32:00You may not be used to it.
32:02It's not like this usually.
32:04It's just that
32:06Mrs. Liu's husband was arrested
32:08a few months ago
32:10and interrogated.
32:12It's okay.
32:14It's just that
32:16my husband offended someone outside.
32:18Please forgive him.
32:20So you don't have to
32:22take it to heart.
32:24They were just passing by.
32:28I think Mrs. Shen's dress is wet.
32:30Why don't you come with me
32:32and change your clothes?
32:36Let's go.
32:48This place is called Yaoquan Pool.
32:50You can soak here
32:52and recuperate.
32:54Mrs. Shen's clothes are wet and cold.
32:56Why don't you go up and enjoy it?
32:58It's too precious.
33:00I'd better...
33:02I'm testing the new formula of Yaoquan.
33:04You can help me feel it.
33:06How is the effect of this new formula?
33:10Mrs. Tang,
33:12you know how to make medicine.
33:16I just know a little.
33:30That's right.
33:32It's the smell of Bai Naoxiang.
33:34He was the one who
33:36investigated outside Ximing Temple.
33:42This is a fire moth.
33:44I heard a legend.
33:46Someone saw a fire moth
33:48and went up the mountain with it.
33:50After that,
33:52it was immortal.
33:54Mrs. Tang,
33:56do you also long for immortality?
34:04Life is only a few decades.
34:06If you have something
34:08you want to do,
34:10don't hesitate.
34:12After the youth is gone,
34:14you can realize your dream.
34:16I'm afraid
34:18you'll be powerless.
34:20You're right.
34:26Come here.
34:34Mrs. Shen is smart
34:36and close to Ge Lin.
34:38The serial murder case in the city
34:40is in your hands.
34:42It's reassuring.
34:46It reminds me
34:48how difficult the Liang family is.
34:50I used to have
34:52a good relationship with Mrs. Fang.
34:54But you didn't even
34:56look at her.
35:00you've lost your son.
35:02The Liang family and Mrs. Fang
35:04don't get along well.
35:06Look at my mouth.
35:08You shouldn't say that.
35:10Mrs. Shen,
35:12please don't take it to heart.
35:16I want to tell you
35:18the murderer will be caught soon.
35:22No matter how deep it is.
35:26Mrs. Shen,
35:28Prince Ying wants to see you.
35:30I see.
35:46I've been waiting for two hours.
35:48Why hasn't he come yet?
36:17Prince Ying.
36:27The flowers are in full bloom.
36:29You forgot about Mrs. Shen.
36:35Mrs. Shen, don't be nervous.
36:37I called you here
36:39to chat with you.
36:41Nothing else.
36:49investigation is investigation.
36:52Don't do
36:59anything else.
37:38Mrs. Shen, you are so smart.
37:42You should know what I mean.
37:48You should know what I mean.
38:14Don't you know
38:16your husband didn't teach you?
38:28Your Highness,
38:30Ge Lin is here to pick up Mrs. Shen.
38:36It's only been half a day.
38:38Why is Ge Lin so concerned about Mrs. Shen?
38:40Mrs. Shen,
38:44it seems the rumors in the room
38:46are true.
38:48Your relationship
38:50is really killing people.
38:56Let her in.
39:10Your Highness.
39:22The flowers are in full bloom.
39:24Mrs. Shen hasn't come back yet.
39:26She must have lost her way in the palace.
39:28I came to pick her up in a hurry.
39:30After all,
39:32there are a lot of things in the house
39:34that Mrs. Shen has to deal with.
39:36Ge Lin came to pick her up himself.
39:38If I keep pestering
39:40Mrs. Shen,
39:42wouldn't it be a waste of time?
39:48But there is one thing
39:50I still have to tell Ge Lin.
39:54It's important to investigate the case of life and death.
39:58Thank you for reminding me, Your Highness.
40:08Your Highness.
40:38Your Highness.
41:08Your Highness.
41:16Are you hurt?
41:28It's bleeding.
41:38Did Prince Ying
41:40force you to eat anything?
41:42Will you be poisoned?
41:48Ge Lin has been working hard all the way.
41:52When I got on the carriage,
41:54no one could see me.
42:02Did you already expect
42:04that I would be fierce
42:06when I entered the palace this time?
42:10A person who has just learned to walk
42:12won't know how painful it is
42:14to fall if he doesn't fall for a while.
42:18Besides, you took a card from Prince Ying.
42:20It's not an exaggeration
42:22to hit him, right?
42:24It was obviously the two of us who picked him up.
42:26He just hit me.
42:32if you can come over,
42:34I can still...
42:36No need to thank me.
42:38You wrote a memorial to save me before.
42:40I was just being polite.
42:46Did you find out
42:48that the Liang family's main house
42:50was in discord with each other?
42:52Why did you investigate
42:54the internal affairs?
42:56The main house has indeed
42:58been in discord with the second house
43:00and has been fighting all the time.
43:02The people in the second house are well-educated
43:04and have never been in trouble.
43:06Liang Chenzhong is the only son.
43:08The main house
43:10has been cut off by the murderer.
43:12There are many people who hate him.
43:14Even if he hasn't been cut off,
43:16he won't live long.
43:18But the people of Xia Di Shui Guan Ying
43:20also have the intention to kill him.
43:22It's just that the serial killer is not fast enough.
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45:42YoYo English Channel YouTube
45:52YoYo English Channel YouTube
46:02YoYo English Channel YouTube
46:12YoYo English Channel YouTube
