12 Days with God Full Movie | Drama about Redemption | Cancer Patient

  • 1 hour ago
One man has two major surgeries to remove a large cancerous growth behind his eye. But in order to remove they will have to open up his head. Complications lead doctors to fear the worst leaving him no choice but to trust in God for a miracle.

Stars: Tyrone Jackson
Directed by John Ginty

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00:00:00I was born out of a womb into a world of sin.
00:00:26I had seizures as a child and slept in rooms with no heat.
00:00:33Anger and I have always been best friends.
00:00:40I've seen people die in front of my face and I hurt innocent people for money.
00:00:49I have slept on dirt floors and sold drugs to empty souls.
00:00:55I got drunk, fought in bars and always smiled to hide the pain.
00:01:03But you God, you found me and decided enough was enough.
00:01:25I was born out of a womb into a world of sin.
00:01:45I was born out of a womb into a world of sin.
00:02:05I was born out of a womb into a world of sin.
00:02:25I was born out of a womb into a world of sin.
00:02:45Osteosarcoma is very rare, especially for someone your age, Devin.
00:02:51It usually forms while the bone is still growing.
00:02:53Now, I noticed that you've had an injury here in the past.
00:02:57How recent was that?
00:03:02A couple years ago.
00:03:05That's what I thought.
00:03:07See, your skull had to grow to fuse that crack and that most likely activated the cancerous cell.
00:03:17Now, due to its proximity to your brain, this tumor is extremely dangerous.
00:03:25From what we can see, it's very aggressive.
00:03:28It's grown three millimeters in the past month.
00:03:31So we need to act quickly and decisively.
00:03:41The truth is, Devin, if we can remove all of this cancerous growth, we may be able to prevent it from spreading to your brain.
00:03:51But you most likely will lose your eye.
00:03:56We're going to start radiation immediately, try to shrink this tumor down enough so we can have a successful surgery.
00:04:04I'm going to get in there and get all the cancerous bone out.
00:04:10Help us to prevent it from spreading to your brain.
00:04:41All I want right now is a nice glass of wine.
00:04:46My company isn't good enough for you?
00:04:50Besides, you know you can't tonight.
00:04:52I know, I know, I know.
00:04:55I'll tell you what, how about you get you a glass, then you can let me sniff it.
00:05:02Hey, is your mom all set with Izzy?
00:05:07She's got the whole week planned.
00:05:09The zoo, an ice cream date.
00:05:13Sounds like a good plan.
00:05:14I'll tell you what, let's do that when I get home.
00:05:17Ice cream is like the perfect dessert.
00:05:20Can't go wrong with it.
00:05:21Keeps you focused.
00:05:23Besides, if you're not focused, then you'll leave a big old mess.
00:05:26But the mess can be delicious, if it's your favorite flavor.
00:05:31And what is my favorite flavor?
00:05:33That's easy.
00:05:40Cookies and cream.
00:05:42See, I told you.
00:05:44But at least I know Izzy's favorite flavor.
00:06:13So, when's your mom visiting?
00:06:16She don't know yet.
00:06:17I mean, I keep trying to tell her not to worry about it.
00:06:20She just has to get updates from you throughout the week.
00:06:23You probably really want her here though, right?
00:06:26Honestly, I really don't think she'll be able to handle the stress.
00:06:31I mean, think about it.
00:06:32Twelve days.
00:06:35I'll give her two before she's running around here stressing.
00:06:38Then we're going to have to give her our own hospital room.
00:06:52How are you holding up though?
00:06:58You're the one who has to go through this thing and-
00:07:01And you're the one who has to watch me go through it, so.
00:07:08That is the reason I fell in love with you.
00:07:15Aw, boo.
00:07:16You fell in love with me because I'm God gifted women and you just couldn't help yourself.
00:07:22You're so stupid.
00:07:39Day one.
00:07:41Do not be anxious about anything.
00:07:44But in every situation, write prayer and petition.
00:07:48With Thanksgiving, present your request to God.
00:07:51With Thanksgiving, present your request to God.
00:08:03Mr. Sherman.
00:08:06They're ready for you.
00:08:16Give me one second.
00:08:21I'll be right back.
00:08:44Hey Cus.
00:08:46What's up?
00:08:47I just want to let you know, man.
00:08:49I'm going to take care of them girls for you.
00:08:52I know you will, Cus.
00:08:54But I'm going to be alright.
00:08:56Have a little faith, man.
00:09:09I'm going to be alright.
00:09:20Okay Devin, this is it.
00:09:23We're going to do everything we can to extract this tumor from you.
00:09:26Right now, I just want you to relax and count backwards from 60 for me.
00:09:58We did a reconstruction here.
00:10:02To the posterior orbit.
00:10:36Oh look, our heroes.
00:10:39What took y'all so long?
00:10:41Brewing a beer or something?
00:10:44Go and finish your meat.
00:10:52You did that.
00:11:07He just grabbed me.
00:11:09Now hold this real quick.
00:11:38Level sufficient?
00:12:08I definitely can't afford her.
00:12:13You're going to be single for the rest of your life, aren't you?
00:12:15I'm going to find me a budget woman. A real nice Latin lady.
00:12:19Lord. Let me see that.
00:12:26You and these women.
00:12:28I love them.
00:12:30We had to make a slight change in our approach to your husband's procedure.
00:12:47Wait, what do you mean change? Where's Dr. Kerman? Is everything okay?
00:12:51Dr. Kerman is in surgery. I'm a member of his team.
00:12:55We found that the tumor was a lot closer to his brain than we originally thought.
00:13:01This leaves us very little room for error.
00:13:06Now, in cases like this, we would bring in a neurosurgeon to handle the procedure.
00:13:11And as it turns out, we have the finest neurosurgeon in the Northeast right in this hospital.
00:13:19And as luck would have it, his schedule just opened up.
00:13:23He gives us our best chance to remove the tumor and save Devin's eye.
00:13:29Is there anything I can do?
00:13:33Just try everything you can to be comfortable. The schedule for the surgery is about six hours.
00:13:48You know, there's a private lounge where you can wait if you think you'd be more comfortable.
00:13:56Sure. Thank you.
00:14:02We really need to get you to a hospital.
00:14:05Oh, I'm fine. It's just a little cut.
00:14:08A little? My car is soaked in blood and you're still bleeding everywhere.
00:14:13I said I'm fine.
00:14:18I don't know why you gotta be so stubborn.
00:14:21I'm gonna be okay. They're lucky I didn't have my gun.
00:14:24Devin, you can't be like that.
00:14:26And they can't just walk around grabbing on women like that either.
00:14:29What you expect for me to do? Just stand there and don't do nothing?
00:14:32Yes. Absolutely.
00:14:34What if they were holding, hmm? What then?
00:14:39Hey. I can't sit by and watch you get yourself killed.
00:14:46I need you alive.
00:14:50This is real, isn't it?
00:14:53This cut? Yeah. It's real.
00:14:56You really should go.
00:14:58Marry me.
00:15:01You got hit by that wrench a little harder than you thought.
00:15:05I'm serious.
00:15:07You're in shock.
00:15:11Hold that thought. I'll be right back.
00:15:17Hey, you really should lie down.
00:15:40At least the killin's...
00:15:43Will you marry me?
00:15:46You gotta answer me now. I'm getting kind of woozy over here.
00:15:49Yes. Yes. Of course, yes.
00:16:00You know what, guys? I'm so glad we're in this hospital.
00:16:29Because after drinking this, I'm going to need a doctor.
00:16:32So why even drink it?
00:16:34Because I am a man who loves to gamble.
00:16:38I don't think that's a good idea.
00:16:40Looks like it's been there since they freed the slaves.
00:16:44In Egypt.
00:16:46Well, I let my people go.
00:16:49I said, let my people go.
00:16:54Ooh, you right.
00:16:57This needs some sugar.
00:16:59And I mean a lot.
00:17:03Hey, Paige, how did your cousin Robbie die?
00:17:06Oh, you know, just drinking rancid hospital coffee.
00:17:10Why would he do that?
00:17:12I don't know.
00:17:13I'd ask him myself, but he's dead.
00:17:24Here's where we're at.
00:17:36The tumor has breached the membrane that separates the orbital socket
00:17:46from the outside skin and muscle
00:17:49that essentially make up the outline of Devin's face.
00:17:57And it looks like we're going to have to remove his eye.
00:18:05It will dramatically improve the odds of our being able to completely remove the tumor.
00:18:14We need your consent to take his eye.
00:18:21It's our best hope of making sure that Devin can live a long life.
00:18:31If you have to, take his eye.
00:19:17Good morning, Daddy.
00:19:46Good morning, June.
00:19:55You're here early.
00:19:57I've been awake for hours.
00:19:59You and me both, sister.
00:20:29Hey, babe.
00:21:03while you were in surgery,
00:21:08the doctors came and...
00:21:11Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:21:15I love you.
00:21:17And no matter what, I always will, okay?
00:21:23Don't worry about it. It's going to be okay.
00:21:34Would you like your receipt in the back?
00:21:35No, thank you.
00:21:36Oh, okay.
00:21:37All right.
00:21:38Get this in here for you.
00:21:43You have a blessed day.
00:21:44You too.
00:21:47I guess I will try.
00:22:01Hi, Debbie.
00:22:04The doctors think that they got most of the tumor, but...
00:22:08They wanted to take his eye.
00:22:09Why did they have to do that?
00:22:10They haven't taken it yet.
00:22:13Sorry, okay.
00:22:14Debbie, look, I'm going to need to call you back.
00:22:16All right, just call me, okay?
00:22:17Just let me know.
00:22:18I will, honey.
00:22:20Just let me know.
00:22:21I will.
00:22:28Dad, are you okay?
00:22:31Oh, honey.
00:22:32Mom, can you help me with this, please?
00:22:34Honey, come on.
00:22:35It's my baby.
00:22:36Let's go sit down.
00:22:37It's my baby.
00:22:39Come on, let's go sit.
00:22:40Oh, God.
00:22:44Oh, God.
00:22:45Oh, Jill.
00:22:49It's okay, hon.
00:22:51It's okay.
00:22:54Oh, Jill.
00:22:57Oh, Jill.
00:23:03Tell me what's happening.
00:23:08I just want to be there with him for the surgery.
00:23:14His mother.
00:23:17I'm supposed to be there to tell him that everything is going to be all right.
00:23:25And I can't.
00:23:28Why can't you?
00:23:32I can't keep it together around here.
00:23:35Can you see me in that hospital?
00:23:40Oh, Lord.
00:23:41I get it.
00:23:42I've been wrapped up in my girl's head.
00:23:44Well, something like that happening.
00:23:47But, hon, you know better than anyone,
00:23:52faith is confidence in what we hope for and evidence of what we don't see.
00:23:58Jill, God's got this.
00:24:05God's got this.
00:24:10God has got this.
00:24:24Day three.
00:24:26Let us love one another, for love comes from God.
00:24:38I know how awful the hospital food tastes, so I brought you some sanchozo for lunch.
00:24:43My abuela made it for you.
00:24:48Babe, you're going to be okay.
00:24:50You know that, right?
00:24:52You can go.
00:24:56I said, you can go.
00:25:04I love you.
00:25:34I love you.
00:26:05Deben es un hombre fuerte.
00:26:08Y tú, tú eres una mujer fuerte.
00:26:12No creas que debes llevar el peso de todo el mundo.
00:26:18If I don't, who will?
00:26:22En la vida, cada quien tiene su propia carga.
00:26:28Pero Dios puede llevarla mejor que nadie.
00:26:34José, abuela, I know, but it's so hard.
00:26:40Y si fuera fácil, ¿cómo Dios obtendría la gloria?
00:26:47How did you get so smart?
00:27:03Vas a estar bien.
00:27:06Y él también.
00:27:08Están en las manos de Dios.
00:28:07Are you all right?
00:28:10You know, you really should stay in your bed.
00:28:19Anything you need?
00:28:22You know, all you have to do is push the nurse call button next to you.
00:28:33Excuse me?
00:28:39Mira, are you sure?
00:28:41It says on your chart that you're scheduled for reconstructive surgery.
00:28:43I need to, want to see.
00:29:17Mr. Duplass, good afternoon.
00:29:36Thanks for coming out.
00:29:44Hopefully this won't take long.
00:29:46I just wanted you to know where we was at.
00:29:48I sent the designs to your people, again.
00:29:51I really hope that they understand what it is I'm asking for.
00:29:55Devin, I've given you a lot of money.
00:29:57A lot.
00:29:59I'm not throwing my money away, am I?
00:30:01Mr. Duplass, I promise you, this will get done as you requested, as soon as possible.
00:30:06But according to my emails, we still haven't received the permits from the last time we...
00:30:10Devin, this is going to be my legacy.
00:30:15Something I can leave my children.
00:30:18Now, I've given you the money, so if you can figure out how to do your job...
00:30:23You need to watch your tone.
00:30:24This will get done.
00:30:26We still haven't received the payments from the last time we spoke...
00:30:28Are you asking me for even more money now?
00:30:30According to our agreement...
00:30:32As much as I've already given you?
00:30:34You better be lucky I don't have you arrested for embezzlement, boy.
00:30:38Is this a joke?
00:30:41You got the wrong one.
00:30:43Maybe I do.
00:31:14This is Devin.
00:31:17Hey, Devin.
00:31:18I just got a call from Duplass.
00:31:20He's demanding the down payment be returned.
00:31:23I'm out here buying equipment for the job now.
00:31:25This is ridiculous.
00:31:27Listen, let me ask you something.
00:31:29Did you remind him about the terms of our contract?
00:31:32Yeah, I did.
00:31:33But he's claiming that you breached the contract by not meeting the deadline.
00:31:37You've got to be kidding me.
00:31:38This is out of control.
00:31:39No, he just doesn't care.
00:31:41He said if he doesn't receive it by the end of the week, he's going to sue.
00:31:47I cannot get the money out of escrow.
00:31:50Hey, no.
00:31:51He just doesn't care.
00:31:53I'll tell you what.
00:31:54Tell him if he sue...
00:31:56He gonna be dreaming about me in his coma.
00:32:08You've got to be kidding me.
00:32:11Day five.
00:32:13So do not fear, for I am with you.
00:32:16Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
00:32:19I will strengthen you and help you.
00:32:21I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
00:32:29How you doing today, Mr. Sherman?
00:32:41Ooh, your IV is infiltrated.
00:32:55God, what am I missing?
00:33:01I promise, when you get me out of this, I'll pray more.
00:33:06I go to church every week.
00:33:09It doesn't have to be like that.
00:33:14Praying more?
00:33:16Going to church every week?
00:33:19Those things are not terms of a negotiation.
00:33:27Real relationships.
00:33:30They're not dependent on what have you done for me lately.
00:33:40Devotion is a funny thing.
00:33:43People get so hung up on saying things just to say them.
00:33:50But showing devotion means so much more.
00:34:39Devin, go to your grandmother's and get the iron.
00:34:42I was just about to go to the corner store, Mom.
00:34:45Yeah, after you get that iron.
00:34:47I need batteries. Why can't Robbie do it?
00:34:49Devin, don't make me ask again.
00:34:51Yes, ma'am.
00:35:09Come in.
00:35:29Wow, you look beautiful.
00:35:32Thank you, baby.
00:35:35Where's Grandpa?
00:35:36He's around.
00:35:49What was that for?
00:36:08Hey, Nancy.
00:36:09Hey, Dad.
00:36:25Mike is collapsed!
00:36:39Charlotte, honey, no!
00:37:03I brought you some food.
00:37:06I can't do this.
00:37:11This is depressing.
00:37:15Who knows how much longer I'm going to have to be in here.
00:37:20I can't tell if it's daytime or nighttime outside.
00:37:24You'll survive.
00:37:25And before you know it, you'll be back home and you'll have all the windows you want.
00:37:29You think this is a joke?
00:37:31This is not a game.
00:37:32I just had my face cut open.
00:37:34For cancer that's in...
00:37:37that was in there.
00:37:41You don't understand.
00:37:42I would give anything just to see the sun right now.
00:37:46I'm sorry.
00:37:47I know how tough it is, babe.
00:37:49I'll just go talk to somebody and I'll see if they can do anything.
00:37:53Just try to get some sleep.
00:37:57That's all I do.
00:38:00That's all I do is sleep.
00:38:02I got my own bed to sleep in.
00:38:04I'm ready to go home.
00:38:06You understand?
00:38:26Excuse me.
00:38:32I need to see about moving my husband to a room with a window.
00:38:37Sorry, we can't do that.
00:38:39What do you mean you can't?
00:38:41Well, all of our rooms are filled.
00:38:43Who's your supervisor?
00:38:44Ma'am, we can't.
00:38:45Actually, you know what?
00:38:47Never mind.
00:38:48I'm just going to call my lawyer.
00:38:49This will be an easy fix because I'm going to sue the hospital.
00:38:51What's your name?
00:38:54Mr. Stannis.
00:38:57Actually, I may have misspoken.
00:39:00We should have a room with a view opening up tomorrow.
00:39:03I'm going to have to call you back.
00:39:17Day 7.
00:39:20Give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you.
00:39:27Day 8.
00:39:33I got this.
00:39:35You got that.
00:39:57Day 9.
00:40:22Thank you, Lord.
00:40:25Thank you for your peace and for your strength.
00:40:43I'm going to get you some fresh bandages.
00:40:49Hey, Dev.
00:40:50Hey, Mom.
00:40:55Looks like you have a nice view.
00:41:00The view is beautiful.
00:41:02But I feel so much better once I'm out of here.
00:41:07Are you eating?
00:41:08Is the food good?
00:41:10Oh, wow.
00:41:12Lisa's grandma, they're making me sanchozo every day.
00:41:18So, I'm fine.
00:41:20But how are you holding up?
00:41:22How are you holding up?
00:41:24Oh, God, Devin.
00:41:29Your face.
00:41:31See, Mom.
00:41:32I told you.
00:41:37I'm alive.
00:41:39I know, Devin.
00:41:40I'm thankful for that.
00:41:41But it's your face.
00:41:47I'm kind of tired right now.
00:41:49So, why don't you go home and get you some rest.
00:41:53And I'll give you a call later.
00:41:59Just make me a promise that you're going to call me if you need anything.
00:42:05And I mean anything.
00:42:08I will.
00:42:14I love you, son.
00:42:16I love you, too, Mom.
00:42:24God got this.
00:42:30God's got this.
00:42:32Say it with me.
00:42:34God's got this.
00:42:36God's got this.
00:42:42I'll get some rest.
00:43:02It's go time.
00:43:03I'm going to get you in and get you under.
00:43:05Then when you wake up, your face will be almost as good as the one God gave you.
00:43:12You're in very good hands for this procedure.
00:43:15You'll have some of the best technically skilled hands in the world working to repair your wonderful face.
00:43:28Can I come in?
00:43:29Of course.
00:43:37You ready for this, cuz?
00:43:49As ready as I'll ever be.
00:44:29How long before I have that iliac crest bone?
00:44:33This is going to take some time.
00:44:35This is the strongest bone I have ever cut into.
00:45:03This is Devin.
00:45:04Good afternoon, Mr. Sherman.
00:45:05Tell me something good.
00:45:06Well, good news is you've hired an amazing attorney.
00:45:09Bad news is it's official.
00:45:11You're being sued.
00:45:13Yeah, I was just contacted by the attorneys representing Daryl Duplass.
00:45:18They're claiming breach of contract.
00:45:21They're going to be serving papers later today.
00:45:25Don't worry, Devin.
00:45:27We're going to take care of this.
00:45:28You've hired the best for a reason.
00:45:31Just sit back, relax.
00:45:32We're going to formulate a plan, and I'll update you on it later.
00:45:36Have a good afternoon.
00:46:10How much are you giving him?
00:46:12He should be getting enough, but I'll increase.
00:46:16Yeah, measurables show he's exactly where he needs to be.
00:46:19He's just...
00:46:26Go back to sleep, Mr. Sherman.
00:46:29We're almost done here.
00:46:39I'm sorry.
00:46:40I'm sorry.
00:46:41I'm sorry.
00:46:42I'm sorry.
00:46:43I'm sorry.
00:46:44I'm sorry.
00:46:45I'm sorry.
00:46:46I'm sorry.
00:46:47I'm sorry.
00:46:48I'm sorry.
00:46:49I'm sorry.
00:46:50I'm sorry.
00:46:51I'm sorry.
00:46:52I'm sorry.
00:46:53I'm sorry.
00:46:54I'm sorry.
00:46:55I'm sorry.
00:46:56I'm sorry.
00:46:57I'm sorry.
00:46:58I'm sorry.
00:46:59I'm sorry.
00:47:00I'm sorry.
00:47:01I'm sorry.
00:47:02I'm sorry.
00:47:03I'm sorry.
00:47:04I'm sorry.
00:47:05I'm sorry.
00:47:06I'm sorry.
00:47:07I'm sorry.
00:47:08I'm sorry.
00:47:09I'm sorry.
00:47:10I'm sorry.
00:47:11I'm sorry.
00:47:12I'm sorry.
00:47:13I'm sorry.
00:47:14I'm sorry.
00:47:15I'm sorry.
00:47:16I'm sorry.
00:47:17I'm sorry.
00:47:18I'm sorry.
00:47:19I'm sorry.
00:47:20I'm sorry.
00:47:21I'm sorry.
00:47:22I'm sorry.
00:47:23I'm sorry.
00:47:24I'm sorry.
00:47:25I'm sorry.
00:47:26I'm sorry.
00:47:27I'm sorry.
00:47:28I'm sorry.
00:47:29I'm sorry.
00:47:30I'm sorry.
00:47:31I'm sorry.
00:47:32I'm sorry.
00:47:33I'm sorry.
00:47:34I'm sorry.
00:47:35I'm sorry.
00:47:36I'm sorry.
00:47:37I'm sorry.
00:47:38I'm sorry.
00:47:39I'm sorry.
00:47:40I'm sorry.
00:47:41I'm sorry.
00:47:42I'm sorry.
00:47:43I'm sorry.
00:47:44I'm sorry.
00:47:45I'm sorry.
00:47:46I'm sorry.
00:47:47I'm sorry.
00:47:48I'm sorry.
00:47:49I'm sorry.
00:47:50I'm sorry.
00:47:51I'm sorry.
00:47:52I'm sorry.
00:47:53I'm sorry.
00:47:54I'm sorry.
00:47:55I'm sorry.
00:47:56I'm sorry.
00:47:57I'm sorry.
00:47:58I'm sorry.
00:47:59I'm sorry.
00:48:00I'm sorry.
00:48:01I'm sorry.
00:48:02I'm sorry.
00:48:03I'm sorry.
00:48:04I'm sorry.
00:48:05I'm sorry.
00:48:07Devin, you are having surgery in two weeks.
00:48:11How are you doing?
00:48:15I'm fine.
00:48:16I'm good.
00:48:20You're good.
00:48:31Okay, Mom.
00:48:34Mom, it's like I just don't feel right.
00:48:39It's a lot harder than I thought, and it got me thinking about people, like what I did
00:48:46to them, what they did to me, what I want to do.
00:48:52It's hard, Mom.
00:48:55It's hard.
00:48:57That's guilt.
00:49:01That's guilt.
00:49:04But I know you know that.
00:49:07Devin, look at me.
00:49:11You need to make a list.
00:49:13Ten people.
00:49:15Ten people that have done wrong to you.
00:49:18People that you have wronged.
00:49:21And you need to forgive them.
00:49:24But most of all, you need to forgive yourself.
00:49:30Devin, once you do that, you'll be free.
00:49:36It's out of your hands.
00:49:54Forgive them, huh?
00:50:49Mr. Duplass, you got a minute?
00:50:54Devin, let's not do this here.
00:50:56I'd like to enjoy my evening.
00:50:57All right, all right, all right.
00:50:58Fine, fine.
00:50:59Listen, listen, please.
00:51:00Give me one second.
00:51:01One second.
00:51:03I have cancer.
00:51:10Do you have kids?
00:51:12Leave my family out of this.
00:51:14All right.
00:51:15Come on, please.
00:51:16Come on.
00:51:17Please don't be like this.
00:51:18I need a favor.
00:51:20If I'm not here to defend this lawsuit,
00:51:23can you please drop it?
00:51:26Look, Devin.
00:51:28I'm sorry you're sick, okay?
00:51:31But do me a favor.
00:51:33Don't confuse your personal life with our business.
00:51:36Have a good night.
00:51:43You better pray I don't survive this.
00:51:50Hey, babe.
00:52:10Whoa, whoa.
00:52:15Have you ever seen anything like this?
00:52:26It's like he's got God on his side.
00:52:29I thought you didn't believe in that stuff.
00:52:32I don't.
00:52:36I didn't.
00:52:45Day nine.
00:52:48The tongue has the power of life and death.
00:52:51And those who love it will eat its fruit.
00:52:54And those who love it will eat its fruit.
00:53:39Why are you trying to stand on your own?
00:53:50I can't.
00:53:55I can't.
00:54:13I'll trust you.
00:54:17I'll trust you.
00:54:21Please help me.
00:54:24Please help me.
00:54:43Faith and patience, Devin.
00:54:46Faith and patience.
00:54:50Hey, Mr. Sherman.
00:54:52Ready to get those legs working again?
00:55:01Yeah, I'm ready.
00:55:03All right, let's get you up on those parallel bars.
00:55:19All right.
00:55:21All right.
00:55:46Well, Mr. Edwards, I'm happy you're satisfied with the results.
00:55:50Me and my team, we definitely put our hearts into this project.
00:55:53Yeah, it turned out fantastic. Thank you.
00:55:55My pleasure. Have a good day.
00:55:57You too.
00:56:20You too.
00:57:20You have one unheard message.
00:57:48This call is for Mr. Devin Sherman from Dr. Kerman's office.
00:57:52We need you to call us back as soon as you can.
00:57:55Your latest CT scan actually shows that the tumor is going to reach your brain in a matter of weeks.
00:58:02We need to schedule your surgery sooner than we had originally thought.
00:58:06Please call us back at your earliest convenience.
00:58:18Come in.
00:58:22Oh, hey, Chots.
00:58:36I'm fine, Pop.
00:58:38I'm fine.
00:58:40I'm fine.
00:58:42I'm fine.
00:58:45I'm fine, Pop.
00:58:50Well, Chots, you don't seem fine.
00:58:54I remember when you was a little girl, you came running in from outside, screaming at the top of your lungs.
00:59:04Because you fell on the gravel, scraped your knee up pretty good, blood running down your leg, tears coming down your face.
00:59:14And you were scared.
00:59:19And you told me, I'm not never going outside again.
00:59:24All because you was afraid.
00:59:26And you know what I did?
00:59:28I grabbed your hand, wiped the tears off your face, clinked up your leg, and I told you, no matter what you decide to do,
00:59:41just don't be afraid.
00:59:44And right now, right now at this moment, I see that same little girl.
00:59:52So you know what I'm going to say?
00:59:56Just don't be afraid.
01:00:06That's my girl.
01:00:11That's my girl.
01:00:27How you doing today, Mr. Sherman?
01:00:29I am just fine. Thanks for asking.
01:00:33How are you?
01:00:35I'm good.
01:00:37Can I get you anything, Mr. Sherman?
01:00:39You can call me Devin, if you prefer.
01:00:42Okay, Devin. Are you hungry?
01:00:44Nope. My wife brought me some food.
01:00:47Aren't you lucky? I hear the food's terrible here.
01:00:51Your wife's sweet for that.
01:00:53I'm definitely blessed with the women in my life.
01:00:58Yeah, women. My wife, my mom, and my daughters.
01:01:04That young lady your daughter?
01:01:05Who, Paige? She's my oldest.
01:01:08You got children?
01:01:10Yeah, two boys. Six and eight.
01:01:15Six and eight. God's gift.
01:01:21Well, get some rest. If you need anything, ring me.
01:01:26I will. Hey, what's your name?
01:01:30Joni. Okay. Thanks, Joni.
01:01:38Oh, my God. If that old guy in 414 complains about the food one more time,
01:01:45he's gonna have to, like, clean his own bedpan or something.
01:01:49Like, seriously, what's this guy think Gordon Ramsay's the chef here?
01:01:53I mean, hello, it's a hospital.
01:01:59You look different today.
01:02:01Did the Black Hawk in 432 get transferred or something?
01:02:08It's incredible, actually.
01:02:11What is?
01:02:15It's like it's a whole different person from when he came in.
01:02:21I mean, I guess that's common. He's just been through a traumatic experience.
01:02:27And that's the thing.
01:02:30Even if they got all the cancer, and they don't know if they did,
01:02:36he could still be blind in his right eye.
01:02:40But yet, he's at peace with everything.
01:02:48It's kind of inspiring.
01:02:51Yeah, I guess it is. I'm gonna go check on the old guy again.
01:03:01Day 11.
01:03:03In the beginning was the Word.
01:03:05And the Word was with God.
01:03:07And the Word was God.
01:03:23You already know what the results will be.
01:03:28So why the doctor's taking so long to tell me?
01:03:32Do you have any doubts?
01:03:42No. Not at all.
01:03:46Dr. Kerman, how long you been standing there?
01:03:50Not long. Long enough.
01:03:55So, who were you talking to just now?
01:04:07Devin, I've got some great news.
01:04:11I'm extremely happy to be able to tell you
01:04:15there are no traces of cancer remaining.
01:04:20Devin, did you hear me?
01:04:24We got it. All of it.
01:04:28You're cancer-free.
01:04:37And my eye?
01:04:40Let's take a look.
01:04:44All right. Easy now. There's gonna be a little tug.
01:04:48Okay. Good.
01:05:18I can see. I can see perfectly.
01:05:25What are you doing?
01:05:30James, you know we don't put our hands on other students.
01:05:34Steven, you're okay. There's no need to cry.
01:05:38We're gonna go to class in a minute.
01:05:41It never hurts to cry.
01:05:45It's okay.
01:05:47It's okay.
01:05:50We're gonna go to class in a minute.
01:05:54It never stops. Only at 3.30.
01:06:02Did you see that's your man crush's back?
01:06:06Rachel, you know I don't have time for that.
01:06:09Yeah, but that don't mean you don't want none of that.
01:06:14I'll bet you lunch you won't walk past him and make eye contact.
01:06:22You're on.
01:06:24So you're gonna come by tomorrow and eat, right?
01:06:26I guess, ma'am. Whatever you want to do.
01:06:28I gotta go right now. I'll talk to you later.
01:06:30Wait, wait, wait. There's someone I want you to meet.
01:06:32Look good?
01:06:34And I want a sub-sandwich.
01:06:38Come on, ma'am. Listen. We've been through this already.
01:06:40You are not allowed to set me up with anyone.
01:06:42It's not a set-up. I said meet.
01:06:45Trust me. You'll be happy.
01:06:47And the rest will be up to you. Just meet her.
01:06:49Here she comes.
01:07:11Look who's here.
01:07:15I can see, babe.
01:07:21I can see.
01:07:47If this is not important, can I hit you back tomorrow?
01:07:49The court date isn't set, Devin.
01:07:51It's four weeks from tomorrow.
01:07:55Look, Devin, I'm sorry.
01:07:57I know this isn't something that you want.
01:08:15I'm sorry.
01:08:45I'm sorry.
01:09:15I'm sorry.
01:09:45Day 12.
01:10:01Day 12.
01:10:03Reflect on what I am saying.
01:10:05For the Lord will give you insight into all this.
01:10:15Day 12.
01:10:41All right, Devin.
01:10:43Let's take one more look
01:10:45at how you're healing here.
01:10:49That looks good.
01:10:55It is absolutely amazing
01:10:57at how fast you've recovered.
01:11:01This had to be one of the most
01:11:03difficult surgeries we've done here.
01:11:05And for everything
01:11:07to go the way it has,
01:11:09it's incredible.
01:11:13It's been
01:11:15a real honor to see this through with you.
01:11:17I know you have
01:11:19a strong belief in God.
01:11:21And I know
01:11:23that this is not a coincidence.
01:11:25Thanks, Doc.
01:11:29it's not a belief.
01:11:31It's a relationship.
01:11:35People believe all the time.
01:11:37Only through a relationship
01:11:39you will be effective.
01:11:41Well said.
01:11:43There's a wheelchair
01:11:45just outside your room
01:11:47whenever you're ready.
01:11:49Thank you so much.
01:11:51Good luck.
01:12:21I was born out of a womb
01:12:23into a world of sin.
01:12:29I had seizures as a child
01:12:31and slept in rooms with no heat.
01:12:35Anger and I
01:12:37have always been best friends.
01:12:42I've seen people
01:12:44die in front of my face
01:12:46and I hurt innocent people
01:12:48for money.
01:12:53I have slept on dirt floors
01:12:55and sold drugs
01:12:57to empty souls.
01:13:01I got drunk,
01:13:03fought in bars,
01:13:05and always smiled to hide the pain.
01:13:12But you, God,
01:13:15you found me
01:13:17and decided
01:13:19enough was enough.
01:13:42God's got me.
01:13:48God's got me.
01:14:00No man defines me.
01:14:07I'm a child of the King.
01:14:12The great God almighty
01:14:19has a plan just for me.
01:14:36I hold my head a little high
01:14:42I put my life
01:14:44in your hands
01:14:48because in you
01:14:52all things can be made new.
01:14:58The grace that flows down from you
01:15:04cleanses my soul
01:15:06and restarts
01:15:08a new life.
01:15:12Don't touch me.
01:15:16You see me
01:15:18for who I can be.
01:15:22You never once
01:15:24gave up on me.
01:15:28So who on earth
01:15:31shall I
01:15:37I will
01:15:49He heard
01:15:51my voice.
01:16:12He's got me.
01:16:20Jesus loves me.
01:16:23This I know.
01:16:26For the Bible
01:16:29tells me so.
01:16:33Little ones
01:16:35to Him
01:16:39They are
01:16:41weak but
01:17:03For more information visit www.fema.org
